The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, January 17, 1885, Image 3

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Zt flail lstom
JANUARY 17. 1885
(Monday excepted)
Terms oTSnbscriptlon.
Served by Carrier, per week locts.
Seat by Mall, per month eocts.
" " one year ST.OO
r rco 01 postage to iiiuscribers.
EtT'Advertisements inserted bv the year at
the rate or $2 per square per month. Tran
sient advertising Mty cents per square, each
The Officers Han Their CertMeatei Kiturned
to Them.
IVoticc To AdrcrtisiTj.
TueAstoriXx guarantees to itsad-
ertisors the largest circulation of any
newspaper published on the Columbia
The Queen orpects to sail for San
Francisco at 9 this morning.
Tbo "potato match" will attract a large
crowd at the skating rink to-night.
E. C. Holden sold 1,000 sacks of dam
aged wheat at tho O. I. & N. dock yester
day. It averaged about 33 cents a bushel.
The "Weekly Astoman, in stamped
wrappers;, ready for mailing, published
thismorning; full of news and home hap
penings; price ton cents.
Tho American ship J. B. Brown , 1470,
41 days from Valparaiso to the bar ar
rived in yesterday in ballast. Tho Crai'j
Mullen and Lizzie Bell sailed.
The circuit court was yesterday engag
ed on the case of A. Gilbert vs. Geo.
Flavel., the question being in regard to
tho ownership of a pile of wood. " The
jury found for the plaintiff.
As the steamer Al-hi was crossing out
over Coos bay bar on her last trip down,
Walter Weiland. second officer, who was
heaving tho lead, was washed overboard
and drowned.
nucs of the oihco were exceeded by but
two other offices in the state Portland
and Salem.
It was reported yesterday that Bob
Watson's old cannery at Manhattan,
which ho sold to somo" Italians last No
vember, was burned down last Tuesday
night. It is only a rumor and is not au
Tho Oregon arrived in in good season
yesterday morning, making ono of the
fastest round trips on record between
hero and San Francisco. She loft hero
on tho ith, arrived in San Francisco on
tho 11th, sailed on tho 14th, and pot back
yesterday just a week.
Tho R. It. Thompson arrived down at 8
o'clook yesterday morning with tho mail
from tho disabled Heed, which is repair
ing hor wheel at Kill am a. Sho left ud at
U:40 a. it., with tho Portland and way
mail. Tho Mountain Queen came down
on usual time yesterday afternoon.
On the Oregon yesterday came to The
Astobxak office a largo consignment of
ffcper bought from first hands for cash at
bottom figure? and which will bo made
up in job work to order at lowest rates.
Any way you look at it thcro is notkincr
mado by sending work away that can bo
dono as well and as cheaply at home.
Coroner Ross met with a serious aooi
dont yesterday. "While overseeing the
loading of somo machinery at the O. It.
& N. dock, a heavy box slipped and
crushed his right leg, fracturing the
small bones of tho ankle. Ho was car
ried homo and under skillful surgical
aid was resting easy last evening.
Pursuant to notico a meeting of teach
ers and others interested in educational
work was held in tho Y. M. C. A. rooms
last evening. An organization was ef
fected by the election of Mr. C. C. Brow
er, president; Mrs. F. E. Martin, vice
president; Miss Dora Badollet, secretary
and treasurer. Tho object of the society
19 social reunion and mutual improve
ment. A committee was appointed to
draft a constitution and by-laws, and tho
meeting adjourned to meet tho same hour
and placo next Friday evening.
