m he gaily torimu .' ASTORIA, OHEGOX: SUNDAY. JULY 20, 1S84 ISSUED EVERY MORNING. (Monday excepted) J. F. HALL.ORAN & COMPANY, PUBLISH nS AXD riJOI'ltlETOIJ-S, AKTOIUAX IU5II.DINO, - - CASSSTHKHT Terras ofSuliscrlption. Served by Carrier, per week 15cls. Sent by Mail, per mouth fiOcts. " one year ,$7.oo Free of pottage to subscribers. 23yAdveitiscments inserted by tlio year at tlie rate of $2 per square per month. Tran sient advertising fifty cents per square, each insertion. ZYoticc To AIrriif'rj$. The Astokiax guarantees to its ad vertisers the largest eirvulation of any newspaper published on the Columbia ASTOMA A'1 VlCIXm. The Oregon sails for San Francisco to morrow. The Slate is due from San Francisco this morning. Blaine's letter of acceptance contains G.000 words. Blocks, tackle, rigging, etc.. for sale at Foard fc Stokes. F. 11. Stokes is a puesonger on the in coming steamer. The camp meeting begins at Ocean park to-morrow. The Gleaner starts for Deep Itiver to morrow morning. Bishop Morris will officiate at Grace church this morning. The entertainment to-morrow will be a at Occidental hall treat for old nnd young. President Harris of the Northern Pa cific llailroad Company will be in Astoria to morrow. The Presbi'terian Sunday-school enter tainment at Occidental linll, to-morrow evening, bids fair to be well attended. The lecture of Chnplain Scott to-night will bo "IngersolPs Providence Exam ined.' Young men especially invited. In the justice court yesterday Manuel, the assailant of Zoahur, was held in the sum of $1,000 to appear beforo tho grand jury. On the 30th of last May boat Xo. 30 and crew of Fisherman's Packing Company were lost. The boat went :ishore at Now port last week. There will bo an excursion to Forts Stevens and Canby, Ilwaco and tho Cape in tho Miles this morning. The boat leaves Gray's dock at eight o'clock. About as odd a grave as can bo found in this vicinity is that of D. M. Tavish, who lies buried on the hillside. The headstone bears date of 1811 seventy years ago. Ilev. P. C. Hetzler, district superinten dent of the American Bible Society, will S reach at Clatsop Plains church on Sun ay, July 27, at the usual hour for morn ing service. A salmon caught at Astoria and weigh ing 724 pounds, was received at St. Paul in perfect condition on Juno 21th, and the papers there haven't got through talking about it yet. The machinery for the Astoria and Coast Transportation Company's new steamer has arrived. It is thought that the vessel will be ready for launching about August 10. The circulation of Tun Daily Mousing Astorias is steadily increasing. For fifteen cents a week 3'ou can have all the local news and the current news of the day in readable shape at your door. The revised salary list of Oregon post offices show that Astoria has an increase of 100. The salary of tho postmaster for the year ending June 30, 18Sr, is fixed at 1,900. Portland gets 5.200: Salem 2,100. One of the first remarks that a seaside visitor from tho interior makes is, ''What a pity you haven't a road to Clatsop!" "Well, it is a pity,but there is no probabil ity of a road to there this season, though it would bo worth 100,000 to Astoria during July and August. Three men were employed the last week in removing the dead and rotting salmon from the city front, and from the stench that arose last evening it is evi dent that three times three could be well employed this week in continuing the work. It is an absolute necessity that the beach should bo cleared. A pleasant episode occurred in the county clerk's office yesterday, the occa sion being the presentation of a hand some cane to Col. 11. 11. Spedden, who for twelve years has been tho faithful and accommodating clerk of this county. Mr. Trenchard made the presentation speech on behalf of his numerous friends. The colonel contemplates a brief visit to Eastern Oregon next month. The erand lodge of Oregon, A. O.U.W., reports show that tho present member ship in the jurisdiction is 3,800: gaiu dur ing the past year, 310; number of lodges, 87: number of deaths during the past year, 27; number of assessments the past year, 1C; average yearly assessments since becoming a separate jurisdiction. 15K? amount collected on beneficiary. 