The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, October 11, 1884, Image 3

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6c gatljj storim
(Monday excepted)
Terras ofSnbscrlptlon.
Served by C.irrier, per week I5cis.
?1 b7 Mail, per months GOcts.
" " one year .. .$7.00
Fjee of postage to subscribers.
HyAdvertlscments inserted by the year at
tne rate of S2 per square per month. Tran
sient advertising fllty cents per square, each
Hotice To Advertisers.
The Astobiax guarantees to its ad
vertisers the largest circulation of anv
newspaper published on the Columbia
m '
Nobby neck wear, fine collars and cuffs,
the best shirts, hose, etc., at D. A. Mc
intosh's .
A batch of twenty-seven brand new
lawyers was tnrned out by the supreme
court at Salem last Monday.
Mike Quinn writes from Kaparo, New
Zealand, asking that he be remembered
to his Astoria friends, and stating that
he will be in Melbourne, Australia, next
Boil down all concerning politics that
you've heard or read during the present
campaign, and you'll find it amounting
Absent Astorians are dropping back
one by two. Dr. A. L. Fulton who has
oben xevisiung mc oanKS 01 mr miguxy
Missouri, arrived home last evening.
L"W. Case returnodlast Thursday even
ing from Minneapolis, Minn., where ho
represented Oregon on the occasion of
the late session of the Sovereign Grand
Lodge of I. O. O. F.
A "Washington territory candidate calls
his package of railway passes "unsolicit
ed compliments to his ofiicicial station."
"When his official station takes a free
ride he goes along to keep it company.
At two o'clock this afternoon Ren
"Worsley will sell the property on the cor
ner of Main and Sguemoqua streets, for
merly occupied by Mrs. Quinn, compris
ing the building, lease and store fixtures.
Hon. F. J. Taylor returned last evening
from a judicial circuit of eastern Oregon.
He was most favorably impressed with
that section of tho state. He holds an
extra session of court at Hillsboro, next
month, and goes from there to Oregon
There is a scarcity of amusemont this
fall, and prospect of its continuance this
winter. Astoria is noted for the posses
sion of a local talent, both musical and
histrionic. Isn't it about time to organ
ize and have another home dramatic so
ciety this winter?
This little globe of ours is getting to
be so covered with means of quick and
cheap communication, that a passenger
can be carried from Liverpool to Astoria
for $80 via CunardLine and N. P.,
in better shape and time than a king
oould command a century ago.
The Eugene City Register, a clean-cut,
square-toed, eight-page weekly, is receiv
ed. It takes considerable sand to start a
newspaper these dull times, and Messrs.
Hodson & Yoran deserve commendation
for their enterprise. The paper is a
bright one, and talks loudly for Lane
A stormy day on land and sea was
yesterday succeeded by a stormy night.
The wind blew in fitful gusts and the
rain fell heavily. At midnight came a
lull, the clouds parted and tho stars
shone out. There was but little doing
along the docks and a comfortable fire
side was the favorite.
The duty on the steel rails for the Ore
gon Pacific railroad has amounted to
about $117,000. According to the Stand
ard, a proposition was made by this com
pany that if the duty was remitted they
would improve the harbor, but the secre
tary of the treasury informed them that
he had no authority to make the change.
A few days ago County Superintendent
Higgins set aside a portion of district
No. 1, forming a new school district, to
be known as district No. 23, and the citi
zens of Uniontown, wishing to have the
benefits of a school as soon as possible,
are making preparations to put up a suit
able building. Col. Jas. Taylor has do
nated suitable grounds, and the district
will soon have a new school-house.
There is an individual in tho city who
has all the characteristics of a first-class
crank. He calls himself "Col." Hawkins.
He is a loud-mouthed, ranting nuisance.
His only capital is wind; his only mo
tive is notoriety, and any cause or creed
he advocates is the worse for his endorse
ment. The best thing he can do is to
emigrate where he can be better appre
ciated and not so clearly understood.
