zr - c? "X C0 Itc gailjj toran. ASTORIA, OREGON: SUNDAY... OCTOBEE 19,1881 THE MORMON DANGER AND ITS REMEDY. Ik his speech at Occidental Hall last Friday night Senator Slater made some sensible remarks in re gard to Mormonism and the Ed munds bilL He conceded a good deal for a Democratic Senator. Further remarks are in order. It is questionable -whether any sub ject of such vital importance has forced itself upon the attention of American people, and yet be so little understood as Mormonism. Ordinar ily, in discussing its objectionable features and its infamies, all else connected with it is passed by as of no oonsequenpe, and polygamy, or plural marriage, is held up as the one crime of Utah. And yet, to those who have been in contact "with it and have knowledge of its principles and its practices, polygamy, base and in famous as it is, is one of the least of the evils of the system. It is, indeed, but the outgrowth the product of the principles underlying it The Mormon church is a genuine theoc racy, in form claiming to be religion, but in reality only a secret political organization, with the machinery and the title of a church, but ut terly devoid of all religious sentiment bound together by the obligation of an oath more binding, more horri ble, than ever bound the hands and hearts of bands for piracy or robbery. Its members, "whether ten or ten thousand, are a unit They think, act, and are, as one man in all mat ters pertaining to church, or state, or whatever else commands their atten tion. Their principles are at enmity with free government and hostile to the individualitv of man. Hence, their whole history has been one of hostility to the government, and at variance with our civilization. Strike down polygamy, and Mormonism would survive the blow. Enforce the laws against its evil-doers, and it will only resort to more subtle and obscure methods to achieve its ends. With great cunning, it undertakes to destroy the law under the forms of law. To reform it is impossible, be cause it is fundamentally wrong; and that which is fundamentally wrong can never be reformed. Doubtless there are a few cranks who have be lieved, and do now most earnestly be lieve that their so-called revelations from God are a verity; but to the great er number of them, and, notably, to their leaders, it is the veriest non sense and the basest hypocrisy. Their religion is not dangerous; no intelligent person cares for it. It is a harmless fanaticism, except in so far as it gives effectiveneness to their political power. It is as a factor in politics that they are to be feared. Ridiculous as it may seem, they dream of universal cenquest: First, the states and territories contiguous to them, and the next, and the next, and so on, until the nation is atf their feet 'and, then, the world. Without entertaining for one mo ment any fear that they will ever ef fect much in the line of their ambi tion, it is certain that they began with method, andhave accomplished much in a very little while. Of course. Utah is absolutely under their con trol, as much as if there was not a Gentile or non-Mormon in the terri tory; for they vote as a unit upon all propositions. Individual opinion is not permitted among the laity. The "bosses of the church'' command and the membership as slaves obey. And this "bossism" extends into, and en compasses, all of the walks of life t not only to the exercise of the elec tive franchise, but to jurors, wit nesses, and all official duties and to the commonest private affairs. Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, Arizona and Nevada have felt their power, politi cally, in the past; and are now, for the most part, effectively within their grasp. True, Nevada has, for a time shaken off their influence, but not for long, for they have over 700 registered voters within that state. And in Nevada, as, indeed, in all the states and territories adjacent, the two great political parties are nearly evenly bal anced so nearly so that a few hun dred votea, thrown as a unit, will turn the scale and constitute the balance of power. Knowing this, and being utterly devoid of political principle considering all power as only a means to that end, and that end, at all times and under all circumstances, the ad vancement of the interests of the church they always vote for the fur therance of