tz t gmty ftorim ASTORIA, OREGON: SUNDAY JULY 20, 18S1 BLAINE'S ACCEPTANCE. The Republican candidate for the presidency lias sent to the committee his letter of acceptance. It is the longest that any presidential can didate ever wrote, and is emphatic throughout It reads in part like a political speech, in part like a party argument, and in parE like a pres idential message. That which is new is good; that which is not new is well said. It is a square statement of American policy outlined by a man who has given the matter years of study, and who has during those years been foremost in the councils of the nation. In talking of the for eign policy of this government, he says: "Our foreign relations favor our domestic development. "We are at peace with the werld: at iinnn a sound basis, with no unsettled questions of sufficient magnitude to embarrass or distract us. Happily removed bv ereoirraohical -noHitinti from participation in the questions ul uyuusiy or uounuary wmcu SO freauentlv disturb the -npnop. nf F-n. rope, we are left to cultivate friendly relations witn an, anu tree from en tanerlement in thn nnnrrflls nf nnv The United States has no cause and no desire to enter into conflict with any power on earth, and we rest in confidence that no power desires to attack us. With the nations of the western hemisphere we should cultivate clos er relations, and for our common prosperity and advancement we should induce all to join with us in an agreement that for the future all international troubles in North or South America should bo adjusted by impartial arbitration, and not by arms. This project was part of the fixed policy of President Garfield's administration, and it should, in my judgment be renewed. Its accom plishment on this continent would fa vorably affect the nations beyond the sea, and thus powerfully contribute, at no distant date to thn Tmiwrsnl acceptance of the philanthropic and Christian nrincinle of arbitration. The effect even of suggesting this to opanisu-Amencau states has been mosthannv. niifllinsinnmnspfl tlinnrm. fidence of those people in our friendly disposition, it leu to my Jot, as secre tary of state, in June, 1881, to quiet ap prehension in the remihlirc nf Afprirn by giving assurance, in an official dis- patcn, mat mere is not tne faintest uesire in tne united States for terri torial accrrandizement. Th- linnnrtn. ries of the two republics have been estauiisned in conformity with the best jurisdictional interests nf hnfli. The line of demarcation is not merely convenience, it is more. It separates the Spanish-American people from the Saxon-American -neenle: it dividpR one great nation from another with distinct and natural affiuitv. We seek the conquest of peace. We desire to extend our commerce. and in an especial degree with our friends and neighbors on this con tinent. We have not improved our relations witn Spanish America as we snouia, ana as we miglit have done. For more than a generation the sym pathy of these countries has hpp-n al lowed to drift away from us. We snouia now make ever' eliort to gam their friendship. Onr tradn with them is already large. During the last twenty years our exchanges in tne western nemispnere nave amount ed to 3350,000,000, nearly one-fourth of our entire foreign commerce." The letter is fully up to the high expectations that were entertained regarding it, and is a platform in it self. The S:iltan of Turkey may be the "Sick Man of the East," but' he dies game. An exceptionally magnificent reception was recently given to the Crown Prince of Austria by the Sul tan. One million dollars were spent on the festivities; a new palace was specially built, with the finest new furniture,meats were served in dishes of pure gold, and at some of the fes tivals the whole court, thousands of soldiers and all the fleet took part This was not done, as supposed, to conciliate the future ruler of Austria and render him proof against any desire to annex Turkish territory, but simply in pursuance of the tra ditional splendor of the Turkish throne. Had the emperor of Austria been the Padisha's guest, he would have spent $2,000,000 and built two new palaces. It seems that ours is not the only government swindled. It has come to light that a