The City of York is ready for sea. She
takes 60,310 bushels of wheat worth $41,
730. Tho City of Athens is discharging
coal at the Main street wharf. The C.
S. Bement goes to Portland to finish
discharging cargo. The Lucea Mason and
the Dewdrop came into collision near
the mouth of the Cowlitz Wednesday af
ternoon; the Dewdrop sank to her decks.
She had a cargo of hay. Damage to the
boat slight.
Clatsop Blaine and Logan Club.
Skipanon,. Ob. ,Oct. S, '84
Ed. Abtoeun. There was a RIaino
and Logan club organized at Clatsop pre
cinct on "Wednesday, October 8th; with
S. B. Smith, president; P. O'Hara, Sec
retary. S.B. Smith, F. Ward, R. R. Ab
bott and J. 6. Green addressed tho club,
after which a cordial invitation was ex
tended to the Blaine and Logan club of
Astoria to visit them at school house No.
2, at Skipanon, next Saturday night.
P. O'Haba, Secretary.
Situation Wanted.
First class Cook and Laundress wants
situation in private fanulv. Apply at
Mrs. Johnson's, O'Brien's Hotel.
Meeting To-Sight.
There will be a meeting of the Cleve
land anu .tienuncKs uiunaitneirxiaii
at 7:30 this evening. The meeting will
be addressed by D. nart and others.
C. J. Tbexchard.
Pres't C. and H. C.
Dog tost,
A dog with black and white spots.
Finder will please leave at Chas. Han
son's saloon.
A Front Room to Rent
Furnished or unfurnished at
Mrs. Muxson's.
Booms to lct
InWra. Hume's Building. Apply to
Geo. P. WnnELER.
Board at Jeff's .
The best in America, S20.00 a month.
Does not make any second-class Pic
tures at his New Gallery, No. 6l, on
the Roadway.
Freak Eastern and Shoalvrater
Bay Oysters
Constantly on hand, cooked to any style
at Frank Fabre's.
Ball's coiled spring elastic, section
eorset combines elegance, strength and
durability. For sale only at the Em
pire Stare.
Don't nav 60 cents elsewhere when
you can get the best dinner in town at
JEFF'S tor 25 cents.
Ui Intereotiii? sud ProbaMy Successful
The work now in progress on tho beach
in tho vioiuity of Point Adams light
house has occasioned considerable in
quiry, owing to its novelty and evident
value if successful, and with a view to
noting its advance, an Astokian repre
sentative visited the scene of action in
the early part of this week.
The primary purpose of the work is to
cover the sand with a vegetable growth
that will hold it firm nud prevent the
constant drifting and formation of hills
and hollows, that are gradually encroach
ing on the light-house reservation and
threatening to cover it np.
So far the work has been satisfactory.
The material used is mainly a spscies of
ribbon grass called arunde: this grass
has leaves about an inch in width, and
grows from eighteen inches to two feet
in length. Its stalk below the surface
has numerous eyes, from which shoot
several sprouts that spread in all direc
tions to come to the surface, and form a
new stalk with sets of leaves, thus inter
locking in a network of roots and hold
ing the sand down. This grpss is gather
ed on Ilwaco beach by a man named
Andersen, who gets twenty cents a bng
for the grass plants. Each sack contains
about 3,000 plants, and is carried to Fort
Stevens. So far, about a quarter of a
million plants have been set out. The
men at work have be-nm a htt'e below
the southwest corner of the forty-acre
light-house reservation, and have planted
a strip about 1,000 feet wide np the
beach. One man makes a hole with a
snide, another drops in a stall: of urtni
do, and covers it, and fo the process is
repeated, the stalks being not from a foot
to eighteen inches arl each way. lliev
immediately take root, and grow luxuri
antly. Last Tuesday the wind blew ."7
niilcs an hour, within a very few miles as
hard as it ever blovs there, and the com
paratively slight impediment that the
young grass offered to the gale proved
sufficient to prevent the usual shifting
and advance of tho dunes. Beginning at
high water mark and advancing east
ward to tho timber, the little clumps of
gras pres?nt a singular appearance. Ry
next spring, it is confidently execfcd,
that what was before a strip of &i:ul and
desolation, will bo a surface of smiling
verdure, as solid and unyielding as an
emerald lawn.
