The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, December 16, 1884, Image 3

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    HU Jtotty tmm
DrCEMDEK 16. 1881
(Moml&y excepted)
J. F. HiLLOEii.:-; o; COMPANY,
PunLTnr.!:1? and inop::iKToits
A-bTouu:. hl-;lri.c, - - casssTUESt
Terms ofubcrIplicn.
8firr'-d hv C trrter. vr wefk l.Vts.
Sunt !)v l iti prmiur!i GH.-.3.
' ' " one ear .. .$;.vu
Frc? or pi"ta,e to u'- r.lxrs.
E?; v lvcrtiieme ti iiiMrt"d fov thf1 ywr at
the mi- of pr mjii-jiv p: mouth. Tran
sient jiilvertisiug fifty cents per jiouare, eacli
Wotice To Advertiser.
The Astokian jzuarantf es to Its ad
vrti!ifr.i the largest circulation of anv
newspaper published on the Columbia
Heal Osborn & Alexander's skate adv.
They aro the boss.
The A. .B. JYefd has been hauled off
till further notice.
Bosses will run to and from upper town
to (JjiideUtal null to-nigut.
. Tue finest entertainment of the season
at Oca diutat Hall tins evening.
H. B. Parker his lime, plaster and
C9meat f jr sale at bottom tijjarea.
Tae stoskhilJbM of the Co.uinbia Can
ning Ci. wul hi fa thjir meeting
thtd morning.
O :iden .al hall will bo specially warm
el to-m.-ht, and every one tnere will huve
a o JjifortaUie seat.
BeserveJ seats at Griffin & Heed's City
bak st jra f r tue cuueer- of the Congre
gational church choir to-nfcht.
It is said iu Portland tuut Bilfonr,
Githrie 3i Co. sunk two million dollars
in t je grain business last season.
Toe picture. "A V.ic int Chair' copied
from l'oby KaisnlU u'd firat picture of
t.iat title, attr.icts considerable attention
as the New York Novelty store.
Don't forget to bring your programmes
to the concert to-night. By the way,
waat do you think of those programmes?
A n't they nifty? D.l Ferguson got them
The City Bjok stare presented a beau
tif.ii appearance last evening, it being
the epmn night. Meagre. Griffin fc
Beed ure gentlemen of ability and will
command a lurc trade.
A keen east wind; glittering stars; hard
f roat; g azid sidewalks; fun for the boys;
gojd fv.r tue wooimun; hard on hillside
dwellers; "8.nuers stand on slippery
placed" that is hoiuo of them do, the
majority fall down.
At Adler's Crystal Palace last night the
doll show und tue camera obacura was
tue greatfeature and the delight of the
little ones. There is a splendid stock of
holiday goods on hand and no one need
go' away dissatisued.
The Abbey To c. hia sailed for Qaeens
tovra witu4J,Jlrf tm. wueat wjrtu $o,
913, uui tue ScjUish Chief for Liverpool
with ll,-'J oais djar, wrth W,6JJ the
first do ar cargo Buippsd from tue Colum
bia this season.
Bjfore Justice G.iadell yesterday ap
peared Frank Coalman oa a caurgo of i.
leal voting. Tue evidence adduced was
in the juJgmeut of the court auifijieui
to holding him to uppaar before the giuiU
jury. Th;re are no threj in jail iu de
fault of b indd tj aajWcr next ui mm on
a charge of luogoi voting Jiiu.ui.iu, &.
aon and Patterson.
- Tue Congregational church choir de
serves a full hotue to-nigut. 'iey have
a splendid programme, tuey have some
of the beat musical talent in the cty;
thev have devoted a great deal of time
anJ-a considerable amount of expense to
getting the wuoie tuiug in good suape,
and they woaid bj grauned to nave tue
eno jurageoient of your presence.
It is s lid that it is n Jt unusual in Port
land at present tj pay 13 uud 20 p.-r
oent. for tue use of money, Taerd arc
one or two Similar cases here. Oh, u
mortt ige tax law is a u.ce tain. Gen
erally a in)rtrtue break-) oue up, but uj
d9rthewivj wjrkmgsof tasttX ta7 it
doujled tue bjrroVcr utoii and breaks
him aain. Tua next lcgslaturj saou.u
rep3jl the nuis tnce.
