?' I - s sssasr ASTQR1A, OREGON, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 16,, 1884. YOL.XA11. JXO. i36. PRICE, FJVE CENTS. BUSlSEbb CARDS. FZtybScI&n nnd Surgeon. .OFXtcs : In tfce rear of 7. W. Case's Bank. "Eesfdcuce -with L W. Cass. Telephone o. 20, at offlce and lesidencp. T)K-- A. J,, and -. A. tf'UkTttX. PJbj'sicIaji'-.ami hiirspons. Will the prmunt atunilon To all ojdls. from an part of the clt orcousiirj. Offlc over Allen' tK, cinpr as3 uid Sunemoqua street', Atrla, Oregon. Telephone o. 41. D U.FUAXR PAt. Phynlrjun n:id tturjron. OfiToe, Cor. ZAsla a.d Chcu&mas s r cts. Offick Houjts : H to 11 A. St. ;-2 to C P. II. ijtebldi nee. -opposite Hi" J0C.UIN.U building 1,1 I).Vi.'IO.V. ATTORVEY AT LAW. Abstracts OP'S Hie a specially. Rooms 11 and 12, Knuebt cf Pythian Cattle Building IV1-plu.t.e X .40. GKO. A. DOK1CIS, OKO. hOLASii AOE,AD fc DOKKES, ATTORNEYS AT LAW Office in Kinney's Block, ppcalt; Cit Hull, Astoria. Oregon. C. W. FULTOX. U.&1 ULTC. FULTON BECOTFIEEtii, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Itonmsfiand 0. Odd fellows Bnlldlpg. J. Q. A. 150W LBV. J. A. GILL. BdWE.BY &, 2ILI.. Attorn o k and Cuunx Horn at Lan , Office on Chenamus Street. Astorfi. Orjron NOTARY PUBLIC, AL'UTIONEJK, COJ'WSION ANi i Ht'RANTK M5S.NL C. ,v JLHICK. ARCHITECT AND DRAUGHTSMAN. Scholars received foi Course of DranghtinK ""Office over White Hone Store. jnKLO F. lM.mkfr.Jt. SURVEYOR OF Clatxep CeHBiy.and Citj of Aistoria Office 1 Chectutu atree-l, Y. At. C. A. Ithl .Boom No. B. 1 A rtTTt.fc, Jl. o. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Offick Koonw 1, 2, and 3 II thlnn Build log. Rfsidkntr On Cedar Street, back ol St. Mtr 'a Hosplia . JT'R. HlOiCfl. A. JE. ilHAW hicks t sn.tw, DENTIS1S. Rooms In Allen's Bulldlnjr. np stairs, cor ner Ca-s and bquem qua slrrets. Astoil.i "OrejcoiK BANKING AND INSURANCE! I. W. CASE, 'Broker, Banker, and Insur ance Agent, ASTORIA. - O KEG OX. OFFICE HOURS : From 9 o'clock A. M. until 3 oVIork P. M. W.T.Coleman&Co.'s AGEXCY, Banking Department A general Banking and rhanze Busi ness transacted. Kvery.faiillty for proinu and satisfactory business Dr4t-( on the leading cities of the United States and Europe. Bozorth & Johns, Seat Estate and Insurance Afreets and Brokers ASlOKlA, - - - - Oregon. . We wrlt-e- pnl ele in tlie following well 14 Jen mi Fire .nsuran -e Companies : "PHffiVIXOF HAHTF HD. SCOTTISH UNION AND NATIONAL OF KDIBDltO. ,-LTON. OF LONDON HOMEl OF NE V -XOK. .,LOND AND LANCVSHIRE.OE LIVE K 'POOL. PHOZN X. OF BROOKLYN. Son ec ncu r. f hartford AKL vND HOME, OF OAKLAND, C VLA. And lsrr jm-ient th WETERX. of California, H 4X BIT HG-BREME V. of Ger- ro uiy, n 1 AM:RirAX STEAM BU1L- ISR'iySURANCE CO 1 Estate Boaglit and Sold on CobuIssIob. J. 0 BOSS. eeaih.x; UADt:uTAiit:i:, Mala St. tnrln. r-gon. VISITORSTIPORTLAND Should not forget to rail at Towne's can rFranc!oo Gallery, whe.o mar be een phot'iKraph' of all ih Ipadlupmen and .flworsea of O egon and Wash ngt 'nTerrlton. Tiklllful 0, pratoisalWHjs lh ati en dance. nd the mrat minute attention paid tii pletir .iVM children Don'' fonret thp locution K. TT. Mnier First ad Morriton streetc, np stain. 'Notrable to now specimens in TiMlor. 