en II I II 1 I 111 III mS L 1 Wm I III III II ASTORIA, OREGON, TUESDAY, AUGUST 26, 1884 VOL. XXTI, NO. 42. PRICE, FIVE CENTS. BUSINESS CARDS. Ttf iHS HAITI K B1TKI.Y. TEACHER PIANO AND ORGAN. Apply ar O. W. MOODS'. Kfiei- by pei ail-oion to Prof. Cuo. rK. 11 IGUlS-i. CotoHty School .ViiiicrSitti'iiIcnt Office at Radollet & Co. Canuen, Upjvr Astoria. JFKAK lAr. 21. I. 1'hynidnu uud Surccoii. Office opposite the Johaueji building. ASTORIA .... OREGON. Jfl D.VfVIXTON. ATTORNEY' AT I.AW. Abstracts f Title a Mpoclaliy. RoomB 11 and 12, Knights of P thian Castle Building. Telephone Xo.40, F. SfeCOKHAC, Attorney and Counsellor at I.nw Room 12, Odd Fellows Building. ASTORIA, - Oregon. OBO. A. OORRIS. OKO. ,OI.VM KOAlI & IOKIIIS. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Office in Kinney's Block. pposite Citv Hall, Astoria, Oregon. Q R. THOMSOJ. Attorney and Counselor at Law. Room No. 6, over "White House, ASTORIA. OREGON, c. w. foltox. a. c ruuros. FUI.TON BBOTHKRS. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Rooms Sand C. Odd Fellows Building. T O..A. BOWL.BY. ATTORNEY AT I.AW. Caenamus treet, - - ASfOItlA. OREGON JOSEPH. A. GILL, ATTORXEY-AT-LAW. -Office v ith J. Q- A. Bowlby, ASTORIA, ----- Oregon. TjJ C. ILOL.DKX, NOTABY PUBLIC, AUCTIONEER, COMMISSION ANI IN SUBANCE AGEN1. C. W. LKICK, ARCHITECT AND DRAUGHTSMAN. Scholars received (or Course of Draughting ty Office over "White House.Store. (ZLKIiO F. PARKER. SURVEYOR OF Clattap Caaaty, and City or A Htorln "OSce : Chenamus street, Y. M. C. A. h.ill Boom No. 8. Q JBKMtO.V MARTIN, 31, !., JPkyalrlan and Surjjeon. ASTORIA, - - ORECON. OFFiCK-Room 12, Odd Fellows Building. Residence Hume's building, up stairs. JAY TUTTXK. M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Office Rooms 1, 2, and 3. Pythian Build ing. Residence On Cedar Street, back oi St. Mary's Hospital. F. P. HICKS. A. K. SHAW. HICKS &, SHAW. DENTISTS. Rooms in Allpn'a Bujlding, up sars. cor ner. Cass and Squemoqua streets. Astoiia -Oregon. Bozorth & Johns, Real Estate and Insurance Agents, and Brokers. ASTORIA, Oregon. Buy and sell all kinds of Real Estate and represent the following Fire Insurance Conpaules : Soottish Union and Na tional, assets 33,000,000 Pkosnix of Hartford " 4.5P0.00O Hopie.of New York, " ,000,000 Hamburg and Bremen, 2,000,000 Western, 3oo,ooo Phenix of Brooklyn, " 4,000.000 Oakland Home, " 300,000 Tolicles written by us in the Phoenix and .Home and Scottish Union and National at equitable rates. JAWING AND INSURANCE ! I. W. CASE, Broker, Banker, and Insur ance Agent, ASTORIA, - ORKGOX. OFFICE HOURS : From 8 o'clock A. M. until 3 o'clock 1. M. flHutCri AGEKCY, fianking Department JL General -Banking and Exchange Busi ness transacted. Every facility for promp aa4 satisfactory business. Drafts on the leading cities of the United States aadEurope.' BeUa Received. CLATSOP COUNTY BRANCH OF AMcritaa Mercantile Collection ASSOCIATION BttNe, Vt WWtQ House building, Astoria. ' collected In any part of the United tHfrtatLflaaada. ' This association has over 5,000 correspond .ggg.vv": &ANC90N, STIOXLKS & CO. I Wlfff 111 I IDJi l i III B-TKE 1 THE ST TONIC. This medicine, combining Iron with pure veRetable tonics, quickly and completely Cures Dyspcpnla, iBdlsestion. V'raunrwt, Impure Illood, . Ilalorla, Chill and Fevt-rs, and Neural da. It is an unfailimc remedy for Diseases of the IUilncjH nnd I.ircr. It Is Invaluable for Diseases peculiar to Women, and all who lead sedentary lives. Itdoesnot injure the teeth, canseheadache.or produce constipation oUinr Iron medicines do. It enriches and purifies the blood, stimulates the appetite. nid3 the assimilation of food, re lieves Heartburn and