C33 Mlt gattjj gstoriim. ASTORIA, OREGON: FRIDAY OCTOBER J1, 1SS4 ISSUED EVERY MORNING. (Monday excepted) L F. HALLORAN & COMPANY, PUBLISHKRS AND PEOMtlETOKS, ASTORIAJf BUILDI.NG. - - CASS.VTREET Terms of Subscription. aSH)1 S 9,arrler' Pcr c-'k 15cts. ?' bv Mail" Per "lontli COcts. " one year $7.00 Free ol postage to Mibscnbers. "3""AdvertNeinents inserted by the ear at tne rate or S2 per square per month. " Tran ent advertising fifty cents per square, each Notice To Advertisers. The Astoria guarantees to its ad vertisers the largest circulation of anv newspaper published on the Columbia river. The Fleetwood leaves on time this Dooming. The Blaine and Logan clab are going to Westport to-morrow afternoon. , Dr. J. Q. a. Henry lectures at the Bap tist churoh this evening on "The Polish ed Shaft" The remainder of the instruments for the Cashing Post Band were received on yesterday's steamer. There will be some fine vocal and in strumental music beforo and after the lecture at the Baptist church this even ing. The GlensherHud Lord Kinnaird went to sea yesterday. The Columbia arrived in from San Francisco. The Stale sails to-day. The social and dance at Liberty hall this eveninp, Riven by the Astoria Ladies' Coffee club, gives promise of being well attended. Yesterday was advertised as ''Firemen's Day" at the Portland Mechanics' Fair. It was like playing "Hamlet" with the part ot Hamlet left out. The "Weekly Astokun, in stamped wrappers, ready lor mailing, published tuis morning; lull 01 news and home hap penings; price ten cents. Mrs. A. S. Dnuiway, says the Walla Union, has been employed by the Repub lican committee to make a number of speeches on Puget sound. R. M. and J. P. Leathers leave on the -State to-day to attend the funeral of their father, who died at Redwood, San Mateo county, Cal.. last Tuesday. Workmen are busy putting up the T addition to the Cedar street school, which will bo a great convenience to the children of the district when completed. Gen. Newton and Col. Mendell arrived yesterday morning, and were met by Capt. Powell. They go to Portland and The Dalles and will be here on Tues day next. At a special meeting of the city coun cil last evening, an ordinance was passed transferring sufficient from the police fund to the general fund to pay out standing warrants. To-night, Rev. Mr. Henry of Portland, will deliver his lecture upon "The Polish ed Shaft" at the Baptist church. The occasion furnishes a delightful way of helping a good cause. The Cleveland and Hendricks club had a full attendance last evening at their rooms. C. J. Trenchard presided. Geo. Dorris made a neat littlo speech which was heartily applauded. Messss. Caban iss, Hart and Cleveland also addressed the audience. Beginning next month, the George W. Elder will be placed on the Victorir routo in place of the Queen of the Pacific which goes on the Columbia route. The Oregon is to lay off for necessary overhauling, and after she is completed the State of California will be laid off for the same pnrpose. At Wm. Bock's, yesterday afternoon, was on exhibition the largest eagle that has been shot or seen in these parts this year. It was killed by Otto Peterson on the Gold Dust yesterday morning, be tween Woody island and Knappa. The dead monarch of the sky measures seven feet four inches from tip to tip, and will look handsome when mounted. Special JVotiee, The members of dishing Post Band are requested to meet at their hall for transaction of important business, at 8 P. si., October 24, 1884. Fines will bestrictlv enforced on ab sentees. C. W.Jkxkixs. Leader. Important Electing I. O. O. F. An important meeting of Beaver Lodge No. 33, 1. O. O. F. will be held at their Lodge room, on Thursday even ing, October 23rd 1884, to consider the proposed change of the By-laws in re gard to benefits. A full attendance is de sired. By order (1. Jr. S. Jkwett, Sec'ty. Home for Children. Mrs."Wagner, whose residence is next to C. W. Fulton's, Is now prepared to take entire charge of a limited number of children. Every attention paid the little ones, and any one leaving their child with Mrs. Wagner may be sure that it will receive a mother's care. A Front Room to Rent Furnished or unfurnished at Mrs. Mrxsox's. Rooms to Let In Wm. Hume's Building. Apply to Geo. P. Wiieklkr. Board, at Jeff's. The best in America. 