en ASTORIA, OREGON, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 1884. VOL. XXII, NO. 117. PRICE, FIVE CENTS. BCSIKESS CARDS. Count School iipvriiitciMtvnt Office at Bndollct & Co.N ('nnnorv. rjper Astoria. T"VIti-. A. K. ami J. . FUSrX. Phj-sicI:;ii and Sur-oii.. Will Live irciimt nttfnlhm to all ii!K ' fiom an j- part of the city o country. Ofllc over Allen's Store, corner Cass and J Suuemoqti&Mrcets Ast'oia. Oicroii. Telephone .o. 41. D R.F1CANK t'AdJ I'liyslrimi nnct y.nrsrau. Oflice, Cor. Main and Chenainus sir-els. OFKIOK HOCUS :-9 to 11 A. Jt. ;-2 to 5 1'. M. Residence, opposite Ihe Johaii'-eii building P. I. WlXTtrN. ATTORNEY AT LAW Abstracts r Title a Sprrlaity. Rooms 11 and 12. Kniaht of Pythian Ca'tlo Building. Telephone S. -SO, QKO. A. D01UUS. GKO. NOI.AMI XOX.AKD & DOKItlS. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Office In Kinney's Block, pposite Otti lia!!, Astoi la, Oregon. C W. FULTON'. O. C TULTON. FULTOX BKOTE1EI5S. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Rooms 5 and C. Odd Fellov. Building. 3. Q. A. UOWLUr. J. A. OILL. BOWLGY &. GirX. Attorneys and CnaiiMC-lZorK :tt Law, Oflice on Chenainus Stieet, Astoria. Oregon. T? C. HOJLfMtN, NOTARY PUBLIC, AUCTIONEER, COMMISSION N! i SURANCE At SENT. fl V.'. SiKICSi. ARCHITECT AND DRAUGHTSMAN. Scholars received for Course of Dniuj;lliiijj JrJOHlce over White House Store. p EI-O V. r.lKKKK. SURVEYOR CF Clatsop Connty,autl City or Aatorif Office : Chenainus street, Y. XI. C. A. h:dl Room No. 8. r iiV,Xf.O 31AKTLX,3X.., Physician and Surgeon. ASTORIA. - - OREGON. OrriCE-Room 12. Odd Fellows Building. Residence Hume's building, up stairs. JAY TUTTliE, 31. O PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Office Rooms 1, 2. and 3. Pythian Build tog. Residence On Cedar Street, back ol St. Mary's Hospital. P p. Hiors. a. h. snjw HICKS & SHAW, DENTISTS. Rooms In Allen's Building, up stairs, cor ner Cass and Squemuqua streets. Astoria Oregon. Bozorth & Jolms. Real Estate and Insurance Agents. and Brokers. ASTORIA, Oregon. Buy and sell nil kinds of Real Estate and represent the following Fire Insurance Conpauies Scottish Union and Na tional, assets $S3.oo0,C0o Phoenix of Hartford " 4-500.UW) Home of New York, " 7,00'J.Ooo Hamburg and Bremen. a.ooO.OoO Western. 3oo,nou Phenlx of Brooklyn, 4,009.000 Oakland Home, 300,000 Policies written by ns In the Phoenix and Home and Scottish Union and National at equitable rates. BANKING AND INSURANCE! I. W. CASE, Broker, Banker, and Insur ance Agent, -ASTORIA, - ORECOX. OFFICE HOURS : From 9 o'clpck A. M. until 3 o'clock P. M. i.t.co16mm:s AGEXCY, Banking Oeoanmeni A General Banking and Exchange Busi ness transacted. Every facility for promp and satisfactory business. Draft on the leading cItieof tho Untted States and Europe. Oepowit Kceivrd.. VISITORS TOORTLAND. Should not forget to call at Towne'sSan Francisco Gallery, where may be seen photographs of all the leading men and women of u.egon and Wash'ngt n Territory. Skillful ooeratorsnlwajs in artcndance.and the most minute attention paid to plciures of children Don't forcer the location, S. TT. eorecr First and Morrison streets, up stairs. No trouble to show specimens to visitors. Stre rallr-ads pass the door every ten minutes, and this Is the nearest salierr to irt twJUBcipallwt. liBil 1 1 IU -the 1 THE BESTTOMIE. ? This medicine, combining Iron with pure vegetable tonics, quickly and completely Cures D.vpepIii JmliRCMinn, VcnunPNi I :npuroIIooil,.liaIaria,Cliinsaiid Fevers, and XcisraJcin. It is nn unfailing remedy for Diseases of the KidneyH mid Liver. It is imaluablc for Diseaccs peculinr to "Women, and all who lead sedentary lives. Itdoes not injure the teeth. cause headache or produce constipation oAt Iron malicmredo. Itenrlchesand iurifies he blood, stimulate? the appetite, aids the Assimilation of food, re licves Heartburn and Ikleliiug.aud strength ens the muscles and nerves. Tor Intermittent Fevers. Lassitudo, Lack