The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, December 02, 1884, Image 3

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Site gattjj stortan.
(Monday excepted)
Terms of . Subscription.
Served lv Carrier, per week .. 15cts.
Sent by Mail, per month . cOcts.
' " " one year . .. ... .J&.w
Free of postage to subscribers.
"Advertisements inserted by the year at
the rate of S2 per squ.ue per month. Tntn
sient advertising fifty cents per square, each
Notice Xo Artverlfocrs.
The Astoriax suarantees to its nd
veitisers the largest circulation of anv
newspaper published on the Columbia
Portland's fire department costs S1C0
a day.
Cleveland -will be elected president to
morrow. The rainfall in Astoria for November
was 2.C3 inches.
E. D. McKee is in the city looking af
ter his firm's interests.
Capt. Lemon begins unloading the
Brittania ibis morning.
The Oregon is advertised a? being duo
from S. F- this morning.
Alf. D. Bowen has sold tho Pacific
Journal to Thurlow Sptrry.
Armstrong ran behind his licl.ot near-
ly 19,000 in Washington territor3
Blaine had 9S2 majority in Oregon.
How much did you bet ho would have?
At B. B. Franklin's aro some horns
po'ished and mounted and for sale. Take
a look at them.
The Guy C. Goss and Carrie Winslmc
are completing cargo. Tho Norseman
has arrived out.
They say that Jake Kamm is a candi
date for tho position of boiler inspector,
shouhl Jim Lotan resign next II ireh.
Anyone wanting a good milch cow or a
gentle pony can be suited bv inquiring of
A. G. Allen, or K. G. Shaw, 'Fort Canby.
J. Strauss, who has lately returned
from San Francisco, advertises that S m
ta Claus! headquarters aro at the New
York Novelty Store.
Carl Adler calls attention to his mag
nificent display of holiday goods, and
invites ev5rjT one to come and see what a
splendid stock ho has.
About half-pnst ten last night a sailor
named "William Johnson fell through tl e
main hatch on the Doxford and broke
his leg. Ho was taken to St. Mary's hos
pital. Before county clerk Trenchard yester
day were D iniel Hogan and G. Toothak
er,"the question being a contested land
claim. The case will probably take all
to-day to finish.
Bead our new advt's., and bear in mind
that men who advertise deserve patron
age. They help tho loo ll paper and help
themselves; tbey attract customers and
keep things alive.
"Word comes that Capt. Sparks of the
Red Cross, which sailed from hero for
Liverpool on the 31st of last July, jumped
overboard while temporarily insane, on
the sixteenth day out, and was drowned.
General Hazen, in his annual report to
the secretary of war, states that it is his
intention to assign an officer to duty at
San Francisco for the purpose pf organ
izing a special weather service for the
Pacific coast.
There will be a dime sociable this
evening at the residence of Mrs.
J. "W. Munson, under tho auspices
of tho Parish Aid society of Grace
church. Tho money raised at
thess sociables is intended to defray the
expenses of the Christmas tree for the
Sunday school.
J. C. Trullinger will leaye on a visit to
the New Orleans Exposition on the next
steamer, and calculates to be aw.iy about
sixty days. During his absence T. A.
Trullinger will attend to all his business.
Telegrams or letters sent care of A. P.
Alis & Co., New Orleans, La., will be
promptly delivered.
Rose Eytinge brought out her new
Elay of 'Aunt Euo'ly" at tho New Mar
en theater in Portland last Friday.
The Oregonian discussing tho play is of
the opinion that ''with more rehearsal,
fine stage setting, and a complete rewrit
ing of the play, with a new plot, 'Aunt
Em'ly' would become popular."
The Astohiax learns from n source of
undoubted authority that it is not ex
pected that activo operations upon im
E roving the mouth of tho Columbia will
e begun before next March. The prin
cipal cause of delay is the settling of the
right of the U. S. to the only available
wharfage site near Ft. Stevens.
