C3) ?hc ftoUjj Hsioran. ASTORIA, OREGON: TUESDAY. .JANUARY 13 1S8T ISSUED EVERY MORNING. (Monday excepted) J. V. HALL.ORA.N & COMPANY, ruHLisiiEKs and rnor-mETons, ASTORI AN BUILDING. - - CASSSTREEl Terms of Subscription. crved by Carrier, per iveek bent by Mail, per month.............. one year Free ol postage to subscribers. . 15cts. GOcts. .$T.OO C5yAdvertlsements inserted by the year at the rate of S2 per square per month. Tran sient advertising fifty cents per square, each insertion. JXoticc To Advertisers. Tue AsxoniAX guarantees to its ad vertisers the largest circulation of any newspaper published on the Columbia river. Rough on house plants. Regular council meeting to-night. J. Kohn, of the -well knovrn firm of Louis "Werthoimer & Co., is in the city. There will bo a meeting of the "Wash ington Territory pilot board on the 23rd inst. It costs about $700 a month to keep up our public schools in this city. The money is well spent. The Qiwcn came in on Sunday morn ing -with a big mail. Tho Columbia sailed yesterday morning. Tho rafHo for the mirror from Carl Ad ler's Crystal Palace Trill take place at his establishment on Saturday evening. That "potato match' at tho skating rink on Saturday evening, promises no end of fun to those "who participate. The littlo two-year old son of David West, of Cathlamct. while playing around the house last Sunday, fell over a bottle, receiving injuries which resulted in his death. Major T. J. Blakeny, superintendent of tho life saving service on this coast, arrived on tho Queen last Sunday and started for Shoalwater bay yesterday morning. Martin Johnson, a steorago passenger on the Columbia, last Sunday, got somo tanglefoot aboard which tripped him over the rail, ho falling with a dull thud on tho pontoon below, lie was picked np limp and unhurt. Cashing Relief Corps No. 3 install their nowlv elected officers this afternoen: Cush'ing Post No. 14. G. A. R. install theirs this evening. The state conven tions of both organizations meet at Port land on the 23th inst. "It is said on the authority of a medi cal journal that beer drinking causes en largement of the heart." Is dot so? There are two or thrco in this burg who seem to be proof against any symptoms of "enlargement of tho heart." They might try a glass or two of Rudweiser. The Gwynedd, Annie Jf. Lair, Martha Fisher and Ophelia went to sea yester day. The C. S. JIulbcrl, previously re ported, arrived in on Sunday. The Chesc brough will finish unloading to-morrow. Tho Perthshire is taking on about 14,000 cases salmon and wili finish this week. Did you ever hear of a hungry man refusing to cat food because he was hun gry? Yet that's just what the argument amounts to of merchants who neglect to advertiso "becauso times are dull." Dullness in business is tho very reason why those who wish to keep in business should keep their names before tho public Newspapers are closing out and dying all over the state and territory. The newspaper business, like other business, is adversely affected by dull times, but unlike other business a newspaper can not retrench. It has to keep up to its us ual standard, and whether prosperous or tho reverse, cannot bo allowed to fall bo hind its Hsual appearance. It is reported that tho last storm tore a channel through Sand island at a point between tho wreck of the Great Republic and the lowest net rack. Tho island is fast washing away. This will only change it slightly in eventual location. (Before the committee on criticism meet and make anonymous report on this, noto the fact that no affidavit accompanies it: it is purely what it purports to be a ro port). There is considerable complaint from men who havo reclaimed tide land that tho muskrats are honey-combing and un dermining the dykes. These little pests burrow all over tho dykes and honey comb them so that in somo places great loss has resulted. Trapping them by the hundred does not seem to diminish their numbers and they are getting to be con siderable of a plague. It would seem as though tho legislature might do some thing about it. A law forbidding musk rats to burrow would be just as sensible as other measures that will bo brought before that body for action. Social