01 HV bb. bb . bV . ibB"bW HI AW V t . "W" - & ibt " mww.v&mH fw:2vK a - - . VOL. XXII, iNO. 147. ASTORIA, OREGON, SUNDAY, DECEMBER 28, 184. PRICE, FIVE CENTS. 'V t-.r.SlNKhb CAUD.S. T!rv. a. L,. and J. A. I'Ui.TJX. P!ij.sict:xus:iitl &iirgtons. "Will pie proiunt attrition to all ctfl-i, from any i.irt of ibe city or oounti y. OlOcr over Allen' Mor coruiT Cass and S(ueiiioqua fctre is, Astofu, Oicxon. Telephone o.-it. D It. Fit AX HL lAF. E'hyirlnii mid J".rs:eoit. Offlce, Cor. Main and Clienaiuus str eb. Okkick Hmms :- to 11 a. m. ; 2 to S P. M. Hcsidt nee. opposite tlie.Ioli:ms( it building IjT I. IVlXTOX. ATTORNEY AT IVW. Abtractb of Title a specially. J'.ooms 11 ar.d 12. KniKbtc of r.vtbtan Ca-Uo Dutldtng. IVIcpIione Xk -JO, CFO. A. UOUIM8. CKO. .SOUND Kr,AIVI & HOKRI8, ATTOUNKYS AT LAW. Office in Kinncj's Block, ppobite Citj Hall, Aona, Oregon. a W. FULTOX. G. C KULTOX. FULTON BROTHERS, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. i'ooins 5 and G. Odd Fellows Itnildinp. J. o. A. UOWLItV. J. A. f.ILU BOWCBT & GII.I., Attorno'H and CoutisrllorH at Laiv, Office on Clienamus Stivet, Astoria, Oregon. H c. iioiiix:x, NOTARY PUBLIC, ADCTIOXEER, COMMISSIOX AX1) IN 8UKAXCE AOEXI. 2.El.O F. IMItKKIC SURVEYOR OF C!atop Count J, and City ofARtoriii Offlce :-Cheuainus street, Y. M. C. A. hall Itoom No. 8. C. XV. liKlCJt. A1ICIIITECT AXD SUPEUIXTEXDENT. Offick : Room 0, Kinncj's lrick Illock pV TUTTtiE, 31. l. PHYSICIAN AND SURGED OrFiy-Jioonw 1, 2, and 3. rythlamcnua ln& Residknck On Cedar Street, back ot SL MaryS Hospital. F 1 HICKS. A. E. SHAW. hick s & sn.iiv, DENTISTS. Rooms in Allen's Ruilding, np stairs, cor ner Ca'a and Squemoqua streets. AMoiia Oreson. BANKING AND INSURANCE! I. W. CASE, Broker, Banker, and Insur ance Agent, ASTORIA, - ORECOX. OFFICE HOURS : From 9 o'clock A. M. until 3 o'clock P. M. II Coleman &M AGEXCY, Banking Department A General Banking and ExclianRe Busi ness transacted. Eer facility for prompt and satisfactory business. Drafts on the leading cities of the United States and Europe. DepnxitM Iterefved. Bozorth & Johns, Real Entate and Innnranee Apents and BroVers -ASTORIA, - - - Oregon. We write policies in the following well known Fire Insurance Companies : PH02NIX OF HARTFORD. SCOTTISH UXIOX AXD NATIOXAL OF EDINBDRG. LION, OF LONDON HOME. OF NEW ORK. LONDON AXD LAXCASHIRE, OF LIVER POOL. PIKENIX. OF BROOKLYN. CONNECTICUT. OF HARTFORD. OAKLAND HOME, OF OAKLAND, CALA. And also represent the TTESTERX. of California, HAMBURG-BREMEN, of Ger many, and AMERICAN STEAM BOIL ER Insurance co. Real Estate Bonghtand Sold on Commission. J- O. ROSS, t.i:adi; itstdertaker. Main SU Astoria, it rejjoii. VISITORSJTOPORTLAND Should not forget to call at Towne's San Francisco Gallery, where may be Seen photographs of all the leading men and women of Oregon and Washington Territory. Skillful operators always In attendance, and the most minute attention paid to pictures of children. Don't forget the location, S. 1Y. eoraer First and Morrison ittreets, npktalri. 3o trouble to show specimens to isitors. Street railroads pass the door even ten minutes, and this Is the -nearest gallery to the five principal hotels. To Whom It May Concern. ALL PERSONS KNOWING TOEM selves to be indebted to the late firm of Newbury & Stevens, or B. F. btevens & Co., are notified to make immediate settle ment of accounts at the City Book Store, without further notice. W. E. WJLBBEN. iRll I II ID 1-THE THE EST TONIC. This medicine, combining Iron with pure vegetable tonics, quickly and completely Cures Dyspepsia, IndiRCHtIon YVenuncss, I mpi:roIlood,.lltUarta,t.nills ana Severn, mul NrnrnJjrin. It is an unfailing remedy for Diseases of tbo Kidneys nnd l.her. It is Invaluable for Diseases peculiar to Women, and all it ho lead sedentary lives. It does not Injure the teeth, cause headache.or produce constipation mat iron medicines ao. It enriches and purifies the blood, stimulates !lir nnnetitn. aids the assimilation of food, re lieves Heartburn and Belching, aud strength en'; the muscles and nerves. For Intermittent Fevers, Lassitude, Lack of Energy, &c, it has no equal. 