system of swindling the American and Canadian govern ments has been carried on for years by collusion between Indian agents and contractors. As an instance, 300 cattle were ordered for Fort Walsh by the Dominion government They were delivered there and a receipt obtained for them. In the night they were purposely stampeded back to Montana and sold for S7,500. This game would be repeated on our side of the line at Fort Benton and the cattle sold to Fort Walsh. No won der the cattle men don't want the northern frontier of Montana thrown open to settlement, and the screening Piegans, Black Feet and River Sioux moved away. It will be interesting to note the action of the Northern Pacific Rail road, after it leases the O. R. & N. lines, toward the steamers that ply between here and San Francisco. They are the most valuable portion of the outfit and arc in direct an tagonism to the interests of the rail road. An escort of soldiers now accom pany every train upon the Mexican Central railway. This is considered necessary on account of the constant efforts to wreck the trains. The suggestion that a reunion of the veterans of both armies engaged in the war between the United States and Mexico be held in St Louis, at a date not- yet fixed, will doubtless re ceive the hearty concurrence of the governments and people of both countries. The time has come when the resentments engendered by the eventful campaigns of 1846-47 should be buried out of sight and remem brance. The two republics have been brought into such close relations during the past half dozen years that they are no longer mere diplomatic acquaintances, with no particular in terest in common, but near neighbors in constant and amicable intercourse. When J. R. Keene was editing a country paper in California and wear ing his coat buttoned close up to his chm while his shirt was in the wash, he thought he was rich if he had five dollars left after paying the printers Saturday night When he had made eight millions by speculating in min ing stocks he wanted to own the earth. But it would turn the heads of most men to make eight million dollars clear of board and washing and dog taxes, in two or three years. Mb. Blaine thinks that Massachu setts has too much grass land to wish to start a prairie fire; in other words, she has too many manufactures to favor a free-trade independent move ment The inference is shrewd, and yet it must be remembered that cer tain lines of manufactures now ask for free raw material, and engage, if that is furnished, to lower prices ac cordingly. The government's receipts from customs during the year just closed amounted to $196,000,000 in round numbers. This is about $18,000,000 under the returns for 1882-3, and $1, 000,000 in excess of Secretary Folger's estimate last winter. The reduction of the revenue by the tariff legislation of last year turns out to bo inconsid erable. The cholera is still spreading in France. A vessel arriving at London jrom Marseilles, with cholera on board, has been quarantined. Our government is adopting every pos sible precaution to prevent it reach ing the United States. " mm m Dakk complexions are coming into favor. It is said there is now what is known as sunburnt power introduced for the make-up of ladies' faces, both young and old, who would fain keep up with the procession. R. D. Hujte, of Ellensburg, is con ducting experiments looking to the establishment of a carrier pigeon ser vice between that place and San Francisco. New voters are arriving from the down-trodden monarchies daily. The first thing they learn is that John Kelly is President of the United Slates. The transfer boat for Kalama is finished. The Kalama branch is be ing put in condition and will be in working order about the first prox. It is, as the Governor of North Carolina remarked to the Governor of South Carolina, a long time be tween now and election. Br a recent law enacted by con gress Pacific and Wahkiakum coun ties are placed in the second terri torial judicial district Rich finds of gold are reported near Mt Baker, and large parties of men are flocking in from Whatcom and elsewhere. The Dingley Shipping bill is to be tested in San Francisco. It is not probable that its provisions can be eniorcea. China has weakened and will cive France all that that country has de manded. Skeena river salmon, in bond, is being shipped to Ontario, via N. P. R.R. NEW TO-DAY. Stockholders' Meeting. NOTICE IS HEREBY GLVEN THAT there will be a meeting of the stock holders of the Odd Fellows' Land and Build ing Association, In the lodge room of Beaver Lodge No. 33. 