C7 fo ga gMforhm. ASTORIA, OREGON: SATURDAY.-.. .OCTOBER 4, 18& rf j? sriz uggle in ohio. The local election "which is to come off in Ohio one week from next Tues day, is regarded with special interest Ohio has become a great state, second only in influence to New York, and at times seeming to have more "political influence than the latter. As to the election in Ohio to come off on the 14th, it is difficult to calcu late all the elements -which make for and against the Republican ticket. There are local questions "whioh it is thought "will not affect national is sues. Yet the fact cannot be ob scured that the result of the election in Ohio will have a strong influence upon the result in "November, both in Ohio and New York. According to the Louisville Courier-Journal, a good Democratic authority, the Ohio Democrats are exceedingly unfortu nate in some respects. "They have nothing like the complete organiza tion or their opponents. They are divided by a factionalism kept alive for selfish and base ends by an un scrupulous and treacherous schemer, who cuts the throat of every leader who dares to be a true Democrat. The press is on the Republican side. In the metropolis of the state there is not a single Democratic daily, and throughout the state the party labors under a heavy disadvantage in this respect, having few vehioles for en lighteningthe masses concerningthose questions which, once well under stood, should prove so potent in moulding and changing public opin ion." Where is the Cincinnati En quirer all the time? Has the En quiirer been read out of the party? or does it refuse to support Cleveland in good faith and effectively? Very little has been heard from that paper of late. It has some independent leaning like the Chicago Times, but generally swings into the Democratic ranks before an important election takes place. The Democrats have been looking for a strong German bolt in Ohio from the Republican ranks to the opposi tion. At this date there is no pros pect that there will be any such change. The German vote of Ohio is a fraction short of 50,000. A major ity of the vote is at heart Republican. It was so during the late civil war. Hardly a German could be found in those days to support the Democratic ticket This vote went with the Re publicans in Cincinnati, Cleveland and other cities of Ohio up to and in cluding the year 1882. Then the Scott law went into operation and re duced the number of saloons in that state from 15,000 to 12,000. It was not at all in the nature of a prohibi tory law; but rather one placing some restrictions on the sale of liquors. The law was popular in the country, but strongly opposed in the cities. The last legislature was Democratic Governor Hoadly had been elected as the exponent of Democratic views and principles. But that legislature re fused to repeal the Scott law, from which fact it is inferred that there is a strong Democratic element in favor of that law. It is believed that near ly all the original German Republi cans in Ohio will this year at the presidential election vote for the Re publican candidate. There are about 16,000 Irish voters in that state. Rather more than three-fourths of them have been iden tified with the Democratic party. In this element there will be a larger proportion of Republicans than have ever been known. As to the out and out Prohibitionists, they are supposed to number from 20,000 to 25,000. Bt - this year, it is believed that less than half that number will support the St John tioket As to the Butler vote. it may range from 3,000 to 5,000, and! will be drawn mostly from the Demo cratic side. Ohio has for thirty years or more cast her vote against the Democratic candidate for the presidency. There are very good reasons for supposing that that vote will be cast this year as usual for the election of a .Republican president. Blaine seems to be as popular in Ohio as was Garfield on the eve of his election four years ago. , " A short time ago Carl Schurz opened ,. , the campaign- in Ohio against the Republican party. Schurz was a cabinet officer selected by