9re t raflr ad pass thf door rvprv ten jphMitAAsd thl fi the. earst gallery o rur 3 C3 ST TONIC. This -medicine, combining Iron with pure vegetable tonics, quickly and completely Cares Dysprpidot f ndlgenUea, Weakness, Impure Blaod, .Mn lnHn,.?illUgadrcTcra, and NeuralRla. It Is an unfellinc remedy -fbrDIscasea of the Kidneys and IJrcr. It Is Invaluable for Disease? peculiar to Women, and all nho lead sedentary lives. It doe not Injure the teeth, cause headacber produce constipation oUm- Iron mtdtcrnrr do It enriches asd"purifles the blood, stimulate the appetite, aldsuhc assitnllation of food, re lieve Heartburn and Bi Idling, and strength ens tlie muscles and nen es For Intermittent retcrs. Lassitude, Locko Energv. Ac, it has no equal. 2" The genuine has above trade mark cut rorsed red lines on w rapper. Take no other dPMtr HI.OHS tMEXIUlL IO, BALTMOkX, BKDlGT0y, W00DARD 3l CO., Fortlaad, Or WlIOLFJALE AOr.XT. TUTTS PILLS TORpiyOWELSr DISORDERED LIVER, and MALARIA. From t hese sources arlso three-faorthE of the disposes of the human race Those symptoms Indicate thesr existence: Xoaa of Appetite, Bowel costive, Mck Headache, fullnesa after cat iuenrrrsion to exertion of body or mind, Eructatlonof rood, Irritabil ity of temper, I,owsplrlU,AfrelIng of bavlng neglected sniae dul y,Dlz zltieaSfFlattcringattheHearttDota before the eyes, highly colored TJrliie.CoarSTlPATIOA.and demand thousc ora remedy that acts directly on tho Liver. As aLiveriuclicmeTUXT'S I'lIiLSlinvenoe-iuaL Thelructionon tho Kidneys and Skm i3 also prempt: romovlag all Impurities through these three scaveugers or the "aj stem," produclai appitlte, waid dhrestlon, regular atools, a clear akin mid & vig orouabCKly. TUTT'APII.lJSc.tasono nausea ot griping nor iut riero with dally work and are apcrfect ANTIDOTE TO MALARIA. boldeverywarrr25s.01fl!.urrnv& .M". TUTTS HAIR DYE. GeatHatb or Whirkebs changed in Btantly toaGLossr BLAfCbyaslnglo application of this Dte SoldbyDroff. nstSjOr sent by express on receipt of lu Office, Murmv Street, New York. mrs -UOTAL 0? VSBUli SKUK3 nxM. A. V.AUen, Wholesale and Ketaii;Deaier la Provisions, MILL FEED. Glass and Plated Ware. TROPICAL AND DOMESTIC FRUITS AND VEGETABLES. Tog ther vflVi Wmes, LiquorsJobaccOtCt gars G. A. STINSON & CO., BLACKSMITH1NG, At CapU Rotvra old stand, corner of Ca.se and Coun rttreeta. ship and Cannery work, Honesboeln? Wujons made nd repaired. Good rorh iU'in.nti'Ad. W. E. DEMENT & CO. DRUGGISTS. ASTORIA, - - - OREGON - Carry in block, DRUGS, CHEMICALS, TOILET and FANGY ARTICLES. Prescriptions carefully Cotnponndcd Insurance Office OF Geo. P. Wheeler & Ce: Represntlne thefollowInRnrst-dass For elu and Ho ue c mpaules : Ho id Ko w ich -Union anl Ijinovhire assets. $36 000000 Snuth3rltlshaudat.oi.al, " Si.oon.iOO Flrruians Funt. " lOO.noo Uiinn, Fire and IfaHne " J.Ooo.Oou Mtate. (dwellmRsoidj) " 110,000 Ana 1 np oia ana rniinie Travrters- Lire and Accident In urxnee Co. of Hartford. Cnn Deposited In Oregon, -400,000 lor the security of Policy holders. Fernonal.AttestiM given to all bahies, and SstUfactloa Uurasteed in every un stance. ' OFFItkIb Bums' New BulldlBgAat na, Oregon. ui mm" be A HAN WHO IS TO HAVE. A MONUMENT. There is now and theo s c-jmplain in this OQuniry that its iustory L? dr and uninteresting, that it I&C&3 4h rdrnance of Europe, Greece; and 'Bams and other nations with antiquity be hind them. 35at this is3ae probably rather to the want; of porapeotire and atmosphere thair.to a lack oi romantic incidents. When tho na tional past becomes hoar and hazy with age, the poets, tbanoyolistj and the historians of that niture day will probably find themselves as