m he gaily gtftorian. ASTORIA, OREGON: TUESDAY- JA20JAItY 13. 16S5 VSCLE SAM MUST LOOK OUT. The resolutions recently offered in the bouse by Messrs. Herbert of Ala bama and Belmont of New York, calling on the president to define the position of tbe government with re lation to the Congo conference, were the result of a feeling among some of the leading members of the house that the part this nation is taking in that conference is likely to cause great embarrassment in the future. Keports from Europe show that Kas son, by the introduction of a proposi tion that the plan of government sug gested include not only the Congo basin, but all the valleys of tributa ries of the Congo and the surround ing region, and that the nations tak ing part in the conference pledge themselves not to make war upon each other, has made him the most prominent figure in the conference. There arc certain congressmen who havo taken alarm at this. They say it is a departure from the policy which has obtained bore from the foundation of the gov ernment, not to enter into any entangling alliance with foreign gov ernments. They say, further, that it looks as if the foreign powers -were holding this out as a bait to induce the government to commit itself and recognize the college of nations, so that Europe can demand to bo rec ognized in the settlement of all ques tions growing out of the Panama canal and the Nicaragua treaty. It is believed that France and England will demand that all matters growing out of these questions shall be set tled by arbitration, and, having made a departure, this government can do nothing Tjut allow their claim or re pudiate the action of the state de partment in the instance of the Congo conference. The latter course -would be particularly dangerous in the present defenceless condition of America, without fortifications and without a navy, aud the former would mean a decision against us. TaxiEIKo about the recent wreck of the Abbie Cowjer on Shoal water bay bar, the Gray's Harbor News says: "11 it were a fashionable wa tering place it would soon bo attend ed to, but a place to save the lives of a few unfortunate sailors who may be cast adrift, can run itself. It was reported about three mouths ago that S15,000 had been appropriated for a light at tho entrance to this harbor, but there are no signs of con struction as yet. What has become of the project? With tho present number of arrivals, and tho increase that is bound to come wo aro entitled to something besides a fourth order light.-and shall expect to see a more liberal appropriation for that pur pose. Tho time has come for better signals of danger along this coast. There ought to be not only a good light at tho ontrauce of these two harbors, but one of them at least should be supplied with a first class siren for foggy -weather. Nearly all the wrecks occur in thick weather." Those industrious statesmen who are anxious to secure an extension of tho territory and influence of the "United States can find a very useful field for their offorts upon our ex treme southwestern border. When the purchase of the Arizona region was made from tho Mexican govern ment, a great error was committed on the part of tho United States. This was in running the boundary from longitude 111 deg. west in a north westerly direction to tho Colorado river in about latitude 32 deg. 15 min., thus entirely cutting off the new ter ritory from the sea. This should be remedied as soon as possible by a further purchase that would continue the extreme southern line of Arizona due west to tho Pacific ocean. Such a purchase would cost but a trifle and could'be taken on account as Mexico still owes us a goodly sum. By this means Arizona -would acquire a sea coast which would be of immense value to the whole southwest and we would have complete possession of the mouth of the Colorado river. Kealt every nowspaper in the state recognizes the justice of The Asto riax's claim that just representation be given Clatsop county. It appears to s that by proper action on the part of a few publio spirited citizens tho claim could be got beforo tho leg islature in. such shape as to insure its being allowed. The Wall