Czj ftc gattjj ltotf&tu .ASTORIA, OREGON: TUESDAY- JULY 29. 18SJ DIFFERENCE IN PHRASING IN ENGLAND AND AMERICA. The following peculiarities in speech in England and America are noted by ebservers: Aii American takes a passage "on" a boat, an Englishman takes his "in" it; a "railroad" in America is a "rail way" in England; the American "lo comotive" is the English "enginef the former "switches off," the latter is "shunted" to a side track; our "de pot" is the English -"station," for they use "depot only in its original sense, as a magazine where stores are deposited; we send by "mail," they by "post;" the "baggage" of an Amer ican traveler is the "luggage" of an Englishman; one "buys a ticket for" the end of his journey, the other is "booked for" his destination. If we take a "hack we mean a coach, but- the English hack is a riding horse. In shopping the same difference exists. An American "hardware merchant" is an English "ironmonger;" "dry goods" here are there known as "haberdash er;" and though we may buy "cali coes" at' our "stores," we must not -fail to ask for "prints" at the LondSn "shops:" Again, in dress, the Eng lishman wears "trousers" and "braces," the American "pantaloons" and "suspenders;", an Englishwoman may appear in a "gown," the Ameri can wears a "dress;" only a child in America puts on a "frock," but in England it is the name of a man's garment. A "levee" in England means, correctly, only morning recep tions. In America it may be attend ed at night The language of coun try life varies widely, or the same words are used with various mean rings. "Lumber" in America is wood for building, and is a source of am ple revenue; in England it is worth less; and is used merely for trash that is cumbrous and in the way, as the dismembered relics of old furni ture in an unvisited lumber room. The plain tables and shelves of "board" here are "deal" tables and shelves in the old country. The supply of scandals in the New York newspapers has increased per ceptibly since the "war of rates" be gan, the idea seeming to be that cheap journalism to be successful must also be nasty. Not only is the country scoured for vile private scandals, which would never otherwise extend beyond the narrow limits of the towns and villages in which they oc cur, Imt lilts licivspapeiB lliciuselvea are engaging in the detective busi ness, and in a larger and more thor ough way peformiug the function which formerly belonged exclusively to the police courts. So soon as a scandal comes to light anywhere now adays many of even the great metro politan dailies let loose a horde of reporters on its trail They investi gate it in all its ramifications, inter view all the parties to it, secure state ments from both sides, and publish the whole nauseating story to the world, omitting no filthy detail which can be obtained. The most conspicu ous portions of our leading morning journals in all our large cities are giv en up to this kind of news, and the search for it becomes more eager each day. The assertion that nothing in na ture is wasted has been exemplified by an ingenious Philadelphian, who buys old rubber overcoats, shoes, belts, car-springs and hose, and man ufactures them into toys for the children, and chewing gum for the girls. The dainty overshoe which in winter protects the tiny foot of a fair maiden may next summer be trans formed into a toothsome morsel for her pearl-lined mouth. The water proof coat which protects the philos opher from the rain may eventually prove a boomerang in the shape of a ball in the hands of a small boy, and cause floods of tears when the lad is punished for throwing it at the origi nal wearer. The manufacturer of these metemorphoses should not stop here.