20.00 a month. CROW Does not make any second-class Pic tures at his New Gallery, No. GlJi", on the Roadway. At Franlc Fab re's. Board for $22.50 a month. The best in the city. Dinner from 5 to 7. Rooms to Let. Furnished or unfurnished, suitable for housekeeping, at Mrs. Twilight's. tost. Fireman's badge: Please leave at this office. Stop That Cough By going to J. E. Thomas's and getting a bottle of Leroy's Cough Balsam. It will, cure you. For Dinner Parties to order, at bhort notice, go to Frank Fabrc's. Buy your Lime of Gray at Portland prices. Ball's coiled spring elastic, section corset For sale only at the Empire Store. The ladies' favorite is Ball's coiled spring elastic, section corset. For sale only at the Empire Store. Gray sells Sackett Bros. Al sawed cedar shingles. A full M guaranteed in each bunch. A clerk of some experience, also a good boy will find employment. In quire at Adler's. Fifteen hundred numbers of Lovell's Library and ten mail sacks full of other line reading matter just received at Ad ler's Crystal Palace. For a nice, iucy steak cooked on the broiler, go to Frank Fabre. MATTERS A5D THI5GS IK PACIFIC COUKTT. Ed. Astebian: Loomis' Journal of recent date, con tains an article signed 'Buzz Saw," and headed "Stupidity.' The heading is all right; nothing could be more appropriate. But it is a question in the minds of a great many, which was tho most stupid, the man who wrolo the article, or the newspaper man who nd mitted such balderdash to his columns. There may have been some excuse for the editor, and for the writer thero is certainly tho very best excuse in the world, viz., a very meager intellect, and a total lack of judgment, combined with a morbid desire to see his effusion in print, and vent his spite on John Wood for refusing to trust him for a suit of clothes. The signature is all right also, but the saw was evidently put on wrong, nnd injures no one but the sawyer. This effussion of Buz Saw's, which the epitoror the writer, very naturally de nominates "Stupidity," is so intensely stupid aud senseless, that it really de serves no notice at nil, nor would I notice it except that I wish to expose the man who wrote it, as he now occupies a posi tion where he is capable of doing consid erable mischief. He is a school teacher! Look at tho composition and then weep. Ho has been in the United States almost Uirce months! Howfis that for n budding politician, who proposes to review tho bygone history of Pacific county? He has been in Pacific county about six icccfcs. Of course he knows all about John Wood marking tickets four years ago. He wants tho Journal to recommend someonefor J. P for this precinct. How interested he is in a precinct where he has resided for nearly Oirec wccl&, and been kicked out of only two houses dur ing that time. Perhaps ho would like to bring action against tho lady who would not board him and against the other lady who would not dohis washing, and would ike a competent officer to try tho case. But whv this vicious spite against John Wood? The answer is very simple; he came hero broko and asked for credit for a suit of clothes, but his blossoming countenance was a dead give away, and he was promptly refused. In his com munication ho essays to give