en ASTORIA, OREGON, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1884. PRICE, FIVE CENTSr VOL. XXI, NO. JIG. i i'.l'SIKESS CARD. T E. SlIGUIX-, t'ostntj S-!inol Sesperiulrsiilcnt Ofllceat Badoiict & Co.V Canuerj, Uir Astoila. TV. A. l a:l .!. A. frTlTOX. IhysifinuH:iiid iMirjjrons. Will tlve p-wimt attention to all calls, fioin any pat t of the city ir country. Ollk-owr Alk-nV. More, corner Cn- ami SqMensoqitu street-, A-t-iia, Oif KOH. Telephoi.c No. 41. TV- FKAXK aAi i . Il:yhlfin nl Surscou. Office, Cor. Main and Chenanius strrets. OrriCK llouus : -!) to 11 A. SI. ;-2 tot P.M. Kcsideiice. opposite the.Joliansen building TCT I).WiXTO.. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Abstracts f Title a Specialty. Rooms 11 and 12. Kniclits cf Pythian Castle Buildinp. Teleplioiic So. 40, GEO. A. DOUI'.IS, GKO. XOLAIfD KOX.ASD & DORKIS, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Office In Klnuev's Block, pposite Citj Hall, Astoria, Oregon. C. Y. FULTON. C. C. FULTON. FUITOX BROTnERS, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Rooms 3 and G. Odd Fellows Building. J. Q. A. K0WL1JY. J. A. OILL. IS OWE. BY fc I1YL, Attorneys and Counsellors nt JLatv, Office on Chenaiuus Street, Astoria, Oregon. "El C. IIOMB3, JS'OTAKY PUBLIC, AUCTIOXEhK, COMMISSION. AM" IN SURANCK AC.EN1. 0. w. li:ick, ARCHITECT AND DRAUGHTSMAN. Scholars received lor Course of Draughting BOfnceover White ifohse StoW -"I KM) F. 1MKKP.K. SURVEYOR OF Olatrtop Count j and City of Astori:i Office :-Chenamu5 street, Y. M. C. A. hall Room No. 8. r HKr.O. 3LAKT1X, 31. I.. Physician and Surgeon. ASTORIA, - - OREGON. OrFicc Room 12, Odd Fellows Building. RESinicxcn Hume's building, up stairs. TAY TUTTL.K. 31. I). PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Office Rooms 1, 2, and 3. Pythian Build ing. Residence On Cedar Street, back ol St. Mary's Hospital. F I. HICKS. A. B. SHAW. HICKS fc SHAW, DENTISTS. Rooms in Allen's Building, up stairs, cor ner Ca-s and Squemuqua streets, Astoria Oregon. Bozorth & Johns, Real Estate and Insurance Agents, and Brokers. ASTORIA, .... Oregon. Buyandellall kinds of Real Estate and represent the following Firo Insurance Coiipauies : Scottish Union and Na tional, assets $33,000,000 Phoenix of Ilartford " 40ii.o0o Home of New York, " 7,000,000 Hambut-g and Bremen, " 2.000.0U) Western. 3oo,"oU Plicnix of Brooklyn, 4,000.000 Oakland Home, " 300,000 Policies written bv us in tho Phoenix and nome aud Scotish Union and National at equitable rats. BANKING AND INSURANCE! !. W. CASE, Broker, Banker, and Insur ance Agent, ASTORIA, - OREGON. OFFICE HOURS ; From 9 o'clock A. M. until 3 o'clock P. M. I.T.tm&(!0.'S AGEXCY, Banking Department A General Banking and Exchange Busi ness transacted. Every facility for prompt and satisfactory business. Drafts on the leading cltios or the United States and Europe. Deposit Rei'oivfd. VISITORS TOJGRTLAND Should not forget to call at Towne's San Francisco Gallery, where may bo seen photographs of all the leading men and women oJOregonand Washington Territory Skillful operators always In attendance. and the most minute attention paid to pictures or children. Don't forget the location. S. W. eoracr First and Morrison streets, up stairs. No trouble to show speclmeus to visitors. Street rallr"ads pass the door every ten minutes, and this Is the newest gallery to Dm 1t puxclpal kotels. P -lilt a BESTT0N5S. ? This medicine, combining Iron with pure vegetable tonic?, quickly and completely Cures I.Ypep.ln, IndlgcMlon, Wcnkrie-s, Impure Blood, JIol aria, CLHisaudl'evcrs, und Xenraluliu It is an unfailing remedy for Diseases of the Kidneys and I.lver. Tt is invaluable for Diseases peculiar to Women, and all who IcadtedcntaYy lives. It docs not injure the teeth, cause headachc.or produce constipation oAt Iron medicinrt do. Itenrichesand