o rnergy, &c, it ha. no equal. S7 The genuine has above trade mark ant rosscd red lines on wrapper. Take no other Jadr -hiri.r r.i:ou.N uiExiCAL ro., niLTiaouE, KU REfSIUTtt WOODARDli CO., Portland, Or. IIOJ.KSAI.K AGFNTf:. I W II I iW "il i fc"H t iHnt"W 'ill t"Ol?acri orwusri e DISORDERED LIVER, and &3ALAR5A. From 1 he&u sources arise three-fourths of the diseases ot t he human kjco. These symptoms iiul'cutc 1'icir existence. Loss of Appetite, TJowilrf costive, Kick Headache, fnllaess nficr cat in,nversiou to cscitionofbodyor mind. Eructation of fond , In irr.bil ityoftempcr,,oVEplrits,AfcCling or&avinffaeslectediimedty,liz 2lnes3,FitterInjratthcIIeart,lots licforo tho eyes, hilily colored Urine,OXSTlPAT20A,and demand the use of-ircinely that actsdii-ectlyon the Liver. AsaLivcrinccncincTOTT'S 1IIiI.S have 110 c.iual. Thelructionon the Kidneys and Skin 13 also prompt; rcmovhig all impuiitios tin ouch theso three scavengers of tic s stern," prodnchiir appetite, t-ou.id digestion, regular stools, n clear skin and a vig orousboily. TDTT'S PIIjLS cause no nausea or (jripingr nor interiero with dally work and arc a perfect ANTIDOTE TO MALARIA. feoldeiervwiirreEa;. UHe4t .UnrravSt.N y. TUTTS HAIR DYE. GnATHAinoR"VVni.Kn2s changed in stantly to aGLossr Black by aslnglo application of this Dvn. Sold bj- Drug dts,orscntby'xpre5sonrecciptof51. Offlcc, 4 Murrav Street, New York. DI73 HAHUAIi C? U:FCIi 2:SIPJ3 TSTS. A, . Allen, Wholesale and Retail Dealf r lu Provisions, MILL FEED. Glass and Plated Ware. TROPICAL AND DOMESTIC FRUITS AND VEGETABLES. Together with Wines, Liq:iors,?obacco,Cigars wm. ED&AR, Dealer in Cigars, Tobacco and Cigarettes Meerschaum and Brier Pipes, GEHUS&E ENGLISH CUTLERY Revolvers and Cartridges. CORNER MAIN AND CnENAMUS STS. JeiiJs JJo.tiee SAYS THERE WILI. BE NO INCREASE OF PRICES INHISCHOr nousE 4 ND THAT HE IS DETERMINED TO iA. maintain his icputatinn for keeping the est and che ipest lte-tuiRiut in town, even at a loss to himself, while the dull time last. JEFF. FISHERMEN! Twines and Netting 3IAMJFACTU11KP KY 11IK Baltimore Twice and ITet Company. WM. J HOOPER & SON, Xo. G, nnlh Calverl Si , Kattimorc, 5!d. Send for Price LisMiauung your Countv and SUite. rt r. mk .men, ion this rAPJtn. W. S. BEMEM1 & CO. ASTORIA, - - OREGON Carry in Stock, DRUGS, CHEMICALS, TOiLET and FAftGY ARTICLES. Prescriptions carefully Compounded SB P u MB rrt 3s ? WINTER IN MANrrOBA. Extreme Hisr and Severity of Winter Weather in the Northwest. The anow oolside our house was from six to ten feet deep from No vember to April. I tried to wear boots last winter and one of my feet froze. Moccasin9, made by Indians, of moose-skin, are used instead of shoes to cover the feet, which are first cased in several pairs of stock ings. For traveling on foot snow shoes are best Mitten3 supersede gloves during the winter, as the fin gers, if separated, generally f reezt;. Wo were forced to melt snow for all tho water we used last winter. The cold was so intense that when welted suow-water was poured from the boiler into a pail, and taken at once across to tho stable, the ice on it frequently had to bo broken with a stick before tho cattle could drink, it froze so hard white being carried a distauco of somo sixty yards in the opon air. My husband would some times come in from a short visit to the stock yard with his nose frozen; indeed it is rather a common sight to see people partly frozen. The part affected turns as whito as mar ble and loses all feeling. Unless you see yourself in a glass, or are told of it, you are not conscious of being frozen. In this plight it is not best to go near a firo, as sudden thawing is very painful. People generally try friction, rubbing themselves with snow, or, better still, with paraffino oil. Occasionally, when one is fro zen and far from help, the part frozen, if au extremity, will snap off. My kitten's ears froze and broke off last winter, and a neighbor's pony lost it3 ears