C?J aaeawm'm' iuiire-www She gatttj gtfioriam ASToKlA. OKEUDN: 8ATt'Il!U Y OUR SISTER REPUBLICS. These are some grea projects w'lich after tbey bare leeu ouco fair ly sot before tue people are sure to be carried out. Ibey may be thwarted and even defealel in the early stages of their progress, bnt having in them a living principle "that was'not born to die," they sur vive alliopposition gaining like An imus, at every fall or check, a stronger hold on life and win ning at last a complete victory and a perpetual place in the established or der of things. A project of this kind was started over three years ago. It was first publicly broached on the 29th of November, 1881, in the invitation is sued by the secretary of state, to the various independent governments of North and South America to appoint delegates to a congress to bo as sembled for the purpose of consider ing and discussing the methods for preventing war among the nations of this hemisphere. The invitation was accepted with enthusiasm by Mexico, Brazil, Vene zuela, Guatemala, Nicaragua, Hon duras, Costa Kica, San Salvador, Chili and other South American re publics. A more auspicious com mencement could hardly have been expected, although the change in the administration and policy of the gov ernment of the United States, pre vented its further development and threw the whole subject in the back ground, it has been revived in con gress, and is, we believe, destined to be prosecuted with a zeal that will justify the hopes of the friends of the movement and insure its eventual success. The project to which we advert pre sents irresistible attractions to every one who has "faith in American free government. The good it is so admira bly designed to accomplish, is so great as to commondit to the favor of every well wisher of the human race, ItB mission will be psace and interna tional brotherhood. It is calculated not only to prevent suffering, but also to draw the people of North and South America together by the ties of mutual good will and prosperity. Standing as we do at the head of the nations of the western continents, and holding a foremost place in civil ization, we have every incitement to promote, by Ihe means we advocate, the confidence that should be reposed in us. This influence we ought to exercise, aud this mor il and commer cial supremacy of the western world it is our part to win and retain. The governments of Europe dread the effects of stich a congress; after it has once met, it will continue to meet, and its conventions at stated periods will become as regular as those of our own congress at "Wash ington. Although the movement will most effectually diffuse and enforco the doctrine of America for Americans, native and adopted, it will carry the motto into practice on broad enlight ened and liberal principles, and serve in Europe as an example for conti nental statesmanship that will be far less sectional and limited in scope than any ever yet advanced by the political thinkers of the Old World, and far more conducive to the welfare of humanity than any likely to ema nate from any other source lhau the leading republic of modern times. The steamships plying between England and New Zealand are among the "ocean greyhounds." They have done the enormous distance of late in a little over thirty-seven days. Writing of this a correspondent of the London News expatiates as fol fel fol eows: "Talk of the age of miraclesl Here is an exploit far transcending any conceivable medieval myth; and if all itB bearings are duly considered, I venture to say far transcending al so in importance to the English peo ple any political change that could possibly be effected by parliament Here is a second England brought 5,000 miles nearer than it ever was before. "With -an area