m ftc )a gfewfem. ASTORIA, OREGON: SUNDAY. . JANUARY 11. 18S5 SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE PORT OF ASTORIA. READY FOR SEA. ClanVerpnson. Br bk Qneenstovrn Jan 2 Annie M. Lair Br sp Cork Jan C Gwynedd, Br bk Qneenstown Jan 9 BanVd&lc. BrspBnstolJanlO Ophelia. Brbk Qneenstovrn Jan 10 MartbaJisbcr. Br lk Cardiff Jan 10 ASTORIAN DIRECTORY. SAILED Britannia. Gor bk Qneenstovrn Jan 10 ARRI VALS FROM SKA. Flora, Ger bk SCO Anca Jan 10 VESSELS IN THE RI VER. -o- Ullock. ltr bk AnnMilliccnU Brbk Wm. D. heed. Br bk (Uiilena. Br hk Barracouta. Br bk baraco. 15r bk Yarra Yarra. Br bk Kinoardinhirp lir bk (fciis Mullen. Br bk Hmblpton. Br bk Dnronby, Br bk MtWasbington, Am sp ('oloma, Western Belle. Am bk McNear. 1303 Am sp Varnna. Br bk I'crtbBbire. Urbk Geo is.Uomer Am bk Citadel. Brsp Halia.Brbk Kizzie Bell Br bk Kucayaft. Br bk Valparaiso, Br bk VESSELS OA THE WA 1 - From Forciirzi I'ortH. for ilie Columbia Kit or Allababad, Br bk IMS lions Kong Arobor. Br bk "65 Liverpool Banca. Br bk 11XAI Marrow July 20 Chiloua, Br bk m Callao Dera. Gunsadhur. Br bp 591 Macdalona Eastcrhill. Br bk 890 Brisbano Xlay 21 Explorer. Br op Valparaiso Haidee. Br bklK Liverpool Oct 4 J. B, Brown Am bp 1J51 Valparaiso Janet MoNcil. tt3 Liverpool Aug 26 Joscta. Ger bk 875 Liverpool Oct I l.even, Br bk 775 Valparaiso Sept B Madura, BrbkUU) Clieefoo Monmouthshire, Ur lik lift! Buenos Ayres Nov 1' MontRomcry Castle. Brsp 571 Valparaiso Oban Baj. Brbk Valparaiso Uiver l.ovon. Br bk 775 Valparaiso Benfrevvsbire, Br fj) S93 Glasgow AucSI Stacbnund. Br bk 973 Callao Tillin U. Starbuck. Am sp 1931 N V YoHomitc, Br bk 706 Ta'cliuano From American I'ord. O. S. llulbort Am bk New ork Jul 2f. Tillie It. htarbuck. Am sp 1931 New York Nov 1. State Officers: United States Senators -J J JJ; gjjjj Representative iu Congress M. C. George Governor. ... Z. F. Moody Governor's Secretary Chas. 11. Moore Secretary of State It. r. Harliart Assistant Secretarv F. E. Hodgkln State Treasurer . . Ed. Hirsch Assistant Treasurer A. fc. wheeler Sup't Fublic Instruction E. R.McElroy State Printer....... W. H. Uy;trs Clerk School Land Board. E, P. McCornac Sup't Insane Asjlum ..Dr. H. Carpenter Sup't Penitentiary..... Geo. Collin Supreme Judges., (W. P. Iml -!.T. 11. Waldo ( W. W.Thayer District Judges : Fiist District L. It. Welter Second District Third District Fourth District Fifth District Sixth District .Robert Bean It. P. lloie .........Seneca Smith F. J. Talor M. L Olmslead Clatscp County Officers: Judge C A MeGuire Clerk C. J. Trenchant Sheriff Commissioners.. Assessor ........... Treasurer........ Snrvcjor........... School Sup't.. Coroner.. ....... AV. :. Boss I). K. Warren i .Inn. Hobon J. I". Warren Isaac Rersinan '.. F. Parker I. P.. JUg-ins j.;c. ko Astoria City Officers: Maor J. W. Hume Auditor and Clerk T. S. Jew ett Treasurer. J. G. Hustler Assessor. Geo. P. Wheeler Street Siiporinteiitleut Thos. ligan Chief of Police Clark IHighrcj. Police Judge C. II. Stockton Sexton M. Conlej COUNCII.MKX : (C. II. Cooper First Wanl A. A. CIc eland ( Isaac Bergman (Thos.l)ealy. Second Waid C. J. Trcnchard Cha. Gratke, fit AlPEHPi i En&-czi m-mimmtm niERE NOT TO START A PATER. TIIK TAKLK VQK AKTOIUA. .lAM'AUV. HIGH WrTKK. I LOW WATK11. lirL ecnd. Fust. Second. s s I - I u 2 e e I "S 5 s S Itj c h 1 i- s h nlr: h. it. h. in. h. m. i l isi7r o ulj)!i"i c i3n crs 7 47 8 as iu io 0 37 1 15 1 -JG 8 JS Jt 4C. 10 f-l li r, ior.ofi u :ia 0 !S; o:rr l :ti :mo 4 8 r. 27 c w C4"i 12 70 0 43 1801 7 20 28! 