The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, August 07, 1884, Image 3

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he giaUji Htfiorhm.
thuksdayIZZZI..!. august 7. m
(Monday excepted)
Terms of Subscription.
Served by Curler, per week locls.
Jt ' M:"U Ier month GOcts.
" one year $7.oo
Free or postage to subscribers.
ESP-Advcrtisements inserted by the year at
ine rate ol S2 per square per month. Tran
sient advertising fifty cents per square, each
Notice To Advertisers.
The Astorian guarantees to its ad
vertisers the largest circulation of any
newspaper published on the Columbia
The Oregon got away ve'terdpv morn
ing. The A. B. Field goes to Tillamook
next Saturday.
The schooner Big River, lumber-laden,
sailed for San Francisco yesterday.
The Clara Parlser comes down with 11
waco excursionists to-day.
m Cleveland's letter of acceptance is pub
lished in the New York papers this morn
ing. The City of Delhi sailed for Liverpool
yesterday. The Gypsy went to Grav's
The county clerk and the sheriff have
a teiepnone in meir omces. xueir num
ber is 12. Ring 'em up.
The Walla Walla is dredging St.
Helen's bar. The Largo Law is some
where between here and Portland.
On the first page of this morning's is
sue will be found a valuable and inter
esting article from the pen of Dr. T. T.
Cabaniss of this city.
It is thought by some of tho members
of the chamber of commerce that a
meeting to discuss matters of public im
portance, say on Saturday evening, would
be in order.
The Congregational church gives an
excursion to lCnappa, on the Gleaner, this
morning. The excursionists leave Wil
son & Fisher's dock at half-past eight,
andLeinenweber's, at upper Astoria, at
nine o'clock.
Every town on this northwest coast is
being scourged by lire this summer.
Seattle,Tacoma, Portland and East Port
land, have hnd severe visitations in the
last ten days. The utmost vigilance is
necessary to prevent a disastrous blaze.
County Clerk Trenchard is busy in tho
moments not in attendance on the court
in issuing naturalization papers to in
tending citizens. Probably no county
in the United States of equal population
has a larger list of naturalizations than
The three courts were all running on
time yesterday, each one having a full
grist. In the police court drunks and
disorderlys were assessed various sums;
in the justice court petty larcenists were
duly convicted, and in tho circuit court in
the case of Borchers vs. Rorglund. the
jury found for the defendant.
Every newspaper man and woman
who visit the northwest write letters to
their respective papers concerning what
they saw. Astoria gets her share of
prominence. The best letter descriptive
of Astoria that has thus far been receiv
ed at The Astobian office this summer is
published in The Woman's 2'ribune, at
Beatrice,Nebraska, and is from the facile
pen of Clara B. Colb3
The Kalama branch of tho Northern
Pacific railroad will be opened on the
20th. Following are the names of tho
stations established along this route and
their distances from Asteria: States 103
miles, Bay View 92, McKay 89, Scapoose
86, Columbia City 80, Deer Island 78,
Hunter's 73, Kalama 70. The ferryboat
Tacoma will ply between Hunter's and
Kalama and convey trains across the
Columbia river.
The chicken that when killed was
found to have $1 75 in gold dust in its
craw is slow in showing up this year.
That yarn is generally due about August
1st. The old man ninety years old that
cuts half a cord of wood before breakfast,
and the woman who has just finished a
quilt with 1,300 pieces on it will be on
hand about next Saturday. Tho cam
paign, however, may interfere with the
usual summer crop.
John Butter has on the waj'S a vessel
that he is building for use on the river.
She is on tho beach alongside the new
steamer being built for the Astoria and
Coast Transportation company. This
craft when completed will be 51 feet long,
18 feet breadth of beam, and will have
great carrying capacity. She will be fur
nished with steam power and is consid
ered to be one of the finest specimens of
her class ever built on this coast.
Among other appropriations made by
congress just prior to adjournment was
$10,000 for the establishment of a light
at the entrance of Gray's harbor and
$7,000 for continuing the survey of the
coast of Oregon, namely, survey from
Umpqua river southward, and including
such river mouths as may be specially
called for, and off shoro hydrography,
and the survey of Columbia river and
Willamette river to the head of ship nav
igation .
