CZJ he gaitg IMforian. ASTORIA, OREGON- THURSDAY.... .JULY 24, 1SS1 The salmon fishing season closes in Maine September 15th. - - As high as S20 per head is offered at Victoria, B. 0., by Chinamen, to bo landed on American soil. Over two thousand cradles that Blaine "was rocked in are already in the market A gbeat many Democrats are of the opinion that it would improve their ticket to turn it upside down. Gboyep. Cleveland is forty-seven years of age, and Thomas A. Hen dricks is sixty-five. Cleveland was bom in New Jersey and Hendricks in Ohio. Joseph Cook calls himself a ''pan den ominationalist." If he has any more eight-syllabled words on hand he can make money by selling them to campaign orators. Max? anxious politicians are won dering what John Kelly will do. Those who know him best wonder what he will not do. The enigma will be solved iu November. "Wattersox has made a new word liripoop. A liripoop is a Democrat who won't go with the crowd, ne is of the same family as the mugwump, which is a Republican who carries his party under his hat. M. E. Lewis, of Idaho, is a very particular man. He has written to the superintendent of Castle Garden, N. Y., for a wife, saying that lie has searched the country for 300 miles, and can't find one that suits him. She must not be over 30 years of age and willing to work. Secretary Teller, in the case of the Southern Pacific Railroad Com pany vs. The State of California, in volving title to certain lauds in the Fort Yuma military reservation, claimed by each, decides that neither is entitled to the land iu question, but that the title rests in the United States. A quantity of liquified carbonic acid is kept in the steam fire engines in Berlin. On arriving at a fire it is allowed to escape into the steam cyl inder, when its expansion drives the engine until a sufficient steam pres sure can be obtained. A gain of four or five minutes in setting the pumps at work is thus effected. Sugar, perhaps, has never been so cheap since it was first produced as it is to-day. The reason assigned for it is the unprecedented yield of beet sugar in Europe far in excess of the demand there. The United States is therefore the only market for cane sugar, and the increased supply has beu followed by a re duction of prices. The effect on Cuba has been very disastrous. The total value of the crop, it is reported, will not pay the government taxes. 'Quakantixe"' is a Venetian inven tion, and dates back to the year 1127. Under the law then enacted all mer chants or travelers from the East were obliged to remain forty days in the Lazarette, or house of St. Laza rus, before entering the city. The regulation was speedily adopted in every European country; and al though tho time has been much shortened being now no longer than is found necessary for assurance that no contagious disease is brought the old name, derived from the forty days of detention, is still re tained. The year so far has been a tolerably fortunate one for the crowned heads There have been many explosions and assassinations on paper and in the minds of bloodthirsty fanatics, none in perfected execution. The czar of Russia remains in the peaceful enjoy ment of all his bones. Victoria, not withstanding the departure of Brown John, lives, and old father "William and the rest are as usnal. The at tempt recently made to wreck a train in which Francis Joseph of Austria was supposed to be in proved happily abortive. It was the wrong train. It is better to be "sat upon" rnetaphori cally, even, like Mr. John Kelly at Chicago, than to be blown up like Alexander II. at St. Petersburg. Tho "crowned heads" should come to America. The practice of giving prizes for excellence in the ordinary studies of a college curriculum has been super seded by a western seminary with view of impressing upon the minds of the maidens the importance of practical knowledge. The girl who makes the best loaf of bread is pre sented with a miniature loaf made of gold. The wisdom of such a course is apparent to the most superficial observer. Good bread-maVprc n scarce and their efforts in that line are always appreciated. While beau ty, grace and