Hayes, an Ohio man. The latter we find as an ex-president extending a hearty wel come to Blaine, while Schurz is do ing his utmost to defeat him. No ,doubt Schurz will have considerable influence among the German voters "in southern Ohio, But it is proba ble that this influence has been over rated. German Republicans are in telligent, and while they may bolt .their own ticket on local questions, -r& 'tkey cannot be carried over to the 'fSSDeiaocratio vagaries of non-protec--?tioain.a national issue. The influ " ice of Mr. Blaine in Ohio will prob--- bly more than offset the influence of Schurz in the same state. "While K" therefore the effect of local questions " in Ohio cannot at thi distance be accurately calculated, it may be said that according to the present outlook, the Republicans will carry the Btate in the October election by a comfort able majority, and by a much larger one in November. This conclusion, - sayg the Bulletin from whioh we ' quote, Is reached by a careful study of the political situation in Ohio, and o;'epeoiauy as mis reve&iea zrom aay to day in the leading journals of that state. Already a disposition is noted on the part of Democratic journals to break the force of defeat by affirming that Ohio is not necessary to the suc cess of the Democratic ticket But the fact cannot be obscured that the loss of Ohio to that party in the Oc tober election means the loss of the state to the same party in the presi dential contest a month later, and in fact, means very much more. It will carry defeat to the Democratic party in the state of New York, or contrib ute very much to that end; and the most sanguine Democrat has never thought of counting upon success without. the aid of the latter state. If the result in Ohio, even at the Oc tober election, is vital to the Repub licans, there is the very best reason for the thorough canvass whioh that party is now making there, and for the presence of the Republican leader in that great state. The deposition of ex-Congressman John V. Lemoine, of Chicago, in the case of Blaine against the Indianapo lis Sentinel, -was taken last Thursday. He states that he -witnessed the se oret marriage between Blaine and Harriet Stanwood. All the parties left the minister's house immediately after the ceremony. Blaine requested the "witness to say nothing about the marriage for six months and asked him to make the same request of Bell, the other 'witness. On cross-examination the -witness was asked if he op posed Blaine politically. He said he -was not much of a Republican and not much of a Democrat Gov. St. Johk, the prohibition presidential candidate, -was fired at -while riding in a train from Carlisle to Terre Haute, Indiana, last Thurs day. It -was a close call, but he was unhurt. This is a new -wrinkle. Two presidents have been assassinated, and an attempt made on the lives of two others, but trying to kill a presiden tial nominee is something that lends new variety to this already extraordi nary campaign. The first experiment in telephon ing will cover a distance of 850 miles, and will be between Halifax, N. S., and Gloucester, Mass. If it proves successful an attempt will then be made to telephone across the Atlan tic ocean. Cleveland -was given an enthusias tic reception by tho citizens of Buf falo, N. Y., last Thursday night Blaine is magnetizing Ohio and West Virginia; Logan is going to do some talking in Indiana. The prices of -wheat are said to be the lowest known in Chicago for four teen years, the lowest known in New Tork for thirty-three years, and the lowest ever "known in London. Beeva Lockwood goes on record as the first presidential candidate who never used a razor. Eightt-one in the shade in New Tork city half an hour after sun down. The scandal returns are nearly all in. NEW TO-DAY. PEREMPTORY AUCTION SALE! This Day, at 2 P. M. At Holden' AhcUob Booms. Xjtc3LlosT G-oocSLs Consisting of over 50 Fall and Winter Cloaks, Ulsters, Russian Circulars, Etc., Together with an assortment of FANCY GOODS, "WOOLEN HSE,and LADIES' K. B. Te Ike Indies I have received positive