CM) She gaity &$Mm. ASTORIA, OREGON: FRIDAY JANUARY 1G, 1885 SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE PORT OF ASTORIA. READi FUR SEA. Clan Ferguson. Br bl Queenstown Jan 2 II ill it, I$r lil. Qaeenntonn Jan 14 Craic Mullen. Ur lik. V K Jan 15 Lizzie Bell 15 r bi. Cork ..'an IS VESSELS IX THE III TEE. UMncV ltrhk Wm D. Seed. Ur bk fbuena, Br Hk Uarracoota. Rrbk araca. Br lik Ytr Yum. l!r 11 Kinnnfitlnoliire lr bk UmWeton. Itrbk Uavcnlij, Urbk Flora, Gr i.k O. b. liuUert Ainbk MtWanhincton, Am sp I'nloma. Western llelle. Am bk McNcar '303 Am Ep Varuua Hrbk Pertlishne Hrbk Gen Js Moraer Am bk Citadel. Brsn l.ucayas Hr lk Va iaraifiO. Br bk Keiifrtnvktiire. Br tp VESSELS OA TUE WA Y. From Foreign Ports, for the Columbia Itlrr Allababail. Br bk 1143 Hone Kong Arcbor Brbk74 I nerpool Banca. Br bk 1000 Glasgow July 20 Oitj of Madrid Bri-p Buonos Ayres Nov 10 Chilcna, ISr bk C-0 Callao Dea Goncadhur U6pS9I Masdalena Kasterbill Br bk 6 Brisbano May 24 Explorer. Br Dp Valparaiso IUidce. Br bkliH khcrpool Oct J. B. Brown Am sp l.'Sl Valparaiso Janet McNeil, 89 Liverpool Auk 26 Joseta. GerbkKTS Liverpool Oct 2 Leren, Br bk 773 Valparaiso Sopt S Madura, Br bk 970 Cbccfoo Monmouthshire, Brbk Zl Buonos Ayres ot 17 Montgomery Castle, Br sp S71 Valparaiso Oban Bay, Br bk Valparaiso River Levon Br bk 775 Valparaiso SUchound. Br bk 973 Callao Tillie E. Starbnck. Am sp 1931 N Y Vosemitc, Br bk 70S Ta'chuano From American Portn. Tillie E. btarback. Am p 1931 New York Nor 13 TIDi: TABLK FOB ASTORIA. HIGH WATER. LOW "K-ATEIl. First Second. First. Second. h. in. h. m. 1 1 I6a7-3 0 t)4p9-5I C 23a 281 7 19l-2 0 9 10 11 11! 13 14 ir 1G Cffi i 0 37 j 2 1C 7 47 8 33 O'JG 10 10 0 37 1 15 1 4C 2 12 2 33 2 CO 3 14 3 43 4 1C 5 01 550 C47 1.3 9 4C 10 54 11 51p 1050a 11 S3a l o 2SG 3 40 4 38 5 27 C 10 0 45 3 22 4 20 5 09 5 51 C 2(5 0 5C 7 21 0,8 0J -03 -0.6 -0.7 -0.7 -0.G -05 -0-3 00 00 09 1-5 22 0-9 05 0 OSp 17 181 10 7-0) 0 43 8-0 7 20 3'3j 7 40 1 21 54 2 01 2 48 3 42 4 41 5.-, 7 23 9 00 H 10 829 9 12 9 54 10 40 11 2S 0 59 2 18 8 31 9 12 9 53 10 4U 11 48 20 I'l ' 2.J 24 030 ,o .LU HP, ,)eu)eeu 'd limit and noon are designated by a (a. m.). those between noon and midnight by p (y. 5L). oh. 00m a denotes midnight, oh. 00m. denotes noon. UCI,oies The height is reckoned from the level of average low er low waters to w hich thesound lngs are glen on the Coast Survey charts Columbia River Exports. SHirMKNT8 FOREIGN. JANUARY, '83. 2 To Queeni-totvti per Clan Ferguson. Wheat. 45,077 bus $32,887 a Jo Queen ftojni per Ann HiUIccnt. Wheat, 45,793 bus... -$32,973 S4G,100 .542,931 C 7b Cork per Annie AT. iaie. Wlrcat. 01,750 bus 9 To Quccnxtitwnp'cr Gicyncdd. Wh at, 59,710 bus 10-To BrMnl per lianhdalc. Wheat. 72.158 bus 10 To Qucenttmcn per Ophelia. Wheat, 50,23 1 bus 10 To Uaitliff per Martha Fisher. .S53.036 ..$37,000 wicai, un.u uus bus S31.CO0 n j. o jucemtown per Halia. Wheat. 29.C3 bus .$21,049 13-JVj To U. K. per Craig Mullen. Wheat. 