Belching, and ttrcngth ens the muscles and nerves. For Intermittent Fevers, Lassitude, Lack of Energy, ic.. it has no equal. Jf5 The penulne has abo e trade mark and rossed red lines on rapper. Take no other. Uifxtijlj nttOMA UlEfltCAL (O HJlLTiaOKE,Bft REDIXSTO.V, OOllAKIl A (.0., PortUad, Or. V HOI.RiAI.K A:j.ntv. tutts PILLS TO RpIFOWeCsT DISORDERED LIVER, and MALARIA. From these sources arise three-fourths oftho diseases ofthe human race. These symptoms indicate their existence: Ion of Appetite, Rowels costive, Sick Headache, fullness after eat lng, aversion to exertion of body or mind, Eructation of fond, Irritabil ityofteraper,X.owgpirit8,Afeeling of baviafraeelccted some duty,PIx ztaess,FlatterIngattheHeart,Xots before the eyes, highly colored rrlne,COWSTXPATIOiV,anddemand the uso of a remedy that acts directly on tbe Liver. AsaLiverinedicineTUTT'S FIIXS have no equal. Theiractionou the Jvidneys and Skin is also prompt; removing all impurities through these three scavengers of the sstera," producing appetite, sound digestion, regular stools, a clear skin nnd a vig. orousbody. TDXT'S FIULH cause no nausea or griping nor interfere with daily work and are a perfect ANTIDOTE TO MALARIA. Soldt2verywhereZ&. Oihce44ilurraySt.NY". TUTTS HAIR DYE. GratHatr okWhiskees changed in stantly to a GLossr Black by a single application of tills Dte. Sold by Drug S?sts,or sent by express on receipt of $L Office, 44 Murrav Street, New Yorto. STTTQ ILXXVXU 0? V2SKJU SICEIFS3 FSZZ. A. V. Allen, Wholesale and Retail Healer in Groceries, Pnvlehne, MILL FEED. Glass and Plated Ware, TROPICAL AM) DOMESTIC FRUITS AND VEGETABLES. Together with Wmes, LiquorsJobaccoXigars Drugs and Chemicals Prescriptions carefully coiniounded Day or Night. Jeft's Notice SAYS TIIEKE WILL BE NO INCREASE OF PRICES IN HIS CHOP HOUSE AND THAT HE IS DETERMINED TO maintain his reputation for keeping the best and cheapest Restaurant In town, even at a loss to himself, while the dull times last. .JEFF. County Coroner. J. C. ROSS Has Opened a First-Class UNDERTAKING ESTABLISHMENT ON MAIN STREET. Above Pioneer JlestauranL Funerals attended; everything necessary provided, and in all cases, SATISFACTION GUAIiANTEEI). B. S. Worsley, AUCTIONEER ANT) COMMISSION MERCHANT ryojnee and "Ware Rooms on Squemoqua Street; next door to corner of Olney. Advancements made on Consignments" Jfe Charges far Storage ef Geeda. W BE J. E. THOMAS, DKUG6IST f AND vj c Pharmacist. Cr -A '5 astoria,o A A C3 IS AND Destruction of the Chiiiex Fleet. Shanghai. Autr. 2L Foo Cbow ar senal was destroyed yesterda after three hours' boinbardmem by tonr bet'a squadron. Seven Cliiuese gun boats were snuk and two escaped. The European .settlement was umliR- TTirVw.. Paris, Aujf. 24. The bomiiardnieufc of Foo Chow bean ::t two o'clock this afternoon and ceased at 8 p. M. Only one Chinese battery replied. TLe'rep'jrt that two French vessels were sunk during t'te encasement is not confirmed. PAimccuns of the bombvrdmknt. London, An,'. 24.- -Tlie Time Foo Chow dispatch dated Sunday, 3 p.m., says the French shelled tbo barracks and camps near Quanboa. No resist ance was made to the attack. The consulate buildings were looted by Chinese soldiers.who were iu uniform and armed. The French chief of staff reports the loss of the French at six men. The Times' correspond ent believes this estimate untrue. An English pilot was killed during" the scare Saturday night when the French opened their heavy fire, and it is believed sank one of their own torpedo boats. The bom bardment is described as of the most sickening character. The Chinese fleet lately on the Min rivor, with the exception of two ships, is blotted out, No surrender wr.s