CO ASTORIA, OREGON, AVEDIYESDAY, XOYEMBER 26r 1884. YOL. XXII, NO. 120. PRICE, FIVE CENTS. BUSINESS CARDS. 1" K. HIGiilX.. Co ii ill j- liooI Niijirrin'iKlfiit Official I'.adollct & Co.'-. Camiciv, l"per Astoila. "TVilN. A. 1. mid .1. A. VVl.TOX. Pl!.V.slehm::ml Seirjiroris. Will uivo jnomiit a'tcn'iou to all .-t!N. fiom any part of the city or country. Ofilce over AllenN Store, corner Ch-n stnd Sijueiiioqua Mreet, .Wula. Oiegon. Telephone No. 41. D It. FK.YXK IMl1. IMiyctlrlnii xnifl Surseon. Olllce. Cor. Main and Chenanm- streets. OrFICK llOUKS : 0 to 11 A. M ;-2 to T, v.y. Residence, opposite tlie.IoSiausen hulhlin F. n.iviXTox. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Abstracts r Title a Spuria!!. Rooms 11 and 12, Knight of I'ythian Castle Building Telephone So. 40. CEO. A. DORKIS. GKO. NOLAN!) l?OI.Ai'I fc UOICKES. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Office in Kinney's Block, uppobite City Hall, Astoila, Oregon. C. W. FULTON. G. C. FULTON. FUZ.T02V BSCOTIIISItS, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Rooms 5 and C.Odd Fellows Building. J, Q. A. HOWLBY. J. A . c, I LL. BOWI.BY & ixi,, Attorneys and CoHiielIort:it Hiaiv, Olllce on Chcuamus Sheet, Astoria, Oregon. NOTARY PUBLIC, AUCTIONEER, COMMIMSION AM' 1. SURANCK AGKN1. C. XV. I.F.I CH, ARCHITECT AND DRAUGHTSMAN. Scholars received for Course or Draughting ttSyOftlce over White House Store. JO. EL.O F. PAKKKK. SURVEYOR OF C'latHop Count 5". and. City ofAHtorhi Office : Cheuauius street, Y. M. C. A. hall Boom No. 8. "1 BKXfSO.V MARTIN, M. IK. Phynlclan and Surgeon. ASTORIA. - - OREGON. Office Room 12, Odd Fellows Building. Residence Hume's building, up stairs. TAY TDTTLE, 31. I. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Office Rooms l, 2, aud 3. Pythian Build ing. Residence On Cedar Street, back of St. Mary's Hospital. F F. HICKS. A. K. SHAW. HICKS fc SHAW, DENTISTS. Rooms in Allen's Building, up stain., cor ner Cass and Squemoqua streets. Astoria Oregon. Bozorth & Johns, Real Estate and Insurance Agents, and Brokers. ASTORIA, Oregon. Buy and sell all kinds of Real Estate and represent the following Firo Insurance Coupanics : Scottish Union and Na tional, assets 33,000,000 Phoenix or Ilartford " 4.50U.000 Home of New York, 7,000,0no Hamburg and Bremou. " 2,000.000 Western. soo.uoO Phenix of Brooklyn, 4,000.000 Oakland Home, " 300,000 Policies written by ns in the Phoenix and Home and Scottish Union and National at equitable rates. BANKING AND INSURANCE! I. W. CASE, Broker, Banker, and Insur ance Agent, ASTORIA, - OREGON. OFFICE HOURS : From 9 o'clock A. M. until 3 o'clock P. M. .T.Goleman&Co.'s AGENCY, Banking Department A General Banking and Exchange Busi ness transacted. Every facility for promp and satisfactory business. Drafts on the leading cities of the United States and Europe. Deposits Received. . VISIT0RSJ0JP0RTLAND Should not forget to call at Town e's San Francisco Gallery, where may he seen photographs of all the leading men and women of Oregon and Washington Territory Skillful operators-always In attendance, and the most minute attention paid to pictures of children. Don't forget the location. S. VF. eoner FInt and Morrison streets, up stairs. No trouble to show specimens to visitors. Street railroads pass the door eTery ten minutes, and this is the nearest fallery to e ire paMlpal a. 01 1 t.Tnr -THE BEST TONIC. 3 This raedicine, combining Iron with pure vegetable tonics, quickly and completely Cures DyHprpttn, indRCtIon, Wcaunpss, Iit:znirolIlool,.1In!ari:i,C!iiIlsaidl"oviTt, imd Noiirnlk-'a. It is an uufailinjr remedy for Diseases of the Iililncjn and I.Ivrr. It is invaluable for Diseases peculiar to "Women, and all who lead s-cdentary lives. It does not injure the teeth, cause hcadachc.or produce constipation other Iron medicines do. It enriches and purifies the blood, stimulates the appetite, aids the assimilation of food, re lieves Heartburn and Belching, and strength ens the muscles and nerves. For Intermittent Fevers. Lassitude, Lack of Energy. &c, it has no equal. 