C-3J t& ASTORIA, OREGON: TflURSDAY.... .ZnOVE.MIJER C. 18SJ ISSUED ERtTmOENING. (.Monday excepted) J. F. HALLOBAN & COMPANY, ruiJusuEKS Axn VKOi'Kiirroit, AST0RIAX1JUILD1.NG. - - CASS xritliCT Terms of Subscription. Served by Carrier, per week loci. Sent by J.I.iil. per month OOeit. " one year ST.0 Free of postagp to .subscribers. E Advertisements inserted by the ear at the rate of $2 per siu:ue ier mouth. " Tran sient advertising llftv cents per square, eacb Insertion. Notice To Arcrtib'r. The AgToniAN guarantees to its ad vertisers the largest circulation of any uewspaper published on the Columbia river. To-night. Damon and Pythias. TheUeda arrived in yesterday after noon. The Gen. Miles ieaves for Fort Cauby at 6 o'clock this morning. The Abeona, City of Athens and Dun vegan came down to-day to load wheat. lleserved seats for this evening's per formance at the New fork Novelty store. The Astoria Ladies' Coffee club will have a meeting of its members at half past two this afternoon. Kate Castleton will appear at Occiden tal Hall next Saturday evening. Box sheet now open at the New YorJ; Novelty store. Geo. C. Miln whose Tamo precede? him will appear at Occidental ilall this evening in "Damon and Pythias." To morrow night, 'Iticheliou." A typographical error in an extra is sued "from The Astokia.:; office yesterday afternoon placed the Republican major ity in Now York state at :;0000. It should have read 10,000. The Wm. II. Bcssc is off for China.to day, provided the certificates, clearances, etc., are all fixed up. Ker cargo is almost a counterpart of that of the Coloma, be ing principally Chinamen and their food. The American bark Carrie Wuisloic, 944, Barrett master, the British bark Scottish Chief, Doran master, and the British bark Cwm Donkin, 571, Stephens master, arrived in yesterday afternoon. The Titnaru, wheat laden, crossed to sea. Amid the general uncertainty let the nation be congratulated on one grand fact, viz. that ten million men marched up to the polls and cist their ballots without any reported disturbance. It is a splendid fact and reflects credit on the American people. John Day's precinct in this county would have given St. John and Butler a few votes each had there been any tickets out there. Not a single St. John ticket was cast in the county. Had there been none cast in New lor:: it would lime saved Bepublicans considerable worry all over the Union. CLATSOP COUNTY'S VOTE. Following is tho voto of the county as far as heard frem: Cleve Blainc. land. Astoria 5S5 442 Dpper Astoria 58 &" Knappa 43 31 Clifton 1G 1 Skipanon 42 31 Klaskanine 20 39 JohnDays' 8 8 Lewis & Clarke's 21 1G Westport 24 12 Seaside 1G 10 Fishhawk 7 5 845 GG0 The other precincts will not materially alter the result shown by the above figures. SAVE TIME. "Timo is money" says tho adage, and this saying is forcibly brought to mind by an examination of tho "Busy Man's Cyclopaedia," as Horace Greeley, who planned Johnson's Cyclopaedia, said it should be. What vexed Mr. Greeley was the time wasted in groping through ir relevant matter in tho Cyclopaedias to find a single item of valuable informa tion. Tho facts were hidden m tho mul titude of words, like two grains of wheat in a bushel of chaff, Tho admirable classification of Johnson's with the di vision of articles by italio sub-headings, enables one to turn to just what ho wants, almost as readily as ho can turn to a word in "Webster's dictionary. Still this great work is as far as possi ble from an abridgement, or mere dic tionary. It is fuller in every science, and gives more facts in every field than any of its competitors. In this it even exceeds the famous Britannica: while tho latter is lamentably deficient and inaccu rate in all American matters. It has 20, 000 more articles than Appletou's; its superiority to that work in lew, medicine, engineering, mechanics, chemistry, As tronomy and other sciences, is very marked. In American biography and geography, it has more than twice as many names and places as are given in Appfeton's. The leading educators of the state are endorsing it heartily. It is a library in itself, a Christmas present worth having or giving. Address all. orders to C. H. Libby, the general manager for its sale on this coast at