- Let him apply his inventive genius to the evolution of wornout presidential booms. They possess such resilient properties that they could easily be converted into elas tic consciences for politicians who wax fat on unfilled promises. Theek is already a tremendous boom in campaign medals. The fiery heat of the preliminary skirmishes has -induced the manu facturers of these significant deco--rations to turn out an unusually large supply. They expect to sell sev eral hundred thousands of them. Boys will wear them, enthusiastic young men will sport them, and even middle-aged and old campaigners will pin them proudly on the military side of their waistcoats. The ladies, of course, will purchase medals, and wear them, too, upon special occa sions. m Perfect impartiality in the matter of size will be shown in the medals of the different candidates. The classic countenances of Blaine and Logan and the noble features of Cleveland and Hendricks will separ ately be placed upon a piece the size of. a silver dollar. - The watchword among the cam 'paign highwaymen of "Washington is, "Your money or your place." It is difficult for the Emperor of all the Eussians to enjoy himself. There is no Hwaco for him, no Sea side, no Tillamook. If he ascends to thejoof a dagger awaits his coming; if he descends to the cellar a bomb shell stares him in the face. He is liable to find arsenic in his soup, strychnine in his pot-pie and Paris green in his pudding. He cannot even smoke a pipe without running the risk of blowing off the dome of his head: and as for attending a pic nic, or anything of that kind, he might as well go drown himself in the Neva. He was going, poor man, to "Warsaw to seek a little change, but the plotters had gone there ahead of him. The plans for his last boom had been laid. AstorianF, as they enjoy themselves, can think over these matters. Several ladies propose this sum mer to take an active part in the pro ceedings of the Concord School of Philosophy. They will study the thusness of the thitherward and the thereness of the hereafter. They will dive into the depths of Emersonian philosophy and lose themselves in the mist of German transcendentalism. Such material and foolishly frivolous things as bonnets will receive no sort of attention unless to analyze the subtle influence which they exercise upon a weaker type of sex. Should any fair thinker in spectacles under take to extract philosophy from ice cream or from that other curious ex tract of bliss known as flirtation, she will no doubt, be voted of too earthly and grovelling a nature for the associa tion of culture. Yet the bonnetr girls get husbands first. Not long ago the Legislature o the state of Maryland reduced the fee for a marriage license from four dollars to fifty cents in order to keep her young people from patronizing Virginia preachers. Now New Jerr seyhas just reduced the fee in that state to twelve cents. "What .effect these measures will have upon mat rimony in those states remains to be seen. In this state two dollars and fifty cents fee is required, the dou ceur to the dominie being optional with the groom. No matter what the fee may be it seldom proves an im pediment to the man who has made up his mind to embark upon the voy age of matrimony. The government spends 50,000 a year for the repair of mail pouches; there are about 100,000 mail bags in use, and about 10,000 new ones are bought yearly. The weakest point in the mail sack is where it closes and opens. In closing the bag the staples are pushed through the slots and project an inch or more. When the bag is thrown about, the staples soon bend and often break. It looks strange that this little item should cost the government so much money, and it seems as if our in venters ought to invent a new mail bag and obviate the objection : ferred to in the old one. It is said that the new torpedo boat of Capt. John Ericson will be one of the most terrible of all en gmes of warfare. This boat, now nearly completed, will be able to overtake the swiftest