C3J tht gaity ggforimt. ASTORIA, OREGON: FRIDAY OCTOBER 31, 18B4 ISSUED EVERY MORNING. (Monday excepted) J. P. HALL.ORAN & COMPANY, PUBLISHERS AKU PltOPKIETORS, ASTORIA.V BUILDING, - - CASShTEKET Terms of Subscription. Served bv Cirrier, per week 5cts. heat by Mail, per mouth C'JcLs. ' " one year ...7.oo Free of postage to subscribers. t" Advertisements inserted by the vcar at the rate of $2 per square per month. " Tran sient advertising fifty cents per square, each Insertion. IVotice To Atlrcrliser. The Astorian guarantees to its ad vertisers the largest circulation of anv newspaper published on the Columbia river. Hon. C. A. McGnire and -wife, of Clat sop, returned yesterdav from a trip to Il linois. The Columbia sailed for San Francisco yesterday. The Ancon arrived in from Alaska and put off 1,000 cases salmon. A Norwegian service -will be held in the Lutheran church, Upper Astoria, next Sunday, Nov 2nd, at o v. si., by Rev. J. Engh, of Portland. The "Weekly Astoriak, in stamped wrappers, ready for mailing, published this morning; full of news and home hap yanings; price ten cents. Those "speeches" that Sonkling was going to make against limine in .New York, have not been heard from up to the hour of going to pres3. Tho Portland board of trade has reap pointed J. E. Shepherd commissioner of immigration for Oregon. He started overland yesterday and will reopen his office in San Francisco. Hon. Rufus Mallory will address the citizens of Astoria on tho political issues of tho day at Occidental Hall at 7:33 this evening. Everyone is invited. Reserved seats for ladies and their escorts. If all goe3 well tho Columbia Trans portation Co.'s new hteamer will bo launched next Monday. Her name is tho Telephone, and those who ought to know say she will go as fast as her name im plies. To-night is "All Hallow e'en." "The word awakens a good many memories of old times," of nights when around the fireside was gathered a merry party of young, folks and old; somo burning nuts, others with a contrivance rigged witlui wheel and a candle so that ho who niiss.d his bite burned his nnsj; others ''bobbing for apples' in a tub; others still holding the undivided interest of their awe-struck listeners with a thrilling "ghost story,'' and all enjoying themselves in their own fashion on the 31st of October, the night when old tradition says that the spirits of the departed walk "the earth and re visit the pale glimpses of the moon. DISORGANIZATION OF SCHOOL DISTRICT 0. 23. The following is self-explanatory: To the Hon. School Superintendent of Clatsop county. Oregon. We, the undersigned voters and resi dents of Clatsop county do respectfully ask that you revoke the petition pre sented to you, dated August 23rd, 1831, asking for a school district to be es tablished, (hero bounded), the same having been misrepresented to us when we signed the petition asking you to es tablish a school district. (Signed by 45 voters and resid ents, in cluding 32 of the names on original peti tion.) In pursuance of a petition now on file in this office, (the above, in substance, being a true copy), and a communica tion from the board of directors of dis trict No. One recommending that said petition be granted, I therefore declare school district No. 23, of Clatsop county, Oregon, disorganized this day, and the territory within boundaries as established September 27th, 18S4, shall by annexa tion, here after be part and parcel of district No. One, as heretofore. And I further more declare that the boundary line of district No. One shall from this date be identically the same as previous to Sep tember 27th, 1834. Given under my hand this 23th day of October, A. D. 1834, at Astoria, Or. J. E. Hioqins, County School Supt. SCANDINAVIANS, TAKE NOTICK. Scandinavian RIainc and Lopan Cluli. Members of this club are requested lo meet at tho Blaine & Logan wigwam to take part in the grand torchlight proces sion with the Astoria Blaine & Logan club on Friday, the 31st inst., to march from the wigwam to upper Astoria. All Scandinavians are cordially invited lo attend, Musio, fireworks, transparent banners and good fellowship will be tho order of the evening. Come one, come all, for Blaine and Logan. By order of E. B. HorF, President. August Dakielson, Secretary. REAL ESTATE TRANSACTIONS. F. M. Sweet to A. Holm and J. Gertula, 1C0.4C acres and 151. 