2.4 u 3.8 8.JI 3S) :t.g 3.C 3-3 10;l-2-0 10 3 22 4 'JO .1 W ." ol C2C ti CO !1 15 as 0.2 -0.3 -O.C -0.7 -0.7 -0.C Oregon Railway & Navigation C03SPAW. OCEAX IX VISXOX 4C i-0-5 1 he hours hetw een niidiiimit and noou are designatetl ly a (a. si.), those between noon and midnight by ; (i si.), oft. 00m a denotes midniglit, oi. 00m. v denotes noon. The lieight Is reckoned from the let el of a enige lower low iters to which tliesonnd ings are given on the Coast Suney charts. Columbia River Exports. SHITS! ENTS FOItEIGX. During the month of Januaij lft-o. Ocean Steamers will .sail from Portland to San Francisco, and from San traiirison io Port land, as follows. Ic2img Aiiiswoilli Dork. Portland, at Midnight, aud SjK-ar Street Wharf. San rranci!co, at 10 A. si. : From Portland. i From San Francisco. Jan I Jan Queen of Pacific Thur 1 Columbia .. ...Snn 4 Urecon ....Mon r.jcjueen t 1'aciBc I'n Columbia Sat UllUrecen AVcil II Qaoen of Pacific Thur l.r:oluDilia . ..Men IS OreRon Ta 20 Queen of Pacific Sat 28 Columbia hnn 3ft Urecon Tinr SI Queen of Pacinc ln SIM Feb 'Columbia. Tu 3 Throusrlt Tickets sold to ail principal cities iu the United States, Canada and Kuroiie. RAIL DIVISION. On and after November Slrl. !s.i. Passen ger Trains will Icae Portland for liisteni points, at 3:30 I 31., daily. Pullman Palace Cars running Itetuem Vort laiHl, and Su Paul, Ulr.U IHVIMOV (5IliMI- .iltniibtii). Boats leae Portland for Dalu- -m 7 .on A M. auso : LeavePort- j " j I land for iMtuil Tu. I We.lThn.1 Fn. I Sal Astoria anjl I I lower Co-1 I I I lumbia....lhAM fiAM IhAM h AM Uajton. Ur.57 AM J '(AM; corvaih..l r AJI; ! r A3 P3i U Hta y r b b s a a u g zi fly ri Js joss vhat its nains implies ; s Purely Vegetable Ccrapound, ilui acts directly upon tfce!Direr j curing the many diseases i,cidenyic that iui. portant organ, and prewMiiing the nu merous aiimsnts tKki) arise from its deranged ortorpaclion, such as Dyspepsia oidice, Biliousness, CosenessifA. aria, Sick-headache, KheiimanferrA etc. It is therefore s trnismlmd "To "have Good Health the Liver must Le kept in order." DE. SA2Jr023'3 LIVZE ISVIG02AT0S- Iavisoratcs the Liver, Kc"r..tc3tlieBovr- cls. Strengthens the System. Panfics the Blood . Assists Digestion, Prevent s Fevers. Js .1 Household jNccd. Jin luvaitiauie Familj-Iediciac for common complaints. D2. SAITFOHB'S LI72B HTvIG0az.T03. An experience cf Forty eart, ad Ttorz samte of TtMimniah prorc ils 2!t ri!. rOH SXT.K BY AT.T. DEATXHS IX MEDICrSES. For fall wfornvilron twi ymnr adlv3 for IOC nagoIJoo1! on I :o "1 ivcr r.nd "n d!eae,"' to pa-EAsrocD SI duais bT., m:at tobs crrr. Iu his letter to tLe amateur journal ists, Eobort J. Bnrdette offers some sage advice regarding the starting of iiewspnrers. Says he: If he start a paper iu a town where nobody wants a paper: Or where there aro already fivo pa pers in a two-paper town; Or, if a long-primer man tries to start a nonpareil paper; Or, if he try to ran an eight-column paper on a two-col timn basis; Or, if he skin his home advertisers and cut rates for foreign ads; Or, if ho start out by giving a S3 puff for a ten-cent comb; Or, if he start a paper because he has failed at everything else; Then, indeed, hath he bitten off more than he can masticate, and his paper beloved by the gods, will die voting and fresh. HP iDnvAi"pK"" i Bl BAEBOUR1 K D ' & riav j&S2 ? i&iMKlaes 2?5:SS BEST. TeXHGJ&ISg rtOl'IETV 3IKKTJXS. Temple Liodgre, Ko. 7 . 