41.577 bus 530 033 ,15 To Curl; per Lizzie litll. Wheat, 59.2 bus.. 5iokoi Domestic Exports. The recelpis ot certain articles of Or- 2011 JirOMU-P. at S:iii Fmiinii.nn rn.n C201I January 1. IkyL to DweiiiherSL 1884. in clusive, have been as follews: Fiour, qr .sks . . , Wheat. ctN Oats, sks Salmon. biis.... hf bbis Z ca .. Pkgs App!s. ltlpe, b.s bbls..L.. .. pkgi Butter, pkgs ... Potatoes, sks Wool, bales......... Hides. No ' Tallow, pkyi... Beef, bbls llay, bales ...." Quicksilver, flasks Fruit. Dried, pkgs Leather, pkgs IIops; bales Hams, pkgs Cheese, cs... ...... Flaxseed, sks Corn, ctls , Canned Goods, cs. Lard, pkgs Bacon, cs... 571,975 303,451 51.411 1.890 1,089 121.970 5i2 13,530 44 1 84 7414G 20,055 24,153 1,282 3G1 132 3S6 5G7 2,089 100 107 23,412 "ll2 92 TMe fo,1?'i" American produce is sold by weight and bushel: liS!eiat" bCanS and cloverseed w ft3 per M tize. pe and flaxseed, 5C lbs per bushel Buckwheat. 42 Ins per bushel. uu-"ei-Barley, 48 lbs per bushel., 3j jus per bushel. Bran,"85 lbs per bushel. Timothyseed, 45 lbs per l)ushel. In cost, freight and insurance busi ness. A quarter of California wheat weighs 500 pounds. " 480Vl8saTtCr f lher Amer,can v heat weighs A quarter of Chilean wheat weighs 480 lbs A quarter of American maize weighs 4S0 A qu titer of Danubian malzo weighs 460 A quarter of Odessa maize weijrhs 492 lbs. . 41UUK1 wi vxuuiz, juaize weigns 492 Ib A quarter of barley weighs 400 lbs. Notice to Pilots. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT there will be a meeting of the W. T Board of Pilot Commissioners for the Colum bia Elver and Bar. at Ilwaeo, W. T.. on Jan 23r.1. 18S5. (atiio o'clock, a. m! ' Byvorderlflf the Board Attest : C. AGREED, Sccretarj', dw ASTORIAW DIRECTORY. State Officers: United States Senators J .1. II. Slater 1.1 N.Dolph Representative In Congress. ...m. u. ueorge F.Moody governor's Secretary Chas. n. Moorcs Secretary of State IL P. Earhart Assistant Secretary , F E. Hodgkin State Treasurer Ed. Hlrsch Assistant Treasurer A. F. Wheeler Sup't Public Instruction K. K. McElroy State Printer. "Y. U. Byara Clerk School Land Board E. P. McCornae Sup t Insane Asylum Ur. IL Carpenter Sup't Penitentiary. Geo. Collin c , , IK P. Lord Supreme Judges -?.T. It. Waldo ( W.W.Thayer District Judges : First District L. R. Welister Second District Robert Bean Third District R . Boise P'irth District Seneca Smiih Fifth District F..T TaMor Sixth District iL L Olmstead Clatscp County Officers: Judge c A McOnire C erk c. J. Trenchard Sheriff.. W. ;. Ross Commissioners.., 1 1 .K. Warren Iiio. Hobson Jf Assessor. .. ..J. F. Warren Treasuier. Surveor. School Sup't Coroner.. . Bennnau J. F. P.irker L E. niacins J.JC. Eos Astoria City Officers: Mninr Auditor aud"c7erk" Treasurer . J. W. Hume . .T. S. Jeuett I. O. Hustler Assessor, (Jeo. V. heelei . Thos. Logan Clark I oughrey Street Superintendent.. Chief of Police Police Judge .. Sexton., ... .. u. It. StOCMOll ..... . ... . M.Conk-y COUNCILMEN" : (C. II. Cooper A. A. Cleveland ( Isaac Bergman (Thos.Dealv. .- C. J. Trenchard I Chas. Gratke. rirst Ward Second Ward Oregon Railways Navigation coarrAXY. OCKA.V DIVISION Dnnng the month of January 1S&3. Ocean Steamers will .sail from Portland to San Iranclsco, aud from San Francisco to Port land, as follows, leaving Aliisworth Dock, Portland, at Midnight, and Spear Street Wharf, San Francisco, at 10 A. m. : From Portland From San Francisco. Jan Columbia Sun 4 Queen ot Pacific Fri 9 Urecon Wed 14 Columbia..