35- The genuine has above trade mark and ' rosscd red lines on wrapper. Take no other ur-.!Tbr RKOnA UltMICAL CO., BlLTIXO'lE, Sift RCDIXCTO.V, WOODAIIUI& CO., Portland. Or. W HOI.HSAI.K AGrXTS. Hotetter's Stomach l'.itteis is a line blood depuient, :i-jati(.nal cathartic, and a Mipeib anti Mlious specific It lallies the failing energies of the debilitated, and checks mature decay. Fever and Ague, bilious re mittent, dyspepsia and bowel complaints are among tlie evils which it entirely re moves. In tropical countries, where the liver and bowels arc organs most unfavor ably affected by the combined influence or climate, diet aud water, it is a very neces-van- safeguard. For sale bv all Druggists and Dealers general! v. A. V. Allea, Wholcsala and Retail Dealer in Groceries? ProvIsionSf MILL FEED. Glass and Plated Ware, TROPICAL 'AND DOMESTIC FRUITS AND VEGETABLES. Together with Wines, Liqaors,Tobacco,Cigaps WM. EDGAR, Dealer in Cigars, Tobacco and Cigarettes Meerschaum and Brier Pipes, GENUINE EN6USH CUTLERY Revolvers and Cartridges. CORNER MAIN AND CIIENAMUS STS. Jeii's Notice SAYS THERE WILL BE NO INCREASE OF PRICES IN HIS CHOP HOUSE A ND THAT HE IS DETERMINED TO iJk- maintain Ins teputatton for keeping the best and chcanrst Restaurant in town, even at aloss to himself, while the dull tilne last. JEFF. FISHERMEN! Twines aud Netting MANUFACTURED i:V THE Baltimore Twine and lfet Company. WM. J HOOPER & SON, Xo. G, Soul Ii Culvert St , Uattluiorc, 31 1. Send for Price List, naming your County aim state, i'usask mention this pa wen. W. E. DEMEIf T & CO. ASTORIA, - - - OREGON Carry in Stook, DRUGS, CHEMICALS, TOILET and FANCY ARTICLES. Prescriptions carefully Compounded -Ki -J .m rj tfOSTITTtifr P CELEBRATED 3 A 8STTERS THE DIGNITY OF THE NATION. As usual there will be an executive session of tbe United States senate immediately succeeding tbe inaugura tion of tbe next president. Tbe sen ate will continue to bo Republican. Tbe Democratic president, invested witb tbe full authority and privileges of bis executive office, will make bis constitutional appointments accord ing to bis personal, as well as bis po litical inclinations. He will select for bis cabinet .secretaries such gentle men as lie thinks be can depend upon during his administration. He should know bis men, and the country ex pects him to select statesmen who have the confidence of tbe people. There is no reason to doubt that be will do so. A mistako in this respect might result in a calamity to his per sonality as president A president should have no dissensions in bis oili tial household. A new one should have the wisdom to take advantage of the errors of his predecessors. One of the glories of a president is to se lect judiciously a cabinet at the out set that can endure harmoniously through bis occupancy of the White bouse. A distinctive cabinet without jars is indispensable to tho govern mental success of a chief executive. It should as far as possible bo divested o individual jealousies. Presiden tial aspirants at the bead of some one or the other of the departments are likely to be somewhat too closely watched by the appointing power. especially during a first term where a second is calculatively anticipated. Both parlies are honored by the leadership of able, ambitious men, who are thoroughly patriotic, and to most of these a senatorship or a cabi net position is tbe ultimate stretch of their political endeavors. Of course one step of the ladder is a foothold from which a higher can be reached by extraordinary exertion and under peculiarly fortuitous circumstances, but the topmost round of all, as our history has so often told us, is gen erally beyond the reach of the out stretching arms of those intellectual ly and worthily great An executive session of the senate will be called on the day of the in auguration of the now president to reorganize, and