news items, but in a country where startling events are of almost daily occurrence, he can think of but one, viz: That ho came near securing a school in ono district, and did secure the school at another. Imagine this astoanding intelligence falling like a thunderbolt on Wall street. Would stocks go up or down. Imagine this fel low teaching school! Why, it is a crime against nature to turn such a man loose among a lot of innocent children. It is but fair to state that he got the clothes, but E. It. Woodard of Willapa was the victim, and probably always will be. He camo here asking favors of everybody, and as soon as they were granted he turns around and abuses and insults every man in the comtnnnity. Two years ago John Woods wns not in the county on election day nor for two weeks previous. Four years ago John Wood was not in the county on election day, and in fact has not been in tho county on election day but once during his ten years' residence. At the time tickets were numbered at this precinct A. K. Bush was inspector of election, and showed voters tho law compelling him to number tho tickets. John Wood's employes, and, in fact all having any connection with John Wood in any way, vote prc-cisely as they like without any interferenco on his part whatever; let "Buz Saw,' or any one else dispute this fact if they can. If I am mistaken in thinking this libel on school teachers is the author of ' Stu pidity," let him convince mo and I will make tho amende honorable, but my in formant, who is a resident of tho district where he is teaching (?) claims to have evidence that he is the author. And now tako a look nt the corp3 of men who are electioneering for the court eous and affable John Davis. If they could add "Col." Hawkins, tho list would bo complete, and they would eloct the uniou ticket by acclamation. They are all good fair representatives of tho rump party. Do tho citizens of Pacific county desire to keep such a crowd at tho front? Do von admire the men or their meth ods? Compare tho two tickets carefully and candidly, and say which set of men you could most cheerfully entrust with the welfare of this county. You know them all and their past recerds: which do you want? The rump managers are working hard and spending money freely, as it is a caso of life or death with them, or rath er of life or tcorfc which; to them, is worse than death; but it is all of no avail: tho fiat has gono forth; tho hand writing is on the wall, and they will probably bo tonging oysters next year, courteous and affable as nsual. Resident. South Bend, Oct. 21. t81. Ruclilen's Arnica Salve. The Best Salve in the world for Cuts, Bruibes,Sores,Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains. Corns, and all Skin Erup tions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 2o cents per box. For sale by W. E. Dement & Co. JXoticc. Dinner at" JEFF'S' CHOP HOUSE everyday from 4 -30 to 8 o'clock. The best 2.1-cent meal in tewn: soup, fish, seven kinds of meats, vegetables, pie, pudding, etc. Tea or coffee included. All who have tried him say Jeff is the BOSS." A Nasal Injector free with eaeb bottle of Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy Price 50 cents. Sold by W. E. Dement Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy a posi tive cure for Catarrh, DIptheria and Canker Mouth. Sold by W. E. Dement Will you suffer with Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint ? Shiloh's V italizer is guaranteed to cure you. Sold by W. E. ement Shiloh's Cough ana Consumption Cure is sold by us on guarantee. It cures consumption. Sold by W. E. De ment. A lady having once worn Ball's coiled spiing elastic, section corset will never want to wear any other make. For sale only at the Empire Store. Don't pay 50 cents elsewhere when von