The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, January 02, 1885, Image 3

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    fj) :
u i ou uiwu nawM(T
tihc gattjj gltavlnn
fri y.. i xtt uv e. 'tts
(Momkiv fxccjuiMl)
Term of Subscription.
FerrM bv C irrlrr. jut wci-k... ....... I VS.
JfcJit iiy M il i t in tli . ck-U
m ... .... .$7.wi
Tret ir jMWt.i,e t m1 ribrrs.
!"" Advertisements i.ferted by the venr at
ll.e rate of $2 per square per month. " Tran
sient advertising fifty cents per square, eacli
IVotice To Advertiser.
The Astoria?- guarantees to its ad
vertisers the largest circulation of any
newspaper published on the Columbia
Circuit court next Monday.
The legislature meets in Ion days.
The Willamette, coal laden, from the
Sound, arrived in yesterday.
I. B. Scott's new steamer, the Telc
lthonc, will makn her trial trip about Feb
ruary 1.
The Orcyun arrived in yesterday. Tho
Green will leave for Ran Francisco at 7
this morning.
Tho British bark Woodlark, 1G" days
from Astoria, with a cargo of salmon, ar
rmtl at Liverpool last Tuesday.
Yesterday's Orrgonian was n mammoth
edition, cram full of statistics and reliable-
information regarding Oregon and
tho northwest, mid is such a paper as one
puts carefully by for referouce.
Holiday editions of various contempo
raries have been piling tip on our desk for
a woek. None exceed tho Christmas edi
tion of the San Jose, Cul., Times-Mercury
for size, beauty, tyiographical ex
cellence and variety of "interesting mat
ter. The cold weather has wrought havoc
in the cattle ranges of eastern Oregon.
Out of one band of 900 belonging to
ltichard Perkins, near Echo, Umatilla
county, 700 perished last week. This is
ctgii worse than salmon at .$4 a case, "f.
o. b."
Beginning yesterday tho day will be
reckoned at Greenwich observatory near
London, England, as commencing at
midnight, the hours boing counted on up
to twenty-four or midnight again. For
many years a dial showing twenty-four
hours has been erected at the observatory
but in future the twenty-four hours day
will be official.
A Corvallis dispatch of the olhl Pays:
Tho east and west ends of the const di
vision of the Oregon Pacific railroad were
connected to-day at Harris mill, sixteen
miles west of this city, the last spike be
ing driven with appropriate ceremony by
William "V. Hong, general manager, in
the presence of a largo number of guests.
The road is seveutj'-one and a half miles
in length, from Corvallis to Yaquiua
City, and will be open for traffic at an
early day.
The bids for the construction of tho
United States lighthouse steamer, Ma
drono, which succeeds the.SiiioricA-, verc
opened at "Washington on Dec. 1. The
lowest bid was that of Dialogue of Cam
den, N. J., for 73,300. The Cramps of
Philadelphia bid $34,000; James D. Leary
of Brooklyn, 104,000; the Union Iron
"Works of San Francisco, 115.000; Pusey,
Jones & Co. of "Wilmington, Del., who
built the machinery for th Gen. Miles,
$118,000. Tho first named firm take the
Yesterday morning a little shooting
match occurred on board the German
bark Britannia which resulted in the
shooting of one man, a suit in the justice
court, an interested crowd and n first
class item for a dull Now Year's day.
lhe first story was to tho effect that
ilrrv Newman, a'longshoreman, claimed
Ir -John Poe, a sailor on board the
b t t..;"i nwrtl him some money and he
went ou board to collect his bill. In
sonic uh iiis re jlver went off, the car
tridge vfrtnntoly for Dee J. it was a
blank one, struck him directly over the
heart, passing through coat and shirt,
and leaving a mark the size of the cir
cumference of the cartridge on the skin.
A second cartridge, not a blank one, dis
charged accidentally, winged one Chas.
Kearney, a runner for Chaplain Stubbs,
taking him in the left arm where the
ball lodged. All hands were promptly
bundled into a boat and dumped in jail.