Beside the grass there is another agent
used in the suljjugation of the ever mov
ing sind in the shape of a peculiar piuo
found on this northwest coast only at the
Seaside. This is the pint' j iym ?, or
Monterey pine, a hard, black, reunions
tree tho "bark of which is not affected by
the sand. A large number of baby tre?s,
from four inches to a foot in height, huvo
been set in sorpentino curves :i!ong tho
beach, and in time will constitutoa beau
tiful avenue for delightful
drives. Pines of this species pat for the
samo purpose in Golden Gate Park. San
Francisco, in 1S71 are now
ritoai sixty to eight? rain man.
The pines being et outar Point Adams
are only removed a distance of fifteen
miles, are thoroughly acclimated, and
will, presumably, grow with equal vigor
and rapidity. In that park l,0.'i0 acres of
desolate beach have been leclaimed in a
manner similar to the plan here adopted.
In Golden Gate Park were used lupine,
Honolulu knot grass, pimis insigt,vs and
acacias. The lupine and knot grass are
here represented by the arunilo which is
thought to b6 equally valuable on ac
oonnt of being found peculiarly adapted.
Tho work looks easy enough, but those
in charge siy that a great deal of judg
ment is necessary in so disposing of all
all appliances that the best practical re
sults aro attainable. Tho first work of
this kind in the United States was that
heretofore alluded to at San Francisco.
The second was on a strip of wind-blown
waste between tho Dalles and Wallula
Junction which tho O. R. & N. Co. had
sown with wild rye, willows and cotton
wood; the work, more especially around
John Day's station, being a complete suc
cess. The work under discussion is the
third of tho kind, and should it be the
success it now gives promise of, it will be
continued at Shoalwater bay light sta
tion and other points on this northwest
coast. Tho chief desideratum is to get
vegetable material from the immediate
vicinity that
The fact that the ribbon grass and pine
are got so close by is considered certain
to insure splendid results in the. reclam
ation of the beach in front of Pt. Adams.
Parties owning property adjoining, in
cluding Capt. Flavel and others intend
tjrdoitthe same means of transform
ing the beach to tho south'ard, and it
may bo that at no distant day, the en
tire stretch of shore from Ft. Stevens to
Seaside will be a waving lino of emerald
green from high water to tho friugo of
forest westward from the ocean, thus
forming a magnificent drive 1,000 feet
wide and seventeen miles in length.
There aro thirteen men employed at
present, and the extent and character of
the work already performed is good guar
antee that they understand their busi
ness. This has long been a favorite scheme
of Capt. Chas. F. Powell, and tho success
of this attempt will doubtless lead to its
adoption in other localities.
Nh) OneofThcraSaId"Oh!"
"I see Rlaine has gone to Cleveland."
"Can't be."
"Why, Rlaine is the candidate against
"I mean he's gone to Cleveland, Ohio."
At Frank Fabre's.
Roard for S22.50 a month. The best
in the city. Dinner from 5 to 7.
Rooms to ILct.
Furnished or unfurnished, suitable
for housekeeping at Mi:. Twilight's.
A Coffee Club
At Jeffs every night. The freshest
oysters in, town, in every style.
Stop That Cough
By going to J. E. Thomas's and getting
a uottie oi Leroy s uougn iaiani.
It will cure you.
Slnloh's Cough ana Consumption
fJurn is sold bv lis on iruarantei;. It
cures consumption. Sold by W. E. De
Whv will you cougn when Slnloh's
Cure will give immediate relief. Price
lOctsSOctsnndSl. Sold by Vr".E. De
ment Buy your Lime of Gray at Portland
The ladies' favorite is Ball's coiled
spring elastic, section corset. For sale
only at the Empire Store.
