V) fwii" t himuUpt i ryM"i w . t t?Vtt ?c sayEaiusws ----: w.w?-,.j" w;-?. m VOL.XX1IJ, NO. 9. ASTORIA, OREGON, SATURDAY, JANUARY 10, 1885. PRICE, FIVE CENTS. Ol 1 ' .j rv II iB (I 0,nr:Lim.iB fe vS Jr JIP JiW i- jr ifei vS23j3rjg BUSINESS CARDS. TMtM. A. L. and J. A. KUI.TOX. Physicians :;iiI Surgeons. Will clve pmmnt attention to all calls, from any iuit of the city 01 country. Ofllce over Allen's Store, corner Cass and SiiR'!iioiua streets, Astoria, Oiegon. felephone 'o. 41. D B.FUAXK PACK I'ltyNlrinn nud Murscon. Oillcc, Coi. Main and Chenainus streets. OFricK Hours. : -9 to 11 a. m. ; 2 to 5 v. ax. Hesidfiico. opposite the Johanseu building -CI I.1VIXTOX. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Abstract of Title a Specially. Rooms 11 and 12, Knicbts of Pythian Castle Iluilding. Telephone JTm.40, CJKO. A. DOKUIS, GKO. KOUASD xoiaxi fc DOItUIS, ATTORNEYS AT 1AW. Ofllce In Kinney's Block, i.pposite City Hall, Astoria, Oregon. P, V. FULTOX. G. a FULTOX. FUX.TOX BROTHERS, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. ltooms5and C.Odd Fellows Building. .1. Q. A. ItOWI.IiV. J. A. GILL. IIOWLBY fc IT.T,, Attornejw and Counsellor at Law, Ofllce on Chenainus Street. Asloiia. Oregon. U O. lIOIiIKX, NOTARY PUBLIC, AUCTIONEER, COMMISSION AND IN SUUANCK AGENT. pi ki.o f. parki:r. SURVEYOR OF Clateop County, and City or Ahtorla OWce: -Chenainus street, Y. M. C. A. hall Koom No. 8. O. W. IKICK. ARCHITECT AND SUPERINTENDENT. Offick: Room 9, Kinnej'sP.rhk Rlock, I A YTUTTliK, 31. I. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Offick Rooms 1, 2, and 3. Pi tlihm Ihtild- hig. RK8iDKXOE-On Cedar Slreet, back ol St. Mary's Hospital. F V. HICKS. A. E. SHAW. IIICKS & SHAW, DENTISTS. Rooms in Allen's Building, up stairs, cor ner Cass and Squemoqua streets. Astoria Oregon. BANKING AND INSURANCE ! i. W. CASE, Broker, Banker, and Insur ance Agent, ASTORIA, - OREGON. OFFICE HOURS : From 9 o'clock A. M. until 3 o'clock P. M. ff.T.Coleman&Cos AGEKCY, Banking Department A General Banking and Exchange Busi ness trausacted. Every facility for prompt andftitisfactory business. Drafts on the leading cities of the United States and Europe. Deposit Received. Bozorth & Johns, Real Estate and Insurance Apcnts and Brokers ASTORIA. - Oregon. We write policies In the follow ing well known Fire Insurance Companies : PHOZNIX OK HARTFORD. SCOTTISH UNION AND NATIONAL OF EDINBURG. LION. OF LONDON HOME. OF NEW YORK. LONDON AND LANCASHIRE, OF LIVER POOL. PnCENIX. OF BROOKLYN. CONNECTICUT. OF HARTFORD. OAKLAND nOME, OF OAKLAND, CALA. And also reprasent the WESTERN, of California, IIAMBURQ-BREMEN, of Ger many, aud AMERICAN STEAM BOIL ER Insurance co. Real Estate Bought and Sold on Commission. 3". O. ROSS. JMBATHftG UNDERTAKER, Main St. Astoria. Oregon. VlSIT0RSTQP0RTLAND Should not forget to call at Towno's San Francisco Gallery, where may be seen photographs of all the leading men and women of Oregon and Washington Territory. Skillful operators always in attendance, and the most minute attention paid to pictures of children. Don't forget the location, S. W. earner First and Morrison streets, up stain. No trouble to show spec! metis to visitors. Street railroads pass the door every ten minutes, and this is the nearest gallery to the five principal hotels. To Whom It May Concern. ALL PERSONS KNOWING TJIEM x3l slyes to be indebted to theJatcflrm of Newbury & Stevens,, or B. F. Stevens & Co., are Battled to make immediate settle ment of. accounts at the City Book Store, without further notice. W. E. WARREN. BjiV'ijS iPl 1 I HI -THE THE ESTTOHIC. ? This medicine, combining Iron -with pure Vegetable tonics, quickly and completely Cures Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Weak b cm, Impure Blood, 3IaIaria,CklIU aadFoTern, and Neuralgia. It is an unfailing remedy for Diseases of the Kidney and Liver. It is Invaluable for Diseases peculiar to Women, and all who lead sedentary lives. Itdoes not injure tho teeth, cause headacbe.or produce constipation oJAer Iron medicines do. It enriches and purifies the blood, stimulates the appetite, aids the assimilation of food, re lieves Heartburn and Belcbing, and strength ens the muscles and nerves. For Intermittent