in the same way, I was surprised when I first found the mustard freeze in my mustard pot, which stood a foot from tho kitchen stove-pipe and tyo feet above tho stove, whore thoro was a blazing fire all day and every day through the winter. Yet the mus tard froze between every meaL Bread froze if left for half an hour in a room without a fire. I onco left a pitcher full of milk in the kitchen all night, and next morning, on trying to move it tho pitcher fell to pieces and left the milk standing solid in its placo. We could buy frozen milk by the pound, frozen so intensely that when I put a lump of it in a tin into the oven, or on tho top of tho stove, tho first part that melted would burn to the tin before the rest of it had been thawed. I managed to melt it by first chopping the ico milk into very small pieces. Clothes which had been washed froze baforo I could hang them on-the line to dry. I used to leave them out two or three nights for the snow and ice to bleach, and they always neodod thawing and drying again when they were brought in-doors. Even after being damped and folded they would freeze togeth er, and when I have been ironing tho top of a pocket handkerchief the low er part would freeze to tho table, which was close to a roaring fire. Ironing under these oonditioas is rather slow work. Such stories must sound almost incrediblo, except to thoso who, like myself, have witnessed the facts. though, of course, only in tho most severe weathor. A bearded English man who stayed with us last winter was often forced when ho came in doors to thaw the icicles from his mustache, which froze to his beard and hindered him from talking to us. A pail of water left in the kitchen all night wonld freeze solid to the bot tom before morning. This happened every time one was left for two months In such a climate every one who can afford it is dressed in fur. The Winnepeg policemen also dress in buffalo coats down to tho heels in winter. Tho keenest wind cannot pierce them. Winter is, of course, not equally severe tnrougnout. Jfart of my do scription applies only to its colder naif. Jut to a woman tho most try ing part of a winter in Manitoba 13 not its severity for you live in a warm house but its length. Snow lay on tho ground last season for fix months and a half, and the great lakes are frozen for the same period. One's eyos grow very weary of tho bare, blank whitness, and Jong for something green to look at; yet the bright, clean, still frost, with brilliant sunshine, glorious skies and moonlit, aurora-colored nights, have great compensations of their own. East ern Letter. "Sawdust Used Medically." This is one of the latest ideas in medicine. But "whatever you do with your sawdnst, don't take it internally. Bathe your head with it, scratch your back with it, or mako a sticking plas ter of it only don't swallow it. The great medicino for debility, weakness, dyspepsia, rheumatism and liver troubles, is Brown's Iron Bitters. Mr. John Jenkins, of 138, Jefferson St, Ualtimore, says, "Malaria left mo very weak. Brown's Iron Bitters gavo mo health and strength." The New Jersey legislature is 11 Republican on joint ballot Cleve land's plurality if 2,519. Heott'slvrrmlsioat of Pare Cad Liver Oil, -with fEypophenphlten. In Qcneral Debility and Emaciation. I a most valuable food mid medicine where the appetite is poor, and the ordi nary food docs not seem to nourish the body. This is easily digested and as similated and gives stranatk aaa victr U the tifMi-lwl fcdy. SOUTHERN DEMOCRATS ON DECK. How they Proptwe to Take Control of the Incoming Administration. Washikotos, Nov. 20. It is obvi ous that the southern Democrats ex pect to have much to say about the formation of the new administration. They will want a large share of tho fruits of Cleveland's election, and they desire to bo heard, as of old in the councils of the party and to be consulted in the conduct of the gov ernment It was for such consider ations