CI WW VOL. XXII. KO. 134. ASTOJHA, OREGON, SATURDAY, iMCEMBER 13, 1884. PRICE, FIVE CENTS. ' m- ,.r---. - " - BUSINESS CARDS. ' Pltysician aad Surgeon. Office : In the rear of L W. Case's Bank. Residence "svitli I. W. Case. Telephone No. 20, sX oUc e iind residence. TKh. A. Lu a.rt .. A. Ft'LTO.V. PJhyfticiRua timl burgeons. Will ulve promnt utta'Ln to ab outs, fronrany part of tLc cltj tx country. Office over Aliens More, corwr l"ass tnd Squemoqua street's, Atiila, Oregon. Telephone ISO. 41. ft B.F1CAXK. I'AOh. FhyMlrtnn nnd Murgpoa. Otnae, Cor. aiaui sud Clieuainiu s?r tts. OFFICE ilOUBS :-H to 11 A. M. ;-3 IO 5 I'. St. Rpsid-uce. opposlto the Joluuven buildiut; "El I. WIAIOV ATTORNEY AT LAW. A-bfttracts oriltlw a specially. Rooms 11 and 12, Knight of Pythian Ce-tle Bs.ildu.ff. Tel-iline If .40. QKO. A. DOKlilS, GKO.SOI.AMi AOLAXD & DOKltlS, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Oaioa iu Klnnes Block, tpposlte Citx Ball, Astoria. Oregon. CV7.rUl.TOK. o.CFVvros. FULTOX BROTHERS, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Rooms 5 and 6. Odd Fellows Building .1. Q. A. SUM LBV. J. A. GI1X. BOWI.BY & (21XL, Attorneys and Councilors at Law, Office on Cbenamus Street. Astoria. OivRon "LI C. t., NOTARY PUBLIC, AUCTIONEER, C0L13IL-SION AND I SlTKANPE a;eni. c: W. LEICK, ARCHITECT AND DRAUGHTSMAN. Scholars reoelTed for Course of Draughting -Offloe oyer White House Store. 3.KLO F. ftAKKi.Jh.l&. 8UBVEY0R OF Oataftp CaBty,antf City nf Ant orli Offioe : Choawniu street, Y. M. G. A. iml EepsaNo.8. AY Tl'TTSJfc, Jt. 1. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON OmcB Rooms 1, S, and 3 I'ythkm Build KcstDRKOB On Cedar Street, tuck ! t: Mary's Hospital. r. ItXCXS. A. B. SHAW HICKS fc SHAW, DENTISTS. Rooms In Allen's Building, up stairs, cor--zer Cas-aad Bquem qua streets. Astoria Oregon. BANKING AND INSURANCE ! Ic W. CASE, .-" Broker, Banker, and Insur ance Agent, ASTORIA, - OREGOX. OFFICE HOURS : Stpx 9 o'oloelt A. M. until 3 o'clock P. M. W.T.Coleman&Co.'s AGEXCY, Banking Department ' -A General Banking and Exchange Bosl bss transacted. Fvry facility for proton -aad satisfactory business. Draft on the leading cities of the United States and Europe. DcpHHit Received. Bozorth & Johns, Sal Cttate asdlBEsr&Bce Agtits aad Brokers AS'rOKlA, ... - Oregon. '.Wewtte pol'rles in the following well-Jtn-wn Fin msuran'-e Companies : PHCESIXOF HAKTF iKD. SCOTTISH UNION AND NATIONAL OF EDIBUKO. -LION. OF LONDON HQMK. OF NE-V YOBK. lON'D'lS AND LANCASHIBE, OF LIVE t--r -POOL. -THCEN X. OF BEOOKLTV. .coV xEcricu r. of hartford Ji$AXLtNDH01IE. OF OAKLAND, CVLA. And als r -present the WETERX. of CilIotaia,H4.VBtrRO-nRE3fB.V.pfer-- many, and AMERICAN STEAil 1SU1L "R INSURANCE CO 8m1 KtU SEf at aad Sold oa ComnUtloa. X. o. I,EAUJLtt UMEttTAliEB, JfI fit. AMorfN. r Kn. YISIT0RST0j0RTLAND .SfceM not forget to can at Towne's cn TVancItCO Callary, wncie nmy be sees, photograph of all the leadta? men and wetrof O egoo and Washington Terrlton. NtlUfttl curators alwtys in attendance. nnd ttftM -afltf winum attention paid to picture 'SreaSdren Don't foreet the location K. W, raer.WrK.aad atsrrlsaa streets, p stairs. Ke trouble to show pedmeas to vltitotr. flueet rattr adapsM the door ev-rr ten -aKVi.'a-fel ft- tho aeflNMvtUasy to 1m ire jsMsfeel aeieis. SBBlv lOJ! I I III l-THE 1 THE GEST TONIC. ? Tills medicine, combining Iron with puns vegetable