Portland, Or. Complete in 4 vols. (8 parts); sold by subscription anly. fresh Eastern and Shoalwater Bay Oysters Constantly on hand, cooked to any style at Frank Fabre's. Board at Jeffs. The best in America. $20.00 a month. CROW Does not make any second-class Pic tures at his New Gallery, No. Gl, on the Roadway. For a Kent Fitting Boot Or Shoe, go to P. J. Goodmans, on Che namus street, next door to I. W. Case. All goods of the best make and guaran teed quality. A full stock; new goods constantly arriving. Custom work. Another installment of Ball's coiled spring, elastic section cornets just ar rived at the Empire Store. A car-load of Hoop skirts of the lat est and approved styles, such as "Lang try," Berlin, and Bon Ton, and others, just received at the Empire Store. Fifteen hundred numbers of Lovell's Library and ten mail sacks full of other nne reading matter just received at Ad Ier's Crystal Palace. THE PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION. Notlilnc roitivp The Count Not Yrl Com pleted. When The Astomax forms were locked up at half past three o'clock yesterday morning it was with a feeling of dissatis faction at not being able to give some thing definite jis to tho result. There had been eighty-four dispatches received on election day: but beyond tho knowl edge that there were about twenty thou sand donkeys in New York state that wanted to demonstrate the fact by cast ing their votes for St. John, tho tele grains told nothing. There was encour agement, perplexity and annoyance in the dispatches for both parties. As one man said at the effice: "The more I read these little leaves the less I know." Tho Blaine and Logan club and Cleveland and Hendricks club kept open house pretty nearl3' all night, each side ready to cheer when any little bit of favorable news came. The drift was Democratic It looked very much that way, though some held to the belief that Blaine was not entirely scooped by a set of prohibi tion cranks in the Empire state. But we knew as much here in Astoria as they did any where else in the Union. When tho Portland papers came down yesterday afternoon the Orcyonian said it was "in doubt' and editorially said "Didn't we tell you so?" The Xews said "It looks as though Cleveland nnd Hen dricks were elected. It looks as though the chango has come."' All day yesterday the dispatches came in quick succsssion, ana wneu it began to appear that Blaiuo had still "a fight ing chance' in New York state the Jte publican bo3-s relaxed the gloomy front of visage that they had worn the night before. At three o'clock came u special to Tiik Astouian to tho effect that Blaine had carried every northern state except Connecticut, and that tho Bepublicans were having a jubilee all over the coun try. An extra was issued and amid tro mendous excitement and cheering the news went out that the twenty-second president of the United States would ba irom the state of Maine. Shortly after came other dispatches tending to confirm tho news. At eight o'clock came a dispatch saying that 1,742 of tho 1,!91 districts in New York, out side of Now York city and Brooklyn, were counted, and that the aggregate was: Blame :WJ,40t. Cleveland 3.52.109. This gave Blaine f7,29, being about a stand off to the Democratic majority in .Now loik and JJroolnyn, and indicated that tho remaining 2.V precincts would give to Blaine THE KLESTOaiL. VOTi: Of THL KMI'IEE Upon that came tLe nosvs that Michi gan had gone io the fusionists, and Con ne cticat was 1,21.0 Democratic. The hopes of the Kepublicans centered on New York, and as disjatch after dis patch came, it was read with the great est eagerness. At Democratic headquar ters the cheering was the loudest, and sis the night wore on tho nevu assumed the same mixed-up condition that had char acterized it on the night o election. According to the tenor of last night s dispatches, Blaine has tho electoral votes of tho following states: California 8 Colorado 3 Illinois 22 Indiana 15 Iowa 13 Kansas 9 Maine G Massachusetts 14 3Iinnesota Nebraska Nevada 3 New Hampshire 4 New York 3G Ohio 23 Oregon 3 Pennsylvania 30 Kbode Island , . . 