CO ASTORIA, OREGON, SUNDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1884. - PRICE, FIVE CENTS. VOL. V.XII. 0. 135. 151 MXK CAKD. DK V. L, KOS. Pfaj.sician find Surjjccu. OJjjCE : in the rear or L W. Case's Bank. Eesldence -with I. W.c&se. Telephone Xo. CO, nl olh.-e j ci residence. TK. A. L. i.l .1. A. KUtTOS. Phy..IoIaK":il SmtroiM'. Will live iiwrnut an-:i'im tw all call, from any jMrt of the city i country. Ofllc over Allen, cm cr . ass and Squenioq tUbtivt is. Altia, Oitgou. Telephone Ao. 41. D K.FUA.NK JPAtf. IMiynlciisn nnd Mun:ec. onie, Cor. Main j.nd Cltenanius s r ets. Optici: llouus :-'J lo 11 A. a:. ;-2 to 5 P.M. Kesld- uce. opposite the Juh.mscn building "El D.1V1.VIUX. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Abstracts or 'It tie a imperially. Pooms 11 and 12, Knisbts of Pythian Ca--tle Building. 'IV1 plts X .-tO. T . - . oto. a. DoiiKis, oko. youait lOL.lI) & DOKRIS, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Office hi Kinney's Block. pposlte Cltj Hall, Astoria, Oregon. c. r. fulto.v. c c. fULTO. FULTOX BICOTIIEEtS, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. ItoomsSand 6. Odd Fellows Building. J. Q. A. HOWLBf. J. A. RILL. IloWI.BY fc GII.I,, Attorneys and Cmitit l!r at Law, Office on Chenainus Sttcet. Astoria. Oregon E. V. MlOl.Ot.S, NOTARY PUBLIC, AUCTIONEER, COMMISSION AND flrRANCK AHKJfl. IN C. W. JLKICK-. ARCHITECT AND DRAUGHTSMAN. Scholars received for Course of Draughting tyOfflce over White House Store. G EL.O F. cAKKhli, SURVEYOR OF Clatftep CoHncy.and Vltyaf Antori! Ortlce :-CIieua.tus street, Y. M. C. A. hul Koom No. K. PHYSICIAN AND SURHEON Office Rooms 1, 2, and 8 Pythian BuiM top. - RKsinRVPR On Cedar Street. Laek ol .iii. MatyLs Ilosplia . F-F. HICKS. A. K. SHAW HICKS fc SHAW, DENTISTS. Rooms In Mien's ItuIUllnsr. tip stair, cor ner Ca s and Squem qua sir. eU. Atoii.i Oregon. BANKING AHD INSURANCE I. W. CASE, Broker, Banker, and Insur ance Agent, ASTORIA. O REG OX. OFFICE'RS: From 9 o'clock A. M. until 3 o'clock P. M. ff.T.C0l8M8tC0.'S ACJKVCY, Banking Department A flneril Banking :m 1 Fxhanin Busl nexs tniusacted. Fvcry facility for promp and satisfactory business Dr on the ladlni; cities of the United States and Europe. fpwlt- Itfreix'fd. Bozorth & Johns, Beal Estate and Insurance A?enU and Brokers ASIOKIA, ... - Oregon. e write pol dps In the following vrell kn wu Firv nsumu -e Companies : PHCEVIX OF HA'tTF KD. scornsH UNION AND NATIONAL OF EDI BURO. LTON.tFLONl(N HOAIK. OF NE V YOT?K. LOD AND LANCASHIRE, OF LIVEK- POOL. ?H03N X. OF BR uKLYN. CON - EC riCU T. iF HARTFORD QAKL vND HOME. OF AKLAND, C VI.A. -'AlVd nls. r present th WETERX. of Caliro-nia. H4MB'TRQ-7iREMEoWer-tamr, and AAf :RirAN STEA3I BU1L ERjJfSURANCB CO Seal Eitat Bongbt and Sold on CoebmIhIob". ROSS, U.MEUTAltR, I.KA1II.X- MaisN AMorla. orrgon. VISITORSTOPORTLAND Skould not forget to caltat Towne's can Francisoo Callery. wheic may be seen photgrai'h' of all th leading men and women or) egon.T'd Wash ngt-n Territory. (Jrlllfnt n pnttorsalwivs In ntipnflwnn wnd the most minute attention naid t p!ctnr- . efch'ldrfti Don foreet theloewtlon K. W. eeracr First and Merrison streets, op stairs. sfc K..i4k 4n ahiiW utsiinltiilirtu .. yi&.tr " 8tre t railr ads pass the ooor ev rv ten BaattS. ad thKU the aearwiagallary lo il(l friUliUT 4A JIBUTI OVMUITU' linjiui. tfct Are pauscljsal tiotals. ilWlollMI- iPjl 1 1 HI UTHE THE BEST TONIC. ? This medicine, combining