tonics, quickly and completely Cure nj-pep!a tudlgemtloB, Weakncns, I lapurc Blood, JIol aria, Chills as d Fe era, and TVeHmlKla. It Is an unfaillnt: remedy for Diseases of the Kidneys and Liver. It Is Invalualde for Diseases peculiar to Women, and all who lead tedent&ry lives. It doe not Injure the teeth, cause headache.or produce constipation oJArr Iron medtcmer do It enriches and purifies the blood, stimulate the appetite, aids the assimilation of food, re lieves Heartburn and Btlcblng, aud strength ens the muscles and nerves For Intermittent Fevers Lassitude, Laclcoi Energy, die, it has no equal. 2- The ncnuine has alwve trade mark am- rosed red linee on w rapper. TaVe no other r-H!hT HltOHJi LUCDUAL (O, B1LTIH0KE,H UEDIXUTON, WOODABD A CO., I'ortlaad, Or U HOLESALE AOfcXTb. TUTTS PILLS TOffpiyBOWELSr DISORDERED LIVER, and MALARIA. Frotathese sources arisetiirce-fonrthfl oftbo dlsoases orthe human race. These symptoms Indicuto tho.r enstence: XtOia of Appetite, Bovl costive, Sick Ileadmclie, fullnes after eat lujj,nvTlon to exertion of body or mind. Eructation of fond, Irritabil ity Ql temper, Xo x spirits, Arreting ornavlmj neglected some dm y,DIx zIiieEs,FlattcrinsattheHcart,Dots before the eyes, highly colored Urlur.CO.YSTlPATIOAf .and demand the uso of uremedy thntactb directly on the Liver. As aLirerinedicineTUXT'S 1'ILL.S hav o no equal. Theiructlonoa tne iUiiueya and Skin 13 also prompt; removing all impurities IhtonKh theso tnree scavengers or the prodnclnz nppttite, wiund three scavengers of the si stem," prodnclnz nppttite. .oumi1 tlhrcstlon regular stools, a clear skin nnd a vig orous bod-. TUTT'PIL-LScnusono nausea ot griping nor int nero Willi dally work ana are a perfect ANTIDOTE TO MALARIA. boldererywuenE58.0cVe4urrnvb-.N V. TUTTS HAIR DYE. GratHxie ok Whirkebs changed in stantly to a Guidsr Black by a slnglo application of this Dte Sold by lima datiLorsentby express on receipt of tL Office, Murrav Street, New York. HT78 UiXULL CT ZZtTZh U3HSi litL A. V. Allen, Wboisssla and itetallcalr la Groceries MILL FEED. Glass and Plated Ware. TROPICAL AND D0MF.STIC FRUITS AND VEGETABLES. Together with Wines, Liquors JobacccGigars G.A.STIXSON & CO. BLACKSMITHING. At C&pt. fioen old stand, corner of Ca and Court MreeUs. Ship and Cannery work, norsesiioelne. Wijjons made and repaired. Good wort KU iranteed. W. E. DEMENT & CO. ASTOMA, OREGON Carry in btock. DRUGS, CHEMICALS, TOILET and fANOY ARTICLES Prescriptions carefully Compounded Insurance Office OF Geo. P. Wheeler & Co. Kepre6ntlcst the follow In flrst-cl&3 For eign and Ho ne c inp.uiles : RojalNo uich -Union and 1 jmc isltlre. aasets. $33 000 am South British and National, Sn.flon.oo Fin-mans Fun, ' loo.tKX) Union, Fire and Marine " 1.00OC00 .State, (dwellings onl) " 110,(1(0 I Andihe old and reliable Travelers Life and Accident In iirance Co. of Hartford. C inn.- Deposited In Oregon, r0,0oo for the security of Policv holders. Tersoaal Atteatloa clven to all bnlne3. and 8tltfsctloa Qaaraateed iu every In stance. . OrrtrE In Hume's New Building, Aste IBA, Orsgon. i THE ASTORIA LAND GRANT. Senatorial Discussion Cencemlsa: It For feiture. - In tho senate on the 11th considers tion of the Oregon Central land for feiture bill wa. resumed. An amendment of JDolph'a vas agreed to, providing that' all settlers in gooi faith on lands forfeited, who are otherwise qualified, -ohall "too en titled to preference in the right to en ter lands in ..'accordance with the homestead or pre-emption laws, and shall be regarded as hnving legally settled each lands from the date of settlement; and in case such settler be not so entitled under the existing laws, ho should be permitted, within a yeur, to purchase not to exceed 160 acres at SL25; and reducing to SL25 the price of eyen numbered sections along the line of the uncompleted por tion of the road. An amendment offered by Plumb was agreed to a vote of 33 to 11, re pealing the act of March 3, 1875,which allowed settlers of railroad lands sub sequently forfeited to locate an amount equal to the original entry, without additional cost. Sherman, in some remarks favoring this, said the land was open to home stead entry, which was "enough. It would not do to permit speculators to get a hold on these lands and hold them from settlement He (Sherman) would favor in the bill -the repeal of the pre-emption law. They had long outlived their usefulness. Morgan inquired of Dolph whether there were any other parties affected by forfeiture than the United States government and the railroad com pany. Slater did not think there were. He believed there had been no effort made by the company to sell lands. Dolph believed there was a mort gage, and perhaps a deed of trust, which embraced in their description 8 all the lands of the company, --both earned and unearned, but supposed that the grantee of the land grant, made upon "conditions subsequent," could only take -or mortgage such rights as existed, and if the conditions had not been performed there conld haveexibted no-right which a mort gage could take. There were no questions involved, Dolph said, that would not be fairly and equitably settled by the provisions of the bill. Morgan had understood, in the sommittee, that there were no mort gages or incumbrance, or that any body's rights were affected, except tnose of the company and tne gov- should be looked into,' and the rights of all parties affected ascertained. It might be that the mortgagee's rights covered a right to take lands and build the uncompleted portion of the road. He moved to recommit the bill to the co'mmif tee on public lands, for further consideration. Blair supported the motion. Though a member of the committee, be did not know until tuis morning that a mortgage existed on the lands. Dolph said he had made, in the committee, the statement just made by bin. Morgan remarked that he bad not heard it, and inquired ot Slater when he (alatcr) had first heard it. Slater replied that he was not sure of having heard it before this morn ing, but thought the bill proteoted the .rights of all, as it stood. Van Wyck said that dayaf ter day. until midnight, the attorneys of these railroad companies appeared before the committees and made every con ceivable objection to these forfei tures. Everybody knew that every land grant railroad company had put a mortgage on its entire grant, and it could have been safely as sumed from the beginning, that this company had followed that course. Tf Morgan's position 'Was correct. Van "Wyck figured that not only would every mortgagee have to be heard, but every judgment -oreditor, too. Morgan thought the bill should pro vide a complete method of settling before the courts of all questions of rights thafmay be involved, as has been done uith the