For a nice, jucy steak cooked on the
broiler, go to Frank Fabre.
Ball's coiled spring elastic, section
corset. For sale only at the Empire
All the patent medicines advertised
in this paper, together with the choicest
Eerfumery, and toilet articles, etc can
o bought at the lowest prices, at J. W.
Conn's drug store, opposite OcMden
hctel, Astoria.
Boston Baked Beans and Brown Rrcad
every Sunday at Jeffs from 5 a.m. to
2r. m.
For Dinner Parties to order, at short
notice, go, to Frank Fabre's.
ACompletcIIhtoryorTresternSortli Vaicrlra.
Mr. Ashloy Bancroft, who has beon
with us a few days, says that ho feels un
dor great obligations to tho peoplo of
Astoria for their courteous attention and
consideration extended to him in his la
bor of collecting data for Mr. H. H. Ban
croft's historical worlcs of tho Pacific
He expresses wonder and surpriso at
the enormous amounts expended annual
ly in tho manufacturing interests, and of
the great importance of this place, and
anticipates a rich harvest in gathering
facts and figures relating thereto. He is
now carefully progressing in his york.
That the interests of our well favored
section may be properly placed in his
tory, as well as tho experiences and rem
iniscences of thoso who have laid bare
their arms and helped to hew out the
history of, our northwest, every assistance
should be given him.
It is gtotif ying to learn that as ll. H.
Bancroft proceeds in his historical series
the press, critics and scholars eery
where vie with each other in their ex
pressions of the great value, absorbing
interest and high literary execution of
his works. Wo are informed that no
volume thus far published, not oven those
telling of a past ago and t past civilisa
tion, nor those picturing anew the early
discoveries, nor the ono detailing tho
most striking that has taken
place on this continent the conquest of
.alexia nor the one on tho states of
Mexico, whose cloo proximity to our
country make their history ot more man
usual interest, nor even the voinnio on
the early missions of California, attract
ed so much attention from the press, or
has been so much sought after and in
quired for as tha first volume of tho "His
tory ef tho Northwest Coast. 1513-1SC0,"
which appeared in July, being prelimi
nary to and part of the "History of Ore
gon, History of Washington, Idaho and
Montana, and the History of British
Columbia." The second" volume of
the same, bringing tho history of the
same section down to 1SW, will appear
this mouth. These two volumes, with
the volumes devoted to Oregon exclusive
ly, which will appear at the proper time,
will place tho history of oar State on a
sjlid foundation forever. Of tho vol
umes mentioned above it takas but a mo
ment's perasal of the preface and a
glance over the varied table of contents
to see what a rich feast is spread before
one. The authorities quoted show the
rich sources of Bancroft's material and
an index in tho second volume will ena
ble one to enjoy tho volumes to the full.
In tho placing of theso volumes on the
early history of this State in tho hands of
intelligent and progressive men through
out the world, Bancroft is doing this
State a service its citizens can never re
pay. This work, to the pioneer as a represen
tative man. possesses a peculiar charm;
their struggles, hardships, and reminis
cences, chronicled in history by a man of
scope and genius acknowledged to be
equal to Prcscott, Gibbon, McCaullay,
the great historians of the world. Such
an enterprise is deserving of a generous
sympathy. The projector can have no
sordid moth o; a -very limited amount of
sagacity may perceivo the futility of pe
cuniary return awaiting work of this
character. Tho history of tho work, as
well as its contents is of great interest,
embracing a vast historical research and
attendant expense, and tho enterprise in
its philanthropic aspect stands uiiiqus m
tho annals of the nation.
The Projected O. It. JL N. Lea.?.
PnrLADHLPniA. Oct. 9. Tho Press" New
York special says: Tho project of the
Northern Pacific, looking to tho lease of
the Oiegon Railway and Navigation lino
has not. according to the best informa
tion, been relinquished but only deferred.