JL'arfy To be given at Liberty Hall, Friday, Jan. lGth, 18S5. Yourself and ladies are respectfully invited to attend. Committee on invitatien: O. Nelson. Ilenry Jones, Henry Mattson and Aug.'Danielson. Committee on floer: J. C. Lldwell, l Nelson and Henry Jones. Admission Si. A. Few Chances Left For that splendid Mirror which will be raffled at Carl Adler's Crystal Palace on Saturday evening. At Frank Fabrc's. Board for $22 50 a month. The best In the clt Di iner from 5 to 7. CROW Does not make any second-class Pic tures at his New Gallery, No. 6i, on the Roadway. Fishermen Attention! Before buying twine examine the Dunbar, McMaster & Co.'s extra strong Irish Flax Thread, No. 40. 12 ply. Jas. O. Hanthorn, of this city, is the sole agent for the Pacific coast. Misses' and nursing corsets of the fa mous Ball's make, at the Empire Store. All the patent medicines advertised In this paper, together with the choicest Eerfumery, and toilet articles, etccan c bought at the lowest prices, at J. "W. Conn's drug store, opposite uciaen hctel, Astoria. Gray sells Sackett Bros.' Al sawed cedar shingles A full M guaranteed in each bunch. Mrs. Bryce would respectfully an nouce to the ladies of Astoria that she Is prepared to do dressmaking in all Its. branches at ncr rooms on uass at., op posite Odd Fellows building. Ulackmetack," a lasting and fra- rant perfume. Price 25 ana 00 eents, old by W.E. Dement. THE STATE LEGISLATURE. It Organization Tcsttrdar Ready Speaker or the Home. SPECIAL TO THK ASTOniAS. Silkm, Or., Jan. 12. The legislature organized to-day with les3 confusion than was supposed there would be. Gil bert of Marion and "W. P. Keady of Bon ton were tho two candidates for speaker of tho House Keady was euccessfal There is music in tho air over the sena torship. Hirsch seems to be in the lead with George and "Williams not far be hind. Judge Boiso is also on deck. Multnomah's delegation is divided be tween Hirsch and George on the first ballot anyhow. There is a good deal of opposition toward any Portland candi date. CIBCUIT COUBT PBOCEEDrXGS. January 12, 1835. Tatloe, J. Goldsmith & Lowenberg ts. Ruddock fc "Wheeler: judgment by default. A. Gilbert vs. George Flavel: domurrer sustained: plaintiff allowed to ammend. Butler vs. Olsen: trial set for Thurs day. Mrs. Dagget vs. O. Lindress: trial to day. Mrs. Turk vs. Law, King fc Law: judg ment of lower court affirmed. A. Young vs. Chas. Andersen: argu ment on motion. H. J. Hansen vs. School Dist. No. 1: motion for continuance. L. D. Coffman vs. A. G. Spoxarth, et al: foreclosure mechanic's lien. Blanchard &, Muckle vs. C. H. Bain: defendant allowed till to-day to reply. G. W. Hume vs. Pt. Adams Packing Co.: motion for confirmation allowed. Jno. Enberg vs. Aug. Nerberg: sot for trial to-morrow. Gust. JS. AVarner sentenced to tho pen itentiary for one year and pay costs of prosecution. Ah Gin sentenced to tho penitentiary for eighteen months and pay costs of prosecution. It This So or .tot ! The best of all rules for successful housekeeping and to make both ends of the year meet is, "Pay as you go." Be yond all countries in the world, ours is the one in which tho credit system is the most usedand tho most abused. Pass books aro tho bane and pest of doinestio economy a perpetual plague, vexation and swindle. Abused by servants at the store and house, disputed constantly by housekeepers and dealers, they are a temptation to both parties to do wrong. "I never had that." ""Wo neglected to entef this." "I forgot to bring tho book." "Never mind, wo will raako a note of it," and so it goes. But tho worst of it is that housokcepers are tempted to order what they have not the means to pay for, and when the time for settlement comes they aro straitened. A family can live respectably on n very moderate income if thev always tako the cash in hand and buy where they can to the best advantage. Then they will bo careful first to get what is neoossary. Ex tra comforts will bo had as they can af ford them. But it is bad policy to buy on credit. No wise dealer sells as cheap ly on eredit as for cash. Llaei Increase Height. Lines increase height. A fact which has great influence on the appearance (as regards size) which