51,800; amount collected on relief call. 41,54L48. At the hour of two yesterday afternoon seven policemen seated themselves on the right hand of the judge at the police court; and seven men who had been gath ered in seated themselves upon the left hand. After the usual forensic remarks, J. McCartv, M. Geist and "W. Lemon were fined Jpl5 each for drrnkenness, IL Mattson got off with a fine of 5, and the cases of A. Parretto, T. Hill and Win. Simmons, charged with fighting, were continued. The Ancon is due at Nauaimo from Al aska on the 27th. The Santa Cruz will leave San Francisco for the Columbia with combustibles for Portland and As toria, and freight for Alaska, connecting with the Ancon at Port Townsend. The Santa Cruz will leave Portland on the 28th or 13th at farthest. Tho Queen of the Pacific will leave ban Francisco on -the 2Cth connecting with the .Incon at Port Townsend. A party of excursionists will leave the Sound about the 1st of August, and the Queen of the Pacific will take them north. Amy Lynton, who was thrown from a buggy at'Williamsport and totally par alyzed, will be placed on the Oregon to morrow for California. Tho unfortunate woman has but the slightest chances for i-pnoverv. There is a oooddeal of un written history connected with this that probably is as well left unsaid. Her father is a prominent official in San Francisco, her husband a leading busi ness man in one of the coast counties, her brother a well known operator in an adjoining county. So runs the world, and let Win who is without sin cast the first stone. i Peep Sea Flailing. It is now a generally accepted idea that deep sea fishing off the Clatsop coast would be a profitable investment. One company was formed last spring with most untoward result. It is the opin ion of some who have had experience of this kind in other waters, that much de nends upon the kind of vessel employed. It is claimed that the business requires a vessel in which a crew could go to sea, follow up the fish, study the drift and habits of the fish, and at all times keep ii f fVin cbnri The T!an now is to build such a vessel and make tho exper iment. Arvold sells Boots and Shoes cheaper than any one else in town, because we re THOUSANDS OF SALMON OX THE BK It'll. The Usual Extraordinary Run in July. History is said to be precept teaching by example. If this is so, the probable outcome of the business as far as salmon fishing on the Columbia river is concern ed will probably be this no more fishing in April, and not much in May. Last year fish were seventy five and ninety contu all through the season, and at this price cannerrt packed half a million cases. Then came the glut in Julv, boats com ing in loaded down with salmon that went begging at two bits apiece, and can ners who had filled their cans with high priced fish stood and saw fish equally as good thrown away because there was not capacity enough in the canneries to get away with them as fast as they came. The beach from Alderbrook to'Union town was lined with the festering car casses of the finest Chinook salmon from which the bellies had been cut, and any man could have all he wanted for the asking. This year brings tho same state of af fairs. The chief difference is that tho cannon' supplies are not quite as plenty as they were in 18-51. In April very little fishing was done. The Catting and one or two other com panies packed through April; the great inajorit' of the canneries did nothing till May. The May run was a little be low the average: the Jnne run about equal to that of bust, but about tho 3th inst.. came a rash from the sea that taxed the ut moat capacity of the fishermen to catch and the cannons to prepare. Dur ing the last week tho fish have come in incredible quantities, and the price has dropped to four bits and even less. Somo of the canneries will shut down to-morrow, more on "Wednesday, several more on Thursday and the closo of this week will see few" of the thirty-eight putting up any salmon. As to "the future tho oldest and most experienced in the busi ness say: "We don't know.' THE A3IK LAW. Suction 1. Even, person who shall, within tho stale of Oregon, between the first day of November in each year hunt, pursue, take, kill, or destroy any male deer or buck, shall be guilty of a misde meanor, livery erson who shall, between the first day of January and the first day of August, from and after the passage of this act, pursue, hunt, take, kill or de troj any female deer or doe, shall be gnilt' of a misdemeanor. Everj' person who, after tho passage of this act, shall kill any spotted fawn, shall bo