to confirm or reject Mr. Cleveland's appointments, which can have effect only "by and with the advice and consent of the senate." One-third of the members of that body, except such as have been re elected, retire the day before inaug uration day. The Republicans will have a majority in the senate at the incoming of tbe just-elected adminis tration, and now a report comes to us that they will not, under the tenure-of-office act, confirm appointments that may be made by President Cleve land in contravention of that salutary measure. Perhaps the report is pre cipitous. Gov. Cleveland has been known throughout the campaign as a civil service reformer. As such he was supported by Harper's Week It with the particular "Civil Servicer," George "William Curtis, as its expo nent He is expected by the count. y to live up to asserted declarations. It would be premature on tbe part of the Republican majority in tbe senate oven to intimate that it will not con sent to tbe supplanting of federal of ficers without cause. Probably noth ing of the kmd is intended by one who has made his national reputation solely as a reform governor. JBnt the country will soon see. The pressure of Democratic office-seekers upon the new president will be simply tremen dous. Can be bo ungrateful to bis efficient supporters who have helped him to bis great height? Tho nation expects of him a dignified adminis tration, and bis earliest acts as presi dent will be of general interest. They will not only be somewhat of an indi cation of his administrative course, but they will tend more or less to de termine the esteem in which ho is to be held through a four-years' term. A blunder at the commencement is not easily to bo repaired. He is elected on a professedly civil service plat form, and it is now to be seen wheth er ho will stand on it or fall on it A Tempest in a Teapot. New York, Nov. 21. A Washing ton special says: "A writer in a Sun day paper professes to have received word from Indiana that a lively so cial conflict is about to be transferred from that state to Washington. It seems that Mrs. Hendricks and Mrs, McDonald are tbe bitterest of ene mies. Mrs. Hendricks is said to be fearfully anxious that McDonald will not be made a member of Mr. Cleve land's cabinet, and thereby obtain a social position somewhat above that of the wife of tbe vice president. Nor would she be any better suited to see Mrs McDouald the wife of a justice or tho supreme court Tho story is that the Hendricks family are coming to Washington with the idea in their beads that pretty much the whole re- sponsibuity. both political and social. for carrying on the next administra tion, is likely to rest upon their shoulders. Hendricks thinks Cleve land bad little to do with his own election, and would have failed, but for efforts made bv himself. Scott'rtEmulHion of Pure Cod-Liver OH, with Ilypophosplilte. Very PalaUiblc and Efficacious in irusimy jjiscuscs. uv. j. l. UHOEM ser. Rochester, X. Y., says: "Alter having used Scott's Emulsion with de cided benefit upon myself, 1 have taken greatpleasure m recommending it since in the various conditions of wasting in which it Is Indicated." Annual Report of Governor Squire. Washington, Nov. 2L Watson Squire, governor of Washington ter ritory, in his annual report, says: The manufacturing industries of the territory have attained a highly grati fying degree of improvementthat of lumber taking the lead- In many places Indians are prosperously en gaged in cultivating the soil, and it is believed the system of allotting a suitable quantity of land to them in severalty can and ought to be en couraged. If they could be induced to concentrate and altogether aban don certaiu reservations it would conduce much to the development of tho territory by the settlement aud cultivation of large tracts of valuable land now unproductive. Touching tbe territorial law con ferring upon women the right to vote, the governor says: Although many