Ct Wit ga $toriatt. ASTORIA, OREGON: TUESDAY.. -AUGUST 20, 18S1 Ben Butler is going to start a newspaper. Stanley, the explorer, dined "with four kings the other day. There is no doubt that he "scooped the potJ - - - -. t All the circus men in the country . ' are happy. The present crop will be 30 per cent greater than that of last year. Henby Waed Beecheb's brother Thomas is booming Butler. Tne two great preachers should pair off and call it square. Queen- Victoria's poor relations are now beginning to speculate upon the amounts that good lady proposes to leave them. The machine-made poetry of the present campaign is rather lame in the feet, but when set to music its limp is not noticed. It would make everything exceed ingly interesting if John Kelly could be prevailed upon to take the stump in favor of Butler. The Greely survivors are fairly en titled to some monetary recognition by the Government, but the "Wash ington sharks should be carefully ex cluded from the grab. Benjamin F. Butleb is a philoso pher The more people talk about him the better he likes it One long cold wave on the part of the public would freeze out the great reformer. General Logan's opponents are not making so much fun of his gram mar as they did some time ago. They have learned that the gallant soldier calls a spade a spade regardless of criticism. A cyclone in Kansas recently car ried off a bank. But as a fast train had carried off the cashier and all the funds the day before, the people were not much interested in the fate of the building. THEMudir of Dongola corie3ponds with General Gordon, and we earnest ly trust that the general does not fill him up with campaign lies. Mud ears are altogether too common at present. Li 'Hung Chang, the Chinese diplomat, is to be impeached for malfeasance in office. If decapitation were not the penalty for such an of fense he might give a practical illus tration of his middle name. Two years ago, it is said, Villard offered the editor of the Commercial Advertiser, of New York, half a mil lion dollars for his paper, but he wouldn't take it The paper, since his death has been sold for less than half that amount The Indianapolis editor who pub lished a scandalous story about Mr. Blaine is now trying to hedge. The Plumed Knight pounced down on him like a lion on a mouse, and if the law of libel in Indiana is enforced that Hoosier mud-slinger will write his campaign editorials in jail. The most prominent European .brawlers at present are England and Germany. Despite the close relation existing between the royal and impe rial families of both countries a feel ing of distrust exists. Bismarck is jealous of English colonial aggress ion, and young Germans are cutting out the youth of England in British fields of commerco and skilled labor. It would scarcely pay Bismarck to fight England, or Gladstone to resort to arms. So the two peoples will con tinue to growl. France hates them both with a fervent hatred, and a very pretty quarrel will culminate some day. England's extremity will be Ireland's opportunity. . . It it is extremely gratifying to the lovers of harmony to know that both political parties are confident of vic tory. Old Republicans who have voted for every president from "Wash i ington down declare that Blaine is the coming man. Veteran Demo crats who knew the great Jefferson more intimately than his body-servant predict a rousing majority for Cleveland. Such childlike faith is beautiful to behold. "Were it not for hope and barrels it is possible that both parties might lose heart Here comes in the strength of Benjamin , F.Butler. He never despairs. His