CO ill ill lit 4 11 Aitf 1 M-'-' ?- 3 Al (feit HrHr iftrHHf VOL. XXII, 1YO.H2. ASTORIA, ORSC4QN, SUNDAY, OCTOBER 12, 1884. PRICE, FIVE CENTS. BUSINESS CARDS. jyriss axxie v. cukti. TEACHER Oi" Vr&wlBgT Fainting and Crnyoii. A-Pplj u; the houe of Rev. M. D. Wilson. J. E. HIGCilN.. Cutj- Scliooi Siipeiliitiitl-iit Office at Badollpt & Co.'-t ('aniieiv, Poper Astoria. D IX. Fit A ML lAy. Physician and Surgeou. Office, Cor. Main and Ciienaiims s'wel-. Residence. opposite the. lohunsc n building 3Hours, 9 to 11 a. m. 2 to 5 r. m. -F. D.WIKTOX. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Abstracts f Title a pcrlnl.v Rooms 11 and 12, KnlchU of Pythian Cntlo Building. Telephone Xo. 40. OKO. A. DORUIS, UEO.XOI.AMI HOANI &, ttORRIS. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Office In Kinney's Block. ppo.ite City Hall, Astoria, Oregon. C. VT. FULTON. G. C. FULTOX, FULVTOIf BROTHERS. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Booms 5 and 6, Odd Fellov.s Building. T. Q. A. IIOWLTtr. .T. A. GILT- BOWLBY fc filT.I,, Attorneys and Counsellors at Latv, Office on Cbenamus Street, Astoria, Oregon. 1? C. HOL.DJC.V, NOTAKY PUBLIC, AUCTIONEER, COMMISSION A.VJ" l SURANCE AGEN1. O. W. L.EIOK. ARCHITECT AND DRAUGHTSMAN. Scholars reoelved for Course of Dntuglitlng S70fnce over "White House Store. 2UELO F. IMItKEK. SURVEYOR OF ClatMep Comity, and City of Aatoriu Office : Chenamus street, Y. M. C. A. liall Room No. 8. ft K EXXON MABTIX, 31, !., . FhyHicIam and Surgeon. ASTORIA. - - OREGON. Office-Room 12, Odd Fellows Building. Residence-Hume's building, up stairs. TAX TUTTZ.E. M. I. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Office Rooms 1, 2, and 3 Pythian Build mg. Residence On Cedar Street, back of St. Mary's Hospital. r p. hicks. a. k. sir aw HICKS Si SIIAW, DENTISTS. Rooms In Allen's Building, up stairs, cor ner Cass and Squemoqua streets. Astoria Oregon. Bozorth & Johns, Real' Estate and Insurance Agents, and Brokers. ASTORIA, Oregon. Buy and sell all kinds of Real Estate and represent the following Fire Insurance Conpanles : Scottish Union and Na tional, assess $33,000,000 Phoenix or Hartford " 4.503.000 Home of New York, " 7,ooo,ooo Hamburg and Bremen, 2,000.000 "Western, 3oo,uoo Phenlxof Brooklvn, " J.oOo.Ooo Oakland Home, " 300,000 Policies written by us In the Phceuix and Home and Scottish Union and National at equitable rates. BANKING AND INSURANCE! I. W. CASE, Broker, Banker, and Insur ance Agent, ASTORIA, . OREGON. OFFICE HOURS : From 9 o'clock A. M. until 3 o'clock P. JL :s AOE3CY. Banking Department A General Banking and Exchango Busi Bfss trausacted. Every facility for prompt and satisfactory business. Drafts on the leading cities of the United States and Europe. Deposits .Received. NiaHT SCHOOL. THE REV. M. O. WILSON WILE RECEIVE A LIMITED NUMBER of Boys for Instruction, three evenings In-ihe week, in such branches as was e.4esired. Classes 1n Latin or in any ordinary branch of advanced education will bo formed. For further particulars apply w&feere. WM. EDGAR, Dealer In Cifirs, Ttfcacct and Cigarettes Meerschaum and Brier Pipes, CEHHKE ENGLISH CUTLERY HivTnd Cartridges. CORNER-MAIN AND CHENAMUS STS. Htuse To Let. F IIVK BOOMS; NEW; GOOD LOCAL- -aty r ' Jgqairr at n . u. LUUvr.iB. R CohCo " 13 Pni 18 - IQIJ 1 I IH t-YKS W& BEST TONIC. 