vessel afloat,can elude all missiles that may be hurled at it, and will carry a torpedo which can shatter and sink the strongest ship. The torpedo differs from all others, and the firing will be either by electricity or compressed air. Large fortunes are rare in Switzer land, and the salaries of public func tionaries very modest. The presi dent of the confederation receives 3,000 a year, few judges more than $1,250, and there is probably no bank manager in the country who gets more than -twice that amount A man with an income of $2,500 is con sidered very well off indeed, and to have $5,000 is to be rich. A meeting of London gas engi neers assures the world that the ethereal illuminant can hold the fort against any possible device in electri city. The price there is only 66 to 75 cents per 1,000 feet, and it is inti mated that figures lower yet may be reached and still a profit preserved. In Kansas a trick to evade the liquor law is to have an obscure room stocked vrith drink and give keys to all customers. They enter at pleasure and get their drink, depositing the cash m a box. No one is seen to re ceive the money, and hence the great difficulty of conviction. It has been recently proposed to prevent petroleum fires by placing a bottle of ammonia in each barrel of the oil, on ignition, by accident or otherwise, the bottle would break, and the effect of the ammoniacal va pors fires. would be to extinguish the Judging from the arguments ad duced by politicians of both parties this country will not be supremely prosperous and happy until it has two presidents. Then the millen nium will come in with a hurrah. The oldest vessel afloat is a ship of 900 tons, called the True Love. She is over 100 years old and is a mer chant ship in active duty, sailing un der the English flag. Her course mupt have run tolerably smooth. A town in Connecticut had a mar riage, an elopement, a fire, a funeral, a circus, a murder and a thunder storm on the same day, and Dead wood is asked to take a baok seat. Investigation of the English civil service list shows some funny ways of disposing of public money. The most singular is the position at pres ent held by a Mr. Charsley, who gets $i,000ayear "or labor in locking up the king's treasury in 1826." General Boseorans is credited with having introduced more bills in congress than any other member of the house, leading the list with 160. Vance of North Carolina cornea next, being the author of 120 bills. Nearly all the Southern papers charge from $2 to $10 per head for announcing political candidates. In this manner the press prevents a rush of over twenty candidates for each office. Logan's letter having been submit ted to a committee of grammarians is pronounced all correct ' m Ben Butler proposes to be inaug urated in a suit entirely made- up of tanned greenbacks. Even the opponents of Governor Cleveland admit that he is as hand some as a picture. It will be a cold day for many an Arctic explorer before the North Pole is painted red. NEW TO-DAY. CLATSOP COUNTY BRANCH OF Americaii MercantileSCollBGtion ASSOCIATION Jtoom No. l. White House building, Astoria Bills collected in any part of the United Slates or uanauas. This association has overo.03-1 correspond ents. LANGDON, STICKLES & CO. Lost. iHECK NO. 3.099. IX FAVOK OF MKS J Hannah Schunng, on the bank of I. W. case, lor isa. rayment on tins onecK nas Deeu stopped, i-inner win ue rewarded uy bringing it to ine. ANDREW SCIIURIXU. Notice IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THERE will be a Stockholders' meeting of the Garibaldi Tacking Co.. the 2nd day f Aug ust, 1S84, at 10 a. 3r., at 'Longshoremen's Hall No. 2. By order of the president, CHAS. WICKSTKOM. Picked up. ON THE NIGHT OF JULY ii, ABOUT 80 fathoms 45-mesh net. branded on leau w. i". &UO. The owner can hae the sainebv calling at the I. X. L. cannery, proving property