guilty of a misdemeanor. Every person who, after the passage of this act, shall take, kill, or destroy any male or female deer at any time, unless tho carcass of such ani mal is used or preserved by the person slaying it, or is sold for food, is guilty of a misdemeanor. It will be seen that the female deer or doe, are still protected, and that it is un lawful at any time to kill any spotted fawn: and also any male or female deer at any lime, unless the carcass of such animal is used or preserved bv tho person slaving it, or is sold for food. Every person convicted of violating this law is punishable by a fine of not less than ten dollars and not more than three hundred dollars, or imprisonment for not less than five days nor more than three months, or both imprisonment and fine. One-half of all the money collected for fines for violations of this law will be paid to informers. A Caution. We notice 13' onr various exchanges that several sneak thieves and confidence sharpers are following up Cole's circus, and, despite the efforts of the manage ment, have on several occasions made quite large "clean nps.' One of their games is to buy a number of tickets from the ticket wagon and go about the ground selling them. If a erson hands them a bill or a piece of gold they say "Hold on a minute nntil I get it changed," and dis appear in the crowd, leaving the victim out his money and ticket too. The chargo is made that in addition to run ning three card moute, the three nut shell, the 21 top and bottom dice game, etc., they would change large bills, hand it back and then call eut: 'Hold on, there, let mo count that ovoragain!" Get ting it back, it is changed bj' slight of hand for another roll that is short, but the victim having, as he supposed, counted it once, walks off satisfied it is all right and only discovers the contrary when it is too "late to have the circus sharper acknowledge it. The safest plan is to provide ones self with just tho change nccessarp to buy a ticket and to purchase it at the ticket wagon. JJugton Chronicle. THE FRUIT SEASON. The small boy climbs tho apple tree, And, with delighted mien, Down to his mates below doth he Let fall the apples green. They grip tho fruit with noisy glee Just wrested from the stem: But soon with grim tenacity The apple green grips them. For a Scat I'illizi Hoot Jr Shoe, go to P. J. Goodmans, on Che nauuis street, next door to J. V. Case. All goods of the best make and guaran teed quality. A full stock; new good constantly arriving. Custom work. Furnished Kooms to Kent. Inquire at Mrs. Campbell's, over Gem .Saloon. Ixoticc. The meeting of the Woman's Jlelief Corps. G. A. II., has been postponed to next Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock at their hall. A full attendance is desired. E&cdticcd Prices. The Ham Fat .lap's traveling restau rant, on and after this date, will satisfy all hungry mortals at the rate of 10 cts. per sandwich, or three for 2"i cents. AH orders left at the Snug saloon will be piomplly attended to. X. 15. Xo extra cliarj Julv 2nd, 18S4. ;c after Si P. 31. Just Received. A large stock of soft and stiff Hats in all the latest styles, at Mcintosh's Fur nishing store. Iloscoe Dixon's new eating house is now open. Everything has been fit ted up in first-class style, and his well known imputation as a caterer assures all who like good things to eat, that at his place they can be accommodated. Arvold will sell a large stock of Boots and Shoes at cost, at the Leading boot and shoe store. Buy your Lime of Gray at Portland prices. Shiloh's Cure will immediately relieve Croup, Whooping Cough, and Bronchitis. Sold by W. E. Dement & Co Shiloh's Cough ana Consumption Cure is sold by us on guarantee. It cures consumption. Sold by W. E. De ment. Just received a new lot of Parasols, at the Empire Store. A full line of Ladies' Lace Mitts of all descriptions, to be found at the Empire Store. Gray sells Sackett Bros.' Al sawed cedar shingles. Tho latest patterns and styles of Ginghams and Calicoes, at the Empire Store. Boston Baked Beans and Brown Bread every Sunday at Jeff's from 5 a.m. to 2 P.M. " GUARDING HEAD. SCARBOUOUGH The FIsli Traps the Point of Dispute. On the 11th inst., a fish trap belonging to P. J. McGowan on Chinook beach, was cut. On the ICth ho went to tho commandant at Fort Canby and asked for protection. On the 17th Major Ilogers detailed Lieut. Harmon, a bugler, a ser