en . w xrHlkl VOL. XXII, NO. 33. ASTORIA, OREGONrFKIDAY, AUGUST 15, 18S4. PRICE, FIYE CENTS. - -rri: ,' ii THE CLEVELAND SCANDAL. A Defense of the Democratic riislilen tinl Candidate. Buffalo, Aug. 12. The Courier prints a review of the Cleveland scandal. It says that the main charge brought by the Buffalo Tele graph is false in all essential partic ulars. "The slanderous story,'' says the Courier, "accuses Gov. Cleveland of seduction, abduction and cruelty. Evidence can be produced to disprove each, one of these charges. There was no seduction, and this statement is not based on any quibble as to the fact that the woman in the case was not a young girl, but a widow. There was no abduction. The separation of the mother and her child by the re moval of the former to an inebriate asylum, told with so much cheap pa thos, was the act of the authorities of the Buffalo orphan asylum, taken mainly in the interest of the latter. The infant had been entrusted to the care of the orphan asylum and then withdrawn by the mother, and the authorities interfered and took pos session of the child again only when informed that it was in danger. There was no cruelty. The mother was in a state of intoxication and she was removed lawfully and with no more force than was necessary. There was no such agreement in the settlement of the case as has been reported. Every other accusation made in the Telegraph lacks definite ness." As no dates are given the Courier says no clue can be found for an in vestigation of the charge that Cleve land spent one Sunday with three gentlemen friends and four women in a drunken orgy in Albany. The story that Cleveland once fought over a woman in a saloon is disposed of by the statement that it was founded on the faot that the Democratic can didate indulged in a little skylarking at a dinner where no women were present. The charges of drunken ness made by Rev. Geo. H. Ball are called by the Courier "wicked, ma licious lies." It adds that Cleveland's reputation for sobriety is well known to the people of Buffalo, and the fact that he has attended to his duties as governor proves that he is not a drunkard. In conclusion the Courier protests against the introduction of personal scandal into a presidential canvass. New Yobk, Aug. 12. The Sun gives prominence to the views of a veteran lawyer concerning the de fense set up by the Independents and Democrats in Cleveland's scandal case. He says, referring to the at tempts to palliate the offense by cit ing the examples of Alexander Ham ilton and Genral Jackson, that "Ham ilton never offered himself for the suffrages of the people after publish ing his admission of licentiousness with Barry Moore's wife. All Amer ica commended the bravery of Ham ilton's defense, as all England ap E lauded the Prince of "Wales when e testified as co-respondent in Lady Mordaunfs divorce case. But Cleve land has not made this brave defense. Perhaps he will in his letter of ac ceptance. I am. ashamed of Demo cratic editors defaming Jackson in order to make a defense for Cleve land. Jackson's case, even according to Pederal papers of that day, where in they called him a bigamist and adulterer, had no elements of per sonal dishonor. If Cleveland follows the example of Hamilton and tells the truth, instead of asking other people to tell it for him, "people may pardon and condone the offense, but I admit not otherwise." Washington, Aug. 12. The Cap ital, a very earnest Cleveland organ, makes the following recommendatien: Now, the CapitaVs advice to the gov ernor is, stop all this miserable gab ble by getting married. We do not call upon him to act hastily in this matter. We do not understand that he has obligated himself to any par ticular woman, or that he is being pursued by any angry relatives carry ing firearms. He can take his own time, select a wife who will suit him and be fitted to occupy the position of the first lady of the land, and then completely qualify himself for that