A second boat load of witnesses having
been procured, the parties appeared be
fore Justice Goodell at four o'clock,
when after some argument concerning
tho legality of proceeding in tho
matter on a legal holiday, the case was
adjourned to 7 p. m., the defendant who
was charged with assault with intent to
kill, giving bonds in the sura of $250 for
his appearance.
When the case came np at 7, the sail
ors subpoenaed knew nothing about it.
Kearney explained that it was nothing at
all, just a little skylarking, and ac
cording to all hands it was just a way
they lmd of celebrating New Year's. The
counsel for dofendant moved the case be
dismissed, and tho prosecution concur
ring it was so ordered.
New Tear's in Astoria.
A leaden mist hung above the city yes
terday nnd a cold rain that froze as it
touched tho ground made everything out
doors slippery. The wind blew from the
northeast and the day was a cheerless
onik Groups of merry New Year's call
ers -ere out, going from house to house
nnd exchanpng the compliments of the
season. Some of the New Year parties
organized and procured sleighs in which
they sat in style nnd rode gaily by their
less enterprising comrades. There was
no public observance of tho day, but
everyone took things "sort o' easy" and
had a good time indoors. Toward even
ing the wind worked round to the south,
the clouds rolled np and in the west ap
peared patches of blue sky, the icy glaze
began to melt and by night it was possi
blo to get from one corner to another
without crawling on ono's hands and
Me5damos Eaton & Carnaban will re
move to-day their stock of millinery and
fancy goods to the store next to Av. E.
Dement's. They "will be ready for busi
ness on Friday next. Some fine New
Year's goods will be exhibited.
Does not make any second-class Pic
tures at his New Gallery, No. Gl, on
the Koadway.
Freak liastern and Skoalwater
Bay Oystcru
Constantly on hand, cooked to any style
at Frank Fabre's.
Bforo Jnstioe Goodell Intt Tuesday,
a i eared Jus. Hannan, a sailor from tho
B.'tianniu who told n talo na follews:
He, with others, was shipped from Chap
lain Stubbs' "sailora' home' in Portland,
md agreed to sign the ehip'a articles
-TjiSe coming down from the pleasant
.nlaud city of Portland. During the
oyage d iwn he c illeJ into the cab
in and given a pi per to sign in which
i;ute(it dollirsfor every mouth of his
.gt-3 wi-ro to b deducted. He r.sked
'tiat thut was for. Ho w.ts told ''No
natter, Hign." He refunl tj d so,
vht-rrtipou. he alleges, Cnas. Kearny,
the "chaplaiuV runner, drew a revolver
and said, "Sign, or I'll blow your brains
out!" Not knowing how long be might
be allowed to have them, Hannan con
cluded to use his brains while they were
still intact, and rushed from the cabin,
Kearney in pursuit. He ran forward and
jumped down the forecastle, Kearney
after him, who, grabbing Hannan, began
caressing him over the head with a re
volver, threatening him at tho same time
unless he signed. This he refused to do,
and getting to Astoria tried to go ashore,
Kearney telling him that he would blow
the top of his head on if he got into a
boat. Watching his opportunity he fi
nally slipped over the vessel's side and
managed to get ashore and to tho jus
tice's office, where ho told the above.
Kearney was arrested on a charge of
assault, and pleaded guilty, being fined
$1. "Chaplain" Stubbs is no doubt a
"friend of the sailor,' because he says
he is, but some of his employes seem to
have a singular way of expressing their
friendship. But Haunrtii didn't give up
tho $18 a month that some one of the
thrifty Portland establishments wanted.
If anything one-third as bad as this hap
pened in Astoria the Portland papers and
"Chaplain"' Stubbs would choko with
virtuous indignation over such an out
rage on tho sailor who has in that city
so many kind friends.
lleubcu Green, of Half Moon, Pacific
count3, left his home on Thursday, Dec.