Mr. A. J. received a letter yes
tirdiy tea u n-rai m Wasoae, res.ditig
in Gtr Jauy, oski i for iuform iti.m cju
ceraiu h.ssn, iiVei ayouu m n
oi J or J , wuj Worked ct th j Ojc.deut
in tue sauu.;f ot 6'. Afcer vard an
fishsd f jr cue r'isajroi .u's Packing C .,
and later in the ss isoa wjuc to Alaoiia.
Tue disconsolate f ithjr wr.tes for infor
mation. Any reader of 1'iie AsrociiX
knowing of Prwderick's whoreabouta or
anything concerning Jiim will aid a dis
tracted parent in letting Mr. Alerter
Hare i3 part of a a' ita, says the Wtl
come, preptrei from ru nor on the streets
that eastern Oregon voters who general
ly "roll up the Demoratic majorities,"
may bre tk or not as they pleas?. That
llu.tnomah county which invariably goes
Bepub.icjn, should appropriate the
cream, and so conspicuously on
the list, in vie of its inherent modesty,
bo oftsn displayed ia the past, is not to
b9 wjndered at. Tasra is o 12 ta n cer
tain; if sua h isn't won the riat to
snatch the spiiis she evidently stands iu
sore need of all tue "pip"' tnitcm be
conveniently bestowed. For collector of
customs, Barney Goldsmith, of Multno
mah; for D. S. marshal, E. J. Jeffrey, of
Multnomah; for postmaster, A. Noltner,
of Multnom ih; for U. S. district attor
ney, W. D. Feuton, of Yamhill; for re
ceiver of the Oregon City land office, J.
Myers, of Clack imus: for appraiser of
customs, boss Schenok. of. Multnomah;
for collector of internal revenue, ex
sheriff Hogan, of D mglas; for inspector
of boilers, John Marshall, of'MuItno
xaah. Clatsop seems to b left out on this deal.
Far Tile Cii ticsi iooli,
For the fL'imi Chritin us cards, for the
finest Jewelry, forthf tietof t-wr'thing
In the line, of handsome good, go to
Carl Adhr's Crystal Palace, You will
find Judt whit y -a want
Al Fniuk Fab re's. -
BoardforSJiO a luontli. The beat
in'the city. Dinner from s to 7.
Dr A. Veser, German physician and
surgeon. Offlee at Geriuanla Hotel,
rooms 16 and 17. Corner 8th and Water
For a good bath, pleasant shavp, or
" hainpn, go to the City Baths, corner
Squemoqua and 01 ney street".
Job. G. Ciiaktkiis, Prep.
At J. W. Conn's Druir Store you will
find the best ahsortuicnt in the citv. con-slstln-r
f Toilet Cases. Odor Cases,
Plat d Ware. Fancy Toilet aiticle ani
perfumery of all kind, opposka Occl-SffttBoffV
Vlata TalkFroei 0?cr the Riitr Bsrdlaj
tfao bltaatloa Over TLer.
The Emma Hunw steamed up the river
to Portland yesterday morning. We bad
hoped lo have a d.fferent btatement to
make bnt the Astoria and Coast Trant-
portation Company have done the very
j best they couid and only fail in their
underUking because the backing was
not what wa-, proa?iS9d, nnd that'? all
thero is to il.
Iho following from th Gra'fs Har
bor News of the 13th Lita the nail square
oa tho head. Evidently Livermore it.
one of those chaps that says what he
thinks. Under the head of "Who is to
Blame," he says:
"One year ago next month a gentleman
c ime over here from Astoria and made
a proposition to the people of this vicin
ity, whereby they might secura c regular
steamer to ply between Columbia rivei
and Gray's narbor. He represented u
stock co upany that had just been organiz
ed in that city, being its president, and at
such representative promised the mer
chants and those interested in the es
tablishment of snch communications
that if they would subscribe a certain
amouut of stock towards the building oi
a new boat, and also give that coin pin
all their carrying trade, the company
would charter a boat in the spring thai
wouiu make semi-monthly trips, ano
of tener if business would warrant it, un
til the new steamer was ready for service.
ibis oner was eagerly accepted by oui
business men, and the gentleman not
only got tho promise of the entire carrv
iiig trade beweeu the h. roor lu j
the Columbia river, but secureu
stock subscriptions to the amount
of about three thousand dollars. So
much for the project and its promise.