worth of their in pirations aiTare the vara and crimes o'the Cffl3a?s; tho age of chivaly and the crusades; the pranks: of llobin Hood; the touching story of Mary, Queen of Scots; the great ness of Alfred the Great; or the braudeur of the First Napoleon. Out of the dull mist of oar own brief past there occasionally springs up a picturesque and .hero.o .figure, and in the dusty and moth-eaten me morials of those somber days may be traced a glowing page of romance and adventure. Among the citizens Jf the'Mohawk valley they are talking of rescuing one name from a long obscurity and building a monument to the one who bore it. It is that of Sybrant Quack eubos. .This, is not a romantio name, certainly. It sounds as if it anight baTO been the name of one -of Dick en's caricatures, orbeenuaed for a cuaracter ma ounesqueor a comic opera. But there was nothing ab surd or comical in the .career of the young man io whom it -once be longed. x He was an "early" aeUlerof Utica. In 175U, on the morning ofThU -mar riage to a joitng lsHyiof Albany, ihe was impressecl'intoihe service uf the colonies to carry provisions- to JE"orfc William Jlenry during the'lrreaoh and Indian war. In the unbroken forest the-party r-was suddenly am bushod by Indians and -three df them were killed, theremkiadePtaken. pris oners. They wer placed in a row on a fallen tree, and an Indian proceeded, in regular order, to. brain them twith his tomahawk. Nine-of them rolled off the leg: the tenth was McGinnis. Throwing himself backward,, he planted his. feet in the stomtoh of the Indian wa'rriorandient him fly ing, xnis oniy aeiayea mauers about five seconds, for the other In dians immediately chopped him into a hundred piece,-more or less-- & It was now Quackenboss' turn to be hacked in two. He closed his eyes to received the blow. Fir some reason it did not falL He looked up and saw between the tomahawk and himself about as hideous a face as a squaw can -make, or have made for her. Perhaps she had heard of John S aiith and Pocahontas andjranted to imitate that romantio "Virginia maiden. Perhaps she bad heard that the young man was almost a .bridegroom and felt the feminine interest in him which a male at that period of life excites in the breasts of tho civilized female. At all events she begged f r his life in order. that.Quackeaboss might be not her "bossv but her dog. Jler re quest was granted. He was unbound, and, not much toiiis satis action, had his life saved for a fate'that seemed rather jnorj disagreeable than death would have been; at least after he had come so near it and had made up hfs mind to meet it The Indians started 'for Canada. The squaw made Quaokenboss carry the load she would otherwise have to carry herself.- She, however, favored him with her company all the way, stirred him'sp with a sharp stick when he halted and kept him moving without mercy. But squaws, like, their white sisters, E refer to do all the abasing of their usbands themselves, and are quick to resent anybody-else's indulging--in to at amusement bo wnenuaokan Jbots wasnesitakilled bylthejclnba of the Indians who .made him -run .the gauntietneaoctorea nis wounds and ireatea nun-wita-careand-' meroifal-5 neesTintil h was well. tQn ariviHgin!Oanadat:thGovern-, meat became interested in bint,, and, oumg mm ot tue s uaw, iook nun to JtlontreaL .Hegot permission to send word to his parents that he-was alive, but the difficulty was to get it to them. An.Indiancarried"the let ter 41s near to JEort .