The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, August 14, 1884, Image 3

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    -"- "! . " r.-
U gattjj storiiw.
tiiurbdayI ILJIcgust u, 1m
(Monday excepted)
TermN ofSubscrlption.
Served by Carrier, per week.. I5cts.
?t ' M:iil l)Cr month COcts.
" " one year S7.oo
r ree of postage to subscribers.
"Advertisements inserted by the year at
toe rate or $2 per square per month. Tran
aientadvertislng fifty cents per square, each
Notice To Advertisers.
The Astoria- guarantees to its ad
vertisers the largest circulation of anv
newspaper published on the Columbia
Read D. A. Jklclntosh'8 ad.
The Jubilee Singers to-morrow night.
Press and public unite in commenda
tion of the Jubilee singers.
The Oypsy sailed yesterday. The Ore
yon ia due from San Francisco to-day.
The existence of a new csmetery at
Clatsop is another and most powerful
argument for building the Clatsop road.
Gordon, lato of the Seattle Herald, has
been offered $200 a month to edit the
San Francisco Alta, and will probably ac
cept. At the Occident corner at 7 this even
ing Ben "Worsley will sell some seaside
property in the JJeach addition to Ocean
The children of Gracs Church Sunday
School goto day for a picnic near Smith's
Point. The parents are invited to join
The department teams are having
their uniforms prepared and are getting
uuo goou irim ior ine coimug ctmuisi ut
A home by the sounding sea! At the
Occident corner at 7 this evening, Ben
"Worsley will sell you a lot where vou can
build one.
"While the City of York is discharging
coal at Gray's dock the Miles will land
and receive freight and passengers at the
Main street wharf.
The world-renowned Nashville Jubilee
singers appear at Occidental hail to-morrow
evening. Reserved seats at tho New
York Novelty store.
Tho patter of the rain upon the roof
was heard yesterday morning and at
times a brisK shower fell. By noon the
clouds cleared away.
The new tug Astoria has been meas
nred at San Francisco. Her gross ton
nage is 152.32 tons, net 7G.1G; registered
length, 109.5 feet; breadth, 23 feet; depth,
12.5 feet.
Major "W. A. Jones, spoken of as Capt
Powell's probable successor has done
considerable engineering work at Fort
Point and elsewhere, and is well spoken
of generally.
If you desire to see the darkey as he
appears at home, upon tho plantation,
and his meetings, do not fail to attend
one of the concerts given by the original
Nashville Students. Chicago Inter
Ocean. The San Francisco Grocer and Con
ner speaks of the City of Delhi as carry
ing the largest shipment of salmon from
Astoria. The Wallacctown which left
here for Liverpool two years ago, carried
70,030 cases.
The grand jury finished up the finding
of indictments yesterday. There is a
good deal of selling liquor to minors go
ing on in this city, and we have a good
many laws on the statute books, and the
grand jury hasn't yet made up its report.
Ben "Worsley will have a few remarks
to offer this evening at 7 o'clock on the
Oocident corner. During tho course of
his speech, which will be on values and
finance, he will dispose of sundry proper
ty as souvenirs of tho occasion. Be on
There will be a sooiable afc Liberty hall
this evening given by tho ladies of the
Presbyterian church. The intent is sim
ply an occasion of becoming acquainted
with Mr. Garner, the new pastor. Re
freshments will be served and every one
made welcome.
The growth of the city causes to arise
the question where building sites may bo
found for the future 100,000 that shall in
habit the seaport of Oregon. Alderbrook
will furnish ground for a part, but the
ground now covered by tho southern hills
will be the natural site for the thickly
populated city.
The Navcsink is down from Portland
where she discharged her Chinese cargo.
She will load lumber at the Clatsop Mill
Company's premises for Montevideo.
This is the initial movement in an en
terprise that bids fair to be of perma
nent value to Astoria. She will be fol
lowed by the Alice.
The original Nashville Students, who
are just closing a season of one month in
this city, have been remarkably success
ful, both in giving a pleasing entertain
ment and in drawing crowded houses;
and in "the first place they do give the
most unique concert ever given by a ju
bilee party. Chicago Tribune.