3 This medicine, combining Iron with pure ve'table tonics, quickly nnd ronipleJcly Cures l)jhiu'iisl:i, Indicrslion, VcnKiOf ImtiurcnioodtInlariatCfaillsacdFf'M-rt., nnd Ncuralcln. It is an unfailintr remedy for Diseases of tlip Klilncjs nml I.lver. It is Invaluable for Diseases peculiar to Women, and all who lend sedentary lives. Itdocsnot injure the teeth, cause headachc.or produce constipation other Iron medtanc !o. It enriches and jmrifics thcblooil.s-timulatt-i the appetite, aids the assimilation of fool, re lieves Heartburn nnd Belching, nnd strength ens the muscles and nerves. For Intermittent Fevers. Lassitude, Lack ot Energy, &c, it has no equal. JCS" The genuine has above trade mark nnd rosscd red lines on wrapjier. Take no other ixieujhj IinOMl CIIEJ1ICU. o, lULTisoiir, au KEDIXGTO.V, lTOOIAi:n;A (.(., Portland. (Jr. 3IOI.ESAI.K AJFVTS. I'rotet tion. Nosucli protective agaln.t diills and feur and other diseases of a uinliri:iltM;e eist. constipation, liver disorders rhmnatlMii, kidnev and bladder ailments with ccrtaintv t ana prompiuuuc a. enange. as graiuvni as it is complete, soon takes place hi "the appearance, as well as the sersat on. of the wan and hairgard lav alidw houses thisVian daul promoter of health and strengtlu j-orsaie nyan jruggLsisanu Jieaieis generally. Drugs and Chemical DRUGGIST Pharmacist, "B AST0R!A.O Prescriptions carefully compounded Day or Night. A Wholesale and Retail Dealt r ip Provision! MILL FEED. Glass and Plated Ware, TROPICAL AND DOMESTIC FRUITS AND VEGETABLES. Together with Wines, Liquors,7obacco,Gigars Jeft's Notice SAYS THERE WILL BE NO INCREASE OF PRICES in nis cnor house AND THAT HE IS DETEUM1NED TO maintain his reputation for keeping the best and cheapest Rctaunuit in tow n. even at a loss to himself, while the dull times last. JEFF. J. R. D. GRAY. Wholesale and retail dealer Ir, GROCERIES, FLOUR, AHD FEED Hay, Oats, Straw, Wood, Etc. LIME, SAND AND CEMENT. General Storage and Wharfage on reason able terms. Foot of Benton street, Astoria, Oregon. T. G. RftWLINGS, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Tropical, Domestic, Green and Dried .NUTS. CANDIES, DRIED MEATS ETC. Fine Cigars nnd Tobacco. Next door to I. J. Arvold's, Squemoqua St. 1 CELEBRfiTEO Q f fc ST02IACEI 0$ ! l J. E. X ip 4 tiz III A S7 Allen, A TALE OF THE REltKI.LIOX. The Widow of a Soldier ilanic band's Slayer. Her Hus- Quite recently a gentleman living in Pittsburg received a letter from bis son, wbo resides iu tbe State of Missouri, notifying bim of tbe dealb of a lady connection of tbe family named ATr.s. "Wilson, whoso demise occurred near tbe town of Mexico. Mo. "Her death recall some of those iueidf-nts of the war which read more 1IJ.O a roi'iauce than the narration of a -Mer fact,"' remarked tbe recipient of ;i loller to a Ltvdf-r reporter. Some time about the period of the war a young Misonrian. who had been married but :i low mouths, feel ing that the demands of his country were stronger than those of home, bade farewell to bis lovely wife and enlisted in the army of the North. But a hhort time alter bis enlistment a letter announced tbe i r ival of a young stranger iu the family circle, and the soldier applied for permis sion to go home on a furlough to see bis offspring. The permission Wtis granted a month or two later, and, filled with joyful anticipation of tho glad meeting that would bail his re tnrn, ho started from Virginia to his home. Missouri at this time was overrun with a savage set of men wbo pursued a regular guerrilla warfare and were called bushwhackers. From the bushes that hedged the roadsides they scut their murderous bullets to the hearts of unsuspecting travelers who passed their placo of conceal ment, and many are the tales of how they rode up at night and, firing through tho windows of humble dwellings, killed tho innocent men who were sitting at tho fireside sur rounded by their little ones. Our soldier had arrived within three miles of his home, one dark night, when he was seized by one of these bauds of guerrillas as be was riding along the lonely road and by them strung up to a tree, as