Notification and a copy of tho follow
ing section of the now shipping law, ap
proved June 20, 1884, has been been re
ceived: "It shall not be lawful for the
master of any steamship or other vessel
not in distress, after the arrival of the
vessel within any collection district of
the United States, to allow any person or
persons except pilots, officers of cus
toms, health officers, agents of vessels, or
consuls, to oome on board or leave vessel
until she has been taken in charge by
officers of customs, nor after charge so
taken without leave of said officer until
all passengers with their baggage have
been landed. For all violations of the
above a fine of $1000 will be imposed."
At Carnahau & Co.'s may now be seen
what is considered by many the finest
lamp in existence the Casperson electric
lamp for which they are sole agents in
Afitoria. It burns coal oil, but at such a
reduced cost and with such brilliancy
that its name is no misnomer. The make
of the lamp causes a dazzling white
flame that is equal to sixty ordinary can
dles, and is just what is needed in olhces,
halls, dwellings, hotels, churches, stores,
find restaurants.
The lamp3 are made in brass and
nickel and are fully guaranteed. Ask to
see one at Carnahan & Co's. They are
Resolutions of Regrets.
WHEBEAS.SIt hath pleased the Supreme
Ruler of all things to remove from among
us our brother Andrew Bell;
Resolved, That we, the brothers and
asters of Livingstone Lodge, L O. G. T.t
do deeplyZdeplore his untimely removal
from our midst, and we extend our sor
row and heartfelt sympathy to his family
in this their great affliction.
Resolved, That a copy of this resolu
tions be sent to the family of our late
lamented brother.
Livingston Lodge, No. 473, L O. G. T.
W. F. McGeeoob,
M. J. Meaba,
Sittfation Wanted
To do Housework, by a competent
housekeeper. Address box 153, Astor
ia Post-office.
Rarneil to the Jround Yesterday Horning.
Yesterday afternoon Mr. A. W. Berry
of this city received a telegram from
Kalama saying that his cannery at
Rainier was burned up. On the arrival
of the afternoon boat it was learned
that a fire broke out in the cannery at
half-past five yesterday morning and in
a short time the structure was entirely
consumed together with the contents.
There was no one in the cannery at the
time, all work having been suspended and
tho watchman being over at Kuappton.
Mr. Berry's loss is about $14,000, on which
there is about $7,000 insurance.
Work on the new vea3el that the As
toria and Coast Transportation Company
destines for the coast trade, is going on,
and those of our readers who want to
see the lines and model of the finest
steam craft ever built at Astoria will find
it about ready for launching. .
The boat is 123 feet long, 2Gj feet
beam, with 10 feet depth of hold. She
is built in the most thorough and sub
stautial manner throughout, and com
bines beauty of appearance with unusual
streneth of construction. Her builder
J. F. Steffin, who deserves credit for is
excellent work. the
From Captain Babbidge, who found
time yesterday morning to obligingly an
swer u iow questions, it is learneu mat
her foremast is 80 feet, mainmast 81 feet,
foreboom 39 feet, foro gaff 24 feet, main
boom 48 feet, main gaff 25 feet. But it
is on her steam power that the vessel
mostly relies. Jim Fox, who is now busy
putting in and setting up tho machinery,
says that her boilers are built on the
Scotch compound principle, with steel
heads and half inch iron shell, and will
stand a pressuro of 140 pounds to the
square inch; her engines fore and aft,
compound, self-condensing, bilge and air
pumps made of brass, copper pipes
throughout, lead sleeves and brass strain
ers. The engines are 12 and 2t by 20.
There are 23 feet heating surface to the
circular inch of high pressure cylinder,
which is claimed to be one-third more
than usually given. Her shaft is an inch
larger than ordinary, all bearings being
full and long; tho propeller is 8 feet dia
meter, 12 foot pitch, natural screw.
The vessel is a credit to her builders
and owners and deserves liberal patron
age from Astoria and the coast trade.