Dan Moran, who has been in durance
vile for some time, tried to make a dash
for liberty as he was returning to the
jail from the court house yesterday
morning. Charley Moffit, the Deputy
Sheriff coaxed him back before he had
ROt very far by showing him a neatly
plated self acting revolver, and he con
cluded to wait for dinner.
One of the proprietors of this paper
was amused considerably a few evenings
ago -while engaged in counting some gov
ernment bonds that ho had overlooked.
The door opened and a determined look
ing individual walked in saying: "Jim
Turk wants the money for them three
shares," "What three shares?" "Why,
the three shares of this paper that he
owns.'.' It was a dead give away, and
some of us haven't got through laughing
about it yet.
In the circuit court yesterday the case
of the state of Oregon vs. Geo. Manuel
was argued and submitted to tho jury
who found the defendant guilty as charg
ed. Two indictments were found
against P. Peretta, one for alleged ma
licious injury and the other charging
him with larceny. An indictment was
also found against T. "Ward, who is
charged with assault with intent to kill.
The case of A Baldatta, who is to be
tried for complicity in a shooting scrape
near Sand Island, comes up today.
Captain Gregory, of that most singular
looking steam craft belonging to tho
United States and traveling under the
name of the Shubrick, tells a good one of
himself. He steamed in bv the coal
bunkers one night recently and was
greeted by a man on the wharf, who
gheuted: "Hello, captain!" "Hello, your
self !" responded Gregory; "what do you
want?" "Oh, nothing, only I -was -wondering
-whether you ever stayed out with
that thing over night!" and then the
quizzical cuss went off behind the ware
house and laughed and laughed. Ledger.
Beoeipt is acknowledged of the cata
logue of the Oregon State Normal school,
situated at Monmouth, Polk county. The
xaoultyis oomposea or eleven teachers,
The school last year enrolled 215 pupils,
and the prospects for the present season
are nracn better. The course of study is
very praotical and is composed of those
usually found in the various grades of
other like institutions of learning. There
are sixty-four free scholarships distri
buted oyer the state in proportion to the
population of the -various counties, which
may be had by application to the various
school superintendents. Eaoh student
who takes the regular course is entitled
to a diploma from the state board of ed
ucation, as this is practically a state
Was I there, Mr. Hallorau? Why. of
course I was. "Was it a Young Men's
Christian Association? Well, it was
now, and Til tell you why. When a
young man associates himself with a
young lady, and don't trouble himself
about the other young men, but merely
sets them a good example, it's the most
Christian assooiation I know of.
When tho Christian young men of Ath
ens, aye, or of Ephesus, or further back,
of Babylon, went on a Y. M. C. A. excur
sion they always secured the ''girls" as
participants, knowing well that to call a
gathering of young men only, a Christian
Association would insult all the logicians
of tho age. Well, we haven't changed
much in all these centuries, have we
brother H.?
But to the point, aye and around the
point, past'Lewis k Clark's river and on
ward, with just a little detention, which
Capt. Parker will explain, and here we
are up within half a mile of the falls.
Under the shade of a grove upon the
hillside we laid our spotless table-cloths,
soon sparkling with an array of dishes
weren't we hungry shades of Lucullus
answer "We enjoyed the feast of good
things so thoughtfully prepared by the
ladies, and then started for the fulls.
Our party had become divided and n
sort of "go as you please' became the
order of the day
We saw the falls from below and then
concluded to see them from above we
did when we saw shady lanes and foot
paths, upon which we ventured, and at
last emerging upon tho banks of tho riv
er, we found the learned professions, tho
clergy and tho doctors well represented.
Here we rested, reclining upon the fra
grant ferns and dreaming of Elysium.
The waters plashed amongst" tho peb
bles, gurgled over tho stones, rushed
down the decline, struggled through the
oddies and we noted it all, but so quietly
that it made only a pleasant impression
that it was all right anyway.
At about 4 p. m. wo prepared to return,
but I sought out the commissiarat depart
ment; raided tho provision baskets, and
feeling well disposed toward tho whole
crowd, took our places in the boats which
were shortly alongside the steamer.
Tho trip homeward was most pleasant,
songs wore sung and sung as they should
be; speeches were made and are by this
time forgotten, while a general good
feelling existed, aud it would have been
a grand chance for some impecunious
chap to borrow a V.