But how were tha promises kept? Well,
on the strength of these flattering pros
pects the gentleman returns home,
oiakes a favorable report, and arrange
ments are m ide for t o commencement
of active operation in the rpring. In
the month of April we received won.
that the Astoria Coast Transportation
Company, which was the name this
uow company had taken, had con
tracted for the building of a new
-team schooner to ply between Portland
Astoria and all points on Gray's harbor,
and furthermore that they had ohartereu
the A. B. Field to make regular trips
uere nutil such a time as tho new boai
.vill be read3. Thus it will be seen thai
to were certain of the long desired steam
communication with the outside world,
and that the Astoria gentleman hau
shown his good faith by commencing to
fulfill his part of the programme. How
vus it with the people in this section
more especially those who lmd made suoL
jtroug promises of support and sub
toribed tor stock in the company? Die
they live up to their part of the agree
ment? liil us sec. About tho time thit
transportation was fully assured, one of
the priucipil subscribers of stock and
movers in tue scheme, but, by the way,
uot a heavy shipper, and therefore only
mterested in n general way, hied himself
to Portland, and by a considerable
amount of good hard talk, expatiating
apju tho prospects of tho formation ol
in opposition line of coast steamers, hi
succeeded in convincing the management
it the U. li. & H. Uo. that this country
was worth looking after and got them to
pat on one of their freight boats to pi
iitween Portland and Miutesaso. how
for the resuit. In the second week of
-day both of these steamers put in an ap
psaranee. The Portland craft stopping
U on y two or three favored points, while
the other one c tme for the accommoda
tion of ull, and stjpped where they huu
business. But the Portland boat was the
larger of tho two and was owned by a
company that has a monopoly of the Pa
cific ooast steamship trade, and they could
therefore ntford to keep her on this route
if she did run behind . a day, while
the other boat was under charter to i.
new compauy and cou.d not be run at c
lOhB. What did our merchants do under
taeseoircumstances? Why, they of course
p itromzed tho monopoly affair, and not
mly did that, but they did not pay for
the stA.dc tuey had ttken, thereby
directly b ick on wait tuey had promises
t lb- Astoria conipauj-. Thero wore two
jr t r e exceptions to this ruir, howe .
who considered their word of hour
at stake and that the p;op'o who
ere instrumental in promoting
the commercial relations with the
outside world were muro deservin
than a company that run here in order
to kill any uev venture iu this direction.
It was pluin to all tht under this st tte
of afi tirs tho ne.v coxpjtay cjuI 1 ct get
their charter money back, and they were
only too glad to draw off at the expira
tion of the first period of the charter.
Soon ufter the Field stopped running
tue rumor was current that tho magnifi
cent steamer Gipsy would soon be taken
off this route, and sure enough she was,
and this c juntry was onco moi e left with
out regular communication with Port
land und Astoria. We are perfectly safe
m saying that if the people of this vicin
ity had taken the News' advice, and giv
en their support to the Astoria company.
tuey wouiu not om; nave tept meir
pledge, but there would to-day bs a
steamer of some kind plying regularly
between this harbor and the Columbia,
at a month. To be sure it
would not bo a Queen of the Pacific, but
it wou d serve the purposo until the trade
demanded still better communications.
The new steamer that was originally
built for this route is now ready for sea,
and had we kept good faith with her
owners she would undoubtedly be put on
this route. But owing to the financial
embarrassment of this company, partly
due to the action of neoDle of this sec
tion, she has gone into the control of
other hands, her name changed and she
will seek employeoint elsewhere. It is
plain to be seen from these facts who is
to blame for the present state of things.
and we hope that our people will profit
by thin lesson. The next time a company
makes a similar proposition and vou
g.-ee to it, don't wait till you see that
they are in earnest and then persuade
some one else there is e big bonanza in
the scheme, and thereby lose the very
thing you really want.
Hard Dry Wood
For sale hi quantities to suit at Car
nahan & Co.'.
W . TT
Do Ton Thin It tkat JcS
The Chop Ilnuxe
Gives you a meal for nothing, and a
glass of something ro drink? "Not
much !" but he gives a better xneal and
more of it than any place in town for
25 cents. He buy by the wholesale and
pays cash. "That settles It."
Ck 4i Cotuia g
nd you villi remember your friends.
Ben. ember too that at Carl Adler's
Crvtal Palacp Is the finest assortment
of gift goods in the city.