72KG17LAK COAI.Mt MCATIOXS R A.M hAV. .S ,M. llrst and third TiiomIhxs iu owhiTV mwiitli, at "4 oYWk. i. .. at Uie' v Hall :n Astoria. Alemben 01 the ifrdcr in givMl taiidiii are limited toatteiMl.. P.y order of the V. nl. Bearer Lodgo No. 35, 1. 0. 0. P. KliCUTI.AU JdHRTINf; v ory 'lhurs4lay evrnin? at ......... i..i,..,ti i ti... 1 .ui.u- Hinm ! fAA UVIInu c If -ill Xl.i- W nx. Sojoiinilns hwimIhth of tlw otdr i jrood Mandiii;. (vnluUI) im ihhI tiaitct d. Itv onler N. (J. Ocoan Eucampuient. No. 13, 1. O. O. P. RHfiri.AitAiiMniNcsor ochax i:x cainpment Vo. 1.1. I. .. . K.. at the IxiKe, in the Old lVIIm Ituildlu. at vrii 1. M., n the timI nihI finnlii Mondaj-s of eaclt mouth, KJHtrntut: u lli ren eonlialiv, invited. By order C'- P. I'acomaand henttle. daily at lsni I'M Victoria bteamcrB do not run humlajs. Leaves Astoria for Portland at fi a. m. dadr rv cept bunday. C. II. PltESCOTT, A. L. STOKES, Masiasfi. Uen'l Freight and Pass. Act K. A. NOYKS, Agent AdorM. JAXUAllV, 'ST.. 2-Jo Ciiirotstoirn per Clan Fcrgutotu "Wheat, 45,G7I bus l S32.887 5 To QurcnstmcnpcrAnn MUiccnt. Wheat, 45,795 1ms ?32,'.73 C To Corli per Annfc M. Jmw. Wheat, G 1,750 1ms ?40,100 9 To Queenxtmni per Gwuncdtl. Wheat, S?,710 ltns.......... .. $l2fi3i 10-To BrUtolpcr Banhdalc Wheat. 72.15S bus $53,030 10 To Qucciiztoicn per Ophelia. "Wheat, 50,233 bus $37,000 10-To Cardiff per Martha Fhhcr. Wheat, 13,910 bus bus $31,GO0 Domestic Exports. The receipts ot certain articles of Or egon produce, at San Francisco, from January 1. 18S4,to December 24, 1884, m wclusive, have been as follews: -Flour, qr sks........ ....... . DTlO JWlfeat, etls VAXiA'A Oats, sks 51.441 Salmon, bids ...... .. i,sK) hi l)bli i,0S9 cs 121,970 pkes 5J2 AM.les. ItJpe, bxs 13,550 bills 44 llKs.... 1 Butter. jikRs 84 . Potatoes, sks 74 14C Wool, bales . 20055 Hides, No ... 24.15R Tallow. pkKS. . i,2K Beef, bbls. M. sci Hay, bales .. .... ....... ...... Quicksilver, flasks 132 Kruir. Dried, pkgs 'jsa Icalher, pkgs. gg7 Hops. balei.......... . 2,089 lhuns, pkgs . .... ioo Cheese, cs 107 FhixSecd, sks . 25,412 Oorn. ctls... Canned Goods, cs......... . ... 1 12 lArd, jikgs . 9 Bacon, cs........................ 2 OVERLAND TO CALIFORNIA VIA Oregon & California R. R. And CoimcctioiiM. 5 Hours between Portland and San Fran- clsco. Only 21 hours' staging. Fare to San Frauchco $32 ; toSacraniruto:0 Leave Portland at 7:30 A. ai. daily (except Sunday) : Arrh e at San Fraucbco 0:40 r. at., third day. ClObe connections made at Ashland with the Stages of the Oregon and Caliior- uia Stage Company. kastsidk nivrsiox. Between IOUTLV.M and ASSIILA.M) 2IAIL TKAiy. LEAVE. AltKIVE. Portland 7 ?0 a. ail Ashland 4:43 a. ai. Ashland Gr-o r. ai Portland 4:25 v. ai. ALBANY EXPRESS TRAIN. LEAVE. ABBIVE. Portland 4 :00 r. ai.llA-banou 9 mo i. ai Lebanon......4 :19 a. ai.l'ortIaiid 10 :05 a. ai Pullman Palace Sleeping Car leaves l'ort laudMondajs and Tliursdas. Itetunuug leaves Ashlaud Tuesdays and Fridajs. 'Tlie Oregon and California Bailroad Ferrj' makes connection with all Begular Tntins on Eastiido Division, from the loot of F St. Seaside LoOgo No. 12, A. O. TJ. W. Kr.r.ULAit MKirriNcs of skasidx Ijim1k' No. li. A. O. P. W. wdl Im lu-ld in the.r Hall oer Catnnhan &. Co. mi Tliurstlay evening of em-li wik. at 7 o'clock. Members of 1 lie order in cood staiHiing. and visiting BrollHTs are irvfu-d t attend. 