aim paying cuargus. Notice of Application. TfcTOTinF. TS TTKTIERV fITVP VTITAT TOP 11 undersigned will, at .the next regular meeting oi i ue uommon council oi me cuv of Astoria, Clatsop County, Oregon, apply to said Council for a licenso to retail wine, malt and sphituous liquors in less quanti ties than one Quart, for the neriod of one year, from Augiut 9th. 1SJ4. in the building situated on lxt No. 1. Block No. 25, and fronting on Chenamus street in the city of Astoria, Clatsop Couutv. Oregon, as which building is known as The Old Corner. I. 1. KIkV II .1, Astoria, July fStlUSSL Occidental Hall C. W. CORNELIUS Lessee and .Manager For two jiights, August 1st and 2d-SpeciaI engagement or the distinguished artist. MISS r Supported by the talented actor, Mr. C. G. CRAIG and a complete Dramatic Company. Priday Evening, August 1st, 1884, CHARLOTTE THOMPSON'S coi.iedy drama (suggested by Charlotte Bronte's famous work) in three acts and a prolf guo. entitled JANE EYRE ! As played by Miss Thompson HO nights at the Union Square theatre. N. Y., and for more than 3000 times in the various cities of America. Flashes of Merriment ! Glimpses of Pathos ! Overflowing with Pun ! Absorbing in Interest The iHrfnnnnnr fur Hiocrinnii imi i.ici night (Saturday) will be selected from the iuiiuuj jiiaja : MISS MULTONl NELL aWYXXEI EAST LYNNE ! PRICES si.oo and 35c. f5fSMt IfPSITVPlI "It tlio Ilvivil New York Novelty Store. " ' Wood Yard. Another Reduction to Suit Hard Times. UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE THE ASTO ria Wood Yard. Gray's Dock, foot of Benton street, uill sell wood at the follow ing prices and deliver wherever the streets are planked, between Trullingcr's Mill and O'Brien's Hotel, back to Astor street : Green Alder, 2-cut $4 25 per cord, long S3 50 Dry do do 4 CO do do 3 73 Gr'uHemlo'k do 4 25 do do 3 50 Dry do, do 4 50 do do 3 75 Green Fir do 4 CO do do 3 75 Dry Fir do 4 73 do do 4 00 Extra Maple and S. limbs do 5 50 do do 5 00 Vine Maple and S. limbs do 5 25 do do 4 75 Wood of All Kinds By the Scow load at REDUCED HATES. , t T J. II. D.GUAY' Astoria, June 1st, lSSl. T. G. RAWLINGS, Wholesale and Retail Dealer In Tropical, Domestic, Green and Dried flUTS. CANDIES, DRIED MEATS, ETC. Fine Cigars and Tobacco. Next door to I. J. Arvold's, Squemoqua St. Stockholders' Meeting. NSiLE JS .HEREBY GLVEN TILVT . there will be a nieetlne of the stock holders of the Odd Fellows'lalid and BuIM Tii00' J? e lod8e room of Beaver &d,!?ffl-20' T - - F-i on Saturday. Aug, ?ue& ir Af,1,i aUendance re- A.J.MEGLER. " Secretary. A Seven Room House To Let. IN A DESIRABLE LOCALITY. Inquire at this office. For Sale. flE HOUSE AND LOT IN ALDER- v urooK. For particulars taaulre of dw THOMES &KKOWLES. IJilll IlilK Thompson THE HOW BED B& Q ! I E PLA1 ma B hi uQaci A NEW DEAL ALL 'SOUND. Something of Importance to Everyone that Lives in the City of Astoria. Wm. The WELL-KNOWN BUILDER, has bought from W. W. PAKKER, thelargc Sash and Door Factory known as 'Hansen Bros.' Mill," And makes public the announcement of the fact. His well-known reputation as a Successful Builder and Contractor, and the Quality of the Stock he furnishes, is his guarantee that any one ordering materia'! at his place will be able, to GET JUST "WHAT LtMY WANT, promptly on time, and AT LOWEST FIGURES. A Full Stock of Sash and on Hand or- Made to Order. Bids and Estimates Furnished, and Orders Solicited. BUILDERS, CARPENTERS unii, examine siock ana give a trial order. WILLIAM HOWE, PBOPRIETOR. THE HOWE PLANING MILL f Carpets! Carpets! Carpets! Wc h? to call the attention of. the public to our latest importation, direct from Eastern manufacturers, of the X.