To tho ladies are due the thanks of
the young men of the Christian Associa
ciatlon for tho ample and thoughtful
provision made for their comfort, and
tho day will long be remembered by all
who participated in a most enjoyable
Nkw Yoiik, Aug. 12. The Suit's Wash
ington letter has the following peints:
It has been an open secret among Blaine's
close friends that he has nover recovered
from the shock that Guiteau's pistol
caused him. He was arm-in-arm with
Garfield when the assassin fired; he saw
the president totter and fall, and ho bo
lieved the next shot would be received by
himself. Tho effect of that shot was to
give him what is known in his own state
as "the hypo." He is convinced he has
organic disease, and although the best
Ehysicians in the country have assured
im he is wrong, he will not believe them.
Last summer ho pained his friends by
asking them how he looked. Somebody
told him tho little pools left by the ebb
tide was a specific for disease. He thinks
it is, and no was often seen drinking
from them and bathing his face and
arms in them. During the past -winter,
when he was visited by prominent politi
cians, who wanted to talk with him about
his nomination, he surprised and sad
dened them by his indifference, and he
told one man he would rather livo in
paaoe than to be elected president and
die in office. For a few days before tho
convention met he seemed to bo like his
old self, and after he was nominated
displayed to those nearest him some of
the energy that was characteristic of him
in the days of his prime, but that did not
last long. After the Democratic conven
tion the old conviction that he cannot be
elected returned, and with it his depres
sion of spirit. He is now said to be
despondent, and those, who are nearest
him believe that unless bis hypochondria
can be shaken off,all work of the canvass
must be done without much help from
Johnson's CjelopftdU Examined by Another
Eminent Scholar and Divine.
The examination of Johnson's cyclopa:
dia confirms my opinion of its superiori
ty over the bulky Britannica as contain
ing the facts we are searching for when
we consult an encyclopaedia. Without
the elaborate discussion which wo prefer
to read in treaties of our own selection.
The editorial staff is composed of those
who have achieved high standing in the
social departments, and some of thorn
wear the liighest honors in the works of
science, art and literature.
Their names coupled with the editors
in chief, President Barnard, of Co
lumbia College, rnd Prof. Guyot, of
Princton College, N. J., are tho warrant
for acuracy. comprehensiveness and im
partiality. Rev. A. L. Lindsley, LL.D.
Portland, Or.
From H. B. Norton of the state normal
school, California, As a general refer
ence it is unsurpassed by any rival.
The elite of Astoria are subscribing.
C. H. Libby, the general manager for
the Pacific coast, is daily adding to his
large list of subscribers. Drop him a
card and ask to see it.
Girl Wanted
To do housework for family of fiw.
washing. Apply at this ofiiee.
Wcddinjr, Presents.
A large stock from which to select at
Carl Auler's Crystal Palace,
ForaKcat Fitting- Boot
Or Shoe, go to P. J. Goodmans, on Che
namus street, next door to I. W. Case.
All goods of the best make and guaran
teed quality. A full stock; new goods
constantly arriving. Custom work.
Stop Tliat Cough
By going to J.E. Thomas's and getting
a uottle of Leroy's Cough Balsam.
It will cuius you.
A full line of Ladies' Lace Mills of all
descriptions, to be found at the Empire
Buy your Lime of Gray at Portland
Gray sells Sackett Bros.' Al sawed
cedar shingles.
The latest patterns and styles of
Ginghams and Calicoes, at the Empire
Why will you cougli when Shiloh's
Cure will give immediate relief. Price
10 cts 50 els and Si. Sold by W. E. De
ment. Catarrh cured, health and sweet
bren.Hi spniirwl lv Kliilnh'a rnhii ,
edy. Prii:e 50 cents, Masai Injector free.
For sale by W. E. Dement
Boston Baked Beans and Brown Bread
every Sunday at Jeff's from 5 a. m. to
2 p. m.
Will jTou suffer with Dyspepsia and
Liver Complaint ? Shiloh's "V italfcrer Is
Siarauteea to cure you. Sold by W. E.
Just received a new lot of Parasols, at
the .Empire &ror.