they were reb els and hated a Union man as Luci fer bates St. Michael. His body was cut down the next day by bis friends and interred in the village church yard. As the years rolled by. time softened the sorrows of his widow, so that when her hand wassongLt byaj weauny neignuor, wnose name was "Wilson, she consented to the mar riage. Time sped along on rapid wing. The war had been ended and only tbe reunions of veterans and tho stones oi uauie-searrcu men Kept lue scenes oi me conuict viviuiy in (the mind. Ever since the close of theEcbellion'it has been the custom of a body of men styling themselves "Members ol the Lost Cause" to meet at stated periods in various sec tions of the country. "Wilson was a member of tbe organization and in itne course or jevents nisiiouse "wai seiecieu as ine piaco oi tueir reunion. On the evening when they met there Wilson and several of tho men wero chatting together in one room, recall ing the escapades they had been en gaged in personally during the war. while his wife was in an adjoining room engaged in some household work. During the conversation "Wil son remarked to one of tho men: 'I have always felt sorry that wo did noljlet that young fellow go home and see his wife and child as be begged so hard to be allowed to do before wo bung him.' At" that moment Mrs. "Wilson appeared in the room with her face blanched to the whiteness of snow, and in hurried words asked: 'Wilson, were yon one of the men who helped to hang that man?' He j replied that he was. 'Then,' said she, Iwe mnst separate. 1 can never for give you. That man was my bus Iband.' So they parted. On his death-bed "Wilson bequeathed to her and the daughter she had borne him a large estate. Her son by her first husband was a delicate lad and in herited from his father a handsome competeucv. Before he attained his majority he died from consumption. Just before his death he held a con versation with his mother, during which ho said he dide't believo a crime of the father should be made a burden on the shoulders of bis step sister, and asked bis mother if she had any objection to his leaving the property to tbe daughter of Wilson. She replied that she didn't care what disposition he made of it, and be be queathed it to bis stepsister. His mother only survived him a few weeks, as her affection seemed to have been wrapped up in bim, and the letter announces her death. 'So runs the world away.' Pittsburg iseaavr. Zteglnnin? Operations. The Encrlish Court of Anneal. Lon don, England, has granted to Tho Charles A. Vogeler Company, Balti more, Maryland, a perpetual injunc tion with costs, against Parrott & Co., of that city, for infringement of the former's celebrated trade-mark, St. Jacobs Oil. The decision enjoins and restrains, perpetually, the said Par rott fc Co.. from usincr tho term "St Davids Oil," or any similar term, as well as the words. "The ftrp.nfc fipr. man Bemedy." Eminent English and American tegai taient ngured in tho case, ine counsel lor The Charles A. Vogeler Company, of which latter, Mr. H. D. TJmbstaettef, was personal ly present, wero Queen's Counsel, Theodore Aston, assisted by "John Cutler, and Theodore MacKennaof London, .Rowland Cox, of New York, and Gen. William Henry Browne, of Washincton. D. C. It is tho deter mination of tho latter firm to prompt ly prosecute all infringements upon their rights, whether at homo or abroad, and they offer a liberal cash reward for information that will lead to the conviction of any person or persons, in any way so offending. . Sjrup or Figs. Nature's own true Laxative. Pleas ant to the palate, acceptable to the Stom ach, harmless in its nature, painless in its action. Cures habitual Constipation. Biliousness, Indigestion