Pf3 lite attg stodam ASTORIA, OREGON: THURSDAY. JULY24.1SS4 SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE PORT OF ASTORIA. ARRIVAL PRUT SKA Kirkwoi d, Brsp 129 Sydney July 23 VESSELS IX THE Rl VER. Alden Bespe, Am bk MfWashincton. Am sp City of Delhi. Br ep Martha ruber, Bcllo ci Oregon, Am bk Coloma. Alameda, Am sp Aeolus. VESSELS OA TEE WAY. From Forcleu Ports, fcr the C'olnnsbla Hirer Abeona, Br sd Glasgow May 23 Alpheta. Br bk London Mar 31 Brittania, Gerbk Liverpool June 2G City of York. Greenock April 11 Grisedale, Brsp Liverpool. April 9 Jupiter. Br bk Liverpool April 15 Largo Law. Br sp Hull March IS Navcfcink, Am bk Hone Kobe May 2& "Terra. Gcr bk Liverpool May 7 From American Ports. O S Bement, Am sp 1900 Philadelphia April 29 tiih: takIiE fok astokia. JULY. HIGH WATER. j LOW WATKK. I First. Second. First. Second. SHSHSHl:-'; h W. X l' " ' "n- ,. '" " fe, , S i 17 20 23 24 24 24 10 28 1123a 012-J 0 01a 0 41 1 11 1 .i7 2 C7 3 27 4 'Si 5.'!1 0 42 r4 2-3 21 2-0 111 17 15 13 7. 14 10 3-" 114a 0 4t-i 0-llff 1 2T, 2 07 2.r3 3 45 4 43 5 44 0 45 7 48a The hours between midnight :md noon are designated by a (a. ji.). those between noon and midnight by p (p. i.). OA. oOro a denotes midnight, oft. 00m. v denotes noon. The height is reckoned from the level of average lower low waters to wiucn tnesoimu ings are given on the Coast Survey charts. Columbia River Exports. SniPSIEXTS FOUKION. JAXUAKY, '84. Wheat, ar0.C75 bus S3C7.276 Flour, &5.290 bbls 422.GG6 Total 10 rat-goes 789.942 n-r.nuAitv. Wheat. 314,113 bus $313,082 Flour, 49 009 bbls 221.C97 Salmon, 401 es 2.005 7 18a 8 24 9 20 0-1 7 32p 77 1 23a 13 1 ISp 0-0 8 2." 7"S 2 24 l'O 2 05 0-0 1 13 8 0 3 24 07 2 57 02 1) 511 81 4 21 03 3 43 0-5 10 40 83 5 23 -01 4 33 0-8 IX 20 8'5 0 13 -0-G 5 28 --, 0 5S 72 ( 57 -08 (5 17 87 1 38 7-5 7 311 -09 7 02 TU 2 14 7-8 8 13 -01) 7 43 !)-l 2 45 80 8 4S -O'S 8 .'tt S-8 3 14 8-0 Jl 10 -OX OS 82 3 40 71) !) 41 -U2 9 40 75 4 18 7-8 10 14 03 10 40 70 4 57 7-0 10 47 08 11 33 0-5 5 47 7V 11 31 13 - - 01 0 47 7-0J 0 40 l'l 0 21) 5-il 7 51 77 1 4!) Oil 1 31 (i-0 8 51 711 3 02 0-5 2 42 G-2 10 00 81 4 10 02 3 4D 0-G 11 00 81 5 32 -03 153 7-1 1 51 8-7 R 3S -07 5 5!) -'- 1 31 7 0 7 30 -01) 0 57 8-8 2 14 80 S 02 -0 0 7 50 8-7 2 47 8"? 8 4". -0 7 8 30 8'4 3 17 8-3j D 17 -lr3 9 20 80 3 45 82 9 49 00 10 08 74 4 13 81 10 15 03 11 00 08 4 52 7D 10 47 10 11 52 0-3 5 42 77 11 31 10 3D 0 33 7-0 0 47 0"C 0 19 58 7 30j17-G 1 41a 0C 1 Up Total, 9 c-t:goos $3-H.CC4 aii:iu Flour. 32.4'tt bbls $150,714 Wheat, 22.1,054 bus 201.310 Total, 5 caigoes $355,200 may. 5 To Quccnsloicn per Otirc S. Southard. Wheat, 57,715 bus $49,372 . 22 To QucemUnrn per Sumner J". Mead. Wheat. 52,78 bus $45.9.,0 JUXK. 12 To Liverpool per El;da1c. Flour, 13.513 bbls $33.82S Wheat, bus 8.S00 Salimm, !)5o0 es 47,023 Total $109,750 12 To Q:'crifotru jer Jorralfarcr. Wheat, 3t),8C2 bus $32,009 14 To QuccnxUncn jicr Norseman. Wheat, 33,000 bus "30,000 Copper Ore, 110,300 lu 4 2.500 Total 32,500 17 To IAtcrjHml per Itata, Flour. 5000 bbls ....$25,000 "Wheat. 29,200 bu 20,300 Salmon, bC40 cs 43,200 Total $91,500 17 To Liverpool per Clia. Cotcmcorth, "Wheat, 42,327 bus $ no.Stt Salmon, 13,&r8 cs .... GS.290 Total $107.SJi) 20 To Quccnxtoicn icr TutJionoux. Flour, 19.472 bbls $01,501 23 London per Alisrysticith Cattle. Salmon, 22.0CO cs $111,800 Flour, 9,231 bbls 43,970 Total $133,770 .IUI.V. 12 To Qucenloicn per lied Cross. "Wheat, G5.915 bus 3rs,8fl 15 To London per Jonic Jamison. Salmon, 22,510 cs "?IlG,OS0 17 To Liverpool per IVoodlarU. Salmon, 30.0S7 cs $180,435 Tl' ISOAT CHARGES. Following is the schedule of prices for towage mi ana out over ine-joiumbla Bar : For vessels not Inward .Outward. exceeding Loaded. Ballast. 800 tons.Sl50 $150 $130 800 to 1000 tons... 200 175 175 1000 to 1200 tons... 225 200 200 1200 to 1400 tons... 275 225 250 1400 to 1600 tons.