Iron Trith pure vegetable tonics, quickly and completely Cure DynpepMa, I nd!etlo, Weakness, I tn p tire III ood, JIalariAf ChUIa aad Feverwt and NenralKbu It Is an unfailing remedy for Diseases of the Kidney and Liver. It Is invaluable for Diseases peculiar to Women, and all who lead sedentary lives. It does not Injure the teeth, cause beadacbe,or produce constipation olhrr Iron vtedtrtvido. It enriches and purifies the blood, stimulate the appetite, aids the asamilatlonjoT food-rc-lieres Heartburn and Btlt-hbig, andSrength ens the muscles and nerves. Energy, &c. It has no equal. && me genuine nas eoove iraae znaric am rofised red lines on v, rapper. Take no other tdr.lrliT BVOWS I HEX UAL CO., 8AT.TU0BX, S BEDIXUTOJf, tVOODABD.A CO., Portlaad, Or HOLES ALE AOKXTP. H " CELEBRATED l BT03IACH JITTERS Iucasia of dsinl:i. ilciiili v. rheumn t-siii. 'ever an agu. hx'er comp alut , tnac iiVlt oftue RIdnes:iuri llndcr constlna tmn ami otli r re mic mnlMdle, Hoste'ter's Motinrh tutters Is trl d m dv. to which theiHffdteil'bnnhPrhoim lent their pn-fe-i alanciinn.nnd which as a tonic al- t-ta Ivf and ho isliMiecificfTdls rders of tiiH m-c'i. iheraud bowels has an un bounded popularity. For xale ' y D ugg.st5 and Dealers, to w hom appy for Hosietter'd Almanac loi 1835. A. V. Allen, Wholale and Retall.Dealer 1b Gneeries, Provisions, MILL FEED. Glass and Plated Ware TROPICAL AND DOMESTIC FRUITS AND VEGETABLES. Toj; ther with Wines, Liquors.Tobacco.Cigars G. A. STIXSON & CO.. BLACKSffllTHING, At Capt. Rogers old stand, corner of C.f and Court Mreeta. Ship and Cannery work, Horseshoelac. v7 u;ons male and repaired. Good work zuirantped. W. E. DEMENT & CO. ZMEtXTGt GISTS. ASTORIA, - - - OREGON Carry in Stock, DRUGS, CHEMICALS, TOILET and FANCY ARTICLES. Prescriptions rarefully Compounded Insurance Office OF Geo. P. Wheeler & Co. Represntinz the following first-class For eign ani no ne c lupines : HovalKb ich-UiiIoiian1 I jinc ihlre assets. $3 South British and National, " 2".oon.W) Flnmans Fnn'-. " 1,500,000 U-on, Fire and MaHno " 1.000.000 Mate, (dwell ngs only) lo,C And th o!d and Mlable Travelers Life jnd AocldO'it In urance Co. of Hartford, C inn. D"iioslteit In Oregon, -400.000 for the security of Policv h.ilders. Personal attention dven to all business, and Sstlsf&ctioa Uaixantcd la every in- stance. orfir.&-Ia Bamt' Nw BulldlaK, Asto- f Is -CrYV lna,Oriou, COMING TROUDLF. IN INDIA. Lord Dufferia assumes the control of the government of -British India in a roost critical periodC Influences are at work thrbughoul "thfit country which are hostile to continued tran quility; the natives a ret everywhere restless and dissatisfied; in many sec tions their burdens are 'greater than they can bear, i nd, as statural conee queiice, alarm prevails among the British residents and there is a cry for stations where the 'English can take refuge in case of a new outbreak. Happily for the, English Lord Dai ferin is not onj a man- of large ex perience and cpneeded ability, but he has had an opportunity'of acquiring special knowledge of the country he is called upon-to govern. Twenty years ago he was under secretary for India under Lord Palmerston's ad ministration. Since his sir years' term as governor-general of Canada he has represented Great Britain at the courts of St Peteisburgand Con stantinople, and latterly he has been, in fact, the 'able ruler of'Egyp. Whether he can b said'to have" been a success in Egypt