35- The genuine has alnwe trade mark nnd rossed red lines on w rapper. Take no other SjuJr-wljl.j IIIUWA I II KURIL CO., BALTMOUE, KU REDIXUTO.V, 1V00DARD &. CO., Portland, Or W1101.KSAI.K AOKXT8. H " CELEBRATED X ST03IACH JITTERS In cases of dyspepsia, debility, rheuma tism. fe er and ague, liver complaint, inac tivity of the kldnevs and bladder, constipa tion and other organic maladies, Hostetter's Stomach Bitters is a tried remedy, to which the medical brotherhood have lent their pro fessional sanctiou, and which as a tonic al terative and household .specific fordlsorders of the stomach. ll er and bow els has au un bounded popularity. For sale by Druggists and Dealers, to whom apply for Hostetter's Almanac for 1685. A. V. Allen, Wholesale and RetailDeaIer in Groceries, FrovistoBs, MILL FEED. Glass and Plated Ware, TROPICAL AND DOMESTIC FRUITS AND VEGETABLES. Together with Wines, UquorsJobaccuCigars Gr. A. STINSON & C0V BLACKSMITHING, At Capt. Rogers old stand, corner of Cass and Court Streets. Ship and Cannery work. Horseshoeing. Wagons made aud repaired. Good work guaranteed. Insurance Office OF Geo. P. Wheeler & Co. Representing the follow Ing first-class For eign and Home companies : Rojal Norwich-Union and Lancashire, assets. $38,000,000 South British and National, " 20,000,000 Firemans Fund, 1,500,000 Union, Fire and Marine ' l.Ooo.Ooo State, (dwellings onlj) " 100,000 And the old and reliable Travelers Lire and Accident Insurance Co. of Hartford, Conn. Deposited in Oregon, S40Q.0O0 for the security of Policy holders. Pergonal Attention given to all business, and Satisfaction Guaranteed in ever' in stance. Offipk In Hume's New Building, Asto ria, Oregon. W. E. DEMENT & CO. ASTORIA, - - - OREGON Carry in Stock, DRUGS, CHEMICALS, TOILET and FANGY ARTICLES. Prescriptions carefully Compounded EASTERN OREGON WEATHER. Yesterday afternoon was the first time since the 15tli iusL when the wind did not blow a gale between Hood Biver and Rooster Rock. Should the same favorable conditions exist to-day, we may expect to hoar of some good progress by the force of snow shovels. Most of them nave been resting and, being able to get enough food and warm places to sleep, the work ought to go vigorous ly. But the removal of the snow is almost an appalling work. In the first place it is packed nam by constant winds. The'i, about half way through, it is nearly solid ice, and the result of oue day s thaw followed by o sud den freeze. For a great part of the distance the.flnow and ice have to be loosened with picks and then shovel ed out The first crowd, of shovelers sent from this city are above Rooster Rock tunnel and made nearly a mile yesterday. The second crowd, are about three miles this side and made about the same distance. Yesterday afternoon a third crowd of 110 started from East Portland and are expected to overtake the second crowd some time this afternoon. They took along a largo supply of provisions, The first crowd, above the tunnel, have enough provisions with them to last until Monday night or Tues day morning. Snow plows will not be able to do very much between Rooster Rock and Yiento, a distance of thirty miles. The snow plow from The Dalles reached a point a short distance above Hood Riverj and returned to The Dallas last night Should the weather be calm to-day, it is expected that the plow will reach the imprisoned passengers to-night or to-morrow. The O. R. & N. officials have strong hopes, provided there is no renewal of the storm, to have, the track clear by Tuesday night or Wednesday morning. H. B. Borthwick, the well-known logger and mill man of the Upper Cascades, "W. T., walked in from the Cascade locks, arriving last night He has resided along the middle Colum bia for several years, and has means of comparing the snowfall during this storm with that of previous years. About the heaviest snow since 1861 wa3 four years ago, when the Colum bia river was closed for nearly three weeks. The depth, then was not one- third of the present depth, and none of the old-timors can remember them selves, or recall others telling of any storm which in any way ap proaches this for severity or for amount