- 300 250 300 Astoria ICetnil market. Flour per sack S1.33. Wheat, per cental Sl.752.00 Oats, Sl.75?.00. Bacon, sides per Yb, 15 to 18 cts. Shoulders, " 12 cts. Hams, " 1G19 cts. Lard, v " Ul6Kct& Beef, 12K18 cts. Mutton, 1215 cts. Pork, 12X5 cts. Veal, 1518 cts. Butter, per roll "w70 cts. Ercs, per dozen3340 ' cts. Potatoes, new, per tb 11cLs Cheese, per B 1G20 to 40 cts. Cornmeal, per lb 4 cts. Oatmeal, " filets. Beans, " 4i cts. Coffee, 12K40cb. Tea, 2390cls. -ce, " 8 10 cts. bURiir, yi4 c. byrup, per gallon 70c Si. Honey, per gallon Sl.40. balnion, per kitSS. Onions, per lb J:5cts. Apples dried per lb 1018 cts. Peaches " 13 is cts. Plums, " l2K!Rets. Candles, per lb 20 cts. Chickens, per dozen S;. Hay, per ton S25. Hides, per lb (i 9 cts. Oils, per gallon, boiled linseed, 75c: raw Imsecd, 70c; coal oil, 40c; lard Sls! Notice to the Public. Inns is TO GIVE notice that I . want to settle up my busisess. Those knowing themselves indebted to me will please make immediate settlement. Any one haying a claim against me will .please bring It in at once. .... T , MIKE MEYER. Astoria, July 1C.188L ASTORIAflf "DIRECTORY State Officers: i.t n United States Senators ...- j .-. Representative in Coniri ess X Governor...................-... j;ieinor's S rreiar...."li Scrrvtaiy .f Stair.. - Assistant e-r.-l.i-v State Te;isurer- Assistant Treasurer Sup't Public InMructiou.. state Printer. Clerk School Land Hoard. Sun't Insane Asylum .... A. F. W!i. f - .K It Met lro W. H Hyars ...E. P. McCornne ,Dr. H. Cannter On P.nllill Sup't Penitentiary- aui.rwiu.u; -V. P. Lor "SnTirm .Tinlr5 J. B. "aid I,ora , 0 j YV.Tliayer Distkict Judges : First District L..K- WeJister Second District llS, Third Dlstrict .R. P- Boise Fourth District Seneca Smith Fifth District ...F. J. Taylor Sixth District M. L Olmsiead Clatscp County Officers: Judge C. A McGulre Clerk C. J. Trenchard Sheriff. .W. G. Itoss r..TOicei, 1 D. K. "Warren Commissioners jw Hobson Assessor J. F. Warren Trcasurer.................lsaac Bergman Survevor. ... G. F. Parker School Sup't J. E. Higgins Coroner. ........ J.; C. uoss Astoria CityOfficers: Mavor J. W, Hume Auditor and Clerk .... .T. S. Jewctt Chief of Poiice ... Clark Loughrey Treasurer. . ..... ....J. G. UuMler Street Superintendent Thos. I;g-m COUNCIX.MKX : (C. H. Cooper First Yad 'A A. A. Cleveland ( I. "W. Case (Thos. Dcalv Second "Ward ... C. J. Trenchard C. "W. Stone. SOCIETY -UEETIXGJ-l. Temple Lioclge, No. 7A.P.A.M. REGULAR COMMUNICATIONS a llrst and third Tuesdays In cachVy month, at 7Ji o'clock, r. it., at the'VN Hall in Astoria. Members of the order in good standing arc invited to attend.. By order of the W. M. Bearer Lodge No. 35, L O. O. P. TJEGULAB MEETING KV- .Jk' VtJ i!IUi.-UUJ ci:iiiit, 1 seven o'ciock, at tne jxinge room in Odd Fellows Hall. Asto ria. Sojourning members of the order in good standing, cordially invited to atterd. By order N. G. Ocean Encampment, No. 13, 1. O. O. P. REGULAR MEETINGS OF OCEAN EN campment No. 13. I. O. O. F., at the Lodge, In the Odd Fellows Building, at seven r. M., on the second anil fourth Mondays of each month. Sojourning breth ien corilially Invited. By order C P. Seaside Lodge No. 12, A. O. U. W. REGULAR MEETINGS OF SEASIDE Ixidge No. 12, A. O. U. W. will be held in Pythian Hall on Friday evening of each week, at 7 o'clock p. M. Members of the order in good standing, and visiting Broth ers arc invited to attend. Library will be open fifteen minutes before and after each meeting. By order M. C. BROWN, Bee Astoria Lodge No. 40. L O. G.l. REGULAR MEETING EVEItY MON day evening at 7 -30 o'clock, in the Hall over Mr. Case's store. Members of the Or der, In good standing, aie invited to attend. By order "W. C. T. American Legion of Honor. REGULAR MEETING OF ASTORIA Council No. 895 Is held on the first and third Tuesday of each month, at 7 o'clock p. M. By order of the Council Coniinmuler. R.V.MONTE1TH. Sec'ty. Occident Counci No. 5. 