geant and five men, who marched from the fort to Harris' scow, and with all the pomp of war unfurled tho starry banner at the baso of Scarboroneh's heichts. They were armed with rifles and equipped with rations for eleven days, iheir mis sion is to defend the fish trans from hos tile attack. Tho only comment Tin: As- tobias has at present on this singular suupuon oi nil airs is mat it is ioriumuu the season is so nearly over. NEW WOODEN STEAMER FOE OREGON. When the three masted schooner-rigged steamer Al-ki arrived at Pierrepont's stores, in Brooklyn, from New Bedford, Mass., last week, says the New York Xau iical Gazette of July 3, she was boarded in the smoke and dust by a Xantical Ga zelle representative, who desired to write her up. The Al-I;i (the motto of Wash ingtou territory, and the Indian expres sion for "We'll show you by-and-by") is a wooden steamer of 1,100 tons gross, built and cngincd by the Goss Marine Iron Works of Bath. Me., for Captain William Lewis and W. H. Basse of Now Bedford, to ply between San Francisco and Coos bay. She is 200 feet long, 40 feet beam and 15 feet in depth. Her en gines are of 300-horse power, of the com pound type, 22x3 and 44x3(1, which will give her a speed of 12 knots. The pro peller is of composition metal, 12 feet in diameter, and her three short masts are of wood, and all without gaff topsails, but tho foremost carries a squarcsail bent to a yard that slides up and down on an iron jnckstay. "When steaming head to wind tho yard is hoisted half-way up tho mast, then "cod-billed'' so that it rests with one end on deck, and right up and down the mast, thus preventing the wind from retarding her progress. Her frames are made of hard wood and hackmatack, and as sho now stands, $115,000 is her monetary value. She is fitted with three houses, the crew and firemen occupying ono to themselves, tho officers and engineers tho other, and tho galley and mess room tho last. Tho wheel-houso is forward, with the captain's quarters close adjoining. Strange to say, she has no wheel or stearing-gear aft, so that in case of a break-down she would be in a bad fix. Her equipment of steam winches and engines for pumping, hoist ing sail or cargo, is complete, and in ad dition sho is provided with an independ ent double-cylinder engine to work tho capstan and windlass, so thnt her an chors may be run up in a few minutes by steam. As her passenger space will accommodate fifty people, sho is fitted with a large fresh-water condenser, capable of converting sev cral hundred gallons of salt water into fresh every day. Another inter esting feature is that sho is heated fore and aft by steam. The saloon is beau tifully finished with panel-work of pol ished ash, trimmed with cedar, mahogany nnd California laurel, and at the forward part of this exceedingly handsome apart ment is placed an elaborately-decorated French mirror, which reflects the beau ties of the fitting and furnishing, espec ially the brilliant glimmer of the abun dant silverware. She will be manned by two officers, two engineers, four firemen, half a dozen seamen, nnd a cook and steward. Capt. Doane of Nevtonville, Mass., ex-master of tho bark Jonathan Bourne, will command her, and Henry V. Freeman of Now York will bo chief engineer. The skipper says: "We'll show you by-and-by that Bath has turn ed out a first-class ocean-going steamer in wood, and may make a still better Al ki out of metal. Judtre 1'arsonN and tbe Juror. "I once heard," said J. F. Clarke, "this anecdote of Judgo Parsons, the great Massachusetts advocate and lawyer. It is said that being about to try a mercan tile case, he ordered a jury to bo sum moned, and among the names was that of Col. Thos. H. Perkins, tho leading merchant of Boston in that day, and a personal friend of Judge Parsons. When tho officer made his return he laid down a T0 bill before tho judge. "'What is that?' said Parsons. " 'Col. Perkins says he is very busy in deed, to-day, and prefers to pay his line.' "'Take that back to Col. Perkins,' said the judge, 'and tell him to come here at once; nnd if he refuses, bring him by force.' When Col. Perkins appeared the judge looked sternly at him, and said: "What do yon mean, sir, by sending money when you were summoned to sit on this jury?'' Col. Perkins replied: "I meant no dis respect to the court, your honor; but I was extremely busy fitting out a ship for the East Indies, and I thought