y 03 VOL. XXII, NO. 100. ASTORIA, OREGON, SUNDAY, 1YOVEMBER 2, 1884. PRICE, FIVE CENTS. K B II H H wl 1 il 5 at mj:f3i' - ,,.ri J- ' ..L ..- ' Is L4S I I il I I Ilk ,11 B 1 Q I 1 1 1 g 1 A 1&5S&?'3V f rJSsQ5sSSsr 71 I III 1 I I I I v BUSINESS CARDS. J. E. UIGCIXS. Couatj School Superintendent Office at Bndollet & CoA CMimerj, Upper Astoria. TKn. a. Ij. aud J. A. I'l'LTOX. Physician uiiri Surgeons. Will clve pronmt attention to all calls, from any part of the city or country- OOce over Allen's Store, corner Cass and Squenioqua streets, Astoria, Oregon. Telephone o. 41. D O. FKA.NS 1A E. Physician nncl Surgeon. Office, Cor. Main and Chenamus streets. Office Houes :-9 to it a. m. ;-2 to 5 p.m. Residence, opposite theJohanst-n building F. IKWIXTON. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Abstracts f Title a Specialty. Rooms 11 and 12, Knights of Pythian Catlo Building. Telephone Wo. 40, GKO. A. DORK10. OEO. 3TOLAM KOLAXD fc DOKRIS, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Office in Kinney's Block, opposite City Hall, Astoria, Oregon. C. W. FOT.TOX. G. & FBXTOX. FUtTOIf BUOTRERS. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Rooms 5 and 6. Odd Fellows Building. J. Q. A. BOWLBV. 4. A. GILL. BOWL BY & CI IX, Attorneys and Counsellor at f jaw. Office on Chenamus Street, Astoria, Oregon. TO C. IIOIjDKX, NOTARY PUBLIC, AUCTIONEER, COMMlhSION NI) IN SURANCE AOEN1. a XV. IiEICHt, ARCHITECT AND DRAUGHTSMAN. Scholars received for Course of Draught imr t3P"Offlce over White House Store. Q.EL.O V. PAI'.KKK. SURVEYOR OF -Clatsop Count 5 and City of AMtorln Office : Chenamus street, Y. M. O. A. hall Room No. 8. nt BEKNON 31 ART1X, 31, D., Physician and Surgeon. ASTORIA, - - OREGON. OwiCE-Room 12, Odd Fellows Building. Residence Hume's building, up stairs. TAY TUTTIiE, tt. D. PHYSICIAN AND SUKGEON Optics Rooms 1, 2, and 3. Pythian Build- lag. Residence On Cedar Street, hack oi St. Mary's Hospital. r T. HICKS. A. E. SHAW. HICKS &, SHAW, ' DENTISTS. Rooms in Allen's Building, up stairs, cor ner Cass and Squemoqua streets. Astoria Oregon. Bozorth & Johns, Real Estate and Insurance Agents, and Brokers. ASTORIA. - Oragon. z By and sell all kinds of Real Estate and represent the following Fir Insurance Conpauieg : Scottish Union and Na tional, aseti $33,000,000 Phoenix of Hartford " 400,000 Home of New York, " 7,000,000 Hamburg and Bremen, " 2,oo0.0o0 Western. 300,ajO Phenlx of Brooklyn, " 4,o0o.0oo Oakland Home, " soo.ooo Policies written by ns In the Phoenix and Home and Scottish Union and National at equitable rates. BANKING AND INSURANCE! I. W. CASE, Broker, Banker, and Iniur ance Agent, ASTORIA, - OREGON. OFFICE HOURS : Krom 2 o'clock A. M. until s o'clock P. M. W.T.Coleman&Co.'s AGESCY, Banking Department A General Banking and Exchange Busi ness transacted. Every facility for promp sad satisfactory business. Drafts on the leading cities of the United States and Europe. Deposits Received. NIGHT SCHOOL. TIIB REV. M. D. WILSON WILL-RECEIVE A LIMITED NUMBER of Boys for instruction, three evenings in the week, in such branches as may be desired. Classes in Latin or in any ordinary branch of advanced education will be formed. For further particulars apply as above. VISITERS TO PORTLAND Should not forget to call at Towne'sSan Francisco Gallery, where may he seen photographs of all the leading men and women of Oregon and Washington Territory. Skillful operators always In attendance, and tfcotsaInute attention paid to pictures of children. Don't forget the location. S. If. Mner First ait MerrlMB streets, up stain. No trouble to show specimens to visitors. Street railroads pass the door every ten -jBBigt6f;M8'tbfe& the Bcarsst gallsry to AMlrtpruMlpftlkoUta.' THE EST TGNIC. This medicine, combining Iron with pure vegetable tonics, quickly and completely Cures Dyspcpsln, Jndlgeiitlon, WealcncKS, Impure Blood, JIalaria,ChtIUaiid