may" be a question, in view of the fact that Egyptian hatred of the English was never so general or so bitter as now. It is abo worth notice that Lord Dufferin's ap pointment to, the governor-generalship of India before the expiration of Lord Bipon's term is regarded by the bureaucracy of India asa rebuke "to the conciliatory policy "wbiclrLord Bipon was pursuing. To an American observer, the situa tion in India seems simply uimpo3sf ble." "We cannot understand how such a state of things can be endured for a day. In no country in the world, at no period of past history, had snob abject misery been witnessed as tbat which the peasantry of -the Deccan and some parts of Northern India are now enduring. Not only are they not clad, which matters less' in that cli mate than it would elsewhere; mot only do they never eat nfeat, which Is often contrary to their religion, but they actually can only afford to eat rice on holidays and subsist the rest of the time omnillet mixed with salt and water. In many sections they cannot afford to buy salt, which is a government monopoly and yields 830.000,000 annual revenue, and poor creatures who go to places where salt is indigenous and lick the ground are arrested and jailed for the crime.' When the government of India passed from Hie East India Company to the Brit ish Crown, the latter as the descend ant of the Jiojjul, sovereigns claimed to own all the land in India. IVhia ny places, under the Forest act, the ryots were driven from their homes, tneir villages, burned. and the land inclosed for the better growth of for est trceea. here the natives were allowed to retain their holdings an assessment by way of re tt was laid upon thorn, which varies from 20 to du per cent, of the gross value of their crops. Persons who have known India for a long period of time suy that no such universal misery as now exists prevailed under the intol erable rule of the East India Com pany. Yvhilethe poorer classes are thus starving to death, the race hatred of the English is. steadily growing umong the native residents of towns, and the richer citizens, both Hindus and Mohammedans, formerly, be-1 . fore the mutiny, there was some m.,w;0 P ug costs nail as mucn m; tercourse between the rich natives thgtof another cow that originally, und the English residents. Now there iTinnft. No Entrliih iadr will call on a native', even thongh she be a j Clearly the former would be the most Christian, dressed iu Parisian fash- profitable cow, individually consid ion. No hotel-keeper dare entertain 'red. Very high priced cows are not a native, though he bo worth millions, practical for dairy purposes, if .we N na ive can ttavel in the same com- nly lk to the iudividaaL 'A $2003 partment of a railroad car with an oe-w cannot be made to pay as muoh Engliehman. No native can rise arthepaitasa good milker of less above a certain subordinate grade iu prioe can, unless she is very extraor eithor tho civil or the military Hen afnary. A cow like the late Mercedes ice. Next to nothing is being dons! would pay, Hut she Was-extraordi- in tho way of educating the natives nry. uat tne pront from these hign in their own tongue and their ewn '"prioed cowsfrom our improved religions. Large bequests. r whiehj breeds, is not i wholly represented by have from time to time been made their dairy products. Their offspring by wealthy" Indians forihe support of Mohammedan schools and church es have been confiscated