an objoct presents, is the presence of lines on it. Ladies un derstand tkis, and by tho judicious employment of stripes influence their apparent figure to a remarkable degreo. VJhe annexed illustration shows very clearly tho iafiueneo of lines on the ap parent size of an object. The figure shows a square space divided horizontal It by a series of lines. Tho height and width of this space aro exactly oqual, as may be proved by measuring then with a pair of compasses, but to tho oyo they appear very unequal. STEAMER SCHEDULE. Following is a schedule of sailing dates for steamers between Astoria and San Francisce: rnoM astobia. Ifeom sax fbancisco. 1U a. m. Oregon.. Tues Jan. 6 Columbia...Sun " 11 Queen.... -.Fri" 1G Oregon...."Wed"21 Columbia..Mon " 26 Queen...., Sat " 31 Queen.. .Fri. Jan. 9 Oregon.. "Wed " 14 Columbia.Mon" 19 Queen Sat" 24 Oregon.Thurs " 29 Columbia TuesFeb 3 Bticltlcn's Arnica Salve. The Best Salvk in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores.Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores. Tetter. Channed Hands, Chilblains. Corns, and all Skin Erup tions, ana positively cures 1'iies, or no pay required. It Is guaranteed to givo perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by W. js. Dement & uo. For a If eat Fitting Boot Or Shoe, go to P. J. Goodmans, on Che namus street, next door to I. W. Case. All goods of the best make and guaran teed quality. A full stock; new goods constantly arriving. Custom work. At I. J. ArvoId'H You will find a splendid stock of boots and shoes. Ladies' and children's shoes a specialty: All styles and sizes. JPresu Eastern and Shoalwater Bay Oysters Constant! v on hand, cooked to any style at Frank Fabre's. WHAT! Do You Think that 'Jeff" of The Chop House Gives vou a meal for nothing, and a glass of something to drink? "Xot much !" but he gives a better meal and more of it than any place in town for 25 cents. He buys by the wholesale and pay cash. "That settles it" Smim's Cure will immediately relieve Croup, Whooping Cough, and Bronchitis. Sold by W. E. Dement & Co For Dyspepsia andLiver Complaint, you have a printed guarantee on every bottle of Shiloh's Yitallzer. It never fall to ure. Sold by W. E. Dement I VTATE A5D TERRITORIAL SETTS. Itcni Of Interest From AH Over The Northwest. Septtle has fifty-seven lawyers. Tho O. & C. railroad defaulted its Jan uary interest. The lato storm cost tho O. R. &X. Co. $10,000 a day. A company has been formed to quarry marble in Alaska. The discussion aboutDr. "Whitman still goes on in the Oregonian. Portland was fivo years from 181.1 to 18T0 gaining a population of 150. Charley Reed, tho plain comedian, is now a partner ofF. W. Stechan, in tho Standard theater at San Francisco. A protest has been filed by the peop!e of Port Moody against the proposed re moval of tho terminus of the Canadian Pacific from that point. King county is the wealthiest and most populous county in "Washington. It has now 17,000 inhabitants, and an assessed valuation last year of $10,147, C40. A fire at Oregon city on tho morning of tho 10th, burned $10,000 worth of prop erty. Tho Enterprise office, tho Masonic building, and two stores were totally de stoyed. The Chinese pheasants recently re ceived at Portland are dying for want of freedom. Somo of them havo killed themsolves by beating against tho walls of their cages. Dr. Sharpless, of Lane county, lost 800 fruit trees in the recent storm. The snow and sleet hold them so firmly that when the water in Coast Fork rose, tho trees were carried away. It is stated upon pretty good authority, says tho Oregonian, that Flood & O'Brien of San Francisco will establish a bank in this city next spring, conditioned up on tho repealof tho mortgage tax law. A branch road ha3 been located from the main lino of the Oregon Short Lino to Boise City, L T., and a part of it graveled, and that place expects to have railroad communication with Portland in n short time. Tho Oregon Stato Temperance AJIianco will meet in fourteenth annual session at Salem February VL Tho alliance will bo composed of delegates from temperance societies. Stentor Watts' salary will be due on that date. A woman in Portland who is being treated for