of snowfall. Nor was the snowfall less on the Washington ter ritory side. When Mr. Borthwick luf t his mill on Thursday, the 18th in stant it was five feet deep on a level. The wind blow straight down the river for days and days without intermis sion and there was no cross current from the "Washington shore which so often prevails in summer, particul ir ly at Wind mountain. From the amount of snow which he saw on the track below the locks, and the hard ness with which it is packed, to say nothing of ice formations, Mr. Borth wick is of the opinion that 1,000 men cannot clear the road in a week. The several falls along the line of the road present at this time a strik ingly handsome appearance. The Horsetail fill, near Oneonta, is one unbroken, graceful curve of ice un til within about thirty feet of the base, where the water, hitherto hid den under the ice, bursts into spray and falls upon a mound of solid crys tal ice fully twenty feet high. Ore gonian, 27. Walla Walla Items. WaiiiA. WaliiA, Dec 26. In the ruins of the opera house, late last evening, the body of Wm. Glasgow was found. He had gone around be fore the catastrophe to get wood for the stove, when the upper story fell out, crushing and burying him.' Two hours later and the building would have been crammed and many people killed,-for the roof fell fiat, just where the audience would have been, in the body of the hall and the gallery. This is to-day the most thankful com munity in the world. WaIiLA WrAiiLA, Dec. 25. Still no mail from the west and the snow be tween here and The Dalles is very deep. Northern Pacific trains run on time. Thero was a small mail to-day from the east, but there has been none from, Oregon or California for twelve days. Two engines could hard ly bring the train into the station here to-day. i WhUpered It la Hit Ear. Much more important it is than people generally suppose to have kid neys and bladder in good working or der. When these organs are right joy and happiness. When they are wrong, confusion and misery. Mr. L. H. Clark, Wheelock, Texas, writes, "I have used Brown's Iron Bitters for diseased bladder and kidneys and have had great' relief." Mention to your suffering friend that this power ful and pleasant tonic may be had at the drug store. Perseverance wins. All possible things we're once impossible. Scett'sKmnlHien'or Pare Ced Iilver Oil, with HypephesphlteH. Is very Palatable and Agrees wWi the StomacJi. Db. J. Wobuing, of New ark, Ohio, says: "I have used Scott's Emulsion in comparison with the plain oil and acid emulsions and find it to agree much better with the stomach, and give much better results in the dis ease Is which Cod-Xiiver Oil is useful." THE BLESSING OF UNRE&T. It was in mid-ocean, on a winter's passage across tho Atlantic, eastward. A storm was raging. The great steamer rolled and pitched by turns. Her beams cracked, her mighty frame quivered with the convulsive strng gless of her engines and the sea. At the dead of night her passengers were in their stateroom berths, many ot them restless and longing fo rarest Suddenly thero was silence and rest, unlookeu lor. ine engine stood stul. The cracking and quivering liad ceased. The great steamer no longer pitched or rolled. And in an instant those passengers whoso chiefestlong ings had been for rest, started ub in their berths more disturbed than by au tne uisiuruing restlessness wnioii had preceded this repose. Reay at such a time, nnd in such a place 4 hs this! Rest! when wind and waves are at battle, and a ceasing to strug gle seems a yielding of hope! TRest! Is this the rest of death? Only in the trough of the sea, and witHi the engines and the rudder useless, can there bo such rest as this? OhJjfor the old unrest against whichTtfred nature rebelled ! There was termor and a new longing m that rest And when, after a little season for the' re pairs of the steamer 3 shattored?bow, the old quiver came again to, the mighty frame, tho engines rumbled and plunged as before, tho be'ams cracked with their accustomed s'train, and the mammoth vessel pitched and rolled and tossed in fho renewed straggle with the opposing