0. C. P. MEETS EVERY FIRST AND THIRD Mondav evenings of each mouth, at 8 o'clock P. M. Members of the order are lespectfully requested to attend. By order. C. BROWN, Recorder. Cushing Post No. 14, G. A. R. QEGULAR MEETINGS OF THIS POST t on the second and fourth Tuesdays of eacli month at 7 -30 p. M. Visiting "com rades cordially invited. Bv ouler P. C. Pacific Lodge No. 17, K. of P. REGULAR MEETINGS OF THIS 1-odge every Friday evening, at 7 :20 o'clock, in their Castle Hall, Sojourning Knights cordially invited to atten-1. GEO. 1 "WHEELER. K. of R. and S. Astor Lodge No. 6. K. of P. "REGULAR MEETINGS OF THIS L Lodge every Wednesday evening, at 7 -J30 o'clock, at their lodge room, in Pvthiau Castle. Sojourning Knights eordiallv" Invit ed to attend. W. lfc ROBB. K. of R. and S. Astoria Division No. One, Uniform Rank, K. of P. REGULAR MEETING ON THE SECOND and fourth Thursdays of each month in Kheir armory Hall, in Pythian Castle, at Lcigui p. m. i-eguiar anil on tne nrst and third Thursdajs of each month, at Main sheet wharf, at eight p. m. Sojourning Sir Knights cordially invited to attend meetings and di ills. GEO. P. WHEELER. Recorder. Astoria "Workingmen's Protective "Union. REGULAR MEETINGS OF THIS LODGE every Thursday evening, at 8 o'clock, at their Lodge room, over Carnahah & Co.'s store, corner of Cass and Chenamus streets. F. F. BLINN, .J. C. ROSS, President. Secretary. Common Council. REGULAR MEETINGS. SECOND AND fourth Tuesday evenings of each month at 7J4 o'clock. B3"Tersons desiring to have matters acted upon by the Council, at anv remilar meet ing must present the same to the Auditor and Clerk, on or before the Friday evening prior loxne mesuay on wmen tne council holds its regular meeting. THOS. S. JEWETT, Auditor and Clerk. City Treasurer's Notice. THE Tax-list of the City of Astoria, umiaujj vsuumy, -jrcgon, is now in my hands for collection, and will remain with me for Thirty days. Ail parties interested piease taKO notice. J. G. HtlSTLKE. City Treasurer. Astoria, July 17, 1884. BUY THE BEST! BARBOUR S Irish Flax Salmon Net Threads Woodberry, and Needle Brands, SEINE TWINES. AND (I0RKMD LB AD LINES, Fish Pounds, Seines, and Xets Imported to Order. A Large StocMMii!is&Liiies AND FISH HOOKS. CONSTANTLY ON HAND. HENRY DOYLE & CO., 517 and 519, MARKET STREET SAN FRANCISCO. ""Agents for the Pacific Coast Notice of Sale. Th,in -V GIVE NOTICE THAT CI J-iuve this day transferred all my rlglit Sth&iUfc1!!1,? establishment 5known wi tJS.'5 ok Store- toH.I. Newbury and Irving Stevens, who will conduct the business of the Arm in the future. bfS' are t0 -- IM to New- B. F. STEVENS. Astoria, July ist.i$84. POSITIVE CURE TOIl EVKKV FOnSI OK SKIN And BLOOD DISEASE FItOM Pimples to crofu J cUJOUSANDS OF LETTERS In our pos it session repeat thlsstorv : I have" been a eirible -ufTerer ior jears'with Blood and SKin Humors ; have been ohligi d t shun public places by reason or mv diofisuri-ii! hu mors; have had the bi-st iihvsi--i.uis; have -pent hundieds or dollars and got no real lelief until I used the Ccticcka Resoi vent, the new Blood Purifii-r, internally, and cirricimA and Ccticura Soap, the Great Skin Cures and Skin Beautiflers. ex ternally, which Imve cured me and left mv skin and blood as pure as a child's. ALMOST INCREDIBLE. James t. Klehanlson, Custom nouse. New Orleans, on oath, sas : In 1870 Scrol ulous Ulcers broke out on mr bodv until I was a mass of corruption." Everything known to tne medical facultv was tried in vain. I became a mere wreck. At times could not lift my hands to my head, could not tunt !n IiaiI tvoc In imictnnt itnin i.i looked upon life as a cure. No relief or wuic jur iv Java, in lEou i iieani oi me -jl-ticuk-v them and was per fectly cured. Sworn to before 1T. S. Com. J . I). Cn.v roitn. STILL MORE SO. Mill JlrDor.nld. 2312 Dearborn Street, Chicago, gratefully acknowledges a cure o; Eczema, or Salt Rheum, on head neck, face, arms and legs for seventeen years ; not able to move, excepi on liands and knees ; for one year ; not able to help himself for eiglit j-ears ; tned hundreds of remedies : doctors pronounced his case hoicles.s. Permanent ly cured by the Clticui:.v Rfjieiiif.s. - MORE WONDERFUL YET, II. E. Carpenter. Hendereon. N. Y., cured of Psoriasis or Leprosv of twentv vears standiug, by CLTiruiiA Rfjikdies. 