4 Vermont , 4 Wisconsin 11 220 "Without New York Blaine is beaten; with Now York ho has nineteen votes to spare. At 11 o'clock last night Tin: Astoiiian telegraphed to reliable sources for an im partial summary of the result in close states. Tho following was received in answer: Pobtiakd, Or., Nov. 5, 11:10 r. sc. Eeports to-night cut down Blaine's ma jority inNewl'ork. 'i ho state is very close gives Blaine 50,000 majerity: Martin for governor 40,030. "Wisconsin, which was regarded doubtful, gives Blaine 10,000. California gives Blaine 0,000. Cleveland's plurality in Connecticut is 1,200. Tho Bepublicans get all the Connecticut con gressmen. Virginia goes 8,000 Demo cratic. The Kepublicans continue jubi lant. Tho abovo was the last dispatch re ceived in this city last night. The Daily World, of Nashville, Tennessee, says: The rapid improve ments in the many ills to which the human race is heir, can bo attributed to but one source, and that is the world renowned St. Jacobs Oil. Price 50 cents. Kooins to I.ct. Furnished cr unfurnished, suitable for housekeeping, at Mits. Twilight's. At Frank Falrc's. Board for $22Z0 a month. The best in the citv. Dinner from 5 to 7. Stop That Confix By going to J. E. Thomas's and gettiug a bottle of Leroy's Cough Balsam. It will cuke you. For anything new, stylish, nobby, in the Drygoods line, calf at the Empire Store. Gray sells Sackett Bros.' Al sawed cedar shingles. A full M guaranteed in each bunch. All the patent medicines advertised in this paper, together with the choicest perfumery, and toilet articles, etc can he bought at the lowest prices, at J. NY. Conn's drug store, opposite Ociden held, Astoria. Ogilvie's Popular Readings No. 11 just received at Adler's Crystal Palace. J.VU3UUU jsiAuira new cniini; nuuse is now open. Everything has open fit- icu up in nrsi-ciass siyie, ana ni wen known reputation as a caterer assures all who like good things to eat. that at his place thej' can be accommodated. Ladies remember that we allow you to wear the Bails corsets for three weeks on approval, and return purchase money if not found perfect in every re spect, i'kael Bros. For a good bath, pleasant shave, or shampoo, go to the City Baths, corner Squemoqua and Olney streets. JOE. U. CHARTERS, Prop. J THE CENTCRT IN 1SS5. A Great Enterprise. TATEES ON THE CTVIT. WAC Tho important feature of The Century Magazine for tho coming year indeed, perhaps tho most important ever under taken by the magazine will be a series of separate papers on the great battles of tho War for tho Union, written by gen eral officers high in command npon both the Federal and tho Confederate sides. General Grant (who writes of Vicksburg, Shiloh, and other battles), Generals Lougstreet, McClellan, Beauregard, Bose crans, Hill, Admiral Porter, and others. The serias opens in the November Ct'nli: ry with a graphically illnstrated article on THE BATTLE Or BUM. BVS, written by tho Confederate general, G. T. Beauregard. Brief sketches, entitled "Recollections of a Private,' papers chronicling special events, descriptions of various auxiliary branches of the ser vice, etc., will supplement the more im portant series ly the various generals. A strict regard for accuracy will guide tho preparation of tho illustrations, for which The Century has at its disposal a very large quantity of photographs, draw ings, mans, plans, etc., hitherto unused. The aim is to present in this serios, not official reports, but commanding officers' account? of their plans and operations, interesting personal experiences which will record leading events of tho war, nnd possess at tho same time, a historical Value not easily to ba calculated. l'ICTION. In this lino The Century will maintain its prestige, and furnish tho best stories by American writers that can bo pro cured. In November begins A NEW KOVEI. EX W. D. nOWELLS, author of "Venetian Days," "A Modern Instance,' etc. This story deals with tho rise of an American business man. A novel by Henry James, a novelette by Grace Denio Litchfield, and short stories by "Uncle Remus, Frank 11. Stockton, 11. H. Boyesen, T. A. Janvier, IL H., Julian Hawthorne, and other equally well known writers will appear at various times. MISCELLANEOUS VEATOKK3. Under this heading may be included a series of papers on the Cities of Italy by W. D. Howells, tho illustrations being re productions of etching and drawings by Joseph Pennell; a