- Mnn in . Jan Qnccn of Pacifio Thur 1 Orecon Mon 0 Columbia .... hat 10 Queen of Pacific Thur 15 Urecon ..... ..Tu Columbia hen oj;uucen ol i'acific Sat 74 uoiumDia bnn SAiUreron Q ucen of Pacific Fri 30 ...Thur a Columbia Tu 3 Throntcli Tickets sold to all principal cities in the United States, Canada and Europe. RAIL DIVISION. On and after Isovembcr 23rd, 1S84, Passen ger Trains will leao Portland for Eastern points, at 5:30 P. 31., dallv. Pullman Palace Car runninK between Port land, and bt, Paul, XtlVER DIVISIO.V (Middle ralttnilila). Boats leave Portland for D.dl hi 7 :oo A M. Le:tve Tort eavePort-l j I I 1 I land for iMonl Tu. I We.jTliii.1 Frt. I ; Astoria andl lower Co-I lumbia....lBAM SAM CAM 6 AM SAM (.AM "ayton. Ur.l7AM Uo4allIa!l jCAitj.. 7 AM J6 AMI Tacomaand SeatUe. dally at IM P M ictoria Steamers do not run banaays. Leaves Astoria for Portland at 6 a. w. daib ex cept onnday, mtIv.,m C.H. PKESCOTT, JOHN MUIK. Xlanacei Traffic ManaKer. an.tgei. A. KOYES, Agent Astoria. OVERLAND TO CALIFORNIA VIA Oregon & California R. R. And Connections, 59 Hours between Portland and San Fran cisco. Only 24 hours' staging. Fare to San Francisco $32; to Sacramento $80 Leave Portland at 7:30 a. m. daily (except Sundaj) : Arrive at au Francisco 6:40r.M.,thirdday. i.9?? .connections made at Ashland wui uie stages 01 ine Oregon and Califor nia Stage Company. JIASTSIDE DIVISIOX. Bctuceii PORTLAND and ASHLAND- LEAVE. ARRIVE. Portlaud... 7 :C0 a. m jAshland 4:15 a. m. Ashland d:20 P.iiprtland 4:23 r. m. ALDANY EXPRES8 TRAIN. LEAVE. AHKIVF. Portlaud 4 :00 v. MJLcbanoii 9 io v. 51 Lebanon 4 :45 A. Mjl'dtland J. 10 :03 a. m , I,ullm,in Palace Sleeping Car leaves Port land Moudajs and Thursdajs. KetunniiK leaves Ashland Tuesdays ami Fridays, The Oregon and California Hailroad Ferry makes connection with all Regular Trains on Eastside Division, from the foot of F S:. WESTblDE DIVISIOX. Between Portland ami iorvnliis MAIL TKAIX LEAVE. ARRIVE Portland 0 a a. M.,Con-:Uli4 0 V. si. Lonallls 8 -Mo a. M.Portlaud 3 0 p.m. , , EXPKKSS TJtAIX LEAVE. ARRI VE. ?r Mi",d-sr-5 :0 p MMcMlun ilia 8 :oo r ai 3IcMinnville5:45 a MlPortland 8 . a Local tickets for sale, and bagtago checked at Lompanv's up town office, comer Stark and Second stn ets. Tickets to all the prin cipal points in California, can only bo nro pauso'flf aegase chccked. at the Com Corner F and Front Sts., Portland, Or. Freight will not be received for shipment after 5 o'clock i. m. on elUier the Eastslde eltlier the Eastslde or wesisme Divisions. R. KOEHLKR, Manager. E. P. ROGERS, G. F A P. Act (iwaco Steam Navigation Go.'s WINTER SCHEDULE. Astoria to Fort Stcuens, Fort Canbyt and i Iwaco. Connecting by stages and boats for Oysterville, Montesano and Olympia Until further notice the Ilwaeo Steam Navigation Co.'s steamer Gro-cu, viu leave Asian nn Mondays, Thursdays and Saturdaus at! A.M. (Mondays, .Thursdays and Saturdays beine Oysterville and Montesano mall days roK '' Ft.Stevens, Ft. Canby and Ilwaeo ox Tuesdays, Vednesdays, and Fridays The steamer will leave Astoria at 9 a. is.. sdi'sasfc0 bdDB confined strict,y t5 . , On Thursday A SECOND TRIP will be made, leaving As toria three hours after arriving from ilwaeo. Fare to Fort Canby and Ilwaeo, $1 00 tyTIckets can bo bought at the office for 75 CIS. S3T-Hwaco freight, by the ton. in lota of one ton or over, $2 per ton, rarFpr Tickets, Towage or Charter ap pl7 il -the onJce the company, Gray's wharf, foot of Benton street. J. n. D. GRAY, ' ' Agent. ANFORD' NVSORATOR L" just what its name implies ; a Purely Vegetable 'Cc pound, thai acts directly upon the '. 