M Wxe flafttj IMtotftw. ASTORIA, OREGON: "WTDNESDAY. ..OCTOBER 22. 1BS4 SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE PORT OF ASTORIA'. READi FOR SEA. Loid Kinnaird, I'rblc Queen'town Oct 20 VESSELS IX THE RIVER. Cyprus lOil Prince Uraberto. Br bk MtWisbinrton, Am p Colomi, V H Besse. Am bk C S Bement. Am p UlenEhee. Br bfc Abeons. Br sp Harv A Troon. Cltr of Athens. Br sp Queen of Cambria Tima.ni. Br 10 v. a.. st&rDacK. Am sp Jiema. at sp jlaaat, Dnnveeao, Br bit VESSELS OX TEE WA Y. Frost Forelcu Porta, for Uie Columbia River . Archer. Br bk 765 Ltrerpool Ann M ilUctnt. Br bk 902 Caldtrs. Sept 10 Abbey Cowper. Br bk COO Mollendo Abbey Town, Br bk 702 Tulcahu&no Seechdsle. Br bk 792 Valparaiso Ang 29 Bessie 'Markham. Br bk 793 Valparaiso Brlttinla. Grbk Liverpool Jane 2C Bancs. Br bk 1000 Glasgow July 29 'Carrie Wmslow. AxnbkS44 Valparaiso Clan Ferguson, Br bk 779 Bnenos Ayres Cwm Oonkin. Br bk 571 Valparaiso AngCC Co. of Merioneth, Br bk IOCS River Plate July 19 Cocbrina, 939 Montevideo Anc 17 Doxf ord. Br bk 032 Valparaiso Easterhill, Br bk 690 Brisbane May 24 Gwynedd, Br bk 1053 Montevideo tilenogle. Br bk 9ti0 Valparaiso Aug 2 Golden Gate. Br bk 699 Callao Havelock, Br sp 1U79 Buenos Ayres Anc 2 Haidee, Br bk 753 Liverpool Oct 4 Janet McNeil, 893 Liverpool Aur 26 Joseta. Ger bk 675 Liverpool Anc 23 Kincardinshire Br bk Glasgow Aug 10 McXear. 1303 Am sp Manilla Sept IS Mary Low, Br bk 655 Buenos Ayres Mary Blondell. Br bk S22 Valparaiso Ophelia, 1184 Liverpool May CO Perthshire. Br bk 56 Valparaiso Renfrewshire. Br sp SS3 Qlaecow Aug SI Scottish Chief. Br bk 658 Callao Ullock. Br bk 779 Newcastle V'aruna. Br bk 1271 Liverpool, May 17 Werra. Ger bk Liverpool May 7 Wordfield, Br bk Montevideo July 26 Western Belle. Am bk 1135 Nagasaki From American Porto. C. S. Hnltert Am bk New ork July 2fi Chesebrougli. 1507 Philadelphia July FalstaS, Br sp 1119 Wilmington TIDK TABLE FOR ASTORIA. HIGH WATKR. LOW WATER. ! Firt. Second. First. Second. 2 H S 3 -" a h s P a h ana A. i. v 7i. m. JS h. m. JS A. m. .2 . j . . 25 1-9 1'4 0-8 0-2 -0-2 -04 -0 5 -0-3 32 3o 3-1 3 4 11 63' 9 27 J 2-4M1 05p 5 15 (5 23 733 8 39 9 39 10 30 11 11 . 7D 2-9 - 7'5 7-2 7-1 7-2 50a 49p 03 17 25 29 21 13 54 30 0G 41 19 50 44 10 16 7 41 11 10 70 1-6 09 0'3 -03 -0-5 -07 -07 -0-5 -0-3 -O'l 3-2 30 26 21 1-4 11 45 008 0 51 1 S3 2 IS 2 33 3 43 4 32 5 20 C OS 0 3G 7 47 S3S 9 34 5' - - 0 17 0 4(i 1 17 1 4C 2 13 2 4C 3 24 4 10 3 08 (i 11 7 18 820 9 34 10 40p 8-9 92 9-3 9-2 89 SG 82 28 10 7-9 3-1 11 32 -0 1 0 G 721 14 21 7 0 ut G-9 0-4' 2 31 0-3, 3 40 OGl 4 Sip 7-0 !0 2Ttf The hours between midnight and noon are designated by a (a. m.), those between noon and midnight by p (i m.). DA. O0m a denotes midnight, oA. 00m. p denotes noon. The height is reckoned from the level of average low er low waters to which the sound Ings are given on the Coast Survey charts. Columbia River Exports. dllll-XKXTS FOREIGN. AriUL. Flour. 32,403 bote 150 714 Wheat, 223,034 bus Zatf&tt Total, 5 cargoes $355,200 MAY. Wheat, 110.527 bus ..... $95,294 Cargoes 2. ' JUN'F. Tlour, 47.2G9 bbls S2H.339 Wheat, 150.CG1 bus ....r...Z""" 13618 Salmon, 53.8CG e 270.018 Total, 7 cargoes SG21.495 JULY. Wheat, C3.94 1 bus c 53.850 Salmon, 58.C03 cs I3ZZZ fflejijs Total, 3 cargoes -.8350,865 AUGUST. 5 To Liverpool per City of Delhi. Salmon, 48.820 as c-mi mo Whear, 7,900 bus .ZZZIT tJS Total .$218,150 5 To Panama perJRolus. Lumber, 371,022 ft 5555 28 To Liverpool per Alameda. ' Tlour, 5,032 bbls 05 ,rn Salmon, 4G.&00 cs .,17.71! 234)000 Total ico SEPTEMBER. G To Liverpool per Belle of Oregon. "Wheat, 1G,SG6 bus . ; u ict Salmon, 33,730 cs .'M'.' 108)650 Total $162,817 10 To Montevideo per Navasink. Lumber. 500 M . . . ,S5,340 ouuuuii , iw us................................. 450 Total $5-93 24-To Qutcnstoum per Agnes Sutherland. Wheat, 58.2G3 bus . $42,700 26 To Liverpool per Kirkwood. Ralmon, 52.804 cs $261,020 Wheat, 2,700 bus H7.7... oo25 Total $206,045 OCTOBER. 