purifies ibeblood.stimulates the appetite, aids the assimilation of food, re lieves Heartburn and Belching, and strength ens the muscles and nerves. Tor Intermittent Fevers, Lassitude, Lack ol Energy. c., It has no equal. J83- The genuine has above trade mark ana i rossed red lines en w rcpcr. Take no other tUir-iUby CUOMS UIEJ11CAL CO, BALTISOUE,S0l BEDIXCTOX, WOODABDJJt CO., Portland, Or. IIOLRSALK AGENTS. mrnis no-tettei's tom-icli Bittcis is a fine blood depurent, a rational ca'hartic, and a supcib auti itIlio:isqL-cifi. It nillies the failing energies of the dcbilit-ucd. and checks i im mature deciiy. Fever and Ague, bilious re mittent, dyspep-i i and bowel complaiirs are among the evils which it entirely re moves. In trop cal countries, when the liver and bowels are omans most unfavor ably affected by the combined influence of climate, met ami water, it is a verv neccs -arv safeguard. For sale by all Druggists and Dealers generally. A. V Wholesale and Retail Dealer In Provisions, MILL FEED. Glass and Plafed Ware. TROPICAL AND DOMESTIC FRUITS AND VEGEfABLES. Together with Wines, Liquors.Tobacco.Cigafs Prescriptions carefully compounded s Day or Night, ' Jeffs Notice SAYS THERE WILT, BE NO INCREASE OF PRICES in his cnop HOUSE AND THAT HE IS DETERMINED TO maintain his reputation for keeping the best and cheapest Restaurant in town, even at a loss to himself, while the dull times last. JEFF. FISHEKMEN! Twines and Netting aiANUFACTUItED BY THE Baltimore Twine and Bet Company. WM. J HOOPER & SON, No. C, Sonlk Calvert St , Ualtimorc, 31 d. I ra-Send for Price List, naming your County I and. State. rUMSE 31entio- this PAPaa. ifOSTETTEbv J 1 CELEBRATED 1 A illtila Drugs and Ghemicals !4 J. E. THOMAS Jf . DRUGGIST I axi Pharmacist. Hastoria?o - its V Is PRESS COM3IENTS ON RLAINE'S AU GUSTA SPEECH. New York, Nov. 19-Tbe Times de clares Blaine's address ''the most hit ler, mischievous, sectional speech, that has been heard in the north for many a day. The anguish of defeat seems to have extinguished all the gener ous sentiment which he professed to have when he penned his letter of ac ceptance, or rather shows that the sentiment was paraded in the hope of winning southern votes, and hav ing failed in that he shows his real temper." The World thinks it "was written before the idea occured to hira that he might, as a candidate for president, obtain a few votes in tho southern states. He said nothing that Repub lican stumpers and demagogues of tho bloodyshirt school have not been saping for years. Ho may disturb and disquiet the poor negroes of the south, but tho country will see in it only the cowardly rancor of a de feated candidate. It will devolve upon tho Democratic administration of Cleveland to give tho lie to Blaine and all his fellow slanderers." thb "tribune." Tho Tribune's Augusta special says: "The speech was received with great enthusiasm. Many said it sharply and ably outlined the future policy of the party, and that Blaine had struck the keynote under which the party will march to victory four years hence." The Tribune's leader is in lino with Blaine's address, without referring to it, advising the next senate that "Tho recent "so-called elections in Ala bama, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana and North Carolina have resulted in choosing legislatures by which six Democratic senators will be elected. The people have a right to know whether these men have clear titles to make laws for us all, as have six Democrats from northern states. It is the duty of the senate to know, be fore it admits these men to seats, whether they represent entirely tho expressed will of tho people, or, as many honestly and firmly believe, onlyan organized conspiracy to defy the United States laws, and to defeat self government" the "post." The Post after its usual invectives