1J brttry will In onii fifteeii liiii.ntcs lefon and afler each meetiiig. B order IU. W. C.BKOWN.UV. Astoria iioage Wo. K). I. O. Q.I. rjr.urLAi: jieetinc kvehy mox- .a. daj -t ning at 7 -M o'clock, in the Hall over Sir. Case's More. Jdoiitlvr-dd the Or der, in good standing, aJe in it d to attend. By order W. ('. T. American Legionof Honor. iEGULAB MEirriNG OF ASTOl.'IA - Council No 935' Is held on the lift and lliird Tuesday of eneh itMHitli. at 7 o'chn-K r. ai. By outer of thu Council (xiimar.der. K. V. MONTE1TH, Sce'ty. Occident Council No. 5. 0. C. P. M EirrS EVKKY FIKST AND TIM HI) Moudav evenings of eaeli month, at a o'clock P. y. MeinlKTs f tlie order are respectfully rei-iie-tcd to alteml. By order. C. BKOWN, Beeorder. Cusbing Post No. 14, G. A R. T)EC:UI.Ali MKiniNOS OF THIS POST LV on the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month at 7 mo 1. -w. Mating com rades cordially invited. Bv order " P.C. CuBbing Relior CorpsNo. 3, G. A. R, REGULAB MKirriNOSONTIIKSF.COND and fourth Tuesdays of each lnoolii, at 2 1. ai. By order Mrs. C. BOSS. Secretary. Pacific Lodge No. 17, K. of P. -OEGULAH MEETINGS OF THIS jlj iodge every Frinav evening, at 7 $Q o'clock, in their Castle Hall, Sojourning Knights cordially United to htleii-'. AY. A. SI I BUM AN, Iv. if II. and S. The nh Auctioneer in Holland. One of the sights ot Holland to be seen by tho stranger is the method of lian'dliiif! fish. As soon as a boat man reaches port with a load of fish the fact is announced by the sound ing of a iiowj. Those desiring to niako purchases repair to the bench, where the fish aro piled up in littte heaps. The owner then proceeds to auction them off. Instead of letting the purchaser do the bidding, as is done in this country, ho does it him self. IIo sings out a price at -which he will sell ihe lot. If no one takes it he lowers his asking price till with in what the purchasers arc willing to pay. In Antwerp the same custom prevails, the only difference being that the fish are brought alongside the docks in the boats, aro then hoist ed upon tho wharf in largo wicker basket, having open work sides, so that the fish can be seen by the pur chasers. Tit e Fi.slt Journal. Ir. Frailer Throat amlFunjc UaKnia Is the greatest remedy in the world for Coughs, Colds. Sore Throat, Inllu enza, Quinzy, Laryngitis, Croup, Hoarseness, iJronclutis. Asthma, Ca tarrh, and Yhooping Cough, and all diseases of ihe throat aud lungs. It performs wonders in relieving Con sumption. It strengthens the Lungs and instantly allays all irritation of the throat. ClbvetjANd, Ohio. 3)i:. Fi:7.iek Dear Sir: I was troub led for about three months during the last summer aud fall with Bron chitis and a bad cough. After trying several remedies without finding any relief, I used our Throat and Lung Balsam, and found immediate help, On retiring at night it gave me undis turbed rest, and after using the nied icino three weeks I found mvself cured. Kbv. E. NUTE. Dr. Frazier's Throat aud Lung Bal sam allays all irritation of the throat. Penetrates and heals the Lungs, and assists nature by expectoration to throw off the corrnplion. Sold by druggists eveywherc at 75 cts. a bot tle. Fkazikk AIbdicixe Co., Prop'rs, Cleveland, Ohio. For sale by J. "W. Come. Astoria, Or. AKlH 0WDER Absolutely Purer This powder never varies. A marvel of purity, Htrengt'.i and holcomenev. More ocouonilcal thin the ordinary kinds, and cannot bevdd in competition with the mul titude ot low tet "diort weight, alum or phosphate powders. SoJd only In canx. Hov ak Baking Pqwdkk Co., iog Wali-st. N. Y. J. C CITY TREVSUBKK'S KEl'OKT. Hustler in Account with the Citr of Astoria for the YearEndln? De criiiher ai, 1SS1. 1SS4. Jan. 1. To balance 1SS3 $ 0: Dec ai. To aint. rccM for Peel Table licenses To aint. ree'd for Pawn Brok ers licenses To aint. rccM for Team licenses To amt. ree'd for Billiard table licenses To amt. ree'd for Hotel Run ners licenses To ami. ree'd for Bowling Alley licenses To amt. 'ree'd for Cemetery Lots To amt. rccd for Wharfinger's Licenses To amt. ree'd for Theatre and Show licenses To amt ree'd for Liquor li censes To amt. ree'd for Auctioneers' licenses To amt. ree'd for Police Court Fines To amt. ree'd for Peddlers' li censes To aint. ree'd for Delhi. Tax. issa To Sale old Chadeliers To Cedar Street Assessment.. To ('encvicve Street Ass'mnt. To amt. ree'd from Geo. II ill Suit vs. City To amt. ree'd on Tax, 1SS4 To am. ree'd on DeIin.Tax,l884 To amt. ree'd from J. C. Trul- lingcr. Tax. 1SS4 To amt. ieed for Dog licenses m:. WKSTSIDK DIVISION. Itutwcen Portland and CorvuMiN MAIL TIlAIJf LEAVE. ABBIVE. Portland .9 :00 A. M.ICorvallit- 4 in r. ai. Corvallls 8 :3l a. 2i.Portlaud 3 :1W i.si. KXrKKSS TKAIJf LEAVE. ABB I VI. Portland .J:00i.MMcMinnille.8:U)i2i McMlnn iller:15 a m Portland S -StoA ji Ixcal tickets for sale, and bagsage checked at Company's up town ofllce, comer Stark and Second streets. Tickets to all the prin cipal points in California, can only be pro cured and baggage checked, at tho Com pany's ofllce. Corner F and Front Sts., Portland, Or. Freight will not be received for shipment after 6 o'clock r.M. on cither the Ea.st.side or West-side Divisions. K. KOEHLKB, E. P. ROGERS, Manager. U. 1' ll'.Act Astoria Division No. One, Uniform Rank, K. or P. REGULAB MEETING ON TBI! FIHST Thursday of each month, in their .Ar mory Hall, iu Pj thiau Castle.at 8 1 M. Hejr idnr drills on the .second, thud ami fotuih Thursday of each month, at sik-h place as shall he designated by the C ininaiider. Sojounilng'Sir Knights cordiallv iimted to meetings and drills. SCOTT BOZOHTH. Beeorder. Astoria Ladies' CollboClub. REGULAB MBIiTINGS AT THE CLUB'S rooms adjoinius IJlnrtr Hall on the first and thiid Fridaj s of each month at 7 P. M. Jilts. B. S. WOHSLKY, Pres. The hope of a nation is in its youth, aud thorcforo the moat important business of a nation is tho edncation of the young. This is particularly so iu a republic liko ours, where not only the wealth and prosperity of the country, but tho stabliity and very existence of the government, is in the hands of tho masses of the people, rather than in the care of a special ruling class. Yoa Can Have It. 'jly dear, what would I givo to have your hair?' is often said by middle-aged ladies to young ones. Mad am, you may havo just such hair. Parker's Hair Balsam will give it to you. It will stop your hair falling off, restore the original color and make it long, thick, soft and glossy. You need not stand helplessly envying tho girls. The Balsam is not oily, not a dye, but is an elegant dressing, and is especial ly recommended for its cleanliness and purity. Uleclric lighting of trains is pro posed in England. Ruclilcn's Arnica Salrc. :s :!0 334 90 125 00 f93 2l) 29(1 CG 130 00 40 64 ISO 00 2C0 00 .. 