learning are potent fac tors in winning a man's heart, the art of bread-making invariably proves a greater attraction. The fair maiden who can transform a mass of quiver ing dough into a light and airy loaf of bread is worth her weight in gold to the man who wins her for a wife. Bread-making should take the lead ing place among the arts and sciences taught in seminaries for the fair sex. Englieh papers are prone to blun der when they write about American affairs. The London Times talks of the "inelasticity" of American parties as if hard and fast lines were kept hero from decade to decade. It is no more true of America than of Eng land. There somo boroughs and counties havo been counted on for one party or the other with as much certainty as Vermont has been reli able for the Republicans or Maryland for the Democrats. In England, as here, there are closely balanced states and constituencies that never can be counted on in advance for any party. The elasticity of American parties has been very marked during the last twenty years. It is true that at each presidential election during that period the result has been a Re publican president, but once the Democratic candidate got a majority of the popular vote, and twice during that period the Democrats have had control of the house of represent atives, and have been very close to a control of the senate, while state governments have changed all round the Union. The few Tory interludes in the history of British politics during the same period do not give the Times much high ground to preach about elasticity. NEW TO-DAY. Notice to Whom It May Concern. THE UNDERSIGNED HAVING BEEN appointed Administrator of the otate of John Huhtala deceased, all persons having claims against said estate are hereby requested toprescnt such claims duly verified within six month:; of the date of tlifs notice, at my residence In Tpper Astoria, CJatsop County, Oregon. ANDREW BARRY Astoria, July 23, 1684. NOTICE. The splendid Al BiitMi Iron Ship, KIRKW00D Will be on berth shortly to load SALMON For Liverpool Direct. For Freight and Insurance apply to BALFOUR, GUTHRIE & CO., Portland. Or. or ALEX'R BAILLIE, Astoria, Oregon. FRANK FABRE'S CHOP HOUSE. Oysters, Ice Cream, COFFEE. The New Model. Everything First Class. CaS3 Street, rear of Odd-Fellows Lullding. T?ivrv ittrnt!iiti until mv (iitnitinr mill the best set before them in first-class stj le. For Sale. O NE HOUSE AND LOT IN ALDER- brook. For particulars Inmiire of dw xuwua & t xs u W L.US. Net Lost. ON THE NIGnT OF TWENTY FIRST Inst., off Brown's Slough, about loo fath oms of 45-mesh net. Corks branded E. L. F. Finder please notifv A. BOOTH & CO. Net Lost. ABREAST KINNEY'S CANNERY ON night of 17th, 100 fathoms 43-mcsli net, marked M. J. on corks ; powder keg buoy marked J. 1. Finder will leave at CUT TING PACKING CO'-S. Net Lost. A BREASf KNAPITON ON WEDNES iSL day night. 250 fathoms 46-ir.csh, marked S. I Co. and F. 1. Co., Corks marked J. 1. 1'iease leave at Scandinavian Packing Company's cauncrv. A Seven Room House To Let. IN A DESIRABLE LOCALITY. Inquire at this office. Notice to Whom it May Concern. atHE UNDERSIGNED HAVING BEEN . appointed administrator of the estate of John Hume deceased, all persons hating claims against said estate are hereby re quested to present sucli claims diilv verified, within six months from the date of this no lice, at nty office in William Hume's cannery. In the city of Astoria, Clatsop Countv, Ore gon. J. W. HUME. Astoria, July 9th, 18SL d-5w Notice of Assignment. CIRCUIT COURT, CLATSOP COUNTY Oregon. In the matter of the Estate of McCurlie and Holt, insolvent debters: Assignee's notice of appointment. To whom it may cencern: The undersigned hereto gives notice of his appointment as assignee of the estate of McCurtie and Holt, in solvent debtors of Astoria, Clatsop County, Oregon. All claims against said estate mast be presented to me at my place of business in said city, duly verified as by law required, within three months from the date of tin-, notice. J. K. THOMAS, Assignee of the Estate or McCurtie & Holt, insolvent debtors. July 7, 1884, d6-w To be Let. CnOICE ROOMS TN Wm. HUME'S block, w ith all conveniences. Apply to GEO. P. WHEELER. July 7. 