The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, October 04, 1884, Image 3

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lfr gjattjj Historian,
(Monday excepted)
Terras of .Subscription.
Served by Carrier, per week
Sent by per month
" " " onoyear
Free of postage to subscribers.
- GOcts.
jy Advertisements inserted by the ear at
the rate of S2 per-square per moutii. Tran
sient advertising fifty centi per square, each
Notice To Advertisers.
The Astobiax guarantees to its ad
vertisers the largest circulation of any
newspaper published on the Columbia
Cider seems to be the plentiest of bev
erages just now.
The Slate arrived in at noon yesterday;
the Oregon sails to-day.
The Portland Evening Chronicle is
dead water on tho brain.
The annual meeting of tb.6 Occident
Packing Co. will be held to-day.
Cornelius Taylor will address the Dem
ocracy at Occidental hall this evening.
The annual meeting of the Washing
ton Packing Co. will bo held November
The Largo Law comes down today.
The City of York is also on the way
The Hunter arrived in from Shoalwater
bay yesterday afternoon, with a load of
The Portland Mechanics' fair begins
next Thursday. Astoria will send a re
spectable delegation.
The Clarence S. BemenL, previously re
ported arrived in yesterday; the George
F. Hanson crossed out.
The A. B. Field came in at eleven last
Thursday night, and left out for Tilla
mook last evening. She took 803 sacks
A dollar saved is two dollars earned.
Earn two dollars by getting your cards,
bill heads, letter heads, etc., at Tiie As
tobian office.
At two o'clock this afternoon E. C.
Holden will sell, without reserve, a con
signment of ladies' cloaks, fancy goods,
etc. See adv.
A blaze in the rear of a barber shop
next to 1. R. Marion's saloon, yesterday
morning, was put out with little damage
to surrounding property.
Major John J. Rogers, 1st artillery,
was ordered on the 23th inst.. to proceed
from Fort Canby. "W. T., to department
headquarters on public business.
There may bo finer weather than this
somewhere, but tho latitude and longi
tude of its location had not been ascer
tained up to the time of going to press.
Prof. A. L. Francis arrived from Vic
toria yesterday. Orders for piano-tuning,
etc, may be left at the Occident.
The professor will be here about ten
The Cleveland and Hendricks Demo
cratic club will have a meeting at Occi
dental hall at 8 o'clock this evening. CoL
Cornelius Taylor of East Portland will
address the meeting.
School in district No. 9 begins in upper
Astoria next Monday. Prof. 0. C. Brow
er and Miss Davis will have charge for
the ensuing term. There will be 8 prob
able attendance of 85 or 90.
The four-maBted schooner building at
Coos bay by Simpson Bros, has been
housed over and operations have been
suspended on her for the present. The
great depression in the coasting trade is
the oause.
From Searsport, Me., comes an invita
tion to the wedding of Miss Ada B. Pen
dleton and Mr. E. A. Noyes, which took
plaoe on September 29, at the residence
of the bride's parents. The Astobun
tenders its best wishes.
'I give you verbal notice to leave.'
"Let's see your verbal notice." "Well, I
can't let you see it; it's verbal, I tell you."
"I don't care, I want to see it." Ho
couldn't show him a verbal notice and
that's what caused the row.
A detaohment of twelve men of tho
Fourteenth infantry, from Vancouver,
arrived at Fort Stevens last Thursday ev
ning, under Lieut. Richard Yeatman, re
lieving the present detachment under
Lieut. A. H. Merrill, which goes to Fort
Major Kimball, chief quartermaster of
the department, returned from Alaska
on the 24th ult., and Lieut. H. T. Allen,
Sdoavalry, A. A. D. C, leaves on the
outgoing steamer for that territory, un
der orders to proceed to the mouth of
Copper river, Alaska, on publio business.