Fevers, Lassitude, Lack of Energy, dc., it has no equal. ZS The genuine has above trade mark aud rossed red lines on wrapper. Take no other Udr m1j l7 ISUOWX C11EJUC1L CO, BALTIMORE, JIB. REDIXOTOX, WOODABDJ& CO., Portland, Or HOLKSALK AGKXTS. STOMACH & 8ittRS Hostetter'.s Stomach Bitters is the article foryou, it stimulates the failing energies, invigorates the body and cheers the mind. It enables the svstem to throw off the debil itating effects of undue fatigue, gives renew ed vigor to the organs of digestion, arouses the liver when Inactive, renews the jaded appetite, and encourages healthful repose. Its ingredients are safe, and its credentials, which consist in the heart) endorsement of persons of every class ot society, are most convincing. For sale by all Druggists and Dealers generally. A. V. Allen, Wholesale and ItetallDealer In MILL FEED. Glass and Plated Ware, TROPICAL AND DOMESTIC FRUITS AND VEGETABLES. Together with WmeSt LiquorsJobaccoXigars- G. A. STINSON & CO., BLACKSM1THING, At Capt. Rogers old stand, corner of Casa and Court Streets. Ship and Cannery work. Horseshoeing. Wagons made and repaired. Good work guaranteed. Insurance Office OF Geo. P. Wheeler & Co. Representing the following first-class For eign and Home companies : Royal Norwich-Union and Lancashire, assets. $3G.ooo,000 South British and National, " 20,000.000 Flremans Fund, " 1,500,000 Union, Fire and Marine " l.GOO.OOO State, (dwellings only) M 100,o And the old and reliable Travelers life and Accident Insurance Co. of Hartford. Conn. Deposited In Oregon, ?400,0oo for the security of Policy holders. Pcntonal Attention given to all business, and Satisfaction Guaranteed in every in stance. Offick In Hume's New Building, Asto ria, Oregon. W. R DEMENT & CO. ASTORIA, - - - OREGON Carry in Stock, DRUGS, CHEMICALS, TOILET and FANGY ARTIGLES. Prescriptions carefully Compounded W? B J " CELEBRATED A FLORIDA W02IAN WHO HUNS A SAWillLL. The following letter written to the NortJiwestern Lumberman, contains a number ot homely truths that ap ply to all sorts of mechanical werk: Your letter of a late date request ing me to give my experience as a lumber manufacturer is at hand. I will state at the start that I am not in the business through choice; but baring loaned money to parties with which to purchase a sawmill. I was compelled by their failure to make oven the first payment to tako tho machinery from them. I then put my son-in-law, Ernest "Wever, who promised great things, in charge. I told him I knew nothing of sawmill ing, but I know that the sawdust was too fine and tho scratches on the boards too close together. I left him to run tho mill, but in a short timo I found he could do no better than other men, and I took him out of thero so quick it made his head swim. I moved tho mill a distance of 20 miles, fording tho Hillsborough river, and placed it near my own house, at an actual expense of S9; and in a few days I had everything in good order. I have my own teams and carts, and tako timber from my own lands. Althogh accustomed to manage my own affairs commencing by tho timo I was grown, I found difficulties enough in making lumber, and I have often said that a sawmill and Satan belong in the same family, and some people say that sinco I bocamo the owner of one they aro suro of it; but whilo they talk I am at work. This is the trouble with half of the coun try sawmills: There is too much talk ing and not enough work. "Why, Mr. Editor, tho most men talk over a log long enough 1o saw it into inch boards. Then when they get started they discover that tho fireman has not steam enough; then they must all sit down and talk again. By the time steam is up and one or two boards sawed, a belt must bo ro paired, which might just as well bavq been attended to before working hours in the morning or at noon. Then one man sows tho belt while all ongige in talk again. When the belt is ready tho sawyer gets it into his mind that tho maohinery needs oiling; then he hunts up the oil can, for ho never has a place for anything, and goes around spirting oil into every hole but tho right ono, whilo tho other hands go on with their talking. Tho next day they aro out of logs, and the mill hands do