Atlantic and Pa cifio forfeiture bill. He insisted on his motion for recommital. He ex pected to vote for forfeiture, as he had voted for the Atlantic and Paci fio forfeiture, and he expected to vote for the Texas and Pacific forfeiture, but ho wanted to see carefully pro vided -for the rights of mortgagees, settlers and innocent people who bought the bonds of land-grant roads. After" a further debate the bill, at 2 o'clock, had to yield to the unnfiished business of yesterday, being the bill providing for the admission of Da kota. Somebody has set his wits at work to devise a new name for incendiar ism, or arson, when committed by people rich enough to hire lawyers to defend them. It is called pyromania a mania for setting things on fire. Just as a poor ragged devil full of liquor is called a drunkard, while r man who can employ a doctor in stead of a policeman to take care of him is called a dipsomaniac, and a poor girl who steals is a thief, but a richer one a kleptomaniac; so now we shall have incendiaries and "pyro maniaos." But will it cat down the annual destruction of 1 100,000,000? The Rev. GOo. H. Tfeayer. of Bour bon. ImL. aavsiBoth myself and wlft owe our liver to Sbiloh's CoxarjHPTiav CUBS." 991SL OJ W, JK.JWBMSf. ernment. If, mortgages existedonXODject to inisne mMscoagMiJja an the lands of the company, the matterTeetonil commission 6Ieoe cheat BAYARD AND THE CABINET. ' Asoecial from "Washington -savs- "When Bayard came .into the senate. cnamDcr wis jnorznng ae was imme diately surrounded by hi Democratic coUeajues, all ot whom were eagefto learn the resultrof his visit to Albany on Sunday last The intimate per sonal and political friends of .the Delaware senator believe that. lie went to Albany in pursuance of a re quest from Cleveland. In connection with his visit there is a report cojn ing from Now York to the effect "that Cleveland will not select Baardfor a cabinet position because Til den ia bit erly hostile tj hirr. It is claimad by Tildpn's friends mat he uud they nominated and elected Cleveland and that he cannot go back on them or disregard Tilden's wishes. On the other hand it is asserted by Demo crats high iu the party that Cleve land owes Tilden nothing. It is stated by men who were in New York during the canvass and who are familiar with theDemocfatio management that Tilden gave only a few thousand dollars and really made no sort of effort in behalf, of the ticket The alsoofit universal opinion of the Democratic side ot the senate is that Mr. Bayard can have the secretaryship of state if he wants it. The cause of Tilden's hostility to Bayard is said to be the former's belief that the Delaware senator and Thurman -wore mainly responsible for the electoral commission bill In answer to this the friends of Mr. Bay ard say that he and Thurman used every oxertion to get an expression of opinion from xuden about the electoral bill, and that finally the late C. N. Potter and several others who were said to represent Tilden aecepted the electoral commission. Some new facts relating to the .Elec toral commission bill were related to the Daily News correspondent to day by a friend of Mr Bayard, who says that such leading .Democrats as Bayard and Thurman agreed to the out oniy alter ueverai propositions had been made to Tilden and reject ed. As the story goy a caucus of prominent Democrats? was held at Bayard's house earlyin