18, to gel tome medicine for one of his
brother's children, and during that night
before his return, tho rain and melting
snow raised the Willapa so that saw-logs
weic running lively, by daylight tho next
morning, Mr. Green came back and un
dertook to cross the river at the ford on
W. W. Lilly's laud on horseback, about
noon, Friday Dec. 10, and was swept down
stream. The horse gained tho bank some
forty rods below the ford. Mr. Daymon,
who lives a short distance from the ford,
saw tho young man pass, and thought he
would see how deep tho river was and
turn back shortly, so ho followed down
to see what had become of him, and saw
by t he tracks that he h?d gone into the
river, but there were none on the opposite
bank. Soarch for the body was com
menced at once, but it was not found un
til tho following Tuesday, when it wpb
discovered about twenty rods below un
der a log, four feet under water. Mr.
Green had only been in tho valley a few
months, and was not probably aware of
the depth of the stream, as it had risen
very suddenly.
FcTor ou tbe Ship Star or Erin.
The report circulated yesterday that
capes of yellow fever were on board the
British ship Star of Erin, which arrived
here on Saturday night from Acapuico in
ballast and anchored off Black point, has
been proved to be erroneous. Quarantine
Officer McAllister went out to the ship in
a Whitehall boat on Saturday night, and
after a thorough investigation, discovered
that the seamen were suffering from in
termittent fever of a malarial nature,
caused by impure water taken on at
Acapuico. The vessel left that port on
the 4th inst., bound for Portland, Or.,
but her voyage was one of disaster. On
the 18th inst. Captain Coulter died and
was buried at sea, and during the re
mainder of the voyage the chief mate, J.
F. Bussell, and fourteen of the crew were
taken sick, leaving only five men to man
age tho "vessel. The quarantine officer
has recommended the removal of the af
flicted seamen to the county hospital and
thinks that with proper care they can be
fully cured. S. F. Cnroniclc, Dec. 29.
The above would indicate that the crew
of the bark Emblelon, now fever-stricken
on board that vessel in the channel, are
suffering from tho same complaint, as the
Embleton is also from Acapuico. A man
who was aboard yesterday says 'they are
all yellow,'" and present a most repulsive
There were eleven of the crew of the
ship Euterpe, which sailed yesterday, in
irons when tho ship left. It is stated
that they were shipped here persons on
shore getting $15 advance nnd the un
fortunate men signing for $." a month.
5. F. Chronicle, Dec. i'jf.
An old Oregonian says thatitisnon
senso to say that this is the roughest
winter ever" experienced in Oregon, at
least until the snow shall be two feet
deep on the level, as it was in 18l-2.,
Hg says that winter commenced earlier
and it snowed at intervals all through
tho winter months, producing great suf
fering among people and cattle. On the
other hand, to show tho variableness of
our climate, Governor Abernathy, who
is now dead, told of threo successive
winters in tho forties during which there
was neither ice nor snow in all tho Wil
lametto valley.
At a social gathering the other evening
somebody asked Captain Sollaire when
he was going to put to sea. "To-morrow
morning,-' the manner replied, "my
sails are all bent." Thero was a young
lady present from Boston, and after ad
justing her eye-glasses, she said in some
surprise: "1 should think, Captain Sol
taire, that you would be afraid to put
to sea in this stormy season with sails
that are bent. But that is always tbe
way with you reckless mariners. And
tell me, pray 1 am always curious about
mntters of this sort tell mo how vour
sails got bent." The Captain regarded
the vomu; ladv from Boston loner and
steadfastly. Then he replied in a strain
ed and careworn veice: "It was done by
getting into the breakers. As a general
thing, you know, the breakers always
ureaK me saus, out in mis case luey oniy
bent them." The young lady from Bos
ton said how carious those tales of the
sea sounded to one who was not famil
iar with them. Rockland Cov.ricr-Ga-zclle.
iioUl Bar I .ace Pin "Lost
In Presbyterian church, or between
there and v. W. Parker's residence, on
Wednesday evening. Finder please
eave it at this office and be rewarded.