instructions to close out this Consignment of Goods TO DAY, without limit 01 reserve. EL G. HOLDES, Auctioneer. To My Patrons. IN VIEW OF THE FACT THAT I AM about to reniOTe my residence to Califor nia, I take this opportunity of thanking yom for jour kind appreciation of my services and would heartily recommend to your pat ronage Dr. C. Benson Martin, who is now permanently located in Astoria. He comes highly recommended and my acquaintance with him for the past year has been of a very pleasant character, and I and him a gentleman of culture and well qualified in his profession. Very respectfully, FEED'S CR ANtt, M. D. Astoria, Oregon. October 1st, IBM. Stockholders7 Meeting. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THATTHE annual meeting of the Stockholders of the Washington Packing Co. will be held at the company's office, at or near the city of Astoria, Clatsop County, Oregon, on Wednes day, tho 5th day of November, 188, at one o'clock P. iL, lor the purpose of electing five directors, and traasactlng such other business as may legally cone before the meeting. By order of the board of directors. J. W. GEARHART, Secretary. Astoria, October 3rd, 1884. Stockhilders' Meeting. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE annual meeting of the stockholders of the Occident Packing Co. villi be held at the company's nice oa Saturday, October 4th, 1834, to elect officers lor tho. ensuing year, and for the transaction of such other busi ness as may come before the meeting. By order of the President. CHARLES LARSON, Secretary. Furnished Rooms to Let, "TOTTH OR WITHOUT BOARD. IT Eaqulre f Mm. E. C. HOLDEN. For Sale. A GOOD GENTLE HORSE. Inquire of ALEX. CAMPBELL. For Sale. RB HOUSE AND IXXT IN ALDER- brook. For particulars laauire of CW THOMKS k KNO WLES. Closing Out Sale. MRS. A. B. JEWETT. DESIRES TO ANNOUNCE TO THELA dles of Astoria, that wishing to dovote her entire attention to DRESSMAKING, Sho will dlsposo or tho remainder of nor Stock of Millinery Goods At Less than Cost! Thl Is a rare chance to obtain MILLIN ERY GOODS at leas Twenty-five per ce t cheaper than over before offered in Astoria- Ladies should call and examine this stock sud pri es before purchasing elsewhere. Astoria, Oregon, October 1, lS&i. New Departure! At the well-known Restaurant of ROSCOE DIXON'S. On and after tub date Oysters In every style will be served at 23 Cents. Fancy Roasts and Fried Oysters 85 Cents B. DIXON, - Proprietor. Wilson & Fisher Ship Chandlers, HEAVY AND SHELF HARDWARE Paints, Oils, and Varnish. LOGGERS1 SUPPLIES. PROVISIONS AND MILL FEED A.GENTS FOR Salem Flouring Mills, Portland Roller Mills, Capital Hour and FAIRBANKS' SCALES. ASTORIA. OREGON. CLATSOP - MILL COMPANY Manufacturers and Dealers in Lumber, Salmon Trays, BOXES, ETC. OFFICE AND MILL, CORNER SALMON AND CEDAR STREETS. ASTORIA. - Orege. Astoria Cooperage. BARRELS AND HALF-BARRELS All Kinds of Cooperage Done. aarLeave orders with JOHN ROGERS, Superintendent, at Central Market, SAIRT HOSPITAL, ASTORIA, - - - OKEGOK THIS INSTITUTION. UNDER CARE OF the Sisters of Chanty, is now ready foi the reception of patients. Private rooms for the accommodation ol any desiring them. Patients admitted at all houis, day or night. No physician has exclusive right, even patient is free to and has the privilege of employing any physician they prefer. United States Marine Seamen who pay Hospital Dues, are enti tled to Free care and attendance at this Hos pital during sickness. .Permits must be ob tained for United States Marines at the Cus tom House. SISTKR8 or CnARITl W. E. DEMENT & CO. ASTORIA, - - - OREGON Carry in Stock, DRUGS, CHEMICALS, TOILET and FANCY ARTICLES. Prescriptions carefully Compounded Wood Yard. Another Reduction to Suit Hard Times. TTNTIL FURTHER NOTICE THE ASTO- U riaWood Yard. Gray's Dock, foot of uemon street, win sen wooa at mo iouow Ing prices and deliver wherever the streets are planked, between Trulllnger's Mill and O'Brien's Hotel, back to Astor street : Green Alder, 2-cut $4 25 per cord, long $3 50 Dry do do Gr'nHemlo'k do 4K do do do 3 75 3 50 3 75 425 46 