29 acres, sec 33, T 9 N, K 7 "W; $1,400. S. D. Adair and wife to Jno, Adair, Jr., lots 7 and 8, blk 02, Adair's Astoria, 700. Jno. Adair and wife to Jno. Adair, Jr., lots 2, 7 and 8, blk 22, Adair's Astoria; 1,000. C. W. Fulton and wife to A. A. Douglas tract of land on east shore of Smith's lake, $150. Henry Braillier and wife to A. A. Doug las, tract of land on Smith's lake; 02. From the Far North. The steamer Ancon fired a noonday gun yesterday, arriving in from Alaska with a large freight and passenger list. The greater proportion of her passengers form a party from whom it is learned that they have all averaged pretty well up there this season. There is a big company working a ledge on Douglas Is land that is paying handsome returns. Mining operations are also active at Ju neau city. Some of the miners had specimens of the gold with them. It is said that the mines have paid as high as $10 a day per man last summer. The next season will doubtless seo a rush to the gold fields of the north, I lVonld Say To niy patrons and the general public that I have engaged the services of a first class Chicago cntter; that I have on hand the finest stock of both foreign and do mestic cloths, cassiraeres and beavers; that I can make the best fitting suit for the least price in this city; and that I make a specialty in Chinchilla beaver sack coats and vests, which are all the fashion this fall. M. D. Kant, the Boss Merchant Tailor and Clothier. REPUBLICAN KAIXY I Oeme One, Come All, and Hoar tho Truth. The Hon. .Rufus Mallory speaks at Occidental Hall to-night There will be a Grand Torchlight Procession, gathering at the Blaine and Logan lub at 7 :30 p.m. Let every true Republican fall in Hue and escort the speaker to the Hall. Committee. OgHvie's Popular Headings No. 11 just received at Adler's Crystal Palace. At the New Tork Novelty Store just received No. 11 of Ogilvie's Popular Bladings. SPEECH OF X. D. FEXTO.V Delivered at Occidental Hall Last ETenlns. Hon. "W. 1). Fenton, Democratic candi date for presidential elector, spoke at Occidental Hall last evening. He was introduced to the audience by Dr. T. T. Cabauiss. Mr. Fenton said: "As a preliminary, I must crave your indulgence and ask for your undivided attention I have can vassed tho greater portion of "Western Oregon, and now at the close of the can vass I find my voice a little impaired." 'Two years ago I had the honor of representing the Democratic parly U3 its standard bearer in the congressional con test. I then had tho pleasure of address ing you, and since that time have seen no city in the state that shows as marked and material progress as your beautiful city, the second city in Oregon.' 'I am not here to abuse those who dif fer from me on political questions. I wish to treat my political opponents with the utmost courtesy. I have no quarrel with any one, but wish to present to you some of tho reasons that I in common with so many of my fellow citizens ad vocate the principles of the Democratic party." 'The Democratic party has a right to the utterance of its doctrines. Let us seo a few of the reasons why we should, next Tuesday, vote for the Democratic candidates for president and vice-president. It isn't necessary to talk to Dem ocratic voters. Republicans should think, weigh, and make up their minds." Tho newspapers had roviled public men enough. Tho speaker wanted to bo fair and impartial. He would criticise polit ical opinions, not in malice but in fair ness. Ho imputed dishonesty to no one. He wanted it understood that it was not motives but nets; not what men might have meant, but what they did do. Mr. Fenton then asked what was it that called tho Republican party into ex istence. It might be said that it was in the spirit of Abraham Lincoln, when at Springfield, Illinois, he said "This coun try cannot exist half slave or half free." this was the question; human slavery. Ho wanted to know if they were afraid human slavery was going to be restored. Lincoln had liberated 4,000,000 slaves in 18G3: the XIV and XV amendments to the constitution had ratified tho eman cipation proclamation; that mittcrhad all been settled by tho dread arbitration of war. It might, be said that the fault of the war rested upon Democratic shoul ders. Ho would answer that by citing the existence in New England of slavery in early days. Recrimination is no ar gument. His party would share tho full measure of responsibility, and agree with the Republican party that slavery was dead. Let the dead rest. So. thought Mr. Fenton. however much glory might have existed in the days of rebellion, that had all passed awpy: there was no longer reason for giving it other than a thought of regret for the bravo men who had fought and died for what they deemed to be the right. Ho would ask Republicans if they were still afraid of secession. Everyone knew that this is now an indissoluble union of indestructible states. Upon this there is no controversy except that Democrats upheld state sovereignty and Republicans declared for the centralization of power. Tho Republican party