high station to which he is likely to be eleoted this year. John Kelly Makes Explanation. New Yobk, Aug. 13. Eeplying to a recent letter, John Kelly writes: "Firat, it is said, that I voted against Tilden and Hendricks, in 1876. That is untrue. Myself and those associ ated with me did our best to elect Tilden and Hendricks, and what oc curred afterward could not be laid to us. The position of the party in the county and state at present stands in this way: The laboring class, on whom Tilden relied mainly for sup- gort, are now pronounced against leveland, and it will be difficult for us to convince them that their condi tion would be improved by the elec tion of this gentleman. We will do what can be done to convince these people, and hope and expect to be comparatively successful." A lad named. Sanford Fuqua, aged 15 years, was drowned in the Nestuc ca .fiver, Tillamook county, on the 10th inst, while bathing. A corre spondent (William L. Parmer) sends the following particulars of the sad affair: "There were four of us boys bathing in the river; I, being the oldest one of the crowd, was hunting the deep parts of the water to warn the boys of dangerous places, when Sanford Puqua got into the deep wa ter and sank. Seeing the danger, I plunged in and caught hold of his left hand. Quiok as a flash he grasped my right wrist with his right hand. Struggling desperately and out of breath we separated for life. I succeeded in getting hold of the dead branches of an elder top that was lying in the edge of the water. Elmer Smith .ran ashore to get a pole to reach to the drowning boy, but, unfortunately, nothing was in reach, so the poor fellow perished even be fore I could get ashore. A boat was afhand, and with the aid of a long alder branch, we recovered the body. All efforts to restore life were resort d;fc bat in vain,1' J GREELY INTERVIEWED. Portsmouth, N. IL, Aug. 13. Ear ly this morning Coronel Kent obtain ed an interview with Lieutenant Greely, who admitted that he had Henry shot by military execution on the Cth of June. As early as March it was suspected that Henry was steal ing the limited food apportioned out to the burvhors, and this fact being finally and positively ascertained, Lieutenant Greely had thereafter hard work to protect the man's life. It became necessary, in order to keep up discipline, to inform Henry that he would be shot it the practice was continued, and that a similar fate would be meted out to any other member of the party detected in like crime. If Henry had been per mitted to continue his stealing unmo lested the remainder of the party would surely have starved to death and Henry alone survived. After wards, and in spite of these warnings, Henry was again detected stealing provisions, among tho food taken be ing two pounds of bacon, eating so much that it made him sick. Search was then instituted. When found Henry had, among other articles sto len and secreted, a pair of seal skin boots which had belonged to the hunter of the party. Lieutenant Greely, was therefore forced, in order to maintain military discipline and protectSthe lives of his other com rades, to issue a written order that Henry bo shot, which order was car ried into effect June 6. As to the alleged cannibalism, Gree ly says if there was anything of that kind it must have been an individual act, and not general. Nothing of the kind, however, came under Greely's personal observation. Sergeant Brainard, who is in tho hospital at the navy yard, confirms Greely's statement. More than a week ago Lieutenant Greely forward ed to the secretary of war a detailed report of Henry's execution, and upon proper representations to Secretary Chandler a court of inquiry will un doubtedly be ordered. CANNIBAXiTSlI JUSTIFIED. New Yobk, Aug. 13. Yesterday the officers and men of the Alert, the Thetis and tho Bear refused to say J anything for publication about the' sufferings of thoGreely party. It is j cannibalism at Cape Sabin, has some