elements. many a passenger who had stbpdor lain with bated breath, in that period of unwonted rest, thanked Grid for tho restored unrest, with a newxsense of its often unnoted blessednesf It is not alone upon the sea,in a winter's storm, at tho dead hoarof mgnc, mat tnere is a uiesseuness in unrest, even while the whole s5ul is longing for rest. Wherever there is need for a struggle, or a desirje for progress, or a hope of difficult attain ment, passive rest is the shadow of death, and unrest is the symbol and evidence of abounding life. Odly through present unrest, can abiding rest be attained to. Only through tho experience of unrest, can abKLing rest be found a blessing. fc. In tho dying song of Mosesfctthev Lord is represented as lovinglff6r bidding passive rest to his csbe&a son Israel; so shaking himout from his place of satisfied repose, in order to his restless activities in the needed struggles of life and pregress: 'As an eagle stirreth up her nest flutter ing over her young, spreadeth abroad her wings; so tho Lord alone did lead him." So the Lord stirreth ud the nest of every loved child of liis.l m oruer mat mac cnuu may use nis wings in aspiring flight In Favor of the Nicaraguan Treaty. New Orleans, Dec. 20. Tho Fica- yune. in a double-leaded leader. speaking of American policy and tho Nicaraguan treaty, says: "The coun try is ripe for au entirely new depart ure one worthy of our great nation andone that will stamp itself upon the whole history of North America. We must adopt a policy of acquisi- iiou anu rerruorriai aggrandizement to the southward. It need not be ac complished by armed invasion or in augurated in blood. The Nicaraguan treaty is the entering wedge. Let us drive that home, aud by investing $100,000,000 in a ship canal there se cure the country. American enter prise will soon annex" the whole of Central America from that base lino. Sectional discord is happily ceased, and the south is primarily aud deeply interested in turning thetendency of enterprise aud the march of empire southward and her statesmen, by at once championing a bold and bril liant policy in that' direcliori, will open up a new era for the cntiroconn try, and map out a safe and short road to prosperity and continued na tional growth. The issue is tranauil- ity at home, and add to tho glory of our great republic." l Excited Thousands All over tin land are irointr into ec stasy over Dr. King's ew Discovery ior uonMiinpuon. rneir uuiookeil for recovery by the timely use of this great life Saving remedy, causes them to go nearly wild in its praise. It is guar anteed to lmsitively cure Severe Coutilis, Colds, Asthma, Hay Fever, bronchitis, Hoarseness, Loss, of Voice, or any affec tion of the Throat .and Lungs. Trial bottles free at W. E. Dement & O.'s Drug Store. Large size $1.00. Sj-riip of Fiffs. Nature's own true Laxative. Pleas ant to the rial ate. nccentnhle. tnthnStntn- nch, harmless in its nature, paiulos in its action. Cures habitual Constipation, the Bowels. Breaks up Colds, Chills and Fever, etc. Strengthens the organs on which it acts. Better than bitter, nauseous Liver medicines, pilK salts and draughts. Sample bottles free, and large bottles for sale by V. E. Denlent & Co., Astoria, binloh's Cougn ana Consumption .Cure is sold by us on guarantee. It cures consumption. Sold by W.-E. De ment Sleepless Nights made miserable by that terrible cough. Shiloh's Cure is the remedy for you. Sold by W. E. De ment & Co. Shiloh's Catarrh Rotnorlv n nnci. tive cure for Catirrli, Diptheria and manner .aiouin. &oia by w.JS. Dement. That Hacking Cough can bo so quickly cured by Shiloh's Cure. We guarantee it Sold by W. E, Dement PARKER HOUSE. J.' IT) fcOMK, Proi... ASTOKIA, - OREGON. AI. CROSBY. Clcrk First Class in all 'Eespects. FREE COACH TO THE HOUSE. FRANK FABRE'S cnop HOUSE. Oysters, Ice Cream, COFFEE. The New Model. Everything First Class. Cas? Street, rear of Odd-Fellows Building. " Every attention p.iid my customers, and the best set before tliein In tlrst-classstyle. MRS.TiVAWALLMAN, - Proprietor. ASTORIA, OREGON. First Class iu F.rery Respect. NEW HOUSE, NEW FURNITURE. F filed up vriUi