platform of 18G0 was for state sovereignty. Now, twenty four years after, it is different. The seeds of disunion were born in New England in 1814 and there was tho cradle of seces sion. But in this also tho Democratic party was willing to take its share of the responsibiity. That also is a dead issue. What is the next question that Republi cans would seem anxious to argue? Tho Democratic party was charged with preventing a popular vote in the south in 1876. Wo never hear thoso charges till a presidential year. He would ask this question. Why haven't the Republic ins for tho last twenty-two years of owr managed or so arranged that it is diiferent? Public opinion com pelled Hayes in 187G to withdraw the troop3 froin the southern states. Major ities always rule, and if tho majority of voters in Georgia wanted to vote the Re publican ticket they would do it. The south exported twico as much cotton now as in slavery days and was doing well; was peaceful and prosperous. They wanted an honest ballot and wouldn't "bulldoze" or "suppress" any votes. It was only tho talk of a demagogue. Why weren't troops sent down south to insure a free ballot if there was any need to do it? United States marshals wero armed on the 14th inst. in Cincinnati, and men had been killed. Had the thing been re versed; had that happened in the south we wouldn't have heard the last of it this campaign. When Frank Burton, the president of the La Crosse Blaine and Logan club, was killed the other day and his murderer was immediately lynched, every cne felt that the act was in a meas ure justified. Had that happened in the south there would have bseu a different version put on the story. Mr. Fenton cited imaginary Republic an arguments and answered tho ob jections as he brought them up. He al lowed that Republicans might want to say that they would vote for Blaine and liogan anyhow; that they didn't care for dead issues; that they saw that prohib ition would be the question, and that they were going to voto for Blaine and Logan anyhow. Blaine wouldn't vote for or against prohibition at the last Maine election. Ho had a right to do it. mu speaker k:uu, due ne mouguc nis mo tive was bad. He was afraid that he would lose the votes of German Repub licans in Ohio. But Republicans might say that they wouldn't vote for Cleve land and Hendricks because tho Demo cratic party was very hungry, and very thirsty, and very gaunt. The" Democrats were charged with being the originators of tho policy, "To tho victors belong the spoils." Andrew Jackson was said to bo the author of that, and he had discharged a lot of officials to make room for Demo cratic officials, but there were 120,000 Re publican office-holders to-day, and the Republicans had proved to bo apt pupils of the Democracy in the matter of look ing out for the tilling of all places by party men. Mr. Fenton is a relative of John A. Logan's wife; had ho been a rolativo of Logan's, doubtless ho would bo able to have an office. Perhaps, oven as it was; had ho only reminded Gen. Logan that he was a relative of his wife, that ho might bo able to get an office anyhow. Mr. Fenton asked his hearers to claim in argument that Democrats own half of the United States, and was the friend of tho poor man against the rich, and on that fact it based its claim to its right to live. The government was now collecting 100,000,000 annually more than it was spending and this surplus revenue, Blaine thought, should be divided among the states according to their population. Mr. Fenton thought that if that would work well it would bo a good idea to tax the people to death and ssnd the taxes to Washington, and then pension every man, woman and child in tho United States. Mr. Fenton thought that one act was as indicative of good statesman ship as the other. The tariff for manu factures was onerous. He had been told that Astoria paid a tax of 100,000 to a New Jersey manufacturer on thread from which nets were made. It was on ly the manufacturers that wanted a pro tective tariff and that measure had no right to continue. Men with shirt studs as large as the headlight of a locomotive were in Washington every session of congress wining and dining congressmen in the interest of tariff, and they were doing it for a purpese: they wanted a continuance of the tariff because it was profitable. If it wasn't for tho tariff man could get a great many things cheaper than now. If it wasn't for the tariff men in Astoria wouldn't aave to pay $1.00 or $1.10 a pound for twiDe, when it could be bought for sev enty cents a pound on Frazer river. Thero was no protective tariff on labor. With tho exception of China, the laborer, the world over, was a freo trader. The speaker