3 To Queen town per George F. Manson. Wheat, G7 915 bus $43,805 9-To QuccnslownpcrAlpheta. Wheat. 4G,57o bus $30,736 10 To Quecnstoicn per City ofYorit. Wheat. 60,312 bus $42,107 11 To Quecmtfjwn per Jupiter. Wheat. 40,930 bus 28 C86 13 To Quecnstoicn per 0cJ.a . Wheat, 24,477 bus ..$19,165 14-To Hong Kong per Alden Boise. Spars, 220. m r- Lumber, 136 M s;i Old Iron, 21 T. . r-yS Total .. .$517 1C To Antwerp per Kate F. Trrtop. Wheat, Clflio bus $42,900 10 To Quccmtnwn per Largo Law. Wheat, 92,940 bus ..... $65,652 IS To TAvcrjyool per Grlscdalc. Flour, 1,986 bbls. . 5,900 Wheat, 45.920 bus 32 167 Salmon. 9.311 cs ....... 45,035 Total $83,182 To Qucentlown per Lord Ktnnaird. Wheat, 45,940 bus $32,102 For Sale. O ,SE HOUSE AND LOT IN ALDEB- orooK. i'-or particulars inquire of ilw jLavflito at a.ivniir,3, 1110 29a 2 11 17 3 11 50 4 - -3 0 49 G 1 S6 7 2 23 hj 3 1C. 10 Otp 1103 11 59 0 33 1 03 1 SC 2 OS 2 41 3 20 4 29 5 3S C51 8 01 C 11 7-5 4 11a 0-2 4 13) 77 5 02 O'l 5 14 78 5 47 00 G 13 87 C 28 0 0 7 09 91 7 07 0 3 7 57 9"2 8 42 07 8 43 9 0 8 1C 1-3 9 28 87 8 51 1'9 10 12 ASTORIA DinECTOBY. State OfScerB: J. H. Slater United States Senators Representative in Congi ess )J N. Dolph ,.M C. George Governor., JL. F. Moody iivcrnor'a S-creiary. .. Secretaiy of State....-..... Assistant i-rri'l:ir'... State Ticasurer Assistant Trctsurer Mip't Tutilic Instructioii... tat rrlnter. Clerk School Land Board Suti't Insane As1udu. .. Chas. B. Monres TL I. l-arhart .F E.IIdgkln id. lUrsch .... A. F. AVheehT K It Mel lro W. H. Byars ...E. P. McConiac Dr. II. Carpenter ;co. Collin sup't Penitentiary....... ( XV. V. Ircl Supreme Judces 1 J. R. JWaldi W. V. Ird MV. W. Timer District Judges : First District L. R. Webster Secoud District Kobert Bean Third District: R. P. Boise "Fourth District Seneca Smith fifth District F. J. Taylor mu District . ji l uimsieaa Glatecp County Officers: Judge . C A McGulre Cleric C. J. Trenehard Sheriff. W. G. Ros CommUsloners J ftj- gg Assessor . . J. F. Warren Treasurer Isaac Bergman Surveyor. G. F. Parker School Supt ...... J. E. Hlgglns Coroner .. J C. Ross Astoria City Officers Mayor. . ... J. W. Hume Auditor and Cleric T. S. Jewett Treasurer. ...... . J. G. Hustler Assessor. . .... Geo. P. Wheeler Street .Superintendent Thos. Logan tnieror ronce .. ciarK Loughrey Police Judge. Sexton......, ,C. H. Stockton M.Conley COUNCILMKX : (c. n. c J.A.A.CA G. G. Sn Coorjer First Ward , Cleveland . Smith (Thos. Dealv Second Ward.. AC. J.Tienchard ( SOCIETY MEETI.VGH. Temple Lodge, No. 7A.F.A.M. REGULAB COMMUNICATIONS 2 first and third Tuesdays in eachxV month. at 7i4 o'clock, p. at., at theV Hall in Astoria. Members of the order in good standing are Invited to attend.. By order ottbe W. M, Bearer Lodge No. 35, L O. O. P. REGULAR MEETING EV- en' Thursday eveninc at-?X seven o'clock, at the LodgeSSfes room In Odd Fellows Hall. Asto- ria. Sojourning members of the order in gooa sianaing, coraiany uivitea to nuena. By order N. G. Ocean Encampment, No. 13, 1. O.-O.F. REGULAR MEETINGS OF OCEAN EN IX campment No. 13. I. O. O. F., at the Lodge, in tho Odd Fellows Building, at seven r. m.. on the second and fourth Mondays of each month. Sojourning breth ren coraiany mvueu. By order C- P. Seaside Lodge No. 12. A. O. TJ. W. TJEGULAR MEETINGS OF SEASIDE A Lodge JNo. 12, A. O. u. w. will be held in Pythian Hall on Friday evening of eacli week, at 7 o'clock r. m. Members of the order m good standinir. and vlsltlnc lirotli ers are Invited to attend. Library iill be open fifteen minutes before and after each meeting, uy order M. w. C. BROWN, Rec Astoria Lodge No. 40. L O. G.I. REGULAR MEETING EVERY MON day evening at 7 -.30 o'clock, in the Hall over Mr. Case's store. Members of the Or der, in good standing, aae Invited to attend. By order W. C. T. American Legion of Honor. REGULAR MEETING OF ASTORIA Council No. 995 is held on the first and third Tuesday of each mouth, at 7 o'clock v. si. By order of the Council Commander. R.V.MONTE1TH, Sec'ty. Occident Council No. 5. 