-?&?' I) U gmtt IMtoran. ASTORIA, OREGON: FRIDAY. OCTOBER Bl 1884 NOT VERY LIKELY. With considerable venom and ac rimony in the present presidential campaign has been mingled a good deal of fun, affording occasion for considerable hilarity to those on the back seats. And now at the eleventh hour comes My Lord Eoscoe Conk ling, Bometimes senator from New York, and would-be dictator of the Empire state. The latest is an alleg ed intent on the part of Boscoe Oonk ling to talk in New York in oppo sition to Blaine's candidacy. Eighteen months ago he predicted Republican defeat in the presidential lection of 1884, and ascribed the de feat to Eepublican repudiation of him and his counsels. He also in formed a sorrowing publio that the defeat of Grant and the third term idea in 1880 had "set the country back ten years." Mr. Coukling spoke then, and speaks now, with the natural asperity of a man who knows that he will figure in our political history solely as the baffled leader of a conspiracy against the sound traditions of the government and the convictions of the country, and as a great man guilty of childish folly. During Grant's second administra tion the influence of Conkling and his crowd was supreme. The result was so great that the country lost confidence in the Eepublican party, and that party was only saved in 1876 by a nomination which implied Eepublican determination to pursue a different policy. As it was, the election was only decided by a vote of eight to seven in the electoral commission, Mr. Conkling holding his nose in the lobby and disdainfully absenting himself from his seat. The Eepublican administration that followed restored confidence in the party, and the action of the Chicago oonvention in 18S0, in which my lord Eoscoe attempted to drive the party to return to the era which had been condemned, and to return by the overthrow of a most cherished and wise tradition, showed so plainly the total prostration of the system that he then and there represented and the thorough emancipation of the party from its control that Eepubli can success in November, 1880, was ignal and decisive. Tins equally ignal success of Grover Cleveland in the New York election of 1882 was due to the Eepublican apprehension that the methods and politics asso ciated with the name of Eoscoe Conk ling were resuming control of the party. It was an emphatic warning that Eepublican cohesion and suc cess in New York or out of New York were impossible so long as counsels which had discredited and almost ruined the party were tolerated in its control. In a word, the Eepublican party de clined in '76, under the fear that his system would be successful; it won in 1830 in the belief that he was beaten out of sight; it lost in 1882 under the apprehension that he was again "get ting his work in." His advocacy of a measure is the signal for its defeat Mr. Conkling is a man of great parts: he is a statesman who wrap ped his mantle around his noble So man figure, withdrew from the coun sels of his country and left that unhappy country to its fate because he couldn't dictate who should be collector in the New York custom house. But despite all Conkling is a high minded man and though smarting from Blaine's caustic speech of five years ago it is not likely that he will take the stump against the man from Maine during the last days of the presidential fight. The contest for the presidency, says the Oregonian, is now virtually narrowed down to New York, where it has taken the form of a struggle for and against the policy or princi ple of protection to American labor and American manufactures. This is the final aspect of this extraordinary campaign. Multitudes indeed are voting against the historical character of the Democratic party and the at titude of the solid south; and so long as that party is before the country and the south maintains its sectional attitude, so long will their votes go in against both. With the