If ynn want to mikw a nice present to
your friends go to .1.. W. Conn's Drug
Store and you will find just what you
want, or the very best quality, and at
law lowest plbl prices.
At 4t2l yesterday afternoon the lire
bell clanged; in a minute 2'a were in full
go down UcneYleve, closely following
Alert H. & L., and l'a were speeding
down LaFayelte. Two's .sped swiftly partmont with a thousand others just
djwn to Main street wharfj. One's sta- like me faos, shoulders, body, and feet"
tioned on Gray's dock, and in that short all the same on immense concourse "of
spaco of time conceded to a Iamb to twins as it were. Here, helplessly hud
shake his tail, water was thrown In died together, in all imaginable poai
stream3. Tho question "Where's ths tion3, each awaits its luru to be lifted
ore? ' was not asked at first. The first
three or four minutes is where the work
of prevention lies.
Well, thero was no fire yesterday after
noon, the alarm having been given by
command of the chief engineer to show
Mr. Niles, the manager of 4ba Compact
Insurance companies of the northwest,
who is in the city oa a vijit of official in
spection, just how the Astoria depart
ment turned out in response to an alarm,
ilr. Niles expressed" himself as satisfied
with the test and.was complimentary in
ois comment on'tlfe promptness and fine
tppearance of the department.
He made a thorough inspection of the
whole department, apparatus, houses and
facilities of every kind and seemed pretty
thoroughly convinced that Astoria's
boast about the efficiency of .her fire de
partment has excellent reason for its
continuance. ' ,
Yesterday he made considerable reduo
tions in ratings, and if he would do con-
iiaerauie more ULiuat une, no wouiu do
no more than just to the citizens of this
city, who are rated too high Co be pleas
ant and who think too high to fit in with
existing facts. There isn't much induce
ment to pay high taxes to help keep up
i first class department and then besides
be raised clear out of our boots by high
insurance rates. Mr. Niles can see very
clearly that we have a splendidly organ
ized department, and his own sense of
justice will suggest to him the dvisa
iility at least, of making rates more in
accordance with the eternal fitness of
Judge O. N. Denny, who arrived hire
from China by the last 6team6r, brought
with him thirty baskets and seven crates
of Chines game birds. They comprise
specimens of six varieties of the pheasant
family, and arrived in splendid order,
only four out of about ninety birds ship
ped having died during their long voyage
of ovor 7,000 miles. Of the number thirty-one
are golden pheasants, and al
though these are considered tho most del
.cate, not one of Iheni died on the trip.
The remainder aro silver, copper, green
crogapan and ring-neck pheasants, there
being only a few of the latter, of which
Judge Denny made several shipments
while in China, which aro now doing well
and increasing rapidly in various sections
of the state, borne ot the silver pheas
ants were bred in confiaement, but tho
greater number of tho birds were cap
tured in their native haunts. A portion
of them will be presented to the Mult
nomah Hod and fun club to be distn
outed throughout the state, where it is
uoped they will be protected and allowed
to multiply. Tuese birds have been ac
climated successfully in England. France
and Germany, and Judge Denny is of the
jpinion that our climate 'and stats is
much more favorable for them than
either of those countries. Oregon and
Orecon sportsmen are under, many obli-
g .tions to Jndge Denny for his effort to
idd to the game oirds of our stats. The
golden pheasant Ts one of ths most gorge
usly plumaged of all birds, and when
playing among green foliage must look
like a ray of sunshine on the wing. The
other birds far surpass in beauty of
plumage any of the natives of this state.
Ortgonian, 15th.
The steamship Willamette arrived here
from Portland at 8 o'clock yesterday
morning, and will load coal for San
Francisco. Nothing baa been heard of
Callinan, her second mate, and the sailor,
who were washed overboard while cross
ing the Columbia river bar on her trip
around to Portlnnd. Harry Strove, the
quartermaster of tho steamer, states that
alt bauds saw the wave rolling toward
tne ship, but did not expect it to do anv
damage. It broke, however, just as ft
struck the vessel, end dashed down on
jor with terrific force, tearing a life-raft
from its moorings, and carrying the two
men overboard on the raft! Strove, in
attempting to save his fellow quarter
master, lost his hold and was being car
ried overboard, when Mr. James, the
mate, caught him by his clothinc and
Raved his life. ..The other quartermaster
Went ovor, but the next wave washed him
onboard apai a un'njured. The secmd
mat , who was drowned, was an "old
tar," and had been captain of several
vessels. It had been decided to make
him first mate f the Walla Walla on
ner next trip, captain noimea states
that no human power could have saved
CaUihan and the sailor, whowero washed
overboard, as they boos -drifted into
shallow water where the breakers were
raging terribly. SeatiU Pott-InieUi-genCer,
flurklcu'i Aralra'fealre.