heart is tough as a tanned rhinoc eros. There is no such word as fail for him. In the different camps everything appears to be lovely. It is a perfect picnic all round. The Sun's "Washington special says: The effect of war between China and France will, it is believed i ihere, operate greatly to the advantage of the United States through an al most immediate increase of trade be tween this country and China. The demand for all kinds of manufac tured goods heretofore supplied to China through French agencies will naturally be largely transferred to this country. The Chinese govern- 'f ment, which possesses a large and powerful navy, will doubtless pro hibit the importation of all French goods. Its ports will be closed against --. -, rncl1 commerce. Not only will the Chinese need munitions of war but "also, commissary and quartermaster supplies which can be transported from New York to San Francisco and thence to China by steamship lines, tne traflic over which has very perceptibly increased since the agitation of the Franco-Chinese trouble. China will continue to pur chase of England as long as long as the trade is untrammeled, but the natural highway of her trade is by way of San Francisco. BOBS. In Astoria. August 24th, 1884, to the wife of J. O. JBozorth, a daughter. DIED. At Deep River, W.TMAug. 12th, the Infant son of J. L. Luis. NEW TO-DAY. Dividend Notice. OTOCKHOLDERS OF THE O. F. L. & B O Association can have their dnldends paid to them by calling at the office of the unaersignea, ai me ucciaent uotei. A.J.MEGLER. Secretary. Astoria, August 23, 1EBI. ONE BUYER IS WORTH Twenty Lookers On. ANYONE HAVING A COMFORTABLE dwelling house with lot on Mhlch house Is built can hear of a cash purchaser by ad- lucaauig uiu uuit;c. For Tillamook. THE STEAMER j3l. D3- -ei:e2x:d. Will sail from Main street Wharf for TILLAMOOK, at 6 a. M.. on Tuesday, Aug. 20, 1884 For Freight or Passage apply to C Lelnen weber. or J. G. Hustler, at the Wharf. Rooms to Let. FURNISHED BOOMS, SINGLE AND raerly occupied by Mrs. McClarnahan) : Temperance drluks for sa'e : half gallon, ten cents. Sailors Wanted. THE AMERICAN SHIP ALAMEDA NOW on berth at this port requires twelve or fourteen men, without advance, at $30 per nioma irom AMona 10 Liverpool direct. Any one tn Uhin? to ship can apply to Capt. Nick els on board the vessel. NOTICE. THE S. S. "COOS BAY" COO Tons register, new, fast sailing Classed A I Is now loading in SAN FRANCISCO for PORTLAND, And will sail on, or about AacuKt 20 from San Francisco, and abeHt A.Hust 30 from Portlnnd. tOHchlnjr at Coos Bay. Favorable rates of freight aad passage will be obtained from the owner. THE COAT AND RIVER STEAMSHIP CO., San Francisco, or the agents. WATSON. WRIGHT & CO., 10, North Front street, Portland. "Accommodations for 30 passengers. A. W. BERRY. Agent at Astoria. Stockholders' Meeting. THERE WILL BE A MEETING OF THE Stockholders of the Jensen Can Filling Machine Company at the office, at the As toria Iron Works, at half-past seven o'clock, on September 19th . 1884. By order or the President, M. .JENSEN. Notice. IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE ANNU al meeting or Stockholders of the I. X. L Packing Co., will be held at the Company's office. Upper Astoria, on Saturday, August 30. at 1 o'clock p. v., for the purpose of elect ing a Board of Directors for the enuing term. By Order of . J. O.STROM, S. ERICKSON, President. Secretary. SCHOOL TAXES. THE TAXPAYERS OF SCHOOL Dis trict No. l, Clatsop County, Oregon, are notified that the .school tax of said district for the year J884, is now due and paablo at the office of the