equal to that 1 of the older one, and a climate infi nitely superior, she yet has but 500, 000 population to the 40,000,000 of the mother country!" The Agricultural classes of Franco have 200,000,000 on deposit in the government savings banks, on which they are paid 4 per cent interest The Paris Petit Journal has reach ed a circulation of 825,000 copies, without doubt the largest newspaper circulation in the world. . It is said that General Grant has reduced his smoking allowance to one cigar a day. BiiAiKE," it'is reported, 'expects to visit-Europe in May. NEW TO-DAY. Grand Ball, , AT THE CjERMANIA H.ALL, on Wednesday Eve, Dec. 31st, 1884. TICK T-. M-'m''tf nj; Get If man arrt ladles. r.na n -n a.nga uuo-u p-r, ou .Vgood line u ay be crpeetcl. Assignee's Notic?. NOTICE I i HEKEItV (J! VEX II TTHE uiuleihun i hi- be u atUKj.nt. d fie s-'h-nt-eu: tt f Mair B.uucr & .l-hi.si. and all pttrvms having claims against said jinn are nery nniincd to nre-ent xue same duly certified to the undersigned, at his of flee. In .Astoria, Oregon, within three months from this date, Dec 27th, 18-vl. J. 1U U. UK VY . Notice. NEITIIEItTHK UNDERSIGNED AGEXT norOara. OKen of the llr. ship. Citadel, from Callao will be rctponslule for anj debts contracted by the crew, unless dul authorized. V. L. CHEltRY. .December 23, 1584. Notice. NEITHER THE UNDE11SIGXEI) COX sigiiees nor CipU Curlett. of the Hi itisli bark Vm. D. Seed, from Iquiqui, will be re sponsible for any debts contracted by the the crew at this port, unless duly author ized. MEYEE, WILSON & CO. Deecmbcr22nd. 1RW. For Rent. TWO FRONT HOOMS : SUITAItLE FOR ofllces : centrally located : apply at As tokiax office. For Sale. I OFFER FOR SALE, THE STOCK. GOOD will, and fixtures of the Cigar and Fancy Goods Store of Win. Houseman. A man meaning business can make a good bargain. ISAAC BERGMAN. Assignee. Picked Up. ABREAST OF KNAWA. A LARGE white skiff about 10 feetlong :two pairs rowlocks and two pairs oars. Ovuiercan find me in Kuappa. P.M. JOHNSON. Astoria, Or., Dec. 19th, 18S1. Improving Mouth of the Columbia River, Oregon and VY. T. Propossli for Constructing Wharf and Barges U. S. Enginekk Office, Portland, Oufgon. Dec lc, 1SS1. f SEALED PROPOSALS FOR EACH WILL be received at this office until II A. ., January 16. 1883. for construction of a w hart :uid trestle at Point Adams, Oregon ; and of 4 stone barges to h delivered at Astona. I'unher information can be obtained upon application at tills office. CHAS: F. POWELL. Captain of Engineers. For Sale. FINE NINE-ROOMED DWELLING -house with two lots, comer Main and Seventh streets. For further particulars apply at The Astorian office. . Elegant Rooms. SUNNY AND CONVENIENT. IN Wr. Hume's building. Apply to SAMUEL ELMORE. Public Auction. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO WHOM it may concern and the public generally, that I will cause to be sold at public auction in front of the Parker Houe in Astoria, Oregon, on Saturday, the 27th day of De cember, 18SL the following articles of per sonal proiwny, to-wit : Forty Trunks and Fifteen Valises, To satisfy my legal charges and liens against and upon the samp. Said articles have been in my hands unclaimed for more than three mnths,aud will be sold unopened and as they are to the highest bidder for cash in hand according to law. Dated Astoria, Or., Dec C. 18S4. H.B.PARKER, Proprietor r.irker House. Teachers' Examination. REGULAR QUARTERLY EXAMIXA tion for Teachers' Certificates will be held at the Court Houe. on the 2Cth and 27th mst., commencing at 9 a. si. each day. J.E.HIGGIXS, County Superintendent of Public Instruction Fifty Dollars Reward. fWMlK ABOVE REWARD WILL BE PAID X for the recoven' of the body of Clias. Callaghau, second-mate of Uie collier Wil lamcUc. washed overboard at the entrance to the Columbia river, Dec. 3rd. tfsi. By order W. M. Temple Lodge No. 7, A. F. and A. M. Dissolution of Co-partnership. NOTICE ISHEREBY GIVEN THAT THE partnership heretofore existing between H. I). Newbury and Irv.Steiens in the bus iness known as the City Book Store is this day dissolved by mutual consent. All bills due by the firm and all accounts owing are to be paid to or collected by the under signed. The business has been purchased bv Messrs. t.nffen and Reed who will have charge of it in the future. H. D.NEWBURY. 