It continues to bo discussed. Tho Ore
gon Navigation Company demands an 8
par cent, guarantee after five years, but
tho Northern Pacific objects to paying so
much. There will probably be a compro
mise. For two years tho guarantee will
no doubt be G per cent., for three years
7 per cent., and afterward the dividend
will be in proportion to tho net earnings.
The general opinion is that the Northern
Pacific requires the leaso for its best in
terests, which will not bo served merely
by building the Cascade branch from
Ainsworth to Tacoma, on Pugct Souud,
for then it will not havo secured Port
land. The Union Pacific would be very
glad to secure a lease and has offered bet
ter terms than the Northern, but there
app?ars no doubt of tho lease going to
tho Northern, as it will be to tho advan
tageof both corporations. Some of the
Navigation stockholders are adverse to a
lease to either of tho Pacific roads, being
convinced that their interests will be
bet secured by remaining independent
of both.
Toothache is killed by the great
Conqueror ol Pain'St Jacob3 OiL
we i at:
Do You Think that JcfT of
The Chop House
Gives you a meal for nothing, and a
glass of something to drink V "Not
much !" but he gives a better meal and
more of it than any place in town for
23 cents. He buys by the wholesale and
pays cash. "That settles if
everyday from 4iWtoS o'clock. The
beat 25-cent meal in town; soup, fish,
seven kinds of meats, vegetables, pic
pudding, etc. Tea or coffee included.
All whohavu tried him sav Jeff is the
Syrup of Fi;rs.
Nature's own true Laxative. Pleas
ant to the palate, acceptable tolheStom
ach, harmless in its nature, painless in
its action. Cures habitual Constipation.
Riliousness, Indigestion and kindred
ills. Cleanses the system, purifies the
blood, regulates the Liver and acts on
the Bowels. Breaks up Colds. Chills
and Fever, etc. Strengthens the organs
on which it acts. Better than bitter,
nauseous Liver medicines, pills, salts
and draughts. Sample bottles free, and
large bottles for sale by W. E. Dement
te Co., Astoria.
For Dj-spepsiaandLiver Complaint,
you have a printed guarantee on every
bottle of Slnloh's Yitalizer. It never
.fails to cure. Sold by W. E. Dement.
Nothing equals Ball's coiled spring
elastic, section corset in shape and dur
ability. For sale only at the Empire
A Nasal Injector free with each
bottle of Slnloh's Catarrh Remedy
Price 50 cents. Sold by W.E. Dement
A lady'havingonce worn Ball's coiled
spi ing elastic, section corset will never
want to wear any other make. For sale
only at the Empire Store.
Roscoe Dixon's new eatinir honso
is now open. Everj'ihing has been fit
ted up in first-class style, and his well
known reputation as a caterer assures
all who like good things to cat, that at
his place thejr can be accommodated.
Buy a Ball's coiled spring elastic, sec
lion corset, and if after wearing it for
three weeks it does not give you satis
faction in every respect, we shall re
turn you your money.
Praet. Bbos.
Gray sells Sackett Bros.' Al sawed
cedar shinglas. A full M guaranteed in
each bunch.
Hon the Eetiey May itm b'ATtd.