of our citizens are disposed to ques tion the wisdom of this law, espec ially when attended witb tho require ment mat women snonia servo as jurors, it meets with the approval of a largo majority of the people, and the women of the territory are, for the most part, strongly desirous that tbe enactment be retained upon our statute books, thus far it seems attended witb no important results unfavorable to tbe welfare of tho people of the territory. Tho report states that tbe value of assessed property in the territory is $50,513,852, with ono county to be heard. The territory is entirely out of debt, and July 1, 1884, had a bal ance of $47,901 in the treasury. Tho population of tho territory "is esti mated at 150,000, and the governor, in conclusion, presents a number of reasons to support the claim of Wash ington territory for admission into the union as a state. Twenty-four Years Retwcen. Shaves. PnrLADEiiPiiiA, Nov. 10. A tall, broad-shouldered man, apparently 55 years of age, walked into a Seventh street barber shop this afternoon and seated himself in a chair. A heavy black beard covered his face and his shirt front, and was finally lo3t to sight within the capacious recesses of his waistco'at 'Hair cut, sir?" asked tbe barber, as be began to tuck a towel around the collar of his customer. The old man, who had been busy with his beard during this interval, now ex posed it to the astonished naze of the shop. It reached fully three inches below the knees when it was un coiled. He replied: "No, but I want this beard taken off clean. For twenty-four years no razor has touched my face. This beard is the result It was in 18G0. I was as spruce a young chap as could be seen at Lancaster, and everybody knew young Joe Rarstoe in those parts. They called me 'young Joe,' to make a difference between the old man and me. The old man was a Democrat to the backbone, and I was with him until the split in tho 1860 convention when the southerners put up John C. Rreckinridge and we tho north nominated Stephen A. Douglas. I felt strong on tho subject and worked for Douglas day and night I used to bo very smart in appearance in those days, but I worked so hard I had no time for prinkingup. "One night I made a speech at a meeting in the old turnpike tavern. 1 had a week's growth of stubble on my face, and before I had spoken a uozen words some lout sang eut: Go get a shave.' Everybody laughed as they looked at me. 'Get a shave?' says L 'No razor touches my face mi x see a .Democratic president elected.' "I havo kept my word. Tako it off and roll it carefully up in a piece of paper, barber, for I am going to send President Cleveland a chain made out of it" French Troops Defeat Chinese. Paris, Nov. 24. Advices from Ton quin state that, as reprisal for tho at tack made by tbe Chinese upon the French gunboats Eclaire and Tromer, on the 19th inst, on the Claire river, while they were revictualing the gar rison at Tngen Wan, General Briere de Lisle telegraphs that Colonel Du chesne was sent to attack a force of Black Flags and Chinese regulars, entrenched in fortified works near that place. The French forces cap tured tho fortifications, tho enemy fleeing. Tho French lost eight men killed andlwentv-fivoTrnnnrlpr? Tim Chinese have evacuated the Song ivan valley. A later dispatch states that Colonel Duchesno next day stormed, without loss, three fortified villages and destroyed or captured all tbe enemy's supplies. The enemy were in full retreat, taking refuge in the mountains and forests. Is This a Degenerate Age I No, it is not. People may howl and siumuie, out genet any they aro tne very ones who themselves are degen erate. Or who bavfl dpnnoratA ntnm- achs and livers. It is a good age, for if- llfla r"i..Av ..rt 41.s It.. !. 3?