claimed that tho exclusion of Chincso was a Democratic measure nnd that tho Republican congressmen that had voted for it, Blaine included, only happened to bo right when they had voted for the bill excluding Chinese from this coast. On tho question of land. grants, Mr. Fenton challenged anv one to show that Grover Cleveland was in favor of railroad corporations which had become rich by land grants unearned, and amassed wealth by injustice to tho people. Ho thought that in this regard Blaine's rec ord would not bear equal inspection. Mr. Fenton arraigned Blaine for his action when the Thurman bill came up for con gressional action in April, 1878. and charged that tho record showed a desire on the part of Blaine to aid tho corpora tions in their effort to defeat the just claims of the government. He also cited the coming appointment of four justices of tho supreme court of the United States and claimed that it was a part of the plans of the monopolists to help elect Blaine and have such men appointed on tho supreme bench as would be useful to tho corporation capitalists. Mr. Fenton recalled the Mitchell senatorial contest and charged that tho railroad companies when they found that they couldn't elect Mitchell, elected J. N. Dolph. He also cited the action of Congressman George in the matter of the Astoria land grant, and asserted that both Dolph and George were working in the interest of the cor porations. The speaker closed with the prophecy that if every Democrat did his duty that Oregon's electoral vote would be cast for Cleveland and Hendricks, and thanking bis audience for their close attention and evident attention to his remarks he bade them good night. After three cheers for Cleveland and Hendricks and three more for the speaker, tho meeting adjourned. The Astobian' compliments Mr. Fenton by the 'assertion that ho made tho finest spoech that has been uttered in Occidental hall this campaign. flLAINE IN NEW YORK CITV. He H a Talk With the Minister. New Yoiie, Oct, 2D. At 10 o'clock this morning the gentlemen's parlor at Fifth Aveuno hotel was filled with clergymen of various denominations, who had gath ered to meet Mr . Blaine. Fivo minutes later Rev. Dr. James King called the assemblage to order nnd Rot. Dr. Bur chard was chosen chairman and Rev. Dr. McArihur secretary. The exact number of clergymen present is variously esti mated at from 200 to 1,000. Many were from other points and wero unknown here. Dr. King presented the following resolutien: First That wo believe tho triumph of the principles of tho Republican party is essential to the welfaro of tho country and the preservation of the results of the late civil strife, and, consequently, that tho election of its representatives, in the persons of Blaine and Logan, is impera tive. Second That we believe in purity of personal character of the standard bear ers, and also believo in their trained ca pacity as statesmen to meet the claims of the high offices for which they aro in nomination. Third That we protest against the coronation of conceded impurity, as rep resented by the head of the Democratic ticket, and while we deplore tho necessi ty wo do not evade the responsibility of declaring our judgment to tho world of this insult to Christian civilization em bodied in such nomination for the presi dency of tho republic. Fourth That we are opposed to putting a premium on disloyalty, as pre sented by the candidate for the vice presidency of the Democratic party. Fifth That we exhort all well mean ing and loyal citizens, regardless of party, when purity is at stake, not, by voting for the prohibition candidate, to cast half a vote for the domocratio candidate, with a semi-sanction of impurity and dissipation, nor to cast a whole vote for the man whose name is now a conspic uous synonym for incapacity and incon tinence. Sixth That wo exhort our fellow citi zens to cast one vote for virtue in the home, for protection, for the rights of the humblest citizens at homo and abroad, for protection for American in dustries, for tho settlement of inter national differences by arbitration, for war against polygamy, for decent treat ment of the Indians, for preservation of tho results of the wars of the revolution and of tho rebellion, and for every sacred interest of our beloved country, by vot ing the Republican ticket at the ensuing election. biaine's bksponss. Mr. Chairman and Rev. Gentlemen: This is altogether a very remarkable assemblage; remarkable beyond any of which I havo known in tho history of political contests in the United States, and it does not need my personal assur ance that you should know that I am very deeply impressed by it. I do not feel that I am speaking to'these hundreds