There have been several gentlemen in
the city and on a visit to Tillamook
recently who contemplate going into the
dairy business in that place on an exten
sive scale. They will milk 400 cows, and
have a large cheese factory. That sec
tion is admirably adapted for the indus
try. It is at once amusing and painful to
note the columns written regarding the
"Irish vote" and the "German vote," as
though the"Irish" or "German" voto
was something made up into little bun
dles and sold at so much a bundle. How do to talk a little while about
the American vote?
The Blaine and Logan club had an ef
fective drill at headquarters last night.
They were divided into squares and put
through military evolutions. Owing to
the impossibility of securing a suitable
steamer to day tho trip to SVestport has
been postponed till after the regularmeeU
ing next Tuesday.
Here's what New York people pay for
their meats: Prime roasts of beef, 22
cents: sorter house roasts and steaks, 80
cents; sirloin steak, 22 cents; fillet of
beef, ou cents: cornea beer, iz cents:
loin of veal, 28 cents; leg of veal, 22
oents; veal cutlets, ; cents; mutton,
hind quarter, 16; fore quarter, 12 cents;
fresh caught salmon, 45 cents.
In all elections not otherwise provided
for by the constitution of tho state of
Oregon, every white male citizen of the
United States, of the age of 21 years and
upwards, who shall have resided in the
state daring the six months immediately
preoeding such election; and every white
male of foreign birth of the age of 21
years and upwards, who shall havo resid
ed in this state during the six months
immediately preceding the election, and
shall havo declared his intention to be
come a citizen of the United States one
year preceding suoh election, conform
ably to the laws of the United States on
the subject of naturalization, shall be en
titled to vote at all elections authorized
by law.
Members of the Scandinavian Blaine
and Logan Club, and others who desire
to work for the election of Blaine and
Loean. under the auspices of said club
will please to meet this evening, at the
Blaine and Logan Wigwam, at 8 o'clock
p. M. to transact business or importance.
E. P. IlOFF,
President pro tern.
Fresh Eastern and Shoalwater
Bay Oysters
Constantly on hand, cooked to any style
at Frank Fabre's.
Watches, Jewelry, Clocks, and Silver
ware at your own price for 30 days only
at the Crystal Palace.
The latest patterns and styles of
Ginghams and Calicoes, at tho Empire
For a good bath, pleasant shave, or
shampoo, go to the City Baths, corner
Squemoqua and Olney streets.
Jox, G. Charters, Prop.
Thp Craft Conthcatod and Tnraed Orerto the
rnlifJ St s tes Marshal.
The Schooner Adclc arrived from tho
north Sunday in charge of a prize crew
commanded by Lieut. J. Lutz of tho
United States revenue cutter Thomas II.
Convin. She was seized at the north and
confiscated to the United States Govern
ment for violation of tho fihhing laws.
The papers of the Adele gave her regis
ter at fifty tons (British measurement)
and certified that she sailed under the
German flag. When seized sh "was offi
cered by Gustave Errickson, master, and
A. Wixon, A. C. Folger and G. Hansen,
mates in the order named. She had on
board two white men whose names do
not appear on tho ship's papers, and who
passed as passengers. There were twenty-four
men all told on board of tho Ad
ele when seized, the crew of eighteen
being all Japanese and speaking little or
no English. The Adele was built in
Hamburg, from which point her papers
were taken out Although sailing under
the German flag, not ono of tho white
men aboard of her aro of German nation
ality, Errickson being a Norwegian
Hansen a Swede, and Wixon and Folger
Americans. The two unknown men
were certainly not Germans, neither were
they passengers as claimed. They were
more indignsuit at tho seizure than were
tho officers of the Adele. The German
ownership in the little craft is supposed
to be only a nominal matter, because for
the last three yoars she is reported to
have been sailing in and out ot bhaughai
as a pilot-boat, clearing Yokohama on
her last disastrous cruise. The officers
and two passenger. worked, in all proba
bility, as do whalers, namely, "on a lay,"
or, in other words, receiving a propor
tionato share of tho net proceeds of the
voyage. The eighteen Japs, from all
that could be learned from them, had no
other interest save their wages, being
engaged at so much a month for a voy
age to last a definite period.
