en ii aim ii - "ti - - A--" ASTORIA, OREGON, SATURDAUJGUST 33, 1884. PRICE, FIVE:GEiyTS. VOL. XXII, NO. 40. . 'X "--- - i fiiA BUSINESS CAEDS. M 18; :.ttxk x;3T:t.v TEACHER PIANO AND ORGAN. AplIy .U O. W. WOOD.V. Kt-IiTi bj i eniiKsion Snr. Ch-. J.- HHiiilS. i'omslj S-IunI Stij'riji j-jjJ-tsl Office at Uulollet .. C Astoria. i :iiiun. Upper fliyrioi:ku mid J$iitKoH. OnW opposite tht' Johnn'rn building. ASTORIA - - - tiREOON. ." wiXToar. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Abstracts f Title a Nuerlalty. Rooms 11 and 12, Knichts of Pythian Caitle Building. Tclrniioue X. -0, G.'- .llrCOKMA', Attorney n act Counsellor at E-a-u Room U, Odd Fellows Rulldltig. ASTORIA, - - - Ori-gon. OKO. A. DOURIS. CKU..NOUMI NOr,AAI & DOBRIS. ATTORNEYS AT 1AV. Office In Kiniiej's Ulock. ppo-it llall, Astoria, Oregon. Citv it. TiioJisoar. Attorney and Counselor at Law. Room No. C, oer White House, ASTORIA. ORECON. c. vr. FULTON. :. c rui.TO? FUI.TOPS BROTH KKS. ATTORNEYS AT LAW Rooms 5 and 0. Odd Fell.ms flulltliti r o..a. Boniiitv. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Chenamus treet, - - ASl'ORIA. OREGON TOSEPJl A. iillA.. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. 3-Oflice with J. Q' A. Bowlby. ASTORIA, Oregon. Tjl C. HOJLDKX, NOTABY PUBLIC, AUCTIONEER, COMMISSION A.M IN SURANCE AGEN'J. O. W. IiKICK, t Hj if Jim jr V '? aJJ ARCHITECT AND DRAUGHTSMAN. .Scholars received for Course of Draughting "Office over White House Store. G ELO F. PARKER. SURVEYOR OF Clatep CeuHty.and CIt3' of A a for! a Office : Chenamus street, Y. M. C. A. hall Room No. 8. nEKSOM ARTIX, 31. ., Phj'HicIan and Surgeon. ASTORIA, - - OREGON. OFFICK-Room iti. Odd Fellows Building. Residence Hume's building, up stairs. TA.Y TUTTJLE, at D. PHYSICIAN A2HD SU11GEON Office Rooms l, 2, and 3. Tythian Build ing. Residence On Cedar Street, back of St. Mary's Hospital. F. P. hicks. a. n. SHAW. HICKS & SIIAW. DENTISTS. Rooms in Allen's Building, up stairs, cor ner.Cass and Squeinoqua streets. Astoiia Oregon. Bozorth & Johiis, Real Estate and Insurance Agents, and Brokers. ASTORIA, Oregon, Buy and sell all kinds of Real Estate and represent the following The Insurance Conpanies : Scottish Union and Na tional, .Fhoeaix. of.Hartf ord Hopse-of-New York, Hamburg and Bremen, Western, Ebenlx of Brooklyn. 0kl&nA Borne, assets $33,000,000 4.500,000 7,000,000 2,000.000 300,W)0 4,000,000 300,000 Policies written by us in the rhcenix and Home and Scottish Union and National at equitable rates. BANKING AMD INSURANCE ! I. W. CASE, Broker, Banker, and Insur--'" ance Agent, ASTOKIA, - OItr.r.ON. OFFICE HOURS : From 9, o'clock A. M. until 3 o'clock I", M. s ACSEKCT. tanking Department A General Banking and Exchange Busi ness transacted. Every facility for prompt andiattsfactory business. Drafts on the leading cities or the United States and Europe. Vepesits ficeelvcd. CLATSOP COUNTY BRANCH OF Aiserican MercaotileCollection ASSOCIATION .BoomSNo.Ji"White House building, Astoria Bills collected iu any part of the United States orO&Badas. This .association has over 5,000 correspond ents, " IANGDON, STICKLES & CO. II Coleman&Co iBji I Ii Hi -TKE 1 Py BEST TONIC. ? This medicine, combining Iron with puro vegetable tonics, auickly and completely Cures Dyspepsia, indigestion. Weakness, Impure Blood, lUitlorin, Chills and Fevers, nnd Neuralala. It is an unfailing remedy for Diseases of the Klilnejs nnd Liter. It Is invaluable for Diseases peculiar to "Women, and all who lead sedentary lives. It does not injure the teeth, causeheadache.or produce constipation other Iron medicines do. It enriches and purifies the blood, stimulates the appetite, aids the assimilation of food, re lieves Heartburn and Belching, and strength ens the muscles and nerves. Tor Intermittent Fevers, Lassitude, Lack of Energy, &c, it has no equal. 