Fevers, and Neuralrfa. It is an unfailing remedy for Diseases of the Kidneys nnd I.irer. It is invaluable for Diseases peculiar to Women, and all who lead sedentary lives. Itdoesnot injure the teeth, cause headachc.or produce constipation oIIit Iron medicines do. It enriches and purities the blood, stimulates the appetite, aids the assimilation of food, re lieves Heartburn and Belching, and strength ens the muscles and nerves. For Intermittent Fevers, Lassitude, Lack or Energy, tc., it has no equal. S3- The genuine has above trade mark and rossed red lines on wrapper. Take no other dc.ljbr OHOW& UiEXIClL CO, BALTIXORE, aft REDIh'CTOy, 1V00DABD.A CO., Portland, Or. Wholesale Agents. If " CELEBRATED f V Mfe 6T03IACH t BITTERS IIo-tetter'aMomach Bittfjs is a flue blood depurent, a rational cathartic, and a superb anti tiilious specific It rallies the failing energi-3 or tho debilitated, mid checks pre mature decay. Fever and Ague, bilious re mittent, dyspepsia and bowel complaints arc among the evils which It entirely re moves, in tropical countries, where the liver and bowels are organs most uuftvor ably affected by the combined influcure of climate, diet and water, it is a verv necc3 arv safeguard. For sale bv all Druixt and Dealers gentrally. Drugs and Chemicals Prescriptions carefully compounded jiny or xvignt. A. V. Allen, Wholesale and KotRllJDenlerin Qroeeries, Provisions, MILL FEED. Glass and Plated Ware, TItOPICAL AND DOMESTIC FRUITS AND VEGErABLES. Together with Wines, LiquorsJobaccoXigars Jefi's Notice SAYS THERE "WILL BE NO INCREASE OF PRICES IN HIS CHOP HOUSE 4 ND THAT HE IS DETERMINED TO A. maintain his jeputation Tor keening the best and cheapest Restaurant in town, even at a loss to himself, while the dull times last. JEFF. J. R. D. G-KAY. Wholesale and retail dealer in. GROCERIES, FLOUR, AKD FEED Hay, Oats, Straw, Wood, Etc. LIME, SAND AND CEMENT. General Storage and Wharfage on reason able terms. Foot of licntou street. Astoria, Oregon. T. G. RAWLINGS, Wholesale and Retail Dealer In Tropical, Domestic, Green and Dried UTS. CANDIES, DRIED MEATS, ETC. Fine Cigars asd Tobacco. 2Txt deer t T. S. Arvold's, Squamoqu St. mf- R 4 J. E. THOMAS, 5 DRUGGIST AXI VJ A Pharmacist, JJ Aastoria.? Mr5 IN THE HANDS OF THE MOB. A San Francisco Scene in "Fifty." If there be anywhere a typical American, he will be found on the western plains, where men develop into something which certainly has not its likeness in the heavens above, the earth beneath, or the waters un der the earth. In his most peaceful aspect he is unique. As "a rough," he is unapproachable. Nothing in history has ever equaled a western desperado. ATy father was a sea-captain, who took his family with him on his long voyages. The trade with California, it is well known, was a golden one for many years, and whoever could take a share in it readily braved the months of sailing and the daugers of Cape Horn. To those who hurry across the continent in a week's time, this length of voyage doubtless ap pears an endless torture of suspend ed action. To us, it was simply a calm elysium. The slow days and nights dropped silently behind us into the beautiful, fathomless sea, while we set our faces steadily for ward in happy unconcern and bright anticipation. I was but a child, with one constant companion in my little sister, and an occasional gala-day of play with Johnny Carter, the cabin boy. John ny Carter belongs to this story. He was a pretty, fair little fellow of about twelve years Just before the ship sailed, a very nice-looking wom an had come on board and asked to see my father. She brought with her this boy, aud she painted him iu dark colors. In short, Johnny was so ut terly bad a boy, she begged my father to take him to sea, in the hope of breaking off his ruinous associations, and changing the current of his fan cies from an eager search after the worst