'ver: curine the many diseases inck o that mi. portant organ, and; ting the nu ruerous ailmsnts arise from it deranged or rV)rpiVaction, such as Dyspepsiv apdice, Biliousness, CosWenessVMlaria, Siclc-headache, RheujpaMWetc It is therefore 2 3Tiisr4umr"Toliave GoodHcaltfc :he Liver must be Icept in order." DE. EAirrOHD'S LIVZB IHVIG0EAT0B. rnvifforates the Liver, Ttcpulates the Bow el", Strengthens the System, Purifies the Blood . Assists Digestion, Prevents Fevers. s a Household Xccd. An Invaluable Tauiily Medicine for common complaints. DZL BANFOED'B IIVEB UrTIGOSATOS. An. experience of Forty years, and Tiun sands cf Testimonials prove its Merit. FOR SALE BY ALL DEALERS IX MEDICIM For fall information tend yonr address for 101 &wjBcok on Ihe "Liver and Its dieaes," U v. exno 24 suam: st., sew tokc crrE SOCIETY aiEKTIXKS. Temple Lodge, No. 7A.F.A.M. REGULAR COMMUNICATIONS S flrit and third Tuesdays In eadiVV" month, at 7H o'clock, r. m.. at tlie'VN Hall in Astoria. Members of the order iu good standing are Invited to attend By order of the W. M. Beaver Lodge No. 35, 1. 0. 0. P. REGULAR MEETING EV- yfei. JL& ery Thursday eening atgjS&S. set en o'clock, at the l-odgeSiSSt-room In Odd Fellows Hall. Asto- w ria. Sojourning members of the order hi good standing, cordiallv ln ited to attend. By order N. G. Ocean Encampment, No. 13, 1. O. O.F. DEGCLARMEE1INGSOF OCEAN EN JX campment No. 13. I. O. O. F., at the Lodge, In the Odd Fellows Building, at seven r. m., on the second and fourth Mondass of each month. Sojourning breth ren cordially luvitcd. By order C P. Seaside L06&0 No. 12, A. O. TJ. W. KEGULAR MEETINGS OF SEASIDE Lodge No. 12, A. O. U. W. will be held in 1 heir Hall over Carnahan & Co.'.s on Tliursday cvenlug of each week, at 7 o'clock. Members of the order in good standing, aud visiting Brothers are invited to attend. Li brary will be open fifteen minutes before and after each meeting. Bv order M. W. C. BROWN, Kcc. Astoria Lioage No. 40. L O. Q.I. REGULAR MEETING EVEhY MON day e ciiing at 7 :30 o'clock, in the Hail over Carnahan's store. Members of the Or der. In good standing, arc Im Itcd to attend. By order c. t. American LegiorTolfflonor. REGULAR MEETING OF ASTORIA Council No 905' Is held on the first and third Tuesday of each mouth, at 7 o'clock p. M. By order of the Council Commander. R. V. MONTE1TH, Sec'ty. Occident" Council Nor 5. 0. C. F. MEETS EVERY FIRST AND THIRD 3Iondav evenings of each month, at 8 o clock P. M. Members of the order are By order. C. BROWN, Recorder. Cushlng Post No. 14, G. A B. TEGULAR MEETINGS OF THIS POST A l on the second and fourth Tuesdays of :icli month at 7 sso p. m. Vi-iting com rades cordiallv Invited. P. order " r.c. Cushing Relief Corps No. 3. G. A R. REGULAR MKETINGSONTHESHCOND and fourth Tuesdays, of meh month, at JIj order Mns. C ROSS. Serretar. Pacific Lodge No. lfTK. of P. REGULAR MEETINGS OF THIS . , ,-,01S1-' cti'-" Friday eenintr, at 7:30 ".clock, iu their Castle Hall. Sojournine Knights conliaily invlti-il lo jittfii . W. A. SHERMAN. L. of R. and s. Astoria Division NoToneTUniform Rank, K. of P. REGULAR MELTING ON THE FIRST IJiursdayofiMtli month, iu tlieir .r-morj- Hall, in Pj thiaii 8 v. m Ite--ular drills ou the second, thud and fourth Thurcdn uf i-ach