83- The genuine has above trade mark and rossed red lines on wrapper. Take no other. fcu3H!lf lr UKOWMUEJHCAL CO., IULTI SOKE, XU KCIIIM2T0N, WOODAKD CO.. Portland, Or. IIOIFAI.K Al.FNTS. TUTTS PILLS TORPSD BOWELS, DISORDERED LBVER7 and MALARIA. From these sources arise three-fourths of the diseases of the human race. These symptoms indicate their existence: Ivoss of Appetite, Xtoxrcls costive, Kick Hcadnclie, fullncns after cat iuff, aversion to exertion of body or mind, XSruct&tlon of food, Irritaull Ity of temper, TjOw aplrlts, A feeling or liavlng neglected some dmy,DIz zincss,PlatterIugattheIIeart,I)ots before the eyes, hlgUly colored Urlne,COVSTlPATIOX,and demand the use of aremedy that acts directly on tueLiver. As aLiver medicincTUTT'S PIiX,S have no equal. Their action on the Kidneys and Skin is also prompt; removing all impurities through theso three " scavengers of tlie system," producing appetite, sound digestion, regular stools, a clear skin and a vJg orousbody. TUTT'S MXT,S cause no nausea or griping nor Interfere "With dally work and are a perfect ANTIDOTE TO MALARIA. Sold.everrwhereg53. Olfice41 M.nrrnvSt.N Y. TUTTS HAIR DYE. GitATHArE OKWnisKKits changed in stantly to a Glossy Ulack by a singlo application of this DrE. Sold by Drug asts,orsentbyexpressonreceiptof$l Office, 44 Murrav Street, New Yorlt. SZIZh KUSUib OF CKTUL SXCIIFZS 72XE. . . -Tf- " A. V. Allen. Wholesale and Retail Dealer In PrmMangg MILL FEED. Glass and Plated Ware, TROI'ICAL AND DOMESTIC FRUiTS AND VEGETABLES. Together with Wines, UquorsFobacmCigErs Drugs and Chemicals ?rz , J. E. THOMAS J i? .o DKUfiGIST " 'A Pharmacist, AST0R1A.O A &: S IS k fpQ Prescrlptlous carefully cotnpounditl Day or XlghL Jeft's Notice SAYS THERE WILL BE NO INCREASE OF PRICES IN HIS CHOP HOUSE A ND THAT HE IS DETERMINED TO tSk. maintain his reputation for keeping the best and cheapest Restaurant in town, een at a loss to himself, while the dull times last. JEFF. County Coroner. J. C. ROSS Has Opened a First-Class UNDERTAKING ESTABLISHMENT ON MAIN STREET, Above Pioneer Restaurant. Funerals attended ; everything necessary provided, and in all cases, SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. B. S. Worsley, AUCTIONEER AND COMMISSION MERCHANT $r"Ofllcc au'J "Ware Rooms on Sqnemoqua Street, next door to comer of Gluey . Advancements made on Conslgiunents No CharsreH for Storage of (Sood o DECIDEDLY ROJIANTif. A Story Cencerning: a Family IVnd with an Auiirahle Outcome. From the Denver New. The Samnels fr.nu was ne ol the most beautifully locnted ot atiy in the rich Chester vallty in I'l-nnsyi-vania. Lyin on the side (r ' srentiy sloping hill, its biond acres i,jiietl in the sun with their Rlden hor.est of heavy grain. T':e eo.; hr-ia tl.-ad with its sk'; '. ;,'!ks r'"eti:w throin;h a ii. r-ori: of vines and llow en, 1ht '.veil kcut fann with its capii cioui outbitildinH. the Iserd of fni. comtorlablp-lookiu cn'vs ;razinjr in the ppsinse, all gave token or the prosperity of the owner. The family consisted of Herbert Samuels, a rud dy, good-natured looking farmer of about TiO, his wife, two sons, James and Villiam, and the daughter of a deceased brother, Hattie Samuels. The ''boys,' as they were called, wero riNE-LOOiaxa specimens of man hood, Aged 21 and 25 years respectively, each of robust, healthy appearance and gentlemanly address, and