--.M . jiuo (jjicu iu mo uu3i, iron meuiumc tbe world ever saw, and such as no previous age conceived of. Brown's Iron Bitters is just making the pres ent age happy, for it cures dyspeptic, rheumatic and nervous people, and sets the languid people on their feet with joyful triumph. Mr. A. Berry, of North Castino, Maine, says. "Wife and I were both weak and in poor health. Brown'ilron Bitters oured us. THE GREAT GERMAN REMEDY FOP. PAIN. Retort tad csrss RIIEITjUTISM, Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, BACKACHE, E21D1C52, T00IHCE2, SORE THROAT, QCINST, SWELUSaS, SPRAINS, Scres-x-, Cuts, Braus, FROSTBITES, nciiAS, scalds, JLnl all other bcJll ache nd ptini. FlrTT CEXI3 1 BOTH! Sell bf ill Dmptfiti ant Dealer. DlrtciioDi la 11 laa(ui(t. 5i3 Chulas A.Ve28!ar Cs. (3aufU9t to A. Voobj Cx) ""UUInore, Si, C.S.A. HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS. PARKER, HOUSE, J. II, CLOSE. Prop., ASTORIA, --- OREGON. Al. CROSBY, - - . Clark First Class in all Respects. FREE COACH TO THE HOUSE. Fipres Mer Lie ! .VXD JEFF OF THE CHOP HOUSE Can prove hy his books that he is doing the oigKCSt Dusiness 01 any RESTAURANT In the city, and he will guarantee to give the best meal PRANK FABRE'S CHOP HOUSE. Oysters, Ice Cream, COFFEE. The New Model. Everything First Class. Cas- Street, rear of Odd-Ftllows Building. Every attention paid my customers, and the best set before them in first class style. MIIS. EYAWALUIAN, - Proprietor. ASTORIA, OREGON. First Class Iii Every Respect. NEW HOUSE, NEW FURNITURE. Fittctl up with eTery Conven ience Tor the Comfort or Transient and Permanent Guests. Corner Squemoqua and "West Cth Streets. G. A. STJLNSON & CO., BLACKSMITHING, At Capt. Rogers old stand, corner of Cass and Court Streets. Ship and Cannery work, Horseshoeine. Wagons made and repaired. Good work guaranteed. (MM mm .- .-fe5Bfi3pHfeSSjf-bs5A PeBg" r " - ' - -g--'"""""""'""5"r""""j'l SEg!r5!ia5gwMpee'St!J?SB3BH Columbia Transportation Company. FOR osrcx.Axix),! FAST TIME! FAST TIME! THE POPULAR STEAMER w x m B W W GOB Which has been refitted for the comfort of passengers will leave Wilson & Fisher's Dock every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at Returning leaves Portland every Tuesday and Thursday at 6 A. M. arriving at Astoria at 1 P. M. rw-An additional triD will be made on Sanda-v- afEaek Wk. lfl.vfmr Portland at O O'clock Sunday MoBnlBX- far soon pom. ASTORIA IRON WORKS. Bentok Stbksx, Neab Fabsics House, ASTORIA. - OREGON. GENERAL MACHINISTS AND BOILER MAKERS. LAND anfl MAEINE ENGINES BoilerWork, Steamboat Work and Cannery Work a spe cialty. CASTINGS , Oral! Description) made to Order at Short "Votlce. A. D. Wass, Prasldent. J. G., Secretary, I. V. Gabs, Treasurer. JOHX Fox.Superintendent. S.AENDT&EERCHEN, ASTORIA, - OREGON. The Pioneer Machine Shop BLACKSMITH SHOP AND Boiler Shop 5 All kinds of ENGINE, CANNERY, AND STEAMBOAT WORK Promptly attended to. A specialty made of repairing CANNERY DIES, FOOT OF LAFAYETTE STREET. Magnus C. Crosby Dealer in HARDWARE, IRON, STEEL, iron Pipe and Fittings, STOVES, TINWARE AND HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS SHEET LEAD STRIP LEAD SHEET IRON, JIti and Copper Astoria Cooperage. BARRELS AND HALF-BARBELS All Kinds of Cooperage Done. EB-Leave orders with JOHN ROGERS. Superintendent, at Central Market. GUNARD STEAMSHIP LINE. fJE BEG LEAVE TO ANNOUNCE A v great reduction in rates overthe above well known line. Parties desiring to go to Europe, or wtshinc to send for friends In the old country will find It to their advan tage to purchase tickets over the Cunard line. Tickets issued by us good from any part of Europe to Astoria. FOZORTH& JOHNS, Agents. HEADQUARTERS. FOR Tojs, Fancy Goods, Stationery, CUTLERY. ETC. Fresh Fruit Received Daily A Full Stock of Smokers Ar.ieles. NEW .GOODS CONSTANTLY ARRIVING. CHAS. A. MAY, Chenamus street, south side, one door from Cass. 6 A.M. arriving at Portland at 1 P.M. Vmmijmi b flils route eonneet at Xalaroa w. m. hw, xniMmi ygjBHBaawEfS TRANSPORTATION LINES. Oregon Railway & Navigation COafPASY. OCEAX DIVISION. Dufing the month of October, 1SS4. Ooean Steamers will sail from Portland