foundation of fact A gentleman connected with the relief expedition, who did not wish his name to be used, said the opinion among officers was that if cannibalism was resorted to it was only when it was either that or death. "Any one can easily under stand," said this gentleman, "that men who had been living for months on a few shrimps per day are not ex actly in their right minds. When Greely was found the party were more or less out of their heads; they had suffered so much from hunger and exposure, that a collapse was very near. It is oasy to see that for months the dominant and only idea in the minds of these men was how to get food. They probably dreamed and thought of nothing else. They cannot be blamed ior eating what ever they could find The Hear was open for visitors to day. The iron tank in which the bod ies of tho six victims have been pre served was on deck. It is four and a half feet long by twenty inches wide, and the bodies of the men it admit ted were merely skin and bones. Commander Schley pronounced the remarkable interview with him published yesterday a lie. ADDITIONAL facts. New York, Aug. 13. The Times publishes additional facts concerning its horrible story of yesterday. There is not much, however, to be added, ex cept confirmation of sailors. All were sworn to secrecy by terrible oaths, which is admitted by them now. The secrets of those awful days are locked in the hearts of tho little handful of survivors, and if they bo told, will come from the officers of the Thdis and the Bear, who discovered the survivors and cared for tho remains of the dead. The condition of these re mains proved unmistakably that life has been sustained in the few left on the flesh of the dead. It is now known that tho horrible story of cannibalism was in two or three newspaper offices yesterday, and in evening paper offices on Monday afternoon, where, in the interest of civilization, it was suppressed. The story, wild and improbable as it seemed at first, is, without tho slight est doubt, true, and it is believed that all has not been told. New York, Aug. 13. Sun editorial nete: "The intellectuality of Butler is superior to any of the candidates, and he would make a better president than any other of them." A fellow of the name of Axaxaxaxv visited Bay St. Louis, Miss., last week. He is supposed to bo a wood chopper bv -profession, and a nrefctv good one at that. An you made miserable bv Indi gestion, Constipation, Dizziness, Loss of appetite, Yellow Skin ? Shiloh's Vilal izer is a positive cure. For sale by W. E. Dement. NOTICE The splendid Al British Iron snip, KIRKWOOD "Will be on berth shortly to load SALMON For Liverpool Direct. For Freight and Insurance apply to BALFOUR, GUTHRIE & CO., Portland. Or. or ALEX'R BA1LLIE, Astoria, Oregon. At The Bureau, Anhenser Busch Brewing Ass'c'n or M. Louis, Mo. Celebrated Anlieuser Beer on Draught at Pinckney's Sample Room, C5VJ. "Water Street, (or Roadway). This Beer is far superior to any impo from the East. Call and sample It. 7)Sy THE GREAT GERMAN REMEDY FOR PAIN. Relieves tnd tort j RIIEOIATIS3I, Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumtego, BACKACHE, mriCEz, iocieices, SORE THROAT, QUIN'ST, SWELLIN'GS. SVSJkTSS, Sr an, Cats, Brass, rE0STBITE3. burns, SCALDS, AnJ aU ttitr tolU tehei and ptlnt. Tim CESTS 1 EOIILE. Sold If all Drnnttti aal Dealers. DlrtclitoJ la 11 UEsaagti. ShiChulcsA.T:se!erC3 (SwctMarjui-VcoVraCo.) BtlUacr, S4-, C. S. X. flBKSatflllH $11,950 IN CASH GIVEN AWAY To the SMOKERS of Blackweirs Genuine Bull Durham Smok ing Tobacco. The genuine has picture of w wvwijr awaogti For particulars see our next announcement. If" CELEBRATED tX fitters Tho Ferble Grow htronir WllPJl Hfl..tpHrr'.j Ktnmnpti Tmti.o l. used to promote assimilation of the food and eurlch the blood. Indigestion, the chief obstacle to an acquisition ot strength bv the U(:ik.k:m :ulnitiif m.1i!p!i inf .im.ti."