Ladles to be Made Cabinet Officer.
"Let us follow tho advice of Lillie De
vereux Blake. Let us use all our influ
ence with our husbands, our beaux and
our brothers to secure tho election of
Grover Cleveland."
Tho ardent speaker was a splendid bru
nette, whose earnest manner and flash
ing eyes proved that her soul was in her
words. "Bravo, bravo!" came from tho
half circle of ladies, young and old, who
listened to her and who formed a gather
ing in nn uptown mansion of woman
suffrage advocates to which a. Journal re
porter had, with great difficulty, gained
admittance last night.
"Not only will his success place iu the
president's chair an upright and honor
able gentleman," cried the beautiful ad
vocate, when the chorus of feminine ap
probation and the applause from dainty
hands had ceased, "but it will enor
mously further our own cause. 1 hava
information from the best authority that
if, after election, wo can convince Mr.
Cleveland that he succeeded through our
efforts he will reward us by giving us
those equal rights with the lower sex for
which we are battling,"
"Dear man," cried an enthusiastic
young lady with blue eyes aud sunny
ringlets, "how I should like to give him a
good old hug!"
"I move that the sergeant-at-arms im
mediately eject that last speaker,' cried
an old ladv. with sour visace, who Glared
savagely through her spectacles at the
impulsive girl, for violating one ot tne
fundamental rules of our organization,
a rule that distinctly forbids all express
ion of regard for that contemptible crea
turo man."
Instantly the meeting was iu confusion.
A primary election is a peace gathering
in companion.
"You nasty thing, you're mad because
no man will'look at you!" "Bold hussy!
I'll tear your bangs all to pieces!" were
some of the shouts that came from rosy
lips, while the chairwoman, n stately
matron of about forty, vainly nipped for
order with her youngest child s rattle.
"I think," came a silvery voice that
rose above the tumult, "that we can all
agree upon this subject. You seem to
forget, ladies, that Governor Cleveland
is a bachelor."'
It was like oil on the troubled waters.
Smiles wreathed the faces that but a
moment before wero clouded with angry
frowns, and almost simultaneously tho
disputants made peace by giving each
other those peculiar pecks which are,
when ono woman salutes another, by
courtesy called kisses, and the buuuv
haired 3oung lady sat down with the
vinegary maiden.
"Picturo to yourself," went on tho
charming brunette, who had been inter
rupted, "the possibilities of our triumph.
Think of one of our number being made
a member of Cleveland's Cabinet. Fan
cy how delicious it would be to sign your
self 'Mary, Attorney-General.' "
"If affairs were conducted as in most
households," broke in an old woman
with corkscrew curls, "I think tho Minis
try of War would be more appropriate
for her."
"Why not the Department of the In
terior?" suggested a recent graduate of a
"I should like to be mada Collector of
the Port," observed a pretty office-seeker.
"I would collect all tho nasty stuff and
throw it into tho river."
"All your wishes may be fulfilled,"
cried Mr. Cleveland's fair advocate, "and
perhaps more. Perhaps the president"
and here she blushed slightly and cast
down her eyes "might even marry ono
of his cabinet officers. There was ono
administration not long ago that was. run
by the president's wife, and I see no "rea
son why there should not bo another. I
therefore move you, Mrs.Chairman," con
cluded the speaker, as sho drew forth a
manuscript from her pocket, "that the
sense of this meeting be expressed in
these resolutiens:
"Besolved, That we repudiate tho in
dorsement of James G. Blaine made by
Dr. Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth
Cady Stanton as being inimical to the
best interests and prejudicial to the
future welfare of the women of tho United
"Besolved, That in Grover Cleveland
we recognize our true friend, and we
pledge ourselves to use all our influence
to elect him.
"Besolved, That Mormonism should
be swept off tho face of the earth, inas
much as one wifo is enough to occupy a
man's time and devotion."
Pretty soprano cheers and every proof
of approbation greeted each of tho reso
lutions, and the meeting soon nfter ad
journed as the chairman received infor
mation that her baby had the colic
Alleged New York Convention.
A Urotberorillalne'K.
M. G. Lane, who used to teach school
in Silverton, and who is well known in
this county, has gone East to visit Hon.