allowed to the dis abled and sinking ships. Their guns silenced, they were shelled for hours. Admiral Courbet opened fire at 2 p. jr., and the Chinese replied almost simultaneously. The dock-yard and arsenal were fired immediately but with only partial success. Eleven vessels formed the Chinese fleet The French kept ub a fire on the arsenal and the neighboring buildings, forts, barracks and villages until 5 iu the afternoon, though the resistance from the Chinese was weak. Their vessels were mostly light wooden river and coast transports, and were really toys. The French had eight heavy armed ships, namely, the Volta, Dugay, Tronin, Delaininy, Aspic, Vipere Loux and Villars. Several Chinese, gunboats maintained brayely a desul tory fire for about a quarter of an hour, when the survivors of their prews leaped overboard. The combat was practically finished in seven min utes. The superior French artillery made the contest most unequal. After disabling the Chinese vessels it was no fight, it was a massacre. This is the opinion of every speotator. Two 18-ton gunboats of the Chinese fleet fought well, on6 sinking near the English man-of-war Champion, while tho one stationed above the junks made a good stand. The batteries ceased about 3 p m. Some French and Chinese ships were engaged in close proximity to English men-of-war 17,7 llant and Champion. At 6 o'clock Sunday evening three burning gun boats floated down stream, one carry ing French colors. Numerous fire junks, burning in a dangerous man ner, imperiled the English men-of-war but were fended off. One English bark was saved by an English man-of-war. Torpedo boats wore exploded under the stern of the Yank Woo transports nnd the two sinking gun boats. The scenes on the river as the dead and wounded floated by were terrible. The English saved many wounded. The forts lower down have not yet been attacked. The Times correspondent is the only newspaper representative present He was on board the Champion. LI FONQ LEAVES PABIS. Paris, Aug. 24. It is reported that Li Fong has received a dispatch of 200 words from his government, in consequence of which he has ap prised Prime Minister Ferry that he had postponed his intended departure from Paris. Le Paris believes the object of tho dispatch was to sound Li Fqng concerning " the chance of submitting the quarrel to arbitra tion. Later. Li Fong left Paris at eight o'clock last evening. Shanghai, Aug. 24 The French fleet sustained no damage. BISMARCK TAKE3 A nAND. Paris, Aug. 24 It is hoped the Chinese trouble may be arranged yet under the auspices of Bismarck. It is r egarded as a noteworthy fact that Baron De Courcel, the French ambas sador to Germany, was summoned to Paris Friday and returned to Berlin on the same train with Li Fong Pao, tho Chinese minister. Baron De Couroel was overheard to remark to a member of tho Chinese legation at the depot, "let us hope the journey may be favorable to each of us." shelling the villages. Shanghai, Aug. 24. Of the Chi nese men of war which escaped the Erench bombardment at Foo Chow one was stranded and had her back broken. The other met with no mis hap. The Frenoh recommenced fir ing to-day, direoting their shots against the pagodas, it is surmised the object of tho renewed attaoks is to entirely obliterate the place. The French transports are shelling the villages on the heights around the arsenal. Our Oak Point correspondent states that on Friday last Charles Lmnsby, assisted by one Edward Dawson.abduoted a Miss "Woods from her home on Westport slough. They first went to Kalama, and by dint of nam sweanng got a marnace license. After getting the girl they went to Bainier, on the Albino and then went