Lieu. Lutz sailed from San Francisco
on April 9th last, on the cutter Thomas
It. Concin. He was detailed to protect
Otter island and surrounding seal islands
from marauders. Under his command
were seamen Brayil and J. L. Lucas.
There is on Otter island a frame building
erected by the Alaska Commercial Com
pany for the protection of tho govern
ment forces. Lieut. Lutz has passed two
seasons on tho island previous to this.
He had observed nothing unusual until
last Augnst. Then two or three small
vessels were seen to windward on various
occasions. Two of them were sailed as
if about to land. A fog shut in and at
the end of two or three days, when tho
fog lifted, the vessels had disappeared.
The revenue party left Otter island for
St. Paul's island on tho 20th. On tho
29th they saw a schooner off St. Paul's,
the crew of which were leisurely shooting
seals as they bobbed up.
On tho 30th of August tho two native
watchmen at tho sealing station tele
phoned that two vessels had passed and
were standing to tho northward. A watch
was kept all night, and at daylight on tho
morning of the 31st of last August one of
schooners was observed lying to about
twenty miles to tho northward. A fresh
gale was then blowing from the west.
The weather thickened in the afternoon.
At dusk it cleared off and the schooner
was lost sight of once more. A vigilant
watch was instituted. Half an hour
after midnight she was discerned steer
ing about one mile off Northeast point.
She was standing down the beach of St.
Paul's island. The picked crow was im
mediately aroused, the whaleboat
launched and the. lieutenant set out in
pursuit. At 1 o'clock of the morning of
the 1st inst. the whaleboat came along
side the marauder, after a pull of a mile
and a half. Her people were evidently
taken by surprise. The vessel proved to
be the Adele, riding at anchor. Captain
Errickson was aboard all alone. He ac
knowledged that ho was sealing, and that
his three boats were ashore making a
catch. Soon after tho three boats re
turned to tho 'Adele laden with the car
casses of seals newly slaughtered, where
upon the schooner was seized and the
twenty-four men made prisoners.
The vessel and her tackle, apparel and
furniture, becomes forfeited to the Unit
States, and each man on board engaged
in the marauding is liable to a fine of
not less than $200 and not more than
$1,000, or imprisonment for not more
than six months or by both such fine and
imprisonment, Capt Errickson was
willing to submit to tho seizure. The
other white men, and especially the two
"passengers," made a great fuss, one of
them drawing a revolver. They made
such a show of resistance that Cap.
Errickson braced up and vowed be would
out the cable and leave the Adele to go
adrift. "I ordered my men to have
their rifles handy," said Lieut. Lutz.
"The Captain looked at the arms, found
them all right, and went off to study the
weather." The crew being prisoners,
the Lieutenant proposed to take them to
San Francisoo in the Adele, as it was
policy for him, on account of his very
small crew, to remain on las friendly
terms with his prisoners as the exigen
cies of the case would permit The
twenty-four men of tho Adele
were fully equipped with rifles.
The white men refused to sail with Lieut.
Lutz. The vessel havinc been seized.