Sho will probably be launched next Sat
1 tell you Astoria is the coming sec
ond great city of the Pacific Northwest,"
said a prominent resident of Astoria to a
News reporter. "You see," ho continued,
"it is a finely situated town of 8,000 in
habitants and has a harbor second to
none on the coast. Those canneries pack
an enormous amount of salmon and they
throw a good deal of money into circula
tion in Astoria that would otherwise go
elsewhere. It is the best American port
from which to run a line of steamers to
China and Japan. All that the people
want is a railroad to Portland. Then
ships can unload at Astoria's docks with
out having to come to Portland and risk
getting stuck on Sand island bar, St.
Helens bar, or any of those places. The
goods could then bo shipped to Portland
which will become the distributing point,
much more so than it is now, of tho
northwest. Besides if any contagions
disease should get into Astoria Columbia
river is a guard to prevent it from get
ting into Washington territory and its
ravages could bo easily confined within
the city. On the other hand, if it should
break out in Portland it would immedi
ately spread to the suburban towns and
strike terror throughout the whole state.
Anyway I think the city by tho Columbia
will have 25,000 inhabitants by 1890, oc
cupying the second place in the great
state of Oregon. What do you think?"
News. 0.
No Fish Ladder.
Hon. Wallace Baldwin, of Corvallis,
fish commissioner for Oregon, ad
vertised a few weeks since for pro
posals for tho erection of a fish lad
der at Oregon City. Several bids were
received, and considerable interest man
ifested in tho enterprise. It was found,
however, that the proposal of tho lowest
responsible bidder was several thousand
dollars in excess of the amount nppro-
Eriated by tho legislature, which it will
e remembered was but $5000. It was
deemed inadvisable to commence the
erection of the ladder and be compelled
to suspend operations us soon as tho ap
propriation was exhausted. It being the
desire of the commissioner to havo erect
ed one that would not only answer every
purpose for the present, but one that
would last for many years to come, and
prove in every detail satisfactory to all
parties directly interested and to the
taxpayers throughout tho state, Mr.
Baldwin concluded to let the matter re3t
and ask the next legislature to appropri
ate a sufficient amount to insure a first
class ladder. Oregonian, C.
Hamilton Shot.
A dispatch received from the city
of Mexico states that Charles Ham
ilton, who was implicated in the
murder of I. N. Brown at Carrie Brad
ley's bagnio in this city, wis shot at
1 p. x. last Saturday. Twelve men were
detailed from the company towhichthe
soldier murdered by Hamilton belonged,
to act as his executioners. He died
game, seating himself on his coffin and
refusing to have his eyes bandaged. Six
ol tho rifles were loaded with ball car
tridges and six with blank cartridges.
Six bullets pierced the breast of Hamil
ton and ended the life of a murderous,
black hearted man. Oregonian.G.
All kinds of bodily ailments are
cured by tho outward application of
St. Jacobs Oil, the great pain-cure.
Popular Reading No. 8.
.lust received at Adler's Bookstore.
Pianos To Bent.
On favorablo terms; at Carl Adler's
Music Store.
Just Received!
At Carl Adler's: a large stock of new
music, vocal and instrumental. New
music received weekly at Carl Adler's
leading music and book sjpre.
At enormous expense has secured the
services of Professor Ellis, one of
the best white cooks in the state; and
Jeff proposes to excel any of his former
efforts in the culinary art. Italian dish
es a specialty.
Arvold sells Boots aud Shoes cheaper
than any one else in town, because we
buy for cash.
That Hacking Cough can be so
quickly cured by Shiloh's Cure. We
guarantee it Sold by W. K. Dement.
Roscoe Dixon's new eating house
is now open. Everything has been fit
ted up in firstrclass style, and his well
known reputation as a caterer assures
all who like good things to eat, that at
his place they can be accommodated.
Don't pay 50 cents elsewhere when
you can gel the best dinner In town at
JEFF'S for 35 cents.
The Progresb of the World' Exposition.
.Some Account of tho Proposed Exhibit.
Special Correspondence.