to Freeport fearincr to return to Kalama as they knew that the sheriff was looking for them. There beinir no justice ot tne pence at Freeport tney puuea twenty miles to Oak Point, where they succeeded in in ducing Jude Heather to perform the ceremony. They are now living near W. B. Doblebower's, above Bainier. "We do not vouch for the accuracy of this account, "but give it on the word of a correspondent whom we know would not knowingly distort facts and who has always been very careful in his statemeats. If there is ano ther side to the story we shall be pleased to publish "it Oregon Mist. 22d. ' AVAR BETWEEN FRANCE CHINA. A Brief Sermon on Crank. Tbe Jlurlinglon Hawkeye pub lishes a great deal of nonsense, but sometimes in its amusing way it statas indisputable facts. Tbe fol lowing is from a recent issue: "What would we do were it not for the cranks? How slowly the tired old world would move, did not tbe cranks " keep it rushing along ! Columbus was a crauk on the subject of American discovery and circum navigation, and at last he met the fate of mosf. orauks, was thrown into prison, and died iu poverty and dis grace. Greatly venerated now I .Oh, yes, Telemachus, wo usually esteem a crank most profoundly after we starve him to death. Harvey was a crank on the subjoot of the circula tion of tho blood; Galileo was an as tronomical crank; Fulton was a crank on the subject of steam navi gation; Morse was a telegraph crauk. All the old abolitionists were cranks. The Pilgrim fathers were cranks; John Bunvan was a crank; any man who doesn fc think as you do, my son, is a crank. And by and by the crank you despise will have his name in ever' man's nicmtb, and a half com pleted monument crumbling down in a dozen cities, while nobody outside ot your native village will know that yon ever lived. Deal gently with the crank, my boy. Of course, some cranks are crankier than others, but do yon ;be vorv BiQ- to sneer at a man because Tie knows only one thing and you can't understand him. A crauk, Telemachus, is a thing that turns something, it makes the wheels go around, it insures progress. True it turns the same wheel all the time, and it can't do anything else, but that's what keeps the ship going ahead. Tho thing that goes in -for variety, versatiiity, that changes its position a hundred times a dav, tha is no erank: that is. the weather vane, my son. "What? ' You nevertheless thank heaven that you are not a crank? Don't do ihat, my son. May be you couldn't be a crank if you would. Heaven is not very particu lar when it wants a weather vane; al most any man will do for that But when it wants a crank, my joy, it looks about yery oarefully fqr thp best man in the community. Before you thank heavenSthat yon are not a crank, examine yourself carefully, and see what is the great deficiency that debars yoti from suoh an elec tion, The Care ess Boy. "Where's my hat?" "Who's seen my knife?" "Who turned my coat wrong side out and slung it under the lounge?' There yon go, my boy ! When you came into the ho'nse" last evening you flung your hat across the room, iumped out of your shoes and kicked em right and left, wriggled out of your coat and gave.it a toss, and now you are annoyed because each artiole hasn't gathered itself into a chair to be ready for you when you dress in the morning. Who cut those shoo strings? Yon did it to save one min. ute's time iu untying them! Your knife is under the bed where it rolled when you hopped, skipped and jumped out of your pauts. Your collar is down behind the bureau, one of your socks on the foot of the bed, and your vest maybe in the kitohen wood-box for all you know. Now, then, my way has "always been the