and kindred ills. Cleanses the system, purifies the blood, regulates the Liver and acts on the Bowels. Breaks up Colds, Chills and Fever, etc Strengthens the organs on which it acts. Better than bitter, nauseous Liver medicines, pills, salts and draughts. Sample bottles free, and large bottles for sale by Y. E. Dement & Co., Astoria, 'HARD TIMES." The oldest inhabitant of the Yaki ma country possesses a settled con viction with respect to one particular fact, and this feet has no connection with the weather, either. It is about something which stands on its hind legs and paws at every man's door like a hungry wolf; and whenever it runs across a newspaper man it pounces upon him like the far famed Cowychee cougar. It is com monly called "hard times:" but there arc those who contend that the ani mal usually called by this name was never known to be so ferocious. The fact which ye oldest inhabitant is so unanimous about is that nothing ex actly like it has ever before made its appearance ia this country. The on ly consolation we find (and it is a very slim consolation at that) is that other sections, far and wide, aro m fo3ted by tbe same beast. Indicating its presence over in that section, the Walla Walla Journal says: "As an instance of the financial stringency it may be mentioned that there are threshing outfits in the neighborhood which have been running tbe whole season through without a dollar of pay for their work. Tho proprietors have been unable to pay their men, and many of these some from other parts of tbe county-are now lying around idle nnd dead broke." A stringency similar to that here indi cated is reported from all points throughout the northwest, but just what tho cause is might bo difficult to determine. Perhaps it is because all parts of the world havo barvested phenomenally good crops and havo stagnated the market. Perhaps so far as tbe northwest is concerned it is because many million dollars were sent east not long sinco to pay for shortage on Yillard stocks. Perhaps tbe public has relied too much upon a great flood of immigration and other expected results from the con struction of railroods. "Whatever may be tho cause, it is to be hoped that it may pro to be temporary; and the best way to work to this end is for every man to press forward and keep cool each individual retaining as much confidence as possible, botli in himself and his neighbors. Impa tience begets impatience, and too much of it results in what Is known as a panic. Thore aro brigbtor skies ahead. Yakima Signal. Unfortunate 31iss Wcllon. New York. Oct G A special from "Walerbury, Conn., says: The body of Carrie J. Welton, the young lady who was frozen to death on Pike's peak, is on the way to her-former home,in "Waterbury, while her mother is on her way across tho ocean to, attend the funeral. .Shelgis Jtelegraphed-to nave tnatbouy kent until she arrives. It will be a sad meeting, for mother and daughter have been bitterly estranged for years and during this time they have not seen each other and have not mentioned each other's names. Soon after Welton's death the mother and daughter spent the winter in southern California. At this time, to provide against an emergency, each drew up a will, giv ing her property to the other. They were worth, it is said, about 250,000. When they camo back 'Miss Welton insisted upon tearing up her will, greatly against her mother's wishes. The daughter wished her property to pass into her father's family. Words of embittered feeling passed between them and Miss Welton left, never to return alive. If she left no will her property will go to Mrs. Welton. There are vast armed forces in In dia that are not under British