by the gov ernment. The two races, in act, live side by bide in an actual condition of warfare, the more omino -s because the sword has not yet-lwen drawn. Can such a connection last? And will not tne end be all the more terri ble because it is so long postponed? When the mutiny broke out, t lirty years ago, it was confined to the soldiery. "The people" took no part in it Now the whole couutry is ripe for revolt From the richest to the poorest, all exearate the English and gioan for the time when they can strike the )low.- There are in the northern provinces fifty millions of Mohammedans, everyman of whom is a soldieiv who made no secret of their sympathy with Arabi in Eypt n is a pretiy oars iooxout. An old seheme has just been re vamped in "Europe ta turn a nimble penny, whioh should command "a ready patronage in 'this country among a olass of people who have plenty of money and very little brains. Circulars are -eing distributed offer ing to bestow title in exchange for certain sums of money, proportioned in amount to the' grade, desired. A prince can be' manufactured for $15, OOO, a duke tor $10,000, a. count for $5,000. while only $4,003, is required to' be dubbed a baron. ' At these mod erste" prices" rtr ould srieniithat a .lively trade in title kQrav1sbt be oreated, Tracked by I&odhoands. A special from Columbus, Gar. of the 9th, says: Keen-scented blood- bounds, as they followed theix devious ooune through -the oivtd s point half 'a mile up the nrerrattractedthe attention of the people yesterday.A few minutes' later; several horsemen foliowinir. gave evidence of faturae fronr a long chase. Suddenly the bounds came to a stand, and a colored woman, babe in arms, stood terrified and unable to move. A little way into a clump of bushes was seen a colored man, who was recognized by Sheriff Burkett of Decatur county, and whom one of the horsemen said was Moses Keaton, the murderer of the Godwin family, in Mitchell county. Grasping a shotgun, which be had stolen on the night of the mur der, Keaton was taking aim, when Sheriff Burkett pushed the muzzle of a British bulldog revolver into iiis face, and Keaton quietly surrended. The story of the " chase "is one of the uost exciting on record. On the morning of Wednesday, one .week ago, Alex. Godwin went to the house of his brother, Stephen Godwin, a bachelor and wealthy stock raiser. All was still inside, and on opening the door he found his brother lying dead on the bed' in a pool of blood, with hit head crashed and lite brains oozing oui Itfrs. Gregory, the fiousek eper, was lying on another bed in the same room, with a dreadful fracture iu the temple and otherwise badly mangled. Diak Gregory, her soa. was found in an adjoining room, lying dead from a similar wound. Tkere was no signs of robbery about the house. God win's trousers were found on a chair by His bedside, with money in his pockets. His gun was missing, and his horse and buggy were also taken away. A local reward of $500 was at once offered and a vigorous pursuit at once determined upon. The pursu ing party pushed the chase through swamp and morass, sometimes having sight of a track, again losing it and thus giving the criminal the advan tage Of time. Up6n reaching' Decatur county, Sheriff Burke'ti joined in the pursuit, and it was decided to bring in the aid of dogs to better keep the scent Hers7Jn the recion of swamp lands, all trace seemeoMost, and two' ssTiYa sttyat-A