&JR.G-EtSX SrjTTTOXCE; OP CARPETS E12H w Kver offered for sale in this city, FINEST BODY BRUSSELS In the Newest Tints and Shades, J' ,mVf?! ,'.',lcc'1 ar.".c,i: '" 'H'1 ,illc", Wo tiin Vwcii.uit.. AV VXy wt i i . . the possibility of Ileitis Undersold I13- IX Furniture and House Furnishing Line Wccan show you the Terr BEST GOODS at BOTTOM FIGURES, and shall he pleased to receive a call for inspection whether you purchase or not. ieeu CHAS. HEILBORN. New Establishment! HEW FBIC1SK .Jplllllllllm Carpets, Matting, Pictures, Mirrors, PICTURE FRAMES MOULDINGS, JETC, ETC. At Greatly Reduced Prices, And cordially invite a call from our friends 1:1 e i"1001 to become a permanent fixture in this place and trust to receive a liberal share of patronage from the public. ASTORIA FURNITURE CO., Cor. Chenamus and Hamilton Sts. II. Drr "BTTrsso Manntrer. NG MILL HOWE, Door Work, Mouldings, etc., and CONTRACTORS invited to ,i ni i. ii usa coinrtriMny all grades, from the a0 determined to dispose of our stock ot "'" -" siicwai niuuceinciiis, preen umg any or our Competitors. THE w e take pleasure in announcing, that hav ing purchased the stock of the late firm of E. J). Curtis & Co., and and having made many New and Attractive Additions1 We now offer for sale the MOST C03IPLETE LINE OF FURNITURE HOUSE Furnishing Goods, and the public generally. I Por The Tinest Groceries. For The Freshest Vegetables, For The Most Complete Assortment, For Absolute Satisfaction, In Filling and Delivering All Orders, Call at FRANK L. Family Grocery and Provision Store, Corner Benton and Chenamus Streets, Opposite Custom House Square. t- - - 1 TEP. apply to the Captain, or to EMPIRE STORE THE ONLY Exclusive Dry Goods House IEC ASTOSIA. Our Stock Is The Most Complete, Our Prices At Roct Bottom And Our Anxiety To Sell Ts Unequaled! We Are Always at the Top of the Market And "With Us You Will Find THE LATEST NOVELTIES IN OUR LINE As Fast As They Appear In Eastern Markets. WE INVITE INSPECTION OF OUR LATEST IMPORTATION -OF Ladies' and Infants' White Goods, Skirts, Parasols, Silk Mitts, Gloves in Lisle, Silk and Cotton, Fans, etc., etc. PRAEL BROS. John A, Montgomery, DKAI.Elt iy Tin, Sheet Iron and Copper Ware. A General Assortment of HOUSEHOLD GOODS. Agents for Magee Stoves and Ranges The Best in the market. Pmmbins goods of all kinds on hand. Job work done In a workmanlike maimer PLUMBING, GAS FITTING, AND CANNERY WORK Attended to Promptly on Reasonable Terms. Chennmns Street, Next to C Ij. Parker's Store. THE NEW MODEL A FULI. STOCK SI. OLSEX. .1. GUSTAFPOX. . A. J0rTX3ON MARTIN OLSEN & CO. DEALERS IN" FURNITURE S BEDDING Corner Ztlain and Squemoqua Streets. Astoria, Oregon. WINDOW SHADES AND TRIMMNGii; WALL PAPER, ETC. A Complete Stock. PRICES AS CHEAP AS QUALITY WILL APFORD. AIX KIKBS OF FURSITUKE REPAIRED AND VARKISXCED. FOR Finest Groceries, -GO TO- FOARD k STOKES. A FULL LINE OF HARDWARE AND Ship Chandlery. A NEW SLIP Just Finished in Rear of Store. HEADQUARTERS FOR Toys, Fancy Goods, Stationery, 1 CUTLERY. ETC. Fresh Fruit Received Daily. A Full Stock of Smokers Ar.icles. NEW GOODS CONSTANTLY ARRIVING. CHAS. A. MAY, Clienamu3 street, south side, one door Iromeass. PARKER'S STEAMER i'UiU P1RKER Eben P. Par her, Master. L'rTJVIXt;. FREIGHT or CHAR. H. . PAKKCIt. NC5?'" ItANGE CAN BE HAD IN" AS TORIA ONLY OF Em A. MAWB&, AGEM CAIJ. AND EXAMINE IT. Yll WILL BE PLEASED. K. K. HAWES Is also agent for thr Ml jateit Coolaflp; Stove And other first-clas3 Stoves. Fnrnaoo "Work. Steam Fit- tinSs. etc.. n. nTJnnlnlftr. ALWAYS ON HAND. THE LATEST STYLES IN WALL PAPER AT B. B. FRANKLIN'S, NEXT DOOR TO ASTORIAN OFFICE. A very large Stock from which to select. "Window curtains made to order. Sily patent Trimmer to cut Wall Taper will he lound convenient to my patrons. Hardware anS Slip Chandlery A. VAN DUSEN & CO.. DEALEKS IX Hardware and Ship Chandlery Pure Oil, Bright Varnish, Binacle Oil, Cotton Canvas, Hemp Sail Twine, Cotton Sail Twine, Lard Oil, Wrought Iron Spikes, Galvanized Cnt Nails, Agricnltural Implements, Sewing Machines, Faints ana Oils, Grocertes, etc,