against Blaine, says: "His remarks are worthy of notice, mainly because they appeal to what is, perhaps, a most formidable prejudice among Re publicans, with which friends of good government have of late years had to contend, and that by which Republi can corruptionists have most profit ed. Two years hence even as brazen aud unscrupulous a demagogue as Blaine will not venture to repeat tho speech made at Augusta yesterday. It will by that time be seen that the system of slave labor, which was the only thing that separated southern from northern society, having long disappeared, the interests and aims of the two sections are rapidly to be come -identical. The only thing which now really differentiates them js tho lower condition in point of in telligence of the bulk of the southern laboring population." OTHER TArERS. This evening's Commercial greatly regrets the spirit and statements of Blaine's speech yesterday. "Wo do not intend at this time to discuss the details and figures presented, our purpose being to point out, with em phasis and regret, that Blaine's spirit is not the spirit of Grant at Appoma tox. Patriotic southern Democrats have assured us, with tho utmost solemnity, that however hard it might be to cope with some of tho existing evils in the south, tinder previous circumstances, that thejT would and should melt like mist before a rising sun, after Democratic success in the presidential election." Philadelphia, Nov. 19. The Press comments as follews: "Blaine s tren chant, incisive speech is not the ut terance of a man bowed down and broken with disaster, but the robust deliverance of a gallant chief, who rises from defeat with that elasticity and power which has marked his whole extraordinary career. No oth er man has begun to put the case so plainly or so strongly. His portrait ure of the triumph of the south and of the monstrous injustice which un derlies it is startling in its vividness and truth." Hendricks on Spoils. Pittsburg, Nov. 19. Yice-Presi dent eleot, Hendricks, in an interview here to-day, stated that lie could not give any opinion as to tho probabili ties ol a sweep in the federal offices. but Senator Voorhees, who is with him, scouted the idea of his eoinc on a political mission to Mr. Cleveland in regard to the share of offices. which should be the apportionment of the Indiana democracy. They are Dotn en route tor .Brooklyn. Pleasant Words from Pleis&nt GrOTe. The place is in Pennsylvania. Mr. Timothy Leek, who lives there was for two years grievously vexed with dyspepsia. He writes to say that since he has taken Brown s Iron Bit ters his troubles are over. Ho is greatly relieved, and recommends this tonic to all wlio are troubled with dyspepsia or indigestion. It also cures Jiver and kidney complaints. The contract for the Esquimalt, B. u., dry dock has been let to an Un tario firm. Tho expenditure will be 500,000. The Rcpnbliran National Committee Said to Be Heavily in Debt. New York, Nov. 19. Tho Sun says: There were rumors yesterday that the Republican national com mittee was heavily in debt, and has not a penny in tho treasury to meet its obligations. It is said this money is due to many persons, and includes arrearages for rent, printing, music, uniforms, torches, banners and other paraphernalia of the campaign, and also includes money advanced by in dividuals for missionary work in the interior of the state. It is even said that the famous dinner at Delmon ico's, like the famous Dorsey dinner in 1SS0, remains unpaid for. D wight Lawrence said: "There is no doubt that the national committee is swamped iu debt, but I havo no means cf knowing that tho sum is as large as 190,000, as reported. "We havo been beaten by two things tho Delmonico dinner and Bnrchard's foolish remark of 'Rum, Romanism and Rebellion.' " Ex-Collector Thos. Murphy looked