m 4fc T jv r.'" ASTORIA, PRESTON, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 7, 1885. PRICE, FIVE CENTS. VOL. XXIII, NO. & BUSINESS CARD D It. A. 1. and J. A. FUfTOX. Phj'Hiciiuisuncl Surjrenns. Will vlc promut attention to all calls, fidm any part of the city or country. Oflkv o cr Allen's Store, corner Cass and Suuemoqua streets, Astoria. Oregon. Telephone o. 41. D It. FKAXK. 1AI Ihyilrlnn nnd Surton. Otllce, Cor. Main and Cliciiainus streets. Ol'FICK Houks :-B toll A. M.; 2 to 5r. M. Kusldence, opposite tlic.Iohanscn building O II.AVIXTOX. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Abrtlractfi of Title a Specially. Rooms 11 and 12, KnichU of Tythian CaUlo Huilding. Telephone So.-tO, OKO. A. D011KI8, GKO. TiOUXSD KOE.AKD & DOllRIS, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Offlco In KInne's Block, opposite City Hall, Astoria, Oregon. C. W. FUI.TOJT. G. C. FULTON. FUE.TOK BROTHERS. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Rooms 5 and 6. Odd Fellows Uuildlng. .1. Q. A. KOWLUY. J. A. GI LI- BOWE.BY fc GII.T,, AltorncyH and CounsellorH at IjUW, Ofllce on Chenainus Street. Astoria. Oregon. E. C. iioiiii;., NOTARY PUBLIC, AUCTIONEER, COMMISSION AND SURANCE A CENT. IN nELO F. PAKKHIt. SURVEYOR OF Clatsop County, nnd City of Antorla Office :-Chenanm street, Y. M. C. A. hall Room No. 8. C. XV. liEICIi.. ARCHITECT AND SUPERINTENDENT. Offici: Room 9, IvinneV Rrick Mock, TAY TUTTJLE. 21. I. PHYSICIAN AND SU11GEON Office Rooms 1, 2, and 3. rythl.it) Build ing. Residkjjck On Cedar Street, back ol St. Mary's Hospital. F r. HICKS. A. K. SHAW. HICKS & SHAW, DENTISTS. Rooms In Allen's Building, up stairs, cor ner Cass and Squemoqua streets. Astoria Oregon. 'BANKING AND INSURANCE ! I. W. CASE, Broker, Banker, and Insur ance Agent, ASTOKIA, OREGON. OFFICE HOURS : From 9 o'clock A. M. until 3 o'clock r. M. W.T.Coleman&Co.'s AGEKCY, Banking Department A General Banking and Exchange Busi ness transacted. Every facility for prompt and satisfactory business. Drafts on the leading cities of tho United States and Europe. DepositH Received. Bozorth & Joliiis, Real Etatc and Insurance Apcnts and Brokers ASTORIA, - - - Oregon. We write policies in the following well knoiru Fire Insurance Companies : rnosNix of hartford. SCOTTISH UNION AND NATIONAL OF EDINBCRG. LION. OF LONDON. ' HOME. OF NEW YORK. LONDON AND LANCASHIRE, OF LIVER POOL rHCENIX. OF BROOKLYN. CONNECTICUT, OF HARTFORD. OAKLAND HOME, OF OAKLAND, CALA. And also represent the WESTERN, of California, JL4 Jlf ItURG-BREMEX, of Ger many, and AM ERIC AX STEAM BOIL ER INSURANCE CO. Real Estate Boagbtand Sold on Commission. ROSS. UNDERTAKER, rEADlAG Main St. Astoria. Oregon. VISITORSJOJPORTLAND Should not forget to call at Towne's San Francisco Gallery, where may be seen photographs of all the leading men and women of Oregon and Washington Territory. Skillful operators always in attendance, and the most minute attention paid to pictures of children. Don't forget the location, S. XV. eeraer First and Xorrtson streets, up stairs. No trouble to show specimens to visitors. Street railroads pass the door every ten minutes, and this is the nearest gallery to the are principal hotels. To Whom It May Concern. A1 LL PERSONS KNOWING THEM- selres to be Indebted to the late firm of Newburv & Stevens, or B. F. Ktrrens & Co., are notified to make immediate settle-' mentor accounts at tne city Book store, without further notice. W. E. WARREN. BROwrsLea mm 1 fpj 1 1 III UTHE I -THE SITOHIC. ? This medicine, combining Iron with puro vegetable