0. C. P. MEETS EVERY FIRST AND THIRD Monday evenings of each month, at 8 o'clock P. M. Members of the order arc icspectfully requested to attend. By order. C. BROWN, Recorder. Cushlng Post No. 14, G. A. R. REGULAR MEETINGS OF THIS POST on tho second :uid fourth Tuesdays of each month at 7 :30 i ai. Visiting "com rades cordially invited. By order P.C. Pacific Lodge No. 17, K, of P. REGULAR MEETINGS OF THIS Lodge every Friday evening, at 7:30 o'clock. In their Castle Hall. Sojourning Knights cordially iuvited to attend. W. A. SHERMAN, ILofR. and S. Astor Lodge No. 6. K. of P. REGULAR MEETINGS OF THIS Lod?e everv Weduesdav evonincr. at 7 -J30 o'clock, at their lodge room. In Pthlan Castle. Sojourning Knights cordiallv invit ed to attend. W. U HOI1B. K. of It. and S. Astoria Division No. One, Uniform Rank, K. or P. REGULAR MEETING ON THE SECOND and fourth Thursdays of each month in their armorv Hall, in Pythian Castle, at eight v. m. Regular drill on the first and third Thursdays of each month, at Main strept wharf, at eight r. m. Sojourning Sir Knights cordially Invited to attend meetings and drills. SCOTT BOZORTH. Recorder. Common CounciL REGULAR MEETINGS. SECOND AND fourth Tuesday evenings of each mouth at 7J4 o'clock. B3l'ersons desiring to have matters acted upon by the Council, at any regular meet ing must present the same to the Auditor and Clerk, on or before the Friday evening prior to the Tuesday on which the Council holds its regular meeting. THOS. S. JEWETT, Auditor and Clerk. Astoria He tall Market. Flour per bbl S40S5. Wheat, per cental $L50l.7;j. Oats, " S1.502.00 Bacon, sides per 2), 1CK19 cts. Shoulders, " 12K cts. Haras, " 1720 cts. Lard, " 1416 cts. Beef, 1018 cts. Mutton,8l4 cts. Pork, 1217 cts. Veal, 1218 cts. Butter, per roll G075cts. Epcs, per dozen 3540 cts. Potatoes, new, per fi l cU Cheese, per B 1620 to 40 cts. Cornineal, per B 4 cts. Oatmeal, . " Cfcts. Beans, u 4KK cte. Coffee, ' 12X40ck. Tea, " 2390cts. Mice, - 8 10 cts. Sugar, " 8KH cts. Syrup, per gallon 70c Si. Iloney, per gallon S1.35. Salmon, perkitSS. Onions, per B L'ics. Apples dried per 2 1018 cts. Peaches " " 13 18 cts. Plums, " " 12KlGcts. Candles, per 3t 20 cts. Chickens, per dozen SG. Hay, per ton 12 S15. Hides, per 2 6 9 cts. Oils, per gallon, boiled linseed, 75c; raw linseed, 70c; coal oil, 40c ; IardSL25 LOEB & CO. JOBBERS IN WINES. LIQUORS, AND CIGARS. AfiENTS FOR THE Best San Francisco Houses and Eastern Distilleries. Tumblers Decanters, and All Kinds of Saloon Supplies. W All good sold at San Francisco Prices MAIN STREET. Opposite Frker Eow, Astoria, Oregon. iiticur ?WfiffimWJiGvVEs Infantile Blood Purifiers and Skin Beaut fiers. A PohIc Cure for Etrrx Tomm of St-in and Vlno'i lt:io. rtottirim- I!vi to rjf.lut:i. IXFANTII.E and Rirtli Humor?, M:lk Cru'.' Scalled Hnl, Eczemas, ami ov r loim f Itclihig. Scaly. P inil,S-T.ful 11:1111! In heiited J)Nt-:ist- i-f I lie Itlood. Skin am Scalp. itli los of H- ir. mm I f.n cv to As.t cur-l by ihe Ceticli: kk-oi.vkxi. t new blood puiifier, iutcnially. and cuiirc RA and Cuticuiia Soap, the great skin cures, externally. Absolutely pure and talc and may be used ft om the mvment of birth. 