Renew Your Subscriptions
For thecoming"year,at Griffin & Reed's
City Book Store. Subscriptions re
ceived for any periodical published.
For Dinner Parties to order, at short
notice, go to Frank Faure's.
Aszob-V Jan. t, 1853-
W lnwty'
j You have kindly offered the UM of tho
' columns of your paper for th discussion
f V MAwicA omanimAnla irk thtk nifv
charter. Now would it not be well to
continue the good work by inviting cor
respondence regarding -th'o merits of tho
proposition to construct a bridge across
Young's bay from Smith's point to
Sltipanon. The county commissioners
wiil meet in a few dbja, and before them
will be placed a petition asking for tho
construction of said bridge at county ex
pense. One says the proposed bridge
will cost $20,000: another says 50,000.
We know such structures are never built
at estimated cost. The petition calls for
tho building of the bridge without even
n limit na to cost. Is this county finan
cially able to build this bridge, or in fact
to unaertaKe anyxning iu me aj um
large expense, i3 tho question. We shall
soon bo compelled to provide this county
with a safe and convenient court house.
an investment for tho benefit of the
whole county, an investment not to en
hance values in one section to the detri
ment of another.
County, city, school and road taxes
aggregate $37.50 on the $1,000, in Asto
ria, for the year 1831, and still from the
appearance of these petitions named it
is clear that some either think taxes not
high enough, or sign without thinking, or
because others sign.
On these petitions to be presented can
bo seen the names of men who never paid
a tax: men who say they cannot raise
the money to pay tho city tax: men who
have not paid their school tax for two
years: men who have money stored in
safes and banks and refuse to make
loans because, in their own words, "taxes
in Astoria eat up the interest," and the
names of many, many, who would not
have signed had ono silver dollar been
required from them to go toward the
construction of the bridge. Where is the
constitution of Orecon in which counties
are limited to $5,000 indebtedness. This
insidious desire to get more and more
into the mire of debt is becoming so epi
demic in tho management of county, city
and school affairs that good citizens arc
boing forced to talk nnd act repudia
tion. TAXr-ATEO.
Talk About LftUblUblnir a
New Yobk, Dec 20. The Tribune's St.
Paul correspondent at Fargo, D. T., in a
letter makes a somewhat startling reve
lation. Ho says: "There has been great
disappointment to Dakotans in the work
done by congress in the last threo weeks,
and where once thero was hope of imme
diate statehood and consequent greatness
in both north and south Dakota, there
is now vexation of spirit and complete
and entira lack of enterprise, which
could bo brought on Dakota statesmen
only by the subversion of thoir hopes.
i.W IVUCl in IUU1C 4iJ WA .. M wwm w
immediate or remote statehood. Thero
has been some telk of taking action for
the establishment of a provisional gov
ernment, and of asking Manitoba to
unite in iorming a nortuwestem repub
lic It is safe to say that if there was
as much prospect of success new for se
cession in Dakota, as there was in I860
for South Carolina, this country would
be treated to the spectacle of another
civil war, and one that, in consideration
of the surroundings, would be entirely
The Salmom Fuck of 'St.
The California Grocer and Conner
figures up the Pacific coast salmon pack
for '84 as follews:
Columbia river G32.750
Sacramento river (spring) 58,400
Sacramento river (fall) 33,200
Bogue river (spring) 8,500
Kogue river (fall) 3,500
Alaska 45,000
Eel river 8,000
Coquille river 7,390
Smith river 5,500
Dmpqua 3,900
Tillamook.... j 4,500
Total 815,550
Cant Charles F. Powell, United States
engineer, will ask for bids to-day for 10,-
000 lineal feet of piling, to be used in the
initiatory work upon tho jetty at tne
mouth of the Columbia, bids to be opened
on the 30th inst. The proposals for fur
nishing four stone barges and a pile tres
tlo and wharf at Fort Stephens, will be
opened on the 15th. Preliminaries for
this important work under Uaptam
Powell's charge are well advanced, and
active construction will begin at the ear
liest practical moment. Oregonian, 1st.