can get the best dinner in town at JEFF'S for 25 cents. Foi Dyspepsia andLiver Complaint, you have a printed guarantee on every bottle of Shiloh's Vitalizer. It never falls to cure. Sold by W. E. Dement. Buy a Ball's coiled spring clastic, sec tion corset, and if after wearing it for three weeks it does not give 3011 satis faction in every respect, we shall re turn you your money. Prael Bros. Roscoe Dixon's new eating house is now open. Everything has been fit ted up in iirst-ciass style, ana ni- wen known reputation as a caterer assures all who like good things to eat, that at his place they can be accommodated. For a good bath, pleasant shave, or shampoo, go to the City Baths, corner squemoqua anu uiney streets. Joe. G. Charters, Prop. Shiloh's Vitalizer is what you need for Constipation, Loss of Appetite, Diz ziness and ail symptoms or Dyspepsia. Price 10 and 75 cents per bottle. Sold by W. E. Dement Ball's coiled spring elastic, section corset, combines elegauce. strength and durability. For sale only at tho Em pire Stare. REGABDIKG AK IMPORTANT KATIOSAL IDUSTRV. New Yobk. October 1G, 18SI. Ed. Astebian: Occasional instances of alleged poi soning from tho use of canned goods have been reported, and furnishing as they do the basis for attractive news items, have in many cases been given wide publicity by tho pres3 with the ef fect of needlessly frightening many con sumers of canned goods and injuring this great and growing industry. Investiga tion of some of these alleged poisoning cases has shown that they were either wholly unfounded or greatly exaggerated and the object of this communication is to investigate cases of alleged poisoning and seo whether the trouble may not bo attributed with equal justice to other causes. Canned goods being hermetical ly sealed while fresh at the sources of supply, we believe aroinmostcase3 fresh er, more wholesome and palatable than many so-called fresh articles which nro exposed for considerable periods of timo in city markets, and that there are fewer cases of bad effects from the consump tion of canned goods than from the con sumption of a similar amount of food not canned. Tho average annual pro duction is now estimated to be upwards of five hundred millions of tins or about ten for every man, woman and child in the United States. It has developed into a national industry which furnishes a much needed supply of anti-scorbutic food during tho winter months, and in many localities preserved provisions havo become a necessity. H there ore any un wholesome goods packed, reputable pack ers desire to co-oporato with the press and tho medical profession to prohibit such packing, but in view of the tenden cy to sensationalism and alarm on the part of consumers nnd the manifest dam age occasioned thereby, wo ask you to thoroughly investigate the facts and be sure that sickness may not justly be attributed to other food or causes be foro expressing an opinion in any case which may como under your notice. The result in tho enclosed memorandum of cases which were investigated by the American Grocer newspaper illustrates tho tendency toward exaggeration in such cases. "Wo havo established a bu reau of information for tho packers of the United States and desire all infor mation which will tend to tho improve ment of quality in canned goods and will be glad if you can at any timo com municate any facts which lend to this result. Respectfully,. Ac. David Hunt. E. L. Hazabd. I Canned Goods Com- A. Doxcax. J- mittee N. Y. Alex. Wilet. j Mercantile Exchange. Hexbt Komi, j OHIO GITKS 19,370 REPCRLI('A YK JOBITY. Columbus, Ohio, Oct. 22. Following are the majorities of tho several congres sional districts: First district, Butter worth, Republican, majority 1,CG5; Sec ond district, Brown, Republican, major ity 