glum when tho reporter met him. "We have," said he, "been beaten out of our boots, and old -Burchard did it. Blaine told me that when Burch ard made use of this expression there was a buzz of conversation in his ear, and he understood Burchard to refer to 'Rum, Mormonism and rebellion.' Ho said that if he had heard the parson aright, he would at once have disclaimed any reflection 6n the re ligious body, so we can see by what trifles even tho presidency can be lost" chairman jokes makes a denial Pittsburg, Nov. 19. Chairman Jones of the national Republican committee, arrived homo to-niight, and in an interview emphatically de nied the reports of the committee's indebtedness. He says that before leaving New York last night he drew a check for every dollar owed by the committee. The Delmonico dinner was paid for by private individuals An Exciting Scene. New York, Nov. 19. A special from Provincetown, Massachusetts, says: For three days Ca"pe God has been the sceno o f much excitement. Everybody big enough thandle,a valuable. A school of fish first ap peared Sunday, and yesterday were driven into Wellfleet harbor. Tho sight in the harbor at daybreak was wonderful. Further than the eye could reach the bay was full of fish. The great creatures, caught in an im mense trap, were in a frenzy of ex citement, rushing in all directions and lashing the water to spray. Then tho great slaughter began in earnest. Everyone who could get afloat, and even those on shore took part. Many men used harpoons and lances, oth ers used scythes, knives, picks, dag gers and axes. Every now and then a frantic fish, wounded and desper ate, flung itself on shore, only to bo despatched by women and children on land. Nothing else was dono on Cape Cod that day, and the work con tinued until afternoon, when it is supposed every fish was captured. Every town, from Dennis to Prov incetown, was represented in tho slaughter. The number killed is es timated at 1,500. Tho proceeds are to be divided into 5,000 shares, and the value will probably amount, to S25.000. Tho fish are to be sold at public auction to-morrow. Cleveland's Policy Outlined. New York, Nov. 19. A special from Albany says: Tho Argus' lead er, headed "The Kind of President He will Make," is regarded in politi cal circles as foreshadowing the lead ing qualities or Cleveland s adminis tration, as ho has impressed them upon Dan Manning. It says: ''Wise forecasters onn win mnTiPV hv bettirjcr that just what Grover Cleveland has oeen as governor, tliat is tne Kino oi a man he will bo as president. He has not been run by political cormor ants very much, and as president ho will doubtless encounter more cor morants, but that will only require him to llf mnrn PJovolnnrl nniT tllS Clevelandism in him will be equal to any emergency. The sooner politi cians of the minor and traditional type understand that the wiser they will be. Politicians with any claim to be considered statesmen are aware of that fact already. A positive, in dustrious, frugal, "reforming admin istration is certain. One prudent and purely American in its policy can bo relied on, and one which will consult capacity, honesty and loyalty to the constitution in its selection of agents, can be conGdently expected. We predict, in his administration, the preservation to the Democracy of'all the magnificent reinforcements it has commanded, and farther accession to its ranks of all patriotic men who reluctantly voted for Blaine." Scott's Emulsion of Pare Cod Elver OH.Trith HypophonphiteM. In General Debility and Emaciation. Ls a most valuable food and medicine where the appetite is poor, and the ordi nary food does not seem to nourish the body. This is easily digt-sted and as similated and gives strangth and" vigor to the snftefcled body. . . Mr. Yanderbilt is not too proud to wear yarn socks knit by