and they having no further interest in
her, they abruptly declined to aid the
officer to bring back their own vessel to
a port for confiscation. Tho 18 Japs re-
iusea allegiance to mo new commanaer,
because they did not like to go to a for
eign country and jeopardize all claims
for wagas earned on the cruise. The
white men bluntly said the lieutenant's
crew was too small to hold the craft
against a superior force of men in num
bers and armament Lieut. Lutz feared
that the prize would be recaptured from
him. The six white men were therefore
sent on shore to be kept in custody until
tho arrival of tho Convin, and nine of
the Japs were persuaded to remain by
the vessel, on the representation that this
course would be the surest for them to
get their pay for their seven months'
Two more vessels were reported on the
arrival of the Adele at tho village, and
it was also reported that ono was then
taking seals from the beach. Lieut. Lutz
set out in pursuit and overhauled the
vessel eight miles northeast of the
island. The marauder would not heave
to for the lieutenant to board her, and
two shots were fired, one across her bow
and one into her rigging, The schooner
then opened fire on the revenue party in
the boat. A stern chase and a desultory
fire resulted in nothing. None of the
revenue party were hit The schooner
got away at dark and tho chase was dis
continued. Returning to the village
Lieut Lutz, with seamen Brayil and Lu
cas and nine Japs, sailed in tho Adele
for San Francisco on the 2d inst. The
AdcWs steering apparatus was found to
be out of gear, and other repairs had to
bemado, necessitating a delay of four
or fivo days. Tho party came
through Oonimak passago on the 11th
inst, since which day she has met
with fogs and variable weather. The
Concin is expected to arrive in this port
on or about the 1st of next month with
the officers and the other nine Japs of
the Adele, who with the nine now with
Lieut. Lutz, will be surrendered to the
marshal for trial. It is not supposed that
anything will be done with the Japs, they
being ignorant persons who shipped as
seamen and with no knowledge of the
real purport of the cruise. When cap
tured they were made to skin the car
casses of the seals brought in the three
boats. Tho schooner had therefore on
board a cargo of 2iS seals, ten otter skins,
seventeen sea-lion skins, thirteen fox
skins, two tons of salt and two tons of
rice. As she lies to-day in the harbor
she is valued at about $8,000. 8ho has to
bo condemned before beinc sold on bo
naitot tno government, xno .ai.erouuw
Exchange records have hor consigned to
the United States marshal. San Fran
cisco Bulletin.
Johnson's Kew TJ&lTers&l Cjelopsdla.
Our best critics and educators pro
nounce Johnson's cyclopaedia superior to
all others. Europe honored it above all.
At the Paris exposition in 1878 two medals
were given it Rt. Hon.W. E. Gladstone,
prime minister of England, says: The
amount of information is truly wonder
ful." "Extremely useful to all classes.
Hon. Chas. CTConbr, LL.D. "More
information than can be found in any
other." President T. D. Woolsey, LLJ).
"For condensed and accurate informa
tion, Johnson's comes nearer to com
pleteness than any other work of refer
ence I have ever examined." Rev. A. L.
Lindsey, D.D. "Valued the more it is
consulted." Rev. G. H. Atkinson, D. D.,
after three years' constant use. C. H.
Libby, general manager for the coast,
Portland, Or. For further particulars,
address as above.
He Wouldn't.
Up in Shomtown they had an alarm
of fire, and the boys rushed for the ma
chine. Old Job Baker, who had for thirty
years taken the end of the rope, stood
in the road with his hands in his pockets.
"Whoop 'er up, Joe," cried out Sam Dra
per. "No, sir; didn't I tell yer if you
boueht that new nozzle Fd not go with
yer?" In a moment some one cried out.
f,It's Joe Baker's bam that's on fire."
"D'ye hear that?" shouted Sam Drapor;
"it's ver barn which is burning." "Can t
help it Fve said I wouldn't help pull
with that nozzle, and Tm bound to stick
it ont if it takes a leg." Boston Journal.
Line la IUklnj; Ponder.
Prof. R. A. Witthaus, M. D., Medical
University, Buffalo, N. Y., who is the
highest authority, says that "Calcium
Tartrate (improperly called tartrate of
lime), advertised as the lime found in
Baking powders is derived from the wines
that produce cream of tartar. It is a
constituent of the grape and other fruits
and is absolutely harmless.
The Century will begin with the Novem
ber number of the present year, and con
tinue without intermission, a series of
separate papers, tho object of which is
set forth, in clear and graphic manner,
the life and spirit of the most important
of modern military conflicts the war for
the Union. The main portion of the
scheme will be papers of a popular char
acter on the great engagements of the
war, by general officers high in command
at the time, either upon the Union or the
Confederate side. In many instances the
contributor will be the officer of first com
mand, and in every instance a participant
in the engagement under consideration.