Coasting captains, and owners and
others who have had business at San Pe
dro, Cal., complain bitterly of their treat
ment there. Une vessel's bill for wattr
recently was nearly 200, and the masters
state that there is every probability that
the air they breathe there will soon be
charged for. It is tho dearest place on
the coast, and they promise to give it a
wide berth hereafter.
Messrs. Griffen & R il yesterday
bought tho stock, fixtures and good will
of the City Book Store, from Messrs.
Newbury & Stevens, and tako charge to
day. Mr. Griffen has been a resident of
this city for nearly two years, and is well
and favorably known in business circles.
Mr. Reid is from Alleghany City, Peun..
and comes well recommended by some of
the most responsible business men of
that city. They aro both young men of
ability and will doubtless succeed.
It is stated that the most experienced
mail agents of Oregon think soon of re
signing, with the object of entering the
service of Wells Fargo & Co. Since the
express company won the suit against
the Northern Pacific it is proposed to
greatly augment tho service between
Portland and St. Paul. This will render
necessary the putting on of more express
messengers. Now that there is a change
of abmmistration a certain sense of in
security prevails among all the attaches
of the postoffice, and also with the route
"To stop advertising means the dullest
' kind of business, and it is surprising in
these days to find men when solicited for
ads., to maKo tne excuse mai -traue is so
dull.' But it is a fact when merchants are
busy and their clerks aro run to death,
unable to wait on customer.-', and work
ing over hours to straighten up stock, is
the very season when tho advertising so
licitor is most certain to obtain an order
for almost any medium, be it good, bad
or indifferent. The true time to adver
tise is when trade flags, and the most
successful merchant is he who keep3 his
card in the press every day in the year,
no matter whether business is good or
bad. It is as necessary for his name
and business to be in the columns of the
press as to have it painted on a sign over
bis door." fc
Don't pay 50 cents elsewhere when
J on can get the best dinner In town ht
EFFS for 35 tents.
There was a time when on every freight
bill of tho steamship company was a
certain charge for primage." Whenever
anj-one grumbled about it he was confi
deutially informed that "that goes to tho
captain," and with that ho had to bo con
lent. There was another little cinch
called "wharfage" that was explained on
the necessity of "keeping the wharf in
repair," "custom," ordinary usage, etc."
The Astoeian has repeatedly spoken of
the unjust and unequal tax on Astoria
merchants on the part of the O. B. & N.
Co., and in no way is this injustice more
strikingly exemplified than in this mat
ter of "primage" and "wharfage,' which
is a direct gouge. If a business man in
Astoria tried to swindle one of his brother
merchants in such an egregious manner
it would ba told all over town before
night, greatly to his discredit. We have
a bill before us for a little lot of paper
snipped trom oan raucisco on the Ure
gon, on which the charge is 5.70, freight.
That's all right; it's enough, goodness
knows, but the paper was brought prompt
ly and safely trom San Francisco here,
and it is only fair lu pay well for good
service. But there is a h.ttle item at the
bottom. It says "wharfage, 2S cents."
Now does Captain Pohlmanu get that 28
cents? If ho does, let it pass;" wo shall
feel gratified to be allowed to donate 28
cents to the support of that accomplished
navigator. But it is our private opinion
that ho does not. It is our positive
knowledge that tho wages of the entire
outfit is o much or so little
par month and of all the primage
or secondaga in the coffers of tho
O. It. & N. they never get a cent. Then
comas this matter of wharfage. It Cap
tain Hustler or Captain FJavel allows a
shipper to land his goods at his wharf, it
is but right that they should
charge something for tho privilege.
but if either of theso gentle
men had a line or steamers running
between here and San Francisco and had
a wharf for their own vessel's use exclu
sively, we would consider them extraor
dinarily moan to chargo us 37 cents
"wharfage" which in addition to the oth
er cmch of 2a cents wo hud on tho bill
before us, making a total of G.1 cents,
which is a direct gougo on the part of a
corporation, that, though it has lowered
the wages of its employes still demands
as high a ruto on freights and fares to
and from Astoria as it does to and from
Portland. "Oh, well, 03 cents isn't
much: what are yon kicking about?"