..... cumbs to the action of this peerless correc- mc. j.uss iu iicsii ana appciiitf, iatlure to sleep, and growing nvtdeuce of premature decay, aic sbeedilv counteracted by the irreat inxiiromnr wnlp'i hmpnc m tii ri.. ileal energies and fortifies the constitution agmsi uisease. ir.r sale by all Druggists aud Dealer? generally. LEADING in rmTT 1J. S. B. CROW. New Rooms. New Material EVERYTHING FIRST CLASS, SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. OB Mr. Wii A Hnll nt o. x.-w,..-i. one of the most skillful photographists on ..., woji, .uiau iu iuu operating room. Fine Work, a Specialty, On the RO tDWAY nearly opposite St. Mary's Hospital. Jeffs Notice SAYS TIIERE WILL BE NO INCREASE OF PRICES XX IIIS CHOP HOUSE AND THAT HE IS DETERMINED TO btst and cheapest Restaurant In town, even at a loss to hlnisilf, while the dull times last. JEFF. CLATSOP MILL COMPANY Manufacturers and Dealers in Lumber, Salmon Trays, BOXES, ETC. OFFICE AND MILL, CORNER SALMON AND CEDAR STREETS, ASTORIA. - O recou. County Coroner. J- C. ROSS Has Opened a First-Class UNDERTAKING ESTABLISHMENT ON MAIN STREET, Above Pioneer Restaurant. Funerals attended ; everything necessary provided, and In all cases, SATISFAtTION GUARANTEED. Pub rai ae Columbia Transportation Company. for ior.t;e.ai??x2. FAST TIME! 3 THE POPULAR STEAMER FLEETWOOD "Which has been refitted for the comfort of passengers will leave Wilson & Fisher's Dock everv Monday, Wednesday and Friday at iuuuriiuig icaves rortiana overy Tuesday and Thursday at 6 A. M. arrivina at Astoria at 1 P. M. tST An additional trip will bo made on at O O'clock Sunday 3IornInsr. HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS. PARKEK PJOUSE, II, II. PAIirci'it. Prop., AbTORIA, - - - OREGON. AI. C1JOSBY, Phil. BOWERS, Day Clerk Night Clerk. First Class in all Respects. FREE COACn TO THE HOUSE. Figures Never Lie ! J EtF F OF THE CHOP HOUSE Can prove by his boofes Jhat he Is doui tho blgpcst business of anyjr SESTAXJEANT ; In the i'5iy. -tud bo'wilHguarantee to give tho bct inecl forjeash. MARKETS. WASIIIXGTOS MARKET, IJtilit -ficit. Afitoria, Oregon. hkkgj: t. t DKuirv, ruoi'XfsroR. RESPECTFULLY CALL THE ATTEN tion of the public to the f.ict that the aboe Market will alwajs besupplled with a FULL VARIETY AND BEST QUALITY FRESH AND CURED MEATS 1 ! Which will be sold at lowest rates, whole sale and retail. CSrSpecial attention given to supplying ships. WY&TT a THOMPSON. DEALERS IN FRESH AND CURED fViEATS. CHOICE GROCEEIES, PROVISIONS. Crockery iind Glassware. 3fcll IF'eocaL, IHto. PAGSF10 MARKET, HOUSE KEEPERS, Hotel and Restaurant Keepers, ATTENTION!! FRESH FISH DAILY RECEIVED. STAR MARKET. WHERRY & COHPANY, Fresh and Cnreil Meats, FRUITS, BUTTER, and EGGS. OPPOSITE OCCIDENT IIOTUL. CUEXA3IUH Street. Astoria, Og .T.Coleman&Co.'s AGEIVCY, Banking Department A General Banking and Exchange Busi ness transacted. Every facility for prompt and satisfactory business. Drafts on the leading cities of the United States and Europe. Deposits Received. FRANZ H. L AIGHTON. DEALER IN Fruits, Notions, Cigars AND TOBACCOS. Water St. between West 81It nndWestOtli, Tropical and Domestic Fruits per eery steamer. Nuts, Candles, etc. at Laiehton'd Every thine Fresh and First-class, !gaSv &&r FAST TIME! 6 A.M. arriving at Portland at 1 P.M. Sunday of Each Wcefc, leaving Portland Passengers bj this route connect at Kalaroa .U.B.SCOTT, President S. ARNDT & FERCBEN, ASTORIA. - OREGON. The Pioneer Machine Shop BLACKSMITH SHOP Avn tf5 Boiler Shop -3M All kinds of ENGINE, CANNEEY, AND STEAMBOAT WOSK Promptly attended to. A specialty made of repairing CANNERY DIES, FOOT OF LAFAYETTE STREET. ASTORIA IRON WORKS. Bkntos Street, Neak Tanker Rouse, ASTORIA. - OREGON. GENERAL MACHINISTS AND BOILER MAKERS. LAND aDQ MARINE ENGINES BoilerWork, Steamboat Work and Cannery Work a'spe- cialty. Of nil Descriptions made to Order at Short Notice. A. D. "Wass. Presldont. J. G. Hustler, Secretary, I. W. Case, Treasurer. Jony Fox.Suporintendenf. A. V. Allen, Wholesale and Retail Dealer