to S&a Francisco, and from San Francisco to Port land, as follows, tearing Alosworth Dock, Portland, at Midnight, and Spear Street W harf , San Francisco, at 10 A. M. : From Portland. From San Francisco. Oct Oct Oregon Fri 3 SUte of Cil....Wed 8 Columbia Mod 13 Oregon Sat la State of Cl....Thnr Z3 Columbia Tnei 23 .No Oregon Snn t SUU of C'!....Fri SUtof Cal....Wed 1 Colombia Moa 6 Oregon Sat 11 State of Cal....Thor 15 'olambia Tue XI Oregon San 9a Stat ofCal.... Fri SI Not Columbia ."We-d 3 Through Ticket- sold to all principal cities In tbe United States, Canada and Europe. RAIL DIVISION. On nnrl nffpr KiwomhnrWpH 19U Ta.a ger Trains will leave Portland" for Eastern points, at a :ao 4. at., dally. Pullman Palace Cars ranniax between Port land, and St. Pan, RIVEK DIYlSieX (Middle CcleunbU). Boats leave Portland for Dalle at 7 ;0O A M. also : Leave Port-I land for JMonl Tu. I We.Thu. FrL I Sat. Astoria and lower Co. lumbia....l6AM SAM 6AM SAM (AM 6AM UlTtnn. fir 17 AVI 7AM 7 AM Salem .... 1. . ,,1 (cam Uorrallis..' ,' ... , , , , , Tacpmaaad Seattle, daily at liOt FM. Leje Astoria for Portland at 6 a. in. dalhr ex cept Handay. O. H. PBESCOTT, A.L.STOKTS Manager. Agent Astoda. uent 1 reignt and Pass. Act. E.A. .NOY1S3. OVERLAND TO CALIFORNIA VIA Oregon & California R. R. And CoHBeetieas, 58 Hours between Portland and San Fraa- clsco. Ouly 21 houra' staging. Fare to Saa Fraacisco $32 ; to Sacraaeato $38 Leave Portland at 7 :30 A. m. dally (except Sunday) : Arrive at San Francisco 6 :40p.m., third day. Close connections made at Ashland wltn the Stages of the Oregon and Califor nia Stage Company. EA8TSIDE DIVMIOX. Between POKTLAAD and AttHIiAND auut TEAur. LEAVE. AREIVB. Portland..-. 7 :30 a. h I Ashland 4 : a. m. Ashland dO r. u. Portland 43 r. M. ALBANY EXPRESS TRAIN. I.KAVF a optvo Portland 4 :00 P. M.ILebanou 9 JO p. x Lebauon....4 r45 a. auPortland... 13 :o a. x Pullman Palart SIPAnfncrr!jrlo.j Vnrt- landMondajs and Thursdays. Ketarninz leaves Ashland Tuesdays and itldays. The Orenm and Pnllfnrnln 'Pallnno !? makes connection with all Regular Trains uu juuuuutt division, irom tne loot our St. "WESTSIDB DITISIOir. Between Purtlaad and Corvalila MAIL TKAIX LEAVE. A -RTrT? Portland 0 !flo a. w .rvn-rniii. -m Corvallls 8 :30 a. M.PortIand 3 -jo r.u. EXPEESS TJiAIX LEAVE. ARRIVE. Portland 5 :O0 p MlMcMInnviUe, 8Mrx McMlnnville6:45 a MiPortland 8 -JSti a k Local tickets fnrsnlf nnri hnir. icrhalj-aA at Company's up town office, corner Stark and Second sti. pfs Ttftofc m iii r n i.rin. cipal points In California, can only be pro cured and baggage checked, at the Com pany's office, Corner F and Front Sts., Portland, Or. Frpicht will nnt tin rvMvrl far nmon after & o'clock p. m. on either the Eaaulde or Westside Divisions. R. KOKHLKR, E. P. KOOEK3. manager. G. r 4 P. At llwaco Steam Navigation Go.'s WINTER SCHEDULE. Astoria to Fort Stevens, Fort Caaby, and llwaco. Connecting by stages and boats lor Oystervilie, Montesano and Oiympia Until further notice the Qwato Steam Navigation Co.'s steamer GrOXlL, TVT1 l.Q. Will leave Astoria on Mondays, Thursdays and Saturdays at 7 A. M. (Mondays, Thursdays and Saturdays bdag uysiervme ana Tiuutesauw mui u&yij FOB Ft.Stevens, Ft. Canby and llwaoo OK Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Friday The steamer will leave Astoria at 9 a.m.. as formerly, not being confined strictly to schedule time. On Tharsday A SECOND TRIP will be made, leaving As toria three hours after arriving from Ilwaeo. Fare to Fort Canby and llwaco....... $1 08 STTIckets can be bought at the oOco for 75cts. """F-Hwaco frelcht, by the ton. ra Iota one ton or over, $2 per ton, rw-For Tickets. Towaee or Charter ao- ply at the office of the company, Graf wharf, foot of Benton street. J. H. U. U14AI, Agent. B, B, FRANKLIN. Mertate ai CaMnet Maler, SQUEMOQUA STREET, NBXT TO THK ASTOBIAJT BnLDnf. Er-All work dome In a ridJlfel naner m aa4 mKw at MMif W aWa. gg3leeeeeeeeeeeeeeewBBeelemllJieaeek