2,093; Third district, Campbell, Dem ocrat, majority 412; Fourth district, An dersen, Democrat, majority "110; Fifth district, LeFover, Democrat, majority 5,122; Sixth district, Hill, Democrat, ma jority 3,531; Seventh district, Scney, Dem ocrat, majority 4,0DG; Eighth district, Lit tle, Republican, majority 7.54S; Ninth district, Cooper, Republican, majority 183i); Tenth district, Romeis, Republican majority 2,029; Eleventh district, Elsbery, Democrat, majority 410; Twelfth district, Thompson, Republican, majority 1,354; Thirteenth district, Onthwait. Democrat, majority 4,829; Fourteenth district, Gros venor, Republican, majority 5,G14; Fifteenth district, Wilkins, Democrat, majority 3,318; Sixteenth district, Geddes, Democrat, majority 724; Seventeenth d.s 'trict, Warner, Democrat, majority 217; Eighteenth district, J. H. Taylor, Repub lican, majority G,153; Nineteenth district, E. B. Taylor, Republican, majority 13,997; Twentieth district, McKinlpy, Republi can, majority 2031; Twenty-first district, Foran, Democrat, majority 1,270. Total Republican majority, 43,519; total Democratic unjority, 24,119; Repub lican majority net, 19,370. Gymnasts and athletes, sncli as Mr. J. D. Kingsley, Holy Cross College Gymnasium, Worcester, Mass., and John Kolfe, cliampion bicyclist of England and Australia, pronounce St. Jacobs Oil superior to any other remedy, for strains, pains and aches. what: Io You Think that JelI of The Chop Ilonsc Gives you a meal for nothing, and a glass of something to drink? "Not much 1" but he gives a better meal and more of it than any place in town for 25 cents. He buys by the wholesale and pays cash. "That settles it" Freuli Eastern nnd Shealwotcr Bay OyMtcrn Constantly on hand, cooked to any style at Frank Fabre's. Syrup of Figs. Nature's own true Laxative. Pleas ant to the palate, acceptable to the Stom ach, harmless in its nature, painless in its action. Cures habitual Constipation. Biliousness, Indigestion and kindred ills. Cleanses the system, purifies the blood, regulates the Liver and acts on the Bowels. Breaks up Colds, Chills and Fever, etc. Strengthens the organs on which it acts. Better than bitter, nauseous Liver medicines, pills, salts and draughts. Sample bottles free, and large bottles for sale by W. E. Dement Ac Co., Astoria. For a Neat Fitting Boot Or Shoe, go to P.J. Goodmans, on Che namus street next door to I. W. Case. All goods of the best make and guaran teed quality. A full stock; new goods constantly arriving. Custom work. His Success Financially and socially are largely due to his excellent health. If his system were clogged and feverish, no doubt he would fail as so many others do. But why not enjoy good health when one can please the palate at the same time V Svrup of Figs is not only pleasant to the taste, it also cleanses the system thoroughly, yet painlessly; it is harm less in its nature, and strengthens the organs on which it acts so that regular habits may be formed, and the sufferer permanently restored to health and happiness. Sample bottles free and large bottles for sale by W. E. Denien &Co. All the patent medicines advertised in this paper, together with the choicest perfumery, and toilet articles, etccan be bought at the lowest prices, at J. W. Conn's drug store, opposite Ociden hctel, Astoria. Catarrh cured, health and sweet breath secured by Shiloh's Catarrh Rem edy. Priire 50 cents, Masai Injector free. For sale by W. E. Dement Whv will you cough when Shiloh's Cure will give immediate relief. Price 10cts50ctsandSl. Sold by W.E. De ment. That Hacking Cough can be so quickly cured by Shiloh's Cure. We guarantee it Sold by W. E. Dement Croup, Whooping Cough and Bron chitis immediately relieved by Shiloh's Cure. Sold by W. E. Dement Sleepless Nights made miserable by that