Nkw Oblkaks, July 27, 18S4. New Or
leans is a peculiar and an attractive city
to strangers. In area it is tho largest city
in the world. There are more long, wide
streets shaded by trees, and the appar
ently level surface makes locomotion by
street cars pleasant and easy. Canal
street is the broadway of the town,
and may properly be said to bo composed
of two streets, with what is called ''nou
tral" ground between them, giving room
for four sets of street car tracks. At a
point not far from the Mississippi river,
on Canal street, one may find street cars
that are run to remote points, five miles
up or an equal distance down along the
river. From Canal street one may take
a steam car to the lake shore resorts
West End and Spanish Fort. These are
famous places of recreatien: each has its
summer theater, presenting nightly
operas, for the delectation of thousands
of sight seers. .
The streets of New Orleans present an
animated appearance this summer. Ca
nal street has the longest chain of elec
tric lights in the world, and when illum
inated at night it opens a charming view
to the promonader. In former times it
was customary to close many business
houses and patiently await tho coming of
fall trade. Merchants of the present
day find that they must be doing busi
ness at all seasons, or thoy will be dis
tanced by their competitors. The con
strnction of the exposition Gives employ
ment to a large number of persons.
Tho first installment of the loan of
1,000,000 advanced by the United States
Government has been received, lhe
money put in circulation by the exposi
tion management helps, not a little, the
prosperity of the citizens at the present
time. Tho swarm of workmen on the
exposition grounds seem to take
in tho work of erecting such enormous
palaces as now adorn tho bank of the
Mississippi just at its crescent curve.
Tho weather all summer has been de
lightful; the cool breezes from the gulf,
about forty miles distant, have added to
the luxury of those who think that this
is by far the pleasantest j lace in which
to pass the warm months. The season
ha3 been so favorablo that the work on
the two chief buildimrs is nearlv com
pleted. From points far down tho river
tho mammoth Main Building presents a
substantial and showy effect, having re
cently been painted a light lilac, that
arrests and rests the eye. Though the
Main Building is larger far than the
chief building of any world's fair hereto
fore held, it has been found insufficient
to meet the calls of exhibitors for space,
therefore, with duo appreciation of the
paternal generosity of the government,
the Board of Management has decided
to erect an additional building for gov
ernmental and state exhibits, the largest
ever planned for that single purpose.
Tho exhibiting nations, which, at pres
ent, claim most attention and attract the
most interest are, France, China, Persia,
and especially Mexico. Mexico appreci
ates her opportunity and has prepared to
grasp it with an appropriation of 200,
000. Not only will her present state of
progress and her future possibilities be
adequately represented, but also her his
tory, from her conquest by Cortez with
the gorgeous, though cruellv crimson
civilization of the Aztecs, will be. diE
played with that regard to detail and
consummato knowledge of stage effect
which has made Prescott's history of
that country the greatest achievement of
American literature.
The fantastic feather work, the many
colored armor, the strange weapons, the
awful idols and the unique architecture
of their
will bo exhibited on a scale of life-like
and colossal grandeur. As cotton is the
special plant to which tho southern
states of America are indebted for the
bulk of their prosperity, so one plant in
Mexico (the agave Americana) is a par
ticular industry of immense commercial
advantage to the inhabitants. This
Slant, which differs only in climatic con
itions with the common agavo that is a
frequent ornament of New Orleans gar
dens, supplies tho Mexicans with pins
and needles from its sharp thoms, paper
from tho finer grain of its fiber, coarse
thread, house thatch from the rougher
grain, and with its fermented juice a na
tional drink that possesses about tho
acidity of buttermilk, and the elevating
or depressing influence of whisky. This
plant illustrates tho moralist's remark,
"that thorns grow on the tree of intem
perance." Central America will bo represented on
an equally perfect scale. Spanish Hon
duras having applied for permission to
lay out the garden spaoo of her allotment
in a practical map of her territory, show
ing lakes, mountains, volcanoes, rivers,
forests of precious woods, towns, and
railroads, with the exact formation of
soils, grains, grasses and trees in full
growth and luxuriance.