of men merely. I am speaking to groat congregations, nnd the great religious opinion which is behind them, and as they represent great Christian bodies, I know and I realize tho full weight of that which you say to me, and of the influ ence which you tender to me. Were it to me personally, I confess that I should bo overcome by the compliment nnd weight of confidence which it carries, but 1 know that it is extended to me as the representative of the party whoso creed and whose practices uro in harmony with the churches. Tho Republican party from its very outset stood" unon the im pregnable platform of opposition to the extension of slavery, and stood upon that platform till it was drifted by tho hostil ity it provoked into the larger assertion of national sovereignty, and thence into a bloody conflict to maintain it. the tariff question. From that onward, I defy any man to point to a singlo measuro of the Republi can party which could not challenge the approbation of a Christian minister and tho approval of God, and when, as one reverend speaker has said, "I narrowed tho issue when I spoke of it coming down to a question of tariff,' I did not mean to exclndo therefrom (I could not mean that) tho great history of the party, which is its wealth andfereed, and which gives to you and to all that stands be hind you tho assurance that whatever is sue it attempts to enforce it will do it in good faith. They can no more separate a pariy irom its nisiory man you can separate a man from his character and when the great verdict of public opinion is read it takes into account tho origin, progress, measures and character of a party, and tho character of its public men. What I mean by saying that the tariff was the conclusive issue, was that it steps to the front, not in tho exclusion of a thousand other important issues, but for this critical occasion; and at the close of this great campaign it stands forth as tho issue which represents bread to the hungry, clothing to naked, and prosperity to tho entire people. And the tariff is therefore merely a national is sue, distinct and separate from the great moral issue. As I have said before to western audiences, I say here: You can not impress a man, if he is hungry, with any other thought than that he shall be fed; you can not impress a man, if he is naked, with any other thought than that he shall be clothed; and therefora that public policy and that statesmanship is the highest and best that attonds to the primal needs of human nature first, and says: Here is bread for tho hungry, and hero is clothing for the naked." A&EBICAX PBOSPEHITT XT ETAKX. The tariff, which protects the Ameri can laborer in bis wages, tho American capitalist in his investments, and the in ventive talent of the country in its enter prise is the issue which lies at th Tory foundation of the prosperity of the Amer ican people, nnd the very foundation of the success of tho Christian religion. When you send out ycur missions to des titute places you clothe little naked chil dren and give them food as the first step. Therefore I repeat that the groat conflict of 1881 closes with the people of the United States standing face to face in tho two parties, saying whether they will adhere to that policy of protection which has trebled tho wealth of the United States in twenty years, or whether they will abandon it and return once moro to the failing theory of freo trade. "Nev er." It involves other issues, too. No nation can grow so powerful sis the Unit ed States has grown and is growing with out continually enlarging its relations with other nations. As these relations become so enlarged they become compli cated, and therefore the foreign policy of tho United States goes right along with its domestic policy, supplements and compliments it, and we cannot, in any affair of our destiny al our policy separate one iruui iuu omer. TN CONCLUSION. Now, gentlemen of the church, I ad dress an earnest worn 10 you. The policy of tho United States, in the past and in the future, must be one of broad," liberal, Christian principles, and in that policy it must be one, in my judgment, which draws nearer within tho circle of the sympathies of the United States those other struggling republics of North and South America, which will bring them first into trade relations, and then into close personal and moral relations; nnd I believe that we shall not only have that great gain that comes from intercourse, but wo shall enlarge this civilization of tho Anglo-Saxon until its limit shall in clude the most southern point of the continent. I did not intend, in accept ing and acknowledging the great sense of obligation I feel for this honor, to go into a prolonged