easiest way. I had rather fling my hat down than to haug it up; I'd rather kick my boots under the lounge than place them in the hall; I'd rathor run the risk of spoiling a now coat than to change it I own right up to being reckless and slovenly, bnt ah, me, haven't I had to pay for it ten times over! Now, set your foot right down and determine to have order. It is a trait that can be acquired. An orderly man can make two suits of clothes lqst longer and look better than a slovenly man can do with four. He can save an hour per day over the man who flings things belter skelter. He stands twice the show to get a sit uation and keep it, and five times the show to conduct a business with profit. An orderly man will be an accurate man. If he is a carpenter, every joint will fit If ho is a turner, his goods will look neat. If he is a mer chant, his books will show neither blots nor errors. An orderly mau is most always an economical man, and always a prudent one. If yon should ask me how to become rich" I bhonld answer, "Be orderly be accurate." An Ag;rc.-ive Fight. Augusta, Me., August 21. Blaine does not propose to let tho grass grow under his feet, nor lose any ot the advantage in Indiana which his prompt action in bringing a libel suit against the Indianapolis Senti nel has given him. He proposes to have the ease pushed to an issue if possible and will do all in his power to overcome the legal de lays which the defendants will doubt less endeavor to interpose. He sees his advantage and will not allow any milk-and-water retraction to induce him to withdraw. He is going to Indianapolis to testify in the case. He is entirely satisfied with the out look in New York, which he considers safe. He regards Ohio and Indiana as the battle-ground of the campaign. Advices from his friends in Indiana, since Hendricks' return, are to tho effeot that he Indiana Demooracy are very despondent and nearly on the run already, and his advisers be lieve that if he were to go to Indian apolis as the defender of his wife's good name, and either before or after tho trial of the case deliver a few of his ringing, electric speeches to the Hoosiers, the Democracy "would be turned in full rout Logan is expect ed to be in Indiana about the same date and great efforts are being made to induce Blaine to speak in the state while Logan is making his can vass. . A Nasal Injector free with eacli bottle of Shiloh's Catarrh Kemedy Price 50 cents. Sold by W. E. Dement "Uacfcmetack." a lasting 3 and fra grant perfume. ,Price23 and BO cents, bold by W.E.DeraenL 6ERM1 THE GREAT mXI AN REMtUI FOR T-A.IKr. CURES Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Sciatica, lumbago, Backache, Headache, Toothache, Sen Throat, SwcUlac, Spribu, Brakes, Bum, Scald, Frot filtet, ISO AIL OTHSB BODILY PUSS A2ID ACHES. Soil bj DrojitJU tod Dnlat trtrpthtn. Fiftj CcaU tattle. Dlrwtioai la 11 Ltajrutts. THE CHARLES A. VOGELER CO. ga3McnUA.T0aiLtaC0.) BlUof.a.L,CS.A. HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS. PARKER HOUSE, H, n. PARKKR. Prop., AKTORIA, . - . OREGON. Al. CROSBY, Phil. BOWERS, Day Clerk. Nlsht Clerk. First Class in all Respects. FREE COACH TO THE HOUSE. Figures Ira Lie ! -AND- JEFF OF THE CHOP HOUSE Can piove by hia hooka that he I? iloina the biggest business of any EESTATJRANT In the city, anil he will guarantee to give the best meal lor cash. FRANK FABRE'S CHOP HOUSE. Oysters, Ice Cream, COFFEE. The New Model. Everything First Class. Cast Street, rear ot Odd-Fellows Building. Every attention paid my customprs, and tho best set before them in first-class style. BAY VIEW WM. ZIMMERMAN Wishes to announce to hLs riiuds and the public generally, that he has opened