undersigned In Astoria. Or egon, and that the same will be deemed de linquent unless paid within Co davs from the date of this notice. J.O. BOZORTH, . A , District Clerk. Astoria, August 11th, 1681. Good Building Lots IN 1LDERBROOE, For Sale at Low Rates. Apply to ItlTXAN C. K1XXEY, At office of Clatsop Mill Company, on the Roadway. For Sale. AN OLD AND WELL ESTABLISHED business in one of the best locatlous in the city. Other business the owner's only reason for selling. This w ill bear Investiga tion and is a cood chance. The premises will be sold or rented as buy er may prefer. Apply at The Astohiak office. Dissolution of Partnership. THE FIRM OF STONE & DAVIDSON IS this day dissolved by mutual consent. C. W. Stone will conduct the business In fu ture, and collect all accounts and pay all debts of the late firm. C. W.STONE. d-Tt J. A DAVIDSON. Notice. THERE WILL BE A MEETING OF THE stockholders of the Astoria and Coast Transportation Co. at the office of the com pany, August 2S, at 7 :30 P. M. By order J. W. HOME, President. For Sale. o NE HOUSE AND LOT IN ALDER- brook. For particulars lnaulre of dw THOMESAKNOWLES. For Sale. FIVE HUNDRED CORDS DRY HEM lock Wood, which I will deliver at the houses of customers for $4 a cord. Draying of all kinds done at reasonable rates. R. B. MARION. Sol Gold Jewelry, BRACELETS, Scarf Pins, Chains, Watches, SILVERWARE, Of every description. The finest stock of Jewelry In Astoria. tar-All goods warr&nted&srepresented GUSTAV HANSEN, JEWELER, GRAND EXCURSION JO WESTPORT, Under the Auspices of Astoria Lodge No. 40. Independent Order of Good. Templars, For Benefit of the Orphans' Home. On Wednesday Aug. 27, '84, THE POPULAR STEAMER &h. CLARA PARKER, "WILL LEAVE MAIN STREET WHARF AT 8:30 A.M., and Lelnenweber's Cannery at 9 A. X. Refreshments will be served on the ground. The public are cordially Invited to attend. Geats' Tickets, - - - Si OO Xiadies' .---- 50 CklldrcH's - 25 Ticket for sale by members of the Lodge mju ai iicnuiuj o oicvenv cout; Diore. The Leading House. THE LARGEST STOCK. Toe Finest and Choicest Goods. AT Carl idler's Crystal Palace. Books, Stationery, Fancy Goods, Toys, Saby Can lagei. Solid Gold and Silver Jewelry Watches aad Clockx, Pictures. Albums. And the largest aud finest assortment of miscellaneous goods north of San Francisco. Pianos and Musical Instrueuts. B&-AU my goods are guaranteed to be as represented, ana u not satisfactory you will find me here six months or a year from now 10 juaKU overyming ngw. A FIRST-CLASS watch-maker in attend ance. All work guaranteed. You are cordially incited to call and In spect me nanasome new gooas just received. CARL ADLER'S CRYSTAL PALACE. LOEB & CO. JOBBERS IN WINES. LIQUORS, AND CIGARS. AUENTS FOR THE Best San Francisco Houses and Eastern Distilleries. Tumblers Decanters, and All Kinds of Saloon Supplies. B"AI1 goods sold at San Francisco Prices. MAIN STREET. Opposite Parker House, Astoria, Oregon. Wilson & Fisher Ship Chandlers, HEAVY AND SHELF HARDWARE Paints, Oils, and Varnish. LOGGERS1 SUPPLIES. PROVISIONS AND MILL FEED AGENTS FOR Salem Flouring Mills, Portland Boiler Mills, Capital Flour and FAIRBANKS' SCALES. ASTORIA, OREGON. Fishermen's Headquarters. THE GENUINE CAPE ANN OILED CLOTHING, OVERALLS, COATS. HATS. SHIRTS, GOM BOOTS, Etc. And a complete outfit, or Best Quality, and at the LOWEST PRICE of any Estab- ltslunent In the city. F. A. STOKES & CO. Have opened a New Stock of At poods In the store next door to Foard & Stokes, and GUARANTEE SATISFACTION To all Customers. W. E. DEMENT & CO. DRUQQXSTS. ASTORIA, - - - OREGON Carry in Stock, DRUGS, CHEMICALS, TOILET