political speech. I have but indicated two leading points, which, I think, are involved in the pending elec tion. It only remains for me to say to you that I recognize at its full worth, and its full worth is very great, the meaning of this assemblage. Wo havo no union of church and state, but wo havo proved that tho church is stronger without the state, nnd wo have proved that no state can be strong without the church. Let us go forward as we havo gone, the state growing and strengthening bj the exam ple of tho church, and tho church grow ing and strengthening by liberal co-operations with all groat reforms, which it is tho immediate province of government to forward and improve. Gentlemen, I thank yon again, and bid yon a very cor dinl good morning. Mr. Blaine was then greeted with three ringing cheers, and Rev. Dr. McArthur called for and led in threo equally hearty cheers for Mrs. Blaine. Mr. Blaine then descended to tho foot of the stairs, and for some timo remained shaking hands with tho clergymen who had visited him. INDICTED FOR RRIRERY. J. A. Chapman, mayor of this city, was yesterday indicted by tho grand jury of Multnomah county for the crime of bri bery, and just before court adjournod in the afternoon ho was brought in nnd ad mitted to bail in the sum of 1000. Lu zerne Be3ser, who was concerned in the same crime, has also been indicted, but ha3 not yet appeared in court to furnish bonds, nor is ho yet in jail. A common chicken thief Wcu d not have been sh wn so much courtesy. But parhaps the coun ty officials think as a gentleman said when ho first heard of the indictment. "There's no use of putting Bes3er under bonds; yon" couldn't drive him out of town." "Tho indictments recite the facts of the infunous contract between Chap man and Besser, whertin the latter agreed that the former should receive certain sums of money for the giving out of cer tain offices after his election to tho may oralty. The publication of this infamy thirteen months ago by the Oregonxan has at last borne fruit. Tho long delay is not a very flattering comment upon the swiftness with which justico and the laws are administered in this section, at least so far as regards malfeasance in po sitions of public trust Oregonxan, 30. Itucltleii's Arnica Salrc. The Best Sai.vi: in the world for Cuts, Unices, Sores.UIciTS, Salt Rheum. Fcvit Sores. Tetter, Chapprd Hands. Chilblains. Corns, and all Skin E!U lions, and positively cures Piles, or im pay required. It is guaranteed to giv perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For salts by W. E. Dement & Co. FrcnU Eastern and Shoal water liny Oyter Constantly on hand, cooked to any style at Frank Fabre's. Great Auction Sale Of Suits, Cloaks, Ulsters. Jackets, etc., commences Thursday, Oct. 30th, at 10 o'clock, at Pi Igor's Branch. Come early and secure bargains. Toadies Take A'oticc That our entire stock will be sold at auction, sale taking place every dav, beginning at 10 a. m. at Pilgcr's Branch, next Rescue Engine House. Girl Wanted To do Housework in a small family. Apply to Bozoktk & .Jonxs. Ike Jlusic Box At P. Blankholm's Cigar Store will be raffled to-night, (Wednesday), 8 o'clock. All those having chances will please be on hand. A few more chances lett JEFF Gives meals for 25 cents, as big as the mammoth pumpkin on exhibition in front of his restaurant. Go and sec it. Home for Children. Mrs.Wajnicr, whose residence is next to C. . Fulton's, is now prepared to take entire charge of a limited number of children. Every attention paid the little ones, and any one leaving their child with Mrs. Wagner may be sure that it will receive a mother's care. what: Do Yon Think thnt 'JcfF of The Chop House Gives you a meal for nothing, and a glass of something to drink? "Not muuui out ne gives a oetter meat ana more of it than any place in town for a crnis. ne buys by the wholesale and pays cash. "That settles it" Board at JcfFs. The best in America. S20.00 a month. CKOW Does not make anv second-class Pic tures at his New Gallery, No. Gltf, on the Roadway. For a Scat Fitting Boot Or Shoe, ro to P. J. Goodmans, on Che namus street, next door to I. W. Case. All coods of the uest make and guaran teed quality. A full stock; new goods constantly arriving. Custom work. At Frank Fabre's. . Board for S22.50 a month. The hest in the city. Dinner from 5 to 7. Rooms to Let. Furnished or unfurnkhed. suitable for housekeeping, at Mrs. Twilight's. Fifteen hundred numbers of Lovell's Library and ten mail sacks full of other tine reading matter just received at Ad ler's Crystal Palace. 