The story-telling hour hadjeome when
men, not wearied with their four hours'
watch, wero sitting in the dimly lighted
forccas'lo and quaffing sundry swallows
of hot scotch. For even with a captain
strict and mate severe, tho jolly Eailors
always fiud a chanco to bring on board
their ship at port that which 'twould
grieve their hearts to leavo behind. And
now tho sailers who had been on watch
the cnly part of this October night wero
anxious to bo entertained by tale of
wreck or stories of some gallant chief
tains' might. All hands now called on
old Benjamin, or "Salty Ben," as ho was
chiefly named, for Ben could spin a yarn
at any time and as a dealer in romance
was justly famed. Pressing the bottle to
his thirsty lips a long, a loving pull took
Salty Ben, and then he placed the flask
away beside the bed, beyond the quiet
reach of other men. " 'Twas in the fall
of J7C' said Ben, and all the others in
their eagerness to hear drew close their
stools so as not to interrupt when further
on, and each took a parting sip of his
good cheer. "I shipped on board the
hchooner Betsey May, a three-and-after
tight and strong was she. We loaded
her with coal in Buffalo creek, and in a
howling gale we pnt to sea. With waves
and storms wo battled long and hard,
bat when eight days wo had been out at
sea, our sailors listening o'er tho wind
ward bow, could hear tho siren sound ot
SkilligallleG. And soon the Beavers and
tho Foxes Isles hal far behind our vesol
sunk from view, and up before us from
the surging deep aroso tho Northern isle
of Manitou. Down past this islo of the
Indian's God wo dashed with whits spray
living high in air, and Captain Jackson,
standing on the quarter deck, watched
for the land marks as tho shore grew
nigh. And soon lie saw tho proper point
was passed, so with both hands to shel
ter his wide mouth he loudly to the stur
dy steersman called, 'head this good ship
southwest by south, half south.' And
now the wind was square abaft tho ship
and mountains high the surging sea had
risen. We winged tho main and foresail
and dropped the peak to scandalize tho
niizzen. Colder and darker grew the
autumn night, and every wavo that swept
o'er our gallant ship left, as it washed
tho ropes, and spars, and deck, a coat of
white, like canales in a dip. And soon
our boat was groaning 'neath a load of
ice that heaped tho deck and clambered
up each mast, until sho lost all semblance
of a ship, and from each breast all rays
of hope were cast. Tho crisis in tho trip
had come, when Capt. Jackson seemed to
strike a brilliant deal. He called tho
crew upon the quarter-deck, and thu3 did
to the shivering crowd appeal: 'With
your good help this vessel can be saved
and sailed between those two Milwaukee
piers, but everj- man must do his duty,
trust in a higher power, and yield
not to fears. Now, who of those on
board this ship can givo a reason why
tho great United States should have a
change in general government, or altera
tion in the regular tariff rates?' I can
show reasons,' said Mike Donivau, 'why
both these things would do the country
good.' 'You can do no such thing,' said
Jack McGnire, for Jack was always in an
argutfyiug mood. And then a row began.
The like of it you never in your lifetime
saw, and those who knew the least of
politics were loudest in expounding com
mon law. The clamor that they made
arose and drowned the howling of the
midnight gale, but as it did tho tempera
ture did higher get, and soon the ice's
grip upon the ropes and spars began to
fail. And down upon tho icy deck, de
scending from the rigging high, and
frozen sail, great icicles came thunder
ing and crumbling scattered o'er the
gleaming rail. And those who
in debating took no side wero
set to trimming s they do on land, and
ax and spado did execution good, wielded
by this erstwhile despairing band. So
o er the monkey-rail and taff-rail, too,
and over all tho other rails about the
craft, great cakes of loosened icowere
fired into the surging billows and soon
swept aft. Now as each chunk of ico
into the lake was thrown tho vessel high
er from tho water raised her bead, and
soon as trim as this good ship to-night
the Betsey May toward Milwaukee sped.
At daybreak wind and sea had calmed a
bit, and argument upon questions of the
day was stopped because the weather
had so sultry grown that coats were shed
and sweating brows were mopped. And
long before tho evening of that day the
BeUey May was snugly in Milwaukee
moored, while many vessels quite as
strongly built as she sho went down tho
night before with all on board."
liucIilenS Arnica Salre.
Tun Bhst Salvk in the world for
tions, and positively cures Piles, or no
pay required. It is guaranteed to give
perfect satisfaction, or money refunded.
Price 25 cents per box. For sale by W.
E. Dement & Co.
Foraffcnt Fitting? Boot
Or Shoe, go to P. J. Goodmans, on Che
namus street, next door to I. W. Case.
All goods of the best make and guaran
teed quality. A full stock; new goods
constantly arriving. Custom work.