James G. Blaine. Lane has often told
parties that ho was a half brother of
James G., and now he admits that he is
a full brother tho prodigal of tho fami
lyand that ho has not been homo since
he joined the Union arny, in which he
served as a nrivjitn for four vmki in
stead of Lane, his name is M. Gillespie
.uiuiuc, uuu io a iuu uromer oi u nines
Guano Blaine. His brother once sent
tho Orecon wanderer S.V1 in - i,;a
way home, but Lane, as ho is known
liuic, &IH.-HL iuu munuy unustaiuat nome.
Through tho efforts of Kocky Earhart.
and Colonel Howlfifc of Porflnn h o
oured a pass to Maine, and has 'started
vm uia na.l icjuitiu;;. Ulllll lull JlJjpeOI,
m I
Vprfrt. rornpc of Yintnrn in nil l.-
beauty are Abellti Son's photographs.
Take the elevator. 29. Washington Sf
lo You Think that 'Jefl of
The Chop House
Gives you a meal for nothing, and a
glass of something to drink? "Not
Jilliv.ll. mil, hi; ;n il UUULT IllCai ami
Tlinrf of if tlioil !lnr nlnnn lni. A
....,,. .......... ...., 1....V.V. in Minn mi
25 cents. He buys by the wholesale and
pays casu. "iiiat semes it, '
At enormous expense has secured the
services of Professor Ellis, one of
the best white cooks in the state; and
Jeff proposes to excel any of his former
efforts in the cnlinarv art. Itolinn licii.
es a specialty.
Ills Succchh
Financially and socially are largely due
w ins excellent iieaiui. 11 ins system
were clogged and feverish, no doubt he
would fail ns so mnnv otlinrs rlo Tif
why not enjoy good health when one
can please the palate at the same time?
Svrup of Figs is not only pleasant to
me uisie, it aiso cieanses me system
thorough Ij-, yet painlessly; it is harm
less in its nature, and strengthens the
organs on which it acts so that regular
haoits may bo formed, and the sufferer
permanently restored to neaitn and
happiness. Sample bottles free and
large bottles for sale bv W. E. Dement
& Co.
Roscoe Dixon's new eating house
is now open. Everything has been fit
ted up in firstrclass style, and his well
known reputation as a caterer assures
all who like good things to eat, that at
ins place they can be accommodated.
All thft nntinl. mpriimnnc uli-nvt:n.i
in this paper, together with the choicest
MBuuuiwj, uuuiouec articles, etc-can
be bought at the lowest prices, at J. V
Conn's drug store, opposite OeMden
hotel, Astoria.
Ham and Turkey Enjoyed bj- the Noted
Statesman Late at Sltrht.
A correspondent of the St. Louis Globe
Democrat writes that paper: It was in
the fall of 1851, whilo I was engaged in
running a line between Louisvillo and
Newport, Ky., for a railroad to connect
these cities that I had my office at Dreu
non Springs, Henry counts', Ky., tho seat
of tho Military Institute in which James
G. Blaine was at that timo Latin profes
sor. Having been a graduate tho June pre
ceding, I wasallowed quarters in tho ban
racks with my assistant(also an ex-cadet)
and we were permitted some privileges
which discipline denied the cadets.
One evening, having just returned from
my home, I invited four of the cadets to
a spread of good things, and to prevent
obtrusion set the time at after "tapVT or
10 o'clock, when all lights must be out
aud all in bed.
We were all ready for a set-to, with
keen appetites and a relish for the dainty
tare, wnen a lap at me uoor caused a
stampedo of our visitors, two under the
bed and two behind the wardrobe cur
tain. On opening the door who should our
new visitor be but rror. Blaine, on duty
to see that all lights were out and all
cadets in bed, and being attracted by the
light from our transom, he stepped in to
seo that we had no company, and also to
have n quiet chat about Georgetown.
Of course wo were glad to see him. al-
thougn unexpected at snch a time, and
politely invited him to set up and take a
bite, which ho readily did.
The supper was tempting a boiled
ham (that had been packed a year aeo in
hickory ashes in the old stone smoke
house at nome,; a roast turkey, mckles,
beat biscuit, lemon pies, blackberry jam,
sponge-cake and Catawba wine.