'Fpranice, iucy steak cooked on the broiler, go to Frank Fabrc. For Dinner Parties to order, at short notico, go to Frank Fabre's. - . Buy your Lime of Grayat Portland pricM. - MQ POISON IN THE PASTRY IF exIjbaqts "Tanllln, lemon. Orange, etc, flavor Cokes, Creams, Faddists, cc, as dell catcly and naturally as the frnlt from which they uro made. For Strength and True Fruit Flavor They Stand Alone. PREPARED BYTH2 Price Baking Powder Co., Chicago, III. St. Louis, Mo. makers or Dr. Prices Cream Baking Powder AID Br. Price's lupulin Yeast Gems, Sect Dry Hop Teiut. FOR SALEBYGROCERa "WK MAKE BUT 02iE QUALITY. HEALTHY BREAD. Jfifr YEASIGIMS. The oeat dry hop yeast In the world. Bread raised by this yoaat is light.whlta and wholeqoma Itko our grandmother's delicious bread. GROCERS SELL THEM. PREPARED BY THK Price Baking Powder Co., MTrsol Dr. Price's special Fteionni Extracts, Chicago, III. St. Louis, Mo. Of either sex admitted to tho PORTLAND BUSINESS COLLEGE Oa any week-day of tho xca- The Colli'so Journal, containing in formation of the course of study, rate. of tuition, board, examination, etc., and cuts of plain and ornamental penman ship, free. Address. A. 1 ARMSTRONG, Lock Box 104. Poutlamd, On. tfS-In writing, please mention this paper. LKl.VEXWKBKK. ji. Hitnn Leinenweber & Co.. E3TABI.TSHKD 1SW. ASTORIA, OItEGO MHEBS AM) CHERRIES, Manufacturers and Importers of all kinds of LEATHER AM MM Wholesale Dealers In OIL AND TALLOW. ffHIIIghest cash price paid for Hides and Tallow. H. B. PARKER UKAI.BR IN Hay, Oats, nnd Straw, LIME Brick. Cement, and Sand. Wood Oelivored to Order. Draymg, Teaming, and Express Business DEALER IX WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS. FIRST. CLASS. For Sale. ONE HOUSE AND LOT IN ALDER brook. For particulars Inquire of dw THOMES&KNOWLES. HAS RETURNED. T 1. liEATIIKKS HAS RETURNED J and is ready to turn out some line fish ing boats for the river. Shop on the beach between Kinney's and Elmore's canneries. Notice. LL OUTSTANDING WARRANTS DUE A. by the city of Astoria will be paid by the Citv Treasurer at bis office, on aud after to-day." Interest ceases from this date. .1. 0. HUSTLER. City Treasurer, Astoria, Oct. 25. 1RR4. Roscoe Dixon's new eating house is now open. Everything has been fit ted up in first-class style, and hi-, well known reputation as a caterer assures all who like good things to eat, that at his place they can be accommodated. Foi Dyspep3iaandLiver Complaint, you have a printed guarantee on every bottle of Sntloh's Vital izer. It never fails to cure. Sold by W. E. Dement. Buy a Ball's coiled spring elastic, sec tion cor.et, and if after wearing it for three weeks it does not give you satis faction in every respect, we shall re turn you your money. Prael Bros. For a good bath, pleasant shave, or shampoo, go to the City Baths, corner Squemoqua and Olney streets. Joe. G. Chakteks, Prop. All the patent medicines advertised in this paper, together with the choicest Eerfumery, and toilet articles, etc-can e bought at the lowest prices, at J. W. Conn's drug store, opposite Ociden hctel, Astoria. Ball's coiled spring elastic, section corset. For sale only at the Empire Store. Boston Baked Beans and Brown Bread every Sunday at JefTs from 5. a.m. to 2 p. m. - Ball's coiled spring elastic, section corset, combines elegance, strength and durability. For sale only at th Em pire Stare. V LIGHT V Wrf. & 1 1 tkyttjaLy G. H. COOPER! OPENING Cloak Department! Having Received direct from Eastern and San Fran cisco Manufacturers an Immense Stock of Tall and Win ter Cloaks, We would respectfully submit, the same for inspec tion to the Ladies of Astoria, and of surrounding districts Ladies purchasing from us can rely on getting EX CLUSIVE DESIGNS of the Latest and Most Fashionable Garments in the Market. We desire to impress on the Ladies that our Stock of Cloaks are NEW, STYLISH, and FASHIONABLE, of Cut and Finish superior to anything ever shown in Asto ria. PRICES LOWER THAN EVER. THE Leading Dry Goods and Clothing House OF AS-rORXA. G. H. COOPER, Pythian Building, - - Astoria, Oregon. Giving Up Business ! ! Our entire stock comprising the very latest styles in Ready-made Suits, Cloaks, Ulsters, DRY GOODS and FANCY GOODS, Will be Disposed of by Auction ! There will be no Reserve ! EVERYTHING MUST GO ! ! Call early and secure bargains. Cloaks that sell at from $10 to 815 sold for from $2 to $4. Sale BBffins Tlmrsflay, Oct. 30, at 10 A.M., ePILGER'S Next to Rescue m k wmxm FALL STOCK OF -CLOTHING! -A LARGE Overcoats, Novelties in Neck Wear, Hats and Furnishing Goods. SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO Fin Merino and all Wool Hosiery. 2Thc NEWEST PATTERNS in SUITINGS made up in the LATEST STYLES. Iiow Prices ! D. .&. . --T TMlft4iBClotutr,tH&tferandGQnts u -- AT- BRANCH, Engine House. STOCK OF- 'SH, I ts7 Furnisher I McIITTOSH