Mormonism. If theocracies have any leading characteristics, it is that they are cunning, aggressive, and persistent. Ground once gained is never yielded up voluntarily. Mormonism is no exception to the rule. It has planted its standard in state and territory, deliberately and for a purpose, and it has no idea of yielding or being di verted from its object And the peo ple of the several commonwealths where it is established may take no tice of that fact, and govern them selves accordingly. Elsewhere it can be combated, under existing laws, as other evils are combited, but not so in Utah. There it is supreme. It has an overwhelming majority at the polls. Its legislature is unanimously Mormon. It enacts laws and consti tutes the machinery of local govern ment. It makes up the jury Hate, and holds the obligation of an oath in contempt It disregards justice, and shields its members from the penalties of violated laws. As a political power, it is corrupt, vicious and treasonable. As a religious or ganization, it is low, vulgar and licen tious. As an entirety, it is impelled by the meanest, basest, and most vicious instincts of human nature. It ought to be hemmed in, fought against, and stamped out by the maj esty of the law. To accomplish this no ordinary means will suffice. It should be met with such powers as necessity demands. If the civil au thorities can -crush it, it should be done, and done at onee by the civil authorities. But if the civil author ities can not crush it, let it be done by the military. Let it be done by any power that can do it in the short est time and most effectively. Nei ther the technicalities of the law, nor a sickly sentimentality, nor blind in difference should be tolerated. It should be extirpated by the shortest and best methods. Its death is de manded by public necessity. It was hoped by its advocates in congress that the Edmunds bill would go far toward correcting this great evil. But those who were fa miliar with Mormon conscience and Mormon methods had but little faith in its efficiency. That law was in tended mainly to affect the political rights of a class of the citizens to wrest the ballot from polygamists, as well, also, as the right to hold office. But, unfortunately, the polygamic relations of such parties could only be determined by the oaths, of the parties themselves. To the average Mormon an oath is but a means to an end. To all ortho dox "saints" their duty to the church is paramount to their duty to the nation; and all statutory crimes, in cluding perjury, are permissible, jus tifiable, if they are deemed, necessary to serve the church. Hence the Ed munds bill has practically proved a failure, as evidenced by the fact that the number of votes cast in that ter ritory is practically the same as be fore the law. The methods of governing ordinarily applied to other communities will not apply to Mor mons, for the reason that their relig ion is not in harmony with our civilization, nor have they any sym pathy with the government, nor any respect for its laws, nor any intention to obey them, if they can escape so doing by evasion, perjury, or covert treason. This being true, the gov ernment will be compelled to adopt extraordinary means to stop its prog ress, and extirpate it from the land. Ordinarily, it is neither wise nor proper to deviate from the funda mental idea of self-government, but in cases like the one in question just such power should be exercised, and such methods adopted as necessity demands. The power of congress over the territories under the nation al constitution is absolute. It generously exercised that power originally by giving to them a local government, the Bame as was given to the other territories; but from then, until now, through a period of thirty-two years they have been in solent, rebellious, defiant a kind of independency a foreign government, so to speak within the republic maintained at the government's ex pense, but in defiance of its authori ty. Since mild measures have failed, the government should deal with it with a strong hand. The organic act should be repealed, and the territo rial statutes as "an entirety be swept from existence, and a form of gov ernment be substituted similar to that which was adopted for the gov ernment of the northwest territory. A commission should be appointed by the