No, it isn't much, but go down to the
ubarf and see the hundreds of tons of
freight for Astoria; note that every
bunch of that freight means a separate
way bill and of course a chance to get
sjmany d'stinct and sepirale gouges of
"wharrago" and "primage," and figure
up the total. You will find that while
Astoria is paying well for all the freight
she receives over tho lines of tho O. K. &
N., she is taxeJ uijustly thousands of
dollars a year, on that outrageous gouge
of primage and wharfage. They do it
just because they can do it.
Purety as a matter of policy; purely as
n matter of financial shrewdness, the O.
11. & N. Co. would make more out of As
toria in the long run by treating us a
little less after the fashion of so many
Soouer or Liter there will be a chance
to get out of this opprobrious tax; and it
will be hailed with joy by hundreds of
men in this city who aro heartily tired
of paying for what they don't get, and
what docs no one any good except the
O. B. & X. Co.
The Sunday Welcome prints a letter
from cx-Seuator John H. Mitchell, in
which that gentleman "positively de
clines" to bo a candidate for the TJ. S.
senate before the Oregon legislature.
next month.
The Gov. Neicell met with quite an
accident oyer on Gray's Harbor Tuesday.
Our informant says that sho struck a
snag, on the Chehalis river, just above
Cosuiopolis, which penetrated through
tho lower works and up into the ladies'
cabin, and badly demoralizing tho wheel.
Her machinery was uninjured. Pacific
Necessity is indeed tho mother of in
vention, judging from tho modes of the
Oregon tramp. A largo number of this
class of men infest tho railroad depots
in East Portland and when tho train ar
rives strike the passengers for two-bits,
generally pleading hunger and cold, and
prom "sing not to invest it in.a gin-mill.
Pr ibably to kop his vow, or with an
dea of economy, ho pac a;es his mon
ey's worth of pure unadulterated alcohol
and mixes it with Willamette river water,
forming a palatable, though cheap apol
ogy for corn juice. It is strong enough,
however, to wash down twenty-four
years' accumulation of cobweb3. Xeics.
A gentleman at Salem writes tho fol
lowing concerning Mr. Isesrmth, which
will be sad news to his many friends, and
which, s:vys tho Welcome, contradicts
most of tho statements heretofore pub
lished: "Hon. J. Vf. Nesmith, who is still
at tho asylum, is in no way improved in
health, but gradually fails. Tho physi
cians in chargo give his family no reason
to hope for his recovery, lie appears, at
intervals, upon some subjects, quite
rational, but is at times violent so that a
constant watch and restraint over him
aro absolutely necessarv. His disease is
congestion of tho brain, which may at
any tirao terminate fatally. He retains
a lively interest in his old friends, which
is, however, transient; often showing in
his replies to thoso who aro about him,
his quick wit and repartee for which he
was noted while in health.
Between Tub Astoriax office and
the residence of IV. W. Parker, a gold
bir lace pin. Tin finder will be reward
ed on leaving it at this office.
The 31. E. Cliurclt Fair.
Remember the Entertainment and
Fair given by tho ladies f the M.E.
church at Occidental Hall on Wednes
day and Thursday evenings, December
3rd and 4th. The ladies in charge have
spared no pains in making the enter
tainment a success. The programme
will be something new and novel, for
which will he charged for aumissiou
the small sum of 25 cents. Refresh
ments will he served during the evening.
Don't forget the Baby Show on Thurs
day evening. Lad e who have, no to
b. will please b rrow one and try and
ret that nice present given by Mr. Ad
ler to tin I and'omest baby, or the cake
given by Mr. Eibrrson to the best be
haved. All children undr three years
of age admitted to compete.
Dr. A. Veser, Gprman physician has
permanently located here and can be
found for the present at the Germania
hotel, corner Squemoqua and West 3rd
Mrs. Bryco would respectfully an
noitce to the ladles of Astoria that she Is
prepared to do dressmaking iu all its
branches at her rooms on Cass SL. op
posite Odd Fellows building.