his wife, nor is she too prolid to knit them. weapon has been killing plack iisn. The fish is of the whale fajnilyf rom ten to twenty feet long, and-it3oifts THE GREAT QERMAH REMEDY FOR PAIN. Ralfores mi cues RIIEIDLATIS3I, Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, BACKACHE, E21D1CH2, TOOHICHZ, SORE THROAT, QUINSY, SWELLINGS, SPKAIXS, Scrtsos, Cuts, BnisM, FROSTBITES, BURNS, SCAXDS, And Q ot):r toll! tctet aadpalss. nrncnrs lBomi Sold by all DroDtliU aal Dulan. Direction! la 11 Hi Ciorlei A.Vel? Co. (SmoiiiDO to X. TmUz k C) BlUatn,HA,C.S.l. HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS. PARKER HOUSE, J. II, GLOME, Prop., ASTORIA, . - - OREGON. AI. CROSBY, - - Clerk- First Glass in all Bespects. FREE COACD1 TO THE HOUSE. Fipres New Lie ! AJTD JEFF OF THE CHOP HOTTSE Can prove by his books that he Is doing the biggest business ol any RESTAURANT In the city, and he will guarantee to give the best meal for cash. RANK FABRE'S 2 CHQgHQLtlSE,, Oysters, Ice Cream, COFFEE. The New Model. Everything First Class. Casj Street, rear of Odd-Fellows Building. Every attention paid my customers, and the best set before them in first class style. IP MRS. EVA WALLMAN, - Proprietor. ASTORIA, OREGON. First Class lu Every Respect. NEW HOUSE, NEW FURNITURE. Fitted tip wifli every Conven ience Tor the CoipCort of Transient and Permanent Guests. Corner Squemoqua and West 6th Streets. G. A. STINSON & CO., BLACKSMITHING, At Capt. Rogers old stand, comer ot C&sa and Court Streets. Ship and Cannery work. Horseshoeing. Wagons made and repaired. Good work iMAranteed. All im Columbia Transportation Company. for iorrn.Artn FAST TIME! THE POPULAR STEAMER Which has been refitted for the eomrort of passengers will leave Wilson & Fisher's Dock every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 6 A.M. arriving at Portland at 1 P.M. Returning leaves Portland every Tuesday and Thursday at 6 A. M. arriving at Astoria at 1 P. M. j-An additional trip will be made o at 9 O'ciock ajmav jaoraaja. far San4 pom. ASTORIA IRON WORKS. Bia-rox Sthekt, Nkar Parker Hotjbjs, ASTOSIA. -OREGON. ' GENERAL MAGHIHISTS4ND BOILER MAKERS. LAHHWEHS BoilerWork, Steamboat Work and Cannery Work a spe cialty. Of all Descriptions made to Order at Hhrt Xotlce. A. D. Wass, President. J. G. Hustler, Secretary, L W. Cask, Treasurer. John Fox.Superintendent. 3. AKNDT & EEKCHEN, ASTORIA. - OREGON. The Pioneer Machine Shop BLACKSMITH SHOPJ AND Boiler Shop All kinds of ENGINE, CANNERY, AND STEAMBOAT WORK Promptly attended to A specialty made of repairing CANNERY DIES, FOOT OF LAFAYETTE STREET. Magnus C. Crosby Dealer lu HAM ABE, IRON, STEEL, Iron Pipe and Fittings, STOVES, TINWARE AND HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS SHEET LEAD STRIP LEAD SHEET IRON, THt" and Copper. Astoria Cooperage. BARRELS AND HALF-BARRELS All Kinds of Cooperage Done. ss-Leare orders with JOHN ROGERS, Superintendent, at Central Market. CUNARO STEAMSHIP LINE. XP?. BEG. I.EAVE TO ANNOUNCE A f great reduction in rates over the above well known line. Parties desiring to co to Europe, or wishing to send for friends In the old country will And It to their advan tage to purchase tickets over'tlie Cunard line. Tickets Issued by us good from any part of Europe to Astoria. BOZORTH & JOHNS, Agents. HEADQUARTERS. FOR Toys, fancy Ms, Stationery, CUTLERY, ETC. Fresh Fruit Received Daily A Full Stock of Smokers Ar.Icles. NEW GOODS CONSTANTLY ARElVTNe. CHAS. A. MAY, Chenamus street, south side, one door from Cass. FAST TIME! ffaaday ef EaeK Week, leaving Portland jmmmmma m a rente connect at KrIhip T. 1. 99m, RMMttt taggga,- QRmBsssbJHV TRANSPORTATION LINES. Oregon Railway & Navigation ecKAif Division. EXntaff the month of October. 