'The most wonderful cure on record. A dustpan f ul of scales fell from him dail v. Pli vslcians and his friends thought he miist d le. Cure sworn toberore a Justice of the Peace and Henderson's most prominent citi7ei:s. DON'T WAIT. WiHr to us for these testimonials In full or send direct to tha parties. Don't wait. Now Is the time to cure even- sjieeies of Itching, Scaly. Pimply. Scrofulous, Inher ited. Contagious, and Copper-colored Dis eases of the Blood, Skm anil Sclp with Ixiss of Hair. Sild by all druggists. Trice : Clticka, TiO cLs. : Resolvent, $l ; Soap. 23 ct -. Pot teu l)p.Lf: ani Chemical Co., Boston, Moss. HT7 A TTT V rr lSom-h. Chapped ai d PSUH.UA. JL Greasy Skin. Black ilcad Pimplcs, hkra Blcnu-hcs. and Jnfnntilu Hu mors, uso CimcuUA Soap, a real Iicautifier SANFORD'S RADICAL CURE FOR CATARRH. Complete Treatment with Inhaler tor One Dollar. milE Great ISalsamie Dis- JLtlllation or Witch Hazel, Ainerlc-in Pine. Canada Fir, Marigold, Clover IMossoms, etc, called an ford's Itad iva.1 Cure, for the immedi ate relier and permanent cure of every form of Catanh from a simple Cold in the Head to I)ss of Smell. Taste and Hearing. Cough and Ca tarrhal Consumption. Coin- f plete treatment, consisting oi one uomc jcauicai (jure, one box Catarrhal Solvent and one improved Inhaler, in one package, may now be had of all Dniguists for $1.00. Ask for SAXFOIID'S RADICAL CUKE. "Tlie only absolute specific we know of." Med. Time. "The best we have found in a lifetime of suffering." Iter. Dr. (agin, Boston. "After a long struggle with Catarrh the ItAmcAL. Ci'iiK has conquered."- J?cr. S. ir. Jfnnroc, LctcMnirgh. Pa. " I have not found a case that it did not relieve at once." tnclrcto Lee, Manchester, Mas.. DAINi Collins' Voltaic Electric Plaster instantly affects the Nervous System and bnni'hes Lin. A perfect T-'lArfrlr nffnt-r mm. IS THE CUT Mnednitb a Porous Pins or a tor for 25 crals. Jtanni- SUFflRlHa SERVE Dilates Pain, vitalizcs Wcak and Worn Out Parts, strengthens Tired Muscles, nrcvents disease, and docs more- in one half the time than any other piaster in the world, cold everywhere. DELINQUENT TAX LIST FOK SL'UOOI. IMS "tUICT NO. ONE. FOIt 1SS3. Andrew Anderson ." CO Hiram Brown 1U. 47 "W.J. Barry 13 30 Beaver Lodge, No. 3.1, 1. O. O. F. . 3 r0 Elizabeth Brown 12 G7 Isaac Bergman 7 03 3Ira. Bereman and ilra. Schlussel. 3 05 A.S.Bennett 11 20 H. Corbc-tt 102 ;V I. Cohen U X A. A. Cleveland 2 02 Chns. Ebert S 40 Thos.H. Foss .. 4 90 Geo.Ganz 2 80 Holt Bros 4 20 N. Hardv. G S3 Hansen Bros 42 70 "Win. Howo 29 75 Isaacs & Sammorneld 11 Jackinsi Parks 3 "10 N. M. Kimball 2 4 HowellLewis. 4 20 Loryea Bros 2 10' A. Monteornerv 40 9." Henrv Miller, estate of 3 3G F.C."Norris 4 90 O. F. L. fc B. Association 227 "JO T.A. Orcutt 4 37 C.H. Pace 19 18 J. "W. Bobb, estate of. 25 97 Mra.Myraltussell 9 10 Haddock & "Wheeler 5 25 Seaside Packing Co 31 50 A.G. Spexarth 10 50 Jas. Taylor. 270 50 E. A. Taylor. 20 05 Mrs. F. H. "Worsley 0 30 "Wine Sing 8 40 J."W?"Wlnio 7 00 F.D.AVinton C 30 Sundry others,amonnting to about 36 00 . X'nunshea by order. Jso. O. Bozortii. C. LKIXKKWEBKK. Leinenweber & Co., K3TAnLISHKO 18G5. ASTORIA, ... OltECOX TAMERS AND CUBMES, Manufacturers and Importers of ail kinds of LEATHER AND FINDIN&S. Wholesale Dealers in OIL ANDTALLOW. IIIghest cash price paid for Hides and xauow. -ask fo it Union India Rubber Co.'s Pure Para Gum CRACK PROOF RUBBER BOOTS. BEWARE OF IMITATIONS ! Bo sure the boots are stamped CRACK PROOF on the heels, and have the PURE GUM SPJUJSUS on tiie loot anu instep, which prevent their cracking or breaklnp TYe arc now making them with RUBBER AXD ASBESTOS Soles which will make them last more than twice as ion as any Rubber boots made. FOR SALK BY ALL DEALERS. ALL KINDS RUBBER BELTING. PACK 1XG, IIOSK, SPRINGS, CLOTHING, BOOTS AND SHOES. Etc. GOODYEAR RUBBER CO. 1L li. PKASE. .Ir. J Agents S.M. RUNYON, ) San FranciSCO. ffL z m i Books Made of Clay. Far away bsvond the plains o resopotamia, on the banks of the Tigris, lie the ruins of the ancient city of -N-neveli. No' long since ha j.e mounds e f earth and stone marked the place where the palaces and walls of the proud capital of the great As syrian empire stood. The spade, first of the PreucLman, then of the Eng lishman, has cleared all the earth away and la'd bare all that remains of the old streets and palaces where