Summary for tho Month endin? 'or. 2Sth,
18S4. ,
Number registered, S3. Average num
ber belonging. 77.1. Average daily at
tendance, 72.C. Average daily absence,
4JI. Present number belonging, 77. Num
ber cases tardiness, 36.
Neither absent nor tardy:
Alma-Holmes Bennie Bell
Getta Olsen Henry Leinonwober
Emma Nelson Alfred Bell
Edna Pike Bohnart Kn utsen
Lizzie Scott Frank Leinenweb6r
Emma Jane Bell May Leinenweber
Willie Bohnart Willie Young
Harry Young Wiley Childs.
Lizzie Kopp Oliver Bell
Lucilla Duncan John Bell
Nellie Enberg Alfred Leinenweber
Kate Taylor "Willie Gallagher
Maggie Olvis George Taylor
Annie Ferry Kale Knutsen
Kosie Bohnart Clark Bell -
Lulu Taylor Phillip Taylor
Edith Wilson Milio Cotardi
Amelia Ferry
Perfect in depertment:
Emma L. Bell Lizzie Scott
Edna Pike May Leinenweber
Nora Holmes Emma Nelson
Alfred Leinenweber Charles Walkley
Kail Knutsen Lizzie Kopp
Addio Walkley Sadie Childs
Nellie Enberg Minnie Amundsen
Annie Amundsen Agnes Childs
C. C. Bbowee, Principal.
Mrs. E. M. Davis, Primary.
Public School Report, District So. IS.
Names of pupils receiving 100 in de
portment for the month ending Nov. 30,
188 L Grace Carruthers, Minnie "Warren,
Mary Dealy, Martha Kyle, Josio Dealy,
Zoo Carruthers, Carrio Miller, Bichard
Pupils neither absent nor tardy.
Grace Carruthers Myra Stevens
Ethel Merryman Minnie Sovey
Dixie Bain Minnie Warren
Lennie Bain Alico Wood
Cordie Bobb Agnes McCann
Ellen McCann Mary McCann
Maggie Burke
Nellie Levings
Lottie Levings.
Gussie Gray.
Mark Warren
Wm. Grant
Zoe Carruthers
Herman Collier
Jacob Ferrill
Harry Gray
Nelson Johansen
Eva Warren Harry Burke
Ella Belcher George Welch
Bello Douglas Walter Douglas
Mary Feely John Feeljr
Nellie Morrison Willie Levings
EmmaSabo Wm McCann
Weslev Whito Frank McCann
John Burke George Stevens
Bichard Carruthers Alban Burns
Tho3 Foster Nace Grant
Nannie Belcher George Merryman
Dollie Levings Bernard McCann
Lisa Luokkanon John Mitchell.
Hallie Baymond Evans Morgan
Minnie Shivery James Morrison
Leona Welch Merton Welch
Vesta Coffenberry Eugene "Williams
Oliver Bottom Herman Luokkonen
Willie Gratko Ingbert Dahleu
Eddie Hansen Albert Laighton
Adrian Merryman Francis Oberg.
M. F. Lawrence, Principal.
Emma Connelly, Primary.
Now that tho Oregon Short Line is com
pleted and regular trains will soon be
running, there is a rumor afloat to the
effect that before spring there will be a
terrible cutting of rates between the two
great transcontinental lines. At present
there is a pool on rates to Chicago, but
that can easily bo broken, and railroad
men know just how to do it. Say, for in
stance, the passenger rate to Chicago is
50. That rate is kept up according to
the agreement of the pool, but there is
nothing to prevent tho roads carrying
passengers, say two or three hundred
miles beyond Chicago for $30, if they feel
so disposed. Then passengers can get
off at Chicago, if they choose, or at any
other point this side or the other side.
When the Short Line begins to run regu
lar trains, and tho work for traffic starts,
there is no doubt in the world but this
scheme will be resorted to. and that will
end in but one thing: the breaking up of
tho pool, and a slaughter in rate3 that
will be a vast benefit to Oregon. While
it might not bo proper to wish any rail
road line a hard tima in making money
by transporting goods from and to web
foot, wo cannot but join the people in
hoping that the great battle will now
open without delay. Mercury.