The Best Salvk in the world for
Cuts, Brui-es, Sores.Ulcers, Salt Rheum,
Fever Sore. Tftter, Chapped Hands.
Chilblains. Corns, and all Skin Etup
tlons, and positively cures.-1'ilefl, or no
pay required. It Is guaranteed to give
perfect satisfaction, or money refunded.
Price 25 cents per box. For sale by W.
. Dement & Co.
The latent and bet, at Carl Adler's
Crystal Palace. Special orders filled
At J. J. A. void'
Yon will find a splendid stock of booti
and shoes. Ladles' and children's "ahoes
a specialty: All Ktyles and size.
A 8plCIMlit CMlVtIS)B.
"Eatlug Chocolate"-atFrank Klber
snn's. Call for a packet of "Eating
Chocolate." Every one likes It.
Does not make anv second-class Pic
tures at his New Gallery, No. 61J, on
the Roadway.
Mrs. Bryce would respectfully an
nonce to the ladles of Astoria tbatske Is
prepared to do dressmaking in all its
branches at her rooms on Cass St., op
poiU Odd Fellows building.
For DinnerParties to order, at short
notice, go to Freak Fabre's.
Roscoe Dixon's new eating boose
is now onen. EvervthlRl bui fit.
ted un fa flrskela-ia stvb anrfht.wu
known reputation as a caterer aMores
all who Ilko good U'Uim to eat, that at
j Ub ! tke be "tmT'Tnt.H-
y fi
Only a little insignificant typs one of
a million of the same family hopelessly-
struggling ia my prosoat buried oondi-J
tion :n tue case to obtain a glimpsa oT
what is going on. Buried in my corn-
oat and brought into line with other ral
Iatons' with faoe oC ied shapd.
j Brought into line to be locked up, to
giro the impression that shall aadd-t&
the joyful or giadoen some aching soul;
brought into line to bo again dropped
deftly and carefully into our compart
raents, and to constantly undergo the
aama expeeawa nam we are worn put,
until our faaeg, are worn .gut; not ocx
bodies; for though, gullied with the accu
mulated dirt of yearswith lye, our
bodies within are yet bright and soifd.
But when worn out our time has come
the time for a new life in a new shape,
with a bright, sharp, and radiant face,
again to go through the long series of
wear, and again regeneration in the
smeltinz-POt. Whilst thus soliloamztntr
alight gradually begins to da wa on me;'!
thn floht IS ffmdnxllv halnn 'ilnm.4
from off my shoulders. A slight commo
tion is perceptible near me. My com
rades are gradually disappearing and
leaving me. My opportunity must soon
come. I see the face and. form of the
compositor; with clenched hand on
stick he silently piles up, one
by one, the little type, jealously
clutching each one with thumb, as with'
musical click we fall into our allotted
place. I am touched, I glide through
space, and here I am, upright on my
feet, looking the world straight in the
face! But I cannot novs; I am held as
in a 'vice. On a galley near by are thousr
ands of my friends and relations, alike
distressingly in bondage. Along solid
column of type fills the galley; we in the
stick shall soon join them. Tke full stick
rests on the case. A gentle forward and
upward movement and we are away
from its confiaes, supporting each
the other on the galley, which
is now filled with tvpe. Oar
galley :s burned away and placed on a
proof-press. Shortly our faces are cov
ered with glossy black ink. Oh! how
sticky we feel. But we must stand it, as
this is an ordeal we all must pass
through, to sco if there be any interlopers
from the other boxes in the case, and to
see whether the words of which we form
portions are spelled correctly, and for
other n a ons. A snowy sheet of paper is
laid over us, as if to hide our embarrass
ment, but in reality to receive the im
pression soon to come. A crashing
weight soon diminishesour pride and we
feel our faces imbeded in the soft paper,
which shortly is gently raised, carrying
away most of the ink deposited on us.