series on TIIK KEW NORTHWEST, being an interesting group of papers by E. V. Smallcy, Lieut. Schwatka, Princi pal Grant (of Kingston, Ontario), and others descriptive of little known regions; papers on French and American nrt, sculpture nnd painting, with some exqui site illustrations; papers on ASTROKOMr, AECHrrECTURH AND HI-iTOUr, the first being by Professor Lungley and others. Under Architecture are included more of 3Irs. Van Rensselaer's articles on churches, city and country houses, etc. Colonel George E. "Warren, Jr., will descrilK) PEOGEKSS IN SANITAI1Y. PEAININO, E. C. Stcdman, Edmund Gova) and others will furnish literary essays; George "W. Cable will contribute in various ways; several papers on sport and adventure will soon bo published, nnd JOHN BUBBOUOHS will write from time to timo on outdoor subjects. Readers of Tlie Century may feel sure of keeping abreast of the times on lead ing subjects that may properly come within tho province of a monthly maga zine. Its circulation is now about 140,000 monthly, tho November number exceed ing that figure. Subscriptions should date from this number, beginning the War Series and Mr. Howell's novel. Price S4 a year, 33 cents a number. All booksellers and newsdealers sell it and take subscriptions, or remittance may be made to the publishers. A free specimen copy of The Century will bo sent on request. Mention this paper. The Centuet Co., New York, N. Y. Bnclilcii'.s Arnica Salve. The Best Saiyvk in the world for Cuts, Bruges, Sorcs.Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores. Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains. Corns, and all Skin Erup tions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay requited. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 2" cents per box. For sale by W. E. Dement & Co. Misses' and nursing corsets oft he fa mous Ball's make, at the Empire Stoie. Popular PhyUinnH. There is a growing demand on all sides for remedies agreeable to the taste as well as beneficial in effect, and the leading physicians and druggists gladly welcome to the list of new reme dies all preparations possessing real merit and a pleasant taste. It is now admitted by all who have tried the new remedy, which is having such au im mense sale Syrup of Figs that it is the most agreeable and efficacious prep aration ever discovered. It you want the best of all Liver medicines and pur gatives, Syrup ot Figs is jour choice. Trial bottles free and large bottles for sale by W. E. Dement. Home Tor Children. Mrs.Wagner. whose residence is next to C. W. Fulton's, is now prepared to take entire charge of a limited number of children. Every attention paid the little ones, and any one leaving their child with .urs. Wagner may be sure that it will receive a mother's care. what: Do You Think that -JcfT" of The Chop House Gives you a meal for nothing, and a glass of something to drink? "Not much !" but he gives a better meal aud more of it than any place in town for 25 cents. He buys by the wholesale and pays cash. "That settles it." JEFF Gives meals for 25 cents, as big as the mammoth pumpkin on exhibition in front of his restaurant. Go and see it. ZVotice. Dinner at" JEFF'S CHOP HOUSE everyday from 4:30 to 8 o'clock. The best 25-cent meal in tewn: soup, fish, seven kluds of meats, vegetables, pie, pudding, etc Tea or coffee included. All who have tried him say Jeff is the BOSS." Ball's coiled spring, elastic section corset takes the cake and the girl be hind the counter, at the Empire Store. Don't pay 50 cents elsewhere when you can geu the best dinner In town at jxrumioTVi cent. PACIFIC COUNTY ELECTION RETURNS. In Pacific county there was a local con test which has resulted in the success of tho Union ticket. Tho vote as reported i from tho different precincts is about as follews: Oysterville Head of the ticket Arm strong GO, Voorhced 10; McFadden 50, Porter 30; Van Cleave 31, Bowen 43; Goodcll G3, La Du 22; "Wood 32. Davis ."2; Turner 43, Whitcoinb 1G; Davis 4G. Tay lor 39, Van Cleave 30, Warman 4i; Wil son 10, Hulton 42; Wylio 13, Embree 43; Mr'. Griswold 18, Mrs. Hincklin GG; "Whoaldou '14, Pagles 49; Hanselman 30, Mower 43; Eastorbrook 4G, Ward 48. In Ilwaco Armstrong 11G, Voorhees 20: McFadden 77, Porter f9; Van Cleave man