evils of his home city. My father hesitated, of course, but the mother was importunate, and tho boy did not look formidable. Iu the end he consented, and Johnny was duly installed as cabin-boy and general do-nothing. I do not remember ever seeing him at work. He proved to be, so far as we saw, a mud, pleasant, easy-going little chap, very unlike his mother's portrayal of him, and was soon a uni versal favorite. Ho was so young and so small, it seemed folly to ex pect anything thoroughly useful of him. He wandered about tho ship, gathering up whatever knowledge came in his way, waiting on the olli- cers, helping the cook, taking care of the goats (a friend had sent us two as playmates, and with an eyo to milk for my mother's coffee), and some times for a whole day playing with us at anything we fancied. He could dress a doll and set out toy-dishes; he could make tiny kites and frail bows and arrows; he could arrange a scrap-book or set up fishing tackle; and seemea equally happy and con tent in cabin or forecastle. Yet when we reached San Frauciso he almost instantly aud miraculously disap peared, and loft no trace. iuy father was much annoyed. The mother's tears and entreaties, her anxiety, her confidence in the good effects of tho voyage, and her con fidence in my father, were constantly present to him. His best energies were expended in tho search for the lost boy, but in vain. Had Johnny taken to Jonah's whale as a craft he could not have been more profoundly swallowed up. At last my father ac cepted the situation as best he might, and, after writing home full accounts of all that had been done, seemc d to dismiss the matter from his mind, rs one in which he had performed his duty, spite of failure. San Francisco at that time was a city in the rough. It is impossible to convey to any thoroughly Eastern and untraveled mind any conception of it Such curious combinations of shingle and muslin, paper and slats. Such a motley, picturesque, frightful, ridiculous crowd, forever coming and going! Every nation had its repre sentative, every style of costume, every possible bearing and gesture. Gentlemen of polish and outcasts of society, the broadcloth of Paris and the Indian blanket, the jovial Irish man, pipe in mouth, the stately Span iard, the indolent South American, the bewildered Chinaman, the wide awake Yankee, continually Jostled and hustled each other on the planks of tho quay skirting tho lovely bay, and on the narrow stretch of JLong Wharf, extending an Jmost incredi ble distance into its waters. Ladies there were few, and children even fewer. My sisters and I were soon great pets; and the domestic life of the ship, under my mother's home like sway, had a charm for the home less young fellows and lonely mar ried men engaged in the tremendous straggle for existence or mighty wealth the chances always meant one or the other. Occasionally my father took me with him for a morning among his business friends, and very delightful I found these visits. It wis after one of them we found Johnny Carter. We were walking along the quay to take the boat for our return to the ship. The quay was lined on the landward side with gambling-dens great bar rooms entirely open to the street At the far end, a rough stage lifted into prominence sometimes a row of Ethiopian minstrels, sometimes . a seedy pianist and a half-starved vio linist Between this stage and the street, row after row of tables were set out, crowded with men dressed in red shirts, broad slouched hats, broad belts and a perfect armory of weapons. Cries and blows and struggles were as common as the twang of the guitar or the voice of the singer, and my father always hurried me along, trem bling as I was, striving to distract my attention from the sights and sounds I still recall with horror. On this day of which I write, he suddenly paused before one of the denB, and