For instance, the battles of Shiloh and
Vicksburg will be described by General
U. S. Grant, who will contribute four
papers to tho series; General Beauregard
will write of the First Bull Run; General
McClellan, of An tie tarn; General Rose
crans, of Stone river, etc., etc. The Pas
sage of the Forts below New Orleans will
be described by Admiral Porter, and the
Western Gunboat service by Rear-Admiral
Walker, and tho fight between the
Monitor and tho Merrimac by Colonel
John Taylor Wood, the senior surviving
officer of the latter vessel. Other promi
nent Confederate generals have engaged
to contribute, and some of these contri
butions will be hardly less notable thpn
those above mentioned. In several in
stances briefer supplementary papers
chronicle special incidents or consider
special phase3 of an engagement. Per
sonal reminiscences of several of the
most prominent military leaders, now
dead, will also give variety to tho scheme.
Mr. John Lee, farmer, Ashbourne,
Mudgee, N. S. "W., Australia, writes,
that ho suffered intense agony for
seven months, with sciatica, an that
the first application of St Jacobs Oil,
the magical pain-cure, relieved him
and in a short time he was oured.
A Fine Display.
At Mrs. Malcolm's Millinery Parlors
there will be a fall opening of fine goods
to-day and to-morrow tint all our lady
readers should attend. "You might as
well be out of tho world as out of the
fashion" is just as applicable now as at
any time, and if you want to see just
what is being worn and how it can be
made most becoming to you, just step in
at Mrs. Malcolm's and see. You will be
sure to get some points that will bo of
value to you, and you may seo some
thing that you really need. The latest
and freshest styles jn hats, bonnets,
fancy goods, ladies wear will be opened
this morning for your special inspec
tion. Rooms to Let
In Win. Hume's Building. Apply to
Geo. P. Whkelkr.
Beard at Jeff's.
The best in America. $20.00 a month.
Does not make any second-class Pic
tures at his New Gallery, No. 6l , on
the Roadway.
At Frank Fabre's.
Board for $22Z0 a month. The best
in the city. Dinner from 5 to 7.
Rooms to Let.
Furnished or unfurnished, suitable
for housekeeping, at Mns. Twilight's.
A Coffee Club
At Jeffs every night The freshest
oysters in town, in every style.
The Parisian Suit House, of Portland,
Oregon, will open a Branch Store in
Astoria on Squemocqua street, next
door to the Gem saloon, where ladies
will find a nice line of Suits and Cloaks
made in the latest fashion. The open
ing will take place on Monday and
Tuesday, October bth and 7th. Madam
M. Stephen, the manager will be here
and take orders for suits and cloaks. A
perfect fit is guaranteed and no trouble
will be spared to satisfy the wishes of
her customers.
Step That Cough,
By going to J. E. Thomas's and getting
a bottle of Leroy's Cough Balsam.
It wilt cure you.
The Rev. Geo. H. Thaver. of Bonr.
bon, Ind., says: "Both myself and wife
owe our lives to &nii.oirs uou sumptiov
Cubs." Sold by W. E. Dement
For lame Back. Side or Chest hsa
Shiloh's Porous Plaster, Pnea 23 cents.
For sale by W. E. Dement
Shiloh's Cube will immediately
relieve Croup, Whooping Cough, and
Bronchitis, bold by W. E. Dement & Co
Don't pay 50 cents elsewhere when
you can get tho best dinner in town at
JEFF'S for 25 cents.
The very best Ice Cream on this coast
at Frank Fabre's, on Cass street, two
doors back of Bank. '
All the patent medicines adTertlspd
in this paper, together with the choicest
Eerfumery, and toilet articles, etc-can
e bought at the lowest prices, at J. "W.
hctel, Astoria.
Bay your Lime of Gray aj Portland
Willamette valley farmers can't give
fruit away. ,
Work progresses on tho Cascadefbranch
of the N. P. B. R. -
Wheat is worth 32 cents a bushel in
"trade" in Eastern Oregon. .