1. 0. 0. F.. on Saturday. Aug. 23, 1SS4, at 2p.m. A full attendance is re quested. A. J.MEGLER. Secretary. Grand Excursion Str. GEN. MILES Will make an Excursion Trip to Forts Stevens, Canby and Ilwaco, ON Sunday, July 20th. Leaving Gray's dock at 8 o'clock a. m. Fnre far the Round Trip - SI 00 J. IL D. GBAY, Ageur. Net Lost. 4 11RRAST ITTVV"l?vc rvxr - iRht of 17th, 100 lathoms43-mesh net. rZv j -?- H". cors ; powaer Kej? uuov TING PACKING CO'S. Nat t net A K5iL SSfE02 0N WEDNES sp r s1 W ftttwns .inesh. marked iS2: CfcC??. parked J, r. CompSy'namerr. uuinaYlan "UiK A Seven Room House To Lpt. IN A DESIRABLE LOCALITY. Inquire at this offlce. Occidental Hall, L. E. SELIO T-essee anil Manager. BEN. COTTON'S Only Two Nights, Friday, July 25f li and Saturday. July 20tli. -ALSO- GRAND FAMILY MATINEE Saturday Afternoon. Friday, - TRUE DEVOTION." "IR3IA. the Waif." "TRUE DEVOTION." Saturdnv. Matinee. Reserved seats at the Now York Novelty Stoiv. ARE YOU GOING TO GET BECAUSE IF YOU ARE YOU WANT A Housekeeping Outfit. AND AT M.0LSEN& You will find Every llriiB that you need in me way 01 Furniture, carpets, stoves, Crockery, House-funiishfnx 5oxls. NICE COMFORTABLE BEDS, And everything just as Reed and a OR KAT twa r.rUPA pi,-if tiion rnn rr ; ...... - va.a-..a -M. umu uu will fcvi, II till J where else iu Astoria. Now If you want to BE CONVINCED cme around and see our prices. AVe will Guarantee to sell you nnvthintr vou want cheaper than you can get it at auction or eisewnerc. Everyone Knows the XMncc DEL duction ! FOR THE NEXT SIXTY DAYS, MRS.A.B..1EWETT will sell her stock of JIILLINKRT and FASCV GOODS at a Reduction of Twenty per Cent. On Former Trices This U a rare chance for the Indies to secure bargains. Astoria. June 21st, 1SS4. T. G. RAWLINGS, Wholesale and Retail Dealer In Tropica!, Domestic, Green and Dried MJTS, CANDIES, DRIED MEATS, ETC, Fine Cigars ami Tobacco. Next door to I. .1. Arvold's, Squemoqua St. Water ! Water ! Water! Wheeler & Kipp, PRACTICAL Pirate Gas aid Steam Fitters ALL WORK Warranted, and Estimates Given. FULL STOCK Irou and Pipe, Batli Tuls, "Water Closets, and CJas Fixtures. Jobbing Promptly Attended to. A SPECIALTY Is mado of Tap ping Water Mains and Running water Pipes, as We have Supe or facilities for doing this work. Corner .Squemoqua and Hamilton Streets, Astoria, Oregon. Notice of Sale, mius 18 TO GIVE notice that:i -LliarO tllW ilnv tmnsfnrrofl nil m- riolit and interest iu the establishment known as me uiiy hook store, toll. v. .Newbury and Irvinp Stevens, who will conduct the oi uie n nn iu me iniure. All accounts rinr nm tn Up tvilrt fn"Vmv bury and Stevens. U. ! STEVENS. Astoria, July 1st, 1SS1. Notice to Whom It May Concern. nJIHE VNDERSIONED HAVING BEEN JL appointed administrator nf iii ottnto nf John Hume deceased, all persons having claims against said estate are hereby re quested to presentsuch claims duiy verified, within six months from the date of this no tice, at my office in "William Hume's cannery, in the city of Astoria, Clatsop County. Ore gon. . , , , . J. W. HUME. Astoria, July oth, 18S4. d-5w Notice of Assignment. iiiRcnrr nomrr. pr.ATsnp rnnvrv yj Oregon. In the matter of the Estate of McCurtie and Holt, Insolvent debters: Assignee's notice of appointment To whom it may notice of his appointment as assignee vi me esiaiu 01 iucuunie anu nou, in solvent debtors of Astoria, Clatsop County. Oregon. All claims against said estate must be said clty.duly verified as by law required. wuuiii iiirve muiiur irom me uaie oi in is notice. J. E. THOMAS, Assignee of the Estate of McCurtie & Ilolt, insolvent debtors. July 7, 18S4, dc-w Notice of Purchase. TTT-ETHE UNDERSIGNED HAVE THIS it day entered Into co-partnership under the firm name of H, D. Newbury & I Stev ens, Irving Stevens having purchased the Interest of B. F, Stevens In the City Book Store. II. D. NEWBURY. IRVING STEVENS. Astoria, July 1st, 1S31. Good