Popular PhyslclnnH,
There is a growing demand on all
sides for remedies agreeable to the
taste as well as beneficial in effect, and
the leading physicians and druggists
gladly welcome to the listof new rame
dies all preparations possessing real
merit and a pleasant taste. It is now
ail mi l ted by all who have tried the new
remedy, which is having such an im
inen..e sale Syrup of tigs that it is
the most agreeable and efficacious prep
aration ever discovered. It jou want
the best of all Liver medicines and pur
gatives, Syrup ot Figs is your choice.
irial bottles tree and large
;e bottles for
saie uy w. Ji. Dement.
That Uaeking Cougn can be so
quickly cured by Shiloh's Cure. We
guarantee it. Sold by W. E. Dement
Catarrh cured, health and sweet
breath secured by Shiloh's Catarrh Rem-
euy. I'nre .o cents, Masai injector iree.
For sale by W. E. Dement
For a good bath, nleasaut shave, or
shampoo, go to the City Baths, corner
Sqiiomoqua and Olney street.
Joe. G. Chakteks. Prop.
Will you suffer with Dyspepsia and
Liver Complaint ? Shiloh's Vitalizer is
guaranteed to cure vou. Sold by W. E.
Dement '
Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy a posi
tive cure for Catarrh, Diptneria and
Canker Month. Sold by W. E. Dement
Oysters! Oysters!
Oysters to Order, - - 25 cents
Fried Oysters, - - - 35 cents
slirnees. nor Capt Morrison will be re
sponsible for any debts contracted by the
officer or crew of the Br. ship CITY OF
ATHENS, from Newcastle, N. S. W now
in this port
Astoria, October 8th, 1884.
K you havo a cherished secret.
Don't you tell
To your friend for his tympanum
Is a bell,
With its echoes wide rebounding;
Multiplied and far reseunding:
Don't you tell.
If yourself you cannot keep it,
Then who can?
Could yon moro expect of any
Other man?
Yet you put him, if ho tells it
If he gives away or sells it,
Under ban.
Sell your gems to any buyer
In the mart;
Of your wealth to feed the hungry
Spare a part.
Blessings on the open pocket,
Rut your secret, keep it, lock it
In your heart.
Test Yonr BaMiig Powfler To-Day!
Bracdl advertised u absolntelrlmrs
Plae a. can top down on a. hot toro nnttl
heated, then remove the cover and amelL. A chem
lt trill not be required to delect the presence of
In netUMsIseu Hu NEVER Bca Qantlaiat.
InamlUlonhoKCsforaqu&rtcrof a century It
liu itood the consumer's reliable test,
Price Baking Powder Co.,
virrng 07
Dr. Price's Special Flavoring Extracts,
Tho strongest, most deltclons and natural
flavor known, and
3?. Price's Lupulin Ysast Gems
Tor Light, Healthy Bread. The Best Dry Hop
Yeast in the world.
Light Healthy Bread,
Bread raised by this yeast is Hght,white
and wholesome like our grandmother's
delicious hread.
Price Baking Powder Co.?
Mils ol Dr. Price's special FHyoodz Extracts,
Chicago, III. St. Louis, Mo.
Of either sex admitted to tho
On any week-day of tho vear.
The College Journal, containing in
formation of the course of study, rates
of tuition, board, examination, etc., and
cuts of plain and ornamental penman
ship, free. Address,
Lock Box 104. Portland, Or.
tar In writing, please mention thU paper.
For Sale.
lock Wood, which I will deliver at the
houses ot customers for SI a cord.
Drayiug of all kinds done at reasonable
rates. R. R. MARION.
Rooms to Rent.
keeplng : in tho business center ; apply
at this oOlce.
and is ready to turn out some fine fish
ing boats for the river. Shop on the beach
between Kinney's and Elmore's canneries.
Stockholders7 Meeting.
ll annual meeting of the Stockholders of
the "Washington Tacking Co. tvIII be held at
tne company's omce, at or near tne city oi
Astoria, Clatsop County, Oregon, on Wednes
day, the 5th dav of November. 1ES1. at on
o'clock r. m., for the purpose of electing
five d'rectors, and trammeling such other
business as may legally come Deiore the
By order of the board nt directors.