The stone Bteps of the Clackamas
court-houso have been attached.
The Ledger is after the Tacoma chief
of police with a stick sharpened at both
John Daly, of Vernonia, Columbia
county, has twenty hands at work pick
ing hops.
Wheat receipts at Portland for Septem
ber amounted to 359,811 centals, 2,000
centals moro than for thn same month
last year.
There aro said to be 50,000 sheep run
ning wild in the San Juan islands, off
Washington territory, which can be
sheared only once in four or five years.
There aro fully half a million pounds
of hop3 on tho vines in IJuvallup and
White river valleys in immediate danger
of being lost, owing to tho scarcity of
pickers. Some cropS aro already ruined
from the same cause and will not be
The suit of W. B. Dillard against the
Northern Pacific railroad has been trans
ferred from Columbia county to the
United States circuit court in Portland.
The suit is brought to recover $515 al
leged to be dco for services rendered as
The law school of tho state univorsitv
of Oregon will be opened at Portland
next Friday. The occasion will be inter
esting, as being the inauguration of a
movement for affording better instruc
tion to students at law than they have
heretofore been able to obtain north of
The Northern Pacific company has just
completed a hospital at Missoula, which
is by far the best institution of tho kind
on their road, with the exception of that
at Brainerd. It cost $20,000. Its two
wards will accommodate eighteen pa
tients each, and besides it has ten rooms
for private patients.
The report of the superintendent of the
state prison shows that the total expenses
of the institution for the quarter ending
September 30, was $5,035.6u; total earn
ings. $3,551.50. The products of the
brickyards was 400,000 brick. The num
ber of convicts at the close of the term
was 256, while the average number dur
ing the term was 247.
In the cases involving the validity of
the rule allowing women to act as qual
ified jurors, appealed from Judge Greene's
court to the supreme court of the ter
ritory, the decision of the lower court
was sustained by Judges Hoyt and Win
gard. Judge Turner gavo a dissenting
opinion. It is said that the matter is to
be taken to the United States supreme
Charles Galloway died at the home of 1
his son, Hon. William Galloway, near
Bellevue, on the 1st aged 86 years, 1
month and 8 days. Deceased had been
an invalid from paralysis and old age for
the last three years, and was confined to
his chair during that entire period. On
the day of his death he appeared un.
usually well, but shortly before 12 o'clock
he died very suddenly of what is sup-
esed to have been paralysis of the heart,
e was of IriBh-Scotch descent; his father
served during the Revolutionary war, and
he himself was in the Blackhawk war,
serving under Governor Dodge. He came
to this state in 1852, and settled in Yam
hill county, where he ha3 since resided.
Water Dlsekirge.
Ed. Astobiak
How much water will run in a minute
from a half inch pipe with sixty pound
pressure? J.
Haswell says 3 gallons per minute.
With crooks or turns probably less.
Bucklcn's Arnica Salre.
The Best Saxvk in the world for
Cute, Bruises, Sures.Ulcers, Salt Rheum,
Fever Sores. Tetter, Cli3pprd Hands,
Chilblains. Corns, ami all Skin Erup
tions, and positively cures Piles, or no
pay required. It is guaranteed to give
Perfect satisfaction, or money refunded,
rice 25 cents per box. For salo by W.
E. Dement & Co.
Syrnp of. Figs.
Nature's own true Laxative. Pleas
ant to the palate, acceptable to the Stom
ach, harmless in its nature, painless in
its action. Cures habitual Constipation.
Biliousness, Indigestion and kindred
ills. Cleanses the system, purifies the
blood, regulates the Liver and acts on
the Bowels. Breaks up Colds, Chills
and Fever, etc Strengthens the organs
on which It acts. Better than bitter,
nauseous Liver medicines, pills, salts
and draughts. Sample bottles free, aud
large bottles for sale by W. E. Dement
fc COt Astoria,
For a Neat Fitting Boot
Or Shoe, go to P.J. Goodmans, on Che
namus street, next door to I. W. Case.