n.onth. t .ncli place as :.iall be in sJgnated b tin- c iiiinander. Sojourning Sir Kn'ght, cordially invited to meetings and drills. ' SCOTT BOZORlir. Recorder. Astoria Ladies' Coueo Club. KEGULAR MEETINGS ATT1IE CLUB'S rooms adjoining Liberty Hall on the first and thiid Iridaj s of each month at Mns. B. S. WORSLEY, Pres. Common CounciL REGULAR MEETINGS. SECOND AND -,fou.h Tiesday evenings of each month at .H o'clock. earPersons desiring to have matters acted upon by the Council, at any regular meet ing must present the same to the Auditor and Clerk, on or before the Friday cvenliiK prior to the Tuesday on which the Council holds Its regular meeting. TnOS.S.JEWETT. . Auditor and Clerk. MANHOOD The reason that ThoutatJi cannot gtt rjrr.t ot SEilLVAL WEAESESS. LOSS OF MAX HOOD.andtheraullQfalxtr.diteaieorejrettitt. u ctrtng to a complication coiled PHOSTA TDK RHEA. DR. LIERICS IXriGORATOR n the OXLTcureorPROSTATORRIIEA. Price. f iOO per package, 6 partakes, f 19.00. Gnnle to Wealth and Self -Analyst tent free. AdJrets L IE BIG DISPEXSARVorDiteatetafitnt. U0 Gears St.. San fruBCitat. Cut. -ASK FOR Union India Kubber Co.'s Turo Para Gum CRACK PROOF RUBBER BOOTS. beware of imitatioxs ! Be sure the boots are stamped CRACK PROOF on the heels, and have tho PURE GUM SPRINGS on the foot and Instep which prevent their cracking or breaking We are now making them with RUBBER AND ASBESTOS Soles which will make them last more than twice as long as any Rubber boots made. FOR SALE BY ALL DEALERS. ALL KINDS RUBBER BELTING PACK- LS'G, HOK. SPRINGS. CLOTIUNG, UUUIO -tt..LF .MlUIia, T.IC. Francisco. X W RESTORED THE WAR IX CHINA. LATE ALYICE3 FROM 3AIGOX. Paris, Jan. 14. Late advices from Saigon state that the situation in Cam bodia is now satisfactory. There are no insurgent hands in the interior. and the agitation has subsided al most everywhere. The commander of the French ports at Lambol was killed by pirates. He had gone out alone to reconnoiter ou hearing that pirates were in the vicinity. A letter from the kiug of Cambodia, submit ted to the committee of inquiry on ihe Hue treaty, complains that Thompson, governor of Cochin Chi na, has usurped the functions of the sovereign of Cambodia -without awaiting the raliGcatiou of the treaty, and that he compels his ministers to sin decrees that they do not under stand. SIS MOP.E STEAMERS TO BE CHARTERED. Paris, Jan. 14. It is asserted that Admiral Peyrou has ordered the chartering ot six more steamers to transport troops and war material to China. Competent authorities affirm that unless the Cambodia revolt is speedily suppressed 5000 additional troops will be required to quell the disturbance. King Nordon is virtu ally n prisoner in his own palace. The revolt was directed as much against him as against the French, because he allowed himself to be forced into the recent treaty. NOTES PROM PARIS. Paris, Jan. 14. -The senate ad journed until the 29th instant, and the chamber of deputies adjourned until to-morrow, when the govern ment will be questioned concerning General Cameron's retirement from the ministry, and regarding eastern affairs. La France says it is rumored that Prince William of Prussia, son of the crown prince, is soon to be appoint ed governor of Alsace-Lorraine, and that it is possible that the autonomy of the provinces will bo proclaimed