and FANCY ARTICLES. Prescriptions carefully Compounded Carnahan & Go. SUCCESSORS TO I. W, CASE, IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE rorner Chenamus and Cass streets. ASTORIA .... OREGON Sailors Wanted. BARK BELLE OF OREGON FOR LIV erpool direct will be ready to ship crew about 25th Inst, Wages out of port-crew to be paid in full at Liverpool. Apply to Csptata on board. Carpets! Carpets! Carpets! We beg to call the attention of the public to our latest importation, direct from Eastern manufacturers, of the I AUGtEST IWVOICS OF CARPET BT Ever offered for sale in tbU city, comprising all grades, from the FINEST -BODY BRUSSELS In the Newest Tints and Shades, To the lowest priced article in tills line. We are determined in dispose of our stock of Carpets within the next four weeks, and to that end offer special Inducements, piecludlng the possibility or Ileitis UnUcrxolil by hiij' ol"oa. Competitors. IN THE Furniture and House Furnishing Line We can show you the very BEST GOODS at BOTTOM FIGURES, and shall be pleased to receive a call for inspection whether you purchase or not. CHAS. HEILBORN. New Establishment! ID !l m 'immmmMM JKiiiiiiillil ' JhI if Carpets, Matting, Pictures, Mirrors PICTURE FRAMES MOULDINGS, ETC., ETC. At Greatly Reduced Prices, And cordially invite a call from our friends and the public generally. We Intend to become a permanent uiKT.ii snare or patronage irom me puonc. ASTORIA FURNITURE CO., Cor. Cheuamus and Hamilton Sts. II. Du BTJIJSSON, Manager! Wheeler & Kipp, PRACTICAL Pluta Gas ani Steam Fitters ALL WOUK Warranted, and Estimates Given. FULL STOCK Iron and r.cnl Pipe, Bath Tubs, "Wutjr Closets, and Gins Fixture. Jobbing Promptly Attended to. A SPECIALTY is mado of Tap ping Water Mains and Running Water Pipes, as We have Supc- or Tacmties tor doing this work. Comer Snuemoqua and Hamilton Streets, Astoria, Oregon. THE Howe Mi 11. LARGEST AND FINEST SASH AND DOOR FACTORY In Western Oregon. A Full Stock on Hand and Made Up to Order. boats :qttiil,t AND SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. Sashes, Doors, Windows, Mouldings, Etc., Of Best Material. Bids Furnished Contractors, Carpenters and -Builders. All bills due and navnlile at tho nmi r tha month, unless otherwise agreed upon. Wm. HOWE, Proprietor. WEST SHORE LUMBEE MILLS J. C. TRULLINGER, - - - Proprietor. MANUFACTUBEB OF AND DEALER IN All Kinds of Lumber, ON AND AFTER THIS DATE WILL sell Lumber andBoxes at following rates : All Rough Lumber, (only to special acreementl. em m o. lFlooring and Rustic, (only to spe- clal agreementL $20 00 ro. 2 Flooring and Rustic, (only to spe cial agreement) 816 00 Mouldings, 10 per cent, cheaper than any body. Flsli Boxes. U cents at mill, Shocks, 12 cents at mill. T. G. RAWLINGS, "Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Tropical, Domestic, Green and Dried ifn.xjia?. NUTS. CANDIES.DRIED MEATS, ETC. VIma atewava Ve1 Ta'bWa tf4n Next door to I. J. Aryold's, Squraoqua St. J We take pleasure in announcing, that hav ing purcuasea me stock or tne lnte firm of E. D. Curtis & Co., and and having mado many New and Attractive Additions' We now offer for sale the MOST COMPLETE LINE OF FURNITURE HOUSE Furnishing Goods, fixture in this place and trust to receive a SomeMnff You Want THE CASPERSON ELECTRIC LAMP. Bnrninc "With an Unrivaled Brilliancy OF Sixty Candle Power COSTS ONE-HALF A CENT AN HOUR The Finest and Cheapest Light in I'.e. XO DIMNESS, NO SMOKE, NO BREAKING CHIMNEYS. One Lamp Will Last a Lifetime. We guarantee all we say anil court In vestigation, Tills Lamp is fast superseding all old stle oil lamps and