both having equal educational advantages through the liberality of their pa rents, there was yot a marked differ ence in their manners and dispo sition. James, the elder, had light hair and eyes and was of a quiet and even demeanor, rarely, if ever, known to be angry, and being a general fa vorite, not" only at home but through out the entire community. In mark ed contrast was the character and disposition of "William, the younger brother, who, of a dark, almost swarthy complexion, with hair and eyes as black as coals, was fiery and quick to anger, and although natural ly well meaning, had had numerous encounters, both while attending school and nince his graduation. The cousin, Hattie, was a truly generous creature. Scarcely turned 20, WITH IATJGniN'G III.UE EYES, golden hair, cheeks like the ripening peaches of tlte farm, demure as a nun, she was withal as saucy and le witching a fairy as ever stirred the heart of man. Since the timo three years ago when James and William finally re- i turned from college and found their 1 lovely cousin domiciled at their home they had both been -violently in love with her, and both had made every manifestation of the feeling, but so far the cunning witch had avoided Bhowing the slightest preference for either, treating them as brothers ra ther than .lovers. This state of af fairs rankled as a thorn in the breast of the hot-headed William, whose feelings of bitterness and jealousy toward his brother grew until they amounted to almost positive hatred. Time and again he had sought quar- .tl. !...(- lewvrn' .Mrtim rt fnmnn. prevented anything of a serious oharacter until one bright afternoon in July, when, upon the return of the elder brother and Hattie from a ride, the younger, who watched with A FEROCIOUS, DANGEROTS GLANCE, in his eyes as his brother assisted his cousin to alight and then followed him to the barn, where he 'was un harnessing the horses, and attacked him -with the vilest abuse, using epithets so strong that he was at labt compelled to reply in the same spirit. Words were followed by blows, when William blinded by passion, seized a heavy wagon spoke and dealt his brother a stunning blow, felling him to the earth, as the blood gushed I from a ghastly wound in the head. At once realizing the terrible thing he had done, and believing he had killed his brother, a complete revul sion of feeling came over William, and, casting a last hurried look at the white upturned face, he fled, run ning across the fields and fairly Hying over fences and hedges with that white face and those staring eyes ever before him. Continuing his "course, he soon reached the railroad track, traversing which for some distance he came to a small station at which A WESTERN BOUND TRAIN HAD STOPPED, for a moment With one desire to get as far away as possible, he sprang upon the platform as the train was moving, and upon reachingPittsbnrg, entered tho Chicago train, which there made close connection, and con tinued his flying journey westward, seeking only to get away. After sev eral days of continuous travel he ar rived at an ouscure mining camp in Colorado, hoping that buried in the wild fastnessea of the ltocky Moun tains he could shut out from his vision the ever present horrible sight of the face of the brother slain bv his hand. Entering upon the mir- suit of a miner, he sought by a fever ish industry and tho hardest kind of hard work to forget his one horror, but in the dark recesses of the drift in which he was working, in the gloomy corners of the cabin in which lie slept, everywhere, and always, it haunted