Dticlclcit'.s Arnica Salve.
Thk Best Salyk in the world for
Cuts, Bruises, Sores,Ulcers, Salt Ulieuni,
Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands,
Chilblains. Corns, and all Skin Erup
tions, and positively cures Piles, or no
pay required. It is guaranteed to give
perfect satisfaction, or money refunded.
Price 25 cents per box. For sale by W.
E. Dement & Co.
IlartI Dry "Wood
For sale in quantities to suit at Car
nahan & Co.".
If you want to make a nice present to
your friends go to J. W. Conn's Drug
Store and vou will find lust -what von
want, of tfie very' best quality, and at
tne lowest possiuie prices.
For a good bath, pleasaut shave, or
snampoo, go to tne uuy isatns, corner
Smiemoqua and Okiey streets.
Joe. G. Ckakteks, Prop.
Mrs. Bryce would respectfully an
notice to the ladies of Astoria thatshe Is
prepared to do dressmaking in all its
branches at her rooms on Cass St op
posite Odd Fellows building.
The clasp of a lady's bracelet was
lost as the Knights' ball last Friday
night. Finder please leave at Asto
kiax office and be rewarded.
All the patent medicines advertised
in this paper, together with the choicest
perfumery, and toilet articles, etc-can
be bought at the lowest prices, at J. "V.
Conn's drug store, opposite Ociden
hetel, Astoria.
The most stylish Neckwear. Lace
Handkerchiefs and Worsted knit goods
at the Empire Store.
Ball's coiled spring Corsets continue
to be all the rage for Ladies, Misses and
Nurses, at the Empire Store.
We lead the trade in fine shoe3 for
Ladies', Muses' and Children's wear.
Pkael Bros.
For larao Back, Side or Chest use
Shlloh's Porous Plaster, Pnea 25 cents.
For sale by W. . Dement.
Gray sells Sackett Bros.' Al sawed
cedar shingles A full M guaranteed In
each bunch.
There's n land in n latitude neer to csall,
Where each dweller- may follow his
It is under no monarch's tyrannical
And is known as the Tse of Content.
It's a wonderful spot. If yoa csk, it-will
To you quickly whatever von desire;
What it cannot produce (.t's a singular
That is jut what yoa never require.
By the balmiest zephj rs of Happiuess
It is neither too cold nor too hot.
And the lassies and lads never care in this
Whether school is in session or not.
In Content", tho' but poor, yet you feel,
You are equal in wealth to a king,
While a tear in the trousers or darn in
the dress
- You consider a capital thing.
If yoa hadn't the money to purchase a
(I have been in that strait once or
Take n reef in your vest and you'll in
stantly feel
(If yoa live in Content) "very nice."
When.1 notice a lad with n bright sunny
That extends for three inches or more,
Then I nudge myself inwardly, thinking,
the while,
"He's encamped on Content's happy
I have dwelt on this beautiful island at
While inditing small verses for you.
And I often have wondered if, reading
my rhymes,
You were there as a resident, too.
St. Nicholas.
Blalce and Logan Hcet la Washington.
New Yobk, Dec 20. A Washington
special says: A groat deal of curiosity
has been manifested among Itepubliean
politicians hero to witness tho first meet
ing of Mr. Blaine and Mr. Logan, to see
how tbe distinguished candidates would
greet each othor. They met on Pennsyl
vania avenuo only n day or two ago. Mr.
Blaine was riding in a carriage and Mr.
Logan was returning from the senate on
foot. They sighted each other fully a
block away, and when tho carriage was
about passing Mr. Blaine raised his hat in
a most dignified fashion. Mr. Logan
cleared his throat nnd shouted, "How
are you, Burchard.7" Mr. Blaine's face
flushed for nn instant and ho looked em
barrassed. Then he smiled and Mr. Lo
gan went or.t into the street nnd both
men shook hands heartily. The incident
was witnessed by several citizens nnd
the joke is being repeated at Mr. Blaine's
A Splendid Cttiifrction.