then deliberately walked into its very midst, still holding mv hand. At a table near the center of the room, ho laid his hand on the shoulder of Johnny Carter, who was intently watching tho deft fingers of a quartet of gamblers. Piles of gold dust, eight-cornered pieces, and lumps of quartz lay heaped upon the table, and vouched for their recent arrival from the outskirts of civilization. . With a wild cry the little wretch writhed himself from my fathers grasp, and threw himself into the midst of the group, howling for pro tection. In one instant all was confusion. The men sprang up from their games on all sides, leaving their gold as readily and as recklessly as though no more depended on the turn of a card than in a mere game for the love of it They crowded close around us great, bearded, swarthy, terrible fellows, who seemed never to have been born of woman. Johnny, pour ing out shrill screams very well made up of terror and entreaty, told a piti ful tale. He had been beaten, and kicked, and starved, and thrown over board and towed; he had been worked day and night; he was afraid of his life. Only save himl Only keep him away from that dreadful ship! The crowd roared a fearful oath that they would stand by him, aud then turned the oaths " to fearful threats against my father. He stood like a rock, and I, silent, scarcely ter rified, but terribly excited, clung to his side. The dreadful faces surged nearer, the cruel kuives began to gleam in sharp curves and flourishes, tho unmistakable "click" of fire-arms sounded on all sides. A woman's voice screamed from the stage: "Oh, de leetle chilo! Take care de leetle chile!" Some of tho gruff voices near us took up the cry. My father did not raise me to his bretist. as he easily might havo done, and thus have screened himself, but he threw his arm around me, and slowly and cool ly began making his way toward tho door. He was a man of splendid presence, and that always "tells," moro or less. Tall, finely formed, with the step, the carriage of the head, the glance of the eye, of those born to command, he passed through their midst undaunted. There was no air of reckless bravado about him. He was simply ready for anything, "fearing not what men could do un to him," and they felt it Crowding us, yet making way for us, threaten- j ing him with eye, and voice, and death-dealing hand, yet only threat ening, wo passed through them to the street. They went with us, and the verv air of heaven seemed to give them new wrath. Brawny arms were stretched to snatch me from him; but I had heard the woman's voice and tho men's words, and I knew well I was his protection. I clung tho closer, and I know I gave back from my baby eyes the proud scorn of my father's spirit. One of them swore- a hoarse oath then they cheered mo and cursed my ! latuer. &tui ne went on, and gave no sign. It was but a few steps to the Long Wharf and our waiting boat. There was a swell and sway of ' the crowd. I saw, through a cap, tho : blue waters of tho bay, and, close at hand, tho well-known dark-blue flag, white-crossed and red-centered, which was our ship's ensign. Tho next in stant familiar faces rose about us; the young merchants from the offi ces we had recently left pushed their way to us, and cheery voices cried out "Here, captain! we'll stand by you! Tho committee is out !" The mob gave a wild roar, and surged in frenzy: My father spoko for the first time: ."Eamsey, take my girl. These dev ils may not hold olf long, I will nev er run from them!" The next instant I was in tho boat and Raw my father spring into full view of the crowd, and in bold relief adiuat tne cloudless sky, upon a pile ofmerchandise. "My lads!" he cried, in a voice trained to surmount the storms of tho deep, "my lads! I am an unarmed man. You aro a hundred to one. Shoot, if you will, but give me a chance to speak." It was so brave a defiance