Samuel Hall, whose eccentricity was
heretofore noticed, was yesterday exam
ined by a medical board and pro
nounced insane. Ho has manifested an
active and material interest in the Lord's
welfare, and a duo regard for the require
ments of such an extraordinary case
impelled tho board to send him where
the procedure will not occasion so much
individual expense. Jno. Bach was also
pronounced insane. His peculiarity con
sists in selection of property. He enters
dwelling houses that strike his fancy and
Btarts arguments with the owners regard
ing their possessory rights that annoy
thoso who hold warranty deeds to tho
premises and naturally objoct to any
disquieting of title. They both go to
Salem this morning,
In the house, at Salem, last Thursdav,
Representative Cox introduced a bill
which was read once providing for a con
vention to prepare a now state constitu
tion. It provides for a body composed
of delcgatrs from the various counties in
the f jilowim' propertion: Baker county
4 di legates Benton 3, Clackamas 4, Clat-f-m
3, Columbia 1, Coos 2, Crook 1, Curry
1, Douglas.-4", Grant 2, Jackson 4,
Josephine 1, Klamath 1, Lake 1, Lane 4,
Linn 5, Marion 7, Multnomah 15, Polk 3,
Tillamook 1, Umatilla 7, Union 1, Wasco
5, Washington 3, Yamhill 7. It is pro
vided that these delegates shall bo chosen
by gencralolection, the first Saturday in
June, and incumbency of a state or coun
ty office does not bar membership. It is
provided that the convention shall meet
at Salem next October, and that its mem
bers shall receive the same pay as mem
bars of the legislature. Tho bill appro
priates $7,500 for expenses.
When tho returns of tho electoral col
lego of Oregon were sent to Wash
ington, one copy was sent by a special
messenger, as tho law directod, and the
other copy, insterd of being sent bv mail
to tho vice president, was sent to tho
iircsideut, who opened tho package.
Resident Arthur saw that a mistake had
been made, and he sent the package im
met itely to tho president of the senato,
with i noto explaining how ho came in
possesion of tho official vote. Edmunds,
so as to bo on tho safe sido, declined to
receive tho package, and snggested tho
rxiurso which was adopted by both houses
last Thursday, in sending a special mes
senger for the, official record of votes. A
similar error occurred in connection with
thevoto of Iowa. A pleasant trip has
thus been provided for two gentlemen.
Tho messenger who comes to Oregon will
get about $1,100 mileage, whilo his ex
penses will not in reality bo moro than
A Few Chances left
For that splendid Mirror which will be
raffled at Carl Adler's Crystal Palace on
Saturday evening.
For a IVcat Fitting: Boot
Or Shoe, go to P. J. Goodmans, on Che
namus street, next door to I. W, Case,
All goods of the beet make and guaran
teed quality. A full stock; new goods
constantly arriving, Custom work.
The naval court composed of Vice
Consul Cherry and Captains Saraber and
Olcsen, which convened on Thursday
to inquire into tho loss of tha Abbey Cow
per. completed their inquiry yesterday.
Several witnesses were examined: Capt.
Gregory, of tho Shubriek, Capt. Geo.
Wood, Capt. Al. Stream and members of
tho crew. Following is a copy of the
findings of the ceurt:
This naval court finds, after du delib
eration, that the British bark Abbey
Coicper was lost on tho ouUr sands of
the entrance of Shoalwater bay, Wath
ington territory. U. S. A., the vessel tun
ing tho ground about 11 p. m., of the 4th
Of January, 1885. Tho evidence brings
out that at 9 p. m., of the evening of
the stranding the ship was about
8 miles W H S, magnetic, from Toko Pt.
lighthouse at tho entrance to Shoalwater
bay, and not 15 miles as was supposed by
the master, and to this error can be at
tributed the primary cause of the loss of
tho vessel.