needs but a trial to prove its merits. FOR SALE IN ASTOKIA, ONLY BY CARNAHAN & CO., AGENTS. TO CJHEI1N, FISHERMEN, AND OTHERS. Having Secured the Services -OF- Martin Welch, We are now Prepared to Contract for ALL KINDS OF BOATS, . In Small or Large Quantities, at Very Seasonable Bates, all of Our Work TO BE PIRSTOLASS, ALL KINDS OF BOAT STOCK AND MA terlal on hand and will be sold as low as the lowest, "We have also on hand a very large stock of Sash Doors and Mouldings of our own manufacture, which we guaiantee not to be excelled on the Pacific Coast. Examine Our Stock, Work and Prices, and Remem ber the old f. X. L. Stand of C. H. BAIN & CO. WM. EDGAR, Dealer In Cigars, Tobacco and Cigarettes Meerschaum and Brier Pipes, GENUINE ENGLISH CUTLERY Revolvers and Cartridges. CORNER JIATN AND CHENAJIU8 STS. For The Finest Groceries. For The Freshest Vegetables, For The Host Complete Assortment, For Ah solute Satisfaction, In Filling and Delivering All Orders, Call at FRJJNTK L. Family Grocery and Provision Store, Corner Benton and Chenamus Streets, Opposite Custom House Square. frri fy--Sgg."-yvSTH HS Tzj n inn TER apply to the Captain, or to empire: stores THE ONLY Exclusive Dry Goods House Our Stock Is The Most Complete, Our Prices At Rod Bottom And Our Anxiety To Sell Ts Unequaled!- We Are Always at the Top of the Market And With Us You Will Find THE LATEST NOVELTIES IN OUR LINE As Fast As They Appear In Eastern Markets. WE INVITE INSPECTION OF OUR LATEST IMPORTATION -OF Ladies and Infants White Goods, Skirts, Parasols, Silk Mitts, Gloves in Lisle, Silk and Cotton, Fans, etc, etc. PEAEL BROS. John A. IME&sitgomery, DEALKK I Tin, Sheet Iron and Copper Ware. A. General Assortment or HOUSEHOLD GOODS. Agents for Magee Stoves and Ranges The Best in U10 market. Piumblng fjoods of all kinds on ham!, .'ob work done In a workmanlike mauler PLUMBING, GAS FITTING, AND CANNERY Attended to Promptly on Reasonable Terms. Ciiennnius Street. Xcxt to C Ir. Parker's Store. ASTORIA, THE NEW MODEL sj,giWBfeKpgjjac A FTJLI, STOCK M. OI.SKN. .1. GUSTAFSOX. A. JOHNSOX. MARTI,N OLSEN & CO. DEALERS IX FURNITURE S BEDDING Corner 2Ialn and Squemoqua Streets. Astoria, Oregea. WINDOW SHADES AND TRIMMHG6; WALL PAPER, ETC. A Complete Stock. PRICES AS CHEAP AS QUALITY WILL AFFORD. AIX KIKDS OF FURSITiJRE REPAIRED AND VARNISHED. FOR Finest Groceries, GO TO FOARD & STOKES. A FULL LINE OF HARDWARE AND Ship Chandlery. A NEW SLIP Just Finished in Rear of Store. HEADQUARTERS FOR Toys, fancy Goods, Stationery, CUTLERY, ETC. Fresh Fruit Received Daily. A Full Slock of Smokers Ar.lcles. NEW GOODS CONSTANTLY ARRIVING. CHAS. A. MAY, Chenamus street, sonth side, ouo door Irom Cass. PARKER'S STEAMER S iJUJU PARKER Eben P. Parfser,Master. F.irTOWINO, FREIGHT orCHAK 11. B. PABKEB. WORK RANGE CAN BE HAD IN AS TORIA ONLY OF E. ft. MAWB9, AGENT CALL AND EXAMINE IT. Yit WILL BE PLEASED. E. It. HAWES Is also agent for the Ml patent (Min? Stove And other first-class Sl07es. Furnace "Work. Steam Fit tings. etc., a specialty ALWAYS OX HAND. THE LATEST STYLES IN WALL PAPER AT B. B. FRANKLIN'S, NEXT DOOR TO ASTORIAN OFFICE. A very large Stock Irom which to select. Window curtains made to order. erMy patent Trimmer to cut Wall Paper will he lound convenient to my patrons. Hardware and Ship Cbaiillery A. VAH DUSEH & CO.. DEAIiEBSXtf Hardware and SMp CJnMUtry Pnre Oil, Bright Varaiali, Binacle Oil, Cotton Canvas, Hemp Sail Twine, Cotton Sail Twine, ' Lard Oil, Wrought Iron Spike, Galvanized Cut Nails, Agricultural Implements, Sewing MmcUae, Paiats sad Oils, ChrccerlM, etc, tat .. . -o i.-..c ... J.-jjH..i --'flUt-rfr . fc - . -