nothing ex cept to allow "their time to go on." The day following some of tho men are reported sick, and more time is lost At the end of tho month thero is littlo lumber and no money, nnd they all wonder why sawmilling does not pay. I knew well enough that machinery is made to run, and when running it should be at work, and all I had to do was to keeptho saw cutting for ten hours a day'and six days in the week. In order to do this the mill must be kept in good order, not by re pairing brokon parts but by keeping it from getting broken. Ana I soon saw that the parts of machinery out of sight were neglected tho most I would suppose any man would know that it is tho insido of things that needs attention tho insido of the boiler, tho inside of tho cylinder, the inside of tho pump or inspirator is of far more importance than the outside. Nothing makes me more angry than to see a man rubbing up the outsido of his boiler, when I know the mud is six inches deep inside, baking, burn ing and blistering the iron; yet I have seen but few sawmills except my own, But I saw how that was managed be fore I took possession of it, and I am told that others are managed no bet ter. Many a man in tho saw mill busi ness would do well if he could get skilled labor, but this state is cursed with a tribe of sawmill tramps who claim to know everything, and when tried can do nothing. They are al ways on foot and out ot money, yet if wo aro to .believe them they have been tho superintendents of tuelarg est mills in America. Every ono of them has been uovernor JJrews prin cipal sawyer for at least ten years, re ceiving not less than S6 a day. They all know more about machinery than the men who mako it, and aro ready, not to commence sawing, but to com mence cutting, changing, splicing and Tebuildiirg, with the promise that if I will trivo them 3.50 Tier dav and board they will double the capacity of my mill and bo ready for work in about three weeks. I have never been de ceived by ono of them, but they loave their mark wherever employed. One half of them ought to be hung and the .other halt sent to tho peniten tiary. Ono came to mo a few days ago who was an exception, for, not withstanding he was "the best sawyer m londa," ho was willing to work for S10 a month and board, or $12 if he boarded "hisself" hungry look ing wretch! T wouldn't have boarded him even a day tor $2, and I know ho couldn't board .himself at any such price. Said I, "Do-you see that road out thero?" He rery meekly said ho did. "Then," said I, "you go out there, and when you get to it you take either end you like: tho ono that will put you out of my sight the quickest will suit me tho best" Ho went If he had no$iI would have put tho dogs after nun m three minutes. I employ none but the best hands not paying too much or too little, for ono iaun is aoouc as taa tue otner. I can't say just what my lumber costs me. but I know that when sold I hnve taken in more money than T have paid out I am 53 years old, or about that, was born m Florida, aud was raised at a time when bookkeep ing was not thought of. I now have my second hus band, and I am the mother of nine children, seven of whom aro now living. Several of the elder are doing business for themselves, yet tuey always c ime to "mother ' for advice, and "when thev don't take it they wish they had. I have always man aged my own business, and 1 expect to while I live. I awake in the morning and plan' the day's work while tho men aro asleep, and at the breakfast table I give every one his orders, including my husband, who never objects to my doing the think ing ror tne lamuy. m My first advice to men who con template going into the sawmill business is don't do it, for not one in twenty of you has the ability to succeed. If, however, you aro de termined to trv it be careful that you get tho best machinery, strong and heavy enough to stand the bad treatment of awkward hands. i3uy the most durable belts, no matter what they cost, for half the failures in our backwoods mills aro caused by constant breaking of belts. And when a complete outht is secured. locate where you can get timber and sell lumber. Keep your machines in good order, taking special caro ot all parts