The court finds the master was correct
in shaping his course, as ho did, direct
for Cape Disannointment. at tha entrant
of tho Columbia river, from his supposed
position taking into consideration his,
then, knowledge of tho trend of thn c.nnt
direction of the wind. The court also
finds that it was not known by the mas
ter mat no was coming to tho northwest
coast of North America, and therefore
was not supplied with proper charts;
that he used all endeavors to procure the
same after receiving his orders to proceed
to Portland Oreeon. for that nnrrwu
boarding the British bark Bultermere,
and oould only procure from her master
a general chart of tho Pacifio coast of
North America. That this chart did
not show any soundings or lights. That
tho facts of the northerly currents set
ting shorewards, the strong suck caused
by Shoalwater bay, and the distance
thai the shoals extend from tqe entranco
of Shoalwater bay was not known to the
master, oxonerates him in a great measure
But that on tho other hand tho master
is strongly to blame in that with such
poor charts, no sailing directions, and
no experience of this coast, ho allowed
the vessel to head a shy course along the
land with only ono light visible, without
using his lead or giving any orders to
tho officer on deck to do so when ho left
tho deck. Tho court also finds that th
first officer, A. C. Bevan, was in charge
ui iuo vessel at mo nine or tno stranding
and for throe hours previeusly: that in
the opinion of tho court ho is to be cen
sured for not having sent word to the cap
tain of the difference in tho bearings of the
lights between 9:30 p. m., and 10 p. m., 2
points in the course of half an hour; also
that ho should have used his own judg
ment in putting the helm hard up to
wear the ship round rnd sending for tho
captain instead of going himself before
doing anything. Tho court also finds
that from the moment the helm vra nnt
hard up everything was done that could
be dono under the circumstances: that
tho drifting away of nearly half the crew
crippled the resources of the master:
that he made all exertion in getting
ueip mioriouaingana seeping ma crew
Tho court thereforo in returning tha
master's certificate to him does so with a
strong censure of his neglect in not hav
ing the lead hove when approaching a
Strang coast, he knowinz that it is n
usual custom so to do on all British ves
sels, and hopes that ho will take warning
in this particular in tho future.
Also tho court renrimands first mnfcpi
A. C. Bovan on his want of self trust in
not heaving tho lead, and, when ho heard
tno ureakors, sending for the master at
once and taking measures of at once
pulling the vessel on tho other tack,
Mr. Bevan'a certificate is returned with
tho caution that only his youth and gen
eral inexporienco together with his for
mer good character prevents the court
from making a more marked example
than the censure with which it returns
to him his certificate. Tho court has
pleasure in returaing tho second mate's
certificate to him
Salem taxes are 39 mills on tho dollar.
Butter is a drug in the Goldendalo, W
T., markets at twenty cents a pound.
It is openly stated in Salem that money
is being used in the senatorial contest.
Two Dayton, W. T., juries were recent
ly -'out all night." On one wero three
women; on the other seven.
Miners are still working in tho Coaur
d'Aleno region. A week ago four men
cleaned up in a rocker, near Murravsville,
$392.40. They packed tho ground in
sacks on thoir backs to water,
Tho recent trial of a Seatle faro dealer
terminated in a wedding. Six men and
six women were selected to try the case.
James Mitchell and Susie Thompson met
for tho first time in tho jury box. There
was a proposal and an acceptance. The
only unhappy person in tho case was the
accused he was convicted.
They are having a hot time of it at Ya
kima over tho location of a rival town by
the Northern Pacific railroad company
throo or four miles distant, which is in
tended to destroy tho old town. To ac
complish this, offers havo been made
to the property owners of Yakima to in
duco thorn to move to New Yakima, the
name given the rival, which is intended
in time to be chanced to Yakima. Thav
are offered lots for nothing, and in some
cases, it is said, their buildings will bei
moveo. to tno now town free of charge.
As a little inducement to action they have
been told that the old town will not be
given a station, and that its people and
business will be compelled to pass through
the new town.
Following is a schedule of sailing dates
for steamers between Astoria and San
Janf 10 a. m. Jan
Queen -.Fri " 1G Columbia.Mon" 19
Oregon... .Wed' 21Queeu Sat" 2
Columbia..Mon " 20 Oregon. Thurs " 29
Queen.. ..,Sat " 311ColumbiaTuesFeb3
Frcfth Eastern and Shoalwater
Bay Oysters
Constantly on hand, cooked to any style
at Frank Fabre's.
Does not make any second-class Pic
tures at his New Gallery, No. 61&, on
the Roadway.
Gray soils Saokett Bros.' Al sawed
cedar shingles A full M guaranteed in
each bunch.
All the patent medicines advertised
in this paper, together with the choicest
perfumery, and toilet articles, etc-can
be bought at the lowest prices, at J. W.
Conn's drug store, opposite Ocilden
hctel, Astoria, rr
From our Regular Correspondent.
"WABHTKOTOif, Jen. 7, 1885.
The monotony of routine proceedings
at tha capitol has nearly always an un
dercurrent ef fun. It is ia the cloak
rooms that this currestrunsatits height.