450 4 75 550 do do do do do Dry do do Green Fir do Dry Fir do Extra Maple and S. limbs do Vine Maple and S. limbs do do do do do do 375 400 600 475 535 do Wood of All Kinds By the Scow load at REDUCED BATES. J. H. D. GKAT' Astoria. Jun 1st, 18S4. ASTORIA Best BREAD 1m the City, Best CABBIES, Best CAKES ad PASTRY, Best ICE CREAM, Finest Ornamental Werk te Order. ED. JACKSON. Notice. -rvrns -Erm tttk mrmrnvGOF A school Jj house in District No. 18. will be received up to 1 o'clock P.M. the 8th of October, icftl hv thA nirprtnr of said district. Plans and specifications can be seen at the shop of J.J.Jones. The rlc-ht to relect any and all bids Is hereby reserved. ..,. ,,. , C. W. SHTVELY, Clerk. September 29, 1884. N tt ice. A T.T. TiTTXS AGAINST WM. HUME'S AS- A. torla cannery, must be sent to Eagle ClUluntuiurtnernouce .,-.-, J.J. BARCLAY, Manager; HAS RETURNED. JJP. IdBATHBM HAS RETURNED and Is ready to turn out some fine fisa Iqr boats fertke river. Shop on the beach betweeaKtray'flS&tKlBttre'ses&neries. Carpets! Carpets! Garpets! We beg to call tho attention of the public to our latest importation, direct from Eastern manufacturers, of the largest invoice of CAKPETb ever offered for sale iu this city, comprising all grades, from the FINEST BODY BRUSSELS in the Newest Tints and Shades. To the lowest priced article in thi3 line. "We are determined to dispose ol our stock of Carpets within the next lour weeks, and to that end offer special inducements, precluding the possibility el BeLa Undersold, by any of oar Competitors. -IN Furniture and House Furnishing Line We can show you the very BEST GOODS at BOTTOM FIGURES, end shall he pleased to receive a call for Inspection whether you purchase or nut. . CHAS. HEILBORN. New Establishment! mmvr fbice FURNITURE, FURNISHING GOODS, Garpets, Matting, Pictures, Mirrors, PICTURE FRAMES MOULDINGS, ETC., ETC. At Greatly Reduced Prices, ASTORIA FURNITURE CO., Cor. Chenamus and Hamilton Sts. H. 13u BTJISSON, Manager. THE Howe Planing ED. LARGEST AND FINEST AND DOOR FACTORY SASH In Western Oregon. A Full Stock on Hand and Made Up to Order. AND SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. Sashes, Doors, Mouldings, Windows, Etc., Of Best Material. Bids PumiBhed Contractors, Carpenters and Enilders. All bills duo and payable at the end of the month, unless otherwise 3greed upon. Wm. HOWE. Proprietor. ASTORIA LIQUOR STORE, AUG. DANIELSON, - - Proprietor. Rebuilt and Kefltted TbreBftheHt. The Best of WlNES.IilQITORS.AND CIGARS, For a Good Cigar, call for one of "Danielson's Best." Corner "West 6th and Water Streets, Astoria. n9-6m The Gem Saloon. The Popular Resort for Astorians. For tho Finest of Wines and Liquors Go to THE GEM SALOON. ALEX. CAMPBELL, - - PEOPRIETOR Boat Building. THE BEST STOCK AND WORKMANSHIP GUARANTEED. Boats of Every Description Built. Shop over Arndt & Ferchen's. B. H. LEATHERS. FOR LIVERPOOL DIRECT. The Fine Iron Clipper Ship GBISEDALE, IOO Al. 152 Tons Sejrr. Will be at Astoria shortly and will take SALMON In lots to suit shippers. For rate) of freight and Insurance apply to Messrs. BALFOUE, G OTHRIE & Co., Portland. Or to P. L. CHEREY, Astoria. -ASK FOR- TTnion India Rubber Co.'s Pure Para Gum CRJlCK proof RUBIER BOOTS. BEWARK OF IMITATTOXS ! Be sure the hoots are stamped CRACK PROOF on the heels, and have the PURE QU3 SPRINGS on the foot and Instep, which prevent their cracking or breaking' We are now making them with RUBBER AND ASBESTOS Soles which will make them last more than twice as long as any Rubber boots made. FOR SALE BY ALL DEALERS. ALL KINDS RUBBER BELTING, PACK ING, HOSE, SPRINGS, CLOTHING. BOOTS AD SHOES. Etc. GOODYEAR RUBBER CO. KrHTPEASE,Jr.l Agents, 8.M.EUNYON, f San Francisco. Notiie. ALL PERSONS HAVING BILLS against Wherry & Co., contracted by me will please present them at once. In future all debts due should be paid to Wm. W. Wherry who alone is authorized to receipt for the same and carry on the business of Wherry Co. . T - Vri T (rUTTTT fc icliola rLnVa1.f -Oa . ' .