Astoria, October 3rd. 1881.
Stockholders' Meeting.
Ll annual meeting of the stockholders of
the "West Coast Packing Co. a ill be held at
the company's ofilce. on Thursday, October
23rd, 184, to elect officers for the ensuing
year, nnd for the transaction of such other
business as iiuiy uuuii: uciuru um luecuug.
By order of the president.
against "Wherry & Co , contracted by me
will please present them at once. In future
all debts due should bo naid to "Wm. W.
Wherry who alone Is authorized to receipt
for the same and carry on the business of
Wherry & Co.
Astoria, Oct ber 1st, 1884.
For Sale.
. Inquire of ALEX. CAMPBELL.
Furnished Rooms to Let,
Y Enquire of Mrs. E. C. HOLDEN.
iUUv web, 45-mesb, for sale at a liberal
Apply to Astoria Packing Co.
Astoria, Sept. 1st, 1884.
tracted by us in this town, for the build
ing owned by Mrs. P. L. Cherry, will pleas
present the same at the office of Mr. P. L.
Cherry for settlement.
Astoria, Oregon, October 9th, 1884.
For Sale.
brook. For particulars Inquire of
The oest drv hoo veant In tho world.
Cloak Department!
liniliiiiiinilui miiit ii
Having Received direct from Eastern and San Fran
cisco Manniactnrers an Immense Stock of Pall and "Win
ter Cloaks,
We would respectfully submit the same for inspec
tion to the Ladies of Astoria, and of surrounding districts
on MONDAY, OCTOBER 6th, and following days.
Ladies purchasing from us can rely on getting EX
CLUSIVE DESIGNS of the Latest and Most Fashionable
Garments in the Market.
We desire to impress on the Ladies that our Stock of
Cloaks are NEW, STYLISH, and FASHIONABLE, of
Cut and Finish superior to anything ever shown in Asto
Leading Dry Goods and Clothing House
Pythian Building, - - Astoria, Oregon.
Wood Yard.
Another Reduction to Suit Hard
rlaWood Yard. Gray's Dock, foot of
Benton street, will sell wood at the follow
ing prices and deliver wherever the streets
are planked, between Tfulllnger's Mill and
O'Brien's Hotel, back to Astor street :
Green Alder, 2-cut $4 25 per cord, lone S3 50
Dry do do 4 CO do do 3 75
GrnHemlo'k do 4 25 do do 3 60
Dry do do 4 50 do do 3 75
Green Fir do 4 50 do do 3 75
Dry Fir do 4 75 do do 4 00
Extra Maple
and S. limbs do 5 50 do do 5 CO
Vine Maple
and S. limbs do 5 25 do do 4 75
Wood of All Kinds
By the Scow load at REDUCED RATES.
J. H. D. GKAY'
Astoria, Juno 1st, 18S4.
Have just received a mammoth stock of
Books. Tbe yeung: and old, rich and poor
can all be accommodated.
Kranich. Jt Bach and MandHfeldt &.
Xotnl PianoR and Western
Cottage Organs,
Orders for all kinds of Music or Instru
ments will be promptly filled.
d. a. Mcintosh
Has opened the Largest and
. ana aim nais m an tne uinesb ouaues aim oiaii
dard Styles of the Best Manufacturers,
Gents' Furnishing Goods, Fine Underwear, Hosiery, Neck
Wear, Etc., Etc.
Clothing at Reduced Prices
To Make room for Fall Stock which will arrive from the East in a
Few Weeks.
The Ltading Clothier, Hatter and Gents' Furnisher
Leinenweber & Co.,
Manufacturers and Importers of
all kinds of
"Wholesale Dealers In
cBHIghcst cash price paid for Hides and
Hay, Oats, and Straw,
Brick. Cement, and Sand.
Wood Delivered to Order.
Draymg, Teaming, and Express Business
Most Complete Stock of Soft