1ML Steamed will anil from Portland to trancisco. and from San Francisco to Fort- land, as follows. leaving- Alaaworth Dock, Portland, at Midnight, and Spear Street Wharf, San Francisco, at 10 A. at. : From Portland. I From San Franckce. Uatl Oat Orwm Fri 3 SUts of Ga!....W4 1 ttUt of Cal....Wed 8 1 Colombia Moa ( uoiumbia Moa 13,'Oregoa 8M 11 Oregon Sat ls Stat ot Cal j. ..Thar U 'olambia Tbm H Oregca baa Si Sutoof Cal....rri M Nov Columbia Wad S it4te of Cal. ...Thar 13 Columbia luea 23 Not Oregon Sua i btat of Cal.... Fri 1 ThrOBsrh Tickets sold to all Drinclnal cities in the United States. Canada aad Europe. RAIL DIVISION. Passenger Trains leave Portland for East ern points, at 11 :44 A. M. dally. Pullman Palaca Can raaaia b4twa Port land, and St. Paul, KITES DIYISiex (Middle ClwMa). Boats leave Portland for Dalle at t : AM. alse: Leave Port-i i P land for JJIonl Tn. We.Thn. Frl. I Sat. A.toria andl I lower Co-1 I Iumbia....l6AM 6 AH Dayton. Or.7AM,' Salem .... . Ai Corrallia.. jfiAM 6AM 6 AM (AM 7AM 7 AM (AMI Taopmaand Seattle, dally at IM Fl Victoria Steamers do not run Handafa. Leajea Aitoria for Portland at S a. m. daflr ex cept Bandar. . r o O.H. PBBSCOTT. A. L. STOKES, Manager. Gea'l Freight aad Pais. Aft. K. A. flOYES. Agent Astoeta. OVERLAND TO CALIFORNIA VIA Oregon & California R. R. Aad CBHectie, S Hours between Portland and Saa Fram- cbco. Only 21 hPurV staging., Far to Saa Francisco $82 ; to SacraataU IM Leave Portland at T : A. M. dally (except Sunday) : Arrive at &an Franoisce 6 :40 P.M., third day. Close connections made at ishliwil with the Stages of the Owgon and Califor nia stage Company. KASTSIDB DIYlftlOX. Betvrcea roitfLAAB aad JUftSlYAXlV JUUi T.UAL3. LEAVE. ABKTvTL Portland 7 TO a. viAthlanrf i-i a tr Ashlaud tl:20 r. at Portland. Jijr.K, ALBANY EXPRESS TRAIN. I.EAVR. a n-am Portland 4 :00 p. sc'Lobanou 3 d P. M Lebauon.4 :15 a. aclFortland... 10 M A. X PllHrnrtn Pil(it Mliunlni, n4.lB.nu VasA TuTlrf rnnrfflt a unrl ThllMflaVia 1?...:, leaves Aahlaud Tuesdays and Fridays, Thi Orpirnn anrt I'nllfoi-nl-j T?ai1na4 " makes connection with all Itoyular Trains on Kastside Division, from ih foot of F ML WESTSIOE DT.YMIOH. Between l?urtlud and CarvsOJla HAH. TBACT LEAVE. AHMTH. Portland 9 $0 a. atiCorvalli- 4 -Jm r. it CorYallLi 8 :30 a. M.Portland 2 -Jfc) p. K. EXPRESS TKAI2T LEAVE. ABMVB. Portland 5 -.00 p MlMcHInnville. trx McMInnvllle5:45 a Ml Portland S -Mx M .Local tteKets lor sale, and baeazs cheeked at Comuanv's un town nfflnp. mmnr Stark? and Second sti ets. Tickets to all the prin cipal points in lauiornia. can oniy oe pro cured and baggage checked, at the Com pany's omce. Corner F and Front Sts., Portland, Or, Freight will not be received for shiDDaeat after 5 o'clock p. h. on either the Eaststde or Westside Divisions. K. KOKHLhR, B. P. XOGERS, Manager. u. r p. As llwaco Steam Navigation Go.'t WINIER SCHEDULE. Astoria to Fort Stevens, Fort Com by, and llwaco. Connecting by stages and boata tor Oysterville, Montesano and Olympit 2 Until farther notice the Hwaee Steam Navigation Co.'s steamer OG33L. IHJLLOJsM. Will leave Astoria on Monday a, and Saturdays at 7 A, M. (Mondays, Thursdays and Saturday belli uysicrviue ana uontesano mail aart And on Thursdays atdA.M. FOB Ft.Stevens, Ft. Canby and llwaet ox Tuesdays, Wednesdays, und Fridays The steamer will leave Astoria at li.it, as formerly, not being confined strictly t schedule time. Ob Tharsday A SECOND TRIP will be made, leaving As toria three hours after arriving from Ilwaee. Fare to Fort Canby and llwaco....... I 01 HTTIckcts can be bought at the oftee for 7cts. Er"Uraco freight, by the ton. in lots U one ton or over, J2 per ton, BrFor Tickets, Towage or Charter a ply at the offlce of the company, Grars wharf, foot of Benton street J.H.D.GRAT. ; Agent. B. B. FRANKLIN, Mertaler aid CaMoetlato, SQUEMOQUA STRIKT. JTEXT TO THE ABTOBIAX STXLSXVd. eVAll work dome la aiklUplm "JwHHBBaVRiTSeBeaVaHRnifflSaaaVrTMTTa