'OUR LITTLE BOY." Mr. arulilrs. Ei-Mtt Stebbms. Btlehcr tcTvn.Mass. wilte: "Our little borv- ws ter ribly afflicted with Sciofula. talt Rhenm and Erysipelas ever since he was born, and nothing we could give him helped him until we tried Ccticcra Remedied, which grad ually cured him, until now he is as fair as any child." "WORKS TO A CHARM." J.iSWeeks, Eq .Town Tie.i-.nrer. St. Al bans Vt. sajs in a letter dated Mav :N : "It works to a charm on mv babj's face and head. Cured the head cntirelvnml linsiicnr- ly cleaned the face of sores "I hav recom mended it to several, and Dr. Plant has or- uereu it lor tnem." "A TERRIBLE CASE." Charles Eayre Hinkle.Jprtey City Heights, N. J., writes : "My son. a lad of t w el ve ear-, was completely cured of a terrible case of .eczema ovine ucticuka kemkijies. From the top of his lead to the soles of his feet was one mass oi scaov Every other rem edy and phjsicians had been tried in vain. FOR PALE, LANGUID, Emaciated children, with nininlv. sniimv skin, the Ccticuka Remedies will pnne a peucci uiesiiig. cleansing uie uioou ana skin of inherited imnurtties and evnellmfr the germs of scrofula, rheumatism, con sumption ana severe sxin aiseascs. Sold everywhere. lrice: Ccticl-ka, :xi cents; iiKhOL.vKrr, i.uu: aOAr. ceni, Potteu Dituo AXi Chemical Co., liostou, Mass. Send for "How to C'nrc Skin Diseases": T A "D'V Use C'ntlcurn Son p. an cx- j-r ,i.x nuisiieiy jienumed .-kin Hcauiiner, and loiit-t. liatli, and Xm ben Sanative. CATAR SANFORD'S RADICAL CURE Tho Great Balsamic Distillation of "Witch Haz. American Pine. Canadian Fnr, STarigold. Clover Blossom. Etc.. For the immediito relief nnd Permanent Cure orcrcrj' fnrm of Catarrh, from a iini.lc Head Cold or Influenza to tho Los of Smell, Taste, and Heaiinp. Cough, lironchitis and Incipi ent Consumption. Kcliifin fivo minutes in any and every c.ifo. Xothing liko it. tirate f j1 fracrnnt, wholesomo. Curo begins from first application, nnd is rapiJ, radicil perma nent, and novcr failins. One bottlo Rndiral Cure, one Do x Catarrhal Solvent nnd Sanford's Inhaler, all in one packago, forming a complcto treatment, of all druggist? for SI, Ask for Sa.nk. rd'.s Radical Cuki Potter Dace asu CueuirAL Co., Boston. DAIN rnlllus Voll.-ilr I"liT Irlc I'lastrr insLintlv affects tho Xcrious Sys tem and Danishes Pair. Aiit Uii tery roiiililnrd itli n . I'oniiis IMasler for SCfFERJKa NERVE i-cnty-fir r-nts It annihilates Pain, vitalizes Weak nnJ Worn Out farts strengthen? Tired Mu.cle. prevents Disease, and docs more in one half tho time than any other plaster in tho world. Sold every whore. IS THE cur Foreign Salmon Shipments for 'SI. MAY. Eslxlale Cutting. 3 OOfl? Kvmiltiirnr?nT. 2,500; J. G, Mepler, 1,000; Win. Hume, ww; d. W. Y. UOOK. l,oWI. AnRlc American, i,uuu. Total, vjmj. juke. Itata Uadollet & Co, 3,81)0; Scandina vian, 1,500; Timmins & Co., 2,250! Cut ting, 1,000. Total, 8.G40. Chas. Cotcsworth Joseph Hume, 4,000; Thoines & Knowlas, 5,500; G. T. Elvers, 1,000; J. "W. & V. Cook, 1,000; Jas. 'Wil liams, 2,178; Fishermen's, 1,000; S. El more. 1,200; Win. Hume, 750. Total, 13,103. 'J.Abei'istwith Callc J G Mecler, 3,000; Aberdeen Co. 810; Jno A Devlin, 7,000; Astoria, 2,500; Booth & Co, 1,000; 12 Jessie Jamison, to London. Astor ia, 5,500; Wm. Hume, 0,316; Badollet & Co., 1.500; J. O, Hanthoru, 1,000; C. Timmins & Co., 2,500; Jno. A. Devlin, 2,000; Geo. T. Myers, 1,000; A. Booth, l, 500; F. M. Warren, 1,000; Cutting. 200. Total, 22,516. 15 Woodlark J. O. Hanthorn, 1,250; Jos. Hume, 3,103; Thomc3 and Kuowles, 2,500; G. W. Humo, 650; Pt. Adams, 1,250; Aberdeen, 1,600; West Coast, 1,500; Scan dinavian. 3,000; Fisherman's, 2,500; Jas. Williams, 2,000; G. T. Myers, 2,000; Sam Elmore, 2,000; Union Pacific, 3,000; Co lumbia, 1,000; Badollet & Co., 5,000; J. W; and V. Cook, 2,500; I. X. L., 1,250; Total, 36,108. AUOUST. 4. City of Delhi, to Liverpool. Tiiomes & Knowles, 5,000; Catting Packing Co. 3,000; Wm. Hume, 7,500; Hapgood & Co.. 3,000; Anglo-American, 2,000: J. W. & V. Cook, 2,000; Scandinavian P'kg Co., 3,000; Columbia Canning Co.,1,500; Fishermen's Pk'g Co., 1,500: Jas. Williams, 1,500; Geo. T. Myers, 1,500; Aberdeen Co., 1,745; I X L, 1,250; Pt. Adams, 1,250; West Coast, 1,220; G, W. Hnme, 625; Jos. Hume, 7,700 Astoria Pkg Co., 500. A. Booth & Co,, 3,000. Total 48,820. 25. Alameda. J. (J. Megler. 