And how ho did enjoy it several slices
of ham and turkey, many biscuits, pie
and several glasses of native Catawba to
wash it all down, and good natured chat
to keep company until 11 o'clock, -and the
professor rose reluctantly to go, remark
ing with a smile: "I am glad I happened
in, but was not that rather a large spread
for only you two?"
I never knew if ho suspected our four
visitors hid in the room, while he was en
joying the feast, but always thought his
eye caught sight under tho wardrobe cur
tain of tho two pair of feet, belonging to
two trembling and hungry cadets who
dared not move, but listened impatiently
to tho professor's chat.
If he saw these pedal extremities he
must quietly have enjoyed not only the
supper but a huge joke on the two "boys,
yet he never let on, for it would have
been his duty to havo ordered them
under arrest for a gross violation of
discipline in having been out after "taps.'
Ono of tho boys is now state treasurer
of Arkansas, and another I beliove, is
ono of the supreme judges of Louisiana.
An Old Steamboat Man's Successful Scheme
for a Free Ride.
On one of the excursion steamers run
ningout of Detroit the other day tho
clerk found e passenger who had neither
ticket nor mouey. Ho began to berate
tho man for a dead-beat, telling him ho
ought to be ashamed of himself, etc., but
the strapped passenger held up his finger
and said:
"Havo 1 been among the passengers
and thrown out hjnts that the boilers of
this boat were rather old and liablo to
"Not that I know of."
"Have I been around predicting a
storm, and thus detracting from the
pleasure of tho trip!' "
"Haven't heard of your doing so.'
"Have I slipped to this ono and that
ono to slur your boat for being slow, and
have I said that yon were carrying at
least ninety peoplo more than your li
cense allows? Twice thus far this boat
has neglected to answer -the signals of
vessels coming down. Have I said I
would make complaint under the law?
Have I counted your lifo preservers and
found tho complement short? Have I
overhauled your small boat3 and found
that none of them could be launched?"
"Oh, I see! An old steamboat man
shaker' stammered the clerk. "Excuse
me for not identifying you. Just make
yourself at home and ride as far as you
please. If you happen downstairs come
to tho office and try some of rav cigars.
Free Press.
One of the largest papers of the
border states says: St. Jacobs Oil
stands at the head as the great pain
dest rover.
Its Wonderful Efllcacy
Xo remedy ever discovered possesses
the wonderful elficaey of Syrup of Figs.
The certainty with which It expels all
impurities from the system, at the same
time giving tone to life Liver. Stomach,
ami Bowels, places it ahead of all other
remedies, to say nothing of its being
more easily taken. It is selling very
rapidly. V. E. Dement & Co. arc 'agents
for Astoria.
Shiloh's Cough ana Consumption
Cure is sol.l by us on guarantee. It
cures eou-uniptlon. Sold by W.E. He
men I.
An- yoii made miserable by Indi-gest!oi!,(''.-ijj)ation,Dizziness,Lossof
appotih-, Ydlow Skin? Shiloh's Vital
izcr is miMtivc euro. For sale bv V.
E. Hem-ill.
Nasal Injector fiee with each
bottle of Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy
Price 50 cents. Sold by W. E. Dement
-l::icl::uutack," a lasting and fra
grant itrfiune. Price 25 and 50 cents.
SiMb W.E. Dement
Don't pay 50 cents elsewhere when
you can get the best dinner in town at
JEFF'S for 25 cents.
Wiison & Fisher
Ship Chandlers,
Paints, Oils, and Varnish.
Salem Flouring Mills,
Portland Boiler Mills,
Capital Flour and
NOTICE IS HEREBY given that a
meeting of the "V. T. Board of Pilot
Commissioners for the Columbia river and
bar, will be held at Ilwaco, "W.T., August
19, 1881.
By order of the Board.
Sec of W. T. Board of Pilot Commrs.
for the Columbia river and bar.
California reports a probable anti-Republican
majority of 10,000.
The New York tfmi fi Rnnonrtinrr -Ron
93 in the shede in London. Several
deaths from sun stroke.
From the Greely party come accounts
of cannibalism in the icy North.