him. In the meantime, after a few months, fortune with her usual fickleness rewarded his labor, which bad been performed without any par ticular thought or hope of result, and the open drift, which had become a tunnel of some proportions, STRUCK A RICH I.EAD of marvelous proportions aud con taining immense -wealth. At once the almost unknown camp became famous, and his name, all uncon sciously to him, became almost as a household word in all mining com munities as associated with one of the largest strikes of the year. Fame of this kind travels far, nnd even after a time reached the quiet farm in Chester Yalley where he had spent his happy boyhood days and after ward wrecked his manhood forever. One day, while in tho cage ascend ing from the- bottom of one of his deepest shafts, a shadow cast over the top caused him to suddenly look up, and the face he saw caused a thrill of horror to pass through him, his hands relaxed his grasp of the rope and "he made a narrow es cape Irom falling to the bottom. Ar riving at the top more dead than alive, he gave one hasty, frightened glance around him, saw the face again and swooned away. The own er of the lace, a tall and handsome man, evidently a stranger in the camp, sprang forward aud caught his falling body in time to prevent it i--i:.';m bei" isued to rgpfns iu the bottom of the shuftXni the same time ejaculating. 'Oh. rt!liaroJ" The miner was taken to Huf cabin, and after the application of roslor.i tivc3 slowly revived. "Where i? ii :" he asked, at which the stranger slow ly advanced and said softly, ''Broth er don't you know me?" With a still half-frightened look in hi wonder ing eyes, the miner gazed again at the face which had so startled, him, gradually realizing the ia'js that, it was real, living flesh and bloo3, agaiii relapsed into a swoon, rhe ievnlsiou of feeling into which lie had been thrown proving too strong for his physical endurance. For days he raved in the paroxysms uf a fever, living the hideous chapter of his life over agaiu, until at last lh6 fever ex hausted itself by its very force and the sick man sank into a deep slum ber. During all this time eyes which scarcely slept watched anxiously by his bedside and hands ' GENTLE AS THOSE OP A WOMAN, administered to his every want. At last tho invalid awoke, weakw and helpless as a child, but in his rtght mind. Instantly the cause of his ill ness was by his side, and taking his hand tenderly in his own said: "Wil liam, my poor brother!" Itwas in deed James Samuels, the brother who was supposed lo have been dead, but who was here alive and well and iu the full enjoyment of a glorious manhood. "Is it a miracle?'' ejacu lated William, as soon as he could speak. "It is no miracle, but a sad mistake under which you haye la bored and from which you haye un doubtedly suffered much. When you get stronger I will tell you all." The next day, William having so far recovered as to be able to sit up, his brother sat by him and said: "Notwithstanding my injur, which was not nearly so serious as youim agined, I regained consciousness shortly afterward, and our father, who entered the barn at that mo ment, assisted me to the house. Tho news was broken to your mother and Hatlio as gently as possible qnd T really think " 1 TnEIR sympathies were with you. more than with me. The matter was kept as quiet as possible in the neigh borhood and I soon recovered from the injury and everything Trent on as usual save that you wero grieved for and lamented bv all. Notwithstand ingall the inquiries which we had, quietly set on foot to discover your whereabouts