5,000: Astoria Packing Co., 1,500: Cutting Packing Co., 2,000; J. W. & V. Cool?. 2.000; J. O. Hanthorn &Co.,S,23u; Ocean Canning Co., 5,000 ; Hapgood & Co. 2,000 ; F.M. Warren, 3.000; W.T. Coleman & Co.,1,500; Jas. Williams, 1.500; Fisher man's, 1,500; Union. 2,000; Columbia Canning Co., 3,500; Win. Hume, 6,050; Pillar Rock, 2,000. Total, 46,800. SEPTEMBER. 2. Belle of Oregon. Geo. T. 3Iyers 3.000; C. Timmins, 2,500; Badollet & Co 7,500 ; J. W. & Y. Cook, 2,000 ; Jos. Hume, 1,780; Fisherman's. 4.500; S. Elmore. 1,000; Coleman. 2,000; Union, 1,000: Pt. Adams, 450; West Coast, 1.000; I.X. L, 1,000 ; Columbia, 4.000. Total, 33,730. 22. Kirkwnrul- .1. (I. Mpfrlnr r.mv cases; J. W. & V. Cook. 3,500; Pt. Ad ams. 5,050; WestCoast, 4.500: I X L, 3,750; Aberdeen, 6,000: G. W. Hume, 2, 125; Occident, 3,000 ; Thoines & Knowies 2,000; Geo. T.Myers, 1,000; Pacific Un ion, 2,500; Jno. A. Devlin, 450; Eureka, 2,000; Astoria, 800; Columbia, 2.500; S. Elmore, 101; Jas. Williams. 628; Anglo American, 2,500 : Total, 52,804. OCrOBEB. 16. Griscdale: G. W. Humo, 625 cases: Aberdeen. 2.500: "West Hnnct tm. I. X.L.. 1.250: J. W. t V. CnnV orjui' Point Adams, 1,500; Total, 9,311. For Sale. FIVE HUNDRED CORDS DRY HE.M lOClT WoOll- Wl1h T -Will HolivAf f- thii houses of customers for $4 a cord. graying oi an Kinds done at reasonable rates. E.iB. MARION. 4& Id u HrSssaSyf.,. x iisWBMSsLry Henry Yillard. The New York correspondent of the Troy Tinus writes- One of the most remarkable personal movements of the present clay is Henry Yillard'a resumption of a "residence in Iris na tive laud. It is now said ho will make Berlin his fntnrc home, and it is prob able that, he will, to a partial degree at least, eutei the government service. His knowledge of American affairs would renderbim of the highest use to Bismarck, while he could add to this a lucrative bauking business having the conGdence or both conti nents. rj.his prospective change shows bow easily the best calculations yield to circumstances. A year ago Yillard was at the head of one of the grand est American enterprises, and felt so assured of success that he gave that splendid excursion which must long stand unrivaled. He was then estimated at five mil lions, and was building a house whose cost was figured at a half million. His name was daily paragraphed and went the ronuds of the press with all the applause due to one who had con quered the greatest obstacles and giv fn siifwc: in nn nnfpmrises which, in the hands of Jay Cooke, had proved so great a failure. How rapidly tms brilliant display was followed by mis- fnrfmi! TIipyi nnmn HlG sad neW3 of a general collapse, and Henry Yillard soon sank beyond hope ot recover. His was the first of that remarkable series of failures which has given such fearful distinction to the pres ent season. Catchins the Devil FMi. Yesterday an Indian hooked up from one of the wharf posts an octo pus five feet from tip to tip, and to tho querv 'YVhat arc yon going to do with him?" answered 'Ore eat him," and in fact, with them the flesh is es teemed a creat delicacy, although when alive the animal is an object of terror. The llesh when boiled is per fectly white, and tastes something liko cods' tongues; but while eating it me recollection oi wuuv iuo uuiuij was when alive takes away all enjoy ment It is not snch a harmless amusement, this fishing for devil fish, and one which everybody would choose for an afternoon's sport. There is only one really skillful fisher in tewn: a mission loy, who fearlessly wades into the water near their haunts, and, seizing the animal, tears him from tho rock. Of course his Satanic majesty resents the intrusion upon his rights and retaliates by winding one or more arms around the boy, but with a quick and peculiar motion flie Indian tears them off with a noise resembling the ripping of heavy cotton cloth, at the same time slitting open the sack of the animal. It is a daugerous proceeding and one which