terrible cough. Shiloh's Cure is the remedy for you. Sold by W. E. De ment & Co. THE EXPEBIEXCE OF JACK LIFI15CE. IUnftratlnp a Peculiar ThMe of Creole Character." Down in tho old French portion of New Orleans it is highly unsafe for young un married men to venture nlono. The black-eyed beauties are only too glad of the chance to capturo un American and will resort to all sorts of devices to on trap the unsuspecting youth. In order to depict for our western friends this peculiar phase of Creole character I will relate the true story of tho experience of my friend Jack Lafiance, who fell a vic tim to Creole strategy not long ago. Jack met tho beautiful Melanie at a soiree dunsanle on ItucBonsEnfants. Be ing a good dancer, and also a first-class waltzer, ho was Mils. Melanie's partner for many figures, and by a judicious use of ice cream and cake gained the good will of Melanies mamma. An invitation to call next Sunday was accepted, and the visitor then entreated to "call again." Jack did so upon the Sunday following, and was so cordially received that he re peated his visit a third time. For my friend Jack was an innocent soul, totally ignorant of Creole customs, and he walked right into the snare. On his third call Melanie's papa tapped him on the shoulder nnd said: "M'sieu Lafiance, I would lak fo see yon one minute,' and led him to the dining-room. Suspecting nothing, Jack followed him. Once there, tho old gen tleman produced a decanter and said: 'Mon ami, tek some cognac. You will fin' it ver' fine. My fodder buy it from Cavaroc. Aha! you lake it, eh! Tek cigar novah min', thass a real Havana, shuah. Now, frien' Lafiance, you lak fo' know fo' w'at I waut seo you eh bienl M'sieu La fiance, I havo notiz yo' attention to my daughter" here the luckless Jack began to protest. "O, I am not displease, my do young man! My fam'ly, seh, is one of tho bes' in the city. Yos, seh, wo are twenty-firs' coozin with Jean Baptist St. Louis Do Lorme, whoso gran'fodder slap that Spanish canaille, O'Reilly, on tho chik a hundred year ago, as yof will fin' wrote down by Gayarrc'. Bot, my freu' when those Yankee r-r-rascals tek on' plantations an' on' nigroes, seh, we was force to leavo on' place, seh, an' como yeh an' work' yes. An,' ami Lafiance, I do not objec' to mv daughtah chooso you fo' husban' no.' Hore the unfortunate Jack broke in with: "But. my dear sir, you are mistaken. I did not make love to your daughter!" The old gentleman bristled up, "My de' sah, I love my fam'ly. Thass my h'onlv thing yeh on earth. You have visit Me laino Sunday after Sunday. You have talk with her, danco with her, sing with her. You havo compromise my daughter, sah! They is no otheh c'oio lef a man of honah, sah, than to nia'y her." "But sir," blurted out Jack, "I am only a poor clerk with 50 a month, nnd could not support a wife, even if I wanted one." S Ah, mon cher, thass all 'ight, tho mon naio is nothing. You don't catch moch, thass true. But fo' that I don' keh me. You come live yeh, yes; an' me, I will seo you have nice time, yes. Then, afteh w'ilowenyo' patron ho getfo' lak yon mo' an' give yon r-r-raiso to seyenty fi' dollah. wo will do ver' well. yes. So thass all fix, eh? Come, you tek somo mo yon don' T suppose? Then you stan 'ow please I feel w'en a young man lak you hash me fo' my daughtah! Yes, seh, you are the only young man w'at I would ratbah havo my daughtah than mos' anybody w'aleveh, seh! "So wo will come back to tho salon w'eh I will tell Melainie I havo grant yo' demand, M'sieu Lafiance, and to tell you tho truf, you did not tek 'mo by sopprise, no! Ah, a fodder can see w'en his daugh tah Iovo a young man! An' Melanie, she love you. ah! she dream of you all night, yes. An, seh, w'en n St. LouisDe Lorme love sho nevau let go, no, but she lak the