if I paid my fine I might be excused." "Fitting out a ship for tho East Indies, sir!" shouted tho judge; "and how hap pens it that you are able to fit out a ship for tho East Indies?" "Your honor, I do not understand you?' "I repeat, then, my questien: 'How is it that you are able to fit out a ship for tho East Indies?' If you do not Twill tell you. It is because the laws of your country uro properly administered. If they were not, you would have no ships. Take your seat, sir, with the jury." BABY'S PHOTOGRAPH. Tako it to Abell & Son's and try their instantaneous process. Groceries Crocherj' ami Glass ware In latest styles and at lowest prices at Mrs. It. Zimmerman's, corner Main and Squemoqua. A first class stock of fam ily groceries. Stop That Cou ;li By going to J.E. Thomas's and getting a bottle of Leroy's Cough Balsam. It wilt, cure you. Notice. Dinner at"J EFF'S''CHOP HOUSE everyday from 4:30 to 8 o'clock. The best 25-cent meal in town; soup, fish, seven kinds of meats, vegetables, pie, pudding, etc Tea or coffee included. All who have tried him say Jeff is the "BOSS." Syrup of Figs. Nature's own true Laxative Pleas ant to the palate, acceptable to the Stom ach, harmless in its nature, painless in its action. Cures habitual Constipation. Biliousness. Indigestion and kindred ills. Cleanses the system, purifies the blood, regulates the Liver and acts on the Bowels. Breaks up Colds, Chills and Fever, etc Strengthens the orcans on which it acts. Better than bitter, nauseous Liver medicines, pills, salts and draughts. Sample bottles fre'e, and large bottles for sale by W. E. Dement & Co., Astoria. t Fot Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint, vou have a printed guarantee on every bottle of Sniloh's Vilalizer. It never fails to cure. Sold by W. E. Dement. ullackraetack." a lasting and fra- rant perfume. Price 25 aim 50 cents, old by W.E. Dement For lame Back, Side or Chest use Shiloh's Porous Plaster, Price 25 cents. For sale by W. E. Dement. SEVEN MEX BUTLER'S COURSE NOT FIXED. General Butler was interviewed tho other da3. In response to an inquiry he said: "I havo never told any ono that I should run as an independent candi date for president. My future course is not to be hastily settled; thereforo I can not now say what will or will not hap pen, so far as the coming election may depend upon me. Yonr idea that my candidacy will draw support from loth Democratic and Republican parties, and that thereforo the totals will proportion-! ately not affect tho result much, my vote being tho least, makes me but a fiv on a ' wheel. Thero aro hundreds of congres sional districts in which the election is settled by less than a vote of 500, one way or the other. Suppose men are or ganized for work in these districts, who will think it worth while to solicit their support? It is the men who want to be governors and congressmen. Some men wish to be president that they may fend their names down in history. - The motive does not affect me. My namo will figure in the history of this country. The schoolboys of the futuro will know of Butler when the names of some of the presidents will be lo3t even to history. But there are many earnest and true men who feel that I represent them and that I should do so in a more active way. I receive from ninny editors their papers published weekly in the smaller towns, not the great dailies in the land. They circulate among country people and in some in stances they are tho only papers taken. I feel that these men in their limited field must express the sentiments of their readers, the people who sustain the pa pers. They urge mo to remain a candi date for president, to stand for tho prin ciples which they know I sympathize with. Ls it best for them and for me? It is not a question of a minor office. I have already accepted the nomination of tho Greenback party. Tho best things in tho Democratic platform I subscribe to. Somo of them are substantially mv own. I have met Gov. Cleveland but once and havo no quarrel with him. Our careers have not been in tho samo field, but ho is not a representative of those principles in regard to tho government of corporate powers, transportation, cur rency and tho labor question in which I believe. Let mo make it plain to you why ho is not acceptable to the great body of men." Gen. Butler then recapitulated Clove land's position on tho elevated railroad fare bill, the car-drivers' bill