Venezuela and Colombia will likewise
have appropriate representation. In con
trast with these agricultural and horti
cultural countries, the mining states and
territories of the Union- will have
special works of equal significance, such
as miner's cabin and shafts in practical
Another industry, and one of the most
beautiful, will be that of silk, in which
department China, the south of France,
North Carolina, Louisiana and probably
California, will vio with each other for
admiration. Every stage of tho process
from the hatching of the silkworm, its
feeding, spinning, premature death, un
raveling, bleaching, winding, looming,
dyeing, and final metamorphosis into a
fitting garb for a
wiU bo thoroughly exemplified. This
"""" -uumajima uuu .norm Caro
lina, and nrobablv. too. Knnthom;
fornia wiU bq particularly instructive
uuu ucuouuai, iujijruviu not oniy wnat
the South can do, but as opening a field
of delightful labor to person of deli
cate health and especially women. The
machinery department, from tho appli
cations received, promises the most ex
tensive exhibit the world has ever seen:
while to inventors an important corollary
will be furnished by the display of the
United States patent office.
The machinery for uso in tho main
building amounts to 4,500 horso power.
No less than fifteen different firms have
been chosen by the director general over
all sections of tho country, as in fact
have all tho necessary appurtenances for
the construction of the building. Missis
sippi supplying the lumber, Ohio the
roofing, Milwaukee the nails, Pittsburg
the bolts ane washers, and Cleveland the
Everything has been provided for the
safety and comfort of the visitors. A two
hundred and fifty thousand gallon tank
situated on top of the main building in
sures protection against fire. Pipes of
ice water from an ice factory will run all
ever the grounds.
Thousands of electric lights by night,
themselves an exposition, will pour over
all things a flood of serene radiance
typical of the intellectual enlightenment
nuiwu tun puiiuiu pauuiuuin oi me uni-
Tersewiii anora. Webfoot,
Bo You Think that Jefl of
The Chop Ilouse
Gives you a meal for nothing, and a
glass of something to drink? "Not
much!" but he gives a better meal and
more of it than any place in town for
25 cents. He buys by the wholesale and
pays cash. "That settles it,"
Buy your Lime of Gray at Portland
101 in the shade at Seattle last Satur
Alexander Dunlap, a carpenter aged
50 years, was found drowned at Portland
last Tuesday.
Umatilla county stock raisers threaten
to take tho law in their own hands
should there bo further failure to punish
men caught stealing cattle.
A new and powerful tug was completed
and launched at Port Ludlow on July
22d. It is owned by Pope & Talbot and
will be used on Puget Sound.
Tho sawmill about four miles back
from Vancouver, known as Zeck's mill,
was totally destroyed by fire on the 2nd
hist., together with a considerable
amount of lumber stored near by.
Tho lava fields north of Snake river,
towards Shoshone are on fire and pas
sengers from there report that thousands
of acres have been burned over, and
the fire is threatening to destroy
the great river range of Idaho.
The firo is said to be the conse
quence of a growing feud between ranch
ers and stock raisers, which led the latter
to fire the sagebrush and the unusually
heavy grass of this year, winch had got
pretty well dried on the ground. This
was expected to keep the stockmen from
encroaching on the range of the. ranch
Captain Paysou. of the United States
light houso engineering service, started
yesterday for Humboldt to pay off the
men who have been at work at tho site
of the proposed light house at St. George's
Reef off Crescent City. The site is more
exactly known as northwest Seal Bocks
and is about eight miles off shore, and
workmen have made their home in a ves
sel near the rocks. The estimated total
cost of tho lightls $200,000. Congress ap
propriated 50,000 for operations the first
year and 50,000 the next. The sea breaks
over the rock even in summer time. In
winter it is impossible to work.
To get a foothold at first was
a matter of difficulty and danger. The
sharp point of the rock was blasted off,
leaving enough for courses of stone to be
laid upon, and the sides of the rock were
terraced. After operations had proceed
ed thus far and Capt. Payson and sur
veyors had succeeded in getting tho
measurements which they desired to ob
tain, men were set to work in the quar
ries back of Humboldt to dig out the
stone which now forms the base of tho
house. It was dressed in Crescent City and
carried by craft to the reef, where with
great trouble, it was placed in position.