out of sight. Pav your hands in cash, and not in promises, for they work for tho monev, and not for any love they have for you or your busi ness. When you can't pay, shut down, stack your lumber, and dis charge all hands. Your mill will neither eat, drink, nor wear anything while standing still. But when you do run: work everything to its full capacity. JiAItUIET bMlTII. Tuckertovn, Fla., Nov. 17, 1S&L they'adjourned. Old Sol. Miller, editor of the Troy, Xas., Chief, and who has a wide repu tation as the possessor of a peu dipped in red-hot gall, but withal a little wioked and a good deal irreverent, was recently nominated for the Kan sas senate by the Republicans. The religious element held a meeting nud indignantly determined not to sup port him. The crowd was. large. unanimous and enthusiastic Jhey J appointed a committee, so- me story goes, to wait on old bol and notify him that ho must withdraw or they would burst him. The com mittee found the old man in his sanctum and proceeded to unfold their mission. When tho spokesman had finished and the others had in dorsed his remarks, the old gray headed editor straightened to his full height pointed a long bony finger at the committee, while a strange gutter came into his eyes, and he spoke in low, freezing tenes: "For thirty years I Lave published a paper in this town. Not a week has passed in all that time but some truly good Christian man has been to me and begged that something to his dis credit should be withheld from pub lication. I havo always complied. But the articles, though not printed, were always written and filed away. I'm a methodical man. I havo moro than 1,000 articles within reach of mv hand, embodying every disreputable scrape and adventure that tho best aud religions element in this com munity has been engaged in for the last thirty years. And I just want to say that it I am defeated at tho polls I will start a daily paper the next dav and I will never stop until I havo printed every one of those stories. That is my answer." Tho committee crept quietly out and returned to the meeting to make their report A si- lience like that of death fell upon tho assembly, till the purring of a cat upon the pulpit cushion sounded like tho filing of a circular saw. For ten minutes no one spoke, when at last the sexton said: "I move we adjourn It was carried unanimously. And thus perished a promising indepen dent movement Atchison, Acts., Qlobe. Brlni; on Tonr Objections! Can't do it No intelligent person who has tried Brown's Iron Bitters hasany objections to present against this prince of tonics. Mr. Clauson, the well-known druggist, of First and Chippewa street, New Orleans, says: "I find my sales increasing daily. Havo not heard asyet a single objec tion. Brown's Iron Bitters is .1 valua ble acquisition to druggists." The weak,the dyspeptic, the rheumatic and the sufferers from languid livers, find iu this medicino all they need. The aggregate strength of the United States army is 28,02S aud tho number of commissioned officers is 2,193. There aro 4,660 non-commissioned officers, 2.913 store-keepers, artificers, etc., and 18,262 privates. Wide Atvalie Driifrss Messrs. W. E. Dement & Co. are al ways alive to their business, ami spare nopalns to secure the hestof every article in their line. They have secured the agen cyfor the celebrated Dr. King's 2cv Discovery for Consumption. The only certain cure known for Consumption, Coughs, Colds. Hoarseness, Asthma, flay Fever, Bronchitis, or any affection of the Throat and Lungs. Sold on a lositivo "guarantee. Trial Dottles free, tegular size S1.00. Will von suffer with Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint ? Shiloh's Vitallzer is guaranteed to cure j'nu. Sold by W. E. Dement. PARKER HOUSE, ,J. II. CLONK. Proi.. -T KIA, - - - OREGON. Al. CROSBY. - - Cleric First Class in all Respects. FREE COACH TO TOD HOUSE. PRANK FABRE'S CHOP HOUSE. Oysters,, See Cream, COFFEE. The New Model. Everything First Class. Casj Street, rear o' Odd-Fellows Building. Every attention paid my customers, and the best set before them in first-class style. MRS. EVAWALI.MAN, - Proprietor. ASTORIA, OREfSON. ETirsJ CI:x.s in Tlvcry Respect. NEW HOUSE, NEW