and the or phan asylum bill. "Now" continued General Butler after this diversion, "New York is the battle ground of this election. Tho work will bo concentrated there. If I were to spread myself thin all over tho country I could effect nothing. I would bo a fly on tho wheel. A speech in Michigan, an other in Ohio, one in Arkansas, Iowa, Nebraska, Kansas and California would bo of no avail; but suppose I take in Now York, in military parlance, niass my forces, not weaken them in a long lino? During the last campaign in Massachu setts I made thirty-threo speeches in twenty-one days. HaTing tho fenent co operation of tho Anti-Monopolists and Greenback Labor parties, something might bo done. In that case you might change the figures. You would not call me a lly on tho wheel, but a bull in a china shop, orperhaps a jackass dancing among tho chickens." Continuing, General Butler said: "I was treated fairly by tho convention. The delegates listened respectfully and 117 of them voted for ray platform. I know how to estimate the cries of those put into the audience for the purpose of insulting and howling down all opposition to Cleveland. It is tho few men who manage the machine who nre responsible for this sort of thing. Think of it! Threo thousand tickets distributed by tho National Commi ttee to New York's Cleveland contingent and ono hundred and thirty to Massachu setts. Five tickets to each delegate and one platform ticket which had to bo changed every day more troublo than it was worth. However I do not complain." "I shall do nothing in a pet,'' conclud ed Gen. Butler; "I shall not speak in a pet. If such had been my mind I had reason enough to show it at the conven tion. No; I will tako plenty of timo to shape my course." A leading paper says: St. Jacobs Oil, the great pain-destroyer, is high ly recommended for frost bite. Croup, Whooping Cough and IJron chilis immediately relieved by Shiloh's Cure. Sold by W. 11 DeinenL A full line of ladies' and children's Shoes, latest styles, to be found cheap at Arvold's, sign of the Golden Shoe. Don't pay SO cents elsewhere when you can get the best dinner in town at JEFF'S for 25 cents. Catarrh cured, health and sweet breath secured by Shiloh's Catarrh Ueni edy. Price 50 cents. Masai Injector free. For sale by W. E. Dement. LEADING 1 leiy. S. B. CROW. New Booms. New Material. EVERYTHING I'IKST CLASS, SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. C3" Mr. Wn:. A. Hell, of ian Francisco, one of the most skillful pmtogmpm.sts on tho Coast, assists in the operating room. Fine "H'ork a Specialty, On the ROADWAY uearly opposite St. Mary's Hospital. GREAT REDUCTION! AT A. aiAX.CO'Kll'S. .MRS. I WILL SELL FOK THE NEXT TJClIt TY IA"VS all Trimmed Hats and SUMMER GOCDS at mi. to close out my Summer Stock and make room for a I-irge Invoice of FALL GOODS. NOW is the time for Come and See and Be Convinced. WEST SHORE LUMBER MILLS J. C. TRULLINGER, - - - Proprietor. MANUFACTUKKK OK AND DKALKK IX All Kinds of Lumber, ON AND AFTER THIS DATE WILL sell Lumber andlJoxes at following rates: All Rouch Lumber, (only to special uurueuit'iu;, ....,? iu i No. l Flooring and Rustic, lomy tospe- clal agreement). .$2i 00 No. 2 Flooringand Rustic, (only to spe cial agreement) . $t co Mouldings, toper cent, cheaper than any body. Fish Boxes. U cents at mill, Shooks, 12 cents at mill. Private School EOR SMALL CHILDREN WILL RE opened In the Lecture room of the Pres byterian church on Monday. June Soth. at D o'clock. MISS LUCY J. POWELL. PltO rai MILLINERY GOODS The Leading House. THE LARGEST STOCK. Fiiest aid. Choicest Goods. Carl AuIgf's Crjstal Palace. Zioolis, raiionry, S-'aucy JuodM, Toy, Haby CaiMasi's. Solid Gold and Silver Jewelry Watches and Cloeli-, Picture. Albums. And lite largest and finest assortment cf miscellaneous goods north cf San Francisco. leal m x J3"AI1 my guods art' guaranteed to boas represents, ami If not sntlsfartorv you will find me lure six month or a vrar from now to make everything njdit. A FIRST-CLASS watch maker In attend mice. All work guaranteed. Yon are cordially Invited to call and in Seet the liamUemenewgooils jut recelwd. 