A Startling Discovery.
Phj-sicans are often startled by re
markable discoveries. The fact that Dr.
King's New Discovery for Consumption
and all Throat and Lung diseases is
dally curing patients that they have
given up to die, is startling them to re
alize their sense of duty, and examine
into the merits of this wonderful dis
covery; resulting in hundreds of our
best Physicians using it in their practice
Trial Bottles free atW.E. Dement &
Co.'s Drug Store. Regular sizeJ$L00.
For a IVcat Fitting: Boot
Dr Shoe, go to P. J. Goodmans, on Che
naraus street, next door to I. W. Case.
AH goods of the best make and guaran
teed quality. A full stock; new goods
constantly arriving. Custom work.
Fresh. Eastern and Shcalwatcr
Bay Oysters
Constantly on hand, cooked to any style
at Frank Fabre's.
FishcrmcH Attention I
Before buving twino examine the
Dunbar, McMaster & Co.'s extra strong
Irish Flax Thread, No. 40, 12 ply. Jas.
O. Hanthorn. of this city, is tho sole
agent for the Pacific coast.
Gushing: Heliel Corps.
Headquarters Ccshixq Relief 1
Coups No. 3, Dept. of Ok. G. A. R. j
Astobia, Nov. 28, 1884.
Cushlng Relief Corps No. 3, will hold
an adjourned meeting at the headquar
ters at half-past one o'clock Tuesday
afternoon, December 2nd. Every mem
beris r quested to be present as im
portant business will be transacted.
By order Mks. C. E. Ross.
Dave You Seen
Those fine Wall Papers at M. Olsen &
Co.'s V The finest and largest stock in
the citv. Call and examine the new
and fashionable styles. Thev cost no
more than tho old-fashioned wall paper
and are really elegant for parlor, olfice
Loxdox, November. ISSt.
i No improvement in the demand for
sales being pressed, prices are most dif
ficult to uphold, so that where purchasers
insist upon itthey can generally succeed
in having their own wajr as to tho terms
that are to be specified in their next in
voice. The Grocer.
There isan absence of any disposition
on the part of buyers to operate, while
holders of salmon here are ready to sell
at prices in buyers' favor; but at this
season not much business is to bo ex
pected. The Grocers' Gazette.
Liverpool, November, 18S4.
Littje or no alteration can be reported
in the market for tinned salmon. Buy
ers aro awaiting tho arrival of tho first
salmon ships with the new season's pack,
which from all accounts, should turn out
superior to tho average of the past few
years. Meanwhile, the attention of gro
cers has been occupied with dried fruits,
and, as usual, the demand for salmon has
consequently fallen off, and is not likely
to revive until after Christmas, when the
small stocks now held will havo been
cleared out of the retailers' hands. There
is on ample supply in the hands of the
merchants, who aro anxiously waiting for
a return of the former activity. Tho de
mand in the United States during the few
weeks has quite revived, and several lots
which would otherwise have been sent
here have been taken up. On the spot
here common qualities rule at from 17
18s, and good Columbia fish 20(3223.
Corr. London Grocer.
Since our last the first ships contain
ing the 1884 salnion packing havo arriv
ed, viz; tho Esh-dalc, with 900 cases;
the Itata, 8.G40; the Majestic, 3,500; and
tho Charles CotcsicorUi, 14,103 cases;
these all sailed about the same time, and
the next ship will probably not bo here
before about flvo to six weeks. Theso
arrivals upon a market already fully
supplied have certainly not tendered to
strengthen holders' hands. There is
really no sound reason why prices should
still recede, as stocks, though in fewer
hands, are not as large as held at this
period last season and shipments will be
less; therefore it will only be holders'
timidity or want of means that can
cause a lower range of prices, and though
we do not foresee any advance imminent,
yet we feel sure that later on higher
prices will Tcsult. Correspondence Lon
don Grocers' Gazette.
X Lairjer and His Xnrae Is Abrams.