tonics, quickly and completely Cures Dyxpepsla, IndlKcntSon, Wrakneiw, I mituro Blood, 3IaIarIa,CkUItf and Fevers, and Neuralgia. It Is .an unfailing remedy for Diseases of the Kidney and Liver. It is invaluable for Diseases peculiar to "Women, and all who lead sedentary lives. Itdocs not injure the teeth, causcheadacbc.or produce constipation oUit Iron medicine do. Itcnrichesand purifies the blood, stimulates the appetite, aids the assimilation of food, re lieves Heartburn and Belching, and strength mis the muscles and nerves. For Intermittent Fevers, Lassitude, Xact of Energy, Ac., it lias no equal. JS3 The genuine has above trade marl: and! 'Tossed red lines on v, rapier. uaue no otner id nulj bj IiUOWl CHEXIC1L CO., B1LTIX0&E, Xtt UKIHXUTOX, W00DARD2& CO., Portland, Or WlIOLESALK AGENTS. TUTT'S PILLS TORpfirBOWELSr- DISORDERED LIVER, and MALARIA. From tbeso sources arise three-fourths oftho diseases oftho human race Ihcse symptoms indicate their existence: xiogg of Appetite, Bovrcls costive, Kick Headache, fullness after eat Injj, aversion to exertion of body or mind, Eructatlonof food, Irritabil ity of temper, X,owsplrlts,AfeelIng of havini; neglected some duty,I)lx ztnesB,FluttcrlngattheHeart,DotB lie fore the eyes, highly colored Urine,CO:vSTlIATIOJV,and demand thouscofarcmcdythatactadlrcctlyon tho Liver. AsaLiverincdicineTDXT'S 1'lliI.S have no equal. Their action on tho Kidncj's and Skin is also prompt; removing all impurities through theso thrco scavengers of tlio system," producing appetite, sound digestion, regular stools, a clear skin and a Tig orous body. TUTT'S FITiXjS cause no nausea or griping nor Interfero "with dally work and arc a perfect ANTIDOTE TO MALARIA. bold;evcrrwherc2&. Qlnce4431nrrnySt.N Y. TUTTS HAIR DYE. GeatHaik ouWhiskebs changod In Btantly to a Glossv Black by a slnglo application of this Dtp.. Sold by Drug jsts.orscntby express on receipt of H OfQco, 44 Murrav Street, New York. rtrcTB IH.CTA1 or teimii i:nprs rszz. A. V. Allen, Yholesale and EetailJDealer hi Grneetiesg MILL FEED. Glass and Plated Ware, TROPICAL AND DOMESTIC FRUITS AND VEGETABLES. Together with Wines, Liquors,Tobacco,Gigars G. A. STINSON & CO., BLAGKSMITHING, At Capt Rogers old stand, comer of Cass and Court Streets. Ship and Cannery work, norseMioelng. Wagons made and repaired. Good work guaranteed. Insurance Office OF Geo. P. Wheeler & Co. Representing the following first-class For eign and Home companies : Royal Norwich-TJnlon and Lancashire, assets. $30,000,000 South British and National, 20,000,000 Fireman Fund. " 1,500,000 Union, Fire andMarinc 1,000,000 State, (dwellings only) 100.000 And the old and reliable Travelers Lire and Accident Insurance Co. of Hartford. Conn. Deposited in Oregon, 400,000 for the security of Policy holders. Pergonal Attention given to all business, and Satisfaction Caaranteed' In every in stance. Office In Hume's New Building. Asto ria, Oregon. W. E. DEMENT & CO. ASTORIA, OREGON Carry in Stock, DRUDS, CHEMICALS, TOILET and FANCY ARTICLES. Prescriptions carefully Compounded W BE ISTO THE JAWB OF DE1TII. AChirge That Amazed the World Thirty Tears Ago. It -was thirty years aeo that the Earl of Cardigan's light brigade made its famous charge at bebastopoi. A gentleman who was on tho staff of an English general and who witnessed the charge gives this description of it: "On October 25, 1851, our eyes turned to the heights of Balaklava, on the possession of which depended the very existence of the allied forces. On that day the Bussians made a des perate attack on our lines, to bo des perately repulsed. "Word was sent to headquarters that the enemy, under cover from a heavy nre from tne lorta, had left Sebastopol in force and waa massing himself so as to threaten the safety of the heights. 