We have just been washed and now feei
better and more respectable; but our
greatest trials have yet to come. The
proof has been returned from the reader,
to whom it was sent to be marked, to our
friend, the compositor. . Caring its so
journ with the reader, from its appear
anoe, some one mast playfully have
drawn several town plans on its margin,
it is so ruthlessly scored. Well, dur
ing the process of correction we
are pulled this way and that, raised up
and pushed down, until all the errors
seem to be corrected; some of oar fam
ily being forced to resume their places in
ths type-case, others brought out; some
cruelly pierced with the bodkin, and some
totally abandoned and consigned to .the
box for old metal or worn out types. We
now jourmey on the galley from the
case to the imposing-stone, upon which
our whole column is deftly slid from the
galley, and wo assume our places in the
page of tho paper allotted to us. We are
now eurrounded with a heavy iron chase,
and it we were close together on the eal
ley, how terribly squeezed we now feel,
tightened up with tho quoins on tho in
side of the chase. A gentle tap on the
planer as it passes over us is all we need
to present a perfect level upturned sea
of faces. Another awful squeeze from
the final locking-up and our page is ready
to bo lifted and placed on the b6d of the
press a cold iron bed but yet we have
our blanket, as you shall see. Our chaw,
with perhaps others, is fastened immova
bly, bo that it cannot shift with us. We
see numerous soft-faced rollers, covered
with black ink, that are soon to besmear
our faces. We see the great round cylin
der, around which our blanket is fixed, to
prevent the undue mashing of our finer
lines; but I believe there is a system of
hard packing that makes us print more
sharp and clear. The -press shivers, the
rollers move, the cylinder revolves; under
it we fly, quickly travel back again, the
white leaves silently piling up, one by
one, in the rear of the press and so we
continue until our neat task is done.
As our usefulness depends upon the care J
faaen or our xaces, they are thoroughly
washed, the pages are placed again upon
the imposiBg-a tone, the page is separated
and handful by handful we are lifted, and
type by type we are carefully dropped in
our old resting places the boxes in'the,
"Wkat Will I SrH4 Iter?"
A visit to Adler's Crystal Palace-Will
grr. itly assist your choice. The finest
and freshest display, and all goods war
ranted. SjTMp ef rigs.
Nature's own true Laxative. Pleas
ant to the palate, acceptable to the Stom
ach, harmless in iu nature, painless in
its action. Cures habituat'Constipation.
Biliousness, Indigestion aad klndnd
ills. Cleanses the system, purifies the
blood, regulates the Liver and acts on
the Bowels. Breaks up Colds, Chills
and Fever, etc Strengthens Ue organs
on which it acts. Better than bitter,
nauseous Liver Medicines, pills, "salts
and draughts. Sample, bottles free, ami
large ootties tor sale by W. E. Dement
Co., Astoria.
Fifthftrmest AttesHlemt
Before buvlng twine examine the
Dunbar, McMaster A Co.'s extra strong
Irish Flax Thread, No. 40. ia pi v. Jas.
O. Hanthora. of this city, is the sole
agent for the Pacigc coast.
Oysters I oysirral Oyterst!
Mrs. Lovett informs the public that
she has reopened an Ovster and Coffee
saloon, at the old stand on Main
street. Entrance through tailor shop.
Reaew Tasir NMkcrlff lems
For the cowing year, at Grlffen Reed's
CI, y Book Store. Subscriptions re
ceived for any periodical published.
Frect FltMstr Baat
Ot Shoe, go to P. J. Goodmans, on Cbe
Raraus street, next door to I. W.Ca&e.
All floods of the beat raake and guaran
teed qaallty. A fall stock; new geods
eonstaaUy arrlTinr. Custom work.
aSS SEg P"g asssf
Situatta Want!.. '
lCeJBf1Qia,ttW& ?&
1 .. .... i , , TSsasssssmam
Braad atfrer&cd a Jaolvat'.? pv
. m TJI2 TEST:
We k tp rows e & hot pts m
ted. then remove tha cjrrand . melt. A chaa
Is t riii hot bs rnabra to cUuct tte mmm t
IU tHW-m Baa NVKIt Sm
1 a a mUUea Jkmms t o r a qrter of eaatitrx U
kuUootffccTi r'TsMttilntert,
Price Eoldzg Tender Co.,
Dr.-Pricc's Special Flavoring Extracts,
7e stroSgeet, rja-t dllclona and aa&ual
fiATwr kaowa, &u4
dr. Prict's LuMtHa Yttst Shis
lor Ugat. BfalthrBred.?&a Best Dry Sop
Light Healthy Bread.