-, W.V-U ., 5? f, I I THE - - - BOATS AND TENTS I 9 E O -3 K o O 3 o 3 p z 8.1 1 o o 3 p 3 f ST a: a 3 3? a a S a a. 3" as 3 o to O P a. cc p I 1 O 3 o 3 O o o 3 n S 2 a. a o 5 FLAGS, ETC, ETC. $67,000,000 Capital ! Liverpool and London and Globe. North British and Mercantile Of London and Edinburgh. Old Connecticut of Hartford, AUT COMMERCIAL OF CALIFORNIA Fire Insurance Companies, Representing a Capital of $67,000 OOO. B. VAN DUSEN. Aeent. a LEINENWEBEK. H. BROW Leinenweber & Co., E8TABLT3I1KD 18G5. ASTORIA, OBEGON TAMERS AB CDBSBES, Manufacturers and Importers of all kinds of LEATHER AMD HIDINGS. Wholesale Dealers In OIL ANDJTALLOW. evHJghest cash price paid for Hides and Tallow. THE BEST IS THE Royal Brand. Flour Manufactured by the OREGON MILLING COMPANY Is of Superior Quality, and Is Endorsed by all who use It. THE HOUSEKEEPER'S FAVORITE Of Superior BIsIng Quality. Guaranteed to Give Satisfaction. WYATT & THOMPSON Sole Agents for Astoria. Wheeler & Kippj PRACTICAL flute Gas ail Steam Fitters ALL WOBK Warranted, and Estimates Given. FULL STOCK IroK and lead Pipe, Batk Tabs, TFHtenCIoscts, and Gas Fixtures. Chimney Pipe, Cheaper than Brick. JOBBING PBOMPTLY ATTENDED TO. Corner Squemoqua and Hamilton Streets, Astoria, Oregon, NIGHT COURSE OF STUDY. I INTEND TO COMMENCE NEXT WEEK a course of lessons for mechanics and others in COXSTKIJCTIOX, LiIXEAIi AID ORXAMEXTAL DBAWIIG8 a limited number of scholars accepted. For further particulars applv at my office. - v O.W.LEICK, " ,' Architect Tor Tor For For The Finest Groceries. The Freshest Vegetables, The Most Complete Assortment, Absolute Satisfaction. In Filling and Delivering All Orders, Call at FRANK L. Family Grocery and Provision Store, Corner Benton and Chenamus Streets, Opposite Custom House Square. TER apply to the Captain, or to EMPIRE STORE THE OVLT Exclusive Dry goods House IMT J5.S10RIA. Our Stock Is Tie Most Complete, Onr Prices At Rod Botton And Our Anxiety To Sell TsUnequaled! We Are Always al the Top of the Market And With Us You "Will Find THE LATEST NOVELTIES IN OUR LINE As Fast As They Appear In Eastern Markets. WE INVITE INSPECTION OF OUR LATEST IMPORTATION -OF Ladies' and Infants' White Goods, Skirts, Parasols, Silk Mitts, Gloves in Lisle, Silk and Cotton, Fans, etc., etc PRAEL BROS. John A. Montgomery, Tin, Sheet Iron and Copper Ware. A General Assortment of HOUSEHOLD GOODS. Agents tor Magee Stoves and Ranges The Best In tho market. Piumblng goods of all kinds on hand. Job work done In a -workmanlike maunei PLUMBING, GAS FITTING, AND CANNERY WORK Attended to Promptly on Reasonable Terms. Chenamus Street. A'ext to C. Ju Parker's Stare. ASTORIA. THE NEW MODEL A FULL STOCK ir. OI.SEN". J. OUSTAFSON. MARTIN OLSEN DEALERS IN" FURNITURE sg BEDDBSTG Corner Main and 8quemoqna Streets. Astoria, Oregon. WINDOW SHADES AND TRIMMHCS; WALL PAPER, ETC. A Complete Stock. PRICES AS CHEAP AS QUALITY WILL AFFORD. ALL KINDS OF FURNITURE REPAIRED AND TABIVISHED. FOR Finest Groceries, GOTO- FOARD 4 STOKES. A FULL LINE OF HARDWARE AND Ship Chandlery. -A NEW SLIP Just Finished In Bear of Store. HEADQUARTERS. FOB Toys, Fancy &oofls, Stationery, i CUTLERY, ETC. Fresh Fruit Received Daily A Full Slock of Smokers Ar.lcles. NEW GOODS CONSTANTLY ARRIVING. CHAS. A. MAY, Chenamas ttteat, south side. oae door PARKER'S STEAMER tben P. Parker,Uaster. For TO WIN! I, FREIGHT orCIlAR- II. H. PARKRR. BANGE CAN BE HAD IN AS TOBIA ONLY. OF E. 1. IAWB9, AGBMT CALL AND EXAMINE IT, T WILL BE PLEASED. E. It. HAWES is also agent for U Buct patent (MiufStOTe And other first-class Store. Furnaca Work Steam Fit tiagst etc., a specialty ALWAYS OX HAKD. ' A. JOHNSON. & CO. THE LATEST STYLES IN WALL PAPER AT B. B. FRANKLIN'S, NEXT DOOR TO ASTORIAN OFFICE. A very large Stock from which to select. "Window curtains made to order. -My patent Trimmer to cut Wall Paper will be found convenient to my patrons. Miare anil SMj Chanftlery VAN DUSEH & C(L DEAIKSIN Hardware and Ship Chandlery Pure Oil, Bright Varnish, Binacle Oil, Cotton Canvai, Hemp Sail Twine, Cotton Sail Twine, Lard Oil, Wrought Iron Spikes, Galvanized Cut Nail, Agricultural lmptaneBtf, Sewing Macklaea, Falsi aa4 ' tnmCW '-V: