31 ltc gattjj Sfsmmt, ASTORIA, OREGON: WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 19, ISM ISSUED EVERY MORNING. (Monday excepted) J. P. HA1.L.ORAN & COMPANY, PUBLISHERS AJfl) PROPRIETORS, ASTORIA BUILDING. - - CASS .STREET Terms of Subscription. Served by Carrier, per tveek l5ct. Sent by M;J1. per month GOcts. ' ono year ...S-7.00 Free or prst:ige to subscribers. "Advertisements inserted bv the war at tie rate of $2 per square per month. Tran sient advertising fifty cents per square, each insertion. Wo Ucc To Advertisers. The Astoiua-v guarantees to its ad vertisers the largest circulation of anr newspaper published on the Columbia river. From April 1st to date, 18Si, there were shipped from the Columbia river 559,919 cases of salmon. Prof. D. Van Horn, the celebrated piano toner, is in the city, and has his headquarters at the Occident. They -may cry "soap" at Blaine "as much as the' want, but there's one thing certain, he came out of hot water with clean hands. liit the American eagle stretch his wi gs over all, Republicans and Demo craw alike. After all it is with him a mere matter of pinion. The annual meeting of the stockhold ers of the Masonic Land and Building association will be held at Capt. Flavel's office on December 17. The workmen on the Astoria street railway are coming eastward. They now have the track ready for the rails as far east as John McCann's residence. Rev. J. C. Hogue of Portland will preach in the Scandinavian language, m the M. E. church of this city on to morrow evening, 20th insf at 7:30. Deraocratio celebration at Portland to night. The Fleetwood leaves at 6 this morning. Will take you there and back for 2.50. Tickets good till Sunday. The campaign li equivocations are not over yet. Now comes the man who tells you how much he won, and the oth er chap who tells you how much he lost. They fine people in Columbns, Ohio, for using profane language, and when the New York returns were delayed the Columbus police court took in 1,200 in twenty-fonr hours. The Uppar Astoria property, compris ing lots 5, G and 7, in block G, Adair's Astoria, was sold yesterday at auction by E. C. Holden. M. Rogers was the purchaser, paying 1,000 therefor. Burglaries are getting so common in Portland that the News advises citizens who have false teeth to keep their mouths closed while asleep, lest some burglar come and carry off their masticators. It's all well enough to pay your bet and so on, but when the chap that won comes around and show3 you how nice the hat fits, and what a fine aroma those cigars have, you feel as though he were sort of rubbing it in, as it were. A good many journals throughout the state are amusing themselves with proph esies as to who will get the Federal ap pointments in their respective localities. The office of postmaster seems to be the main and in some instances the only prize. It is noticeable in walking through the the city that in all parts there are new buildings going np and improvements being made. This is noticed by stran gers and visitors who say that in no part of this northwest coast have they seen so much baildmg going on as in Astoria. The Queen sails to-day. The Hatelock, Bessie Afarkham and Golden Gate sailed yesterday. The C;S. Bement sails to day. The Falstaff finished yesterday, and the ancient Woodfield finishes to day. The Chesebrough is discharging at the O. R. & N. dock. The Citq of Athens still abides. The new building for school district No. 18, is becoming a prominent feature in that part of the city. Time was when Astoria's school building3 were not what they should be, but that era has passed and our city is now second to none in the northwest for commodious school buildings. From the Orcgonian it is learned that upon her next trip to San Francisco, the State of California will lay off for repairs. The Oregon b3' that time will bo through with har overhauling, and will resume her place on the route. The Queen of Uieracxjic stays on tne route until thb Stale takes her place. Note the advertisement of the lectures of the Bev. Jos. Cook. Ho is a man who needs little praise . In the critical city of Boston ho weekly talks to crowded audiences, and his appearance in this city is a literary event. The price of admis sion is remarkably low and Liberty Hall will be filled to hear the eminent divine. The American bark Western Belle, 1034, Bray master, arrived in yesterday from Nagasaki. Her maintop is broken off and she exhibits other signs of hard usage. She was caught in the outer rim of a cyclone and her crew are congratu lating themselves that it was no worse. The force of the typhoon or cyclone, or zephyr, or whatever yon have a mind to call it can be judged from the fact that a steamship that happened to be a little m nearer the center than the Western Belle, 7 though, having lour anchors out and with a full head of steam on was sent broad aide on shore by the force of the breeze that blows on the Japan coast. The rule governing undelivered letters sent from hotels has been heretofore to send them to the dead letter office, re gardless of the printed request to return to the hotel. The rule was last ilonday amended by Postmaster-General Hat ton, as follews: "Unclaimed letters enclosed in envelopes upon which hotel cards are printed, should not be returned to the mailing office unless such envelopes have written or printed thereon the words 'Return to," in addition to the hotel card. Proprietors of hotels should omit the usual return request from envelopes supplied their guests, and guests using such envelopes should be careful to desig nate what deposition should be made of letters sent by them in case they cannot be delivered. Attention Firemen ! The Chief Engineer and Assistant Engineers being absent from the city several days, the Mayor. Committee on Fire and Water, and Chief Engineer hereby appoint ex-Chief Engineer F. 1'. Hicks to officiate in the capacity of Chief Engineer of the Astoria Fire De partment during their absence. 1 J. W. Hume. J. G. Charters, Mayor. Chief Engineer A. F.D. Attention As tor .Lodge So. O, K. oiP. Nomination of officers at next con vention, Wednesday November 19th. A loll attendance is desired. By order 0. C. W. h, Robb, K. of R. and S. POLITICAL NEWS. By Telegraph Prom the East. Echoes of tire President!::! Election. CHAIRMAN JOKES ISTEEVIEWED. Chicago, Nov. 17. The Inlcr-Oecan's New York special says: It is not likely that tho national committee will remain in New York more than a few days long er now. Clarkson, the Iowa member, left for home on Tuesday morning. Treasurer Weeks has gone back to Pitts burg, and Chairman Jones will leave for the same city Wednesday night, as Foon as the official vole is declared from Al bany, ilr. Jonc3 said last night: "I don't see that there is much to add to what you have already had from me. If we had been able to have gone back to actual frauds perpetrated at the polls I believe we would have carried the state by a handsome plurality." "When did you discover that this could not be done?' "Only on Monday last, after our last address had been issued. There has been a good deal said about that address, but everything was said and done in tho best of faith, on the representation of responsible men from .all parts of tho state. As soon as wo found that the actual ballots in tho state had been, by law, destroyed, and nothinc remained but tho returns of election officers, we were convinced tuat nothing but the most flagrant frauds would induce the canvassers to go behind the returns, These did not transpire, and the result you know.' A TAMi-F RETOBSIEB SPEAKS. New Yoke, Nov. 17. J. S. Moore, a well known writer on the tariff, says in the Times this morning- "The defeat of Blaine emphatically proclaims to the high tariff oligarchy that Great Pan is dead. To make inv inoanine werfectlv clear, I will sa tho chances of higher uuuus uu lunugn commouiues Uieu on the 4th of November, and the chances for tariff reform have, from that date, taken a new and favorable departure. What tariff reform now aims at is to free raw material, largely reduce taxes on the necessaries of life, and to causa a reduc tion of 20 to 40 per cent, in the tax on certain foreign manufactured goods. We advocate a higher rate of duty, I should say the present one, on wine, spir its, tobacco, cigars, and perfumery." A FB IKK CONGRATULATION'. New Yobk. Nov. 17. George Mott, postmaster at Pearsalls, L. L, has writ ten the following letter to Cleveland: I desire to congratulate you although I voted against you. 1 hold tho position of postmaster at Pearsalls. Queens coun ty, N. Y., and my placa is ready for my successor; to tho victors belong the spoils. I hope j-ou will turn the rascals out, and if there have been any faults committed go for them Be president of the nation. God help you to do right. CONKLCfG'S LITTLE SENATORIAL BOOM. New Yobk, Nov. 17. Tho World Con tinues its efforts ,to make Conkling sen ator, declaring that all tho Democrats will vote for him, and also such inde pendents as were elected by Republicans. This is reproduced by several of tho state papers, but all Democratic. No man is so utterly despised by Republi cans in tho state' as Conkling, as he him self defeated Blaine in Oneida county. It would bo political suicide fur any Re publican to vote for him. IN INDIANA. New Yobk, Nov. 17. The Times'' In dianapolis special says: "The next leg islature has a Demo'cratic majority of forty on joint ballot. Tho majority is large enough to almost certainly breed internal dissensions, and upon no other question is there likely to bo more vari ance than upon the return of Voorhees to the senate. Tho total voto of the state in the last election was 491,914. For governor, Gray received 214,840 and Calkins 237.748, THE STATE BOARD OF CANVASSERS. Albany, Nov. 17. The stale board of canvassers meet at the capitol Wednes day. Official returns have been received from only forty of tho sixty counties in the state, and tho board will probably take a rest for a daj, in order to allow further returns to be received before pro ceeding with the canvass. HRNDEICKS SATS " 'TIS ENOUGH." SnELBWiLLE, Ind, Nov. 17. When the news of tho result of the official count of New York reached hc-ro Saturday night a reporter immediately wont to nnnounce tho fact to Hendricks. Whon told the result Hendricks beamed with smiles and said: Iam glad it is over; 1,147 is rather too close to be comfortable, but it is enough." PLENTT OF CALLEB3. Albany, Nov. 17. President-elect Cleveland's callers to-day were numerous. There was a constant stream in and out of the executive chamber all day. The governor was accessible to most callers until late in the afternoon, when ho re tired to his private room, for consulta tion with his political friends. HAHD TIMES IN CONNECTICUT. New York, Nov. 17. A special from New Haven says: General complaint of dullness is made by ironmongers up tho Nangatuck valley and all through Con necticut. Now one can seo employes go ing home from shops between 4 and 5 o'ciocs, instead of pouring out of the mills in droves at G o'clock, as when good times prevailed. In some of the factories the wages and hours of labor have .been reduced, and in others men in service ten years or more have been discharged. Republicans and Democrats being treated just alike. MORE WORKMEN DISCHARGED. New Yore, Nov. 17. Three thousand five hundred employes in tho Singer sew ing machine works, inElizabetbport New Jersey, were alarmed last Saturday by the announcement of the discharge of six hundred of their number and that five hundred more would be discharged tms week, ine roason Given is that the company is about to stop manufacturing "old family" machines. In addition to this, southern, western and European or- aers are slack. Keinoral. Mrs. A. B. Jewett has removed to rooms 3 and 4, Odd Fellows Building. Dresses cut, made and fitted in the most fashionable style. Stop That Cough By going to J.E. Thomas's and getting a oome oi Xieroys uougn jaisam. It wilt, cure YOU. At Frank Falnre's. Board for $22.50 a month. The best in tho city. Dinner from 5 to 7. For Dinner Parties to order, at short notice, go io rani: aore s. For anything new, stylish, nobby, in the Drygoods lint, call at the Empire tor. THE SCnOOL BOOK OUESTI0S. Ed. Asterian: As the lime draws near when the coun ty school superintendents may, accord ing to the provisions of tho school law, make such changes in tho text books used in the public schools as may seem ex pedient, tho people become greatly agi tated and one would think to hear many of them talk on the subject, as well as from tho tone of some of tho articles published in tho papers, that there was some great calamity impending: that every ono who have children who attend the schools was going to bo impoverished by the changes about to be made. It does not matter whether the books in use arc good, bad or indifferent, or how long they have been in use, or whether the change refers only to grammars, or geographies, or readers or to tho whole system, these people take tho ground that any change is and always will bo unwise, unnecessary and expensive. I am aware that there is a pressure brought to bear by the publishing companies, who nat urally urge the merits of their books, and that there is some danger of making un necessary Changes, but when wo remem ber that these changes, if made, must bo by a majoritj of all tho county superin tendents of the state and not by any one or two or throe individuals; and that these superintendents are as desirous of pleasing their constituents, and of dis charging their duty faithfully as any omer oiuuiais, nnu mat no cuange is lia ble to be made unless there is a demand for it by the teachers generally, I think there is no cause for such widespread alarm as seems to prevail. I remember that when tho Independent series of readers were adopted in place of tho old Pacific Coast series there was the same cry about the expense and all that, bat I know that the change was made in accordance with a general demand of the teachers throughout the state. I am aware that if this business was left with the citizens generally, or even with the fathers of families,there would not bo any changes very frequently; but I do not consider the average citizen or head of a family as competent to judge of the mat ter; or, if competent, how many take the trouble to investigate? How many even visit tho public schools once a year or ex amine the books used? Very few, indeed. Therefore I say the teachers and superin tendents are the only ones competent to say when a change is advisable. The suierintendent should be familiar enough with tne teachers and schools at any time, and on tho eve of any proposed change should take particular pains to ascertain thb views of the teachers, so as not to make any changes which are not demanded, or at least approved of by the great majority of teachers. 1 think that in somo branches of study the text books need not bo chanced. For instance, wo havo a good series of arith metics and 1 cannot sec what benefit would be derived from any change in that branch. Readers and geographies should, perhaps, be changed more frequently than any other brauch. In readers you want something to in terest as well as instruct, and, although the series now in use is very good, I do not know as it is good policy to uso the samo one always. In regard to tho gram mars now in use I know there ls consid erable difference of opinion. Many icacuers nave never nneu uiarK s gram mar, although it has been in use a long time in this state. Sill's little work, al though very good in its way. is not con sidered sufficient to answer all the re quirements in that branch. l do not write this for tho purpose of advocating any particular changes at this time, but would like to see the subject discussed in a reasonable way. a nave oeen senamg cuuuren to scuool tor a number of years, and have four at tending now, and of course do not wish to incur any unnecessary expense: but I think this universal growl at any sug gestion of change Ls unreasonable. And 1 consider that tho changes made during tho past six or eight years have been comparatively few, and havo been gener ally beneficial. The actual cost incurred in making any change is not so easily figured out. It is something like the tariff question there is a chance for considerable argu ment both ways. If the children in tho schools had their supply of books sufficient to last them during tho balance.of their school life, it wouiu not oi course oe so dilhcult to es timate tho cost of a change; but every one who has had any experience knows that children are continually buying books of ono kind or other during the whole lime they attend school. And the more favorable terms upon which books can often be obtained when publishers are anxious to introduce them, especially the exchange and introductory rates of fered make tho actual cost of a change much less than many suppose. I think when one kind of Reader is used for a long period they becomo tiresome and monotonous, and although, as I have heard stated, when a change is proposed, tho children lose what interest they still had in the old book. I believo tho in creased interest, life and .enthusiasm which the new book causes, more than compensates for such loss. I liko to see the public schools carried on as economically as possible, and do not want any changes made until it is demanded by a majority of teachers and those most interested, but I believe that changes aro sometimes necessary and beneficial. Parent. Astoria, Nov. 12, 1834. Tho editor oi the Iowa Slaate-A iu zeigcr, Des Moines, Ipwa, states that ne was curea or. severe rheumatism by St. Jacobs Oil. the creat Tiain-nnrn. 50 cents a bottle. ClfiOW Does not make any second-class Pic tures at his New Gallery, No. Gl, on the Roadway. Home for Children. Mrs. Wagner, whose residence is next to C. W. Fulton's, is now prepared to take entire charge of a limited number of children. Every attention paid the little OllP.S. anil nnv nno lonvincr llmir child with Mrs. Wagner may be sure mat. ii win reenve a inoiners care. Fishermen Attention! Before Inning twine examine the Dunbar, McMastcr & Co.'s extra strong Irish Flax Thread, No. 40. 12 ply. Jas. O. Hantborn, of this city, is the sole agent for the Pacific coast Piano Tuner. Professor D. Van Horn, the cele brated piano tuner, will be in Astoria about tne 17th or 18th. Leave orders at J. W. Conn's Drug Store. All the patent medicines advertised in this paper, together with the choicest perfumery, and toilet articles, etc-can be bought at the lowest prices, at J. W. Conn's drug store, opposite Oc-iden hctel, Astoria. Miss83' nd nursing corsets of the fa mous Ball' make, at the Empire Store. PRESIDENTIAL JLTCMOIflCS. George Washington, tho first among his mates, Presided over these United States. John Adams nost attained this lofty fame, And after him great Thomas Jefferson came. Succeeding him, James Madison arose, And James Munroc, with few, if any foes. John Quincy Adams next controlled the reins, And then old Andrew Jackson showed his brains. After eight years Van Buren took hia place, Then Harrison, who lived but a brief space. John Tyler filled the unexpired term, And then came James K. Polk, just in his prime. Zach. Taylor next proceeded to the fore, But in some sixteen months his lifo was o'er; His term unfinished Millard Fillmore served; Then Franklin Pierce, who ne'er from duty swerved. Buchanan next responded to the call; And then canie Lincoln, noblest of them all All Nations viewed from far his grand behavior, And, dying, ho was called the country's savior. To take his placo A. Johnson now was bound, Who oft was wont to "to swing the cir cle 'round." Ulysses Grant next came upon the field, And after eight long years was loth to yield; But having had his share of worthy praise, At last ho gave his placo to R. B Hayes. Brave Garfield then, the assassin's bullet slew; He rivaled Lincoln as a martyr true. Of White House honors Arthur's now possessor, Till Grover Cleveland rules as his suc cessor! Cst. Jos. t'oot'i Leeturet. Ed. Asterian: It affords me great pleasure to learn t that Rev. Jos. Cook, of Boston, is to lee- t ture in this city, on the evenings of the 2Gth and 27th of this month, on "Ulti mate America," and "The Seven modern wonders of the world." A fortnight ago I took the pains to go to Portland on purposG to hear theso two lectures, and if possible to secure for our citizens tho rich treat of hearinu this celebrated lecturer. There is an inspira- uuu ju.Kic.Ai' luuuuMj uoiui;j&ii il luitj aro fresh and timely, and strongly pre sented. Theso are not religious lectures, prop- ' erly, nor partisan in any sense; but deal ; rather m the facts and philosophy of current uisiory, logeiuer witn questions of political economy and moral science; just such questions as tho average Amer ican citizen wants to hear. The speaker is an independent thinker; puts his ideas strongly; takes time enough to deal justly with his theme; and what, with the by-play of real or atory, brilliant corruscations of thought, will both interest and instruct his hear ers. I am solicitous that the first lecture shall be heard. Tho second will take care of itself. Wir. Roberts. 18th November, 1881. Buehlcn'.t Arnica Salve. The Best Salve in the world for Cuts, Bruges, Sores.UlciTS, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores. Tetter, Chapped Hands. Chilblains. Corns, .and all Skin Erup tions, and positively cores Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale b y W. E. Dement & Co. YOl'XG MESI-KEAtt THIS. Thk Voltaic Hklt Co., of Marshall, Mich., offer to send their celebrated K.lf.c-Tito-VoLT.uc Bklt and other Ele(!tkic api'liancks on trial for thirty days, to men (young or old) afHIeted with uervou 'le'ulity, lass of vitality and manhood, and all kindred troubles. ANo tor rheuinz.tism, neurahria, paraljsls. and many other dis eases. Complete restoration to health, vigor and manhood guaranty I'd. .No risk Is in curred as thirty days trial Is allowed. Write them at once for illustrated pamphlet free Fop a 3fcat Fitting- Boot Dr Shoe, so to P. ,1. Goodmans, on Che namus street, next door to I. W. Case. All Roods of the best make and iiaran toed quality. A full stock; new Roods constantly arriving. Custom work. FreHli Jaxtcri and. Shoaltvnter f Kay Oyster Constantly on hand, cooked to any style at riaiiK r iun;s. Board at JcflTs. The best in America. S20.00 a month. IVotirc. Dinner at" JEFF'S" CHOP HOUSE everyday from 40 to 8 o'clock. The best 25-cent meal in town; soup, tish, seven kinds of meats, vegetables, pie, pudding, etc. Tea or coffee included. AH who have tried him say Jeff is the bluloli's Cough ana Consumption Cure is sold by us on guarantee. It cures consumption. Sold by W.E.De mont. Boston Baked Beans and Brown Bread every Sunday at Jeff's from 5 a.m. to 2 p. M. , Roscoc Dixon's new eating house is now open. Everything has been fit ted up in first-class style, and his u-ell known reputation as a caterer assures all who like good things to cat, that at his place they can be accommodated. Ball's coiled spring, elastic section corset takes the cake and the girl be hind the counter, at the Empire Store. Fifteen hundred numbers of Lovell's Library and ten mail sacks full of other hne reading matter just received at Ad lers Crystal Palace. Pr?uP- Yllooping Cough and Bron chltis immediately relieved by Shiloh's Cure. Sold by W. E. Dement. Catarrh cured, health and sweet breath secured by Shiloh's Catarrh Rem edy. Price SO cents. Masai Injector free. For sale by W. E. Dement r . WJ,U you ?ulTer wi" Dyspepsia rund Liver Complaint ? Shiloh's Vitalize: is guaranteed to cure you. Sold by W. E. Dement -Sleepless Nights made miserable by that terrible cough. Shilohrs Curo is the remedy for you. Sold by W. E. De ment & Co. For a nice, jucy steak cooked on tho broiler, go to Frank Fabre. For a good bath, pleasaut shave, or shampoo, go to the City Baths, corner Squemoqua and Olney streets. Job. G. Chah.tbb8, Prop. NO POISON IN THE PASTRY IF Mqts "VafiUln, Lemon, Onutft, etc Calces, Creams, Padding &., a ds cately and naturally the ft-mlt Groat which they aro made. Por Strength, and True Fruit Flavor They Stand Alone. PREPARES Dr TMS Price Baking Powder Co., Chicago, III. St. Louis, MOa tMiczas or Br. Prices Grt am Baking Powder AKS Dr. Price's lupnlin Yeast Gems, Best Dry Sop Yeast. FOR SALE BY GROCERS. WE ma BUT OXE QUALlir. Light Healthy Bread. SHPfr SrrH