exceeding flesh has succeeded in reducing her weight forty pounds in tho past year (and keeping her health) by adhering to the rulo of not drinking two hours after eating, and not eating for two hours after drinking. The Northern Pacific Railroad Com pany, by starting a new town, has made property in Yakima City, "W. T., value loss. Tho people of that once bustling and lively burg kick, but tho iron horso holdcth its head high and snortoth by. Many a poor man has been broken up by this speculation of the railroad com pany's, and it is but another proof that corporations havo no souls. Tho Oregon Horso and Land Co, havo ranches located in Lost Valloy, Eastern Oregon, on the old LeBard ranche; one at tho mouth of Sucker creek, near Snako river, Idaho; ono at tho forks of tho Sucker (the Dave Shea ranch); also tho old McCusic ranch on Owyhee creek. Tho range occupied is 85x150 miles in Idaho and Oregon. Tho stock of horses owned, were originally well selected Ore gon mares whicli havo been bred to .Nor man and Porcheron horses, and to-day the average of tho entire baud is proba bly not exceeded on this coast. They are the largest horso owners in tho United States, havinjr over 8,000 hoad of fine, large Oregon horses. The entiro press of western "Washing ton has been heard from on tho proposi tion of Senator Piatt of Connecticut to admit tho territory as a state under the name of Tacoma. The newspapers de ride and ridicule the idea unanimously, exoept the Tacoma press, and thero is much indignation expressed that tho al most sacred name of "Washington must be sunk to givo placo to one representing only the seat of land speculations of a railroad ring. The peoploof tho territory will never consent to bo admitted under that name, and tho citizens of Tacoma would do themselves more good in tho long run by calling off their dog. From LaGrando it is learned that loss es of stock by tho recent storm wero less than was anticipated. South of Prine villo in what is known as tho "Oregon desert," no cattlo wero lost, though tho snow in some places was six to eight feet deep. Between Prineville and tho Columbia river every band suffored more or less. A good estimate mado up from the statements of a Iarga number of ranchers and herders representing local ities which took in tho entiro rango of climato of the inland empire, is that the loss to cattlo and sheep will be under 25 per cent. All stock is in very poor condi tion now and could not live through an other storm of any great severity. A note from Umatilla states that cattle andshcep are coming out all right. Recently while a lady living in South Portland was cleaning out a cupboard she threw, among other things, some pa pers into tho stove. In a few seconds a loud report followed, blowing the stovo doors open, and almost simultaneously, two reports scattered the stove, wood and ashes ovor the room. Sbo had unwitting ly thrown three large cartridges into the fire with tho papers. A few days pre viously sbo narrowly escaped being blown up by a can of powder, which one of hr sons had placed in tho stove out of reach of his younger brother. The lady had started a fire in tho stove, and by the merest chanco saw the reflection of the flickering flame on the red powder can, and withdrew it from tho stove. Tho incident almost upset her nerves, but sho saved tho nouso from total destruction. Information is had from cood author ity, says tho Victoria Times, that the steamer Olympian will be placed on tho Victoria routo early in March. The North Pacific will bo drawn off and re paired, she having been run a long timo without being overhauled. "While this is being done tho route will be supplied by the Olympian and tho Starr. After tho North Pacific is repaired, however, tho Starr will bo placed on tho New West minster route, and tho former will go back on the Victoria routo onco more, and continue to run that way all summer. Tho Idaho which is now on tho New "Westminster-Tacoma route will run to "Whatcom. The sister boat to the Olym pian, the Alaskan, which now lies idle at Portland, will not bo brought around to tho Sound, it is said, during tho coming season. In an account of the flood on the Che halis, tho Gray's