Street News, a bear or gan, says it expects to see coal and granger property 90 per cent lower this yearj also, both Central Pacific and Union Pacific in the hands of re ceivers; and competition in telegraph ingsmt'the present price of Western Union inftwaia. The lord high chancellor of Great Britain is cx-officio the speaker of the house of lords. Ho is also a member of the cabinet, and usually a peer, though there is nothing to prevent the sovereign from naming a com moner for the position. Ho sits on the woolsack, and "wears a wig and gown during every session. Members as they arise do not address him, how ever, but the house, and he has not tho right to decide who has the floor, nor the right to demand order. He is a mere figure-head, for -which he receives $30,000 as judge and $20,000 as speaker annually tho same salary as the president of the United States. He goes out of office -with the resigna tion of the ministry, but receives thereafter a pension of $25,000 a year for life. The present occupant of the woolsack is Lord Selborne. Springer of Illinois thus expresses his views touching the election of a senator in the state to succeed IiOgan: "There does not appear to bo tho least prospect that the legislature will bo able to elect a senator. The two parties are equally divided, the senate having one Bepublican majority and tho house one Democratic majority. The defection or corruption of any one member is not to be thought of, as it would almost be worth a man's life to betray his party under such circumstances. Neither side will be able to take advantago of the sick ness or temporary absence of any one member on tho other side, for tho moment such an effort is made tho opposition would break a quorum. The Troy, 2s. Y., Press has the civil service reform business down pretty fin& It Bays: "If the office is one of responsibility it should be given to a Democrat, so that the party in power nay fairly be held to account for any misdeeds of tho official; and if it is an office of small duties, such as footing up columns of figures or the like, then surely a Democrat can be found to do it as well as any other." That certainly ought to settle it TnE governor of Iowa is said to be afraid to call a session of the legisla ture to fix up some railroad matters lest it take it into its head to repeal the prohibition law. Thus does a short lapse of time work marvelous changes in public opinion. Yaxdebbilt has returned all of Gen. Grant's property to him and in sists that he shall accept tho gift. MAKRIED. In Astoria. Jan. 8th, 1885, Erich Man nel and Elizabeth Karilahti, Kcv. J. J. Hoikka officiating. NEW TO-DAY. 1885. INTEREST Will bo. allowed On Time Deposits. Drafts on all tho Leading Cities. Win. T. Coleman & Co. S. F.IillOItE. Manager Banking Department. Astoria, Oregon. WHO WIHS THE PRIZE? POTATO MATCH. There will bo a Fotato Match at the .Skat ing Rink, next Saturday Evening, Jan. 17th. Competitors will please enter by THURS DAY, the 15th. Bors under sixteen not allowed to com pete. Admissien: For Gents without Ekates, - - 25cts For Gents with fakates, - 25cls Ladles with or without Skates - 25cts There will be Music if available. Prize on exhibition at New York Novelty Store. G.W.&JLE.EOSS, Proprietors and Managers. Change of Agency. We hare appointed MR. O. F. MORTON Our Selling and Collecting Agent at Astoria. All those wishing to purchase a first-class8! SEWING MACHINE, or to make pay ments due us will please call on Mr. Morton. Headquarters at B. S."TORSLEY'S Sales room. The Singer Mf g Co., 92 Morrison Street, Portland, Or. Notice. THE PROGRESSIVE LAND AND Building Association will hold its regu lar annual meeting on, the second Saturday, the 14th day of February. 1835. at 7 o'clock T. ai., in Liberty Hall. War. B. M'BWAX. Secretary. Astoria. Clatsop Co., Oregon. January i?th, Notice to Pilots. "VTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVRV THAT w T JLl therewlllbeameetine of tlw Board Of Pilot Commissioners forth, nninml bla Elver and Bar, at Ilwaco, W. T., on Jan ! By order of the Board Attest: C. A. REED, dw Secretary. For Rent. TWO FRONT ROOMS : SUITABLE FOR offices : centrally located : apply at As tobian office. Important flefe! Oregon Improvement Co. MMnctiora Price of Coal. On and after December 1st until further notice the price at the hunkers will be as follows for SEATTLE COAX.. Clean Domestic per ton, 2240 lbs. Average Steam " ' . Screening " " " . .... S7.0-) .. COO .. 