ra ft Wilt Unity glstoriau. ASTORIA, OREGON: THURSDAY- 2JOVEMBEK 27. 1SS4 THAXKSGIVIKG DAY. Thanksgiving Day means much or little as one views it No proclamation-of president or governor can make to-day one of thanks unless the cause, motive or desire exist, nor would thanks bo wanting in the minds of those disposed -were never a proclamation published. Men are thankful not according to their sense of gratitude "but to their sense of dependence. If a man thinks that all he has, owns or enjoys is a gift from on high, he is thankful and al most devout in his manifestations of thanksgiving: if he takes it all as a matter of course he is corresponding ly indifferent. The ruling motive in the observ ance of Thanksgiving Day through out the nation is not so much a strict desire to "give thanks," as a conces sion to the feeling that after all there is something to bo thankful for and that as we have so few American holidays it is right that we add to the scanty list, Tho holiday part of of it has more significance than the "thanks." Not the least among the pleasant observances of the day is that of fam ily reunions.. On to-day poor indeed is the hearth around which do not gather the old and the young in so cial joy. It is this that causes tho most pleasing recollections of the day; recollections as pleasant as they are sacred and eternal. There are words and faces and places that nev er lose their hold upon the heart They may be words that we seldom hear amid the whirl and competition of life, faces that we may never see on earth again, places that we are but seldom permitted to-revisit; but they were once tho scenes, the asso ciates, the joy of our life; they had a controlling influence in training our aspirations, and in shaping our desti nies, and they can never be wholly forgotten. The flight of years can not sully their innocence nor dimin ish their interest, and eternity will preserve them among tho dearest reminiscences of earth. We may meet and love other faces, we may treasure other words, wo may have other joys and mingle in other scenes and form other associations, but the old familiar faces and the old famil iar scenes remain invested with a fadeless beauty, sacred in their ex emption from oblivion and decay. Few there are among our readers who have not something to be thank ful for. A thousand little unnoticed blessings drop into our daily lives as gently and as genial as the kindly rain that comes but to give life and vernal beauty to the glad earth it falls upon. Wo all of us can find abundant reason for thanks, some for health, others for prosperity, a few for both, and many that "things are no worse." A new stylo of ballot-box was used in Massachusetts for the first time on the 4th. The voter deposits his bal lot face downwards on an inclined plane, and the turning of a crank car ries it between a pair of rubber roll ers, and the ringing of a bell an nounces that the ballot is within the box. On one end of the box is a registering machine in plain sight, containing numbers, tho register ad vancing one every time a ballot goes through. This arrangement seems to cover about all the requisites of a convenient and desirable ballot-box, and there is no apparent reason why the whole country might not adopt it with advantage. The Chicago Current thinks that the Northern Pacific, which earned 12,000,000 last year, and with all tho possible peculiarities of railroading likely to be concealed in 7,000,000 of "operating expenses," had 5,425,820 left as a tribute, ought to be making money, and it would bo if it were not paying interest on misspent money. The Wabash, a bankrupt road in re ceiver's hands, earned seven millions "and paid out only two millions for labor. -The C'tfrnit-Jindsihe expla nation of theselndustrial absurdities in the collctesal fortunes piled up so rapidly and so recently in Wall street. Wobd comes from tho East of men who are making extensive mistakes. They are registering rash vows not to shave nor cut their, hair till Blaine is elected