1RV. S1EVEX. Astoria, December 1, 168 i. Referring to the above the undersigned would respectfully announce to the public of Astoria and vicinity that thev Ime this day purchased from Messrs. Newbury & Stevens the stock, fixtures and good will of the City Bookstore, aud hope for a contin uance of the generous patronage accorded the retiring tirm. GRIFFEN&REED. Astoria, Or., December l, 1884. Notice. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT AVonir Wall. Wnnff T7anrr nhmm ini Charlie Ilo have this day associated them- helves together as partners under the firm name and stjleof Hie Kee Company, in carrying on a general merchandise business and employment agencv, in tlio city of Astoria, on Squemoqua street, next door to D. L. Beck & Sons. Dated Astoria, Oregon, Dec. 3rd, 1884. Notice of Application. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE undersigned intends to apply to the common council of the city of Astoria at its next regular meeting, for a license to sell wine, malt and spirituous liquors In less quantities than one quart, for a period of one year, in the building fronting on Sque moqua street and situated on Lot No. 9, Block No. 53, in the Citv of Astoria as laid out and recorded by John McClure. 0. FBANCISCOVICIL Notice. mHE TAX BOLL OF COUNTY FROPER X ty for the year 1884 is now in mv hands for collection. All persons are hereby no- imea to pay meir taxes. Due notice win oe given outside districts as to date of arrival there. W. G. ROSS, Sheriff of Clatsop County, and ex-offlcio Tax Collector. Astoria, Or., Dec. 6th, 1884. "" Notice to The Public. THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT I WAS sick for four months and that Dr. Jim cured me. I am now in perfect health, and it Is to his skill that I ana 'indebted for my recoTry. nuxs HOfiuise. Assignee's Sale. The unde signed Assignee of the Estate of J. E. THOMAS, OFFERS AT PRIVATE SALE ALL THE STfCS OF Drucs. Toilet and Fancy Ar ticles, Medicines, fctc. BELONGING TO THE ESTATE. ALL ARTICLES AT COST PRICE. rvprclal 1 iid tier in out to the Trade. F. P. HICKS, ASSIGNEE. Change of Agency. Wc hare appointed MR. O. F. MORTON Our Selling and Collecting Agent at Astoria. All those wishing to purchase a first-class SEiriXG MACHINE, or to make pay ments due us will please call on Mr. Morton Headquarters at B. S.WORSLEY'S Salesroom- The Singer Mf'g Co., 02 Morrison Street, Portland, Or. COLUMBIA Candy Factory. Next door to Astoria Bakery, where all Orders may be left. The Choicest Candy Made Daily. All Candy manufactured at my establish ment warranted flr-t-class. ED. JACKSON, rrop'r. TleNorttenPaciicExprasCi). FURNISHES The Shortest, Quickest and most Sellable Eonle between ASTORIA AND ALL POINTS. If vou have Anj thing to Send by Express, Send it by the Northern Pacific., Express Co. Order your Express packages sent to ou by the NORTIIEKN PACIFIC EXPRESS CO. Prompt Delivery, Low Rates, Satisfaction guaranteed S.ELMORB. AHtoria Acent. H. B. PARKER DEALEK IX Hay, Oats, and Straw, X I M ."E3 , Brick, Cement, Santi and Plaster. Wood Delivered to Order. Draying, Teaming, and Express Business J. H. D. GRAY, Wholesale and retail dealer In. GROCERIES, FLOUR, AND FEED Hay, Oats, Straw, Wood, Etc. LIME, SAND AND