GO, Preston 133, "Wilson , Hutton Gl, Embree 74, Wylie 7G: Mrs. Griswold G9, Mrs. Hincklin 8G:"Whealdon 5.", Pagles 86. Hanselman GG, Mower G9;Easterbrook 75. Ward 5G. In South Bend Voorhees G3, Arm strong 14; McFadden 78, Porter 4: Van Cleave 79, Bowen 3; Goodell 78, La Du 33; Taft 4, Campbell 4; Wood 71, Davis 11; Preston 82, Hutton 79; Wilson 79, Wylie 3, Embree 3; Davis 80. Taylor 2; Turner GG. Whitcomb 1G; Van Cleave 78, Warman 3; Mrs. Hincklin 41, Mrs. Gris wold 37; Hansel man 79, Mower 3: Eas terbrook 79, Ward 3; Whealdon 78, Pagles 3. In Woodards Lauding Armstrong 30, Voorhees 90; McFadden 93, Porter 29; Van Cleave 126, Bowen 8; Goodell 101, Teft 42, Campbell 50, La Du 9; Davis 41, Wood 93; Davis 110, Taylor 26; Van Cleave 129, Warman G; Mrs. Hincklin 11G, Mrs. Griswold 20; Preston 135, Wil son 101: Hutton 101, Wylio 23, Embree 23; Whealdon 77, Pagles 57. Our informants write that in Sunshine, the Nasel, Bruceport, and the Willapa, the result will not materially alter tho aggregate of the above figures and that the Union ticket, except J. A Whealdon and Mrs. Griswold, is elected. A SILMOX HATCHERY. R. D. Hume has a salmon hatchery at Rouge river. Following is tho substance of an interview with him by tho Gold Beach Gazette: "What are tho facilities for propaga ting fish here, compared with other places?'' H. "They are better than at any other place on the cocst. The fish from which the spawn is taken at other placos are bruised, and worn oat with a long journey over falls and rapids, whilo the fih that have been and will be used hereafter at my hatchery are taken fresh from tho salt water, uro sound and healthy, nnd of coarss their spawn will produce healthier fish. Then the fish that have been used here for tho purpose of propagating are returned to tho water, live and come back the next year. This fact has been established by marking the fish returned to the river and catching them again in one and two years there after. Prof. Baird, one of tho United States fish commissioners, informed me that this is tho only instanco known where fish from which spawn had been removed had lived. The salmon in Roguo river are very strong, hardy fish, and have no equal on this coast. As the river is shallow and rapid, having an averago fall of ten feet per mile, tho fish are very .shy and none but tho strongest ever reach the spawning grounds. They are also far superior in flavor to any other fish." "Is it a fact that the salmon that are hatched out always return to their native stream when they are old enough?' H. "Yes, I think there is no doubt of that; at least I have come to that conclusion after years of study and investigation. That is also tho opinion of thoso who have made the habits of tho salmon a study. I will wager you the cigars that the salmon that are hatched out at my place w.ll when they are old enough, which will bo in about four years, return nnd try to jump into tboir old home at tho reservoir. I propose to hatch out and put into the river every year hereaf ter a million of young salmon. This can ba tone about as easy and cheap as to turn out half or one-third of that num ber." Shiloh's Vitalizcr is what you need for Constipation, Loss of Appetite, Diz ziness and all symptoms of Dyspepsia. Price 10 and 75 cents per bottle. Sold by W. E. Dement. That Hacking Cough can ho so quickly cured by Shiloh's Cure. We guarantee it. Sold by W. E. Dement. yrup ot irij. Nature's own true Laxative. Pleas ant to the palate, acceptable tothcStoiu ach, harmless in its nature, painless in its action. Cures habitual Constipation. Biliousness, Indigestion and kindred ills. Cleanses the system, purifies the blood, regulates the Liver nnd acts on the Bowels. Breaks up Colds, Chills and Fever, etc. Strengthens the organs on which it acts. Better than bitter, nauseous Liver medicines, pills, salts and draughts. Sample bottles free, and large bottles for sale by W.E. Dement & Co., Astoria, YOUXG 3IEXI-KEAD TIIIS. Tnn Voltaic Relt Co., of Marshall, Mich., offer to send their celebrated Klec-tuo-Voltaic Bklt and other Electhic Awlianck.s on tria' for thirty days, to men (young or old) nfllictcd with nervon leiMllty, iovs of vit dlty and manhood, and all kindred troublrs. Alo for rheumatism, neuralgia, parahsls. and