When your representative or senator
seeks tha seclusion of this sacred pre
cinct, just outside the doors of this legis
lative chamber, ha usually lights a cigar,
unbuttons his coat, throws himself on
a sofa or in one chair with his feet on
another, relaxes himself generally, and
is not half a bad fellow. Hs then talks
with freedom- and vivacity, and secure
from the observation of the public he
shows his best, and, alas! sometimes his
worst side. Then ho expresses his views
of men and things with candor and caus
tic calmness, and indulges his inclina
tion for practical jokei.
Senator Garland is an incorrigible
mischief maker, and his fan is not con
fined to the seclusion of the cloak
rooms. Butler, of south Georgia, is an
other mad wag in tho senate, and he and
Garland are constantly playing jokes,
more or les3 outrageous, on each other.
Not long ago Garland hit Butler protty
hard that is to say he got a very good
ono on him; and Butler "laid for" the
senator from Arkansas. Knowing Gar
land's fondness for candy he procured
some caramels and also some cubes of
brown soap, which when wrapped in thin
tissuo paper, precisely resembled, to the
eye, the caramels! Butler knew that if
he tried to put tbo cubes of soap off on
Garland ho would fail, as the latter was
of course on the alert so far as he was
concerned. So Yoorhees of Indiana, who
sits next to Garland, was chosen for tho
confederate. Said Butler to Yoorhees,
"Here are two genuine caramels these
thers are cubes of soap. Go to your
seat, lay the soap cubes on your desk, eat
the genuine caramels, put jour trust in
providence, and say nothing." Yoorhees
did as he was told. Garland observed
the cubes on the desk, and saw that Yoor
hees was sating something with an evi
dent relish.
"Hello" said Garland, "what are you
oating?" "I've got a cold, and I'm eat
ing somo candy," replied Yoorhees, very
much absorbed in some papers in his
hands. Garland looked at the counter
feits wistfully for a moment. "Hum,"
ho said finally, as he picked one up, "I've
got something of a cold myself' and ho
popped the piece of soap Fnto his mouth.
There was a crunching of his jaws, and
he saw that ho was caught. Yoorhees
watched him out of tho tail of his eye,
as did a dozen others of the old boys sit
ting around. Garland knew ho was un
der fire, but ho determined not to flinch.
After chewing his soap for a moment he
looked up at Yoorhees with Iho inimitablo
air of innocent earnestness that is char
acteristic of him, and softly asked, "Do
you eat many of these things when you
have a cold?" As Garland kept on chew
ing an almost imperceptible strip of
lather formed on his lips, Yoorhees be
came alarmed and went to Butler. "The
follow'e actually eating that stuff! Why,
it will kill him, won't it?" "Xo o o,"
drawled Butler, "I don't reckon anything
will kill that man!" Garland was game.
He finished his soap, and no man could
say that he looked as if he didn't enjoy it.
The health of the cabinet is causa for
rejoicing in society here, and I boar that
with tho exoeption of Mrs. Lincoln, who
is in mourning for her mother, tho ladies
will entertain a good deal and go out in
a social blaze of unusual brilliancy. The
president does not mean to give his suc
cessor the chance to eclipse him in the
way of entertainments, and the cabinet
will follow his example. To this end it
is probable that there will .bo two psblio
receptions at the Whito house- during the
resent month and one daring February,
rs. MoElroy will probably begin hor
afternoon receptions next Saturday. Mrs.
Arthur, wife of the president's brother
William, is still a guest at the White
With the new year tho work of prepar
ing for the inauguration ceremonies ap
pear to havo received a fresh impetus.
The headquarters on F street present p
busy and bustling appearance. Applica
tions of various kinds are pouring on the
committees, and the celebration bids fair
to be on a more extensive scale than has
marked previous inaugurations.
tFrom the Nantucket Inquirer.!
There sho lios at her moorings,
The little two-master.
Answering not now
The call of disaster.
Loose swings tho rudder.
Unshipped tho tiller
Crossing tho bar so.
One sea would fill her!
Foresail and mainsail!
In loose folds aro lying;
Naked tho mastheads aro
No pennon flying;
Sea-weed and wreck
Alike may drift past her;
Hero lies tho pilot-boat
Where is her master?