every Conven ience lor the Comfort of Transient antf Permanent Guests. Corner Squemoqua and "West Cth Streets. JUST WHAT YOU WANT. Good Board at Lovr Prices! Board at tho BAY VIEW RESTAURANT, feventy. Dollars per Month. The table well supplied with the choicest food. Opposite the O. It. & N. Dock. A new s-afc aud letter press for sale at same place. The Seaside Bakery FRESH BREAD Delivered in any Part ot the City. CHEISTMAS CAKES: Home-Maae Candy Made Daily: . The , Trade Supplied: Pine Paatry: A First Class EstnhHshnmnr. Trlv in suit the times. F. B. ELBERS0N, Prop'r. AT I. J. ARVOLD'S GREAT HOLIDAY STOCK OF Boots and Shoes; Children's and-Ladies' Wear, CHRISTMAS GOODS. ASPI.EXDID ASSORTMENT OF Headquarters ior Holiday Presents I. J. AKVOLD'S, Sign of The Golden Shoo. fflA Horn Columbia Transportation Company. FOR PORTLAWD TIIE POPULAR STEAMER FAST TIME! WEmmmw "Which lias been refitted for the eomfort of passengers will leave Wilson & Fisher's Dock every Monday, Wednesday anririday at 6 A.M. arriving at Portland at 1 P.M. Returning leaves Portland every, Tuesday and Thursday at ,6 A. M. arriving at Astoria at 1 P. M. t-An additional trip wilt be made on Sanday of Rack Week, leaving Portland at 9 O'clock Sunday MoruiBgr. rassengew bj this nfcte connect at -Kalatra for Sound ports. v. B.-SCOTT, President Holiday Announcement FROM New York Novelty Store - TO THE PEOPLE OP ASTORIA and VICINITY Owing to the unprecedented rush of business at our Store, we find it simply impossible to write a proper advertisement enumerat ing the various Novelties in the line of HOLIDAY GOODS we have on hand, all of which are being rapidly disposed of and selected from. The public evidently know where to get the BEST ARTICLES for the LEAST MONEY. It is a well-known fact that we undersell any establishment in Astoria; as our expenses are lighter than those of any other store in town. "VVe adhere strictly to our ONE PRICE SYSTEM, all our goods being marked in plain figures, and we will not ask you $10.00 for an article and afterward sell it to you for One Dollar, (as is frequently done elsewhere in Astoria.) Bear in mind also, that we are the LEADING NEWS DEALERS of Astoria. Call, examine. our Goods and Prices and be convinced of the Truth of What We Say. New York Novelty Store, Main Street, Opposite Parker House. ASTORIA IRON WORKS. BBXTOX STSKJCT, NKAR PAI1KE& HOUSB, ASTOKIA, - OREGON. general machinists and boiler Makers. LAMMABIMEMIlffi BoilerWork, Steamboat Work and Cannery Work a spe cialty. ' OASTIKTOS , Of all JDescriptiQHS made to Order at Skort Xetloe. A. D. "WAss, President. J. G. HusTtEit, Secretary, I. V. Case. Treasurer. Jorrx Fox.Superintendent. 3. ARNDT & EERCHEN, ASTORIA, - OREGON. The Pioneer Machine Shop BLACKSMITH shop4 'imtw. AND tiflMiBEK3F.0 Boiler Shop "J All kinds of ENGINE, CANNERY, AND STEAMBOAT WORE Promptly attended to. A specialty made of repairing CANNERY DD3S, FOOT OF LAFAYETTE STREET. RA.STTIME1 OQB r-Jm' Witt rm ipP THE The Gem Saloon. The Popular Resort for Astorians. For tho Finest of Wines and Liquors Go to THE GEM SALOON. ALEX. CAMPBELL, - - PROPRIETOR Orteig&Shubbe DEALERS IN All Kinds of Poultry, Eggs, Butter, Cigars and Tobacco. Eggs and Butter Received Daily-Warranted Fresh. Opposite I. Li. Beck &. Sobs, ASTORIA, OREGON. ASTORIA LIQUOR STORE, AUG. DANIELSON, - - Proprietor. KebuIItand Befitted Tkroagkoat, The Best of m.ES,LiqUOK.S,AD CIGARS, For a Good Cigar, call for one of "Danielson's Best." Comer West 9th and Water Streets, Astoria. n9-6m Mi GbM Jewelry, BRACELETS, Scarf Pins, Chains, lateta, SILVERWARE, Of every description. The finest stock of Jewelry in Astoria. PA11 goods warrantedasrepresented 6USTAV HANSEN, JEWELER, Magnus C. Crosby Dealer in HARDWARE, IRON, STEEL, Iron Pipe and Fittings, STOVES, TINWARE AND HOUSE BURNISHING GOODS SHEET LEAD STRIP LEAD SHEET IRON, Tim, and Copper. Astoria Cooperage. BARRELS AND HALF-BARRELS All Kinds of Cooperage Done. Leave orders with JOHN ROGERS, Superintendent, at Central Market. Good Building Lots IN ALDERBROOK, For Sale at Low Rates. Apply to LYMANCKUiNEY, At offlce of Clatsop 21111 Company, on tut Roadway, -