president. That will be never. He had his chance and lost. Three times and out Aitii signs point to an1 exceptionally severe winter in the. east This is cold comfort for those who have staked their all on tho election and failed to hedge. , A "Washington special says: An In dianapolis lawyer who arrived hero to-day says it is the impression among members of the bar of that city that nothing will bo heard of tho libel suit of Mr. Blaine against tho Indianapolis Sentinel that tho belief is that it has been dropped by gen eral consent, as the similar Buit against a Maine paper was allowed to die out twenty years ago. The Welcome asks: "Why don't the Democrats of Oregon hunt around for an independent sort of Bepubli can who has a few votes in the next legislature and who will agree to vote to confirm all Cleveland's appoint ments in gratitude for Democratic support? In other words, why don't they try to OonMingize the next leg islature after the programme proposed by the unterrified of Now York." It is rumored that Si John says he is "still running." The great pro hibition leader should bo more care ful in his choice of words, for there are some evil-minded persons who might think he was running a still. Hanging a defeated candidate in effigy and then burning the figure should be considered cruelty to tramps and scarecrows. Old clothes are too valuable to be thus ruthlessly wrecked. There's one thing that Blaine got; he got the biggest amount of free ad vertising for his book of any author or any book from B. C. 26 to the pres ent date. The honeymoon in Germany is called "Plitterwoche," literally the "spangled week." This is a veritable "Flitterwoche" for tho Democracy . - - m The most miserable men in Wash ington are the clerks who sacrificed their "voluntary contributions'' on the altar of politics. The respective conditions of the two great political parties at present may be expressed in two words feast and funeral. JonN Sherman is already nomi nated by a Cleveland (Ohio) paper for the Bepublican presidential nomina tion in 1888. Cleveland will celebrate his forty eighth birthday in the White house next March. The Matchless Orator, JOSEPH COOK, OF BOSTON, AT PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Wednesday and Thursday Even'gs, November 26 and 27. SUBJECTS: " Ultimate America,'' 'Seven Modern Wonders of the World Single Tickets To Boili hectares - $1 OO 81 50 The Orcgonian of the 7th Inst., said : "No report can give any Idea of the beauty of language, grandeur or thought and oratori cal power displayed by Mr. Cook" Bio Reserved Scats. Tickets for sale at all the Book and Drug Stores, also at Carnahan & Co.'s, and at JK. C Holden's auction rooms. THANKSGIVING Party at Knappa. The Steamer "Lillian" Will leave Wyatt & Thompson's Dock, on Thursday, Xor. 27, -1 P. HI. FOR KNAPPA. This is a fine opportunity for those who wish to have a pleasant time Thursday ev ening and return the next morning. Gents Tickets, round trip Ladies Free. SI OO Important Notice! Oregon Improvement Co. GrreatReilnctioninPrice of Coal. On and alter December 1st until further notice the price at the bunkers will be as follows tor SEATTLE COAX. Clean Domestic per ton, 2340 lbs $7.00 Average Steam " " coo Screenings " " " 4.'oo On hand a constant supply, at market rates, of first-class .CUMBERLAND. E.A.NOXES.Agent. House to Rent. NINB P.00MS : GOOD LOCATION. Inquire of W. B. HB ADINGTOX. . For Rent. 11HE STORE ON MAIN STREET, FOEM erly occupied by N. Loeb. Inquire af O. BOKLLINO. To Wlioin It Maj Concern. All trunks, valises and bappage re maining in the Parker House after Dec 4th, 1884: will be advertised and sold, as I have leased the premises. 