con trol. Letters to tho London 'Times show that a population of 49,030,000 Hindoos and Mohammedans, under princes of their own, maintain armies numbering 319,833 troops, with an ar tillery of 3,237 guns. In all the na tive states a warlike spirit prevails, nnd tho discipline and the weapons are, as a rule, excellent Tho 100,000 soldiers of the Maharajah of Nepaul would ask nothing better than to be led to battle, whoever the adversary. Before tho consolidation of the Brit ish dominion the troops were redoubt able antagonists to tho best European skill and discipline. Now these sol diers are simply the toys of the princes. They have no duties to per form, for British rule preserves peace from the Himalayas to the ocean. But it is possible that iu the course of time some sagacious and ambitious native prince may unite these im mense forces, resistance to which could not be offered by the compara tively insignificant number of soldiers under Great Britain's control. Ancient Roman Marriage Custom. They aunointed the bouse with cer tian unctuous perfumes to keep out infection. They disenchanted it with various charms to keep tho witches from a bride. Now wo simply give the bride a bottle of Brown's Iron Bitters, telling her to take tnat and bo happy and hearty. Keeps out such witches as neuralgia, debility, dys pepsia and rhenmatism and" helps make home delightful. The main building of the Now Or leans exposition is said to be the largest erected in the world, covering 33 acres of land. Scott's Emulsioii of Pure Cod Iiiver Oil, -with ilypophophHc. For Wasting Children. Dr. S. W. tOHEK, of Waco. Texas. says: "I have used your Emulsion in Infantile wast ing, with good results. It not only re stores wastf d tissue, but gives strength, and I heartily recommend it for diseases attended Dy atrophy. .Louisiana has 18,000,000,000 feet of pino in her forests. Wide Awake Druggists. Messrs. W. E. Dement & Co. are-always alive to their busiuess, and spare nopains to secure the best of everv article In their line. They have secured the agen cy for the celebrated Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption. The only certain cure known for Consumption, Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, Asthma, flay Fever, Bronchitis, or any affection of the Throat and Lungs. Sold on a Sosltive guarantee. Trial Bottles free, iegular size Sl.00. THE GREAT GERMAN REMEDY FOR PAIN. Relieves sd cart j KHEUMATISM, Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, BACKACHE, EIITICES, T00TH1C52, SORE THROAT, QCUiSr, SWELLIXG3, SPBAIXS, Sonrus, Csts, Breists, FROSTBITES, BURKS, SCAI.D9, And iU other loiilj Kin indpilm. nm enrs i Bonn Sol J by all DrorjlU' ul Dealers. Direction la 11 laapucM. Ti8C!u:lMA.V:se!irfc. (Sbscmm, U A. Voobt X Co.) DalUatre, XX, C.S.A. jp8L4HEKEs HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS. PARKER HOUSE, II, R. PARKER. Prop., ASTORIA, ... OREGON. Al. CROSBY, rhll. BOWERS, Day Clerk Niht Clork. First Class in all Respects. FREE COACH TO THE nOUSE. Fipres Hnror Lie ! AJI JEFF OP THE CHOP HOUSE Can prove by his hooks that he is doing the mSRCst ousiness oi any RESTAURANT In the city, and he will guarantee to give the hest meal for cash. FRANK FABRE'S CHOP HOUSE. Oysters, Ice Cream. TL. H... IILJ-!.r..'i.JL!u-:. i nu new-moueir cveryiningznrsi Class. Casj Street, rear of Odd-Fellows Building. Every attention paid my customers, and tho best set before them In first-class style. BAY VIEW Restaurant and Bakery ItXrs. It. ZXJIIMERitlAIY. Wishes to announce to her friends and the puhlls generally, that s'le has opened A FIRST-CLASS RESTAURANT AND BAKERY In the fin new buildinc oppnslto the O. E- & X. Company's Dock. The BesUhe JIarket