The Canadian Pacific R. R. Co. havo
abandoned Winnipeg, and will make
Selkirk their center of business.
everyday from 4-S0to8 o'clock. The
best 25-cent meal in town ; sonp, fish,
seven kinds of meats, vegetables, pie,
pudding, etc Tea or coffee included.
All who have tried him say Jeff Is the
Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy a posi
tive cure for Catarrh, Diptheria and"
Canker Month. Sold by w. E. Dement
Goods are Slaughtered
Slit aid Cloak House.
Your Own Prices !
Garments Made to Order
Goods Sold by the Yard.
25? Remember this will only
last a few days.
Bolow Rescue Engine House.
The Leading House.
The Finest and Choicest Goods.
Carl Aaler's Crystal Palace.
Book. Statloiiery, Fancy Goods,
Toys, Baby Carrlagex.
Solid Gold and Silver Jewelry
Watches and Clocks,
Pictures, Albnnis,
And the largest aud finest assortment of
miscellaneous goods north of
San Francisco.
Pianos and Iiical Iostrnoeits.
fy-AH my goods are guaranteed to be aa
represented, and it not satisfactory you will
find me here six months or a year from uow
to make everything right.
A FIItST-CLASS watch-maker In attend
ance. All work guaranteed.
You are cordially Invited to call and In
spect the handsome new goods Just received.
Oysters, Ice Cream,
The New Model. Everything First
Cass Street, rear of Odd-Fellows Building.
Every attention paid my customers, and
the best set before them In first-class style.
Nojtice to Taxpayers.
representation of their taxable proper
ty on the county assessment roll should
hand in their statements immediately, as
the assessor, J. F. Warren Esq. Is now com
pleting the roll, at the court house, or
while the circuit court Is in session at the
office of W. W. Tarker Deputy assessor, on
Chcnamus street, near Benton street.
For Sale.
brook. For particulars Inquire of
Breat Clearance Sale
', fsr&! "' ffggj
Leading Dry Goods
Silks! Silks! Silks!
We are now showing the largest and choicest assort
ment of BLACK and COLORED SILKS ever shown in
Ladies in need of such goods and want to get the
genuine article would do well to give us a call.
Bonnet's famous Black Silks in aU numbers. Rich
Brocaded Silks, Rhadames, Moires and Cet Colored Gros
Grain Silks. Latest Shades. Fancy Brocaded Silks, New
Designs. Evening Silks, in all the latest tints. Summer
Silks in checks and stripes.
Pythian Building,
Best BREA1) in the City.
Finest Ornamental Work
to Order.
At Capt. Rogers old stand, corou. of Cass
and Court Streets.
Ship and Cannery work. Horseshoeiu;.
Wagons made and repaired. Good work
Have Just received a mammoth stock of
Books. The young and old, rich and poor
can all be accommodated.
Kranich &. Bach and aXanrtsfeldt &
Kotnl Pianos and WeMtern
Cottage Organs.
Orders for all kinds of Music orlnstru-
ments win do promptly lined.
NewDiiry & Stras
d. a. Mcintosh
Has opened the Largest and
ami oiin nats in an tne .uaiQsi onaaes ana oian
dard Styles of the Best Mannfacturers,
The Genuine Blaine Hat.
Gents' Furnishing Goods, Fine Underwear, Hosiery, Neck
Wear, Etc., Etc.
Clothing at Reduced Prices
To Make room for Fall Stock which will arrive from the East in a
Few Weeks.
The Leading Clothier, Hatter and Gents' Furnisher.
and Clothing House
- Astoria, Oregon.
- Proprietor.
Kcluilt and Befitted Throughout.
The Best of
For a Good Cigar, call for one of
"Danielson's Best."
Corner "West 9th and Water Streets, Astoria.
J. H. D. GRAY.
Wholesale and retail dealer in.
Hay, Oats, Straw, Wood, Etc.
General Storage and "Wharfago on reason
able terms. Foot of Benton street, Aitorla,
033CjE2A.:E:E3S,3? I
Royal Brand Flour
Manufactured by the
Is of Superior Quality, and Lj Endorsed
by all who use it.
Of Superior RUIng Quality.
Guaranteed io Give Satisfaction.
Sole Agents for Astoria.
Most Complete Stock of Soft
f"v . - .--