they i were impressed by it, easily swayed I as they were in the reckless disregard of time, or life, or pain, whtch their . self-outlawed existence had eniren-' dered. They were suddenly hushed j Hushed and quieted. "Go it, old buck!" called out a shrill youthful voice. Thero was a growl of assent from coarser tones, my father took advantage of the .per mission. He made a speech worthy of the occasion. A man with truth to hack him might well speak as oue inspired. Fancy such a death! He told the story of Johnny Carter from his mother's side. Ho spoke of his interest in him on her account, of the search for him, of tho future from which he sought to hold him back "a future you know, my lads, better than I can tell it" He referred them to his own record as a ship-master, and called on his boat's crew to wit ness its truth. In short, the tide of wrath was stemmed. Hoarse mur murs of assent greeted his closing questions as to the wisdom and jus tice of his conduct toward the boy. Rough acknowledgements of hasty action on thir part rolled forth, and finally, cries of "Bring out the young ster and send him aboard!" "Tie him up, captain, and cut the lies out of him!" "Hi- mother's well rid of him. anyhow!" gave proof that John ny, like many of his betters, was ex periencing tho fatal change of the people's fickle favor. But Johnny had wisdom beyond his years. He had waited for no favorable or unfa vorable ending. He was gone and heaven alone' knows where. From that day until this, we have never heard of Johnny Carter, "marked man" as he is in tho retrospect of many years. My father stood upon his impro vised stage, the triumphant star of this brief play. The men were crowd ing around him in good-fellowship as hilarious as their wrath had been deadly. One ef the young merchants added a brief and jolly speech. More of his friends gathered around him (the vigilance committee off duty), tho boat rocked idly a few yards from the wharf, the sun streamed bril liantly upon the lovely curving shores, upon the opposite portal of the ma jestic "Golden Gate," upon the crowd of shipping, upon our own trim, shin ing, perfect, floating home. The dark hour had passed like a bad dream. "Thank you, my lads!'' cried my father. uYou have given mo fair play, like honest fellows. The next time any of yon get in troublo, I wish you good luck and well out of it!" "We know a man when we see him, captain P shouted the same shrill voice I had beard once before. "That's so!" roared another. "Three cheers for a brave man!" They gave them with a will. My father had taken his place in the boat, which had drawn in at a sign from him, aud I had sprung inty his arms, overcome at last by the strain upon my child's heart "Three cheers for tho little gal!" shouted the ever-ready speaker. And three cheers they were, indeed. My father loosed his hold on me to wave his cap in answer. I looked up through my tears. I see it now! the sparkling sea, tho glowing sky, the long, ragged, frail-looking cause way above the blue water, and the dense mass of scarlet shirts, the gleaming weapons, tho fierce, wild faces, terrible even in their kindness. From that day until this, I tremble at the sound of many feet, the word less murmur of niauy voices, the faintest thought of a mob. THE GREAT GERMA1 REMEDY FOB PAIN. EelieTei and cures KIIEIDlATIStf, Neuralgia, Sciatiea, Lumbago, BACKACHE, EElDiCHU, T00TH1CH5, SORE THROAT, QCIJfSV, SWELLINGS, SP2AIXS, Scrcseu, Cuts, Brobs, FROSTBITES, ECItXS, SCAX.DS, Anl lU otW Wilj- icbu and jjilm. Finj CE3I3 1 BOTH! Sollhy n Proc;tt nt Pralcrt. Dirtctiuiu iu 11 Cis Claries A.Vsc!erCj. (Eumon ta JL. VUr Co.) IJjHlnnr, 3J, C. S.1. HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS. PARKER HOUSE, 11. D. PAKIvKit. 