FURNITURE. Fitted np ividt every Conven ience for lhe Comfort of Transient and Permanent Guests. Corner Squemoqua and "West Cth Streets. The Seaside Bakery FRESH BREAD Delivered in any Part ot the City. CHRISTMAS- CAKES: Hqnie-Made Candy. MadeDailyt The Trade Supplied: Fine Pastry: A First Class KstablWiment. Pi Ices to suit the times. F. B. ELBERS0N, Prop Y. FOR SALE One E. W. BLISS, Latest Improved HOWE SOLDERiNG MACHINE, Will West's Crimper attached. This jlachine Is Xearlj "ew and Is Sold for Want or Use. Address GEO. "W. DUNBAR'S SONS, New Orleans, La. K HERE!! M. STUDZINSKI lias just received a new stock of Solid Gold Holiday Gifts The best place In the city to purchase PINE Je ? .1 M.l.VaiWW; And other valuable presents. Orders promptly and satisfactorily filled. ffilfflA HOTEL. uralr? Wntflta Columbia Transportation Company. FAST TIME! TIIE POPULAR STEAMElt FLEETWOOD "Which has been refitted for the comfort of passengers will leave "Wilson & Fisher's Dock every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at Returning leaves Portland every Tuesday and Thursday at 6 A. M. arriving at Astoria at 1 P. M. rr-An additional trln will bo made on at 0 O'rloclc Sunday Hornlug;. for Sound ports. Wil$oir& Fisher Ship Chandlers, HEAVY AND SHELF HARDWARE Paints, Oils, and Varnish. LOGGERS' SUPPLIES. PROVISIONS A2TD MILL FEED AGENTS FOR Salem riouring Mills, Portland RoUer Mills, Capital Flour and FAIRBANKS' SCALES. ASTORIA, OREGON. B. B. Franklin, m Mertato ant CaMnet Maier, SQUEMOQUA STREET, NEXT TO TIIE ASTOIJIAX BUILDING. J3TAU work done in a skillful manner on short notice at reasonable rates. ASTORIA IRON WORKS. Benton Street, Neab Pahkzk House, ASTOIUA, - OBEG.ON. . GENERAL MACHINISTS AND ,rlJOItER,HA.KERS::-. LAfflaiMAMEMS BoilerWork, Steamboat Work and Cannery Work a spe cialty. OLSO?X3SrCS-S , Of nil Descriptions made to Order at Short Notice. A. D. W"AS9, President. J. G. Hostleu, Secretary, I. W. Case, Treasurer. John Fox.Superlntendent. S. AENDT & EERCHEN, ASTORIA. - OREGON. The Pioneer Machine Shop BLACKSMITH SHOPj AND Boiler Shop l All kinds of ENGINE, CANNERY, AND STEAMBOAT WORK Promptly attended to, A specialty made of repairing CANNERY DTJ5S, FOOT OF LAFAYETTE STREET. PAST TIME! 6 A.M. arriving at Portland at 1 P.M. Sunday of Each. "WecK. leavlne Portland Passengers bj this route connect at Kalaroa u. a. suu rr, rresment HHli gggg. ShH& THE BEST IS THE Royal Brand Flour Manufactured by the OREGON MILLING COMPANY Is of Superior Quality, and Is Endorsed by all who use It. THE HOUSEKEEPER'S FAVORITE Of Superior Bislng Quality. Guaranteed to Give Satisfaction. WYATT & THOMPSON Sole Aseats for .Asterla. H. B. PARKER DKAtEB IK Hay, Oats, and Straw, Brick, Cement, Sand and Plaster. Wood Delivered to Order. Draying, Teaming, and Express Business J H. X), GrKAY Wholesale and retail dealer in. GROCERIES, FLOUR, AND FEED Hay, Oats, Straw, Wood, Etc. LIME, SAND AND CEMENT. General Storage and "Wharfage on reason able terms. Foot of Benton street. Astoria. Oregon. WM. EDGAR, Dealer in Gigars, Tobacco and Cigarettes Meerschaum and Brier Pipes, GENUINE ENGLISH CUTLERY Revolvers and Cartridges. COiNEJR MAIN AND CHENAMU3 STSl- The Bern Saloon. The Popular Resort for Astorians. For the Finest of Wines and Liquors Go to TIIE GEM SALOON. ALEX. CAMPBELL, - - PBOPBIETOR ASTORIA LIQUOR STORK, AUG. DANIELSON, - - Proprietor. Itcbnlltaad. Befitted Tlu-eagheat. The Best of WINES, 11 qUOBS.AXU CIGARS, For a Good Cigar, caU for one of "Danielson's Best." Corner "West 9th and Water Streets, Astoria. n9-flm Sol M Jewelry, BRACELETS, Scarf Pins, Chains, Watches, SILVERWARE, Of every description. The finest stock of Jewelry In Astoria, ES'-All goods warrantedasrepregented GUSTAV HANSEN, JEWELER. Magnus G. Crosby Dealer In EAPIARE, DM, STEEL, Iron Pipe and Fittings, STOVES, TINWARE AND HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS SHEET LEAD STRIP LEAD SHEET IRON, 3?1ti AND Copper. Astoria Cooperage. BARRELS AND HALF-BARRELS All Kinds of Cooperage Done. " BS-Leave orders with JOHN ROGEKS, Superintendent, at Central Market. Good Building Lots IN ALDERBKOOK, For Sale at Low Rates. Apply to IiYMAltf C. K1SNKY, At office ot Clatsop Mill Company, on the Boadway.