we failed to discover any trace and mourned you almost as one dead. About two weeks ago I picked up au old newspaper, and saw yonr name for the first time connect ed with thestnry of your big mining strike. I at -onc,o resolvca that I should come to you. I started that very night, and I am here." "But JIaltie?" asked William, with a wistlul look from his eyes. "She is well, and wonld be happy wero it not for worrying about your fate." "She and you got married, of course?" There was pain in the very tones in which this was asked. "No, indeed: after you left she con fided to me her secret, that tatter all she loved you and ALWAYS MEANT TO MARRY YOU." A dazed look came over William's face, and gasping, "It cannot be," ho very nearly relapsed into another swoon, the joy of the announcement being almost too much for mni m his weakened state. At last after having been assured again and again by his brother of the glad truth, he exclaimed: "Oh, let us go home at once." Arrangements wero made at once to start, and with a new life iu his veins the iuvalid recovered his strength so rapidly that they lc:t the camp on the second day after and reached home within a week. Of tho meeting and its joy words could not give an accurate description. A qniet wedding followed within one short month, after which the miner returned with his bride to Colorado, furnished her a magnificent home iu Denver, and is now not only one of the wealthiest, but one of the most honored residents of the Qneen City. From his own lips the reporter of the iWnv obtained the above story. Mr. II. C. Whitford, I3rookline,Mass says he has used St. Jacobs Oil, the great pain-cure, in rheumatism arid neuralgia and found that it is all that it is represented to be. Good Building Lots iLDERBKOOK. For Sale at Low Rates. Apply t o IiYr A K C. M! X X BY, At offlre of C'atsop Mill Compaiij . on the Roailwaj. Wilsonji Fisher Ship Chandlers, HEAVY AND SHELF Paints, Oils, and Varnish. LOGGERS' SUPPLIES. . PROVISIONS AND MILL FEED AGENTS FOR Salem Flouring Mills, Portland Boiler Mills, Capital Flour and FAIRBANKS' SCALES. ASTORIA, OREGON. qqjpKjm RMlNlMEOt CURES Rheumatism! Neuralgia, Sciatica, . lumbago, Backache, Headache, Toothache, Sore Throat, SireHlng. Sprains, Brnlsc, Burns, Scalds, l'rost llltea, AXD ALL OTHER BODILY PAI5S AND ACHE3. Soil br Drazrftts sad Dealers ererrwhere. Fifty Cents ft boule. Directions ia 11 Lsauses. THE CHARLES A. VOGELEtt CO. VEoecmastoS-TOUELmtca) Bsltlnor. HL, C. 8. A JJlOTElsS AND RESTAURANTS. PARKER HOUSE, It r K. SA UK V.li. Prop., 4. : ASTORIA, - - : - OREGON. Al. CROSBY. Phil. ROWERS. Day Clerk Night Clerk. First Class in all Respects. FREE COACH '10 THE HOUSE. Fiaures Never Lie' ! JE-F-BU 0F- THE CHOP- HOUSE Ciivjitoiftby his books I bat he h UniiiK the hlgjs-t liusliiPsoCany . EE3TAUE.ANT In tin city, and lit will! irtinnuiteo to give thr-best meal for cash.' FRANKPEABBE'S CHOP HOUSE. lysiers, ice un OOFFEE. iam i he Now. Medel: Everything First Class. C.tsj ! Street, rear of Odd-I'ellous Lulhling. Every attention paid my customers, aud the best set before them In first-class style. BAY VIEW m WM. ZIMMERMAN Wishes to announce to ills rlemls and the public generally, that he has opened A FIRST-CLASS RESTAURANT AND BAKERY In tin film new hulldinpr opposite the O. It. & N. Company's Duel;. . The Best the Market Affords Cooked to Order. OPES AT AtTs ?EUKS. LEADING PMoffll Mery. S. B. CROW. lew Rooms. New Material EVERYTHING FIRST CLASS. SATISFAGilON. GUARANTEED. 