'H.B.PABXEB. Assigm The undersigned Assignee of the Estate of J. E. THOMAS, Will Sell at Private Sale, Comineuc ingon Monday, the 24ih Bov. ALL THE STOCK OF Drugs, Toilet and Fancy Ar ticles, Medicines, Etc. BELONGING TO THE ESTATE. ALL ARTICLES AT COST PRICE. Special Inducement to the Trade. P. P. HICKS, ASSIGNEE. FINE BRONZE TURKEYS, YOUNG, FAT AND TENDER, FOB THANKSGIVING. At WYATT & THOMPSON'S. TURKEYS! TURKEYS! Get Your Thanksgiving Turkey AT The Star Market OPPOSITE OCCIDENT HOTEL. IF YOU WANT Musical liistriiMts Oli- GO TO If. D. XKWmjKY. I. STEVENS. CITY BOOK STOKE, Have just received a mammoth stock of Books. Tho young; and old, rich and poor can all he accommodated. AGENTS FOR THE Kranich &. Bach and JJnndsfcldt &. Xotnl riaiiOH and "Western Cottage Organs. Orders for all kinds of Music or Instru ments will he promptly filled. Carnahan & Go. SUCCESSORS TO I. W. CASE, IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE AND liSIAIL DEALERS IX GENERAL MERCHANDISE Corner Ohenamus and Cass streets. ASTORIA - - - QJtEGOU Orteig&Shubbe DEALERS IN All Kinds of Poultry, Eggs, Butter, Cigars and Tobacco. Eggs and Butter Received Daily-Warranted Fresh. Opposite D. Ii. Berk & Sons, ASTORIA, OREGON. Furnished Rooms to Let, W TTH OK WITHOUT BOARD. enquire or mbs e. o. HOLDEN. Notice to Pilots on The Columbia River and Bar. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT A meeting of the W. T. Board of l'llot Commissioners for the Columbia River and Barvillbeheldatllwaco, W. T.. Dec. 4tu. 18S4. By order of tho Chairman. J. L. STOUT. Attest: C. A. REED. Secretary. Notice to The Public. THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT I WAS sick for four months and that Dr. Jim cured me. I am now In perfect health, and it Is to his skill that I am indebted for my recovery. FRANK NOHLBERG. For Rent. THE PREMISES FORMERLY OCCU pied by Mrs. Walliaan as a hoarding house and saloon on the comer of West-6th and Cedar streets, ara for rent. For par. tlculart apply to . . JOHK HAH. Look Here Fancy Goods ADLER'S Crystal Palace Hbwdiht Stew ycli DOTS! baipiBISI SillpGISI We be; to call tho attention of the public to our latest importnti.Mi. direct from Eastern manufacturers, of the largest invoice of CAHPETb cut offered for sale in this city, comprising all grades, from the FINEST BODY In the Newest Tints and Shades. To the lowest priced article In this line. Wc are determined to dispose of our stock of Carpets within the next four weeks, and to that end offer special inducemeuts, precluding the possibility of HcSng; Undersold by cny oronr Competitors. IN THIv Furniture and House Furnishing Line We can show you the very BEST GOODS at BOTTOM FIGURES, and shall be pleased to receive a oall for Inspection whether you purchase or nut. CHAS. HEILBORN. liOW llSLflDiidflisSoiili WWW' PHIG&SS! URNITURE, FURNISHIN l mb EJBB srafif Mann? vm ra m rrnrc 5 "m PICTURE FRAMES MOULDINGS, ETC., ETC. At Greatly Reduced. Prices, ASTORIA FURNITURE CO., Cor. Chenaiuus and Hamilton Sts. THE :n II IE LARGEST AND FINEST SASH AND DOOR FACTORY In "Western Oregon. A Full Stock on Hand .and Made Up to Order. IBO.TS BUILT AND SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. Sashes, Doors, Windows, Mouldings, Etc., Of Best Material. Bids Purnislied Contractors, Carpenters and Builders. All bills due and payable nt the end of the month, unless otherwise agreed upon. Wm. HOWE, Proprietor. CLATSOP MILL COMPANY Manufacturers and Dealers in Lumber, Salmon Trays, BOXES, ETC. OFFICE AND MILL, CORNER SALMON AND CEDAR STREETS, ASTOKfA. Ores0. WilsonJ Fisher Ship Chandlers, HEAVY AND SHELF HARDWARE Paints, Oils, and Varnish. LOGGERS' SUPPLIES. PROVISIONS AND MILL FEED AGENTS FOR Saleni Flouring Mills, Portland Roller Mills, Capital Flour and FAIRBANKS' SCALES. ASTORIA. OREGON. THE LATEST STYLES IN WALL PAPER AT B. B. FRANKLIN'S, NEXT DOOR TO ASTQRIAN OFFICE. A very large Stock from which to select. Window curtains made to order. G"My patent Trimmer to cut Wall Paper will be tound convenient to my patrons. Chung Shing Yen Notice. THIS IS TO GIVE NOTICE TIIAT LAM " oke has settled all his lndebtcdnes to the Chun;; Shing Yen company, engaged In gardening on Smith's Point, and he Is re lieved from all further liability to said com pany, having paid to it the sum of six hun dred dollars. CHONG SHING YEN CO. Gardiner?, Pi