Ths beat dry hop vesat In the wrleL
d ralasd bythlavsstsllaht,whHe)
andwholewpms like our grandmojhsra
dslioioue oread.
Price Baking: Powder Co.,
turn tf Dr. prig's special FtaTonif Extrsctt,
Ch.cago. III. St. Louie, Ms.
For sa!e 1 y Cuitjxo.Mkrlk & Co , Axeatt
I'nrt ?nd. Or IfOB.
Steady, Sir!
Right Direction
M. D.KANT, The Bon,
Is closing out his entire stock of Clothiag
and Overcoats, finest nnd best quality,
Largest assortment in .Men's, Youth's
and Boys' Clothing. Gents' Furnishing
Goods, jBoots and Shoes, Rubber ai Oil
Clothing, Hats and. Caps, etc., at p. b
thnt will suit the times, N.
He will make up the finest and best fit
ting suit of Clothing to Order, for the
Mklp Cnptaia '
Take notice of the fact that I ean saaolv
yoar crew with Cheaper and Better goods
taaa any oiner nouse la uregosu
-XD, KANT. The Bom.
- Notice of App.ication.
i.i Uitieria-a wm apply to tae Common
Council, or ibedty of Astoria, at i:s n-xt
reuutar n.--Uii) I -r ll-ese t li wlm?,
matt Mnd -plrl uoua liquor-, hi less quantl
tie than one quart. fcr a period of one j ear
from date. In the bullrilug known as the
jHynipc Saoon aud slttrted In fr.ot of
block K. r. irner Main and OoncoMly streets,
HcCiurt's Astoria.
Astoria, Dec. 18, l&d.
Change of Agency.
We kare appointed
Oar Selllaj and Co'.lectiax Agant at Astoria.
H Ihoe wishing to purchase a firat-class
'MrfA'G MJLCHISI, or to make pay.
tneata due us will pit a ctll on Mr. Mortoa
Headquarters at B. S.WOBSLEY'g Bates.
Tht Singer Mfg Ct .
hpjg . r i w aBjj-v -
Mil Save Money
Dry Goods s Clothing House
The large increase of this years'
business over last in all otir De
partments is sufficient proof that
UES of any House in the North
west trade.
. . In the CLOTHING DEPARTMENT, we are now show
lvg the Largest variety of Gents' and Bovs, Clothing, from
a Business or School Suit to the finest Dress Suit Manufactured.
The assortment of Overcoats from Fine Dress, taHeavy
Warm Chinchillas is the hest we have ever offered.
Special attention is called to the new values in Gents'
White; Scarlet and Fancy, Knit, All WOOL UNDER
SHIRTS and DRAWERS, (a few cents in underwear often saves
dollars, in doctors' bills) also in CASSIMERES. and FLANNEL
The Sales in GENTS' and BOYS1 HATS, are far ex
ceeding our expectations. Look at our Stock hefore pur
chasing elsewhere.
The increase in BOOT and SHOE sales are such that
we are now having all of these Goods made to SPECIAL OR
DER of the best Eastern Factories.
Will find it to their interest to obtain our Prices before
purchasing their OIL and RUBBER CLOTHING, GUM
BOOTS, and all kinds of Articles for Sailors' Wear.
G. H.
Pythian Building,
The Finest Stock of Books in the City
$67,000,000 Capital !
Livt rpool and London and Globe.
Iftrth Irltiik and Htrcantile
Of London and Edinburgh.
Old Connecticut of Hartford,
. -. . ASD
Fire Insurance Companies,
Representing a Capital of $67,000 OOO.
Overcoats, Novelties in Neck Wear,
- - Hats and Furnishing Goods.
JTino lffrino aad all Wcoi Hosiary.
Xeiow Prices !
- Tke Leading Cltthier; Hatter and Gents' Fnrnisher
w . . ' j
Astoria, Oregon.
Wheeler & Kipp,
PlQmtars Gai and Stean Fitters
Warranted, and Estimates Givin.
Ireuand Lead PipNBatliTttla,
Water Closeto, aud Gaa
Chimney Pipe, Cheaper than Brick.
Comer Squrmoqua and Hamilton Streets,
Astoria, Oregon,
r-rryn -'H4
:; W X? -