3roii.. OREGON. Day Clerk Nisht Clerk. ASTORTA, Al. CKOSBY, Fhil. IlOWEltS. lTSt Class in all Eespects. FKEE COACH TO THE IIOUSK. Fipres Iter Lie ! A'D JEFF OF THE CHOP HOUSE Can piove by his books that he is doin? bluest business of any RESTATTRANT tho In the city, and he will guarantee to give the best meal for ca"h. FRANK FABRE'S CHOP HOUSE. - COFFEE. The New Model. Everything First Class. Cas? Street, rear of odd-Fellows Building, Every attention paid my customers, and the hot set before tiiem in first class style. BAYViEW Restaurant and Bakery 3Irs. 15. ZIJIHKIHIAS. Wishes to anunic to her frond and the publl generally, that s e has opened AFlUSr-CLASS RESTAURANT AND BAKERY In the fin new buildin; onpnslte the O. R. & N. Company's Dock. Tho Best tho Market Affords Cooked to Order. Ojstors in Krcry Mylc Columbia Transportation Company. e?q:rl ojvr.iii!fO. FAST TIME! THE POPULAR STEAMER FLEETWOOD Which has been rpfitted for the eorafort of passengers will leaTe Wilson & Fisher's Dock every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 6 A.M. arriving at Portland at 1 P.M. Returning leaves Portland every Tuesday and Thursday at 6 A. M. arriving at. Astoria at 1 P. M. t-An additional trip will be made onSnaday ef Each Wee. leaving Portland at 9 u'ciock atnnuay bhuh tor Sound ports. ASTORIA IRON WORKS. Bkntok Stbekt, Near Pabkks House. ASTORIA. - OREQ02J. GENERAL MACHINISTS AND BOILER MAKERS. LANMMAim&M BoilerWork, Steamboat Work and Cannery Work a spe cialty. OASTITGr , Ofall Descriptions made ta Order at Short Notice. A. D. Wass, President. J. G. Hustlke, Secretary, I. W. Cask, Treasurer. John Fox.Superlntendent. S. ARNDT & EERCHEN, ASTOKIA. - OREGON. The Pioneer Machine Shop BLACKSMITH SHOP axi Boiler Shop All kinds of ENGINE, CANNERY, AXD STEAMBOAT WOEK Promptly attended to. A specialty made of repairing CANNERY DIES, FOOT OF LAFAYETTE STREET. Magnus C. Crosby Dealer In HAM ARE, IRON, ML, Iron Pipe and Fittings, STOVES, TINWARE AND HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS SHEET LEAD STRIP LEAD SHEET IRON, Tin and Copper. Astoria Cooperage. BARRELS AND HALF-BARRELS All Kinds of Cooperage Done. fi-Leave orders with JOHN ROGERS, .Superintendent, at Central Market. GERMANIA BEER HALL AND BOTTLED BEER DEPOT, Chenamus Street, Astoria. The Best of Lager 5 Cts. a Glass. Orders for the Celebrated Columbia Brewery Beer Loft at this placo will be promptly attended to fisrNo cheap San'Francisco Baer sold at this place. Wm. BOCTC. Proprietor. CUNARD STEAMSHIP LINE. WE BKG LEAVE TO ANNOUNCE A ' great reduction In rates over the above well known line. Parlies deslrlnjj toiroio Europe, or wlshlnc to .semi for friends in the old c- untry will find it to their advan tage to purchase tickets over the Cunard Hue. Tickets Issued by us Kod from any part of Europe to Astoria. BOZORTH &JOIIKS, Agents. HEADQUARTERS. FOR Toys, Fancy Goofls, Stationery, CUTLERY. ETC. Fresh Fruit Received Daily A Full Slock of Smokers Ar.iclei. NEW GOODS CONSTANTLY ARRIYINO. CHA$. A. MAY, Cheaaraus street, south side, ont door from Cass. FAST TIME! FaMBgn kj this route connect at Kalama V. M. BVTT, Fmtdm TRANSPORTATION LINES. Oregon Railway & Navigation coMPAjnr. 0CEAX1MV1810S. DsMns the month of October, 18S. Ocean Steauit-rs will sail from Portland to baa Francisco, and from San Francisco o Port land, as follows. leaving Ainworth Dock, Portland, at Midnight, and SpeUr Street Wharf, San. Francisco, at 10 A. m. : From Portland. From San Francisco. Oregon tata oi Cat, Colombia. .. Urejron.... -tata of Cal. Columbia.. ., Oregon atau of Cat. ucti UCl ..Fri 3 State of Cl....Vred 1 .Wed S Columbia Moa S .Mod 13 ! Oregon Sat ..VAt It Mate of L'al....Thnr 16 ...Thur V ...lues 23 Not ..Sun 3 ...t'n '. olumbia Tue Zl Oiegon Mia SS Statu of Cl....Fri 31 Not Colombia Wed S Through. TicketH sold to all principal c ties in the United States, Canada and hurope. RAIL DIVISION. Passenger 'trams leave Portland for East ern points, at 11 :40 A. M. daily. Palhaan Palaca Cam running