A FIRST-CLASS RESTAURANT AND BAKERY In the fine new building opposite the O. R. & N. Company's Dock. The Best the Market Affords Cooked to Order. OPES AT All WOITRS. LEADING ntunA (Men S. B. CROW. New Rooms. Hew Material EVERYTHING FIRST CLASS, SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. B" Mr. Wn A. Bell, or San Francisco, one of the most skillful photographists on the Coast, assists In the operating roonr. Fine Work a Specialty, On the ROAD WAY nearly opposite St. Mary's Hospital., RestaMtiBfcy BB r jj jjSaf Columbia Transportation Company. FOR PORTLAND. FAST TIME! , FAST TIME! TILE POPULAR STEAMER ' FLlEfWOQD "Which has been refitted for the comfort of passengers will leave "Wilson & Fisher's Dock every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 6 A.M. arriving at Portland at 1 P.M. Returning leaves Portland every Tuesday and Thursday at 6 A. M. arriving at Astoria at 1 P. M. -An additional trip will be made, on Huday r Each Week, leaving Portland at 9 O'clock- Sana ay Mara lac' Fassengarsby this route connectat Kalama for Sound portg. U. B. SCOTT, President ASTORIA IRON WORKS. BiarroK Strekt, Near Pakkeji Housk, ASTORIA. - OREGON. GENERAL MACHINISTS AND ' BOILERMAKERS. LANDailMAMMIS BoilerWorkj Steamboat Work and Cannery Work a spe cialty. Ofalt IescriptionH made to Order at Short Xotice. A. I). Wass, Prasidont. J. G. Hustle a, Secretary, I. W. Cask, Treasurer. johx Fox.Superintendent. 3. ARNDT & JFERCHEN, ASTORIA. - OREGON. The Pioneer Machine Shop BLACKSMITH SHOP AND Boiler Shop All kinds of ENGINE, CANNERY, Axn STEAMBOAT WORE Promptly attended to. A specialty made of repairing CANNERY DIES, FOOT OF AFAYETTE STREET. Magnus C. Crosby Dealer In HARD! ABE, UN, STEEL, Iron Pipe and Fittings, STOVES, TINWARE AND HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS SHEET LEAD STRIP LEAD SHEET IRON, Tlxx and- Copper. FRANK H. LAIGHTON. DEALER IN Fruits, Notions, Cigars AND TOBACCOS. Water St. between West 8(h and West 9th, Tropical and Domestic Fruits per every steamer. Nuts, Candles, etc.. at Laighton's. Everything Fresh and First-class, P. Blankholm. Cigars, Tobacco and Notions, FRUITS Cor. Squemoqua and Olney streets, Astoria. Westport aacl Astoria. THE FAVORITE STEAMER GOLD DUST Which has been thoroughly refitted for the comrort of l'assengeri will run this season between Westport and Astoria DAILY TRIPS As follows : Leave Westport at 7 :30 A.M. Arriving in Astoria at 10 :30 A. at. Leave Astoria at 2 P. 31. Arrive in Westport at C r. 31. Will touch at all way landings. tor freight or passage apply on board or to CAIT. .TAS. COX, Manager gSap TRANSPORTATION LINES. Oregon Railway & Navigation COMPANY. ocea. niYuaox During the month of July, ls&l. Ocean Steamers will sail from Portland to Saa Francisco, and from San Francisco to Port land, as follows, leaving Alnsworth Dock, Portland, at Midnight, and Spear Street u iiarx, nan x raucisco, at 10 A. si. : From Portland. I From San Francisco. Angj An Orejton Moa 4 State of C)....St 2 State of Cal....Sat il Colombia .Thur T Columbia Thur HOrgon .Tne IS Oregon .Tnea 19 State or Cftl....Stm 24 Columbia Fn 29 Sept OroKon Wed 3 State of Cat... .Min Columbia Fri K Oregon We4 it Sept State of CaL...3oa 1 Mate of C'al....Mon 8 1 Columbia ... Hat 6 Through Tickets sold to all principal cities in the United States, Canada and Europe. RAIL DIVISION. Passenger Trains leave Portland for East ern points, at 11 :40 A. M. dany. Pullman Palace Cars running between Port land, and bt. Paul, niYEK DIYISIOX (Middle Colanbla). Boats leave Portland for Dalle t7KW A Al. ALSO : Leave Port- i ' land for IMonl Tu. I We. Thu. Fri. I Sat Astoria andl lnirp fln-l lumbia... .J6AM SAM BAM 