18M Stockholders' Meeting. NOTICE IS HEREBY GLVEN TILVT there will be a meeting of the stock holders of the Odd Fellows' Land and Build ing Association, iu the lodge room of Beaver Lodge No. 35. 1. 0. 0. F.. on Saturday. Aug, IS, 1881. at 2 r. m. A full attendance is re quested. A.J.MEGLER. Secretary. Notice to the Public. THIS IS TO GIVE NOTICE THAT I want to settle up my business. Those knowing themselves Indebted to me vill please make immediate .settlement. Any one having a claim against me -will please bring It in at once. MIKE MEYER. Astoria, July 1G, 1884. GERMANIA BEER HALL AND BOTTLED BEEE DEPOT, Chenamus Street, Astoiia. The Best of Lager 5 Cts. a Glass. Orders for tile Celebrated Columbia Brewery Beer Left at this place will be promptly attended to ..To cheap San Francisco Beer sold at this place. Wh. BOCK, Proprietor. Occidental Hall. L. E. SELIG, . Lcucennd Manager. BEN. COTTON'S i Only Two Nights, Friday, July 25th and Saturday, July 2Gth. -also-GRAND FAMILY MATINEE Saturday Afternoon. Friday. - - - - "TRUE DEVOTION." Satimlav, - - - - "IRSrA.the Wnif." Matinee. - . - - '-TRUE DEVOTION." Reserved seats at the New York Xoclty Stor. ARE OU GOING TO GET BECAUSE IF YOU ARE YOU WANT A Housekeeping Outfit. AND AT Yon will find Eerihnij: that ou nrcd in the way of Furniture Carpet-., Stoves, Crockery, Iloiise-ftiriiisliinx Goods, NICE COMFORTABLE CEOS, And everything just as good and a C li EAT DEAL CHEAPER than ou can jiet it any where else In Astoria. Now if you want to RE CONVINCED como around and see our nrices. AVe will guarantee to sell 5011 ainthhiir you-want cheaper than yon can get it at auction or elsewhere, Eiorjoiie Knons ilic Plnci i iroia jeweiii BRACELETS.. Scarf Pins, Chains, latches, SILVERWARE, Of every description. The finest Mock of Jewelry In Astoria. GgAll goods warrantedasreprescnted GUSTAV HANSEN, JEWELER Magnus C. Crosby Dealer in HARDWARE, IRON, STEEL, Iron Pipe and Fittings,' STOVES, TINWARE AND HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS SHEET LEAD STRIP LEAD SHEET IRON, 2?jti AND Copper. H. B, PARKER DKAI Kit IN Hay, Outs, unci Straw, XjiI3VE.E3 Brick. Cement, and Sand. Wood Oolivered to Order. Draymg, Teaming, and Express Business imAixit iu WIKES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS. FIRST-CLASS. WEST SHORE LUMBER MILLS J. V. TRULLIXGEIt, - - Proprietor. MAXCrACTCItKK OF ANII DKALKIt IN All Kinds of Lumber, OX AXD AFTER THIS DATE WILL sell LumberandiSovesat following rates: All Rough Lumber, (only to special agreement), ..$10 00 Xo. l Flooring and Rustic, (only to spe cial agreement) $20 00 Xo. 2 Flooring and Rustic, (onlv to spe cial agreement). .. -... .$1G 00 Mouldings, 10 per cent, cheaper than any body. Fish Boxes. 14 cents at mill, Sliooks, 12 cents at mill. Water ! Water ! Water! con IAT0I IflAHItitUf fM 11 m Wheeler & Kipp, PRACTICAL Plmta Gas 3i Steam Fitters ALL WORK Warranted, and Estimates Given. FULL STOCK Iron ami tend Pipe, Batli Tubs, "Water Closets, ami Gas Fixtures. Jobbing Promptly Attended to. A SPECIALTY Is made of Tap ping Water Mains and Running Water Pipes, as We havo Supo or facilities for doing this work. Corner SquemoQtia and Hamilton Streets, Astoria, Oregon. t V n HllfP 1 mmmh Will A NEW DEAL ALL 'BOUND. Something of Importance to Everyone tliat Lives in the City of Astoria. The WELL-KNOWN BUILDER, has bought from W. V. PARKER, the large Sash and Door Factory known a "Hansen Bros.5 Mil," And makes public the announcement of the fact. His well-known reputation as a Successful Builder and Contractor, and the Quality of the Stock he furnishes, is his guatantee that any one ordering material at his place will be able to GET JUST "WIIAT TIIEV WANT, promptly on time, and AT LOWEST FIGURES. A Full Stock of Sash and Door Work, Mouldings, oic, on Hand or Made to Order. Bids and Estimates Furnished, and Orders Solicited. BUILDERS, CARPENTERS and CONTRACTORS invited to call, examine stock and give a trial order. WILLIAM HOWE, PROPRIETOR. - --'iTTi h ' 'Ti yes.. :.' vsaas We beg to call the attention of the public to our latest