Lantern at Great Point,
Brightly it burnetii;
Beacon on Brant Point
The signal returneth.
Far out to sea
Sankoty flashes:
White on the shore
The created wave dashed.
Strident northeaster
And smoky sou'wester
Call for the pilot-boat.
Eager to test her.
And a ship on tho bar,
Just where the waves cast her:
Moored lies tho pilot-boat
Where is her master?
Oh, bark driviug in,
God send that you lee get,
Past Tuckernuck shoals,
Tho reefs of Moskeget.
There go minute-guns;
Now faster and faster
But no more to their aid
Flies tho little two-master.
For the pilot one night
Left his boat as you see her
Light-moored, that if signal camo
Ho ready might free her.
Bat not from her moorings
Did tho pilot's hand cast her,
Though a signal he answered
One S9t by the Master.
Gone, say you, and whither?
You ask mo which way
Went good pilot as over
Brought ship into bay?
Who shall say how ha cast off
If to starboard or larboard?
But of one thing I'm sure
The pilot's safe harbored.
no poison
ii n iiiiiirrn a
W, a WW! Hit 0m
! EXgjgAfi-TS iiiMWM
A Startling Discovery.
Physlcans are often startled by re
markable discoveries. The fact that Dr.
King' New Discovery for Consumption
and all Throat and Lung diseases is
daily curing patients that they have
given up to die, is startling them to re
alize their sense of duty, and examine
into the merits of this wonderful dis
covery; resulting in hundreds of our
best Physicians using it in their practice
Trial Bottles freo atW.E. Dement &
Co.'s Drug Store. Itegular slzej$1.00.
The sale of Syrup of Figs is simply
immense Everyone is taking it, and
alladmitthat it is the best medicim? over
used. Children cry for it on account if
its pleasant taste, and grown people
who have used it once never take any
tiling else. Unlike other remedies for
biliousness arid constipation it never
loses Its power to act, and it always
leaves tho organs on which It acts strong
er than before. Besides, one feels fresh
and bright and realizes that it is Nat
ure's own true laxative. W. E.Dement
& Co. are agents for Astoria, Oregon.
Do Yoh Thiak that Jcfl" of
Tko Chop liens o
GlYesj'ou a meal for nothing, and a
glass of something to drink? "Not
much I" but he gives a better meal and
more of it than any place in town for
25 cents. Ue buys by the wholesale aud
pays cash. "That settles It"
Mrs. Bryco" would respectfully an
nouce to tho ladles of Astoria thatshe is
prepared to do dressmaking in all its
branches at her rooms on Cass St op
posite Odd Follows building.
"Hackmetack." a lasting and fra
grant perfume. Price 25 and BO conte.
Sold by Y7.E. Dement
, A Nasal Injector free with each
bottle of Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy
Price 50 cents. Sold by W. E. Dement
For Dyspepsia andLiyer Complaint,
you havo a printed guarantee on every
bottle of Shiloh's Vitalizer. It never
fails to ure. Sold by W. JE. Dement
Are you made miserable by Indi
gestion, Constipation, Dizziness, Loss of
appetite, Yellow Skin r Shiloh's Vital
izer Is a positive cure. Foe tale by W.
I. Dement
Why will you cougk when Shiloh's
Cure will give Immediate relief. Price
lOctsWctsandSl. Sold by W. E.Dement
We have a new clock an eight-day
clock. Our clock is warranted to run
eight days. Asn matter-of-fact it gen
erally pulls up a little short of the ad
vertised time; but then, what machine
does not? Even man, who is good for
three-score years and ten, runs down be
fore sixty. It is wonderful, when on
thinks of it, that a clock should mn so
long. All we havo to do, oueo a week, is
to convert a certain amount of muscle
into mechanical force, and wind the
clock up, and it takes a new loaso of life.
Ono cannot forbear envying it tho sim
pie existence that it leads, without pains,
uiuc, ut iruuuifb oi iis own or oi its
friends, tq worry it. Withal its lifois
not ono of indolence, and is monotonous
to a degree, or perhaps we should say,
to a minute. Uncomplaininingly it re
peats its "tick-tock" day in and day out.