the Princes of Assyria walked and lived. The gods they worshipped and the books they read have all been revealed to the sight of a wondering world. The most curious of all the curious things preserved in this wonderful manner are the clay books of Nine veh. The chief library of Nineveh was contained in the palace of Kon- vuniikr. The clav books which it contaius are composed of sets of tab lets covered, witn very smaii wm ----. The tablets are oblong in shape and when several of them arc used for one book, the first line of the tab let following was written at the end or the one preceding it. The writing on the tablets was, of course, done when the clay was soft, and then it was baked to'hnrdcu it Then each tablet, or book, was numbered, and assigned to a place in the library, with a corresponding number, so that the librarian could easily find it, just as our own librarians of to-day num ber the books we read. Among these books are to be found collections of hymns (to the gods), descriptions of animals, and birds, stones and vege tables, as well as history, travels, etc. The Assyrians and Babylonians were great students of astronomy. The method of telling time by the sun, and of marking it by an instrument called a suu-dial, was invented by the latter nation. None of our modern clock and watches cau be compared to the sun-dial for acuracy. Indeed, we have to regulate our modern in ventions by the ancient Babylonian system. How a Bnll Tn-i "Won a "Wager for His Master. Two dog fanciers were discussing the respective merits of their brutes, when one of them said: "Bull pup?! is no good, yer can't learn 'em nothin,.'' ''Taint se: I've got a bull pup that'll fetch an' carry anything. Yy, I've got 'im so he'll carry off a chunk uv raw beef an' bring it back agin. "Betcher ho wont." "Done, an' here's a dolyer a backs my dorg,,' The monev was put up, tho dog was called and the meat given him. "Now, Tige," said the owner, "take it out doors, that's a good doggy, an' when I calls yer, come in agin an' show tho gentleman wot yer can do." The dog went out with the meat in his mouth, and presently his owner called, Tige, Tige; here Tige, and he came back wagging his tail and lick ing his chops. "Gimme them stakes! shouted the other fellow; "I tolo yer yer couldn't learn a bull pup nothin'. lie haint brung it back." "Go slow, mister. I reckon I'll take them cases myself. I didn't say how the pup'd fetch that meat back, did I? No, but yer see he haint brnng it." "He hez too, an' it's on tho inside uv him, in course. Yer didn't think the dang pup habn't senso enough to clamp onto a good thing when he got a chance, did yer? Bull pups is smart Im a tellin' yer," and he took his dog and the two dollars and sloped. AH lhc Egup-c. To captivate the popular taste and surpass all previous efforts to please the palate, requires no small amount of knowledge and no little skill, and when we remember that the very agreeable liquid fruit remedy, Syrup of Figs, is as beneficial to the system, as it is ac ceptable to the stomach, we readily un derstand why it is the universal favor ite as a cure for Habitual Consumption and other ills arising from a weakness, or inactive condition of the Bowels, Kid neys. Liver and Stomtcli. Samplo bat tles free and large bottles for sale bv YY E. Dement & Co., Astoria, Oregon. " youxg lura! jti;Ai this. Tin: Voltaic Belt Co., of Marshall, Mich., oiler to send their celebrated Elec- T!!r-Vni.TT IIVT.T fiml ntlmp Wi vrrnrt Aitmaxces on trial for thirty days, to men -young or oiuj auucieu wuii nervous debility, los of vitality and manhood, and all kindred troubles. Alo for rheumatism, neuralgia, paralysis, aim manv other dis eases. Complete restoration to health, vigor and manhood guaranteed. No risk is in curred as thirty days trial is allowed. Write them at once for Illustrated pamphlet free. AND O EGA SMALL MUSICAL MERCHANDISE Piano, and Organ Instructors. -CELEBRATED STECK & KNABE PIANOS 1 AND TIXR U'GXIHEItFUIi LITTLE GIANT STECK PIANO USED BY MESIDENT OF UNITED STATES GOVERNOR-GENERAL OF CANADA GOVERNOR OF OREGON. ASTORIA M DSICAL SOCIETY. MBS. J. V. CONN, of Astoria. d. a. Mcintosh, Esq. J. D. HIGGINS. Esq. CILVS. WRIGHT, Esq. And by 3Iany Other Prominent Musician-. CELEBRATED TABER ORGANS. Eleg-an t Packard. Orchestral Organ SOnly exclusive Music House in the North west. Only wholesale and retail House In the Northwest. GARDNER Bros., 165 First St., Portland, Oregon. WM. EDGAR, Dealer in Cigars', Tobacco and Cigarettes Meerschaum and Brier Pipes, GENUINE ENGLISH CUTLERY Revolvers and Cartridges. C0B2ER MAE" AXD CHENAMUS STS. (BT Uff Ilk Absolutely Pure. This iov.