between Port land, and St. Paul, RJVEK BIYTSIO.Y (Middle Colmnbta). Boats leave Portland for Dalia at r i09 A M. ALSO : Leave Port-i i i land for JMonl Tu. We.Thu. Fri. I Sat. Astoria and I Inv.p Hn-I lumbU....lsAM SAM SAM SAM 6AM SAM uarton, Or.J7AMJ ;;: !ami. AM 7A SAM . . i - i Tacomaand Seattla. daily at lu BA Victoria Steamer do not ran aanaajrs. Iaye Aatoria for Partland at 6 a. m. dailr ex cept Sandar. , C. H. PRESCOTT, A-L. STOKES, Manager. Gsn'l freight and Paaa. Act. KA.NOYKS, Agent Aston. OVERLAND TO CALIFORNIA VIA Oregon & California R. R. And Connectluug, 59 Hours between Portland and San Fram- cbco. Only 21 hi-ur.,' staging. Faro to San Francigeo $82 ; to Sacrawtato S3 Leave Portland at T :30 a. m. daily (except Suuda.) : Arrive at san Francuoo 6-Aup n., Uurd day. Close connections made at Ashland witn the stages of Uio Oregon and Calilur- uia Stage Company. KAUTSIDE D1VJSIOX. Between FOKTLAAD and AUHLAND MAll, TBAUf. LEAVE. ARRIVE, Portland 7 :20A.MlA;li1nn.l 4-i5 l v Aihlaud tf:20 P.M Portland.!!! 4ii r. ar" ALBANY EXPRE88 TRAIN. LEAVE. ARRIVE. Portland 4 :00 r. M.'Lebanou 9 30 p. at Utbauou.. 4 :i5 a. M.IFortuuid... lo :06 a. at Pullman PaLtfiSl.'(n!nif'!;irt.i.a t'nrt-- land Mondays and Thursdays. Returning leaves Ashland Tuesday! ana Fridays. The Ore 'on and f'alirnrnln HnilmuH panv makes connection with all Regular Trains ou Eastslue Division, from ihs foot of F Hi. WESTSIDB UIYISIOX. Betweea PurtlMuU aud Corraliia MAIL TBAKf tLEAVE. ARRIVB. Pnrll!lll(l Q -Yl A ir Pnrmllt .1 .ta .. Cotvallia 8 :30 a" MilPortlandiZa -o r". h" BXPBK33 TKAIIf T.KAVK. iPPTWB Pnrtl'itnl r .m i mlr.lr:K n.. r t t .;"' w -1 ;""" vine o :uu r at McMiniivilie-5:t5 a m I Portland 8 :30 a m Local tickets f orsale, and bag.age checked n.t (TfimiiMnv'a nn tnu.-n nfTIiA .nMiA. w..i T7v r i " uu.t.i, wmgi uiauk and Second sti. ets. Tickets to all the prin- cllilll tininLs in nHfnrniu nn nnlv K ... cured and baggage checked, at the Com- Corner F and Front Sts., Portland, Or. Frcifht will nnt ha raoal.a1 fn ihinm.nt after 5 o'clock p. m. on either the EasUlde or wesisuie Divisions. K.JtUCHLhK, E.P.ROQEB3. Manager. O. FA P. Act l.waco Steam Navigation Go.'s WINTER SCHEDULE. Astoria to Fort Stevens, Fort Canby, and lluaco. Connecting by stages and boats for Oysterville. Montesano and Olympia Until further notice tha nwaco Steam Navigation Co.'s steamer C3-ez3L. HVZJLLejS., W 111 leave Astoria on Mondays, Thursdays, and Saturday (Mondays, Thursdays and Saturdays being uysieriiue auu womesauo mail aays.J at 7 A. K. Ft.Stevens, Ft. Canby and Ilvvaco ox Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Fridayt The steamer will leava Astoria at 9 A. ac.. as formerly, not being conflni strictly t schedule time. Oa Thursday A SECOND TRIP will be made, leaving As toria uiree nuurs aiie r arriving irum llwaco. Faro to Fort Canby and Hwaco, SI 01 "Tickets can be bought at the offlco for 75 cts. tTIlwaco freieht. by tha ton. In lots of one ton or over, $2 per ton. 37 i'ut .Libn.ru, jundgc ui iu.uici ap ply at the office of the company, Gray's wharf, foot of Renton street J.ll. U.UltAx, Agent. COUNTY CORONER J. C. ROSS. UNDERTAKING ROOMS. TnE FINEST AND MOST COMPLETE stock of OFFI.S and CASKETS in the city. Wan-moms three doors above tho iwasonic uan, on niAii oiiwiji .tusiuna, Or. Coroner's office at the same place. Orders from the country given prompt at tention and satisfaction guarante d. Residence. West 7th ami Cedar streets. one block from St. Mary's Hospital. B. B, FRANKLIN Uierlaler aifl CaMiet Mater, SQUEMOQUA STREET, NEXT TO TEE ASTOBIA3T BUILDUT. E7A11 work dona in a skillful manner on short notice at reasonable rates. NOTICE. FROM, AND AFTER OCTOBER IIMT. Ihe Astoria Gas Lieht Co will hrr coniunters af cas J3..V) ner IOTA rnhi. f-S- Consurnirs using 10,00a feet an otk will fe mMUM w n xtfeat f cant. .g. PAQI, "KSBtmninSStK3BKtS!!W!StKtKKmW