What did people do in the dajs preced
ing clocks? A clepsydra never could
have supplied its place. It is a compan
ion and n friend. It almost smiles at
ono as he looks up from his work,
and yet it is a merciless destroyer of
time. We havo sometimes tried to catch
our ''eight-day" napping. In the middle
of tho night we have, as it were, felt its
pulso. Tbo beat was as regular and
mado as "healthful music" as in tho day.
Then wo think of little Paul Dombey
and tho great clock in Blimber's hall.
Every clock appears to be repeating somo
tale or other. In these times, when sto
ries aro so much in demand, we wish we
could interpret tho legend. So far wo
have not caught tho clue.
We love to sit this way in tho night
time, when the majority of our fellow
citizens are asleep, our only comrade
this time-eating fellow. As tho hands
count off the advancing hours, our mind
goes back to antecedent friends when
tho clock was not. How far away child
hood seems, how mystical and dreamy
the people and the deeds of that day!
Who is there who would not. if he could.
turn back tho hands upon the dial plate,
and begin his score anew? Yet it may
bo doubted if any of us. did we over noa-
hess mo cnance, wouia improvo upon tho
record we havo made. It is better to
forget tho past, or to remember it only
bo far as to mako the future nobler.
Then when tho pendulum ceas&3 to vi
brate, and tho heart beats its lost, we
can say, 'It is well; we have done our
Don't Give Up Yet.
"Vanilla, Xcrcon, Oranec, etc, flavo?
Cakes, Crcaai, Paddlnc c, m deli
cately and naturally as the frnlt from,
which they aro made.
For Strength and True Fruit
Plavor They Stand Alone.
Price Baking Powder Co.,
Chicago, III. . St. Louis, Mo.
Dr. Pricgs Cream Baking Powder
Dr. Price's laipitlin Tcast Gems,
licit Dry Hop Tcast.
Br? Goofls anfl CloMng Honse of Astoria.
nnnnoTteSW ?t "i'7 ,usines,s l8Si over former years allows me to an
nounce for 188o that I shall carry larger stocks of first-class goods in the differ
ent lines, which can be relied upon as represented, and will be sold at the lowest
prices for the quality offered.
The oest dry hop yeast In the world.
Bread rateed by this yeast Is Hght.whlte
and wholesome like our grandmother's
delicious bread.
Price Baking Powder Co.,
HanTrs of Dr. Price's special FteYonnj Extracts.
Chicago, III. St. Louis, MO.
For sa'.c by Cuitino.Mkrle & Co., Agents
Portland, Oregon
Aramanfla Says Yes
Smites Won His Best Girl
i n
111 tie Dry ani Fancy Ms
Will he found the Latest and Most Stylish Novelties.
Cms ani ffiis
It doesn't follow that a. patient will
die because the doctors have "given
him up," or that he will recover because
they promise to "null him through.'' It
is never to late to try the great virtues
of Parker's Tonic Mr. Michael (Suil
foyle, of Binghamton, S. YM wa-s cured
of Rheumatism by it after ten years of
unspeakable suffering. Mr. It. W.
Mosher, druggist, of same city, certifies
that ho has sold over a thousand bottles
of Parker's Tonic through its reputa
tion for this and other cures.
At Frank FalreTs.
Board for S22Z0 a month. The best
in the city. Dinner from 5 to 7.
Syrup of Figs.
Nature's own true Laxative. Pleas
ant to the palate, acceptable to the Stom
ach, harmless in its nature, painless in
its action. Cures habitual Constipation.
Biliousness, Indigestion and kindred
ills. Cleanses the system, purifies the
blood, regulates the Liver and acts on
the Bowels. Breaks up Colds, Chills
and Fever, etc Strengthens the organs
on which it acts. Better than bitter,
nauseous Liver medicines, pills, salts
and draughts. Sample Dottles free, and
large bottles for sale by V. E. Dement
& Co., Astoria.