In Groceries MILL FEED. Glass and Plated Ware, TROPICAL AND DOMESTIC FRUITS AND VEGETABLES. Together with Wines, LiquorsJobaccoXIgars The Str. GLEANER. B. F. STEVENS, - Master. Will leavo Wilson & Fisher's Dock Every 3Iouday,at 9 A. 31. For Deep River and Way Landings, and Every Sninrday, at O A. 21, For John Day's River. On other days will do genpral work. A good SCOW Is run in connection with the steamer, ana Lumoer, wood, etc, promptly nanaiea. Astoria Cooperage. BARRELS AND HALF-BARRELS All Kinds of Cooperage Done. syLeave orders with JOHN ROGERS, Superintendent, at Central Market. J. W. RUDDOCK, Practical Plumbing in All Its Branches. Steam and Gas Fixtnres, A Completo Stock of First-class Material. All Work Guaranteed. Office and Shop in Hume's building, rear ot "Wheeler & Robb's, Astoria, Oregon. e3BEK5gf& iHmI TRANSPORTATION LINES. Oregon Railway & Navigation C03IFAXY. CEAtfITISIOX . During the month of July, 18SI, Ocean Steamers will sail from Portland to San Francisco, and from San Francisco to Port land, as follows, leaving Alnsworth Dock, rT?l!inS a Midnight, and Spear Street harf, San Francisco, at 10 A. ar. : From Portland I From San FrancLco Rpomtn . .1 StAtA nf P.I "u. c SUte of Oal... Jat 2 uoioaabia .Thnr 11 Oregon .Tues 19 State of C1....8nn 24 .Timr lljOregoa .."""".".Tuea 12 Columbia j.rj 29 Bent Colombia Fn 22 Oregon Wei 27 . Sept Oregon Tfed 3 DtMoxual....Mon SlOolumbla bat 6 omo 01 uu..,.aoa 1 -1 ,11P,OH,S,, TJrkets sold to all principal cities in the United States, Canada and Europe. RAIL DIVISION. Pawnt7PrTrfllrio lanrn Pntio cn era points, at 11 :40 A. M. dally. utrFs,FS55? C roanl' between Port- MTE DhlSIO.V (Middle ColHrabla). Boats leave Portland for Dalles at 7 :O0 A U. aise: Leave Port-1 land for IMon Tu. We. Thu.FrI.Sat. Alton and I lower Co-1 lnmhl. leiu Dayton. Or!lTAM! SAM 6AM SAM SAM 6AM I7AMJ Salem ....1 1. .i CorralHs..! gAM 7AM 16 AM Tacomaand Seattle, daily at 10 PM Victoria bteamers do not run Sundays. oeftSBSDdaV.ri f0F PottUnd " 6 . m. da.1, ex- A t emir C. H. PEKSCOTT, A. L. STOKES, Manacer Qenl Freight and Pass. Art. iuana5er. E. A. KOYES, Agent Astoria. Oregon & California R. R. On and after June 28, 1SS4. trains will ran as follows : DAILY (Except Sundays). KASTSIDE DIVISION". BernreeK POKTJLAXB and ASHXiAXD -r t . , MAIL TRAIN-. LEAVE. iTtrcrvT!' Portland... 7 :30 A. Ml Ashland 5:40 a. ir. -aamanu osjo p. M Portland 4:25 P. M. ALBANY EXPRE88 TRAIN. tVE- ABRIVE. Portland i. -cm r itv o ju t -. Lebanon 4 :45 A.M.lFortland. 10 hba. m i?ulimaaJPalaceSleePlnSCarleaves Port io?,I?n5ay8J?d Thursdays. Keturning leaves Ashland Tuesdays and Fridaj s. The Oregon and California Kailroad Ferry makes connection with all Repular Trains on Eastslde Division, from the foot of F St. "VTKST8IDE DIVISIOX. Betweea Portland and Corvallls MAIL TKAIX Portland 9 .-Co a. M.CorvallIs.4 :30 'p. m. Corvallls 8 :S0 A. M. Portland ,?n t V LWW EXPBESS TKAI . Irtland... 5 :00 p m Mc3Ilnnvllle.8 ora iuwuiuuvuwi:jo AMirortianu 8 :30 am nrith? connections made at Ashland With the StAITM nf tha nniAn on.t -.!! nla Stage cbmpaiy."" auu "amur" nf Uck?te tor sale, andlagi:age checked at Company's up town office, corner Stark ana Second ctroto K3Tickets to all tlie principal points in Cal ifornia, can only be procured, and baggage checked, at the Company's office. Corner F and Front Sts., Portland, Or. FrPlffllfc will not ho ninali-n.1 f .. ... aft-5?!.ocI,-.M- on e,t"er the Eastside or Westslde Divisions. R. KOEHLEB, E. p. ROGERS. manager. G. F 4 P. Agt liwaco Steam Navigation Go.'s SUJIMER SCHEDULE. Astoria to Fort Steuena, Fort Canby, and liwaco. Connecting by stages and boats for Oysterville, Montesano and Olympia Until further notice the Ihvaco Steam Navigation Co.'s steamer G-eru Miles, Ml leave Astoria On Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays (Mondays, Thursdays and Saturdays being wjoiiiuB auu ruuiuesauo man uays.) at 7 A. U. FOR Ft.Stevens, Ft. Canby and liwaco OK