immediately afterward. TRANSPORTS ORDERED TO DEPART. Toulox, Jan. 14, Orders havo been received here to hasten the de parture of four transports for Ton quiu. Vork is proceeding on the vessels night and day. Each will carry 400 tons of war material. The four will take 5000 men and 45,000, 000 cartridges. Ir. FrazicrV Throat andLung Balsam Is the greatest remedy in the world for Coughs, Colds, Sore Throat, Influ enza, Quinzy, Laryngitis, Croup, xioarseness, -oroncmtis, Astnma, Ua tarrh, and Whooping Cough, and all diseases of the throat and lungs. It performs wonders in relieving Con sumption. It strengthens the Lungs and instantly allays all irritation of the throat. Clevelaxd, Ohio. Dr. Frazier Dear Sir: I was troub led for about three months during the last summer and fall with Bron chitis and a bad cough. After trying several remeaies wituout finding any relief, I used your Throat and Lung Balsam, and fonud immediate help. On retiring at night it gave mo undis turbed rest, and after using the med icine three weeks I found myself cured. Bey. E. NTJTE. Dr. Frazier's Throat and Lung Bal sam allays all irritation of the tlirnaf Penetrates and heals the Lungs, and jissisis nature oy expectoration to throw ofl tho corruption. Sold by druggists eveywhere at 75 cts. a bot tle. Frazier Medicine Co., Prop'rs, Cleveland. Ohio. For sale hv J. W Coxx, Astoria, Or. Success. The .sale of Syrup of Figs is siinplv immen-c. Everyone is taking it, anil all admit that it is the best medicine ever used. Children cry for it on account of its pleasant taste, and grown people who have used it once never take any thing else. Unlike other remedies for juliouMiCdb and constipation it never ues its power to act and it always 1 avo- the organs on which it acts strong er than before. Besides, one feels fresh and bright and realizes that it is Nat ures own true laxative. V. E.Dement & Co. are agents for Astoria, Oregon. YOUXtt :K.V!-ItILVI THIS. Tf,IK X07'TAic Rhlt Co., of Marshall, Mich.. ofTer to send their celebrated Elec-ti:o- oltaic Bklt and other Ei.kctmc Arw.iA.vcia. ou trial for thirty days, to men (young or old) afllictcd with nervous dl'UtlitV. loS of vihilltv mill mnnhiuu i.l all kindred troublis. Also for rheumatism, neuralgia, narahsis. and m.inv othpr ai- cases. Complete restoration to health, vigor w.. niuiiiirvu liuaiauiccu. iio riSK is m- enrred as thirty days trial is allowed. "Write them at once for illustrated pamphlet free Are you made miserable by Indi gestion, Constipation, Dizziness, Loss of appetite, Yellow Skin ? Shiloh's Vital rzer is a positive cure. For sale by Vf. X. Dement Croup, Whooping Cough and Bron chitis immediately relieved by Shiloh's Cure. Sold by W. E. Dement AHtorlaltetail Market. Flour per bbl S4.30$5. Wheat, per cental Sl.501.75. Oats, " S102.00 Bacon, sides per lb, 16&19 cts. Shoulders, " 12K cts. Hams, i720 cts. Lard, " 1416K cts. Beef,1220cLs. 3Iutton, 1016 cts. Pork, 14K19 cts. Veal, 1420 cts. Butter, per roll 6073 cts. Eggs, per dozen 4045 cts. Potatoes, per lb 5fi cts Cheese, per lb io-jo cts vornmeai, per lb 4 cts. Oatmeal, Beans, Coffee, Tea, Rice, 6Kcts. 4K6K cts. 12K10 cts. 2590 Cts. 7 9 Cts. Sugar, 710 cts. Syrup, per gallon 70c SL jioney, per gallon Sl.35. Salmoji.perkltSS. Onions, per lb 24cts. Apples dried per lb 812K cts. Peaches " " 13 30 cts. Plums, " 1216cts. Candles, per lb 20 cts. Chickens, per dozen S6. nay, per ton 15 S20. Hides, ner lb G (fa n r.ts. Oils, rer trallon. hnllwl Unsold. 