1 was at once sent with an order for the cavalry and horse artillory to move and bo ready to assume tho offensive. They had not to wait long. The Turkish lines were swept as by a whirlpool, and with our Mohammedan allies tho word was sauve qui peut. The heavy cav alry on tho right and the light bri gado on tho left "vrere advanced, with the artillery in tho center playing a game at long bowls. Meantime a Rus sian battery was ostontatiously moved forward, whoBO -well served guns promised to be embarrassing. "Lord Raglan, who did not know tho full strength of tho foe, saw that this obstacle must bo removed; but whether or not ho foresaw the neces sity of first looking beforo tho leap was taken must bo forevor a mystery. Tho commanders of tho cavalry bri gadesLords Lucan and Cardigan, brothers-in-law, between whom no love was lost were waiting the word to engage, Lord Lucan being tho senior officer. To them sped Captain Nolan, a slashing hussar. Saluting the General, ho said ho bore an order unwritten from Ipm liaglan tnat the battery must be Silenced and the guns captured. Lord Lucan, a man so oautious as to have earned tho nickname Lord Look-on,' fearing to expose his small force to any am bushed dangers, asked for more defi nite orders. "With a slightly con- temptueus turn of the handsome lip, tho aide-do-camp pointed in the direc tion of tho battery and said: " 'You see your enemy, my lord.' "Even tho Earl of Cardigan, im petuous as ho was generally speak ing, looked at his commander in doubt as to the words. Rut, owing to tho unhappy enmity existing between them, neither would speak his thoughts, and once more Nolan, im patiently waving his sword, which he had fiercely drawn from its scabbard, and pointing it to the artillery, cried, Tako tho guns; those are your or ders!' "The crisis has arrived. No re course is left but to do as he is bid. A cold nod of assent from Lord Lu can. A profound bow follows from Lord Cardigan. 'Light division, for ward, charge!' breaks from his lips. An echoing cheer ia the reply from G03 throats, as with clang of scabbard and rattle of briddle and bit, and the braying of trumpet, and the ringing and .Thirteenth Lights, Nine and Eleventh Hussars, tho latter Lord Cardigan's own corp, conspicuous in their cherry-colored .trowsera, and the Sevonth Lancers, with ranks closed up and squardrons dressed as evenly as it at a march past, trot for ward down the slight declivity. At their head ride tho gallant Nolan and the dauntless Cardigan evon in this Bupreme moment with a reckl oss laugh upon his face, as ho argues somo point of war with his brother hussar. "The unmasked batteries aro al ready belching forth shot and BholL The trot breaks into a gallop, the gallop into a furious, headlong charge. Already Nolan has fallen, out down by grapeshotj the secret of the fatal day dying with him. The serried ranks show frequent gaps as saddle after saddle is emptied. 