3" Mr. Vir. A. Bell, of an Francisco, one of the most .skillful photographists on the Coast, assists in the operating room. Fine Work a Specialty, On tli ItOA! IV AY nearly opposite St. Mary's Hospital. Balm aiiiM Columbia Transportation Company. OEfc PORTIsAQ. FAST TIME! THE POPULAR STEAMER FLIETWOOB "Which has been refitted for the comfort of passengers will leave "Wilson & Fisher's Dock every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 6 A.M. arriving at Portland at 1 P.M. Returning leaves Portland every Tuesday and Thursday at 6- A. M. arriving, at Astoria at 1 P. M. M?-An additional trip will bo made on at 9 OVIoclc Sunday aiornla. for Sound ports. ASTORIA IRONWORKS. "' ' .- . ilEIiTOi. STttKKT, NKAK PARKElUnoVSF, ' ASTORIA. - OREGON. GENERAL MACHINISTS AMD BOILER MAKERS. Boiler Work, Steamboat Work and Cannery Work a spe cialty. Of all DCHcriptionn made to Order - at Shert, Notice. - ' '- A. D. Wass. President. .1. (. Hustler, Secretary, I. W. Case, Treasurer. John Fox.Suponntendent. 3. ARNDT & EERCBEN, ASTORIA. - OREGON. The Pioneer Machine Shop -r5l5er'?.o BLACKSMITH 'jtJrK All kinds of ENGINE, CANNERY, AND r STEAMBOAT 'WORK ; Promptly attended to. Aspeclaltymtideof repairing CANNERY DIES, FOOT OF LAFAYETTE STREET. m Magnus 0. Crosby Dealer in HAM ME, IRON, STEEL. Iron Pipe and .Fittings, STOVES, T I'NWAIR v. jCnd , J HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS SHEET. LEABSTRiP LEAD SHEET IRON, 2?ix3L AND Ooppor. FRANK H. LAIGrHTON. DEALER IN Fruits, Notions, Cigars AND TOBACCOS. Water St. Iicttvccu West 8(Ii and West Otli, Tropical and Domestic Fruits per every steamer. Nuts, Candies, etc.. at Ialghton's. Everything Fresh and First-class. P. Blankholin. Cigars, Tobacco and Notions, FRUITS Cor. Squemoqua andOlney streets Astoria. Westport aad Astoria. THE FAVORITE STEAMER niE to GOLD DUST Which has heen thoroughly refitted for the comfort of PassengeM will run this season between "Westport and Astoria Ojari--sr tesi A.s follews: Leave Westport at 7 :3() -A.M. Arriving in Astoria at 10 soa. m. Leave Astoria at 2 P. IL Arrive in Westport.at (5 p. an "Will toueh at all way landings. For freight or passage aii to CAl : on board or JAS. COX, Manager EAST TIME! Sunday or Sack Wecfc, leaving Portland Passengers bj this route connect at Kalama U.B.SCOTT, President tT"Jn r -.tt tc- JL r Boiler' Shop B wTTI , ,11 !,! B TRANSPORTATION LINES. Oregon Railway & Navigation C03IPAXY. Dnnng the month of July, 1834, Ocean Steamers will sail from Portland to San Francisco, and from San Francisco to Port land, a-? follows, leaving AInsworth Docs, Portland, at Midnight, and Spear Street Wharf, San Francisco, at 10 A. at. : From -Portland. An? From San Francisco. Auk State of Cftl....St 2 Colombia.. ...Thur 7 Oregon Men 4 State of Cat Sat i Columbia Thur ltj Oregon -Taea II urcKon .mes is Ktate of CO.. ..Sun 'U Colnmbii Fri 29 hUteoft'al. .-un IT Columbia Fri 22 Otpzon Wei "u Sent Sept State of Cal....Moa 1 Columbia. .....Sat 6 Oregon "Wed 3 btate ott'al....Moa 3 TIiMTin'J, Tlnlrnf-u cnlfl tn all nrlnrltKll cities in the United States, Canada and Europe. RAIL DIVISION. Passenser Trains leave Portland for East ern points, at 11:40 A.M. dally. Pullman Palace Cars running between Puri !and. and St. Paul, '! UHKR, Dnidio (Middle .Columbia). Boats leave Portland for Dalles, at 7 :0O A M. A.LSO : Leave Port ?avePort- r I I I I land for JMonl Tu. IWe.JThu.l Fri. I Sat Astona audi i i lower Co-1 I II lambxa....lSAM GA5I (SAM SAM SAM SAM JJaiton. Or. . Aai J ,iAM J am;. !nrw!l!"C !6AM! JsamM j.. Tocomaand Seattle. Uaily at r.'