-dcr never varies. A marvel o purity, strength and who'esomeness. More aconoiuicil th:n the ordinarv kinds, and cannot besoM in competition with the mul titude ot low test short weight, alum or phosphate powders. Sold onln in cn-i. Koy alBakixu Powdki- Co., km Wall--. N. Y. m CASH VEN AWAY Smokers of Blad-wcU'a Genuine Ball Durham Smokingr Tobacco will receive Premiums &3 follows on terms and conditions hero specified: fit PREMIUM. fSfiflOQ 2d " S2,000 3d " 81,000 22 other rrcmlnnis as here shown. The 25 premiums will bo a-varded December 22, 1SS1. 1st Premium goes to tho person from whom we re ceive the largest number orour empty tobacco bag3 prior to Dee. 15. 2d will bo Riven for tho next largest number and thus, in tho order of the number of empty bass received from each. to tho twenty-Svo successful con testants. Each bar- must bear our original Bull Durham labeL U. S. Reveauo stamp, and Caution Notice. Bara must be done np securely in a packago, with name and address of sender, end number of batrs contain ed, plainly marked on the outride, and mustbcscnt.char--cs prepaid, to Blnckivcll's'Diirlinni Tobacco Co ., DcniiAir. X. C. Every Kenuino package has picture of BuU. Sos our next announcement $500 SiSO 400 S5350 $300 $275 !350 $225 $200 $175 $150 $125 $100 $90 $so $TO $60 $50 $40 $30 $20 $10 T AEBOUR'S 13 Salmon it Ttoais HAVE WO EaXTAL. -THE Ihe London Fisheries Exhibition HAVE AWARDED THE GOLD MEDAL TO The Barter Men Coipny -FOR THE SUPERIORITY OF TH Kin ?LAX NET THEEABS. Barnes' Patent Foot and Steam Power Scroll Sawn. Circnlnr Saw., Slnrtisci'-, Lathes. TenontTs, Formers, Etc. h Osliflri&ileiaier Sole A-reuts. G2S X.irLet St s&' San Francisco. Mechanics Tools, ilaehinnrv. nml lliVdwarn. Catalogue of a.l our goods sent frcz on ap- IHIL.'.IHHI. The Triifj iJ ' TL. . . ' r . i.i.t '. n td ul Hl'.MlX.XL ME.lhXhi.S, j.oss'of JM.V HOOft, itNtl th rss'ilt of ati iif,t!nrase orexcesten. II vKih'j to i cvi:licith'W ctillrtl I'liOSTA TOR RHEA. DR. 1. 1 ERIC'S IX VI t: Oil ITOR i the 0X1. Ycjreforl'ROSTA TORRUEA. l'rire. ?2.'0 ;xr jHtclifjt, C paelwjrs, glO.W. flHulf to ll:lh owl Self-Analyst sentfrer. .UUrets LIE RI-l It I ll'EXS. I Vor Ihs- t.- . it. n . 4i0 u St ft i.t rii"icir.,. Cut. Frank and Clear. Knvinjc Admitted the Strcnsth of the Kvidcncc n Prominent IM13 siciau taJics I.o-jical Action. The followinc letter tells its own story. The siBnaturo will be recosnized as that of the Pbysician-in-Cbiefof tho Do Quincy Home, and author of " Drugs That Enslave," "Tho Hypodermic Injection of Morphine," A Man ual of Nursin-r," and many other popular and valuable special medical werks: 101 Wist Testii Strkkt.) 2"kv York, August II. lbSO. j" illSTS. SKaBCRY & JOHXSOX, GcjiIcnicn; Liko most of my profession. am cautious about pinnins my fai'h to any now medicine- or curative agent. But your BENSON'S GAFCINE POROUS PLASTER lias broken throurii tho barriers and won its way to my good opinion. My attention was nrst called to it soino eight months ago by i patient of mino Althouch I was. well ac quainted with tho superior excellence of your other plaster and antiseptic dressing, mado especially for tho profession, tho Benson's was comparatively new to mo. I had heard howovcr, of its merits as a remedy, in cases ofLamoBack, Local Rheumatism. Neural gia. Congestion of tho Bronchial Tubes and Lungs. Dyspepsia, Torpid Liver andiho like affections, and havo sinco begun to experi ment with it personally. I find BENS0N' CAPCLNE PLASTER an exceptionally clean ly plaster to use, and rapid in its action. Many tests of its qualities, mado in my own