Harbor News of tho 10th, .says: The Chehalis river and its tributaries havo given us an old time freshet. Tho water came within six in ches of the highest point sinco the whites sottled on this strean. Logs have como down into tide water that were cut three years ago, and quite a number of settlers sustain a severe lo3S by their logs getting adrift. The county will bo over $10,000 out by damage to roads and bridges, sus taining a loss of nearly $7,000 on tho Satsop bridge alone. The other heaviest losers thus far reported are J. T. Forest and the Wishkaw mill cempany: they will each lose about $1000 apiece. Several other3 sustain losses all the way from $100 to SL'jOQ. All tho wharves and warehouses were more or less damaged. Steamers ' could not safely navigate abovo oosmop- t olis for nearly a week, therefore we had T no mails or communication with the out side world for that period. The river j was so full of logs, lumber shingles and . all manner of floating debris that it is thought tho big jam on the upper Che halis had at last moved. Tho water reached its highest point about 12 o'clock ' on "Wednesday night, at which time the i whole business portion of Lower Monte-1 sano was overflowed, and the flats on the ! north sido of the river wero completely covered. On the Harbor tho towns of Hoquiam, Aberdeen and Cosmopolis were ' partially inundated during the hiyh tide ' periods of Tuesday and Wednesday, but there was no damage done. Tho fa'l of water was at least six inches the first three days of tho weok, and taken in , conjunction with tho snow it is n wonder ' more damage was not done. Up to latest accounts the water had fallen to three , feet and ell danger was over. SOME RAZOR HOSES. Tf hencp They Conic-Some I'ractical Rtoarls on Razor. "How do we keep our razors sharp?" replied tho barber. "It is certainly an artist's principal and most important work, for upon the keenness of his knifo depends his business success. Tho most important part and tho fundamental se cret is in having good hones, or stones, as you would call them, and then using thorn intelligently and discreetly. "You see, the hone imparts tho true edge and the strop merely whets it to a proper degree of keenness after the razor has been carefully honed. Tho greatest ingenuity and perseverance have been devoted to tho making of hones and tho remarkablo materials and proces3 of manufacture in tho business aro almost entirely unknown to tho millions of per sons who are ahaved every weok. First in lino como the water stones, which aro hard specimens collected in tho west, principally in Colorado and tho spurs of tho Rocky mountains. In thoso sections there are hundreds of people who gain a livelihood by collecting and dealing in whetstones. A razor stono must neces sarily be very hard, brittlo and smooth faced. The water hones are merely a finer grado of whetstones and cost from soventy-five cents to two dollars. Tho water stone must frequently be wet with water and smoothed down by rubbing with another stone or clso it is apt to lo3o its fine sharpening qunlitics. "There aro many kinds of razor hones,' continued tho barber, as he slapped the razor recklessly over the palm of his hand several times and applied more lather. "Every good barber has his preferences, yet there are some who can't tell a good one when they seo it. That kind of a barber usually has a razor with an edge liko a cheese-knife, handles your head like a block of wood and tho mere pass ing of the blado. over a man's cheek would make even a book agent wince. Then, among others, is tho glass bono a block of the hardest flint glass, carefully smoothed of even tho slightest inequali ties of surface and mounted on a block of wood. I don't liko them, although they havo admirable qualities for im parting a dainty edge, for a razor snarp ened on them of ten irritates the skin and makes tho faco sensitive. I don't know whether it is the peculiar edge which makes tho smarting or the soda or other ingredients of tho glass adhciing in mmutc particles to tue steel, uut no mat ter what it is, n glass-honed razor don't givo tho best satisfaction to my customers. tV glass bono costs four or live dollars. "Yes. an