"Eating Chocolate'' at Frank Elber
son's. Call for a packet of "Eating
Chocolate." Every one likes it.
Bo You Think that Tefr" of
The Chop House
Gives you a meal for nothing, and a
glass of something to drink .' -Xot
much P but he gives a better meal and
more of it than any place in town for
25 cents. He buys by the wholesale and
pays casu. -mat settles it. '
Oysters I Oysters TO jsters !
Mrs. Lovett informs the nublic that
she has reopened an Oyster and Coffee I
saloon, at tne old stand on jiain
street. Entrance through tailor shop.
At Frank Fabre's.
Board for S22.50 a mouth. The best
in the city. Dinner from o to 7.
Ills Snccens
Financially and socially are largely due
to his excellent health. If his system
were clogged and feverish, no doubt he
would fail as so many others do. But
why not enjoy good health when one
can please the palate at the same time?
Svrup of Figs is not only pleasant to
the taste, it also cleanses the svsteiu
thoroughly, yet painlessly; it is harm
less in its nature, and strengthens the
organs on which it acts so that regular
haoits may be formed, and the sufferer
permanently restored to health and
happiness. Sample bottles free and
large bottles for sale by W". E. Deinen
At I. J. Arvold
You will find a splendid stock of boots I
and shoes. Ladies' and childrcn'sshoes j
a specialty : All styles and suis.
Fishermen Attention!
Before buving twine examine the
Dunbar, McMaster & Co.'s.extra strong
Irish Flax Thread, No. 40. 12 ply. Jas.
O. llanthorn, of this city, is the sole
agent for the Pacific coast.
ForalVeat Fitting Boot
Or Shoe, go to P. J. Goodmans, on Che
naiuus street, next door to I. W. Case.
All goods of the best make and guaran
teed quality. A full stock; new goods
constantly arriving. Custom work.
At J. W. Conn's Drug Store you will
find the best assortment in the city, con
sisting ot Toilet Cases. Odor Cases,
Plated Ware, Fancy Toilet articles and
perfumery of all kinds, opposite Occi
dent Hotel.
Koscoe Dixon's new eating house
Is now open. Everything has been fit
ted up in first-class style, and his well
known reputation as a caterer assures
all who like good things to eat. that at
his place they cau be accommodated.
An olorrnnt linn of Lapn Handker
chiefs, German knitting worsted. Cor
sets and Hoopskirt at the Empire
MisupVnnd nnrsinc corsets of the fa
mous Ball's make, at the Empire Stoic.
Catarrh cured, health and sweet
breath secured by Shiloh's Catarrh ttetn
edv. Prlre 50 cents, Masai Injector free.
For sale by W. E. Dement
Adler will sell you any book of his
immense assortment, ten per cent
cheaper than any other house in town.
This is not idle talk but solid facts.
Sleepless Nights made miserable
by that terrible cough. Shiloh's Cure is
the remedy for you. Sold by W. E. De
ment & Co.
Shiloh's Cough ana Consumption
Cure is sold by us on guarantee. It
cures consumption. Sold by W. E. De
ment. Will you suffer with Dyspepsia and
Liver Complaint ? Shiloh's Vitalizer is
guaranteea to cure you. Sold by W E.
Twit Ycur BaMis Fowto To-Day !
t::s tect:
,m n fp f"m on a ! r- !
.;ra:cil,lhcn i-rrxitheejTr-nnaj.neX Aclitia-1-r
r-ill not be required to icUt tbe preaece of
JU nnhklWIsn IIi NEVER Beta QaUootd.
1 a a million homes Torn quarter of a. century 1 1
2u fclood the consumer's reliable teat,
3?rico Baking Powder Co.,
Dr. Price's Special Flavoring Extracts,
The strongest, most delicious and n&tarsi
lliror fcaorra, and
Dr. Price's Lunulin Yeast Gems
ior Llgbt, llMlthj-hread.Tha Best Dry Hop
l coil in too vrorja.
Light Healthy Bread,
The oest dry hop voast In tho world.