family and among my patients havo convinc ed, mo that thcro is no smclo nrticlo an mln able for popular use, nor so helpful in tho diseases I havo named. Should you desiro to do so, you may use my name to that effect. Very truly yours, H. II. KANE. A. M.. M. D. Tho genuine havo tho word CAPCINE cut in tho center. Prico 25 cents. Scabury & Johnson, Chemists, New York Notice of Purchase. TTTETHE UNDERSIONED HAVE THIS tY day entered into co-nartncrsliio under the firm name of H.D. Newbury & I Stev ens. Irving Stevens bavins purchased the Interest of B. F, Stevens 111 the City Boel: Store. II. D. NEWBURY. IRVING STEVENS. Astoria, July 1st, 1K, rrenlnat 3a. " to 25 Tm xsnJ if; :-4I"2CmJJ --fee -W!T" Jpll MANHOOD 'V'k RESTORED vj' -8is3isi3SB3:Esss3Ei!S-:ifl3iBiia3aist3::::aa:!!a:isu333iEiESSis:siiuiiiiiuii-! H 3 - ":E:s23 - c:3jj - ;:3:si - - :i:33ia5BH32 - - :;: - A Journal of and for the People, Devoted to the Best Interests of the Community. The largest circulation of any News paper published on the Columbia River. It is delivered to any The DAILY AST0EIAET is sent by Mail, One Year. Six Months. One IVionth, EREE OF ISO floGMj MblUlldil Is issued every Friday Morning. We go to press at 3 A. M., on morning of pub lication and give the People who are not within reach of a daily mail will consult their own inter ests by sending the small sum of TWO DOLLARS, And they will get TORIAJN, postage paid, for one year. J. ". KALLOEilT & Co. BOATS AND TENTS o o -5 t-i 7? "-; 2 3 cc a - o 05 C P o s JJ1 o O g m "S I """ K 'X. T r-l ! 21 c sr c o - "2 o en cc IT. p 2 5" 5 0 O 2 2 C 1 C N o FLAGS, ETC, ETC. Sale of Cemetery Lots. XOTICE is hereby given that bids will be received at tne office of the un dersigned. Auditor and Clerk of the Citv of Astoria until Thursday, July 31, 1&S4, for Lots, Ulocks, Sections and Par cels of land m the City Cemetery on Clatsop Plains. Bids must state the price per lot or acre and the amount required. The highest bidder will have the choice of location. All sales made will be in accordance with the map of said Cemetery, in the office of the Auditor and Clerk. The right to reject any and all bids is hereby reserved. By order of the Common Council. Attest: T.S. Jkwktt, Auditor and Clerk. Notice of Arch Streetlmproveinent. NOTICE is hereby given that the Common Council of tlio City of Astoria propose to order the improvement of that portion or Area street lying be tween the west side of "West Sixth Street and the west end of Arch Street, bv cuttiiiK and filling the same to its full width, to the following grade, to- - of- itt? ii-kfnnenf et iiit1i Ivnef Jivfli1 Street 111 feet; at its intersection with "West Seventh Street 112 feet; at its in tersection with West Eighth Street 128 feet; at its intersection with West Ninth Street 120 feet above the base of grades ; and by planking the same to a width of sixteen feet in the center thereof, and by building a sidewalk on the south side of said street. And unless a remonstrance signed by the owners of two thirds of the property fronting on the said portion of said street be filed with the Auditor and Clerk within ten days of the final publication of tins no tice viz: Tuesday August .", 1884, the Common Council will order said im provement to be made. By order of the Common Council. Attest: T. S. Jfwktt, Auditor and Clerk. Assignee's Notice. IN TJIE CIRCUIT COURT OF TIIE STATE of Oregon for Clatsop County. In the matter of the assignment of Jordan and Bozortii. Notice Is hereby Riven that the undersign ed has been appointed assignee of the estate of Jordan and Bozortii. Insolvent debtors of the City of Astoria, Clatsop County, State of Oregon. ,, A . , All claims against said estate- must be presented to me under oath within three months after this notice, at my oflice in tho City of Astoria, Clatsop County, Oregon. G. C ruijTON, Assignee of the estate of Jordan and Bozortb, insolvent debtors. July 1 4, 1SS1. d-td Arovmi mailp. misnrnhlc bv Indi gestion, Constipation, Dizziness, Loss of appetite, Yellow Skin? Shiloh's Vital- lzer is a -jusiuvi; cuic. ruisiiiuu)' jr. E. Dement. SB B 5 J a i - i3ii33 - j5 - :a - asiJx - x:si - :: - - jiai - i part of the city for r Week. iiiiaiiiiiiiuiu'i'iaii-ii $7.00 3.50 .65 POSTAGE. latest news. . THE WEEKLY AS- Notice of Foreclosure. CIRCUIT COURT, CLATSOP COUNT1, Oregon. I. C.lruiiingerriaintlff, r. James Turk, Defendant : Notice of suit to foreclose Me chanic's Lien. Notice Ls hereby given that tho plaintiff, J. C.Trullinger has brought suit against the defendant", James lurk, in the Circuit Court, for Clatsop County, Oregon, to foreclose a mechanic's lien in favor of said plaintiff and against said defendant, on the building situate and being on the W yx of Lot No. four, in block No. im, in Shlvelv's Astoria. Clatsop County, Oregon, and also against the leasehold interest the defendant nasln and to Said mill nrpmlsAa fnrtho minrv or and from the defendant the sum of Five Ilundred Thirty-three 17-100 Dollars, the costs and disbursements of suit, and such other and further relief as to equity may seem just : all persons interested in the en forcement of said lien or clalmlnc any bene fit thereof, are hereby required to present their claims within ten days alter the final publication of this notice, and In case ot failure so to do within said time, or so much further time as may be allowed by the Court or Judge; the party so failing snail forfeit the Hen under tho act of the Legislative Assembly of the State of Oregon, termed "An act to provide for the Lien of Mechan ics, Laborers, Material Men and others, and prescribing the manner of their Enforce ment.' approved Oct. 23, 1S74. J. C.TRULLINGER. Plaintiff. Astoria, Or., July U, 1SSJ. d-iw Administrator's Notice. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE undersigned has been appointed ad ministratrix of the estate of Isaac Foster, deceased, and all persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to present the same to her. duly verified, at herresidence in Astoria, Oregon, within slv months from this date ; aud all persons In debted to the estate are notified to pay the same to her immediately. Astoria, June nth, 1SS". dGwks JANE FOSTElt. Summons. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE of Oregon, for Clatsop County. Louisa Veatch. Plaintiff, vs. Allen "SV. Veatch. Defendant : To Allen "V. Veatch, the above named non resident defendant : You are hereby noti fied to appear and answer the complaint of above named plaintiff filed against you In the above entitled court, in tho above en titled suit, on or before the first day of tho next term of said court, which will be ou Tuesdav, August 5th. 188-1, and you will take notice that it you fail so to appear and an swer, for want thereof plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief prayed for In said complaint, which in substance is a decree dissolving the bonds of matrimony existing between plaintiff and defendant, and that the custody of the minor children be award to plaintiff. This summons Is published by virtue of an order made by the Hon. A. b. Bennett, Judge of said court. June 13. 184. FULTON BROTHERS. Att'ys for rialntlff. Administrator's Notice- TOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE JLi undersfgned has been appointed admin istrator of the estate of Mrs. Mary McDon ald, sometimes known as Mrs. Mary Thomas. All persons having claims against said es tate are hereby requested to present such claims duly verified within six months from the date of this notice, at my place of busi ness in Astoi ia, Clatsop County Oregon. ISAAC BERGMAN, Administrator. Astoria, July 9. 1881. Notice. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THATTHE co-partnership known under the firm name of "Wheeler & Robb. in the transaction of real estate and insurance business. Is this day mutnally dissolved, W. L. Itobb retiring from the firm. The business will be hereinafter conduct ed by Geo. P. AVheeler, who assumes all 11a Tiiiitfjxs mid to whom all outstanding ac counts will be paid. GEO. P. WHEELER. W.L.HOBB. Astoria. Or.. July 5. 1881. JOHN P. CLASSEN, Manufacturer of French and American Candies ALSO "F-aesli Bread. Every morning, from the ASTOBIA-o BAKERY