that the Damoorat3 of the south have so long stood back, and kept silent, and done the solid voting while their northern brethren havo had tho management of the party. "We have this time," said a repre sentative southern Democrat, "given not only our solid vote, but our mon ey Jilso. With our money he has carried four northern states. South ern Democrats have contributed lib erally, and I may say that it is ques tionable whether without our money, tn addition to our vote3, Cleveland would have been elected. Our title to consideration is perfect, and there is no reason why wo should stand back and not take our share of the fruits of the viotory we have won." Southern Demoorats here are for a complete turn about. .They do not take to tho ideas of the Independent Republicans about the civil service. Their notion of reform is that Repub licans bo turned out and that Demo orats bo put in their place. They resent the suggestion that the "mugwumps," as they are learning to oall the follow e3r of Curtis and Schurz and theirYan kee coadjutors in Boston, shall havo anything to say about what Cleve land shall do or what the policy of his administration shall bo. "Theso bolting Be publicans.,r said a Virginia Democrat,"wanted to beat Blaine, and if they think they have done it, let them bo satisfied. What they have dono does not entitle them to share in tho formation or the spoils of the new administration." An Alabama Democrat said: "This is a Democratic victory the restora tion of the Democratic party to power. There is no better way to decide who shall havo the Lion's share than by seeing where tho elec- torai vote3 came irom. ur. uieve lahd's 219 votes the north gives only 56. All the others are from tho south." Already there is much of this kind of talk here. Throughout all those years there have remained in Wash ington a number of old-school Demo crats, important onoe, and believing themselves not less so now, who are coming forth to have their sharo in shaping things. They adopt the southern idea, as indicated abovo. Mr. Cleveland will be fortunate if, when he comes to Washington, ho escapes being brought under this kind of domination. The Democrats referred to propose to begin as nearly as possible where they left off, almost thirty years ago. These things are not to be left un said because they aro not as agreea blo as other things which one who looks for facts first sees. They are what Mr. Cleveland will soon enough find out. They necessarily follow his election. If Mr. Cleveland is his own man's man, the threatened difficulty will be asily averted, But if he is not strong and courageous, and doe3 not perfectly understand men, their mo tives and aims, and does not become a master at once, then, in tho Ian guage of Qen. Butler at Chicago, "God help him." . Bacltlcn's Arnica Salre. The Best Salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores.Ulcprs, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores. Tetter. ChaDDed Hands, Chilblains. Corns, and all Skin Ei un ions, ana positively cures rues, or no 'pay required. It is guaranteed to give nerfect satisfaction, or monev refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by W. S. Dement & Co. Hid Snceeas Financially and socially are largely due to his excellent health. If his system were clogged and feverish, no doubt he would fail as so many others do. Rut why not enjoy good health when one can please the palate at tho same time? Svrup of Figs is not only pleasant to the taste, it also cleanses tho system thoroughly, yet painlessly; it is harm less in its nature, and strencthens the organs on which it acts so that regular habits may be formed, and the suflcrer permanently restored to health and happiness. Sample bottles free and large bottles for sale by W. E. Demen &Co. Carnahan & Go. SUCCESSORS TO I. W. CASE, IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE AND KbTAIL DEALERS IS GENERAL HERCHAMIISE Corner Clienamus and Cass