ctrCavit n fSA anrlaoVAF f f regain it Hope was almost aban doned. At last another trail was struck due north and it was not long before it was discovered that it Jay not more than hulfi&jnile from and parallel to the downward trip, back through to Georgia and.witkin one hundred yards of the house where the tragedy had been oommitted, "and still north of this until the farmhouse was reached whore Ihe discovered fugitives sold the horse and buggy and pursued their flight. Ou the re; turn trip to Mitchell couutv with their prisoners,' Keaton fully confessed his crime. Tho chase was over 400 miles in a straight-line and muat have been nearer 1,000 when the variations are vd&ou iuw nuuuuuh A ia uuuutiui u he will be allowed to reach trial, so incensed are tho people at hh crime. The Cow For Profits. . The most profitable cow is the one that pays the most on her cost of keening; That will be admitted.. Suppose, for instance, that the yield of a cow that originally cost 350, and , loik8D uj? oast half as ranch as ewrt SiOOO, was regularly two-thirds a muoh as the yield of the latter. is 'Valuable, and right here is where mo yrea. uuierence exists oeiwecu the full blooded and the common cow. The difference in the yield of milk of forfr quarts a day. even at two cents a quart, is equal to $21 a year, which is the interest at 8 ner cent on $300. A difference of 100 pounds of utter a year is equal to the same r amount With ten cows this counts up-pretty last. - A pure-bred Ayr shire or Jersey cow will easily make thif.differeace in the -vainer of the yearly products; as the-e h a? extra cost for thekeepufg the increase is all profit. SttrioptleM LxulUtita. An illuminated view of a dyspsptic's stomach would "be a fr gntfal Bight and a dreadful warning. 'A view' of the interiorof healthy stomach is not unpleasant, but on ihe' contrary, iaia very Interesting sight4. There is nothing like Brown's Iron Bitters to keep the stomach healthy or to re store it .when deinpralized by the ef fects of indigestion. Hiss Ida Shiv ers, Ellidbt City, Md., says; "I suf fered from dyspejaia an'J "general prostration. Browii's Iron Bitters improved'me-from the'startJ1 Potatoes twenty inehs-In circum- ference'iave been produced ih .Oregon Kor lamscBack,l5i(ie" orChest use nuo-s morons riaster, rrice ceaie. FMnaia y w. JE. VmmkL THE GREAT GERMA REMEDY FOR PAIN.. ' -Nsurj&fai ' ' SdttlM, LlMBbtQ, JtAtKAClIK Qccisy; sw'tlihiam, sntAixs, Serai Coi, Srcat, FROSTBITES, HTJBXS, C UM,' aul U oOxr bodilf maim nnr Giro i lofru. Sett by H ntvfgtai ul Dtaten, .ClrecUMJ la U liajBLceC- 2i OutlM ATclf Cs. (SWMMtt A-TllllTCj" uuM,ai,r.s.A. PARKER HOUSE. J. II, CLOWE, Frrt ASTORIA., - - - OREGON Al. CROSBY, - - .Oerkl First Class in all Beipects. FREE COACH TO THE HOUSE. Figures Never Lie ! JEFF OF THE CHOP HOUSE Can prove by his books that be is dolsx.Ua RESTAUSAKT In the city, and be will guarantee to give t he heat mral for cah. MRS. EVA WaLLMAJT, - Proprietor. ASTORIA, OREGON First Class Ih Every- Respect. NEW -HOUSE, NEW FURNITURE. Fitted up wills errrjr CnveM ieuce for the Cvsafort mC Transient and Permanent Guests. Corner Squemoqua and West ethStreets. TTTT WH" AT VflTT WAIffT Good Be ird at Low Prices! Board at the BAY TOff RESTAURANT, Twenty Dollars per Month. The taMe well Hunplie I with the choicest 'ood- Oppte the o. R & N. Dock. A ner afe and letter press for aa! at -5j rKANK FABKE'S CHOP HOUSE: Oysters, Ice Cream, COITEE. The New Model. Everything First Class. Cass Street, rear of odd-Fellows Building. Erery attention paid mv customers, and the beat set before them in first -da style. i H anu HOTEL SMHHEsiP -A0t s. jsliiHsaBsiK' - . - . .1 Columbia Transportation Company. FOR FAST TIME1 THE.POP;iIAR &TJBAVEK WM WOOD Which has been refitted for the eomfttt of fainwi wffl leavs . - v Wilson Fisher's Dck very,;TC" - "' Monday, Wtdnesdty and Friday at 6 A.M. arriving at Ptrtland at 1 P.M. KetnnflB ? 