.O. 1:00 PM Victoria Steamers do not ran Sundays. Leaves Astoria for Portland at 6 a.'in. dailjr bi cept Sunday. C. H. PRESCOTT. A. L. STOKES, Manager. Gen'l Freight and Pass. Ajtt. E. A. NOYES. Agent Astoria. Oregon & California R. R On and after June 28, ISSt, trains will run as follows : DAILY (Except Sundays). KA&TSIDE DIVISION. ISctncfti S'oltTLAND antl ASUIiA.VD' aiAIL TRAJ , LEAVl ARRIVE. Pojtland 7 -20 a. at Ashland . 5:40 a. ai. Ashland. 6:20 p. atj Portland -1:25 p. ai. ALBANY EXPRE8S TRAIN.1 LEAVE. ARRLVE. Portland. 1 :00 t at. Lebanon 9 :2o p. it Lebanon......rTl." A.at.ll'ortland. 10 :05 a. ar rullman F.ilaee Sleeping Car leaves Port land Mondajs aud Thursdays. Returnlne leaves Ashland Tuesdays anu.Frldajs. Tho Oregon and California Railroad Feny makes connection with all Regular Traits on Eastslde Division, from the fopt of F St. W.ESTSIDK DIVISION. Between Portland and CorvallU arAIL-TBAIN ,, LEAVE. ARRIVE. Portland 9 :Co a. sL.Corvalll- 4 120 p. ar. Corvallis S i3o a. ii.PortIand..r:3:20 p.m. EXPRESS TltAIIf , LEAVE. ARRIVE. Portland 5.aT0 r aiSMcMinnville.8 .-CO pm McMmmille-5:J5 AatPorUand..?.8 -20 a at Close connections made at" Ashland with the Stages of tho Oregon andCallfor nla Stage Company. -r local tickets for sale, and baguage checked at Company's, up town oftlceccorait Stark and Second strt ets. Tickets to all the prin cipal pointaCalUorntareRUtoafytbe pro cured and baggage'eheckod, at the Com-" p.iny's oillce. Corner F and Front Sts., Portland, Or. Fare between Fortland and San Francisco, $32.00, aud only 31 hours staging Freight will not be received for shipment after 5 o'clock p. at. on either the Eastslde or WestsIdeDhisions. R. KOEHLER, atanager. O. P. ROGERS, G. F AP.Ast iiwaco Steam Navigation Go.'s SUMMER SCHEDULE. Astoria to Fort Stevens, Fort Canby, and Iiwaco. , Connecting by stages and boats. for Oysierville, Mcntesano and Olympia rfy-S?lv Until further notice the Iiwaco SSfeyiTvA Steam Navigation Co.'s steamer "Will leave Astoria On Mondays Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays (Mondn3;Thursdasand Saturdays being Oysterville and Montesano mall days.) at 7 A. M. FOK Fi.Stevens, Ft. Canby and Iiwaco ON Wednesdays, and Fridays The steamer u ill leave Astoria at 3 a.m., as formerly, not being confined strictly to schedule time. On Tuesdays nml Thursdays A SECOND TRIP will bo made, leaving As toria at i i .u ., connecting uttn steamer H'Mc ire, from Fortland. Fare to Fort Canby and Ilwacon... 51 00 EyTicketscan.be bought at the, ofllce for 75 cts. JST-Ilwaco freight, by the ton. in lots of one ton or over. S2 per ton, EF"Fnr Tickets, Towage or Charter ap ply at the ofllce -of the company, Gray's wharf, foot of Denton street. J. H. D. GRAY, Agent. The Str. GLEANER, U. F. STEVENS, Master. if-9 Will leave Wilson &Fbher--t 1- .-& Every Holiday, at O A. 7'. For Deep River nnd Way Landing,, and Every Jb'rlday, at 0 A. M, For John Day's River. Every Suturtiny, at 9 A. Iff. ForKnappa. 4 On other daj s will do general work. A good SCOW Is run In connection "with the steamer, and Lumber, Wood, etc., promptly handled. CUIIARD STEAMSHIP LINE. WE BEO LEAVE TO ANNOUNCE A great reduction In rates over the above well known line. Parties desiring to go to Europe, or wishin&r to send for menus In the old country will find it to their advan tage to purchase tickets over the Cunard line. Tickets Issued by us good from any part of Europe to Astoria. ROZORTH& JOHNS, Agents. J. W. &UDD0CK, Practical Plumbing in All Its Branches. Steam and Gas Fixtures, A Complete Stock of First-class Material. All Work Guaranteed. Ofllce and Shop In Hume's building, rear of Wheeler & Robb's, Astoria, Oregon. jji .Ji -JfelfaOfe