many other lis eases. Complete restoration to health, vigor and manhood guarantied. No risk Is in curred a thirty davs trial Is allowed. Write them at once for i-lustrated pamphlet tree. For lame Back, Side or Chest use Shiloh's Porous Plaster, Price 25 cents. For sale by W. E. Dement. Buy your Lime of Gray at Portland prices. Catarrh cured, health and sweet breath secured by Shiloh's Catarrh Rem edy. Priee 50 cents. Masai Injector free. For sale by W. E. Dement Boston Baked Beans and Brown Bread everv Sundav nt. JofTc frnm x x . -t. in 2 P.M. Croup, Whooping Cough and Brou clntis immediately relieved by Shiloh's Cure. Sold by W. E. Dement. For a nice, iucy steak cooked on the broiler, go to Frank Fabre. For Dinner Parties to order, at short uuuee, go io r rant t aore s. Shiloh's Cough ana Consumption Cure is sold by us on guarantee. It cures consumption Sold by W.E. De ment. Will you suffer with Dysncpsia and Liver Complaint ? Shiloh's Vitalizer is guaranteed; to cure you. Sold by W. E. Test Yonr BaMng Fowfler To-Day! Brands adrcrtiscd as obsolete! j- pura COJM 'X' f TTC x Tvnvro ru r pm THE TEST: ri.ic it can top down on a hot More nnHt rcatctl.tlion remove the coTernnd mell. A chem lt will not be required to dctutt tho presence or Ammonia. APuOs.PERfECTAADJ DOES KOT CONTAIN A3DI0XIA. lit IlcalUsfalseu Csi NEVER QanUsat lnamllllonhmnMfornanartcrofaccntury It Ijlj ttood 1 tie consumer1:! reliable test, THE TEST OF THE OVEN. Price Eating Powder Co., Dr. Price's Special Flavoring Extracts, TTho strongest, mo't delldcf s and natural flavor known, and Z?. Price's Lupulin Yeasi Gams lor Llgnt, Hf altby Ereod.Tho Ifest Dry Hop Yka&t In tbi world. FOR SALE BY GROCERS, . CHICAGO. - ST. LOU I S 4 Pi?T IREAD. LiU: WHty OEMS. The oe9t dry hop yeoat In tho world. Bread ral9ed by this yenst ia Ught.whlta and wholoqome like our grandmother's delicious hrcad. CROCERS SELL THEE!. paCPAKCD B( TMS Price Baking Powder Co., Man'l'rs ol Dr. Fncs's special FteYonns Extracts, Chicago, III. St. Louis, Mo. TP YOU WANT OR Fancy Goods GO TO ADLER'S Crystal Palace NOTICE. THE STEAMSHIP COOS JSLTSZTn LAWLESS, Commander. Will Sail for YAQUINA BAY, COOS BAY, Way Ports, and SAN FItANCISCO. . On, or about November 7 , :84, From Flanders' Wharf, foot of B street. Portland. For Freight or ravage apply to WATSON, WRIGHT & CO., Portland. Or to A. W. BERRY. Astoria. C. LKIKEXWEBEK. U. BKOWy Leinenweber & Co., ESTABUSHEI 18G5. ASTORIA, OREGON TAMERS MB CUREBIES, Manufacturers and Importers of all kinds of LEATHER AND fflDI&S. Wholesalo Dtalersln OIL AND .TALLOW. es&-nisliest cash prioe paid for Hides and Tallow. For Rent. mHE STORE ON MAIN STREET, FOR3I I crly occupied by !N. Loeb. Inquire of C. BOELLING. Notice. ALL OUTSTANDING WARRANTS DOE by the city of Astoria will be paid by the City Treasurer at his office, on and after to-day. Interest ceases from this date. J. G. HUSTLER. City Treasurer, Astoria, Oot. 25. 18S4. PirssTJi ' fl 1! !rU.im Mfo s&mwi wMM iSYIAST STATIONERY Ism nstruien s C. H. COOPER! OPENING Cloak Department! Having Received direct from Eastern and San Fran cisco Manufacturers an Immense Stock of Fall and Win ter Cloaks, We would respectfully submit the same for inspec tion to the Ladies of Astoria, and of surrounding district! Ladies purchasing from us can rely on getting EX CLUSIVE DESIGNS of the Latest and Most Fashionable Garments in the Market. We desire to impress on the Ladies that our Stock of Cloaks are NEW, STYLISH, and FASHIONABLE, of Cut and Finish superior to anything ever shown in Asto ria. PRICES LOWER THAN EVER. ' THE Leading Dry Goods and Clothing House OF ASTORIA. C. H. COOPER, . Pythian Building, - - Astoria, Oregon. Giving Up Business ! ! Onr entire stock comprising tho very latest styles ia Ready-made Suits, Cloaks and Ulsters, -WILL BE WITHOUT EVERYTHING Call Early and PILGER'S Next to Rescue FALL CLOTHING! A LARGE Overcoats, Novelties in Neck Wear, Hats and Furnishing Goods. SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO Fine Merino and aU Wool Hosiery. C-Tho NEWEST PATTERNS in SUITINGS made up in the LATEST STYLES. Iiow Prices f D. A. McXXTTOSS, Th LwtdiBff Clotkitp, DISPOSED OF- RESERVE. MUST GO!! Secure Bargains. AT BRANCH Engine House. STOCK OF STOCK OF Hatter ana Cents' Furnisher