streets. ASTORIA - - - OREGON Assignee Notice. NOTICE 13 HEREBY GIVEN THAT TOE firm of J. E.Thoma has assigned all their property to the undersigned for the benefit of. their creditors ana all persons having claims uRainst said estate must pre sent the- sai e duly verified to thn assignee at his office in Astoria, Oregon, within tare months from this data. 2itrUftbeV!a,IM4 German MY FOR HP.AXN". CURES Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Sciatica, Luaibao, Backache, Headache, Toothache, Sore Throat, Swelling. Sprain. Brulsca, Bam. SeaM. Front Ultes, ASB AU OTHER BODILY IUI.S XSD ACHES. 8U br Dratfiits tad Deilrn ercmrbere. Fifty CesU a bottle. Direction, la 11 Languages. THE C1IAKLER A. VOOEI.EU CO. CnwwnntA.TOOSXraCai Baltlaort. ad, C. S. A. HOTELS AXD RESTAURANTS. PARKER HOUSE, J. II. IiOttE, Prop., ASTORIA, . - - OREGON. Al. CROSBY, - - Clerk- First Class in all Eespects. FREE COACH TO THE HOUSE. Figures lew Lie ! JEFF OP THE CHOP HOUSE Can provo hy his hooks that he Is doing tho biggest business of any EESTAUEANT In the city, and he will guarantee to glvo the best meal for cash. FRANK FABKE'S CHOP HOUSE. Oysters, Ice Cream, COFFEE. The New Model. Everything First Class. Cos Street, rear of Odd-Follow Bulldln;. Every attention paid my customers, and the beat set before them In first-class 3tyle. I MRS. EVA WALLMAX, - Proprietor. ASTORIA, OREGON. Firat Class in Every Respect. NEW HOUSE, NEW FURNITURE. Fitted up willi cvory Convcn ience Tor the Comfort of Transient and Permanent Guests. Corner Squemoqua and West Cth Streets. G. A. STJLNSON & CO., BLACKSMITHING, At C&pt.- Itogera old stand, come? of Cast and Court Streets. Ship and Cannery work. Horseshoeing. Wagons made and repaired. Good work guaranteed. AIM TEL Columbia Transportation Company. FAST TIME! THE POPULAR STEAMER FI, "Which has been refltted for the comfort of passengers will leave "Wilson & Fisher's Dock every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 6 A.M. arriving at Portland at 1 P.M. Returning leaves Portland every Tuesday and Thursday at 6 A. M. arriving at Astoria at 1 P. M. -An additional trip will be made on Sunday of Each WeeK, leaving Portland at 0 O'clock jtHHftar HorntBjf. ImiaBj by tfck routa connect at Kalamg far Sanaa part. V. B. Kt)ar, Pnalaat ASTORIA IRON WORKS. Bemtox Stbeet, Neau Paekkb House, ASTORIA, - OREGON. GENERAL MACHINISTS AND BOILER MAKERS. LABaiMABIMEMES BoilerWork, Steamboat Work and Cannery W.ork a spe- cialty. OASTIXG-S, or alt Descriptions made te Order at Short Notice . A. D. "Wass, President. J. G. HUSTI.EB, Secretary, I. Y. Case, Treasurer. johx Fox.Superintendent. S. AENDT & JFERCHEN, ASTORIA. - OREGON. The Pioneer Machine Shop BLACKSMITH SHOP AND Boiler Shop All kinds of ENGINE, CANNERY, , AXD STEAMBOAT WORE Promptly attended to. A specialty made of repairing CANNERY DIES, FOOT OF LAFAYETTE STREET. Magnus C. Crosby Dealer in HARDWARE, IRON, STEEL, Iron Pipe and Fittings, STOVES, TINWARE AND HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS SHEET LEAD STRIP LEAD SHEET IRON, Tin and Copper. Astoria Cooperage. BARRELS AND HALF-BARRELS Ail Kinds of Cooperage Done. narLeave orders with JOHN ROGERS, Superintendent, at Central Market, GUHARD STEAMSHIP LINE. T7E BFG LEAVE TO ANNOUNCE A v great red action In rates over the above well known line. Parlies desirini; toco to Europe-, or wishlnz to .vend for friends In the old country will find it to their advan tage to purchase tickets over the Cunard line. 