great massl of Eepublicans this is the main issue. But a supplementary issue is made upon protection, and New York is the state in which it is to be fought out It is a conflict between the importing and manufacturing interests of the country. The feature of the recent elec tions in Germany has been the enormous increase of the social democratic vote in Berlin and other cities. The strength of that party in the next German parlia ment "will probably be double that in the last It shows the complete fail ure of the repressive measures under taken for splitting the reichstag into many sections, and renders the hopes of the government of attaining any grat majority very improbable. Official advices from Pekin have reached the Chinese embassy and have communicated to Earl Gran ville, British secretary of .foreign af fairs. These advices state that the Chinese government is advene to any mediation between that country and France. THE PROBABLE VOTE. The total population of the "OV ' States, as given in the census o' taken June 1st of that year, v. 155,783. The vote at the presi . election of that year was according to the Tribune Almanac, 9,219,917, and according to the American Al manac, 9,210,970. A writer in .the American, recently published C. W. Ernst undnrtakes to calculate from those figures the probable vote of 188i, and his results are interesting to all who care to forecast the result of the next election. Two elements of increase must be taken into account in estimating the population in any year after the cen sus, the natural increase and the ad ditions by immigration. The number of the latter is known pretty ac curately and the rate of the former has been shown, by calculations cov ering past -years, to be about 2 per cent a year. Estimating on this basis the population of the United States on November 1, 1884, will be 57,712, 366, of which a little over 1,000,000 will be in the territories. Assuming 56,500,000 as the probable population of the states on that date, a simple proportion gives a little over 10,400,- 000 as the Drobable vote, or about one to every 5.4 inhabitants. These figures do not represent the number of qualified electors in the states, but only those who will proba bly cast their ballots. The males of voting age in the states numbered 12,571,437 when the last census was taken, and' will number 14,000,000 in November. This gives an allowance of almost 40 percent for the1, stay-at-home vote." If it be objected that the increase thus figured out is erroneous because immigrants just landed cannot vote, it may be answered that such persons could not vote in 1880, and the same proportion of population to voters is preserved in this estimate. Further, the qualifi cations for suffrage vary bo much in different states that it is almost im possible, except in the most general way, to estimate the increase of the vote from immigration. A foreigner in Indiana may vote after he has lived six months in the state and de clared his intention of becoming an American citizen. A foreigner in Ehode Island can never vote at all unless he acquires real estate. It is altogether likely that each of the great parties will poll somewhere in the neighborhood of 5,009,000 votes. If General Bufler and Mr. St John draw off a million between them, the party that gets 5,000,000 or over will win, unless heavy majorities in a minority of states and light majori ties in a majority of states put the popular plurality on the side of the candidate who has the minority of electoral votes, as has already hap pened more than once in our history. Ohio isn't alone in preparing the way for Blaine's election. New Jer sey also casts an anchor to windward in that behalf. In the charter elec tion in Newark the Eepublicans gained the day by a majority of 1,651 a gain over last year of 2,287; and Hancock's plurality over Garfield in the state four years ago was only 2,010. The English authorities at Moroc co are accused of inciting the natives against the French. French journals urge the government to take ener getic measures. It is reported that an ironclad has been ordered to pro ceed from Toulon to Tangier, to act for the protection of Frenoh inter ests. The report that Sir John McDon ald has secured a subsidy for a line of steamers to connect with the Can adian Pacific and ply between British Columbia and Japan, lacks con firmation. Betting in London is reported to be two to one in favor of Blaine. NEW TO-DAY. The Weekly Astorian OUT In Wrappers ready for Hailing. Price. -.