the winter of 1876 to devise somesen- for seat ing Tilden. After, af ooaclasion- had been reached Beveely Taeker or. Vir ginia was sent for and Bayard said: Go down to Naif- York and see Mr. Tilden. Tell him that we (mean ing his associates in the matter) have decided that he is t elected .and that we propose seatim.luat ""if blood must bo. shed tcrdrt &' Shomld he immediately with his messago, but he returned next day and reported as follews: "I told Mr. Tilden you had laid down a proposition that he was elected and would be seated even though the shedding of blood were necessary, but Sammy started baok and motioning mo off with both hand", exclaimed timidly: 'No, no; no blood r I then spoke ot an electo ral commission. He would not con sent to this. Then said I: 'You must submit to being cheated out of your rights, for the gentlemen whom I represent have, no further sugges tions to make.' I then took my de parture.1' At the conclusion of Mr. Tucker's remarks Thurmnn is report ed as saying: "Mr. Tilden is too cowardly to defend his rights, and we must therefore do what, in my judgment is the next be3t thing we must agree to the formation of a commission.1' What followed is a matter of his tory. -An Inter-Ocean New York speoial saVs: A man very close to the Payne McLean faction said here to-night: "To t ilden the president-elect is in debted for both his nomination and election. It was Tilden whose namo was kept before the country as a can didate, beniod whom the Cleveland forces were formed; ir was the old Tilden crowd who fo ah. ClevJ n 's nomination through; Xb was filden's counsel that was sought on all doubt- rai questions or campaign policy; is was Tilden's money that was poured it with Standard Oil gold to render the committee free from embarrass ment Now Tilden hates Bayard with an intensity born of disappointment. He has always believed that Bayard and Thurman permitted him to be counted out in the eleotoral commis sion matter. He knifed them both in th conventions of 1833 and ISSi. He will be no more forgiving now and will keep them both out of the cabi net" All There Is la It. Dyspepsia simply means difficulty of digestion. That difficulty makes a great deal of trouble and causes jnuoh of the world's misery. Difficul ty ia turnea into ease, and misery -into comfort, by the use of Brown's Iron Bitters, the world's great tonic. This being the case, the dyspeptic in valid' best plan is to .get Brown's Iron Bitte'ra, just as did Mr. B: H. Oy ley, of Van Wert, Ohio. Be used Brown's Iron Bitters for dyspepsia, and was cured." CHATTASooaA, December 9. Less than twelve months ago Mrs. Hugh Blair gave birth to three children, all of whom are living and in good health. Saturday evening the same lady cava birth to two boy's and a girl, making six children is-les s than one year. That Hacking Coua-n can 'be se kwlckly cured by Shlloh's Cure. W uanu&teau, r "j iy r Pisatr ed oat of his seat. Tucker started Jacobs on ir t mLiU eM IN. CURES Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Scltfica, i.uniBas, ciacKSvns, trSseacnv, isetaacae, SorTliroBt, Swellt. Frsjs. raises. Bans, Belt. Freat Hies, . t ass xxx otsnt seeox tius aib icass. Soil brDmesUUBsd' Deibrf Ttfrk. rt&yOatlta boUU. DlroeUoa la II Umuih. , THE CHARLE A. VeOELER - Em ni-twiiwicp.) auuur,at;&a,A. PARKER HOUSE, J. H, CLOSE, Prep., ASTORIA, OREGON. Al. CROSBY, Clerk. First