Ben Oppenheimer owed W. C. Drugan,
tho tailor, $5 cash and $55 for a suit of
clothes, which the latter thought ho was
going to lose as tho former had left the
city bound for California. To save him
self he sent F. Abrams, a lawyer, to As
toria to arrest Oppenheimer ns an
absconding debtor or get tho amount of
tho indebtedness. Oppenheimer, on be
ing approached by the Portland barrister,
settled the bill promptly and paid all
court costs. On his return from Astoria
Abrams neglected to turn over tho money
collected to its owner, and also claimed
a fee of 15 for his trouble. Drugan,
determined not to be thrown from the
frying pan into the firo and bo again
chiseled, on Saturday had Abrams ar
rested on a charge of larceny by bailee.
Tli $, Best.
Col. Houston Backer, the well
known southern oil merchant, Eich
mond, Va,, says, -that in a terrible
case of swelled and burning rheuma
tism in his right ankle, tho applica
tion ui ou uauuui vju, tuo gruub pain
cure, gave instantaneous relief and
cured him. -
Don Alien, who ranked as No. 9 of the
life-crew at the cape, is supposed to have
perished in the timbsr near Wilsa prairie
ns ho has been missing several days. He
was last seen following the trail of a
wounded deer. Don was well known to
the traveling public and visitors to the
cape as a St. Bernard of magnificent pro
portions and commanding presence. To
tho life-crew as well as his owner, C. B.
Allen, he was especially endeared by
years of friendship and faithful servi
tude, and all feel his loss keenly. Pa
cific Journal.
Rucltlcn's Arnica Salrc.
Tub Best Salve in the world for
Cuts, Bruises, Sores.Ulcers, Salt Rheum,
Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapprd Hands.
Chilblains. Corns, and all Skin Emo
tions, and positively cures Piles, or no
pay required. It is guaranteed to give
perfect satisfaction, or money refunded.
Price 25 cents per box. For sale by W.
E. Dement & Co.
Tho Oregon Short TJiic
Will be open December 1st, and com
mence running trains on that date.
Pullman and Emigrant sleepers will
run through from Portland to .southeast
Missouri river points without change
The only line running them to these
Emigrant sleepers are hauled on first
class Express trains and no charge foi
berths. Distance: Portland to Kansas
Citv. 470 miles the shortest; to St. Jo
seph and Leavenworth, 495 miles the
shortest; to Omaha, 4W miles the short
est, and 29 hours the quickest time. 248
miles the shortest to St. Louis. 281 miles
the shortest to New Orleans and many
hours the quickest time. This line is
hundreds of miles the shortest and days
of time the quickest to all points in Ne
braska. Kansas, Missouri. Tennessee,
Kentucky, Etc Rates always as low as
the lowest.
Tickets on sale at all principal offices.
Remember, no diange of cars. For in
formation concerning rates, time tables,
etc. call on or address
B. Camkbell, Gen. Agt.
No. 1, Washington St.
At Frank Fabre's.
Board for S22.50 a month. Tho best
in tho city. Dinner from 5 to 7.
Does not make anv second-class Pic
tures at his New Gallery, No. 6ltf, on
tho Roadway.
To Whom It May Concern.
All trunks, valises and baggage re
malning in the Parker House after Dec.
4th, 1884 will be advertised and sold, as
1 have leased the premises.
II. B. Pahkeb.
everyday from 4:30 to 8 o'clock. The
best 25-cent meal in town; soup, fish,
seven kinds of meats, vegetables, pie,
pudding, etc Tea or coffee included.
AH who have tried him say Jetfis the
Roscoe Dixon's new eatinir house
Is now open. Everything has been fit
ted up mnrst-ciass styie,-andtn"well
known reputation asi caterer assures
all who like flood things to eat, that at
bjijlae they can bt accommodated.
Vanilla, icnon, Orantrs, etc, flavor
Cake, Creams, Pnddlnc, tc, aa deU
catcly ant! naturally aathe fruit from
"which ticy aro made.
Iter Strength, end Trno Fruit
navor They Stand Alone.