experienced barber can at a glanco perceive tho peculiarities of the edge of any razor and tell you what par ticular kind of a bono was used in sharp ening it. The hone I like best, and the most wonderful in material and construc tion, is that of petrified German hicKory. Hero is one." said the knight of tho brush and steel, as he exhibited a small smooth, dark stone, hard as adamant and mounted in a wooden block. "Thj German hickory.' he resumed, as he drew the bljde across the custom er's face and removed it with a clear, ringing sound, "is in itself a wood almost as hard as stone. It is cut from large cultivated forests, then carefully sea soned, saw&d into blocks about tkLt size and imbeded in a psculiar wet clay soil, where it is allowed to remain for about eight years. Whoa removed the wooden blocks aro discovered to have turned to stone. Their manufacture is confined solely to Germany and Prussia. Tho ex periment of petrifaction in this pirtica lar line has been tried in many Liuds, but has never proved successful outsido of tho countries named. That is, I guess, because of tho psculiar soil. Westphalia, in Prussia, is where they are principally mado and there is ono mill 'there which constantly employs 100 hands in cutting, mounting and dressing theso hones, without which I would bo lo3t. There is a big profit in their manufacture, for tho comparative cost of production is very small, while a stone of this size when completed is worth about eight dollars. Thoy give the best, keenest and cleanest edge to a razor that can be pro duced. Of course, somo barbers are ig norant of their proper use or dislike the labor of boning tneir razors, but wuilo 1 remain at this shop 1 shall give my pray erful consideration to that branch of tho business. Next'." A Startling: IH-scorcry. Physicans are often startled by re markable discoveries. The fact that Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption and all Throat and Lung disuses is daily curing patients that they have given up to die, is startling them to re alize their sense of duty, and examine into the merits ot tuts wonderful dis covery; resulting in hundreds of our best Physicians using it in their practice Trial Bottles free atW.E. Dement & Co.'s Drug Store. Regular sizc;$1.00. Syrup oi'figs. Nature's own true Laxative. Pleas ant to the palate, acceptable to the Stom ach, harmless in its nature, painless in its action. Cures habitual Constipation, Biliousness, Indigestion and kindred ills. Cleanses the system, purifies the blood, regulates the Liver and acts on the Bowels. Breaks up Colds. Chills and Fever, etc Strengthens the organs on which it acts. Better than bitter, nauseous Liver medicines, pills, salts and draughts. Sample Dottles free, and large bottles for sale by W. E. Dement & Co., Astoria. The Rev. Geo. 11. Thayer, of Bour bon, Ind., says: "Both myself and wife owe our lives to Silicon's Consumption Cube. Sold by W. E. Dement. A Nasal Injector free with each bottle of Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy Price 50 cents. Sold by V. E. Dement Why will you cough when Shiloh's Cure will give immediate relief. Price lOctsSOctsandSl. Sold by W.E. De ment. Croup, Whooping Cough and Bron chitis immediately relieved by Shiloh's Cure. Sold by W. E. Dement. POISON IN THE ,DASTRY VauIIIrj, JLcmon, Orancc, etc, flavor Cakes, Crease, 3?addlnc, tc, as dell cntely anil satarnlly as tho fruit from which they aro made. For Strength and Truo "Fruit Flavor They Stand Alone. PRPAnCO BYTHe Price Baking Powdor Co., Chicago, III. St. Louis, Mo. i:AKta3 or Dr, Prices Gream Baking Powder ARO Br. Price's Xnpulin Yeast Gems, Beit Dry Hop "STcnnt. TOR SALE BY GROCERS. WE yKK DUX OXE QUALITY. 