president to draft a code of laws, and such laws be subject to re vision only by congress; let there be district and supreme courts, as now, with the United States marshal and his deputies as the only summoning officers of such courts; let the judges, their clerks, and the marshal prepare the jury lists; let all persons who believe in the rightfulness of polyga my, and all those who believe that thejr duty to the Mormon church is higher than their duty to their coun try, be declared to be ineligible to act as jurors; let these things be done, and faithful men competent, cour ageous and unpurchasablo be ap pointed to draft and execute the laws, and Mormonism will wither and perish. Senator Slaters idea of ed ucation is an excellent one but it is too slow for safety. The public debt less cash in the treasury on the 1st of October was $1,425,467,055, a reduction of $12,047 039 for the month and $24,438,181 for the first quarter of the fiscal year of 1884-85. This is about the average for the previous year, and indicates an absorption of abont $100,000,000 for the year. The only "way of now cutting down the debt is to pay off the three per cent bonds, over $10, 000,000 of which was paid off last month and $100,000,000 during the past year. Theek hundred Blaine speeches were delivered in Ohio every twenty-four hours during the last week of the campaign. NEW TO-DAY. Picked Up. 0N T.?E,-F.0RT STEVENS BEACH. ""i11? 16th. a black skiff, four oars. ?2VifetcJn b2S.t- Owner can have her by appyinij to Thos. StanOeld, Astoria, or John btanlleld, Ft. Stevens. "lvt"x ut Astoria, Oct. 18,1864. Wheelej & Kipp. PRACTICAL Pinters Gas ai Steam lite ALL WORK Warranted, and Estimates Given. FULL STOCK Iron and JLcml Pipe. Batli Tm1, "YatT Closet, axitl tin Fixtures. Chimney Pipe, Cheaper than Brick. JO IJBING PROM PTLY ATTENDED TO. Comer Siurinon.ua and Hamilton Streets, Astoria. Oregon. W. E. DEMENT & CO. ASTORIA, - - - OREGON Carry in Stock, DRUGS, CHEMICALS, TOILET and FANCY ARTICLES. Prescriptions carefully Compounded Best BREAD in the City, Best C.LMHES, Best CAKES ami I tSTKY, Best ICE CKEA.3I. Finest Ornamental Work to Order. ED. JACESOK". Carnahan & Co. SUCCE5SOKS TO I. W. CASE, IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE AND HHTAIIj DEALEKS IN GENERAL MEHCHAMKE oruer Chenannu and ASTORIA Cass street?. DKEGON The Gem Saloon. The Popular Resort" for Astorians. For tlic Finest of Wines and Liquors Go to THE GEM SALOON. ALEX. CAMPBELL. - - PROPRIETOR CnMier Hunfluz Hoofs. Coats, Hats, Caps, Gossamers, etc Itubncr, Leather and Cotton Kclthi:. Packing, I!oo. etc. PRESTON, XOTT & CO., 164, First Street, Portland, Or. ASTORIA LIQUOR STORE, AUG. DANIELSON, Proprietor Itelmilt ami Refitted Throughout The Rest of WIN FS. Ij10,ITO KS, AXI CI ; AILS For a Good Cigar, call for one of "Danielson's Best." Corner West 9th anil Water Streets, Aetori.i. nD-Gm Notice to Contractors. SEALED proposals will be received at the office of the Auditor and Clerk of the cUy of Astoria, until Monday, Octo ber 20, IfeSI, at one o'clock i m., lor the improvement of the erodings of Jeffer son and Hamilton streets and the cross ing of Jefferson and OIney streets, bv repiankins the same to their full w ultli with new plank and raiding tin crossing of Jefferson and Ham ilton streets one and one-half feet and raising the crossing of Jefferson and uuicy streets one loot, 111 the manner provided by ordinance X0.G0G. Bids must be accompanied with a guarantee signed by two responsible tax-payers, to the effect that if the contract be "award ed such bidder tnathe will within forty- eiKiibiiouraauer nonce orsucn award enter into contract therefor with good and sufficient surety for the faithful performance of the work. The right to reject any aim all bids is herebv re served. By order of the Common Council. Thos. Dkai.y, C. G. Smith, Committee on Streets and Public Wavs. Attest : T. S. Jewett. Auditor and Clerk. Astoria, October 13, 1SSL House To Let. FIVE ROOMS ; NEW ; GOOD LOCAL Iiy. Inquire atE. C. IIOLDEN'S. HAS RETURNED. J JP. LEATIIEItS HAS RETURNED and Is ready to turn ont some fine flsli Inp boats for tho river. Shop on the beach Rooms to Rent. QEVEN ROOMS SUITABLE FOR IIOUSE- u Keeping : in the business center; apply at this office. Furnished Rooms to Let, TTTITH OK WITHOUT BOARD. VT Enquire of Mns.E.0. HOLDEN. For