This work occupied tho entire season.
It was supposed that congress, at its last
session, would make an adequate appro
priation to continuo the work. The sum
of 150,000 was asked for, but only 30r
000 were appropriated. It is impossible
to do much on tho lighthouse with this,
and it is feared that tho storms of the
coming winter will wash away all that
has been done. Tho money appropriated
will be expended in continuing to get out
stono at the Humboldt quarries. Only a
part of the force now employed can be
retained. S. F. Bulletin.
Now the belles and the beaux,
In their light, summer cleaux,
To tho picmv grounds hie them away,
"Where the lovely wild reaux
In bright beauty bleaux,
And the song-birds make music all day.
A Fact.
Messrs. Abell fc Son, the Leading Pho
tographers, havo largest, most complete
and the handsomest furnished photo
graphic gallery on tho Pacific coast.
Work as line, prices less than San Fran
cisco. 20 Washington St., Portland.
ForaXrat Fitting Boot
Or Shoe, go to P. J. Goodmans, on Che
namus btrcot, next door to I. W. Case.
All goods of the best make and guaran
teed quality. A full stock; new goods
constantly arriving. Custom work.
everyday from 4:30 to 8 o'clock. The
best iVciMit meal in tewn: soup, Ssh,
seven kinds of meats, vegetables, pie,
pudding, etc. Tea or eoffee included.
All who have tried him say Jeff is the
Stop That Cough
By going to J.E. Thomas's and getting
a bottle of Leroy's Cough Balsam.
It will cum: you.
Furnished Rooms to Rent.
Inquire at Mif. Campbell's, over (5em
I'opul r PliyslrlHiiM.
There is a growing demand on all
sides for remedies agreeable to the
taste as well as beneficial in effect, and
the leading physicians and druggists
gladly welcome to the listof new reme
dies all preparations possessing real
merit and a pleasant taste. It is now
admitted by all who havo tried the new
remedy, which is having such an im
mense sale Syrup of Figs that it is
the most agreeable and efficacious prep
aration ever discovered. If you want
the best. of all Liver medicines and pur
gatives, Syrup of Figs is your choice.
Trial bottles tree and large bottles for
sale by W. E. Dement
The latest patterns and stvles of
Ginghams and Calicoes, at the Empire
A full line of ladies' and children's
Shoes, latest styles, to be found cheap
at Arvold's, sign of tho Golden Shoo.
"llackmetack." a lasting and fra-
grant perfume. Price 35 and 50 cents,
old by W. K. Dement
Arvold will sulfa large stock of Boots
and Shoes at cost, nt the Leading boot
and shoe store.
A full linn nf I .nil Ira' T.nno 1UI nf nil
descriptions, to bo found at the Empire
AH the patent medicines advertised
in this paper, together with the choicest
perfumers', and toilet articles, etc-can
be bought at the lowest prices, at J. W.
Conn's drug store, opposite Oclden
hctel, Astoria.
Boston Baked Beans and Brown Bread
every Sunday at Jeffs from 5 a. m. to
2 p. M.
Gray sells Sackett Bros. Al sawed
cedar shingled.
Catarrh cured, health and sweet
breath secured by Shiloh's Catarrh Rem
edy. Prh:e 50 cents, Masai Injector free.
For sale by W. E. Dement
sms. a. irc Atcomrs.
TY DAYS all Trimmed Hats and
SUMMER GOCDS at c.h, to close out my
Summer Stock and make room tor a Large
Involco or FALL GOODS. -VOW is the
time for
Come and See aad Be Coaviaccd.
Stockholders' Meeting.
there will be a meeting of the stock
holders of the Odd Fellows' Land and Build
ing Association, in the lodge room of Beaver
jjoage rio. 35, i. u. u. tr.. on Saturday. Aug.
23, 18S4. at 2 p. r. A full attendance is re
quested. A.JiMEGLKB.
A. F. Johns returned from the Seaside
F. C. Norris, who has been at Tansey
point for the last few months, has re
turned to the city.