1t PortIaa4 every fuesdav and Thursday'at. A. ri.n -Additional tri will-fef 4 at a: s)yiarkrSajtty afla'BMBlMsKl aMBA Hol m FE0M New York Novelty Store TO THE POPE"0E ASTORIA and VICINITY t' ?! V"1 Ojiring tothe unprecedented rush of business at our Store, we find it.sjmply, impossible to write a proper advertisement enumerat- ngthe vatijus Novdities in' the line of HOLIDAY GOODS weiave on hand, all. of which are being rapidly disposed of and selected from. The public, ejridejitly know' where to get the BEST ARTICLES for the LEAST MONEY. It is a well-known fact that we undersell any establTshment'iu Astoria; as our expenses are lighter than those of any other store in town. We adhere strictly" to our ONE PRICE SYSTEM, all our goods being marked in plaiti figures, and we will not ask you $10.00 for an article and afterward sell it to you for One Dollar, (as is frequently ionp elsewhere in Astoria.) Bear in mind also, that ve are the LEADING NEWS DEALERS of Astoria. Call, examine omr Goods and Prices and be convinced of the Truth of What We Say. New York Novelty Store, Main Street, Opposite Parker House. ASTORIA; IRON WORKS. 8zrx Sur, SCbak Txxxmm. Hqcw. AflTOlttA. ossaoff. GENERAL MACHINISTS AHD BOILER MAKERS. Btiltf Wtrk, Stt tmitat Work ..and Cannery Work a spe cialty. TINQS, Of airirsMrlrttHB-ma4b (w Vr4ei t hrt Jsstice. A. D. Wass, Prt-sideat. J. G.-HcvrucK, Secretary, I. W. Cask, Teatmrer. Jdsut Pox.Suntrinteadent. A8TOKIA. - OEEGON, The Pioneer-Machine Shop BLACKSMITH SHOP ur BtitK - AUkla4jet ENODIE, CANNEEY, STEAMBOAT WORK frwftptlg attended to. A spMlattr ssade oCre7trlas CAIRTDIES, FOOT OP LAFAYETTE BTBKET. FAST time;i M. arriylnf at. Aslria at 1 P. M. ffmBOsrf.Wva: Wjii leaTaf PeHhotdJ &&?? Announcement THE The Gem Saloon. The Popular Resort for Astorianc Foctae Finest of Wines ani Liquors Go to THE OEM SALOON. ALEX. CAMPBELL. - - PKOPBIETOR 'a Orteig & Shubbe i DEALEKSIX - All Kinds of Poultry, Eggs, Butter, Cigars and Tobaco. Sgss and Butter Kecrived Dally-Warranted Fresh. OppasltP D li. Meek A Saaa, , AS OUIA, OKEGON.- ASTOBIA LIQUOR STORE, VUG. DANIELSON, - - - Proprietor. RbHlltsad Refltted TkreagfcasU. "He Beat of "- .. WINE J. LlQiroSi, AND CIQAsU. For a Good Cigar, call for one of ' "Danielson's Best.,M Corner West 9th and Water Streets, Astoria. n-m Mi OU J&welry, BRACELETS, Scarf Pins, (Mis, f ittkd SILVERWARE, Of rrery description. The nnest stocx of Jewelry In Astoria. T"A11 goods warrantedasrepresentod - GUSTAV HANSEN, JEWELER. Magnus C. Crosby Dealer in HARDWARE, IRON, STEEL,. Iron Pipe and Fittings, STOVES. TINWARE AND HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS SHEET LEAD STRIP LEAD - SHEET IRON, Tjba. and Copper. Astoria Cooperage. BARRELS AHD HALF-BARRELS All Kinds of Coopprage Done. sWLeav- orders with .TOPN BflEH8, 3uxrintendeut, at Central Market. Good Building Lots ALD'BRBROQK. For Sale at Low Rates, Apply,to LYMA C. H13IfEYr AX sa.oi GiaiMpYiri ciBarr. rtiiHIii.B?V -exa Win-