polican, she dio firs'. "Thass all 'ight, ami Jack, I will see Pere Lo Cure, an' we will mek the an nonccment next Sunday. You" can get ono 1111 ring, yes, an' Melanio will be ready for nex' mont? I know you don' want fo'wait long. Allons, let us tell thorn w'at we have arrange." And off Jack was hustled to tho parlor before ho could say Jack Robinson. And though, as it happened, Melanie has proven an excellent wife, there aro many who'are not Melanies, and it is to put our visiting friends next winter on their guard against the wiles of designing Creolo papas that I am constrained to publish this true story of Jack Lafianco's court ship. M. CITY TREASURER'S REPORT. J. 0. Hustler In Account with the City of Astoria, for the Quarter Ending September SO, ISSt. 184. Julv l. OR. To balance from last quarter. S 3,247 75 Sept 30. To amt collected acct. Peel Table licenses DO 00 To amt. collected acct. Liquor licenses i,R00 00 To amt. collected acct. Run ners licences 30 00 To amt. collected acct Billiard Table licenses 71 GG To amt collected acct Pawn Brokers licenses 25 00 To amt collected acct Dog li censes 7 50 To amt collected acct. Team licenses 144 00 To amt collected acct Bowl ing Allev. licenses 10 00 To amt collected acct. Hawk ers etc licenses 135 00 To amt collected acct Auc tioneers licenses 50 00 To amt collected acct. Shows. . circuses, etc CO 00 To amt collected acct Police Court lines 1,223 70 To amt. collected acct Lots in Cemetery 70 00 To amt collected acct Case Geo. Hill vs. City 7 50 To amt collected acct City Tax 1834 lOOG 04 Total .$l7.8Gy 05 By amt Warrants paid $ 5r0G7 91 By Balance on hand 11,901 14 S17.8CU 05 Astoria, Or., October 1st, 1884. Rooms to Rent. SEVEN ROOMS SUITABLE FOR IIOUSE KeenlnB : in the business center; apply at this office. Furnished Rooms to Let, W ITH OR WITHOUT BOARD. enquire or Mns E. C. IIOLDEN. Picked Up. AT BARNEY'S rOINT, A SKIFF. OWN er can apply to II. OLSRN. Master Union. Picked Up. 0 N THE FORT STEVENS BEACH, On thft lfith Mini- cl-lff fnnp nnrs hook, etc. in boat. Owner can have her by apnying to Thos. Ktanfield, Astoria, or John htanQeld, Ft. Stevens. Astoria, Oct. 18, 1884. Notice. ALL BILLS AGAINST WM. HUME'S AS torla cannery, must be sent to Eagle Cllfl until further notice "J.J.BARCLAY, Manager. HAS RETURNED. J I. LEATHERS HAS RETURNED and Is ready to turn out somo fine fish ing boats for the river. Shop on the beach between Kinney's and Elmore's canneries. Boston Baked Beans and Brown Bread every Sunday at Jeffs from 5 a. v. to 2p.ii. NO POISON !N THE PASTRY IF mm 1 EXjgAQTS R.-F? USTTD. "Vaallla, Xenon, Orange, etc, flavor Cakes, Cream, Faddlns, etc., ni deli catcly and naturally as tho fimlt from, which they arc made For Strength and True. Fruit Flavor They Stand Alone. PREPARES Br THE Price Baking P.owder Co., Chicago, III. St. Louis, Mo. M.XZR3 or Dr. Prices Cream Baking Powdtr AMD Dr. Price's Xupulin Yeast Gems, Seat Dry Bop Teuat. KOR S.A.1VB BY GROCERS. TVE HAKE BUT ONE QUALITY. Light Healthy Bread. Bread ralaed toy this yeast (a Hght. white and wholesome like our grandmother's delicious bread. . GROCERS SELL THEM. PREPARED BY THE Price Baking Powder Co., MaaTrs of Dr. Price's special FtoYormz Extracts, Chicago, III. St. Louis, Mo. Of either sex admitted to tho PORTLAND BUSINESS CDIiLEGE On any -vcek-dav of tho yec. The College Journal, containing in formation of the course of study, rates of tuition, hoard, examination, etc., and cuts of plain and ornamental penman ship, free. Address, A. P. AinD$TRONG, Lock Box KM. Poktlakd, Ok. CSTJn writing, please mention thit paper. EXCURSION TICKETS TO MECHANICS' FAIR, For sale by O. Ti. & 7. Co. Ticket to port land ami return, iiic'udiug Admlxcion to the Fair, S2.S0 each. Good until Oct. 27th, inclusive. A. L. STOKES, G. P. A. WM. EDGAR, Dealer