'Closo up! Close up! Charge f is the unceas ing cry, and in a shorter timo than it takes to tell tho opening ranks of the foe disclosed to the doomed but indomitable few, cannon to right of them, cannon to left of them, cannon- in front of tnem ana now cannon behind them. On through tho bro ken Russian lino pressed the noble army of martyrs, their oriflamme, their brave leader's flashing saber, their support. .'With a wild cheer and a wilder leap the cherry-clad heroes fly over tho guns as ligmly as tnoy would over a five-barred gate on the hunt ing field, sabering the gunners as they leap. A beardless boy, not yot 17, holds fast to the colors ho has sworn to carry to doath or vie tory and falls with tho cry My mother will hear of this! on his dying lips, Btill grasping the banner in his hand. "Far away, clear in front, with his aid-de-camp and a few choice spirits on his right hand and on his left nono ahead of him, raging like a lion, fights as with a forlorn hope, the leader and commander of tho Light Brigade, Ho bears a charmed life and his brawny arm is endowed with a power of slaughter that grows mightier every moment from the meat it fed on. Farther and farther he dashes on, cleaving his way with his blood-stained sword till he reach es tho last of the guns. "Here, when he sees the end is not yet, but that rank upon rank of cav alry and infantry, with heavy artillery in tho rear, stretches out back to the city's utmost bastion, he recognizes how useless it will be further to tempt the fates and fight one against a thousand. Coolly and calmly, as if in Hyde Park, ho takes in tho situ ation at a glance and gives the word to the trumpeter to sound first tho 'assembly,' and then the 'retreat' A bullet crashes through the boy's hand as ho raises the trumpet to his mouth, but, stoic-like, ho makes no sign. Clear rings out tho summons. A dozen only answer tho ca.l. Not one, save Lord Cardigan, but is won ided more or less severely, and his clothing shows where lance, or saber, or ball had plowed their way over his unscathed flesh. Right about the little baud turns, leaving tho boy trumpeter doad on the ground benind them. "Tho onemy paralyzed by the charge and fancying that tho whole British army supports the handful of braves, pauses in his murderous work to cheer the 103 survivors who returned slowly and sadly to the place from which they came, having from a military standpoint achieved nothing, yet covered with a deathless, fadeless wreath of glory. it was magnificent,' said General Bosquot, 'but it was not war. ' EUROPEAN POLITICS. Plymouth, Jan. 5. The division of tho channel squadron comprising tlio ironclads JSorlhumueriana, Achilles aud Aginconrt, havo been orlered immediately to propare for service. London, Jan. 5. The Times says: "If tho admiralty orders sent to Portsmouth after the recent cabinet meeting are not charged with a weighty measure, or inspired with a strenuous purpose, they were singu larly indiscreet and inopportune. They are certain to be interpreted abroad as tho preparing measuro for some very important event It is well to sustain a farce, if necessary, but it is doubtful, in spito of tho ap parent activity, that a new chapter will bo opened in the foreign policy of the nation. Tho recent council has reproached the cabinet for its undecided and evasive foreign pol icy." The articlo concludes by ex pressing an opinion that the ministry would better resign iE dissension has a place in the cabinet and the minis ters aro only capable of drifting, after tho manner of'tIwiia.involved England in the Crlmeau war. London, Jan. 5. The St. James Qazette asserts to-day that Bismarck has suggested tho cession to Ger many by England of the island of Heligoland, in return for the with drawal of Germany s claims in New Guinea. Heligoland is ne.ir the mouth of the rivers Elbe and "Weser, and is a watering place of note. This statement is considered