Sale. A GOOD GENTLE nORSE. Inquire of ALEX. CAMPBELL. Picked Up. AT BARNEY'S POINT, A SKIFF. OWN er can apply to IL O LSHN. Master Union. To Rent. GOOD DWELLING HOUSE. Apply at Astoriax Office. VISITORS TO PORTLAND Should not forget to call at Town e's San Francisco Gallery, where may be seen photographs of all the leading men and women of Oiegon and Washington Territorv. Skillful operators always In attendance, arid the most minute attention paid to pictures of children. Don't forget the location. S. W. corner First and Xorrlsoa streets, up stairs. No trouble to show specimens to visitors. Street railroads pass the door every ten minutes, and this u the nearest gallery to the Ave principal hotels. ASTORIA M IP & I!!! lUsr'S "K A T3T" TC XP tF Sill BB EnR&ftU i aS B S fi BS B B.B "toRE am'ita?- rnoff PSr'fliafc! HOlOBlS! UliPSiQi uaiPclbl We 1 to call the attention of the public k our latest ii.iit.1. ion. il.jvet from Easturn inumilaciurrr. of tin-larcest invoice or yAliI'hLhi-wroteereil for suit: in this city, comprising all gnulis, fnH the FINEST BODY BRUSSELS In the Newest Tints and Shades. To the lowest priced article In this line. "We arc determined to dispose of our stock or Carpets within the next four weeks, and to that end offir&;iec!al inducements, precluding the possibility or Bei 3JmIevsnId by any of ou. Competitors. IX THE Furniture and House Furnishing Line We can show you the veryllDST GOODS at BOTTOM FIOUKES. ;.nd lmll im pleased re a call for Inspection whether 5 ou purchase oriict. to rccclv OHAS. HEILBOBH. BffBw pm Fa!! and Winter Campaign Opened afc CWB BBHWU11IIIM? n ! 1 i H S If a PICTURE Fft A3IES MOULDINGS. ETC, ETC. At Greatly Reduced Prices, ASTORIA FURNITURE CO., Cor. Chcnaiuus ami Hamilton Sts. II. Dv BUJSSOX, Manager. THE Hoi 8 PMii 111. LA1IGEST AND FINEST SASH AND DOOR FACTORY In Western Oivson. A Full Stock on HanJl and 3Iade Up to Order. AND SATISFACTION Gl'AItANTEED. Sashes, Doors, "Windows, Mouldings, Etc., Of Best (material Bids Furnished Contractors, Carpenters and Builders. All bilLs due and payable at the end of the month, unless otherwise agreed upon. Wm. HOWE, Proprietor. CLATSOP MILL COMPANY Manufacturers and Dealers in Lumber, Salmon Trays, BOXES, ETC. OFFICE AND MILL. COltNElt SAI.MON AND CEI)AU STREETS. ASTOIIIA. - - - Orcsitii. FISHERMEN! Twines and Netting JlAMiKACTUJIEn IIY THE Baltimore Twine and ITet Company. WM. J HOOPER & SON, Xo. Cf South ';! crt .St., Kalt!niorp,.1IiJ. :ySend for Price List, naintn vour County and State, tlkasi: mkxtiox this pavki:. ne Ship Chandlers, HEAVY AND SHELF HARDWARE Paints, Oils, and Varnish. LOGGERS' SUPPLIES. PROVISIONS AXD AGENTS FOU Salem Flouring Mills, Portland Roller Mills, Capital Tlour and FAIRBANKS' SCALES. ASTORIA., OREGON. Settlement Notice. ALL PERSONS INDEBTED TO TUP late llrm of A. Van Dnsen & Co. arc re quested to call and settle such Indebtedness immediately. Bv rcas m of the deccwi one of the members of the firm It Is iieciU sary to settle up the Ann business at one? B.VANDUSI-X II. J.VANDUSEN, . . . . . Executors and Trustees Astoria, October 2. IS?!. -.. Tax Notice. THE ASSESSMENT ROLL OF SCnoor District No. 18, Clatsop Coimty. Ore?"n. Is now equalized and the Hon BoarS of School Directors for said district have Issued ,........-, .v- wit. uiiui-iaiuuu io conect the MS2?ri?J?ei!ll5ls.,.I,ct- Taxpayers iVlVnn ; n-l.. ," X "& ' M e l? "'9 . iV.jXV .i ""!v"ti wio v,iii oe iounu at all times at his office on West 6th street, one house south of Wall stwt m , r, C.W.snTVELY, n a ... !Srk School District No. 18. Dated at the City of Astoria, Clatsop Co, Oregon, August SOtb, 1854. - . . -- ----- - Fa-rt-rtrg?Tfy---rr.v ; :- "T: r--SWr.Rfcl Pictures, Mirror b .W-.H.-.