makes the beholder cringe to see tho soft, slimy arm of the octopus winding itself around and gradually taking hold with its innumerable suckers. AlasJui LitUr. The tallest bird known to ethnolo gists was found by Prof. Herbert in the lower eocene deposits near Paris, France. It was over twelve feet in hight, and could have bitten a man's head off as easily as a woodpecker can hip a cherry. "Wo cannot be too thankful that this bird is gone out of fashion and existence. Ladie3 would have wanted to wear it on their hats, and men who sat behind such bonnet ornaments in tho theaters would be unable to see whether a ballet or a prayer meeting were in progress on the stage. lioston Herald. PILES! PILES! PILES! A SURE CUKE FOOD AT LAST! NO ONE NEED SUFFER. A sure cure for Blind, Bleeding' Itching and Ulcerated Piles has been discovered by Dr. Williams (an Indi an Remedy.) called Dr. William's In dian Pile Ointment A single box has cured the worst chronic cases of 25 or 30 years standing. No one need suffer five minutes after applying this wonderful soothing medicine'Lotions instruments and electuaries do more harm than good. William's Indian Pile Ointment absorbs the tumors, allays the intense itching, (particular ly at night after getting warm in bed,) acts as a poultice, gives instant relief, and is prepared only for Piles, itching of the private parts, and for nothing else. Read what the Hon. J. M. Coffinber ry of Cleveland says about Dr. Wil liam's Indian Pile Ointment: I have used scores ot Pile Cures, and it af fords me pleasuro to say that I have never found anything which gave such immediate and permanent relief as Dr. William's Indian Ointment Hon. Judge W. P. Coons, JIaysville, Ky., says: "I have suffered for vears with itching piles, and have "used many remedies. I have used Dr. Wil liam's Indian Pile Ointmentand been cured while every other remedy has failed." For sale by all druggists anil mailed on receipt of price, S1.00. FRAZLER MEDICINE CO., Proprie tors, CliEVEIiANT), O. Frank and Clear. Huvltis Admitted the Strength of the Evidence n I'romlnent Phy sician talces Logical Action. The followins letter toils its own story. Tho signature will bo recognized as that of tho Physicinn-in-Chicfof tho Do Quincy Home, and author of "Drugs That Enslave," "Tho Hypodermic Injection of Morphine," A Man ual of Nursing," and many other popular and valuable special medical werks: 101 West Term Street. ) Akw Iobk, August 11. 1SS0. J Messts. Seakuky & Joireso.v, Gentlemen: Liko most of my profession, 1 am cautious about pinning my faith to any new medicine or curative agent But your BENSON'S CAPCINErOROUS TLASTER has broken through the barriers and won its way to my good opinion. My attention was first called to it somo eight months ago by a patient of mino Although I was well ac quainted With tho suncrior nTpnlton.. r other plaster and antiseptic dressing, mado especially mr mo profession, tho Benson's was comparatively now to mo. TJn.i i,j however, of its merits as a remedy, in cases' ui mmc .duck, i.ocai uneumatism, Neural gia. Congestion of tho Bronchial Tubes and Lungs. Dyspepsia, Torpid Liver and tho liko affections, and havo sinco botmn : ment with it personally. I find BENSON'S CAPCINE PLASTER an exceptionally clean ly plaster to uso. and rapid in its action. .many icsts of its qualitios, mado in my own family and amoncmv nnt!n lin - ?. ed mo that there is no single articlo so valu able for popular uso, nor so helpful in the diseases I have named. Should you desire to do n , name to that effect Very truly yours, H. H.KANE, A. M..M.D. Tho genuino have tho word nAPprwr in the center. Price 25 cents. Scabury & JohnsonfChemiats, Kew York. :S" f fit t5t- 5ic. IS POWDER Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies. A marvel of purity, strength and whoIe-omeues5. More economical thin the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold in conmetltionuith the mul titude ot low test short welghr, alum or pnotpuaie powuers. aoia oniyia cans, hoy alUakino I'owdbr Co., loo Walt-st. N. Y TERRITORIAL REPUBLICAN TICKET. For Delegate to Congress, J. M. ARMSTRONG. For Brigadier General, WILLIAM PEEL. For Adjutant General, R. G. O'BRIEN. For Quartermaster General, D. B. JACKSON. For Commissary General, H. "W. LIVINGSTONE. WahklaVnm Connty People's Ticket. For Prosecuting Attorney, N. S. PORTER. For Joint Councilman, A. D. BOWEN. For Joint Representatives, Korthe Counties of Cowlitz, Pacific, Che halts and Wahkiakum. Wm. TEFFT, E. CAMPBELL, For County Commissioners, WW. MARSHALL, THOS. IRVING, - CHAS. EMMERSON. For Auditor, J. W. CLEMENS. For Sheriff, S.F.ALBERT. For County Treasurer, JOHN DOCKAR. For Assessor, J. S. MASTEN. For Probate Judge, W. ANDREWS. For School Superintendent, Mrs. MARY T. IRVING. For Coroner, J. H. GRAHAM, For Justice of the Peace, Herd Law. Church Property Tax. TERRITORIAL DEMOCRATIC TICKET. For Delegate to Congress, CHARLES S. VOORHEES. For Brigadier General, JAS. McAULIFF. For Adjutant General, W. E. ANDERSON. For Quartermaster General, SIMON BURG. For Commissary General, FRANK HAND. Wahkiakum Connty People's Ticket. For Prosecuting Attorney, J. C. McFADDEN. For Joint Councilman, M. Z. GOODELL. For Joint Representatives For the Counties of Cowlitz, Pacific, Che halis and Wahkiakum. J. B. LADEU, J. J. FOSTER. For County Commissioners, W. W. MARSHALL, THOS. IRVING, CHAS. EMERSON. For Auditor, J. W. CLEMENS. For Sheriff, S. F. ALBERT. For County Treasurer, JOHN DOCKAR. For Assessor, J. S. MASTEN. For Probate Judge, W. ANDREWS. For School Superintendent, Mrs. MARY T. IRVING, For Coroner, J. H. GRAHAM, For Justice of the Peace, Herd Law. Church Property Tax. Domestic Exports. The receipts ot certain articles of Or egon produce, at San Francisco, from January 1. 18S1, to October 8, 1834, inclu sive, have been as follews: Flour, qr sks ....., ....... Wheat, ctls ......... Oats, ctls . Salmon, bbls h bbla cs ........... . , pkgs , Apples, Ripe, uxs........... . bbls..L.. pkRS . Butter, pkgs Potatoes, sks . Wool, bales ... .... Hides, No......... Tallow, pkKs......... Beer, bbls.r. Hay. bales.. . Quicksilver, flasks trait. Dried, pkgs Leal her, pkgs . .. Hops, bales . Hams, pkgs . Cheese, cs ....... .. Flax Seed, sks.... ....... . Corn. ctls....... .................... Canned Goods, cs ... Lard, pkgs... ..... . Bacon, cs... .:... . . . . 501,693 105,405 2.S78 1.58C 831 93,503 432 1,011 20 1 0 9444 1S.C62 18,089 SS3 2S6 TiS 30 47.1 1,273 73 CI 15,174 "ioi 86 2 saxsty M-ajECsrs HOSPITAL, ASTORIA, OREGOE THIS INbTITOTION. UNDER CARE OF the Sisters of Charity, Is now ready foi the reception of patients. Private rooms for the accommodation oi any desiring them. Patients admitted at all horns, day or night. No physician has exclusive right, everv patient is free to and has the privilege of employing any physician they prefer. United States Marine Seamen who pay Hospital Dues, are entl Ged to Free care and attendance at thLs Hos pital during sickness. Permits must be ob tained for United States Marines at the Cus tom House. SISTXBS OF CgABTTr gap i 1 1 s if a &EIZS. 53; ,. jCWn Js vv SAIP THEY RECEIVED THE For FLAX THREADS at the London Fisheries Exhibition 1883. And have been awarded HICKER PRIZES atthcarious INTERNATIONAL EXPOSITIONS Than the goods of any other THREAD BflRTXJkG'irorRjEIRS IN UIE WORLD. Quality om Always be Depended oa. HENRY DOYLE & CO., 5 1 7 and 5 1 9 Market Street, - - San Francisco, Agents for Pacific Const. Seine Twines, Rope and Netting Constantly on Hand. MARKETS. WASHINGTON MARKET, 32nln Street, Astoria, Oregon. BEUGJ1AN ti BEURY, PUOl'RIKTOJIS. RESPECTFULLY CALL TriE ATTEN tion of the public to the fact that the above Market ill always be supplied with a FULL VARIETY AND BEST QUAUTi op FRESH AMD CURED TREATS ! ! Which will be sold at lowest rates, whole sale and retail. G?