exceedingly doubtful. However, rumors of this kind tend to show the present tension of the public mind. The report that Germany intends to disregard the presence of the British flag recently unfurled at St. Lucia bay, on tho east coast of Af rica, is doubted by all prominent politicians. ORANGE AND GREEN. St. Joeks,N. F.t Jan. 5. Yester day at Bay Boberts, tboro "was anoth er furious Orange outbreak. Now YorkBedemptionist fathers who aro holding a mission atthat place were besieged and imprisoned in their dwellings. An Orange arch was erected near the Catholic church and hundreds of armed Orangemen pa raded tho streets. "When intelligence reached St Johns the United States consul demanded from Governor Glover protection for tho lives and liberty of United States citizons. A meeting of tho executive counsel has been summoned, and the British cor vette Tenedos has been ordered to Bay Bobert, and a largo body of po lice, under Inspector Carty, were dis patched by special train to tho scene of tho trouble St. Joxns, N. F., Jan., 5. The lat est dispatch from Bay Boberts says: "The Boman Catholic bishop, Mc Donald, was prevented by Orange men from holding services in the church, which tho Orangemen sur rounded. Affairs are growing darker and more threatening. Hundreds of armed men are parading tho streets. The police aro unequal to tho occa sion. Tho British ship of war has arrived to reinforce tho civil author ities. Orangemen refuso to take down their arches and flags." Xoble Blotd! In England it is considered a grand thing to belong to the nobility and to have in your veins what is called "noble blood." But it often happens that tho blood of a nobleman is not as good as that of tho vigorous man who takes care of the nobleman's cows and pigs. Truly noblo blood is that which is enriched with iron, and eiroulates in healthy bodies. TheBov. W. B. Smith, Grafton, Mass., says, "I used Brown's Iron Bitters for a low state of blood, and derived great ben efit" Tho Chehalis Nvgget has tkis re markable informatien: "Last Sun day N. Urauahart, of Naoavine. run into a band of seven deer, and killed five bucks out of the band. All were killed within 100 feet square. Two weighed 175 pounds each, and the other three lighter. Any ono who can beat this let us hear from them and -perhaps he can do better." Catch the poor creatures in.asnow drift and any ono can ueat n witn a ciuo. PARKER HOUSE, J. II, CLONK. Prop. ASTORIA, OREGON. Al. CROSBY, Clerk- First Class in all Respects. FREE COACH TO THE HOUSE. FRANK FABRE'S CHOP HOUSE. Oysters, Ice Cream COFFEE. The New Model. Everything First Class. Casj Street, rear of Odd-Fellows Building. Every attention paid my customers, and the best set before them in first-class style. GER1IA HOTEL MRS.EVAWALLMAN, - Troprietor. ASTORIA, OREGON. First Class in Every Respect. NEW HOUSE, NEW FURNITURE. FitlctI up willi every Conven ience Tor the Comfort oT Transient and Permanent Guests. Comer Squemoqua and "West Cth Streets The Seaside Bakery FRESH-BREAD DeHvered in any Part ot the City. CHRISTMAS CAKES: Horne-Mado Candy Made Daily: Tho Trade Supplied: Fine Paatry: A First Class Establishment. Prices to suit tlio times. F. B. ELBERS0N, Prop . FOR SALE One E. W. BLISS, Latest Improved HOWE SOLDERiNG MACHINE, With West's Crimper attached. Tlili Machine Is Xearljr 5ew and Is Sold for Want or Use. Address GEO. W. DUNBAK'3 SONS, New Orleans, La. LOOK HERE!! M. STUDZIMSK! Has just received a new stock of Solid Gold HolidayGifts The best place in tho city to purchase FINE rj, And