in Cigars, Tobacco and Cigarettes Meerschaum and Brier Pipes, GENUINE ENGLISH CUTLERY Revolvers and Cartridges. CORNER MAIN AND CJTENAMUS STS. TO FISHERMEN. OrVflfl POUNDS BRBOUR'S REST a JJj web, -15-niesb, lor salo at a liberal discount. Apply to Astoria Packing Co. Ast ria, Sept. 1st, 1631. If. 1). NKWBUBY. I, STEVENS. k CITY BOOK STOKE, Have Just received a mammoth stock or Books. The youug and old, rich and poor can all be accommodated. AGENTS FOR THE Kranich & Bach and "tlnnOsTeldt Jt TXotnl I'innoH and TVeatern Cottage Orsans. Orders for all kinds of Music or Instru ments will be promptly filled. Stockholders7 Meeting. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THATTHE annual meeting ot the Stockholders of the "Washington Packing Co. will be held at the company's ofllce. at or near the city or Astoria. Clatsop County, Oregon, on Wedues dav, the oth dav ol November. 1SS4, :it one o'clock v. at., for the purpose of electing Dve d rectors, and transacting such other business as may legally come before the meeting. By order of the board of directors. J. W. GEARHART. Secretary. Astoria, October 3rd, 18St. For Sale. GOOD GENTLE HORSE. . Inquire of ALEX. CAMPBELI H, B. PARKER DC A LEU IX Hay, Oats, and Straw, Brick. Cement, and Sand. Wood Delivered to Order. Draymg, Teaming, and Express Business DEALER IK WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS. FIBST-CLiASS. For Sale. O ,NE HOUSE AND LOT IN ALDER brook. For particulars Inquire of dw THOME3&KNOWLES. House To Lei. F 1VE ROOMS; NEW; GOOD LOCAL Ity. inquire at u. c. holder's. To Rent. G OOD DWELLING HOUSE. Apply at astoiuax umce. IIJYEASI Gis. The oest dry hop yoaat In the world. cLJ wm wm Ui Hi OPENING Cloak Department! Having Received direct from Eastern and San Fran cisco Manufactnrers an Immense Stock of Fall and Win ter Cloaks, We would respectfully submit the same for inspec tion to the Ladies of Astoria, and of surrounding districts Ladies purchasing from us can rely on getting EX CLUSIVE DESIGNS of the Latest and Most Fashionable Garments in the Market. We desire to impress on the Ladies that our Stock of Cloaks are NEW, STYLISH, and FASHIONABLE, of Cut and Finish superior to anything ever shownin Asto ria. PRICES LOWER THAN EVER. THE Leading Dry Goods and Gioihing House OF ASTORIA. C. H. COOPER, Pythian Building, - - Astoria, Oregon. tiuiuiiiiiiisiiiiiiiuiiaiiiiiiiiBiiiiaBiaiasiaaissaisiigiisaBiuiiiiiiiim I LADIES OF ASTORIA 1 m iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiBEBiiiiiiiiiiiiisuiiiiiiiiaiEuiaMisiiaasiiiiasifliiiaiBiiiaii YOUR ATTENTION IS RESPECTFULLY DIRECTED TO THE FACT THAT WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED A NEW LOT OF JERSEY ULSTERS, Plain and Braided Jersey Jackets, Waists, Etc. of the LATEST STYLES, which will he disposed of At EXCEEDING LOW PRICES -A.T F IX GcjEStt. m Novelties in Mother Hubbard wrappers in Light Blue, Fink, Cardinal, and all the late shades, at Pilger's Branch. New Styles in Fall Garments at Pilger's Branch, A Large Invoice of ready made Suits, Cloaks, Jerseys, Pelisses and New Markets, newest designs at Pilger's Branch. J. PILGER. Astoria Cooperage. BARRELS AND HALF-BARRELS All Kinds of Cooperage Done. 03-Leave orders with JOHN ROGERS, Superintendent, at Central Market. D , nu MGIIr FALL CLOTHING!i -A LARGE Overcoats, Novelties in Neck Wear, Hats and Furnishing Goods. SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO Fin Mtrino and all Wool Sosiasy. 2The NEWEST PATTERNS in SUITINGS made up in the LATEST STYLES. Ixow Prices ! D. JL. . .THi,li(NKiingClothirt.Hattr and Gents OPER! Good Building Lots ALDERBROOK, For Sale at Low Rates. Apply to I.Y.TIAX C. KINNEY, At ofilce of Clatsop Mill Company, on the Roadway. STOCK OF STOCK OF- 3H, I fcs' Furnisher I MeXXTTOSS