All goods of the best make and guaran
teed quality. A full stock; new goods
constantly arriving. Custom work.
Da Toh Thlak that "Jeff" of
The Chop House
Gives you a meal for nothing, and a
glass of something to drink? "Not
much l" but he gives a better meal and
more of it than any place in town for
25 cents. He buys oy the wholesale and
pays cash. "That settles it"
everyday from 4:30 to 8 o'clock. The
best 25-cent meal In tewn: soup, fish,
seven kinds of meats, vegetables, pie,
pudding, etc. Tea or coffee included.
All who have tried him say Jeff is the
Shiloh's Vital izer is what you need
for Constipation, Los3 of Appetite, Diz
ziness and all symptoms of Dyspepsia.
Price 10 and 75 cents per bottle, bold
by W.B. Dement-
Croup, Whooping Cough and Bron
chitis immediately relieved by Shiloh's
Cure. Sold by W. E. Dement
Just received a new lot of Parasols, at
the Empire Store.
Ladies' goods hoop skirts invisible
hairnets, etc., just opened at the Em
pire Store.
A full line of Ladies' Lace Mitts of all
descriptions, to be found at the Empire
Boston Baked Beans and Brown Bread
every Sunday at Jeffs from 5 a. m. to
2 p.m.
Gray sells Sackett Bros.' Al sawed
cedar shingles. A full M guaranteed In
each buncjL "
For Dinner Parties to order, at short
notice, go to Frank Fabre's.
For a nice, iucy steak cooked on the
broiler, go to Frank Fabre.
Rosma Dirnn's new e&tinff house
Is now open. Everything has been fit-
lea up in nrst-ciass style, ana nis wen
known reputation as a caterer assures
an who like good things to eat tnacai
bis place they can be accommodated.
Sleepless Nights made miserable
by that terrible cough. Shiloh's Cure is
the remedy for you. Sold by W. E. De
ment fc Co.
"HacJanetack," a lasting and fra
grant perfume. Price 23 and 50 cents.
Sold by W. E. Dement
Are von made miserable bv Indi
gestion, Constipation, Pizziaess, Loss of
appetite, Tellow Skin? Shiloa'a Vital
lxer is a positive cure. For sale by W.
Prof. A. L. Francis is in the city.
Harry 'Hippie is back from Foley
opnnga. . -, .
Jennor Parker is a pa3sengor on the
Oregon this morning. J v "
Carl Hanson was among the arrivals
on yestorday's steamer.
Councilman Smith is off on a visit to
the wilds of Tillamook.
John l)onovan, of A. L. Bancroft tfc
Co., was in tho city yesterday.
Mack Tworably, who has been aston
ishing the Texans for tho past two
months, returned on yesterday's steamer.
Rev. E. W. Garner and family returned
from Portland yesterday, where they
have been attending tho annnal meeting
of tho presbytery.
Dr. Crang and wife and the younger
members of the family, start for Watson
ville, Santa Clara county, Cal.. this
morning, at which place they will make
their future home.
Test Tour BaMns Miter To-Bay !
Brand Adrertteed aj absolutely para
Place a can top down ca & r-ci rtoro antW
hta tod, then romOTe the ccrcrand nmelL X chem
lffarin not b required to detect the presence of
It. HtilftfBlam IU NEVER Beta
InaTnlUlonhotaeaforaqtiarterof acsfitary It
bu ctood top coassaer'a raUahte tett,
Price Baking Powder Co.,
Dr. Price's Special Flavoring Extracts,
Tho strongest, most 5e4iclons and natural
Saror fcaown, and
Dr. Prlct'slimrtln Yiast GtMs
ForXIg&t, Heal thy Bread.The Bert Dry Hop
Yeaat In the world.
Light Heutw Brew,
The Peat dry hop yeast In the world.