- Ten Cents. House to Rent. TW"INE KOOMS : GOOD LOCATION! - xuiiuire oi W.B.HEADINUTON. For Rent. rilHE STOKE ON MAIN STREET. FORM- . vii J uwtuuicu UV X1.1AJCU. Inquire of C. BOELLING. For Sale. T WELLING HO OSE AND TWO LOTS -r iiou Kiuu nouse m eooa repair. Inquire of BOZORTH& JOHNS. Tax Notice. fllHtS UEUlttWUBNT TAX LIST OF jl. property in Astoria acnooi District No Oiiehas been placed in my hands and s -warrant Issued lor its collection. All par ties knowiac themselves delinquent are no lfied that the same Is now due and pay able at my office without further notice. W. G. BOSS, Ex-offlcloTar Collector. Astoria, Oct. 37th, 1881. TO FISHERMEN. 2000 FOUNDS BARBOUR'S BEST web. 45-mesn. lor sale at a liberal discount. Apply to Astoria Packing Co. Astoria, Sept. 1st, ISM. Stockholders' Meeting. TWOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THATTHE Jjy annual meeting of the Stockholders of the Washington Packing Co. will be held at the company's office, at or near the city of Astoria, Clatsop County, Oregon, on Wedues- u.i, luoaw ua; vu. iiuicuiuer, loot, in. one o'clock p. m., for the purpose of electing f re directors, and transacting such other business as mar lecr&llv mr before tha meeting. By order of the board of directors. J. W. GKARHART, Secretary. Astoria, Octebtr ?rd, iim. Wheeler & Kipp, PRACTICAL " late Gas ail Stem Fitters ALL WORK Varranted, and Estimates Given. FULL STOCK Iron and IjuI Pipe. Batli Ttibh, Water Closet, and ia Fixtures. Chimney Pipe, Cheaper than Brick. JOBBING PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. Corner Squemoqua and Hamilton Streets, Astoria. Oregon, W. E. DEMENT & CO. DRUQGrXSTS. ASTORIA, - - OKEGON Carry in Stock, DRUGS, CHEMICALS, TOILET and FANCY ARTICLES. Prescriptions carefully Compounded ASTORIA Best BItEAn in the City, Best CAMMES, Best CAKES and PASTRY, Best ICE CREAM, Finest Ornamental Work to Order. ED. JACKSON. Caraahan & Co. SUCCESSORS TO 1. W. CASE, LMPORTKHS AND WHOLESALE AND Kb' TAIL DEALERS IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE oruer CuenHmus and Cass strrets. ASTORIA - - - OKEGON The Gem Saloon. The Popular Resort for Astorians. For the Finest of Wines and Liquors Go to THE GEM SALOON. ALEX. CAMPBELL, - - PROPRIETOR DIBBER s T 0 RE Rubber Iluntlnz Boots, Coals, lints, Cnpft, Cosxnnien, vie. Xuhbrr, Leather and Cotton Iteltinz, rack Ins, Hotc etc. PRESTON, NOTT & CO., 164, First Street, Portland, Or. ASTORIA LIQUOR STORE, AUG. DANIELSON, - Proprietor. RcbBlItand Refitted. Throughout The Best of WIXE8.IilO.ITOftS, AXI CIGARS, For a Good Cigar, call for one of "Danielson's Best." Comer West 8th and Water Streets, Astoria. n9-6ra Oysters ! Oysters ! AT FRANK FAB RE'S. REDUCED PRICES. Oysters to Order, - - 23 cents Fried Oysters, - - - 35 cents FRANK FABRE, PROPRIETOR. WM. EDGAR, Dealer in Cigars, Tobacco and Cigarettes Meerschaum and Brier Pipes, GENUINE ENGLISH CUTLERY Revolvers and Cartridges. CORNER MAIN AND CIIENAMUS STS. II. D. NEWBURT. I. STKVEXS. t CITY HOOK STORE, Have Just received a mammoth stock of Books. The vouiur and old. nnh nml nnnr can all be accommodated. AGENTS FOR THE Kranlch JL Bach and Jlandsfeldt A Xetni Piano and 1Ventern Cottage Organs, Orders for all kinds of Music or Instru ments will be promptly filled. Astoria Cooperage. BARRELS AHDHALF-BARRELS All Kinds of Cooperage Done. 3S7f.,.rdera VUn J0HN