10,000 00 S3 or 2,032 SO 2S3 30 10G 19 7 00 r, 00 Glti 00 7 ."50 10&1R 91 3.210 93 221 SS 195 00 As lS7Jfl'J tt&!H'jfc. AZ- 5CT TW . V'X;k'Vi.'l I 1 TTJ'SjflX V-" " T TtlKY RECEIVED THE 03STXji3r GrOZLalO MEDATn For FIVX THBILVDS at the London Fisheries Exhibition 1883. And have been awarded HIGHER PRIZES at the various IT Than the goods of any other IN HIE WORLD. Quality mn Always Iw Bap ended es 40,495 19 CI. By amL Warrants iaid,lSS-l... 'MfiZS 70 ' Balanreon hand 9,530 43 40,495 19 To Balance as follews: To Hnlancc County Fund 983 00 General ' .... 302 30 " Police " 4,750 07 u ' Main St. " c.... 1 00 9.530 43 J. G. IIustlkr, Treas. Astoria, Or. Jan'y 1, 18S5. CITY TBKASURER'S REPORT. The following American produce is sold by weight and bushel : Wheat, beans and clovcrseed, go lbs per bushel. .Maize, rje and flaxseed, 5C lbs per bushel. Buckwheat, 42 lbs per bushel. Barley, 4S lbs per bushel. tOats, 35 lbs per bushel. "Bnin,-85 lbs per bushel. jfcTJinothjseed, 45 lbs per bushel. Tn cost, freight and insurance busi ' ness. ' A fluarter of California wheat weighs 500 pounds. A quaitcrof oilier American wheat weighs 4S01bs. A quai ter of Chilean w heat weighs 480 lbs. ,jA. quarter of American maize weighs 4S0 'pounds. A quarter of Danubian maize weighs 480 pounds. A quarter of Odessa maize weighs 492 lbs. A quarter of Galatz mai7e weighs 42 lbs. A quarter of barley w eiglis 100 lbs. Assignee's Notice. JMOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE Jl undersigned has been appointed assign ee of- tlie estate of D. Hart, an Insolvent debtor. -All 'creditors of said estate are no tifled to present tlreir claims against said es tate, under oath, to me, within three mouths ! -at the offlce of F. D. Winton, in the cityof Astoi la, ClaLsop county, Oregon. ISAAC BERGMAN, Assignee. Dec 27th, 1884. iiwaco Steam Navigation Go.'s WINTER SCHEDULE. Astoria to Fort Stevens, Fort Cnnby, and Iiwaco. Connecting by stages aud boat for Oysterville, Montesano and Olympia xsrPrf. Until further notice the Iiwaco 2M6teb Steam Navigation Co.'s steamer CS-oidl. Miles, WUl leave Astoria on Mondays, Thursdays and Saturdays at 7 A. if. (Mondays, Thursdays and Saturdays being Oysterville and Montesano mall days.) roa. Ft.Stevens, Ft. Canby and Iiwaco ON Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Fridays Tlie steamer will leave Astoria at 9 a.ju, as formerly, not being confined strictly to schedule time. On Thursday ASECOND TRIP will.be made, leading As toria three hours after arming from 11 wapo. Fare to Fort Canby and Iiwaco, ?i OO f-Tickets can be bought at the oillce for 75 cts. SSHwaco freight, by the ton. In lots of one ton or over, $2 per ton, .ESFor Tickets, Towage or Charter ap ply at the ofllce of the company, Cray's wharf, foot of Benton street J. H. D. GRAY, Agent. Common UounciL REGULAR MEETINGS. SHCONI) AND fourth Tuesday evenings of each month at 7"4 o'clock. ft3"Personsdesiiiiigto have matters acted upon by the Council, at any regular meet ing must present the ame to the Auditor and Clerk, on or before the PrnJav evening prior to the Tuesday on w hkh Hie Council holds its regular meeting. THOS. S. .lEWETT. Auditor and Clerk. .AHHOODyiESTORED Tht rttf ll ill T-i. ttrthpf! 'hi rj ' RLHIAM. EAK. E.S.S. .MA OF MA llOull, flifrf 'kr rtivll ,( nl-itf. JiMnv ,r rsrrsrt. t c owir; Io a comfhea ml 14 I'liOS TA rR nun a. hr. UEiuirs ixviGunxTun i ttxOMrrnrrforPnoSTATOHRHrA I'nr . $i ft prr perlaff, S fMtetmftt, SW - ' ' ' llfuUh ami Srlf-.lyU tmlfrtr. A4 In tu Uf Mill IHSri'.XS R)orlHratr.f V . IKI Gtury .St , A. i - .