-Edwards as he dare approach and stuck it in s forked stick. Theiattor was found ' by par ties from the fort andT forwarded to his father. He stayed three years in Montreal, where he leamed-tne trade of a weav- er. AtJthe end of that time he was allowed to go home. ,He walked. into 1 Albany -wentio iiisamances house and remarked io her: "As I was just saying when, I-wasr interrupted itor better jor -worse, in ' sickness or health;'" to -which, she made the.ap pjopriate answer-and; the ceremony proceeded to therend. .Bis Pocahoh tas didn'teven appear on. t e ecene as she would have -done in a dime novel, denounced hinaelf as herbetryer, upbraided him for his falseneeSLjind forbid the bans. He oertainjy ought tohave .bis. monument. TVn 1inltJanMiili if 4a V.i lJ with a novelty in the way ot-IKWow- priced eleotriS lamp to be worn as a scarf-bin. The lamp is connected, by a wireoa small-poeket Jttery: A simple contrivanoe serves tcMurneoa light of one-eandle power. .1 1 if 1 ii Sleepless ."Nights -ade -miseraole by that terrlblecoagb.tlShiloh's Cure is the remedy -SorreazSeldjfey WVO uiUb m wv. T TKKSi LATEST NEWS ITEMS. A father and son are both unddc sentence or. awtif. in s La., jaiL . , J.T., Tk is tfwMmiu Jnjlfc&fikl. phis to etsbli a-'hospttal ndLht r. dcuuwi iuf vjuiuaucen. ' Th( decision in the great ieleph'one suit is said to be worth 910Q,oMO0O The peope of Hancock countvGa., have decided to huns the firstman caught at house-burning thereV,,"i It is rumored that GovernoiLOleve1 land will lead the inauguration'baLL' $0 president rfince Jackson Has known bow t dance well enough to do so. A plum pudding weighing 219 pounds was eaten ny Bichmottd, Va. Democrats In recognition ot -Thanksgiving dayand they sent a slioe to Governor Olerelaqd. A horse thief who got into a bars in Knoxsville, --lean., after a trotting horse, and hadius leg brbkenJBy a kick, now wanta tissue thb owner' of. the horse for damages. A bill pending in the Alabama leg islature makes it incumbent upon con- staoiea 10 uuiuhji. i iax on eacn uog ror a.iee 01 cents per og, and to kill all on which the tax is not paid. The commissioners' court ot Troy, Aia., nas given one or me Trojans a contraot to take care ot the county poorhouse at a salary of $15 J a year and whatever he can save offN$7 a monttrappropriatad for tae oare of each inmate. o "" As practical joke on a yeung po lice officer of Statesville, near Raleigh, N. 0., two ot his friends jumpe'd-sud- denly.from behind a tree, the other night and demanded nis surrender. He qniokly fired apon them, serious- fly, if not fatally, wounding .both men. " -Hfc'Eceipe. - The old adage, "Hunger stakes sthe best sauce." was amusingly illustrat ed, some years ,agp, at a dinner party in Philadelphiayfriven by Commodore Bainbridge. A'iiong'tho- guests was Sila3 Dinsmoor, who had, been Unit ed States agent among. thq .Oherokee Indians. . ( ' rHl " " l The converkatwdSdriried upon-the uMMika ul tuajuwoicuf luiauuirui nams. andHr.JMasmoreremarkadr . 