Price Baking Powder Co.,
Chicago, III. St. Louis, Mo
uker3 or
Dr. Prices Cream Baking Powder
Dr. Price's loipulin Yeast Gems,
I3cst Dry Hop Yeast.
The nest dry hop yea9t In the world.
Bread raised by this yeast is Hght.whlte
ond wholesome like our grandmother's
delicious bread.
Price Baking Powder Co.,
HanTrs ol Dr. Price's special Flaionnz Extracts,
Chicago, III. St. Louis, Mo
For sate by Cottixo.Merlk & Co., Agents
Tort and, Orcon.
et The Worth
The Latest and Best Styles in Fall
and Winter Youths, Men's
and Boys'
Overcoats, Clothing, Gents'
Furnishing, and Rubber
The Boss Merchant Tailor and
Ball's coiled spring, elastic section
corset takes the cake and the girl be
hind the counter, at the Empire Store.
Boston Baked Beans and Brown Bread
every Sunday at Jeffis from 5 A. M. to
2 p. il.
That Hacking Couch can be so
quickly cured by Shiloh's Cure. We
guarantee it Sold by W. E. Dement
Another installment of Ball's coiled
sprinir, elastic section corsets just ar
rived at the Empire Store.
For anything new, stylish. nobbj"in
the Drygoods line, call at tha Empire
For a nice, iucy steak cooked on the
broiler, go to Frank Fabre.
Gray sells Sackett Bros.' Al sawed
cedar shingles A full iT guaranteed in
each bunch.
For a cood bath, pleasant shave, or
shampoo, go to the City Baths, corner
Squenioqua and Ulney streets.
io. G. Cbastjov, Prop.
Dry Goods n Clothing House
The large increase of this years'
business over last in all our De
partments is sufficient proof that
UES of any House in the North
west trade.
In the CLOTHING DEPARTMENT, we are now show
ing the Largest variety of Gents' and Bovs, Clothing, from
a Business or School Suit to the finest Dress Suit Manufactured.
The assortment of Overcoats from Fine Dress, to Heavy
Warm Chinchillas is the hest we have ever offered.
Special attention is called to the new values in Gents
White, Scarlet, and Fancy, Knit, All WOOL UNDER
SHIRTS and DRAWERS, (a few cents in underwear often saves
dollars in doctors' bills) also in CASSIMERES, and FLANNEL
The Sales in GENTS' and BOYS' HATS, are far ex
ceeding our expectations. Look at our Stock hefore pur
chasing elsewhere.
The increase in BOOT and SHOE sales are such that
we are now having all of these Goods made to SPECIAL OR
DER by one of the best Eastern Factories.
Will find it to their interest to obtain onr Prices before.
purchasing their OIL and
BOUTS, and all lands of Articles lor Sailors7 Wear.
C. H.
Pythian Building,
$67,000,000 Capital !
Liverpool and London and Globe.
North British and Mercantile
Of London and Edinburgh.
Old Connecticut of Hartford,
Fire Insurance Companies,
Representing a Capital of $67,000 O0O.
B. VAN DUSEN. As:ent.
Wheeler & Kipp,
Ploiters Gas art Steam Iters
Warranted, and Estimates Given.
Iron and lead Pipe, Bath Tubs,
Water Closets, and Gas
Chimney Pipe,Cheaper than Brick.
Corner Squemoqua and Hamilton Streets,
Astoria, Oregon,
Im a. Mcnsrxosn
Overcoats, Novelties in Neck Wear,
Hats and Furnishing Goods.
Fin Merino and all Wool Hosiery.
Iiow Prices!
D. JL.
Th Ldut Gothfcr, Hattr and Gents
Astoria, Oregon.
Royal Brand Flour
Manufactured by the
Is of Superior Quality, and Is Endorsed .
by all who use It.
Of Superior Rising Quality.
Guaranteed to Give Satisfaction.
Sole Agents for Astoria.
Soat Building.
Boats of Every Description Built.
Shop over Arndt & Ferchen's.
ts' Furnisher I