ROGERS, Superintendent, at Central Market. Good Building Lots ALDERBROOK, ForSaleatLow Rates. Apply to IiYXAN C. K1XV1 liYXAN C. KtSXEY, At office of Clatsop Mill Company, HI Companv, on the Roadway. Rooms to Rent. 8 EVEN ROOMS SUITABLE FOR HOTJSE atu!teSfe!,nthe buslness Cfct; apply Picked Up. o tK THE FORT STEVENS BEACTT hook, etc. In boat. Owner can have herbv appylng to Thos. Stantteld, Astoria-or John Staufleld, Ft. Stevens. "3lua- or Astoria, Oct. 18, ISM. Miry Slew arpetsi Garpe We be;; to call the attention of the public to our latest importation, direct from Eastern iiinmilarturfr. of the largest invoice of OAliPETs ever offered for sale in this city, comprising all grades, from the FINEST BODY BRUSSELS In the Newest Tints and Shades.. To the lowest priced article In this line. "We are determined to dispose of our stock of Carpets within the next four weeks, and to that end offer special Inducements, precluding the possibility of Being Undersold by any or oar Competitors. -IN THE Furniture and House Furnishing Xine We can show you the very BEST GOODS at BOTTOM FIGURES, anil shall be pleased to receive a call for Inspection whether you purchase or not. CHAS. HEILBORN. New Establishment! mmvf pbic FURNITURE, FURNISHING GOODS, Garpets, Matting, Pictures, Mirrors, PICTURE FRAMES MOULDINGS, ETC., ETC. At Greatly Reduced Prices, ASTORIA FURNITURE CO., Cor. Chenainus and Hamilton Sts. II. Dv BUISSON, Manager. THE Howe Haninff 11. LARGEST AND FINEST SASH AND DOOR FACTORY In "Western Oregon. A Full Stock on Hand and Made Up to Order. BOATS BUILT AND SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. Sashes, Doors, Windows, Mouldings, Etc., Of Best Material. Bids Furnished Contractors, Carpenters and Builders. All bills due and payable at the end of the month, unless otherwise agreed upon. Wm. HOWE, Proprietor. CLATSOP MILL COMPANY Manufacturers and Dealers in Lumber, Salmon Tra)Ts, BOXES, ETC. OFFICE AND HILL, CORNER SALMON AND CEDAR STREETS. ASTORIA. - Oregon. FISHERMEN! Twines and Netting. MANUFACTimED BY TIIE Baltimore Twine and Bet Company. WM. J HOOPER & SON, Xo. C, Soutk Calvert St , Baltimore, Bid. P&-Send for Price List, naming your County and State, pleask mkntiok this paper. Wilson& Fisher Ship Chandlers, HEAVY AND SHELF HARDWARE Paints, Oils, and Varnish. LOGGERS' SUPPLIES. PROVISIONS AND MILL FEED AGENTS FOR Salem Fleming Mills, Portland Roller Mills, Capital Flour and FAIRBANKS' SCALES. ASTORIA, OREGON. House To Let. FIVE ROOMS : NEW ; GOOD LOCAL Ity. Inquire at E. C. HOLDEN'S. To Rent. GOOD DWELLING HOUSE, Apply at Astoriak Office. Tax Notice. THE ASSESSMEITT KULU UK SCHOOL District No. 18. OlatSOD Countv. Oregon. is now equalized and the Hon. Board of School Directors for said district have Iisued warrants for the undersigned to collect the school tax now duo said district. Taxpayers will save cost by paying the same to the school Clerk or his deputy who will befound at all times at his office on West Cth street, one house south of "Wall street; u. vv.2Uiivr.ijx, Clerk School District No. 18. Dated at the City of Astoria, Clatsop Co. Oregon, Auguit jofb, 1IW. ts! Garpets! BOATS AND TENTS a si a s! ti 3 5 a: - 5 o o o -J 1 O 3 S3 Ul O P Ul p 5 2 w O O 3 3 5. 3 fa P o s O 3C 3 03 o 3 2 C u 5 " Oq u C3 5 a 3 us O 3 a c o " o p 5 r : e 3 i S n s O 2 ffT" CO O V5 o FLAGS, ETC, ETC. $67,000,000 Capital ! Liverpool and London and Globe. North British and Mercantile Of London and Edinburgh. Old Connecticut of Hartford, AXD COMMERCIAL OF CALIFORNIA Fire Insurance Companies, Representing a Capital of S67,000 OOO. B. VAN DDHEN. Asrent. THE BEST IS TIIE Royal Brand Flour Manufactured by the OREGON MILLING COMPANY Is of Superior Quality, and Is Endorsed by all who use It. THE HOUSEKEEPER'S FAVORITE Of Superior Rising Quality. Guaranteed to Give Satisfaction. WYATT & THOMPSON Sole Agents for Astoria. New Departure! At the well-known Restaurant of EOSCOE DIXON'S. On and after this date Oysters