9 !G?J7 L.iUH The ue3t dry hop oaat In the world. Broad raised by this yoaat i3 light.white ond wholesome like our grandmother's delicious bread. GROCERS SELL THEN!. PREPiRID EV TMC Price Baking Powder Co., HanTrs ot Dr. Pnce's special FlaYonnz Extracts. Chicago, III. St. Louis, Mo. For sa'e by Cliting.Mert.k & Co., Agents Portland, Oregon. Aram Says Yes AT LAST, AND Slier, f oi His Best Girl ! His Stylish Appearance Did it. No wender: lie gets all his clothes made at M. D. KANT'S Clothing Emporium. There you can find the finest assortment of Cloth, Cassimeres and Tweeds. Also, the best stock or ready-made CLOTII IXO. tor Men. Youths and Boys. KUKXISHIXG GOODS In the crandest assortment. The best of BOOTS and SHOES. Hats and Caps, Trunks and Valises. Prices are Down to Bedrock To suit the times. Gall and see M. D. KANT, The Boss Merchant Tailor and Clothier. Ship Captains can get their supplies here on very favorable terms Executor's Notice. HAVING BEEN APPOINTED BY THE County Court or Clatsop County, Ore gon, executrix of the last will and testament or Thos. Goodwin, deceased, all pe-sons having claims against said estate will pre sent them duly verified and with proper vouchers to the undersigned at her resi dence on Clatsop Plains. Clatsop County, Oregon, within six montlis from this date, Dec..ri,lSSt. MARIETTA GOODWIN. 24 -3t Executrix. House to Rent. N INE ROOMS : GOOD LOCATION. W. B. IIEADINGTON. Inquire of Notice. CAPTAIN WILLIAM: KOSS, OF THE British bark Ab1eu Cowper, will pro ceed to Shoalwater bay on Monday, the 12th inst., and there make arrangements to sell to the highest bidder the wreck and wreck age of the British Bark Abbey Coicper, also of two life-boats and a ship's gltr, now lying at North Cove, Tokc Toint. W. T. Furnished Rooms to Let, T"OTTII OK WITHOUT BOAItD. YV Enquire of .Wits. E. C, HOLDEN. IF Ijiii " TA t -ii l3liPiW 1885 Zl STEU - I1 isasKsasssiiisisMUiiUife. gg.JflflPMKilKilK i EXQJjgAGjTS gfc,pHMi ISnAJTHV KDCAn i 81LHL1H! BJllUmJl x3 ' j-T- z C. H. COOPER'S, s5$fesg25fc THE LL bit uoois ui Maksim. The increase of my business in 188i over former eoadltt ? &J111" nounce for 1885 that I shall carry larger stocks of first-class pW at Aa i er" ent lines, which can be relied upon as represented, and will bv "& 'owest prices for the quality offered. Ill tie Dry and. Fancy Goofe Will lie found tlie Latest and Most Stylish Novelties In CMs it lap "Will he found garments in Style, Cut, and III Men sant Boys Clflfc Will always be found New and first-class fittlnj: goods, from a fine, satin lined Prince Albert Dress Suit, down to a Serviceable Business Suit, for the office, shop, or farm, to fit all shapes or weighty from 50 to 300 pounds. In Gent's Furnishing Goods Will be found a large assortment in all grades and styles. In Hats and Caps Will bo found the best makes, the latest styles, and best values. ' In Boots and Shoes Will be found a large variety of hand and machine sewed, made expressly to order by tho best eastern factories, which enables us to recommend and. rely upon the goods as to merit and value. In Oil ClotMi, Burner Goo is, Troois, Valises, nul UiorePai, Will be found goods at prices that defy all competition. Sole agent for Buttertck Pattern's. Pythian Building, GITY BOOK STORE Agents for : ERANICH; & : BACH, ; AndGooStecVi Little Giant PIANOS.; HEADQTTABTEBS For Fine Stationery, School Books, Blank Books, Skoet Music, Musical Instruments, Tarletj Goods, Etc., Etc. Subscriptions recelred for anjr Periodical published at publishers Prices. Xoit Stock Arrlrln? Daily. GRIFFIN $67,000,000 Capital ! Liverpool and London and Globe. North British and Mercantile Of London and Edinburgh. Old Connecticut of Hartford, A3TD COMMERCIAL OF CALIFORNIA Fire Insurance Companies, Representing a Capital of $67,000 OOO. B. VAN DUSKN. Asent. D. A. MclNTOSH Keeps constantly on hand a full.stock of the best made READY-MADE CLOTHING, In Business Suits and Dress Suits. Also the largest stock and the newest patterns In French and American Cassimeres, Worsteds, Cloth, Scotch, and English Tweeds. Which wjll he made up to order in the very latest styles and at the lowest prices. FIT GTTAHANTEED. HATS in all the Latest and Standard Shapes. A, complete line of Gents' Furnishing Goods The Leading Clothier, Hatter and Gents' Furnisher.. 4-piN.G Finish to suit the taste and purse of aff Astoria, Oregon. : S Agents for TABKRand Western 5 Cottage j ORG ANS. & REED. GERMAN1A BEER HALL AND BOTTLED BEER DEPOT, Chcnamus Street, Astoria. The Best of Lager 5 Cts. a Glass. Orders for the Celebrated Columbia Brewery Beer Left at this place will be promptly attended to 9No cheap San Francisco Beer sold at this place. War. BOOK, Proprietor.