Affords Cooked to Order. Oysters in Kvcry Myle. Sol Gi Jewelry, BRACELETS, Scarf Pins, Chains, -fatcta, SILVERWARE, Of every description. The finest stock of Jewelry in Astoria. J3?""A11 goods warrantedasrepresented GUSTAV HANSEN, JEWELER. G. A. STINSON & CO., BLACKSM1THING, At Capt. Rogers old stand, corner of Casa and Court Streets. Ship and Cannery work. Horseshoeing. Wagons made and repaired. Good work guaranteed. Columbia Transportation Company. FOR PORTLAHD,, FAST TIME! FAST TIME! THE POPULAR STEAMER F L E E WW 0QU "Which has been refitted for the comfort of passengers will leavo "Wilson & Fisher's Dock every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 6 A.M. arriving at Portland at T P.M. Returning leaves Portland every Tuesday and Thursday at 6 A. M. arriving at Astoria at 1 P. M. -An additional trip -will be made on Haadmy TKaelt WeeM, leaving Portland at O'declc Sunday Moraine- Pasngr b tUs route connect at Kalama for Sound ports. t. B. iOOTT, Prtsldm ASTORIA IRON WORKS. Bmrroif Stbxxt. Nxas Pabxeb Hocib, ASTORIA, - OREGON. GENERAL MACHINISTS AND BOILER MAKERS. LAND ana MABDJMGDIES BoilerWork, Steamboat Work and Cannery Work a spe cialty. CASTINGS , Of all Descriptions made to Order at Sfeert STetlre. A. D. "Wass, President; J. Q. HuarrusR, Secretary, I. W. Cask, Treasurer. JOHK Fox.Snperlntendent. S. ARNDT & EERCHEN, ASTORIA. - OREGON. The Pioneer Machine Shop BLACKSMITH SHOP AND Boiler Shop y All kinds of ENGINE, CANNERY, AND STEAMBOAT WORK Promptly attended to. A specialty made of repairing CANNERY DlTiS, FOOT OF LAFAYETTE STREET. Magnus C. Crosby Dealer in HARD! ABE, IRON, STEEL, Iron Pipe and Fittings, STOVES, TINWARE "'-A$r SE FUKmSHHWiGOMS ." 9- JZi.. J3 tSKET LfcAD-;STaiPAD SHEET IRONr Tin and Copper R Blankholm. Cigars, Tobacco and Notions, FRUITS Cor. Squemoqua aud Olney streets, Astoria. GERMANIA BEER HALL AND- B0TTLED BEER DEPOT, Chenamus Street, Astoria. The Best of Lager 5 Cis. a Glass. Orders for tile Celebrated Columbia Brewery Beer Left at this place will he promptly attended to sarNo cheap San Francisco Beer sold at this place. "WM. BOCK. Proprietor. CUKARD STEAMSHIP LINE. WE BEG LEAVE TO ANNOUNCE A great reduction in rates over the above well known line. Parties desiring to go to Europe, or wishing to send for friends in the old country will find it to their advan tage to purchase tickets over the Canard line. Tickets issued by us good from any part of Europe to Astoria. BOZORTH & JOHNS, Agents. HEADQUARTERS. FOR Toys, Fancy Goods, Stationery, CUTLERY, ETC. Fresh Fruit Received Daily A Full Stock of Smokers Ar.lcles. NEW GOODS CONSTANTLY ARRIVING. CHA8. A. MAY, Chenamus street, south side, one door irom uass. C ,i . nm n- -y- r. - . ts - TRANSPORTATION LINES. Oregon Railway & Navigation OCSAJTPITISIOX. Daring the month, of October, 1884. Ocean Steamers will sail from Portland to San Francisco, and from San Francisco to Port land, as follows, leaving Ainsworth Dock, Portland, at Midnight, and Spear Street Wharf, San Francisco, at 10 A. M. : From Portland. From San Francisco. Oct I uct . ..Fri 3 State of Cal....Wed 1 Oregon btata of Cal. Colombia. ... Oregon State ot Cal., Columbia Oregon btatn of Cal.. ...Weil aiUoIambia ..Mon ...Mon 13!Uregon ..Sat ..Thar ..Tue .Sun ..fat 13 ...Thar W Statof Gal. Colombia ... Oregon Stata of Cal. ...Tnes 33 Not ..San 2 ..Fn 7 ..Frl Nor Colombia "Wed 5 Through Tickets sold to all principal cities In the United States, Canada and Europe. RAIL DIVISION. Pas?lnipr Train 1pw PnrMnnil frr Kiwt- ern points, at 11 :40 A. M. dally. Pnllman Palace Can running between Port land, and St. PanI, RIVER DXTISIOX MiaJle Coluabla). Boats leave Portland for Dalla at 7 40 A Al. ALSO: I!tvn Pniti land for