'Mo not- tttmktahaiity-'of ai nasi aepena so muca online oraua as on the cooking. "Well, sir, be good enoagh to4give ns a recipe for cooking a ham," 'said Mrs. Bainbridge, a lady famous for her culinary skill, "Take aiiam of any of the approv ed brands,-" said the guest, bowing to the hostess, "wash it clean, put ii in a pot and cover with cold water, place it over a Are and bring it nearly to the boiling point; keep it there un til thorougbly tender, and let it boil rapidly a few minutes, Then take it off tbe fire, wrap ii in a coarse cloth, place it in a knapsack, bind the knap sack upon your shoulder, then march twenty-five miles through the woods, taking a bee-line over logs and brush piles, and you will find the ham pos sessed of a most excellent flavor." There was silence for a moment after the guest had given his recipe, Then there was a burst of laughter, as all saw what it was th it gave the ham its appetizing flavor. . ' HardTiaes. The -hard times in California are deepening into, distress. .Scarcity a Dusiness nouse in a an rranoisoo is making money, and many are aotu ally .failing -behind. "Even the rail roadoQpany whichVosmally prospers whether or not the country suffers, is said. to bo losing thousands of dollars every month. They have taken on .halt of, their, freight trains, and those still oa" tare 'ruanmirrliaht. or aear riy -empty. Within the past six weekaJ500 men have been dismissed -ri(Xl from the offices .and shops at oacxfmeaw.uu ironMne omces ana yards ia m'FranoUco, and 900 from ine operating department on various divisions. The officers aav simply ihat the. men are not needed. The cities are full of unemnloved men. HChe demand for work on' the street car lines illustrates the eagerness for employment This work is, hard, its hours are long, and it is wretchedly paid. It is the common resource of men J'flat broke," and i renounced as soon as possible. Usually there is no-difficulty about getting a place. The -managers of the iCarket street cable liae reports : that he had over 1,000 applications during the past mo&m Along tee doaks there ari orewds ot-raen,- looking for chance jobs. "The various olaaes. whion em ploy "women are equally persecuted y appucants,.even for the pooress paid work. Expwlaj a StdiR. - It-waaf-in-Saa'pTancMCo. -She was playjngLghoatf andjoraebody grabbed part ofher chostlv crarmantsr.as she was giicung-outoMhe- cabinet.- sue JSIwSI? -tba! SV?31 ftj, -gffiW ? beartjee of Brown a wpfitiaallfairand sanare.r People t msyKTeengaie au tney pjeaaepana Bj3ere-:tuer:iavetiffata. tne more jsney .aee -waatiwondtrr this ramous kaicia9ocodipHihea.' Jn..JGliza Qu&MkU 4xiireeiHarri burg, P.WTitr.el-tTOBd Bpeayj. im -fronr ba4-blooa.vd1 indjMstion by usiif Browa's Iroa Bittanp'--1 " PAR&ER DOUSEi M-l -tJt', LOMK.rr.J' a AiyTOSIAVi .onzoosr. r ALCKdggx VT-T3f 3-iOeffc. , f FpEBCOACHjTO .THE MOUUS. Firaies iTifi ! AND J E P OF OF THE CHOP HOUSE Can prove by his books that he tit dalsg tbe nagQoc oHMuesa 01 any " RESTiTTEAUTT In tka oltr. and he will suarantee to aire the best mril for cah. "i (2 fflMIA HOTEL' MRS.EVAWALLMAX, - Proprietor. AaTOElA, REGON. First CIsm la Erery Bespeet. NEW HOUSE, NEW FURNITURE. Fitted up wllk cvrrjr Crea "ieuee far tke CMtfrt r Transient and Permtntnt Gutstt. Corner Sqaemaqui and Wettteta StrfMs. JUSlTWHAT YOU WAHT. Good. 3r at Iiw Jfrlel oaKLaVth' Mtffif .TfflTJlDRllt JwejfffallarSjiwr Month. The ta'de well supplie 1 with! the" choicest food. TJppiwite the O. It & tf . Duck. -AafHr'aiB-aatr'letter un-M foMia-at. same pt-cej FKANK FABRE'S CH0PH0USE. Oysters, Ice Cream, COFFEE. The New Made!. Everything First Class. Casi Street, rear ot Odd-Follows Building. Every attention nald rav.riMtomers. and ihe beit set iWore bieni in. flret4cla.' jtyle. LOOK HERE!! H.STUDZIHSKI Kaaiut received a nw stock ot Solid Gold Holiday Gifts Tbe tat phve la tbeeityijtqparehaM PIKE Jewelry, Watches, Aad other valasbl9-peets. OrdersrpcoBpilyasd saUilMotilyJUled. Npvfir ... 