-Spccial attention given to suppljing ships. WYATT & THOMPSON. DEALERS IN FRESH AND CURED MEATS, CHOICE GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, Crockery and Glassware. mill JF'eeca., :E3to, STAR MARKET. ,- WHERRY & COMPANY, Fresh and Cured Meats, "Vo getalDles, FRUITS, BUTTER, and EGGS. OPrOSITE OCCIDENT HOTEL, CIIEXA3IUS Street. Astoria, Os PACIFIC MARK HOUSE KEEPERS, Hotel and Restaurant Keepers, ATTENTION!! FRESH FISH DAILY RECEIVED. MANHOOD The reason that Tiioumnds cannot j"t cund oj SEMIXAL WEAKXESS, LOSS OF J.1V 1100D, andthtruulloj abuse, discait or excesses, is oicir.g to a complication called PROSTA TOR RUE A. DR. LIEBICS IXVIGORATOR is the OXLJ'cureforPROSTATORRlIEA. Price, 2.00 per paclage, G packages, glO CO. Guide to Health and Self-Analyst sent free. Address LIE BIO DlSPEXSARYforblseasetof Me.i, 4C0 Geary St., San Fraaci3co, Cal. V W KfcSlOKtU 2 BSST. Ugfi ERJ 19?? Notice of Assignment. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE of Oregon, for Clatsop County : In the matter of theasij;nmentof S. J.Bid well, insolvent debtor : Notice Is hereby given that S. J. Bidweli has, made an assignment in the above enti tled court, for the benefit of all her creditors, m propoition to the amount of their respect ive cl.unis : That the undersigned was on the 7lh day of Ammst, ltS4, appointed as!gnee of said estate, and all creditors h.ivinj claims against said estate are hereby notl lled to present their claims to the under signed at his ofllce in his room In the city of Astoria, Clatsop County. Oregon, under oath within three months alter said appointment. N.LoEB. Assignee of the Estate of S. J. Bidweli, Insolvent Debtor. Notice to Whom It May Concern. riIHE UNDERSIGNED HAVING BEEN X appointed Administrator of the estate of John Huhtala deceived, all persons ha ing claims against said estate are liereby requested topreent such chums dulyventied within ii months of the date of this notice at my residence in Upper Astoria, CJatsop County, Oregon. ANDREW BARRY. Astoria, July 23, 1834. Executors' Notice. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THATTHE undersigned have been appointed exec utors of the will and testament of Lloyd Van Dusen, deceased, and all persons hav ing claims against the estate of the said de ceased are requested to present the same at the ofhee of Brenham Van Dusen, In Asto ria, Oregon, within six months from this date. B. VAN DUSEN. H. J. VAN DUSEN. Executors and Trustees. Asto; la, October 1, 1884. PATENTS, Caveats,Rc-is.ntcs andTrade-Marhs secured, and all other patent causes in the Patent Onlce and before the Courts promptly and carefully attended to. Upon receint of MODEL or SKETCH of invention, I mahe careful examination, and advise as to patentability FIIEE of CHARGE FfcES .MODEK1TE. and I make XO riliKGE U.NLEs IMTE.NT IS SECCRED Information, advice, and special references sent on application. J. R. LITTELL, Washington, D C. Near U. S. Patent onice. -ASK FOR Union India Rubber Co.'s Ture Fara Gum CRACK PROOF RUBBER BOOTS. BEWARE OF IMITATIONS ! Re sure the Doots arc stamped CRA CK PROOF on the heels, and have the PURE GUM SPRINGS on the foot and Instep, which preven their cracking or breaking. AVe are now making them with RUBBER AND ASBESTOS Soles which will make them hist more than twice as long as any Rubber boots made. FOR SALE BY ALL DEALERS. ALL KI.vDS RUBBER BELTING. PACK ING, HO-E, SPRINGS, CLOTHING, BOOTS AND SHOES, Etc. GOODYEAR RUBBER CO. R. II. PEAhE. Jr. I Agents, S.ai. RUNYON, f San Francisco. 'SECURE THE SHADOW Ere the substance fade, and when you visit Portland, make It a part of your business to call on "W. H. Towxe, at tho San Fran cisco Gallery, S. W. corner First and Morrison streets, and have your photograph taksm In tho highest style of tn art. i--- -s- ' v r-v X WMMrfJ J v r