Bread raised by this yeast Is Hght.whlte
and wholesome like our grandmother's
tteliciOMS hread.
rntrintD er thc
Price Baking Powder Co.,
KanTrs of Dr. Price's special riwoniiz Eitracts,
Chicago, III. St. Louis, Mo.
Tor sale by Cutting.Mkrle & Co., .Agents
Portland. Oregon.
eady, Sir!
M. D.KANT, The Boss,
Is closing out his entire stock of Clothing
and. Uvercoats, finest and best quality,
Xiargest assortment in Men's, Youth's
and Boys" Clothing. Gents' Furnishing
Goods, J3oots and Shoes, Rubber and Oil
Clothing, Hats and Caps, etc., at prices
that will suit the times.
He will make up tho finest and beat fit
ting suit of Clothing to Order, for the
Ship Captains
Take notice of the fact that I can supply
your crow with Cheaper and Better goods
than any other house in Oregon.
M. D.KANT, The Boss.
"Wholesale and Retail Dealer In
Tropica!, Domestic, Green and Dried
l'iuc Cigars and Tobacco.
Next door to I. J. Arvold's, Squemoqua St.
For Rent.
Snices : centrally located : apply at As
toriax office.
Special Sale.
ottered at uriratc sale at cost price. Ic
comprises ladies' and cents' fumbhlne
goods, clothing, etc. A good chance for bar
s-i irfpi
(Si "m F LHu I
VrniUh I Potto Mnr.r
Furnished Rooms to Let,
Enquire of , Mas. E. C, HOLDEN.
: During- Christmas week we will make
a special display of Novelties in every de-
partraeat suitable for the Holiday season,
; and in order to clear them all out we have
: marked them VERY LOW.
Ladies and Gentlemen who are in
quest of handsome as well as useful Christ
mas presents would do well to give us a
call before selecting.
Fine Black and Colored Gros Grain
Silks, Rich Velvets, in plain and brocaded,
Fine Inported Dress Goods. The new
Combination Dress Goods, in all the latest
Tints and Coloring.
j Handkerchiefs ! Handkerchiefs !
500 doz. Ladies' Fancy Hemstitched
: and Embroidered Handkerchiefs, from
j 1.00 to $9.00 per doz.
: 150 doz. Colored Silk Handkerchiefs,
: latest designs, from 50 cts. to $2.25 each.
! A large assortment of Fancy Hand-
: kerchiefs, put up in handsome boxes, con-
: taining 4- doz., from 50 cts. to S5.00 per box.
Fans ! Fans ! Fans !
20 doz. Fans, the latest styles, richly
got upr Hand Painted, etc., from $1.00 to
i 12.00 eaoh.
:. Satchels, Purses, Honey Bags, Etc.
S Imported Fichus, Hand Painted, Crepe
Fichus, Fedora Jabots, Gilels, etc.
D ry Goods : Cloth In ojious
Pythian Building,
Select Your Holiday Presents.
You "Will
A Large and Well
Our Holiday Books and Christau
Are the Finest Ever
$67,000,000 Capital !
Liverpool and London and Globe.
North British and Mercantile
Of London and Edinburgh.
Old Connecticut of Hartford,
Fire Insurance Companies,
Representing a Capital of $87,000 OOO.
B. VAN DUSEN, Asent.
Overcoats, Novelties in Neck Wear,
Hats and Furnishing Goods.
Fine ACerizio and
Xow Prices !
23. JL. 2oX2TTOS2,
The Leading Clothier, Hatter and GentsL
Astoria, Oregon.
rind at
& RE:
Selected Stock.
Displayed i
Wheeler & Kipp,
Plnita Gas and Steam Mm .
Warranted, and Estimates Given.
Iron and Head Pipe, Balk Th!s,
Water Clerei. and Gas :
Chimney Pipe, Cheaper ihan Brick. (
Corner Squemoqua and Hamilton Streets, s,
Astoria, Oregon,
all Wool Sesie:
vi' 4k