The Voltaic Belt Co., of Marshall,
Mich., offer to send their celebrated Elec
tron oltaic Belt and other Electhic
Aitliaxces on trial for thirty days, to
men (young or old) afflicted with nervous
all kindred troubles. Also for rheumatism,
neuralgia, paralysis, an many other dis
eases. Complete restora in tohealth, vigor
and manhood guaranteed. Ho risk is in
curred as thirty days trial is allowed. Write
them at once for illustrated pamphlet free
Croup, Whooping Cough and Bron
chitis Immediately relieved by Shiloh's
Cure Sold by W. E. Dement
The Iter. Geo. II. Thayer, of Bour
bon, Ind says: Both myself and wife
owe our lives toSnn.on's Consumptiox
Cube." Sold by W. E. Dement.
Smxon's Cure will Immediately
relieve Croup, Whooping Cough, and
Bronchitis. Sold, by W. ETDement & Co
f :fff .
1 Si i-ilc :
Will be found garments in Style, Cut, and Finish to suit the taste and purse of all
11 Men's oi Boys' Clotli
Will always be found New and first-class fitting goods, from a fine, satin lined
Prince Albert Dress Suit, down to a Serviceable Business Suit, for
the office, shop, or farm, to fit all shapes or weights, -
from 50 to 300 pounds.
In Gent's Furnishing Goods
Will be found a large assortment in all grades and styles.
In Hats and Gaps
Will bo found the best makes, the latest styles, and best values. - r
In Boots and Shoes
Yi ill be found a large variety of hand and machine sowed, made expressly to
order by the best eastern factories, which enables us to recommend and
rely upon the goods as to merit and value.
In Oil Clotlini, Mm Goods, Trais, Talises, and Umbrellas,
Will be found goods at prices that defy all competition.
Sole agent f or JJuttenck Pattern's.
Pythian Building, - - Astoria, Oregon.
His Stylish Appearance Did it.
No wender: begets all his clothes made at
Clothing Emporium.
There yoit can llud the finest assortment of
Cloth, Cassimeres and Tweeds.
Also, the best stock of readv-made CLOTH
ING, for Men. Youths and Boys.
FURNISHING GOODS in the grandest
assortment. The best of BOOTS and SHOES.
Hats and Caps, Trunks and Valises.
Prices are Down to Bedrock
To suit the times. Call and see
The Boss Merchant Tailor and Clothier.
Ship Captains can get their supplies here on
very favorable terms
Agents for :
& :
And Geo Stocks!
Little Giant !
For Fine Stationery, School Books, Blank Books, ; TABERand
Shet Mnilc, Musical Instruments, Yarlety
Goods, Etc., Etc. : Western-
Subscriptions recelred for anr Periodical published at I
publishers Prices.
PIANOS.; .Voir Stock Arrlrlng Dally.
; Cottage
year 1SS4 la now In my hands for collec
tion. All who arc delinquent on said roll
will save sheriff's costs by calling at my of
fice In Cathlamet and settling the same, or
sending by registered letter.
Sheriff of Wahkiakum Co.,"W, T.
Dated at Cathlamet, Jan. 13th, 1K5,
Notice To The Public.
will not be responsible for any debts
contracted by my wife.
Astoria Dec. Slst, issi.
Boat Building.
Boats of Every Description Built.
Shop over Arndt & Ferchen'S.
$67,000,000 Capital !
Liverpool and London and Globe.
North British and Mercantile
Of London and Edinburgh.
Old Connecticut of Hartford,
Fire Insurance Companies,
Representing a Capital of $67, OOO OOO.
B. VAN DUSEN. Agent.
Chenaraus Street, Astoria,
The Best of Lager 5 Cts. a Glass.
Orders for the Celebrated
Columbia -Brewery Beer
Left at this place will be promptly
attended to
3-Nb cheap San Francisco Beer sold at
this place.
"War. BOCK, Proprietor.
d. a. Mcintosh
'Keeps constantly on hand a full stock of the best made
In Business Suits and Dress Suits.
Also the largest stock and the newest patterns in
Erench and American Cassimeres. Worsted a. ninfha
Scotch and English Tweeds.
Which will be made up to order in the very latest styles and at the lowest prices.
HATS in all the Latest and Standard Shapes.
A. complete line of
Gents' Furnishing Hoods.
The Leading Clothier, Hatter and Gents' Fnrnisher.