Wednesdays, and Fridays Thesteamer will lpjivn Aqtnrfn nt o 1 as fnrmerlv. not hpinir ennflnoil ct-tt!i- tA schedule time. On Tuesdays and Thursdays A SECOND TRIP will be made, leaving As toria at 1 P.M., connecting with steamer TFide West, from Portland. Fare to Fort Canby and liwaco, SI CO BTTickets can be bought at the offlco for 73cts. er-Hwaco freight, by the ton. In lots of one ton or over, $2 per ton, lFor Tickets, Towage or Charter ap ply at the office of the company, Gray's wharf, foot of Benton street. J. H. D.GRAY, Agent. Westport aad Astoria THE FAVORITE STEAMER GOLD DUST Which has been thoroughly refitted for the comfort of Passengers will run this season Deiween wesxpoix ana Asiona DAILY 7RZ3P3 As follows : Leave Westport at 7 :30 A.M. Arriving In Astoria at 10 0 a. v, Leave Astoria at 2 P. M. Arrive In Westport at 6 r. ar. Will touch at all way landings. For freight or passage apply on board or to CAPT. JAS,COX, Manager W. E. DEMENT & CO. DRUGGISTS. ASTORIA, - - - OREGON Carry in Stock, DRUGS, CHEMICALS, TOILET and FANCY ARTICLES. Prescriptions carefully Compounded BUSINESS CARDS. JjLflHS EATTLE BITEIiY, TEACHER PIANO AND ORGAN. Apply at G.W.WOODS'. , T JR. HIG&ISS, County Sclioal Superiateadeat Offlpp nt 'nlr.lla jt- nA ,, nnnnM. rr-, Astoria. " "" "uc' v J FBANK PAGE. M. O. Physlclaa aad. Sarceaa. Office opposite the Johansen buIldlBg . ASTORIA -.. - - OREGON. Jl D.TFINTOaf. ATIORNEY AT LAW. Abstracts tr Title a aeIalty. Rooms 11 and 12, Kafchts of Pytklaa Cstl Bonding. TelephoBe ICe.4. Q F. McCOBXAC, Attorney aud Coaasellar atXaw Room 12, Odd Fellows Bulldla. ASTORIA, - - - . Oragon. QEO. A. DORR13, QKO. NOriAXD NOEAND A BORBI8, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. HaIi:Astoria76regJon. ' v 7 Q b. THoaisorv, Attorney and Counselor tt Liw. Room No. G, over White Hous, ASTORIA, OREUON, .Tv.Fui.Toir. o.ayuwoK. PUtTOK BROTHERS, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Rooms 5 and 6, Odd Fellows Bulldiaj. T Q.A.BOTVJLB1T, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Chenamus treet, - - ASTOBIA, 08IOa JOSEPH A. GLUT ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. yOfflce with J. Q' A. Bo wlby, ASTORIA, - - - . Oregott. "CJ C. HOLlDEA', NOTABY PUBUQ, AUCTIONEER, COMMISSION AND IN SURANCE AGENT. Q W. LEICK, ARCIIITECT AND DRAUGHTSMAN. Scholars received for Course of Draughting SS""Ofllce over White House Store. Q.ELO F. PARKER, SURVEYOR OF Clatsop County, and City of Asterla Office : Chenamus street, Y. M. O. A. hall Room No. 8. Q bexhom aiABTiar, M, Physician and Sarseea. ASTORIA, OREGON. OFFiCE-Room 12, Odd Fellows Building. Residence Hume's building, up stairs. JAY TXJTOTiE, M. . PHYSICIAK AND SURGEON Office Rooms 1. 2. and 8. Pythian Build ing. Residence On Cedar Street, back of St. Mary's Hospital. F. P. niCKS. A. E. SHAW. HICKS & SHAW, DENTISTS. Rooms in Allen's Building, un stairs, cor ner Cass and Squemoqua streets. Astoria, Oregon. Bozorth & Johns, Real Estate and Insurance Agents, and Brokers. ASTORIA, Oregon.. Buy and sell all kinds of Real Estate aad represent: tne ionowing rtre Insurance Conpanles : Scottish Union and Na tional, assets $33,009,000 Phoenix of Hartford " 40008 Home of New York, ' 7,000,088 Hamburg and Bremen, " 2,008l8G3 Western. - SOOioe Phenlx of Brooklyn, " 4,000,088 Oakland Home, " 300,008 Policies written by us in tho Phoanix and Home and Scottish Union and National at equitable rates. BANKING AND INSURANCE! I. W. CASE, Broker, Banker, and Insur ance Agent, ASTORIA, - OREGO.I. OFFICE HOURS : From 9 o'clock A. M. until 3 o'clock P. M. B. S. Worfeley, AUCTIONEER AND COMMISSION MERCHANT S3y0fflce and Ware Rooms on Squemoqua Street, next door to corner of Olney. Advancements made on Consignments No Charges for Storage of Ged CLATSOP COUNTY BRANCH OF ASSOCIATION Room No. 1, White House building, Astorfa Bills collected in any part of the United States or Canadas. This association has over 5,000 correspond ents. LANGDON, STICKLES & CCv