7.fl raw linseed, 70c; coal oil. 40c; lardS1.25 Pgaij V Irish Flax Threads igflrJ AHS. 2NE5 BEST. ! firm i r7VJ Mtek0- iEllii IsjbP?' FSk POWDER Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies. A marvel of purity, sirongtti ami wholesomeness. More ocononucai tiwn the ordinary kinds, and caunot be sild In competition with tho mul titude ot low test short weight, alum or phosphate jiowders. Sold only in cans. Roy al Bakixo Powdku Co., 10G Wali-sL N. Y. CITV TBEASUBER'S REPORT. J. G. Hustler In Acconat nltfa the Citj of Astoria for tho Tear Ending De cember 31, 1SS4. 1884. Jan. l. To balance 1883 8 9,578 'M Dec. 31. To amL ree'd for Peel Table licenses 334 99 To amt. ree'd for Pawn Brok ers licenses 125 00 To amt. ree'd for Team licenses 593 2G To amt ree'd for Billiard table licenses 29G C6 To amt. ree'd for Ilotel Run ners' licenses 130 00 To amt. ree'd for Bowliucr Alley licenses 46 64 To amt. ree'd for Cemetery m Lots 186 00 To amt. reed for Wharfinger's Licenses 7373 To amt ree'd for Theatre and Showlicenses 260 00 To amt ree'd for Liquor li censes 10,600 00 xo amu rec a ior Auctioneers' licenses 83 05 10 amt ree'd for Police Court m Fines 2.632 80 To amt ree'd for Peddlers' li censes 283 30 To amt ree'd for Delhi. Tax. 1883 106 19 ToSaleoldChadeliers 7 00 To Cedar Street Assessment. . 5 00 To Genevieve Street Ass'mnt. 616 00 To amt ree'd from (Jeo. Hill Suit vs. City 7 50 To amt ree'd on Tax, 1834 10.896 94 lo am. ree'd on Delin.Tax,l8S4 3.210 93 To amt ree'd from J. C. Trul- linger, Tax 1884 224 88 To amt ree'd for Dog licenses 195 00 40,495 19 CR. By amt Warrants paid, 1884... 30,9o8 76 Balance on hand 9,536 43 S40.495 19 To Balance as follews: To Balance County Fund 983 00 General Police Main St. ,OU- H 4,750 07 1 00 $9,536 43 J. G. Hustler, Treas. Astoria, Or. Jan'y 1, 1885. CITV TREVSURER'S report. J. u. Rustler In Account nith the City of Astoria, for the Quarter Ending neceiaber31,lS34. 18S4. vn. Oct 1. To balance per Iaststatement.SiLOOl 14 Dec. 31. To amt from Chief Police-delinquent tax, 1884 3,210 93 To amt. from J. C. Trullinger, delinquent tax. 1881... 224 88 To amt from Police Court fines To amt from sale Liquor li censes To amt from sale Team li censes To amt from sale Peel Ta ble licenses To amt from sale Billiard Ta ble licenses To amt from sale Shows, etc., licenses To amt. from sale Runners licences To amt from sale Peddlers, licenses To amt from sale Bowling Alley, licenses. 1 mo 425 CO 200 00 124 00 80 00 73 00 45 00 50 00 5 00 3 33 To amt "from sale Lots in Cemetery To amt from salePawn Brok ers licenses 42 00 25 00 Total. 19,01183 CR. By amt Warrants paid 9,475 43 By Balance on hand this day. 9,536 43 $19,011 88 Astoria, Or., Jan. 1st, 1885. SAN. Prominently prevalent among Chronic Diseases Is Nervous Debility, the most dan gerous, insidious and fatal form of which Is the hidden or Imperceptible passing away of the vital fluid through the excretions of the body. Dr. Jouannesen has given exclusive atten tion to such cases, and special courses of his Medicine are being forwarded to all parts of the country daily. HIS REMEDIES CURE Any Debility or Derangement of tho Nerv ous System, Including