- ' n Tiik Bust Salvi: in the world for Cuts Bruises, Sores,UIcorp, Salt Klicuni, Fever Sore, Tetter, Chapped Hands. Chilblain. Corns, and all Skin Erup tions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is" guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by W. E. Dement & Co. YOl'X 311,.'! HEAD THIS. Tiik Voltaic Belt Co., of Marshall, Mich., offer to send their celebrated Elfc-Tiio-Voi.T.ic Bki.t and otlier Klectkic Ai,im.iacks on trial for thirty days, to nuMi(otuig or old) nfllictetl with nenons debilitv. lovs of vitality aud manhood, and all kindred troubles. Also for rheumatism, licnrnlf i:i iirimlvi.i; nml in:m other illq- caws. CoiniJete restoration to nealth, igor aud mauliood guarantied. No risk is in curred as thirty das trial Ls allowed. Write them at once for illustrated pamphlet free J. (I. Bustler In Account nith. the City or Astoria, for the Quarter Ending December 31, 1SS4. 1SS4. DR. Oct. 1. To balance per last statement. $11,901 14 Dec. 31. To amt from Chief Police, de linquent tax, 1SS4 To amt. from J. C. Trullinger, delinquent tax. 18S4 To amt. from Police Court fines To amt. from sale Liquor li censes To amt. from sale Team li censes To amt. from sale Peel Ta ble licenses To amt. from sale Billiard Ta ble licenses To amt. from sale Shows, etc., licenses To amt. from sale Itunners licences To amt from sale Peddlers, licenses To aint from sale Bowling Alley. licenses, 1 mo To amt from sale Lots in Cemetery To amt. from sale Pawn Brok ers licenses 3,210 93 224 88 425 CO 200 00 124 CO 80 00 75 00 45 00 50 00 n oo o 42 00 25 00 Total 19,011 8S CR. By amt Warrants paid 9,475 45 By Balance on hand this day. 9,530 43 HENRY DOYLE & CO., 517 and 519 Market Street, San Francisco, Asrents for Pacific Coast. Seine Twines, Rope and Netting Constantly on Hand. MARKETS. WYATT a THOMPSON. DEALERS IN FRESH AND CURED MEATS, CHOICE GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, Crockery and Glassware. Astoria, Or., Jan. lst,18S5. $19,011 SS fflAN. -ASK FOK- Union India Rub'ber Co.'s Tiirc Iara Gum CRACK PROOF RUBBER BOOTS. KKWAKK OF IMITATIONS! - He sure the boots arc stamieil CllACK PllOOF on tlie heels, anil have the PUIIE GUM SPRINGS n the Toot ami Instep, which prevent their crackln? or hreaklns "We are now making them with IiUJiliEIt AXD ASJiESTOS Soles which will make them last more than twice as lonu as any Kubhcr boots made. FOlt SALK IJY AI.Tj DEAT.EKS. ALL KINDS ItUCr.KK ItlLTINR. TACK ing. iio-K, srnixcs, CIjOTIIING, HOOTS AM) SHOES. Etc. GOODYEAR RUBBER CO. It, H. TEASE, .lr. I Aeents, S.iLKUXYOX, J Sau Francisco. Arviin ni"(l( itiKenthle Iiv Indi gestion, Constipation, Dizziness, Loss of appetite, Yellow .Skin? Shiloli's Yital- rorsaieuy '. izer is a positive cure. Z" iVCIUCIU "Unekinetack." a lasting and fra grant perfume. Price 25 and DO cents. Sold by W. E. Dement. Why will you cough when Shiloh's Cure will give innnediato relief. Price 10 cts 50 cts aud 1. Sold by W.E. Dement. . CLATSOP MILL COMPANY Manufacturers and Dealers in Lumber, Salmon Trays, BOXES, ETC. OFFICE AND MILL, CORNEU SALMON AND CEDAU STREETS. ASTOIUA. - Oregon. Prominently prevalent amonje Chronic Discuses is Nervous Debility, the mot ilan Kerous. insidious anil fatal form of which Is the hiihlen or imperceptible jiassinp away of the vital tluiil through the excretions of tlie body. Dr. .lohanneseii has given cxclushe atten tion to such cases, and special courses of his Medicine are being forwarded to all parts of the country daily. HIS REMEDIES CURE Any Debility or Derangement of tho Nerv ous Syitem, including Spermatthorea, Gon orrhea, Syphilis, Stricture, Iiiixtency, etc., etc Free An explanatory circular, descrip tive or Johnunesen'd method, to all sufferers addressing HENRY VOGELER, 49 South Street, New York City. THE LATEST STYLES IN WALL PAPER AT B. B. FRANKLIN'S, NEXTDOOETO ASTOHIAN OFFICE. A very large Stock from which to select. "Window curtains made to order. 