RUSSELS 0 GOODS II. Dv BUISSOX, Manager. $67,000,000 Capita! ! Liverpool and London and Globe. STorth British and Mercantile Of London and Edinburgh. Old Connecticut of Hartford, COMMERCIAL OF CALIFORNIA Fire Insurance Companies, Representing a Capital of S67,000 OOO. B. VAN DUSEN. Anent. THE BEST IS THE Royai Brand Flour Manufactured by the OREGON MILLING COMPANY Ts of Superior Quality, and Is Endorsed by all who use it. THE HOUSEKEEPER'S FAVORITE Of Superior Rising Quality. Guaranteed to Give Satisfaction. WYATT & THOMPSON Sole Agents for Astoria. H. B. PARKER nKALRn iii Hay, Oats, and Straw, Brick. Cement, and Sand. Wood Delivered to Order. Draymg, Teaming, and Express Business DEALER IK WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS. FJLRST-CLiASS. Boat Building. THE BEST STOCK AND WORKMANSHIP GUARANTEED. Boats of Every Description Built. Shop over Arndt & Ferchen's. . 31. lEVTIIERS. J- O. ROSS. .I3ADliC2 UXDJEKTAUER, Main St. Astoria, Ore son. Wheeler & Kipp, PRACTICAL Piute Gas ai Steal Iters ALL WORK Warranted, and Estimates Given. FULL STOCK Iron and lead Pipe, Bath Tubs, Water Closets, and Gas Fixtures. Chimney Pipe, Cheaper than Brick. JOBBING PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. Corner Squemcqua and Hamilton Streets, Astoria, Oregon, Tor The Finest Groceries. For The Freshest Vegetables, For The Most Complete Assortment, For Absolute Satisfaction, In Filling and Deliverinjc All Orders, Call at FEANK L. PARKER'S Family Grocery and Provision Store, Corner Benton and Chenamus Streets, Opposite Custom House Square. LnFfxxY9j&irFVTm2SE2Sm?mLl "IB:' ' FAl' '" ' igg TElt apply to the Captain, or to r , JfS&cmtr? ir7--di.- .i,..- -t''5JfrT,:izrn ' Fall and Winter Campaign Opened AT THE EMPIRE STORE Having mustered all our forces tor the coming event we are fully prepared to present in splendid array, an almost irresistible army of New and Stylish Goods in all our Departments, Anxiously awaiting a fearless onslaught on the part of our patroaa, under the able leadership of the invincible General Cash, to whom w shall gracefully and unconditionally surrender. Among our latest novelties we direct attention to our New Ball's Coiled Spring Elastic, Section Corset, Having secured the sole agency in this city for this famous bramd. We guarantee to the purchaser perfect satisfaction in every respect, and the privilege of wearing a corset for three weeks on trial; if found deficient the purchase money will be refnnded. HSgWgJgratfcgtBdMiMWBB THE NEW MODEL Sftk A FITLI. STOCK JoZ&m A -DEAT.KK Tin, Sheet Iron and Copper Ware. A General Assortment or HOUSEHOLD GOODS. Agents 'or Magee Stoves and Kauges The Best In the market. Pmniblng goods of all kinds on hand. Job work done In & workmanlike manner PLUMBING, GAS FITTING, AND CANNERY WORK Attended to Promptly on Reasonable Terms. Chcnnmus Street, Xoxt to C. JL. Parker's Store. ASTORIA. - OBSOQH. :;;,cisccsa:c30ccs,3Tccocii.'aLi- oowosss; M. OLSEX. J. OC3TAFSOJT. MARTIN OLSEN & CO. DEALERS IN FURNITURE 35 BEDDING Corner Slain and. Squemoqna Streets. Astoria, Oregon. WINDOW SHADES AND TRIMMNG; WALL PAPER, ETC. A Complete Stock. PRICES AS CHEAP AS QUALITY WILL AFFORD. A1X K1XDS OF FURSITDIIE KEPA1RFD AjW VARNISHED. FOR Finest Groceries, -GO TO- FOABD & STOKES. A FULL LINK OF HARDWARE AND Ship Chandlery. A NEW SLIP Jut TlAisiiU la.Bw SUM. M I'LlftA PARKER Eben P. Parker, Master. For TOWING, FREIGHT orCHAR II. B. 1MIIKEB. ItANGE CAN BE HAD IN AS TORIA ONLY OF m. n. BAWE9, AGE.NT CALL AND EXAMINE IT, Yi-f WILL BE PLEASED. B. It. HAWES Is also agent lor Uie Bncl patent Cooiii Stove And other first-class Si07es. Furnaco Worlr. Steam Fit tings, etc., a specialty. ALWAYS ON HAND. ornery, !- sxaoe: A. J0HKSO2T. . Hardware and Ship Chandlery VAN DUSEN & CO.. DEALERS IX Hardware and Ship Chandlery Pure Oil, Bright Tarnish, Binacle Oil, Cotton Canvas, Hemp Sail Twine, Cotton Sail Twine, Lard Oil, Wrought Iron Spikes, Galvanized Cut Nails, Agricultural Implements, Sowing DlacIiiHS, Faiikts an Oili,irMtMi t 1T