IMonl Tu. We.Thu. Frl. 1 Sat. Astoria and! lower Co. I Inmbia....l6AM SAM SAM 6AM SAM wajton, Ur.lTAM! T1UI aaiem ....) t. ,,,i Corralhg.. jgAM -., I AM IS AM I Tacomaand Seattle- daily at 1AM PM Victoria Steamers do not run Sundays. Leajes Astoria for Portland at 6 a. m. dally ex cept Sunday, . -r , C. n. PRESCOTT, A. L. STOKES, Manager. uen i e relgnt and Fas. Agt. K. A. KOYKS. Agent Astoria. OVERLAND TO CALIFORNIA VIA Oregon & California R. R. And Connections, 50 Hours between Portland and San Fran cisco. Only 21 hour' staging. Fare to San Francisco 832 ; to Saerameato $30 Leave Portland at 7 -JSO A. sr. daily (except Sunday) : Arrive at ban Francisco 6 :40 p.m., third day. Close connections made at Ashland with the Stages of the Orccon and Califor nia Stage Company. KASTSIDK DIVISION. Between l'OKTLAAD and A8HXAND MAII, TEALS'. LEAVE. ARRIVE, Portland 7 :30 A. Ml Ashland 4:45 A. ac Ashland 6:20 P.MPortland 4:25 P. M. ALBANY EXPRES8 TRAIN. LEAVE. ARRIVE. Portland 4 Mi v. m. I Lebanon 9 0?.u Lebanon 4 :45 A.M.lPortland... 10 :05 a. ac Pullman Palace Sleeping Car leaves Port land Mondays and Thursdays. Returning leaves Ashland Tuesdays and Fridays. The Oregon and CalifornIa"Eallroad Fear makes connection with aU Regular Train t on Eastside Division, from the-foot of FSt. "WEStstdr nrc-rsTnv. TKSTSIDK DIYISIOX. liliAVls. ARRIVE. Portland 9 -.00 A. M.CorvallN.4 :30 p. M. Corvallls 8 :30 A. M.PortIand 3 :20 p.m. EXPRESS TBATX .LEAVE. ARRIVE. Portland 6 :00 p MlMcJIInnville.8 aro ph iIcMInnviIIe5:45 AMlPortland 8 :30 AM Local tickets for sale, and baguage checked at Company's up town office, corner Stark and SeCOlld Stri-ntQ. Tlflr oto tn nil fhnnHn. cipal points in California, can only be pro- tureu uuu uaggage ciiecjtea, at ine com pany's office, Corner F and Front Sts., Portland, Or. Flflffllt will Tint Yd raoMvoit tnr aViinTnont- after 5 o'clock p. m. on either the Easulde or "Westside Divisions. K. KOEULtK, . P. H0GEK3, Manager. O. FAP.Aft llwaco Steam Navigation Go.'s "WINIER SCHEDULE. Astoria to Fort Stevens, Fort Canby, and llwaco. Connecting by stages and boats for Oysterville, Montesano and Olympia Until further notice the llwaco Steam Navigation Co.'s steamer Gen. :Ms, "Will leave Astoria on Mondays, Thursdays, and Saturdays (Mondays, Thursdays and Saturdays being u sieryme aim uouiesano mail unys.j at 7 A. M. FOB Ft.Stevens, Ft. Canby and llwaco ojt Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Fridays Tho steamer will leave Astoria at 9 A.M., as formerly, not being confined strictly t schedule time. Oh Thursday A SECOND TRIP will be made, leaving As toria three hours after arriving from Ilwac. Fare to Fort Canby and llwaco, 91 OS JS-TIckets can be bought at tho ofneo for "Sets. tHwaco freight, by the ton, in lots of one ton or over, 52 per ton, Error Tickets, Towage or Charter ap ply at the office of the company, Gray's wharf, foot of Benton street. J. H. D.GRAY, Agent. COUNTY CORONER J. C ROSS. UNDERTAKING ROOMS. THE FINEST AND MOST COMPLETE stock of COFFINS and CASKETS In tho city. Wan-rooms three doors abovn the Masonic Hall, on MAIN STREET Astoria, Or. Coroner's office at the same place. Orders from the country given prompt at tention and satisfaction guaranteed. Residence, "West 7th and Cedar streets, one block from St. Mary's Hospitn). B. B.FRANKLIN, Usflertaker and CaMiet Mater, SQUEMOQUA STREET, NEXT TO THE ASTOBIAX BTJlLDISa. A11 work done in a skillful manner on short notice at reasonable rates. NOTICE. "CtROM, AND AFTER OCTOBER FIR8T, I? thft AtArlA fiM T.lirht fn will Tlrera consumers of teas S&0 per I0CO cubic; feet. jjonsomers using iu.uuo ieot ana over will be mwticvi iv b ivuait: l iu pr caul. - Secretary. - " tI - l z&.