Spermatthorea, Gon orrhea, Syphilis, Stricture, Impotency. etc., etc. Kree. An expfanatory circular, descrip tive of Johannesen's method, to all sufferers addressing HENRY VOCELER, 49 South Street, New York City. Carnahan & Co. SUCCESSORS TO I. W. CASE, IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN GENERAL HEECHAMSE Corner Chenamus and Cass streets. ASTORIA OREGON I DR. H b HRJrwiJf THEY RECEIYED THE For FLAX THREADS at the London Fisheries Exhibition 1883. And have been awarded HICHER PRIZES at the various INTERNATIONAL EXPOSITIONS Than the goods of any other THREAD JKEAXJACJXTERS IN THE WORLD. Quality an Always be Depended b, wULimWM 517 and 519 Market Street, Agents for Seine Twines, Rope and MARKETS. WYATT & THOMPSON. DEALERS IN FRESH AND CURED MEATS, CHOICE GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, Crockery and Glassware. TVTni JF"oc3., Etc, STAR MARKET. WHERRY & COMPANY, Fresh and Cured Meats, Vegetafoles, FRUITS, BUTTER, and EGGS. OPPOSITE OCCIDENT nOTEL, CIIF..VA31US Street. Astoria, Og Washington Market. Mala Street, - Astoria, Oregoa. BERGMAX &. CO.PJROPIUETOHS RESPECTFULLY CALL THE ATTEN tion of tho public to the fact that the above Market will always be supplied with a FULL VARIETY AND BEST QUALITY FRESH AND CURED MEATS I ! Which will be sold at lowest rates, whole sale and retail. J8pecial attention given to supplying snips. "SECURE THE SHADOW' Ere the substance fade, and when you visit Portland, make It a part of your business to caU on W. H. Towra, at the San Fran cisco Callerv. S. W. comer First and Morrisom streets, and have your photograph taken in the highest style of the art. HENRY DOYLE M!IIEll!llMiill TV-.J.1 w rj Ml- JTKlL?1 f-Jt &CO., - - San Francisco,' Pacific Coast. Netting Constantly on Hand. Administrator's Notice. NOTICE IS HEREBY GrVEN THAT THE undersigned has been appointed admin istrator of the estate of diaries "Yallman, deceased, and all persons having claims against said establishment must present the same, duly verified, to her at her home, In the city of Astoria, Oregon, within six months from this date. EYA WALLMAN. November St h, 18S4. Assignee Notice. 7W-OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT TIIE -LI firm of J. E. Thomas has assigned all their property to the undersigned for the benefit of their creditors and all persona having claims against said estate must pre sent the same duly verified to the assignee at his office In Astoria, Oregon, within turee months from tins date. November 6th, 18SL F. P. niCKS. School Tax Notice. SCHOOLTAXES FOR SCHOOL DISTRICT No. 9, are now due and payable to J.-: Higgins, at office of Badollet &Co. MRS. MARY LEINENWEBER. School Clerk District Noj. Upper Astoria, Dec. 17, 18SL CAUTION. ALL PERSONS ARE HEREBY CAU tioned against purchasing a note and mortgage on personal property, given by Mr. Alexander Corno to Ed. Taylor for S23O.00, as the same will be contested on the ground of fraud, or misrepresentation In obtaining the same, otherwise want of consideration. ALEX. CORNO. Astoria, Oregon, Nov. 18th. 18S4. LOEB & CO. JOBBERS IN WINES. LIQUORS, AND CIGARS. AGENTS FOR THE Best San Francisco Houses and Eastern Distilleries. Tumblers Decanters, and All Kinds of Saloon Supplies. A11 goods sold at San Francisco Prices. MAIN STREET, Opposite Parker House, Astoria, Oregon.