other valuable presents. Orders promptly and satisfactorily filled. Jewel relies, Columbia Transportation Company, for ;porTX.a.X!D. FAST TIME! THE POPULAB STEAMER FL11TWOOQ Which has been refitted for the comfort of passengers will leave Wilson & Fisher's Dock eyery Monday, Wednesday and Friday at Returning leaves Portland every Tuesday and Thursday at 6 A. M. arriving at Astoria at 1 P. M. HAn additional trip will be made on at 9 O'clock Sanday Moraine- for Sound ports. Wilson& Fisher Ship Chandlers, HEAVY AND SHELF HARDWAEE Paints, Oils, and Varnish. LOGGERS' SUPPLIES. PROVISIONS AND MILL FEED AGENTS fOll Salem Flouring Mills, Portland Boiler Mills, Capital Flour and FAIRBANKS' SCALES. ASTORIA, OREGON. C. LKIXENWEBKR. H, BUOW1I Leinenweber & Co., ESTABLISHED 1S65. ASTORIA, ORKQON TAMERS m GUEBBIES, Manufacturers and Importers of all kinds of LEATHER AE EfflBIN&S. Wholesale Dealers in OIL AND TALLOW. r57IHuliest cash pries paid for Hides and xauow. ASTORIA IRON WORKS. Beotox Stbebt, Hear Paukeb Hocsz. ASTOKIA, - OHEQ0X. GENERAL MACHINISTS AND BOILER MAKERS. LAMIARIM&IES BoilerWork, Steamboat Work and Cannery wonc a spe cialty. Of all DeseriptlQHS saade te Order at Bkert Ketlce. A. D. Wasa. President. J. G. Hustxek, Secretary, I. W. Case, Treasurer. JOHjr Fox.Snparlntendent. S. ARNDT & EERCHEN, ASTORIA, - OREGON. The Pioneer Machine Shop BLACKSMITH SHOP Boiler All kinds of ENGINE, 0ANNEBY, ASTD STEAMBOAT WOKE Promptly attended to, A specialty made of repairing GAXNEBX DIES, FOOT OF LAFAYETTE STREET. BAST TIME! 6 A.M. arriving at Portland at 1 P.M. Saadav of sck "Veen. leavlnr Portland Passengers bj this route connect at Kalaroa U. B. SCOTT, President -sSsSKte; shop -SJIJBJJpy THE BEST IS THE o:o::ELL3P:E!rc? : Royal Brand Flour Manufactured by the OREGON MILLING COMPANY Is of Superior Quality, and Is Endorsed by all who use it. THE HOUSEKEEPER'S FAVORITE Of Superior Rising Quality. Guaranteed to Give Satisfaction. WYATT & THOMPSON Hole AgeHts fer Astoria. H. B, PARKER D&AXEIl X2T Hay, Oats, and Straw, LIMB, Brick, Cement, Sand and Plaster. Wood Delivered to Order. D raying, Teaming, and Express Business J. H. D. GRAY, "Wholesale and retail dealer In. GROCERIES, FLOUR, AND FEED Hay, Oats, Straw, Wood, Etc. LIME, SAND AND CEMENT. General Storage aad Wharfage on reason able terms. Foot of Benton street, Astoria, Orecon. WK. EDGAR, Dealer In Cigars, Tobacco ami Cigarettes Meerschaum and Brier Pipes, GENUINE ENGLISH CUTLERY Revolvers and Cartridges. CORNER MAIN AND CHENAMTJS ST8. The Gem Saloon. The Popular Resort for Astorians. For tho Finest of Wines and Liquors Go to THE GEM SALOON. ALEX. CAMPBELL, PROPRIETOR ASTORIA LIQUOR STORE, AUG. DANIELSON, - - Proprietor. Bebailtaad Befitted Tbreagaeat. Tho Best of TVIKES.IIQUOBS.AND CIGARS. For a Good Cigar, call for one of "Danielson's Best." Corner West 9th and Water Streets, Astoria. n9-6m Sol Hi Jewelry, BRACELETS, Scarf IPins, Chains, Watches, SILVERWARE, Of every description. The finest stock of Jewelry In Astoria. tyAll goods warrantedasrepresented GUSTAV HANSEN, JEWELER. Magnus G. Crosby Dealer in IAEWAM, IRON, SHU, Iron Pipe and Fittings, - STOVES, TINWARE AND HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS SHEET LEAD STRIP LEAD SHEET IRON, tHti AND Oo3P3p2 Astoria Gooperage. BARRELS AND HALF-BARRELS Ail Kinds of Cooperage Done. 7-Leave orders with JOHN ROGERS, Superintendent, at Central Market. ' Good Building Lots IN ALDEKBEOOK For Sale at Low Rates. Apply to I.YMAK C. XltfNEY, At office of Clatsop Mill Company, on the Roadway.