'I Ickeis issued by us good from any part of Europe to Astoria. BOZORTH & JOHNS, Agents. HEADQUARTERS. FOR Toys, lancf Goods, Stationery, CUTLERY, ETC. Fresh Fruit Received Daily A Full Stock of Smokeis Ar.ieles. NBW GOODS CONSTANTLY ARRIVING. CHAS. A. MAY. Chenamus street, south side, ona door irom Kiiss. FAST TIME! OOD TRANSPORTATION LLNBS. Oregon Railway k Nivif ition COMFAJfY. OCEAXDTVISIOIT. Ruing the month of October, 1884. Ocean Steamers will sal! from Portland to Sa Francisco, and from San Francisco to Port land, as follows, leaving Alcaworth Dock, Portland, at Midnight, and Spear. Street Wharf, San Francisco, at 10 A. M. : From Portland. I From Saa Fraoctece. llet Oct State of Cil....We4 1 UolnabU Mob Oregon Sftt U SUUofCi....Thiir 16 loIninkU Tmea 81 Oregon .Smn 28 Suto of 0J 7ri Si If or Columbia Wtd $ Oregon Frl 3 Mate- of Cal. Wed 8 Columbia ilon 13 Oregon ...iat In Mate of Cal....Tbur Columbia .luea 23 Nor Oregon Snn 3 ibtatn of Cal....Fn i Thronjrh Tickets sold to all principal cities in the United States, Caaada aad Europe. RAIL DIVISION. On nnH aftoi VnvnmhAPyrrr1 lOfli Tenn ger Trains will leave Portland for stera poinuj, at azau r. ji., a&uy. Pullman pAtaca Oen. ranabut btwto Port land, and St. Paul, KITES BITISiejr (Middle Ctliaklt). Boats leave Portland for Dalla at r : A M. also : Leave Pon-i i i" land for Monl Tu. I We.Tnu. Frl. I Sat. Astoria audi lower Co-I Iombia....iSAM Dayton. Or.7 AM SAM CAM SAMllAM (AM 7AM TAX oaiem .. Uonralha 6AM AMI ! -L. racomaaad Seattle, daily at.. IM PS Vioiona Steamer do not run Suadars. Leaves Aitona for Portland at 6 a. a. daflr n- cept Sunday, . T r. O.H. PRBSCOTT, A. L. STOKES, Manager. Gen'l ireight and Pae. Ajrt. K. A. NOYEs. Ascent Astoria. OVERLAND TO CALIFORNIA VIA Oregon & California R. R. And Cenaectleiu, 59 Hours between Portland and Saa Praa- cisco. Only 2i hours' ttagine. Fare to Saa Fnaelieo S3 ; ta Senet Leave Portland at T -M a. k. daily (axaapt bunday) : Arrive at San Fraadaea e :40 r. m., third day. Close connections made at AiMH with the Stages of the Orsgoa and QnUiar- nU Stage Company. 2AST3IDH DIVMI02T. Betwoea P0KTLAMB aa ASMAJU- a(Ai& TSAisr. LEAVE. AfiXIVB, ortland. T :30 a. Ml Ashland. :4fi A. K. Ashland H-M r. ai Portland m r. K, ALBANY EXPHEM THA1N. 77RAVT? intlTVI Portland i $o p. K.Lbanoa Mr. u Lebanon 4 rl5 a. m. I Portland... 18 : a. n Pullman Palace Sleeping Oar leavua Port land Mondays and Thursdays. Betarnlax leaves Ashland Tuesdays and tfridaya, The Oregon and California Railroad Faor makes connection with all Y?a-nT Tn3 on Eastslde Division, from thafaot otVBt. WtSTSXDK DXYZSI02T. Between Fortius aa CmrrtkUtm XAIX THAU LEAVE. ABHTB. Portland JI...9 :00 A. 3.lCorvalll 4 -Jm r. m. CorvalUs 8 i30 a. M. Portland idDr.v. HXPBBflS TBATJT LEAVE. AXKIYTL Portlaud S :00 p HlHcMlnnvllkLB -mm McMlnnvilIe5H5 AstlPortland S -Mxu .Local tickets for sale, and baruasacaeekeel at Comtianv's un town nfnf enrnar Ktavtr and Second str. ets. Tickets to all the prin cipal points In California, can only be pro cured and baggage checked, at the Com pany's office, Corner F and Front Sts., Portland, Or. Freight will not be received for shmmaat after 5 o'clock p. it. on either the Xaaatda or Westside Divisions. K.KOKllLbR. B.P.aOGEM, Manager. G. F P. Aat ilwaco Steam NavigatiM Gt.'i WINIER SCHEDULE. Astoria to Fort Stavant, Fort Cathy, and Ilwaco. Connecting by stages and boata for Oysterville, Montesano and Qiympit .cvj?f&. Until further notiae tie Hwaaa tSmSL Steam Navigation Co.'s steaaar ca-oxi.. MUey 'Will leavs Astoria on I Mondays, Thursdays and Saturdays at 7 A. M. (Mondays, Thursdays and Saturdays befag Oysterville and Montesano mail days.) XOK Ft.Sievens, Fi. Canby ana llwaea ojr Tuesdays, Wednesdays, nd Fridays The steamer will leave Astoria at 9 A. ic. as formerly, not being confined strict)? t schedule time. Ob Thnraday A SECOND TRIP will be made, leaving As toria three hours after arriving from Hwaea. Fare to Fort Canby and Hwaeo,....,..tl taTickets can be bought at the oelee for 75cts. E-nwaco frelzht, by the ton. In loaa at one ton or over, $2 per ton, far-For Tickets, Towage or Charter aav ply at the office of the company, Graft wharf fnnt of Rnntnn trpt- ......, -. .. ..- . .-wr l. n.U.UAA.1, Agent. B. B. FRANKLIN, Merlater anil GaWnet later, SQUEMOQUA STRUT, .NEXT TO THE ASTORIAIT BILI1C- e-y-An work dona la askfflUWMMran 4iirtlUaasfiaaWa1faI HiilBLamlamLsL!0LLswiHLkH Jig. M& .