6AM Dayton. Or. 17 AM 17AM.I SAM 6AM I7AMJ co43i:;:-Msam! ! k am! ... . , . , , , lacomaand Seattle, daily at ISO Pk ictoria btearuers do not run Sundays. Leajes Astoria for Portland at 6 a. m. daily e cept Sunday, , r o,- c- n- PRRSCOTT, A. L. STOKES, Manager. Gen 1 Freight and Pass. Act E. A. NOYES. Agent AstorU. Oregon & California R. R. On and after June 23, lSSt, trains will ran as Tollows : DAILY (Except Sundays). KASTSIDE DIVJSIOX. Between I'OUTLA.ND and ASHIAD T . ,. MAIL TRAtK. LEAA E. ARRIVE. Portland 7 :C0 a. Ml Ashland 5:40 a. sr. Ashland.:.... 6:20 r.MPortIand 4:25 p. m. ALBANY EXPRE88 TRAIN. LEAVE. ARRIVE. I ortland. 4 :00 p. M.Lebanon 9 20p.ii Lebanon....4 rfj a. m. I Portland 10 :Q5 A. m Piillman Palace Sleeping Car leaves Port land Mondays and Thursdays. Returning leaves Ashland Tuesdays and Fridays. The Oregon and California Railroad Ferry makes connection with all Regular Tralni on Eastside Division, from the foot of F St. WESTSIDE DIYISIOX. Between Portland aad C'orvnllia MAIL TRAIN' LEA VII ipprvp Portland 9 :Oo a. M.lCorvallls 4 -jso'p. m. u 1 vilms a :m a. M.roruanu.3 sa p.m. KXPRES3 TRAIN TRAVF" k-otitv Portland 5 :00 p MMcMinnvllle-8 too pm iucjuuin iueoH& AMroruana.....8 :30 AM ITlAQA PnnilAfttinna tnnrfA - lahl.nil wlththcSLigesof the Oregon and Califor nia otitic iiumpany. Local tickets for sale, and baguage checked and Second streets. Tickets to all the prln- tijj puniui in vjaiHomia, can only do pro cured and. bacraim fihppkprt r thn (inm. pan j 's office. Corner F and Front Sta Portland, Or. Farebptucpn "Pnrtl'inrt and (Inn 'EVonMnnn $32.00, and only 31 hours staging ' rrcigiu win noi do received lor snipmeuc after 5 o'clock p.m. on either the Eastsida or Westslde Divisions. U. KOEIILER, E.P.ROQERS. Manager. G. F P. Agt liwaco Steam Navigation Go.'s SUMMER SCHEDULE. Astoria to Fort Stevens, Fort Canby, and liwaco. Connecting by stages and boats for OystervillQ, Montesano and Olympit Until fiiftlini nrMrt Mm TlmnAA a Steam Ka Igation Co.'s steamer Will leave Astoria On Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays (Mondays, Thursdays and Saturdays being vMcrviut; aim 'uontesano man days.; at 7 A. M. FOR Ft. Stevens, Ft. Canby and liwaco ON Wednesdays, and Fridays The steamer will leave Astoria at 9 a.m. as formerly, not being confined strictly to schedule time. On TiicHtlayM and Thursdays A SECOND TRIP will be made, leaving As toria at 1 i". ji., connecting witn steamer ll'Wc H'csf, from Portland. Fare to Fort Canby and liwaco $1 00 "Tickets can be bought at the office let Tocts. JSyilwaco freight, by the ton. In lots of one ton or over, 52 per ton, 85?For Tickets, Towage or Charter ap ply at the office of tho company, Gray's wharf, foot of Benton street. J. H. D.GRAY, Agent. The Str. GLEANER, B. F. STEVENS. Master. Will leav e Wilson & Fisher's 1 d Bvcry Hominy, at O A.1. For Deep River and Way Landings, and .Every Friday, at 0 A. M, For John Day's River. Every Hutnruay, at O A. M. For Knappa. On other days will do general work. A good SCOW Is run in connection with the .steamer, and Lumber. "Wood, etc., promptly iianuieu. CUHARD STEAMSHIP LINE. X7E BEG LEAVE TO ANNOUNCE A it great reduction in rates over the above well known line. Parties desiring to go to Europe, or wishing to send for friends In the old country will find It to their advan tage to purchase tickets over the Cunard line. Tickets issued by us good from any part of Europe to Astoria. BOZORTH &. JOHNS. Agents, J. W. EUDD0CK, Practical Plumbing in Ail Its Branches. Steam and Gas Fixtures, A Complete Stock of First-class Material. All Work Gaaraateed.' Office and Shop in-Huma's building, rear of Wheeler & Robb's, Astoria, Oregon.