importation, direct from Eastern manufacturers, of the LARGEST XSSFCr-ZC; C2S?" Ever ottered for sale in thW city, comi-rislug all gnuSe from the FINEST BODY BRUSSELS In the Newest Tints anil-Shades. To th lowest priced article m this line. We are determined to dispose or our stock of Carpets uitliiii the next four weeks, and to that end offer special inducements, precluding tho possibility ot KcIiijj UmterHoIil ly mij- ufour Competitors. IX THE Furniture and House Furnishing Line We can show you the very WIST GOODS at IIOTTOM l'lttl'UCS, and shall he pleased torecoiveacall for inspection whether you purchase or not. OHAS. HEILBOBN. New Estab JW BEl' Carpets, Matting, Pictures, Mirrors, PICTURE FRAMES MOULDINGS, ETC., ETC. At Greatly Reduced Prices, And cordially invite" a call from our friends and the puhlic generally. ... W,e intend to become a permanent fixture in this place and trust to receive a liberal share of patronage from the public. ASTORIA FURNITURE CO., Cor. Chenamus and Hamilton Sts. H. Du BTJISSOX, Manager, If- ; jl:,rt.r.,'l.wln:js; $h &!! 3j K MJBl &?y ei s Wo take pleasure ii: annonncinpr, that hav- inu purchased the stock of the late linn of E. D. Curtis & Co., and and having made many New and Attractive Additions' We now offer for sale the 3I0ST COMPLETE LTNE OF HOUSE Furnishing Goods, Tor The Tinest Groceries. Tor The Freshest Vegetables, For The Most Complete Assortment, For Absolute Satisfaction, In Filling and Delivering All Orders, Call at EMAKK L, Grocery and Provision Store, Corner Benton and Chenamus Streets, Opposite Custom House Square. g 3&&Kr eWT1 JOirfrjJi: 1 y B Vi SSBS , jasLe asegssssasi TER rpply to tl.e Captain, ortp THE Oir Stock Is Tie lost Complete, Onr Prices At M Bottom And Our Anxiety To Sell Ts Unequaled! We Are Always al the Top of the Market And With Us You Will Find - THE LATEST NOVELTIES IK OUR LINE As Fast As They Appeal In Eastern Markets. WE INVITE INSPECTION OF OUR LATEST IMPORTATION -OF Ladies' and Infants' White Goods, Skirts, Parasols, Silk Mitts, Gloves in Lisle, Silk and Cotton, Fans, etc., etc. DRAI.ER I Tin, Sheet Iron and "Copper Ware. A General Assortment ot HOUSEHOLD COOPS. 'Agents for Magce Stoves and Ranges The Best In the inarUet. riumutnx goods of all kinds oa haud. Job work done in a workmanlike manner PLUMBING.. GAS FITTING, AND CANNERY WORK Attended to Promptly on Reasonable Terms. Clicnnmuti Street, flfcxt to C Ii. Parker's Store. THE NEW MODEL iB&sfcSgyifcflaOT mmMmz: mm 'A ? lf?i'7li Ui'ih. - -SfoT A FUiir STOCK M. OI.SKX. -r if i T ' ITTiiiJiT Hi ii'ii" 1 1 -rk" . 1 niHuii 1 ii m 1 1 .1. Ct'STAFSOX. MARTIN OLSEN & CO. DEALERS IX FURNITURE Ss BEDDING. Corner Trlutn and riqucinoqna. Streets. Astorfn, Orcsou. WINDOW SHADES AND TRIMMHGS; WALL PAPER, ETC. A Complete Stoclf. PRICES AS CHEAP AS QJTALITY WILL AFFORD. AIX KlimS OF FITRSITITRE REPAIRED AWI VARWISHED. FOR Finest Groceries, -GO TO- FOARD & STOKES. AFCLLLINEOF AND Ship Chandlery. A NEW SLIP Just Finished in Uear of Store. HEADQUARTERS FOR Toys, Fancy Goofls, Stationery, CUTLERY, ETC. Fresh Fruit Received Daily. A Full Stock of Smokers Ar.icles. NEW GOODS CONSTANTLY ARIUVINU. CHAS. A. MAY, Chenamus street, south side, one door from Cass. PARKER'S VTKAMEIt MM PARKER Eben P. Purker, Master. m 3 F.rTOViM:, FREIGHT or CHAR II. Ii. PAItKEK. STORE OXLY Efgomery, a? ItANOE CAN RE HAD IN AS TORIA ONLY OF M, 8, BAWBB, a - M AGENT CALL ANT EXAMINE IT. Vol WILL P.E TLEASED. E. Ii. IIAWES is also agent for ttie Bud patent Coolinfir stove And other first-class Stoves. Furnaco "Work. Stoam Fit tings, etc., a specialty AIAVAYS ON HAND. SBC a. jonxsox. THE LATEST STYLES IN WALL PAPER AT S. B. FRANKLIN'S, NEXT DOOR TO ASTO WAN OFFICE. A very large Stock from which to select. Window curtains made to order. f-My patent Trimmer to cut Wall Taper will be lound convenient to my patrons. Hardware anS Sli A. VAN DUSEN & CO., DEALERS IX Hardware and Ship Chandlery Pure Oil, Bright Varnish, Binacle Oil, Cotton Canvas, Hemp Sail Twine, Cotton Sail Twine, Lard Oil, Wrought Iron Spikes, Galvanized Cut Nails, Agricultural Implements, Sewing Mnchincs, Paints ami Oils, Groceries etc, l IKlliii sJ!