CEMENT General Storaire and Wharface on reason able terms. Foot of Benton street, Astoria, urenon. THE BEST IS THE Royal Brand Flour Manufactured by the OREGON MILLING COMPANY Is of Superior Quality, and Is Endorsed by all who use it. THE HOUSEKEEPER'S FAVORITE Of Superior Plains Quality. Guaranteed to Give Satisfaction. WYATT & THOMPSON Sole AcenlH for Astoria. Important Notice! Oregon Improvement Co. Great Eeinctioiifl Price of Coal. On and after December 1st until further notice the price at tho bunkers will be as follows for SEATTX.E COAX. Clean Domestic per ton, 2240 lbs S7.&0 Average Steam " coo Screenings " " " 4.00 On hand a constant supply, at market rates, of first-class CUMBERLAND. E. A. NOTES, Agent. Notice. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT I will not be responsible for any debt contracted by any person, uuless It be upon my written order. . . -. -r. ,. A- O.SrEXARTn. Astoria, December 22ud, 18SL To The Public. MANY COMPLAINTS ARE BEING , ,maS?,by Chinamen and persons em ploylne Chinese servants, about the prac tice of snow -balling Chinamen as they pass along the street: Indeed, this practice has been indulged in to such an extent that cit izens find it difficult to get their sen-ants to to go on errands about town. I therefore, hereby notify all persons whom It may con cern that by engaging In that kind of sp6rt they become guilty of assault and battery, and that hereafter when complaints are made before me against parties charging them with that offense,! will Issue warranto for their arrest, and if thoy are found guilty they 111 be punished to the full extent of theiaw. N.E.GOODELL.J.P. House to Rent. N: IKE BOOMS : GOOD LOCATION. mquiw 91 w, B. HEADINGION. MERRY WHATEVER TOO" Christmas YOU WILT. My Headquarters are There ncrvr Ii:in beon in Alorlu Midi a wonderful as. sort men I r Holiday (Maoris or nil desurij). ;g lioii as I hare. iMlM fi Jb-if 1 m li ti iSn-i 1 TItp-S S -1 mMB -sseifM at Adlers Crystal Palace. Buy where the goods are the newest and Cheapest ! Buy where the assortment is the largest and most varied! Buy where the attention is polite and you can look with out being pestered to buy! HAPPY NEW YEAR ! Adler's Crystal Palace Book Store. Carl Adlr, Sole . ROCK JC"cJrKI'Quick-Train LADIES WITPtlFS V. .f-j .m, ' unequauea DIAMONDS, Jewels Rich AND RARE. Everything First- V,K Cla&s. All Goods SLY Sui ft nr vv in 11 GUARANTEED. K VVral Ob TatOIT,b7 -., . . . JiOCOmOMTO Wfl tnVfl niancnrA r.inuw Ham. Id Shoeing Goods S&ey mmZeSbkmh. mVs&X -1 LB -J VK. .n iVX - x . .m -v w 1 ! vxfcra0-i "m? ",?? xm Remember CARL ADLER'S Crystal Palace. Carpets! Carpets! Carpets, We beg to call the attention of the public to our latest importation, direct from Eastern manufacturers, of tho largest invoice of CAKPETS ever offered for sale in this city, comprising all grades, from the FINEST BODY BRUSSELS In the Newest Tints and Shades, To the lowest priced article in this line. We are determined to dispose of our stock of Carpets within the next four weeks, and to that end offer special inducements, precluding the posaihintyof IJeiu Umlcrxold by any ofonr Competitor. -IN Furniture and House Furnishing Line We can show you the eryREST GOODS at BOTTOM FIGURES, and shall be pleased to receive a call for inspection whether you purchase or not. CHAS. HEILBORN. New Establishment! iw FURNITURE, FURNISHING GOODS, Carpets, Matting, Pictures, Mirrors, PICTURE FRAMES MOULDINGS, ETC., ETC. At Greatly Reduced Prices, ASTORIA FURNITURE CO., Cor. Ciienamus and Hamilton Sts. Builders Carpenters MATERIAL. SASH DOORS AND MOULDING. First Class Work at Prices to Suit the Times. PLANS AND ESTDIATES FURNISHED. C. H. Bain & Co.'s SteamPlaning Mill andSash Factory Boat Building a Specially: Notice to Stockholders' Fisher men's Packing Co. THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE Stockholders of the Fishermen's Pack ing Co. will be held at the office of the com pany, on Monday. Dec. 23, 18S1, at 9 a. m. for the purpose of electing a board of direc tors for the ensuing year, and transacting Mich other liuqlriM 11 hnii loii,. 