- ..,- cubu - w- Wu BOATS AND TENTS " - " - 12 . cr. o O o -- X O 5 K i feP3 f te H S en o r i-i .scpoS- xn o o 2 . o g 2 O o -j 3 t-2g - " :L yJta ? g S ar S, 8 s g 2 Btfzn - 2 6 a ' I" 5 a. - - p S S- 0 5 r er Si 5 3 Og I 3 g c 3 - - n FLAGS, ETC ETC. $87,000,000 Capital ! Liverpool and London and Globe. Horth British and mercantile Of London and Edinburgh. Old Connecticut cf Hartford, AXD COWlFflERClAL OF CALIFORNIA Fire Insurance Companies, Keprcscnt'ng a Capital or SG7,000 OOO. B VAN DUSKN. AwnL THE BEST IS THE loyr Manufactured by the OREGON ftllLLING COMPANY Is of Superior Quality, and is Endorsed by all who use it. THE HOUSEKEEPER'S FAVORITE Of Superior Ilisins Quality. Guaranteed io Give Satisfaction. WYATT & THOMPSON Sole Agent- for Am tori::. New Departure! At the well-known Restaurant or ROSCOE DIXON'S. On and after Ibis date Oysters in.everv style will be .served at 2." Cent. Fancy Itoasts and Fried Oysters 35 Cents K. BIXOrvT, .Proprietor. Stockholders' Meeting. NOTICE IS nEREBY GIVEN TIIATTIIE annual meeting of the stockholders of the "West Coast Packing Co. will be held at the company's office, on Thursday, October 23rd, 184. to elect officers for the ensuing year, and for tlie transaction of such other business as mav come before the meeting. By order of the president. S.E. MORTON. Secretary. Notiee. A1 LL TERSONS HAVING BILLS will please present them at once. In future all debts flue should be paid to "Win. "W. Wlin.n irlin tTntin c nut I141I ?70f1 in TPPPint for the same and carry on the business of "Wherry & Co. . WM. D. SMITH. Astoria, Oct bcr 1st, 1S8I. THE SKATIIfi Mil! IS NOW OPEW, Well fitted up throughout. Royal Brand F Onen on TUESDAYS, THURSDAYS, and SATURDAYS, and SATURDAY AFTERNOONS. tXo Disreputable Characters admitted. G.W.andA.E.ltOSS. , Managers. ' 3?or The Finest Groceries. 3?or Tiie Freshest Vegetables, For The SEost Complete Assortment, For Absolute Satisfaction, In FuTns and Delivering All Orders, Cdl .it FRANK L. jtfamiiy Itrccsry and irrovision Store, Corner Benton and Chanamus Streets. Opposite Custom House Square. 25S22S55SI2SS3eS2a msgk& - ar-cv- t K3a tPTJ Jqs3 uemsfir t& ta JE'Sa klssS K fir Haviiiir mustered all our forces for the coming1 event we are fully prepared to present in splendid array, an almost irresistible army of New and Stylish Goods in all oui Departments, Anxiously awaiting a fearless onslaught on the part of our patrons, under the able leadership of the invincible General Cash, to whom we shall gracefully and unconditionally surrender. Among our latest novelties we direct attention to our New Ball's Coiled Spring- Elastic, Section Corset, Having secured the sole agency in this city for this famous braud. We guarantee to the purchaser perfect satisfaction in every respeot, and the privilege of wearing a corset for three weeks on trial; if found deficient the purchase money will be refunded. :EJLj StaaaiaawfWW-ysawHBagr.ifc, i..-jb.l. iys of&n Jk 3K!ftgmej?3r -DEALEI: Tin, Sheet Iron and Copper Wari- A General Assortment of HOUSEHOLD GOODS. Agents for ?ila.2:ee Stoves and Ranges . . - 'Hie nest in tho marfcet. worlc done In a workmanlike mamipr PLUMBIR6, GAS FITTING, AND CANNERY WORK Attended to Promptly on Reasonable Terms. Cliexnmus Slrcet, .ct to C I. Parker's Store. THE NSW MODEL tilvCvJRv.. . . twf3i' wvr.v v1 iPSflRf - BAWB8, rPSIidr-' CAM. AXD EXCISE IT. V . &s--&ZZcZZZZ WILL BE PLEASED. Pkspmmsz rr-m :ti 'L -.'.- - --37r. F' A FULI. STOCK jasBs? .sassr. w&sssski. rS'Z'ZZ- "5v.-j m. or.si:x. J. gustafsox. a. joinrsox. MARTIN OLSEN & CO. DEALERS IX FURNITURE S5 BEDDING Comer jlam anil S(iicrnoqiia Streets. Astoria. Oregon. WINDOW SHADES AND TRIffllNGS; WALL PAPER, ETC. A Complete Stock. PHICES AS CHEAP AS aUALITY WILL AFFORD. AJmT, IkIKBS OF FIIKSITPBJE KEIMIRED AIVI TARKISnEI EOS Finest Groceries, -GO TO- FOii & STOOS. AFCLLLINEOF AND Ship Chandlery. A NEW SLIP Just Finished in Bear of Store. Boat Building, TIIE BEST STOCK AND WORKMANSHIP GUARANTEED. Boats of Every Description Built. Shop over Arndt & Ferchen's. I?. 31. I, BATHERS. PAK n23EEEESE STIU.1IKR l fL.lRA PARKER Eben P. Par her, Master. ForTOWIXt:, FKEIGHr orCHAK II. ". 1MRKEK. ORE !- 3 wirniir" " iSi s:feteiK m&&ttmi. Jl!I Sr RANGE CAN BE IIAD IN A3- -.rn TORIA ONLY OF E. V.. IIAWES Is also agent for thr Buck patent (Min? Steve Tft . r? .. -. o auu oinurursi.-eias' rjrjfua. xurnaoo Worlr. Steam Fit tings, otc, n. specialty- AIRWAYS ON HAND. THE LATEST STYLES WALL 'PAPER AT e. B. FRANKLIN'S, NEXT DOOR TO ASTORLVN OFFJCE. A very large Stoclc from which to select. Window curtains made to order. e?My patent Trimmer to cut Wall Paper will be found convenient to my patrons. Hardware and Ship ClaMlery VAN DUSEH & CO.. DKALEItS IX Hardware and Ship Chandlery Pure Oil, Bright Varnish, Binacle Oil, Cotton Canvas, Hemp Sail Twine, Cotton Sail Twine, Lard Oil, Wrought Iron Spikes, . Galvanized Cut Nails, Agricultural Implements, Sewing DIa chines, Paints and Oils Grocriei, etc,