4.00 On hand a constant rates, of first-clas supply, at market CUMBERLAND. E.A.XOYES.Ai;ent. The NortliemPaciflclxpress Go. FURNISH CS The Shortest, Quickest and most Reliable Route between ASTORIA AND ALL POINTS. If you have Anything to Send by Express, aena ituyme IVordicrn Pacific Exp res s Co. Order your Express packages sent to ou by the NORTHERN PACIFIC EXPRESS CO. Prompt Delivery, Low Rates, Satisfaction guaranteed S.EMIOKE". AHtoria As;ent. Astoria Bakery AND Columbia Candy Factory. Kd. Jnrkson,- Proprietor. BL'Y DIRECT OF THE MANUFACTURER and Sae money. French. Mised Creams. 30 ctsperlb Plain Candies and Taffvs 20 " Itread, Pies and Calces delivered every day. Ornamental work for Weddings and Parties. Rest Ice Cream at reasonable prices Cheapest and best place In town. Don't forget the place ; Chenamus St. near tho Postofiice. & Kipp, PRACTICAL Pluta Gas ail Steai Fitters All work warranted and estimates plven Full .stock Iron and Lead 1'Ipe. lint It Tubs, Water Closets and ("as Fixtures. Chimney Pipe, cheaper than Brick. Jobbing promptly attended to. Corner Squemoqua and Hamilton Streets, Astona, Oregon, Notice. milH PARTY WHO BOUGHT THE BAC i. Kauc belonging to Thomas ISoland. at the auction i-ale at the Parker Houe, will please call at the Bay Citv Exchange. C. EVIiXSON. Lost cr Stolen. rVS JANUARY Sru. 1SS7.. A CENTER- v board Whitehall boat, painted white w mi green gunwale ; lour new Knees in the center thwart; four oars, sails masts, and rudder. A reasonable r-ward will be paid for her return to the undersigned. JAS.TURK. Stockholders' Meeting. THEANNUALMEETINCOFTHEBRIT Ish America Packing Co., Skenn. will be held on the 13th dav of January. ia5, at the residence of Oust Holmes, at 9 .. !., for the purpose of electing directors for the en suing year and transacting anv o:her busi ness that may come before the meeting. Bv order of the president. A. YOUNG, Secretary. Stockholders' Meeting. fflHE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE JL Stockholders of the British America Packing Co. will be held at the residence of Gust Holmes. Upper Astoria Oregon, on the 18th of January, 1S85. at 9 a.m., for the purpose of electing a board of directors for the ensuing year and to transact Mich other business as mav come before the meeting. By order of the president. A.YOUNG. Secretary. Elegant Rooms. SUNNY AND CONVENIENT. IN WM. Hume's building. Apply to SAMUEL ELMORE. For Rent A LARGE. FINK STOKE ROOM; ALSO the second and third floors in the cor ner building on streets. Inquire of Olney and Squemoqua RUDOLPH BARTII For Sale. mWO HUNDREIkAND FORTY ACRES jl on urays itiver : line timber and bottom land : three miles from steamboat landinc. Fifty acres improved : stables, outhouse. etc.. irun. a splendid chance for a man witli a little inoiipv. Apply to FERDINAND HANSEL on the premises. For Sale. The Beautiful and Favorably Located BAY VIEW RESTAURANT Is for sale at a bargain, on account or the proprietor's desire to go east to see her par ents Inquire at the restaurant or at tills owce. Notice to Water Consumers. I WOULD RESPECTFULLY REQUEST that all persons having their w.rer pipes repaired have them fixed properly so they will not freeze and burst, as I will make no deduction on rates In the future, on account of bursted or frozen pipes. Anv information in regard to the manner of fixing pipes will bo cheerfully given by request JAS. W WELCn. Snp't. For Sale. FINE NINE-ROOMED DWELLING house with two lots, corno" Main and Seventh streets For further particulars apply at The astohiax office. Annual Meeting. THE STOCKHOLDERS OF THE GARI baldl Packing Co. will hold the annual meeting "Wednesday, the 2Sth of January, IBS.-", at the residence of John T. Sands, As toria, Oregon. By order of CHAS. "WICKSTROM, President, Notice of Application. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE undersigned Intends to apply to the common council of the city of Astoria at Its next regular meeting, for a license to sell wine, malt and spirituous liquors In less quantities than one quart, for si period of one year. In the building fronting on Che namus street and situated on Lot No. 6 Block No. 53, in the City of Astoria as laid out and recorded by John McClure. R. L. JEFFERY. Adler's Crystal Palace Book Store. Carl Adler, Sole AgeaA, Astoria. FIXE &OCEHlFORD Gold and Silver J e w el r y, 0Ujok.Train3WATCHES ware, LtDIES' WATCHES, i7PaUfle gftZ EXACTING -. .. . ... Unequalled DIAMONDS, Jewels Rich in AND RARE. .... . ,. lTvl hr iveryunn!r rirsi- a.z ,, t- i Class. All GOOdS Coast Sar- Ter; In U. CU.1RAXTEED. STHS t jwftinntlTW We take nlensura Engineers Con- .. ct.A. i i'nn.ij rfnetor an i othT u ouuiwiig inrtu Kiiwoyraen. TMy Rememrjer CAUL ADLEB'S Crystal Palace. We beg to call the attention of the public to our latest importation, direct from Eastern manufacturers, of tiie largest invoice of CARPETS ever offered for salo in this city, comprising all grades, from the FINEST BODY BRUSSELS in the Newest Tints and Shades, To tho lowest priced article In this line. We are determined to dispose of our stock of Carpets within the next four weelcs, and to that end offer special inducements, precluding the possibility of Ifuinc Umlcrnold by any of oar Competitors. IN THE Furniture and House Furnislring Line We can show you the very BEST GOODS at BOTTOM FIOURES, and shall be pleased to receive a call for Inspection whether you purchase or not. CHAS. HEILBORN. w Establishment! imw Piicisii URE, FURNISHING GOODS, Carpels, Matting, Pictures, Mirrors, PICTURE FRAMES MOULDIXGS, ETC., ETC. At Greatly Reduced Prices, ASTORIA FURNITURE CO., Cor. Chenamus and Hamilton Sts nwtfitinm f f TTapganw Of cither sex admitted to tho PORTLAND BUSINESS COLLEGE On any -week-day of tho vear. The College Journal, containing in formation of the course of study, rates of tuition, board, examination, etc, and cuts of plain and ornamental penman ship, free. Address, A. P. AKMSTHOXG, Lock Box 104. Portland, Or. CS"7n tcrff fn7, plcatc mention this pajxr. Assignee's Notice. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN' THAT THE undersigned has been appointed the as signee of the estate of Uancer & Johnson, and all persons havins claims against said tlrm arc hereby notified to nre-ent the same duly certified to the undersigned, at his of fice, in Astoria, Oregon, within three months from this date, Dec. 27th. 1SRJ. J. II. D. GRAY. T. G. RAWLINGS, Wholesale and Retail Dealer In Tropical, Domestic, Green and Dried Jb'JHLTTITS. .NUTS. CANDIES, DRIED MEATS, ETC. Fine Cigars and Tobacco. Xext door to I. J. Arvold's, Squemoqua St. Dissolution of Partnership. NOTICE IS HEREBY GI YES THAT TOE partnership heretofore existing be tween isergman & Berry Is this day dls sohedby mutual consent, A. "W. Berry re tiring from the firm, who will collect all bills due and settle all accounts of the late firm. ISAAC RERGMAN. A. W. BERRY. Astoria, Oregon, December 3lst, 18S1. HOSPITAL, ASTORIA, - - - OREGOU THIS INSTITUTION. UNDER CARE OF the Sisters of Charity, Is now ready for the reception of patients. Private rooms for the accommodation ol any desiring them. Patients admitted at all houis, day or night. No physician has exclusive right, every patient Is free to and has tho privilege of employing any physician they prefer. Uuitcd. States SXarlnc Seamen who pay Hospital Dues, are enti tled to Freo care and attendance at this Hos pital during sickness. Permits must be ob tained for United States Marines at the Cus tom House. Sisters of Chabitt service ranuy oiuuks 'ca- EBONY, Ormolu and Crystal. cosmfied Ornaments and Pre- u TUB 55 clous Stones 'dUtsJzavraa jt exeloslTa ThAn.vptnml most Aznta flritrtlng t?itoI.