Class in all Eespects. FREE COACH TO THE HOTJBE. Fipres Never Lie ! JEJ1! OP THE CHOP HOUSE Can prove by his books that he Is doiaff the Digress Dimness oi any EESTAXTEAlfT In the city, and be will jcuaraatee to give m nest meai ior can. EE1ANIA HOTEL MRS.EVAWALLMAN, - , Eroirfetoar. ASTORIA, UKEGON. First Class ia Every Bespect. NEW HOUSE,- - , NEW FURNITURE. Fittrd tip wifk every Cmuren- ieuce Tor Ike CHsiorl f Transient and Permanent Guests. Corner Squemoqm and We6t 6th Strata. JUST WHAT YOU WANT. Gaad Oaird at Low Prices! Beard at the ' BAY VIEW raAUMT, Twenty Dollars per Month. The t&Me well supnlie i with the choicest food. Oppjtite the 0. R & N. Dock. A ne v -afe and letter prt-ss for sale at same pi ce. FKANK FABKE'S CHOP HOUSE. Oysters, Ice Cream, COFFEE. The New Model. Everything First J Class. Casi Street, rear of dd-FelIows BolldlngJ Every attention paid mv customers, and tho bent set before them in first class style. tWCCBTJSJii WjM gWgsWMMPy sWWTJsBfcssWssssssfwfc ssssHsSSSsssslVi9sBsssssssssssssssssssl Columbia Transportation Company. FOR FAST TIME! THE POPULAR STEAMER FLEETWOOD "Which has been refitted for the eorafort of passengers wffi leave . Wllsou & Fisher's Dot k every Monday, Wednei day and Friday at 6 KM. arrivfoi at Partland at 1 P.M. Rerurnlng leaves Portlaaa every TMtsdiy and Thurtdaf at 6 A..H, irrriiH AtHria at 1 P. M. An adlitloaal trlo-irUl'D Made M - aTsi'(tstelsArh "i,y sslrtstsssssssssf'lsKfclS rwfS BlSsVXt 2tstaUtrtt to amnS nnsls ill 5 J SASTACUUS HEADQUARTERS I -AT NOVELTY ASTORIA IRON WORKS. Bsarrox Stxsjbt, Hxla Passu HOcsa, OtML Jlll(ISTS W(D LAM I ABM GM Boiler Work, Steamboat Worl and Cannery Work a spe cialty. Of all aeeerlptUita wade to Ordei UMfcert Jhetlre. A. D. Wass, Prasident. .J, G. HustLKK, Secretary, 'J. T. Cask, Treasurer. JO UK Fox.Sunarintendent. 5. AKiNDT & JbEKUHEJ. ASTOSIA. - OREGON. The Pioneer Machine Shop BLACKSMITH SHOP A9D Boiltr-Shtp AUttmdsef ENGHfE, GANNEBT, ajtd STEAMBOAT WORK ' rressptly steaded to, V pedaity stiids ot rosslrmg CANNERY DIES, JOOT OF, LAFAYETTE STREET. FAST TIME! aciwVtsJr m . wern, teavts7reuuia l.sW,siast NEW "sEBBBBBBBBBBBBBCtfe9lB r LX JWs. "Wt $"XI ir re THE STORE Cs The Gem Saloon. Tkt Popular Restrt for Astoriant. For the Finest of Wines and Liquors Go" to THE OEM SALOON. ALEX. CAMPBELL, - - PROPRIETOR Orteig&Sfcubbe DEALERS lis Ail Kinds of Poultry, Eggs, lutttr, Cigars and Tobacco. Kgga and Butter Received Dally-Warranted Fresh. Opposite I L. Heck dk Sons, AS'OUIA, OKEGON. ASTORIA LIQUOR STORE, AUG. DANIELSON, - Proprietor. stofealltaael Refltteal TkreBkteC The Best of WlXES.HQITOKsi, AXD CIQAKN, For a Gooa Cigar, call for one of "Danielson's Best." Corner West 9th and Water Streets, Astoria. n9-flm Sit Golfl Jewelry, BRAGELETS, Scarf Pins, Chains, Watctu SILVERWARE, Of eTery description. Tbe fiaest stock of Jewelry in Astoria. tVAU goods warrantedasrepreseuted GUSTAV HANSEN, JEWELER. Magnus G. Crosby Dealer in HARD? ARE, IRON, STEEL, Iron Pipe and Fittings, STOVES, TINWARI AND HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS SHEET LEAD STRIP LEAD SHEET IRON, 31X1 AND Copper. Astoria Cooperage. BARRELS AHDHALF-BARRELS All Kindt of Cooperagt Done. erlavp orders with .TORKXOOKltS, Sutxrlntendent, at Centnd Market. Good Building Lots AIDERBROOK. For Sale at Low Rates. Apptf to IVxTsI. C. K1MT. At oEKe eJCMtopMillGelftpUr, ssitaXe4waj. YORK