Col. B. B. Srerirtan nnrl T-rffo nn fn
"Ptl, n: mm it? .
.uu.uu ui, . j.., ima morning on a
three months visit to their friends.
Wm. E. Howell, after three weoks ex
perience in Astoria "Journalism," retires,
and goes as traveling agent for the Ore
gonian. Wm. Mowry, ono of tho leading edu
cators of the nation, was among our vis
itors yesterday. Mr. Mowry owns and
edits threo publications in Boston.
Goods are Slaughtered
Sait and Cloak House. .
Your On Prices !
Garments Made to Order
Goods Sold by the Yard.
sg Remember this will only
last a few days.
Below Rescue Engine House.
LEO. 1. STOCK, - Manager.
The Leading House.
The Finest and Choicest &oofls.
Carl Ato's Crystal Palace.
Books, Stationary, Fancy Goods,
Toys, Baby Carnage.
Solid Gold and Silver Jewelry
Watches and Clocks,
PIctnres, Albums,
Aud the largest and finest assortment ot
miscellaneous goods north of
San Francisco.
Pianos and Musical Instruments.
E-AU my goods ore guaranteed to be as
represented, and If not satisfactory you will
find me here six months or a year from now
to make everything right.
A FIRST-CLASS watch-maker la attend
ance. All work guaranteed.
You are cordially invited to call and in
spect the handsome new goods Just received.
P. Blankholm.
Cigars, Tobacco and Notions,
Cor. Squemoqua and Olney streets, Astoria.
Fishermen's Headquarters.
And a complete outfit, of Best Quality, and
at the LOWEST PRICE of any Estab
lishment in the city.
Have opened a New Stock of Al goods In the
Siurc iic.vfc umi " - w..w, ..
To all Customers.
Git: at I :
learn Sa
Dealer in
Cigars, Tobacct and Ciganttis
Meerschaum and Brier Pipes,
Revolvers and CartridgM.
fibBriSBBNw ff fcvBiHtBmsffitfltffr HJaffpy flBUttBiQFl
Leading Dry Goods
Silks! Silks! Silks!
We are now showing the largest and choicest assort
ment of BLACK and COLORED SILKS ever shown in
Ladies in need of such goods and want to get the
genuine article would do well to give us a call.
Bonnet's famous Black Silks in all numbers. Rich
Brocaded Silks, Rhadames, Moires and Cet Colored Grog
Grain Silks. Latest Shades. Fancy Brocaded Silks, New
Designs. Evening Silks, in all the latest tints. Summer
Silks in checks and stripes.
Pythian Building,
Best BREAD in tho City.
Finest Ornamental Work
to Order.
a. A. STINSON & CO.,
At Capt. .Rogers old stand, comer of Cass
and Court Streets.
Ship and Cannery work. Horseshoeing.
Wagons made and repaired. Good work
Newbury & Sevens
Have just received a mammoth stock, of
Books. Tho young aud old, rich and poor
can all be aorenunodated.
Krsalek A Bach and Ufandaffeldt A.
Xotal Piaaes aad Western
Cottage Orsans,
Orders for all kinds of Music or Instru
ments will he promptly filled.
D. A. MclNTO
Fine Clofc Straw Hals,
Fine UMerwear,
Choice Summer Suitings
Made to
and Clothing House
- Astoria, Oregon.
Rebuilt and Refitted Tlironjrhout.
The Best of
For a Good Cigar, call for one of
"Danielson's Best."
Corner West Oth and "Water Streets. Astoria.
J. H. D. ftRAY.
Wholesale and retail dealer In.
Hay, Oats, Straw, Wood, Etc.
General Storage and "Wharfage on reason
able terms. Foot of Benton street, Astoria,
o:E3::EuaL:F:E3sra i
Royal Brand Flour
Manufactured by the
Is of Superior Quality, and is Endorsed
by all who use It.
Of Superior Itlslng Quality.
Guaranteed to Give Satisfaction.
Mole Ascnts for Astoria.
Ma Large Sizes.
order ait
es! !