- in lector., with Kh"i""1"' " Fan Warranty. JEWELRY, aroeis II. JJu BUISSON, Manager. Christmas Presents FOR YOUNG AJM OLD. THE HENLEY CLUB SKATE Nickle riated, Spring Steel Bottom and Steel Clamp. The HENLEY CHALLENGE SKATE, "Wooden Bottom and Leather Straps. The best and only practically scientific skates. Elegant In finish. Will turn a three foot circle and all the wheels rest square on the lloor. "Wheels with babbit metal boxes. The leading skates In all the prin cipal Rinks. Bicycles and Tricycles. OSBORN & ALEXANDER. Sole Agents. Mechanics' Tools. Hardware and Machinery. C23 Market St., opp. Palace hotel. San Francisco. Send for free catalogue and price list Wood for Sale. Good Dry Vine Maple and Fir. Vino Maple, 3 75 per cord : $4 09 dellvored Fir, - - 3 00 " 3 50 ' Leave orders with Dan Murray, at D.L. BECK & SONS. HAS RETURNED. T P. liEATHEKS HAS "RETURNED O and Is ready to turn but some fine fish ing ooais lor me river, snop on the beach between Kinney's and Elmore's canneries. GUKARD STEAMSHIP LIKE. WE BEG LEAVE TO ANNOUNCE A great reduction in rates over the above well known line. Parties desiring to go to Europe, or wishlne to send for friends in the old country will find It to their advan tage to purchase tickets over tho Cunard line. Tickets Issued by us good from any part of Europo to Astoria. BOZORTTI& JOHNS, Agents. Boat Building. THE BEST STOCK AND WORKMANSHIP GUARANTEED. Boats of Every Description Built. Shop over Arhdt & Ferchen's. IS. HI. lEiTHERS. Notice To The Public. TVIOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT I JJX will not he responsible for any debts contracted by my wife. JOHN DOUGLAS. fwj Astoria Dec. 81st, ISSt. J ww M,m mmw -TILE FINEST Family Groceries, Provisions and Freshes! Vegetables, AT FRANK L PARKER'S ALL AT Low Down Prices ! ! Corner 'Benton and Opposite Custom TER apply to the Captain, or to Jolin A -DEALER Tin, Sheet Iron and Copper Ware A General Assortment of HOUSEHOLD GOODS. Agents for Magee Stoves and Eanges The Best lu the market. Piumblng goods of all kinds on hand. Job work done In a workmanlike manner. PLUMBING, GAS FITTING, AND CANNERY WORK Attended to Promptly on Reasonable Terms. Chenamus Street. "Vest to C Ii. Parser's Store. d&.S70XXwSL. THE NEW MODEL A FTJIJ, STOCK M. OLSEy. J. OUSTAFSOX. MARTIN OLSEN &, CO. DEALERS IN FURNITURE S5 BEDDING Corner 3Ialn and Squemoqua Streets. Astoria, Orecon. WINDOW SHADES AND TRUCd; WALL PAPER, ETC A Complete Stock. PRICES AS CHEAP AS QUALITY WILL AEEOEB. AIX KIIIDS OF FUKKITUKE KEPAIKFB AKI VABISISHED. Builders Carpenters MATERIAL. SASH DOORS AND MOULDING. First Class Work at Prices to Suit the Times. PLANS AND ESTIMATES FORNISHED. C. H. Bain & Cos Steam Planing Mill and Sash Factory Bout Building a Specially. Assignee's Notice. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE undersigned has been appointed assign ee of the estate of D. Hart, an insolvent debtor. All creditors of said estate are no tified to present their claims against said es tate, under oath, to me, within three month3 at the office of F. D. Wlnton, In the city of Astoila, Clatsop county, Oregon. ISAAC BERGMAN, Assignee. Dec 27th, 1881. Special Sale. mUE FINE STOCK OF D. HART.IS NOW JL. offered at prlyate sale at cost price. It comprises ladies' and gents furnishing goods, clothing, etc. A good chance for bar gains. LBEUliMA-N, Assignee, New Year's Goods AT I. J. ARVOLD'S A BIG STOCK OF RUBBERS, WINTER BOOTS AND SHOES. Laflies' ana CMlflren's Fine Shoes AT I. J. AJLiVOLD'S, Sign of The Golden Shoe. Chenamus Streets, House Square. STEADIER I'UiU PARKER I' ben P. Parker,Master. For TOWING, FREIGHT orCHAR II. IS. PAEKEB, onfgomery, iy. CrSHSCS'QXI'. RANGE CAN BE HAD IN AS TORIA ONLY OF B. B. BAWBS, AGENT CALL AND EXAMINE IT. Y !, WILL BE PLEASED. E. R. HA WES Is also agent for tlir Ml latent Cooling Stow And other first-class ST7es. Puraace Work. Steam Pat tligs. etc., a specialty ALWAYS ON HAND. A. JOHNSON. FOR Finest Groceries, -GO TO- FOARD & STOKES. A FULL LINK OF HARDWARE AND Ship Chandlery. A NEW SLIP Jnst Finished ln'Rear of Store. Hardware anil Shi VAH DUSEH & GO., DEALERS IK Hardware and Ship Chandlery Pure Oil, Bright Yarnisli, Binacle Oil, Cotton Canvas, Hemp Sail Twine, Cotton Sail Twine, Lard Oil, Wrought Iron Spikes, Galvanized Cut Nails, Agricultural Implements, Sewing Machines, Paints and Oils, Groceries, cic. For Sale. I OFFER FOR SALE, THE STOCK. GOOD will, and fixtures of the Clear and Fancy Goods Store of "Wm. Houseman. A man meaning business can make a good bargain. ISAAC BEBGilAN. Assignee,