GEMS, The neat dry hop yeast In the world. Bread raised by th'syeaat la light, white and whole9omo like our grandmother's delicious broad. GROCERS SELL THEM. PRCPARCO BY TMC Price Baking Powder Co., laaTB of Br. Price's special FteYorinz EitractJ, Chicago, III. St. Louis, Mo. .For sale by CimTXG.MisnLE & Co , Agents 1'ortland. Oregon. Good Building Lots ALDERBROOK, For Sale at Low Rates. Apply to 1YMAX C. K1XXEY, At offlce of Clatsop Mill Company, lill Company, on the Roadvay. THE LATEST STYLES IN WALL PAPER AT B. S. FRANKLIN'S, 3JTEXT DOOR TO ASTORIAN OFFICE. A very large Stock from which to select. "Window curtains made to order. """"My patent Trimmer to cut Wall Papei will be found convenient to my patrons. T. G. RAWLINGS; Wholesale and Retail Dealer In Tropical, Domestic, Green and Dried FRUITS. A UTS. CANDIES, DRIED MEATS, ETC. Fine Cigars ami Tobacco. Nest door to I. J. Arvold's, Squemoqua St. For Rent. TWO FRONT ROOMS : SraTABLE FOR odices : centrally located : apply at As torian' office. House to Rent. N INE ROOMS : GOOD LOCATION. inquire or w. i. he auxuton. Furnished Rooms to Let, WITH OK WITHOUT BOARD. T Enquire of Mrs. E. C. HOLDEN. For Sale. FIVE HUNDRED CORDS DRY HEM Iock Wood, which I will deliver at the houses of customers for $4 a cord. Draylusof all kinds done at reasonable rates. B. R. MARION. GERMANIA BEER HALL AND- BOTTLED BEER DEPOT, Chenamus Street, Astoria. The Best of Lager 5 Cts. a Glass. Orders for tn"e Celebrated. Columbia Brewery Beer Loft at this place will be proatpUj . attended to RsrNo cheap Sab Francisco Beer sold at tins place. wm.uuuh, rropnetor. , WI1A.TX Do You Think that "Jeff" of The Chop House Gives you a meal for nothing, and a glass of something to drink? "Not much P but he gives a better meal and more of it than any place in town for 25 cents. He buys by the wholesale and pays cash. "That settles it" Don't pay 50 cents elsewhere when you can get the best dinner In town at JEFF'S for 25 cents. Gray sells SacRett Bros.' Al sawed cedar shingles A full M guaranteed in each bunch. That Hacking Cough can bo so quickly cured by Shiloh's Cure. We guarantee it Sold by W. E. Dement For lame Back, Side or Chest use Shiloh's Porous Plaster, Pnca 25 cents. For sale by W. E. Dement Shiloh's Vitalizer is what you need for Constipation, Loss of Appetite, Diz ziness and all symptoms oi Dyspepsia. Price 10 and 75 oenii pr bottle. Sol by W. B. Denial K tlanii sk YIAS! Silks and Fine Dress Goods. C. H. Cooper would respectfully call the attention of the public to his im mense stock of Black and Colored Silks .and Fine Im ported Dress Goods. 2,000 yards Rich Black Gros Grain Silks, from th looms of C. H. Bonnet & Co., Ianbert, Andras & Co., and other Famous Makers. 2,200 yards Colored Gros Grain Silks in all the ner and fashionable shades at remarkable low prices. An immense assortment of Black and Colored Brocd Silks. Evening Silks at Greatly Reduced Prices. Velvets and Plnshes, Plain and Brocaded in all the Newest Shades. IMPORTED DRESS GOODS. Ottoman Cloths, French Tricot Cloths, Bison Cloths, Paris Serges, Shoodas, Cashmere, Flannels, French Plaids. Combination Suitings in Plain and Brocaded Silk and Wool Mixtures. ' Plain and Chenille Spots and Cet. HfMEisisnilll2B3s&$93Bff S9X9&0&flHn9s89isisisisliM jciiBHIBg?SMsSa3YJ llfiflRiifOxSBaSSiisHHiisHlisSP'l ts '''. f aft I EgsBygjBSMaBMBslsjWBBBB THE Leading Dry Goods and Clothing House OF ASTORIA. C. H. COOPER, Pythian BuiJ.ding, - -- Astoria, Oregon. Giving Up Business!! Our entire stock comprising tho very latest stylw ia Ready-made Suits, Cloaks and Ulsters, -WILL BE DISPOSED OF WITHOUT RESERVE. EVERYTHING MUST GO ! ! Call Early and Secure Bargains. AT PILGER'S Next to Rescue D.k. FALL -lCLOTHING!- A LARGE STOCK OF Overcoat, Novelties in Neck Wear, Hats and Furnishing Goods. SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO Tine 2&arino and all Wool Hosiery. gThe NEWEST PATTERNS in SUITINGS made' up iu tht LATEST STYLES. Xmow Prices! B. &. ' Tfcft lAtiiiff Clothier, Hatter a&d Gants BRANCH- Engine House. 1 STOCK OF SB, I ts' Furnisher I 2oX2TTOSS