0 ARL A CRYSTAL PALACE. Drugs and Chemicals A . A J. E. THOMAS, lr 1'reM.Tlptlons carelully compounded Day or Night. P. Blankholm. Cigars, Tobacco and Notions, FRUITS Cor. Squemoqua aud Olney streets, Attorin. The Gem Saloon. The Popular Resort for Astorians. For the Finest of Wines and Liquors (Jo to THE OEM SALOON. ALEX. CAMPKELL. - - PKOIIHETOIL -AND- O BGANS SMALL MUSICAL MERCHANDISE Piano, and Organ Instructors. -CELEBRATED STICK &KUABE PIANOS 1 AND THB WONDEUFU! LITTLE GIANT STECK PIANO USED BY PKESIDENT OF UNITED STATES UOVERNOK-OEXERAL OF CANADA GOVERNOR OF OREGON. ASTORIA MUSICAL SOCIETY. M RS. J. V. CONN, or Astoria. d. a. Mcintosh, Esq. " .1. D.HIGGINS.Esq. CHAS. WRIGHT, Esq. Ami by Many Other Prominent 3InIcIaas.,- CELEBRATED TABER ORGANS. Elegant Packard OrcIieHtral Organ akOnly exclusive Music House In the North west. Only wholesale and retail House in the Northwest. GARDNER Bros., 165 First St., Portland, Oregon. HOSPITAL, ASTORIA, OllEGOK THIS INSTITUTION. UNDER CAJtE OF the Sisters of Charity, is now ready foi the reception of patients. Private rooms for the accommodation oi nn v ihslrlinr them. Patients admitted at all houis.day or night. No physician lias exclusive rignt. every patient is free to and has the privilege of employing any phyMcian they prerer. United States 32uriue ko:iiiimi who nav Hosultal Dues, are enti tled to Free care and attendance at this Hos pital during sickness, remuia musioe ob tained lor United States Marines at the Cus tom House. Sistkiis of Chakit-. Wood Yard. Another Reduction to Suit Hard Times. UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE THE ASTO riaWood Yard. Gray's Dock, foot of Benton street, will sell wood at the follow- t . !.-. nn. I (l.illrnplfllArAVPr tllf CtfPPtq are planked, between Trullinger'.s Mill and U linen a iiuiui, uai;v iu iuiui atn-i-fc . Green Alder, 2-cut 4 23 per cord, long S3 50 Dry do do 4 CO do do 3 7o r-...Tr,..,.li.,L- iln 4 25 do do 3 50 Grnllemlo'k do Dry do do Green Fir do Dry Fir do Extra Maple , aud S. limbs do Vine Maple and S. limbs do 4 50 do do 3 75 4 50 do do 3 75 4 75 do do 4 00 j 50 do do 5 00 do 1 75 do Wood of All Kinds IMMTnTCP es AND Vw ci Pharmacist, a $ AST0RlA,O A is A S By the Scow load at KEDUCED KATES. J, II. D. Git AY Astoria, June 1st, 18S1. ii rnnPEDi 111 ml Ur En I THE Leading Dry Goods cajs u&s.E?a:Es:.&. fsli 1 vlilly 6 We are now showing the largest and choicest assort ment of BLACK and COLORED SILKS ever shown in Astoria at REMARKABLY LOW FIGURES. Ladies in need of such goods and want to get the genuine article would do well to give us a call. Bonnet's famous Black Silks in all numbers. Rich Brocaded Silks, Rhadames, Moires and Cet Colored Gros Grain Silks. Latest Shades. Fancy Brocaded Silks, New Designs. Evening Silks, in all the latest tints. Summer Silks in checks and strrnes. n, ,;.! -&agi OaS Pythian Building. ASTORIA BakerylConiectionery CoiTeo and Ice Cream rnrlors. C'HRXAIUS aSTKBKT. SVI?3IOi: Bread and Oakes OP ATX IUSDS. Weddings aud Parlies supplied with itrictly FIRST-CLASS WORK. o-Frencli and American-" CANDIES Manufactured, Wholesale and Kctail. BRANCH ESTABLISHMENT, OX THE KOADWAV. Gr. A. STINSON & CO.. BLACKSMITH1NG. At Capt. Ilogers old stand, corner of Cass and Court Street. Ship aud Cannery work, Ilorseshoeln. Wagons made aud repaired. Good work guaranteed. if. t. XKAVBIT.V. I. STKVKX. CITY BOOK STORK, Have just received a mammoth stock of Books. The young and old, rich and poor can all be accommodated. AGEXT3 FOI. THE Krauieli JSc Jtacli and 3Iniidfeldt & Xotnl lIanoand WcHtcrn CoTagc Orcans. Orders for all kinds or Music or Instru ments will be promptly filled. mm k mm Id. a. K JLMWJ1L'Jl..MiWL"-"-r.UJ FiM ClfliDi Straw Hats,- " Fine i Made to Reduced Meriea UllUluC? fMllIlilit?! $ and Clothing House Silks I! - Astoria, Oregon. K3rrnrtgzjgT,r7.-ss33sartiaBenAua-'ij :astoria liquor store, AUG. DAXIELSOX, - - Proprietor. Kclmilt and Itefltti'd Throughout. The Best or WISES, IiiqifOKii, AXI) CIUAUH. For a Good Cigar, call for one or "Danielson's Best." Comer Wcsttith and Water Streets, Astoria. uO-uin J. II. D. &KAY, Wliole.-iiile and retail dealer In. GROCERIES, FLOUR, AND FEED Hay, Oats, Straw, Wood, Etc. LIME, SAND AND CEMENT. General Storage and "Wharfage on reason able teniH. Foot of P.enton street, Astoria, Oregon. THE BEST 13 THE oo::3.:8p:je!s,!3? z Royal Brand Flour Manufactured by the OREGON MILLING COMPANY Is of Superior Quality, and Ls Endorsed by all who uso it. THE HOUSEKEEPER'S FAVORITE Of Superior Rising Quality. Guaranteed to Give Satisfaction. WYATT & THOMPSON Sole Agents for Astoria. Extra Larra Sizes. B E uiungs order at Prices ! ! iWitflll I Wlil buy ior casu. j&c