'I I . , L- "?JiH0KIHBvi9aHISkAsfiBB,Spv . '-riSBiBMHar9B9iBBiaSE TtHBIaBBlHHUBH Columbia Transportation Company. FOR EAST TIME! TlZV,f OPULATAMIL W I 2 ETVOO 13 Which has been rjfltted,fec tajflfrt olimwtm wfil leave Wilson ft Fisher's Deck every MMliyWttf nesdty and FjMay at $ A.f arrMf at Ftrthnri at 1 P.M. .Rflturniai lsavw JfHaai eray Jtidiy nd"TJllic4aF,l" "AI(fc?aBiiii-at Aittrlt at 1 tH. Holiday Announcement PEOMTHE ; ;.Yorlf IftygltSf lore TO JEHU-PEOPLE OF ASTOBLI A jam VcaiffJTY Owing to the unprecjedented rush of business If our AStore, we findjit-sirnpijfcjpossiWeito write a proper advertisernenPenumerat ing 'the vartBKpveltiea in.tha.Hne ot HOLIDAY GOODS we have 'on hand, all ofewch are 'being. rapidly disposed of and selected from. Theubluwiently know-where to get the 3.E3T.4RTICLES fjcJthajESTONE. It is a .aayvesiaoiisnmentiii Astoria; as rLa;ny other store in town. 2lHTe adherel&trjptly to our ONE PRICE SYSTEM, all ourgooda being marked, ihA plain figures; and we will not ak you $10.00 for an article and afterwardAseir it to you for One Dollar, (as infrequently donfl elsewhere injAstpriji.) Bear imwind.also, that we are the LEADING NEWS DEALERS of Astoria. Call, examine oar Goods and Prices and be convinced of the Truth of What We Say. New York Novelty Store, JafainLStroef, Opposite Parker Home. STjMJJlJROJt:WRKS. IWIJM III J.rJffKAJt-gAJJOBt JOWBS, wAToxiA,.-ig80x. CEMEBAL MACH1MISTS A y - '-mi MMEIS. O LAPaDtlUIIMINlS Boiler WorkSteamboat Work . iriUXannery'Work' t spe cialty. OASTIXOS , raljltearriptiwus atade.t Urdea at Hkart Astice. A-D. Wass, Prwident. - J. OJtaaxLEK, Swretarv, J.Y? &CASI-, Treasttrrr. -JOHN Fos.Supsrintendent. 5. AKJNDT & JbKKUHEJS, ASTORIA. -J.0RKQON. The7 Pioneer1 Machine SRop JLaCSMITH ' ;s SrH QiP. ASfD - Btiltr AUkladsel EHOHfE, CAHNERY, AMD STEAMBOAT WORK froapttr.atteoded to, lpeiattau4ejoijab1ag .CANNERY DIES, IWT OF LAFAYETTE TUOT. FAST TIME! alairarp -,H9 BBBP s- - Q: well-known fact thatlwtf undersell qur expenses are lrgnter-tnan inose The Gem Saloon, Tkt Popular Restrir fK Astoritn&. For tbe Fiatst of Wins juhI Liquors r ' TJotoTlflEGtE3CrSALOON. ALEX. CAMPBELL, - PKOFBIETQft Orteig&Shubbe ,DEALEKSI2f All Kinds of Poultry, Efjgs, Buttif, Cigars andTotiaoo. r - Eggs and Butter gieceired Dalli-Warraate4 Freh. Oppfsltn I L. Kerkr A S AS OltIA, OltEGON. ASTORIA LIHUQB STORI; AUG. DANIfiLSON, - - Proprietor. Kefralltaad Reflttftf Tkreaaiiamt. Tbertestoi HISF.S.LiqirORji, AXD CIGARS For a Good Clear, call for one of "Danfelson'srBest." Corner West th and Water Streets, Astoria, n9-tn Sol Hoi JeweK BRACELETS, Scarf Pins, Chains, Watcher SILVERWARE, r Of everyjdescriptloa. Tlwflaert stock of. Jewelry m Astoria. OrAll goods warraatedasrepreaeated GUSTAV HANSEN, JEWELER. Magnus G. Crosby Dealer In BiEUW ABE, JEW, STBL, Iron Pipe and Fittings, STOVES, TINWARE A5D HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS SHEET LEAD-STRIP LEAD SHEET IRON, 3Mti and cojpper. Astoria Cooperage. BARRELS AHDHALF-BARnELS 'All .Kinds of Couaerago Oont. . jea-Uavp ordezs wltttt JOPK ROGEi:!l, jUipfrinleBdentf at Cent ral.Market. Good Building Lots ALIXERBKOOK, For Sale at Low Rates. Ajplyio LV3lAr;rKlFIEY. Ateof Clatep3jHWn ip Miircotnpaav, r rtjy ke Jteaaway.