Bread raised by this yeast is Hght,wh1ta
and wholesome Hke our grandmother
delicious bread.
Price Baking Powder Co.,
MTrs ol Dr. Price's special FiflT&rinz Extracts,
Chicago, III. St. Louis, Mo.
Of either sex admitted to tho
On any week-day of tho year.
The College Journal, containing in
formation of tho course of study, rates
of tuition, board, examination, etc., and
cuts of plain and ornamental penman
ship, free. Address,
Lock Box 1W. Pobti.axd, Ob.
as-In writing, please mention thit paper.
Practical Plumbing in Ail Its
Steam and Gas Fixtures,
A Complete Stock of FIrst-clas3 Material.
All Work Gnaraateed.
Office and Shop in Hume's building, rea
of "Wheeler & Reed's, Astoria, Oregon.
Oysters! Oysters!
Oysters to Order, - - 25 cents
Fried Oysters, - - - S3 cents
Garnalian & Go.
I. "W. CASE,
foroer Chenamus and Cass streets.
For Sale.
lock Wood, which I will deliver at the
houses of customers for $4 a cord.
Drayingof all kinds done at reasonable
rates. R. E. MAEION.
onnn pounds baebodrs best
JJJ veb,45-mesh,IorsaIeat aliberal
discount. .,.,,
Apply to Astoria Packing Co.
Astoria, Sept. 1st, 18S4.
Should not forget to call at Towne'sSan
Francisoo Gallery; where may be
seen photographs of all the leading men and
women of Oregon and Washington Territory.
Skillful operators always In attendance, and
the most minute attention paid to pictures
of children. Don't forget the locatlon.8. W.
eeraer FIrat aad Xerrke atretta, p aUlra.
No trouble to show specimens to visitors.
Street railroads pass the door every ten
minutes, and this Is the nearest gallery to
tae. aye pnucipi vie. v n
' Wholesale and Retail.
Itaffl E& 111 HyUIUIM
HbhSIr "ty 1 1 IllillflflHHH
Leading Dry Goods
To tie Laita of Astoria and Snrromojni Districts.
We haTe received direct from New York an Inimenso stock of wool.
Imported German Knitting Yarn,
Germantown "Wool, Shetland Wools, " : N-
Shetland Floss, Saxony Wools,
' , Fairy Zephyrs,
Columbia and Victoria Zephyri.
These goods we bur direct from the manufacturers and Importers In large qaaatlUes.
aad ladles purchasing this class of Goods of us will sa e from 25 to ft) per cent
Country Merchant and small dealers will find It to their advantage to clre us a call
if in-need of such goods.
Cm Hi
Pythian Building,
Has been Fired,
Gents' Furnishing Goods,
Clothing, Hats, Blankets, Quilts,
Try me before going elsewhere.
HERMANN WISE, Proprietor.
Uncle Sam's Cheap Cash Store.
IT. D. KKWBUlir.
Hare jast received a mammoth stock of
Books. The young and old, rich and poor
cau all he accommodated.
Krsalch 4k Back aad Maadsfeldt St
Ketal PJaaes aad Western
Cettag-e Orsaas,
Orders for all kinds of Music or Instru
ments will be promptly filled.
d. a. Mcintosh
Has opened the Largest and Most Complete Stock of Soft
and Stiff Hats in all the Latest Shades and Stan
dard Styles of the Best Manufacturers,
Gents' Furnishing Goods, Fine Underwear, Hosiery, Neck
Wear, Etc., Etc.
Clothing at Reduced Prices
Ti Make room for Fall Stock which will arrive from the EasJ in a
h 4 " Few Weeks.
' ," . . d. jl. Mcintosh,
3IICloepHaftep and Gents1 Furnisher
and Clothing House
Astoria, Oregon.
and the Price of
Hay, Oats, and Straw,
Brick Cement, and Sand.
Wood Delivered to Order.
Draytng, Teaming, and Express Business
i mM.wmi
.H4 . vJTt ffoqHt si"' -