1. " fore the meeting, uj oruer 01 the President H.E. NELSON, Swwtajgr. iMaS' WANT FOR A Present ! ! FIND AT iJA A aj A o matter where you purchase look through my stock before decidiuir. Agent, Astoria. FORD Gold and Silver WATCHES ware, Mnriun service Fancy Clocks EEOXY, Ormolu and Crystal. GEMS, cocnUed Ornaments and Pre- as THE BEST.Sold -, ,.. InDrfndDal cious aiones. cltie&JCtoimt by eicluslro Thr ninvKt nnil tmwt ieJfJtoiPSSS Elegant Deulcns in JwStV. JEWELRY. TIIE - II. Du E UlSSOtf, Manager. ASTORIA Best BREAD iu the Cllj", Best CABBIES, Best CAKES and JPA8TK.Y, Best ICE CREAM, Finest OrnameHtal AVorlcte Order. ED. JACKSON. Wood for Sale. Good Dry Vine Maple and Fir. Vine Maple, $3 75 per cord : $4 08 delivered Fir, - - 3 00 " SCO " LcaTe ord3 with Dan Murray, at .L.fif49t2tS. For The Pinest Groceries. For Tho Freshest Vegetables, For The Most Complete Assortment, or Absolute Satisfaction, In Filling and Dil'verta;; All Orders, Cdl -.r FRANK L Family Grocery and Provision Store, Corner Benton and Chenamus Streets. Opposite Custom House Square. ' " " ' '" .""--' g--gfg " -, - ' rn 1 fn wan a tUJi TER apply to the Captain, or to Everybody Ms BY A Present for the Holidays Purchased at the EMPIRE STORE. i s .HiipiiiiiiiiiiiiBisiiigiiuiBBaaisa::33:B33:B25BBBssaia3S3aaiiS;s3i Ilaving just received from Eastern markets a most S magnificent line of staple and fancy articles conipris- 5 inj anything and everything that iastylish and beau- g tiful in our line, we invite a call from all our friends g and the public generally. Among the thousands of novelties received we will 5 enumerate: Elegant Dress Goods, Ladies' and Child's S Neckwear, Worsted Knit Goods, Skirts, (.loves, Cor- 2 sets, Iloopskirts, and numerous other novelties. S nu rsiiiinaaasisuEHiiscauEEiBSEEzastsEiEsiiasiEsiaiBniisHHugiEi! a m a M In Lafe' and Chili's FINE SHOES we M the Market. Gall Early and Secure a Good Selection. PR&SX. BROS. John A. Mosifgomery, DEALEU Tin, Sheet Iron and Copper Ware. A. General Assortment of HOUSEHOLD GOODS. Agents for Magee Stoves and Eanges The Best In the market. Piumblng goods of all kinds on hand. Job .work done In a workmanlike manner. PLUMBING, GAS FITTING, AND CANNERY WORK Attended to Promptly on Reasonable Terms. Chenamus Street, A'ext toC L Parker's Store ASTORIA. - OBEGON. THE "TEW "MODEL A FTJI.I. STOCK jr. OLSEX. J. OUSTAFSOX. MARTIN OLSEN & CO. DEALERS IX FURNITURE S5 BEDDING Corner SInin and Hqucmoqun Streets. Astoria, Oregon. WINDOW SHADES AND TRIM!ViNGi; WALL PAPER, ETC A Complete Stock. PRICES AS CHEAP AS OTALITY WILL AFFORD. AIX KINDS OF FITRKITURE REPAIRED AXB VARNISBIED. FOR Finest Groceries, GO TO FOABD & STOKES. A FULL LINE OF HARDWARE AND Ship Chandlery. A NEW SLIP. Jut Finished ln'Be&x of Store. PARKER'S sti:.iiikb - liMM PARKER Ebcn P. Parher,Master. For TOWING, FEEIC.nT or CHAR 11. 1$. PARKER. IN- KAXGE CAN BE HAD IN AS TOItTA ONLY OF B. tt. HAWBS, AG EAT CALL AND EXAMINE IT, Y l WILL BE PLEASED. E. K. IIAWES Is also agent for tin- Bid patent CooMd! Stow. And other flrst-clasa Si07es. Furnace Work. Steam Fit tings. etc., a speolalty. AliWAYS ON HAND. A. JOHNSON". Hardware and Slip Chandlery VAN DUSEN & CO., DEALERS IX Hardware and Ship Chandlery Pure Oil, Bright Varnish, Binacle Oil, Cotton Canvas, Hemp Sail Twine, Cotton Sail Twine, Lard Oil, Wrought Iron Spikes, - -Galvanized Cut Nails, Agricultural Implements, Sewing machines, Faints and Oils.lGroceries, etc, hie Happy ! r3E3ilils5S3atS