In every style will be served at 25 Cents. Fancy Roasts and Fried Oysters 35 Cents K. DIXOIV, - - Proprietor. Stockholders' Meeting. TVTOTICE IS HERFB Y GIVEN THAT TIIE li annual meeting of the stockholders of me west, uoasi racKing uo. wm ue neia at the company's oftlce. on Thursday, October 23rd, 184, to elect officers for the ensuing year, nd for the transaction of such other business as mav come before the meeting. Ry order of the presldenc. S. E. MORTON. Secretary. Notiee. ALL PERSONS HAVING BILLS against "Wherry & Co , contracted by me will please present them at once. In future all debts due should be paid to Wm. W. Wherry who alone is authorized to receipt for the same and carry on the business of Wherry & Co. WM. D.SMITH. Astoria, October 1st, I8S4. THE SKATING RINK! 18 NOW OPEN, Well fitted up throughout. Open on TUESDAYS, THURSDAYS, and SATURDAYS, and SATURDAY AFTERNOONS. taVXo'DIsrapstable Characters admitted. O.W.andA,E.ROSS, HftBagtfV.. For The Finest Groceries. For The Freshest Vegetables, For The Most Complete Assortment, For Absolute Satisfaction. In Filling and Delivering All Orders, C ill it FRANK L. Family Grocery and Provision Store, Corner Benton and Chenamus Streets, Opposite Custom House Square. ssSvIr- ffTT::Ti-gs&--tgJsj TER apply to the Captain, or to Fall and Winter AT EMPIRE Having mustered all our forces for the coming event we are fully prepared to present in splendid array, an almost irresistible army of New and Stylish Goods in all our Departments, Anxiously awaiting a fearless onslaught on the part of our patrons, under the able leadership of the invincible General Cash, to whom we shall gracefully and unconditionally surrender. Among our latest novelties wc direct attention to our New Ball's Coiled Spring Elastic, Section Corset, Having secured the sole agency in this city for this famous brand. We guarantee to the purchaser perfect satisfaction in every respect, and the privilege of wearing a corset for three weeks on trial; if found deficient the purchase money will bo refnnded. PRAEL BROS. John A, -DKALKR Tii, Sheet Iron and Copper Ware. A General Assortment of HOUSEHOLD GOODS. Agents tor Magee Stoves and Ranges Tho Rest In the market. Piumblng goods of all kinds o.i ham!, .fob work done In a workmanlike maimer PLUMBING, GAS FITTING, AND CANNERY WORK Attended to Promptly on Reasonable Terms. Chcnamns Street. Sext to C Ij. Parker's Store. ASTORIA, - OBfiaOXT. THE NEW MODEL A FUIi STOCK it. OI.SEK. J. CUSTAFSON". A. JOIEfSOX. MARTIN OLSEN & CO. DEALERS IN FURNITURE 35 BEDDING Corner 3Xaln and Squcinoqun Streets. Astoria, Oregon. WINDOW SHADES AND TRIMMHCS; WALL PAPER, ETC. A Complete Stock. PRICES AS CHEAP AS QUALITY WILL AFFORD. Aljt KINDS OF FUBXITDBE RjEPj1IBH aiw varkished. FOR Finest Groceries, -GO TO FOARD & STOKES. A FULL LINE OF HARDWARE AND Ship Chandlery. A NEW SLIP Just Finished In Rear of Store. Boat Building. THE BEST STOCK AND WORKMANSHIP GUARANTEED. Boats of Every Description Built. hop ortr Arndt & Ferchen's. B. M. jCEATHSB. PARKERS STEAMER W CLARA PARKER Eben P. Parker, Master. Fur TOWING. FREIGHT or CHAR n. It. FAKKEB. Campaign Opened THE STORE onigomery, iy- RANGE CAN BE HAD IN AS TORIA ONLY OF E. B. MAWBB, AGENT CALL AND EXAMINE IT, Y-l WILL BE PLEASED. B. It. HAAVE3 Is also agent tor tfct 'Bit latent Cooiiiir Sto?e And other flrst-clas3 Stores. Furnace "Work. Steam Fit tings, etc., a pecialtr. ALWAYS ON HAND. THE LATEST STYLES IN WALL PAPER AT B. B. FRANKLIN'S, NEXT DOOR TO ASTORIAN OFFICE. A very large Stock from which to solect. "Window curtains made to order. Sr"My patent Trimmer to cut Wall Paper will be lound convenient to my patrons. Hardware aid Slip Chandlery VAN DUSEN & CO., DEALERS IX Hardware and Ship Chandlery Pure Oil, Bright Varnish, Binacle Oil, Cotton Canvas, Hemp Sail Twine, Cotton Sail Twine, Lard Oil, Wrought Iron Spikei , Galvanized. Cut Nails, Agricultural Implements, Sewing Macklaca, Palais a4 eil,' Crri, ,