2T"My patent Trimmer to cut Wall Paper will be iound convenient to my patrons. STAR MARKET. WHERRY & COMPANY, Administrator's Notice. TKTOTICE IS nEUEBY GIVEN THAT THE JLi undersigned has been appointed admin istrator of the estate of Charles "Wallmau, deceased, and all persons having claims against said establishment nuist present the same, duly verified, to her at her home, in tlie city of Astoria, Oregon, within six months from tilts date. EVAWALLMAN. November 8th, 18SI. Assignee Notice. NOTICE IS IHSItEBY GIVEN THAT THE firm of J. E. Thomas lias assigned all their property to the undersigned for the benefit ot their creditors and all persons having claims against said estate must pre sent the same duly verified to the assignee at his office in Astoria, Oregon, within three months from this date. November Cth, 183 1. F.r.nicKS. Fresh, and Cured Meats, Vegetables, FRUITS, BUTTER, and EGGS. OPPOSITE OCCIDENT HOTEL, CHEXAJIUB Street, Astoria, Hr Washington Market. Main Street, - Astoria, Oregon. BEUGMAX tt CO.PJtOriJIETOftS RESPECTFULLY CALL TflE ATTEN tlon of tho public to tlie fact that tlie above Market w ill always be supplied w ith a FULL VAPJETY AND BEST QUALITY FRESH AND CURED MEATS 2 ! Which will bo sold at lowest rates, whole sale and retail. , . fTSpecIal attention given to supplying ships. "SECURE THE SHADOW" Ero the substance fade, and when you visit Portland, make it a part of your business to call on W. II. Towxe, at the San Fran cisco Gallery, S. W. corner First and Morrlsoa streets, and have your photograph taken Iu the highest style of the art. School Tax Notice. SC1IOOLTAXES FOE SCIIOOLDISTRICT No. 9, are now due and payable to J. i Iliggins, at office of Badollet &Co. MRS. MARY LEINENWEBER, School Clerk District No.9. Upper Astoria, Dec. 17, 18SI. CAUTION. A LL TERSONS ARE HEREBY jCJL tinned against purchasiu! CAU- a note ami mortgage on pcisonaiproperty.given by Air. Alexander Corno to eh. T.iyior ior ycu.uu, as the same will be contested on the ground or fraud, or misrepresentation in obtaining the same, otherwise want of consideration. ALEX. CORNO. Astoria, Oregon, Nov. ISth. 18S1. Notice. NEITHER THE UNDERSIGNED AGENT nor Capt. Olsen of the Br. ship, Citadel. from Callao will be responsible for any debts contracted by the crew, unless dnly authorized. ,. P. L. CHERRY. December 23, 1SSI. Notice of Application. -JUOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE 11 undersigned will apply to the Common Council, of the City of Astoria, at its next regular meeting for a license to sell wine, malt and spirituous liquors, in less quanti ties than one quart, for a period of one vear in the building situated on Lot No. 4, Block No. CI, in tho city of Astoria, as laid out and recorded by John McClure. THEODORE BROEMSER. Astoria. Dec. SO, 18S4. Notice. NEITHER THE UNDERSIGNED Con signees nor Capt. Curlctt. of the British bark Wm. D. Seed, from Iquiqui, will be re sponsible for any debts contracted by the the crew at this port, unless duly author ized. MEYER, WILSON & CO. December 22nd, 18SL