Milk Cow for Sale. TNQUIREOFDR. jay ttjttle. COIBIATIOI If! n El II I L U i A NSW DEAL ALL 'SOUND. Soiiietliing of Importance to Everyone that Lives in the City of Astoria. WWSle llWWwlgSft The WELL-KNOWN BUILDER, has l-ought from W. W. PAKKER, tho large Sash and Door Factory known as "Hansen Bros.' Mill," And nialcos puhlic the announcement of the fact. Ilis well-known reputation as a Successful Builder and Contractor, and Ihe Quality of the Stock he furnishes, is his guatantee that any oneordcring material at his place will be able to GET JUST WIT AT TITEY WANT, promptly on time, and ' AT LOWEST PIGrTJSES. A Full Slock of Sash and Door Work, Mouldings, etc., on Hand or Made to Order. Bids and Estimates Furnished, arid Orders Solicited. BUILDERS, CARPENTERS call, examine stock and give a trial order. WILLIAM HXnYE, PROPRIETOR. THE HOWE PLANIIG MILL We beg to call the attention of the public to our latest importation, diicct from Eastern manufacturers, of the r Ever offered for sale in this city, comprising all grades from the FINEST BODY BRUSSELS In the Newest Tints ami Shades. To the lowest priced article in this line. We are determined to dispose or our stock of Carpets within the next four weeks, and to that end uITer special inducements, precluding tho possibility of Sciii-r Undersold by any of our Competitors. IX THE Furniture and House Furnishing Line We can show you the very BEST GOODS at 1H)TT0M FIGUJIES, and shall he pleased to receive a call for inspection whether you purchase or not. CHAS. HEILBORN. N6W tS m mw w :v r-j&5iJ-isi j -"- Carpets, Matting, .: .'z.'ir r ms I1: hi ME &? Z PICTURE FRA3IES MOULDINGS, ETC., ETC. At Greatly Reduced Prices, And cordially invite a call from our friends and the public generally. We intend to become a permanent fixture in this place and trust to receive a liberal share of patronage from the public. ASTORIA FURNITURE CO., Cor. Chenamus and Hamilton Sts. n. Du BTJISSOX, Manager. and CONTRACTORS invited to yP 4 4JJ85fo55, LHIIJ i a 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 S i. n 'SIX OS SIS Wo take pleasure ii: announcing, that hav ing purchased the stock of the late firm of E. D. Curtis & Co., ami ami having made many New and Attractive Additions' We now offer for sale the MOST COMPLETE LINE OF HOUSE Furnishing Goods, Pictures, Mirrors, Por The Pinest Grcceries. Por Tlie Preshest Vegetables, Por The Most Complete Assortment, Por Absolute Satisfaction, In Filling and Delivering All Ordei .. ('.ill at FBAK L, PARKER'S Family Grocery and Provision Store, Corner Benton and Chanamus Streets. Opposite Custom House Square. ljji i"mJt.'.auoafcvarcasixrti-itJUvt.u 5S?225SS felHSJgS lagagjg-y - -- -- TER apply to the Captain, or to THE mmiisism fen n 5 iFm mva- urt mmb nuuse Onr Stoci Is The lost Coffljilete, Our Prices At M Bottom Ami Our Anxiety To Sell Is Uncqualetl! We Are Always ai the Top of the Market And With lTs You Will Find THE LATEST NOVELTIES IS OUR LINE As Fast As They Appear In Eastern Markets. WE INVITE INSPECTION OF 0UR1ATEST IMPORTATION -OF- Ladies' and Infants' White Goods, Skirts, Parasols, Silk Mitts, Gloves in Lisle, Silk and Cotton, Fans, etc., etc. -DKAI.r.ll Tin, Sheet Iron and Copper Ware. A General Assortment of HOUSEHOLD CCQPS. Agents for Magec Sto The 1'iumblng goods of all kinds or. bsnd. .lol work done in a v.'orkmanltkr n:ui!Ui vesaiid Raa:. iKfS IJest in the inaiTket. .aia?!:'".". S54SS4g PLUMBING, GAS FITTING, AND CANNERY WORK Attended to Promptly on Reasonable Terms. CIiciinnniH Ktrppt. Kvxl to Ii- I'arkcr'rt Store. THE NEW MODEL ss-Eirr, - JfeS2? .-?- -'rr ,. - ' A FUIili STOCK cH !B wSjf - s & .1. Ol'STAF-OX. MARTIN OLSEN & CO. DEALERS IX FUBISTITURE 55 BEDDING. Corner jlain and sifjtucsioqnn Streets. Astoria, Oreco". WIHDOW SHADES AND TBIMMN&S; WALL PAPER, ETC. A CoiJixIcic Stoelf. PEICSS AS CHEAP AS OTALITY WILL AFFOED. m, KIIvRS OF FIinXITJJIIE RK&M1ZSSD AKI VAI&XISnED. FOK TZ inest Groceries A FLTLL LINE OF HARDWARE AND Ship Chandlery. A NEW SLIP Just Finished in Hear of Store. HEADQTTARTEKS FOR Toys, Mcj Ms, Stationery, CUTLERY, ETC. Fresh Fruit Received Daily. A Full Stock of Smokers Ar.icles. NEW GOODS CONSTANTLY AKKIVINC. CHAS. A. MAY, Chenamus street, south side, one door from Cass. -GO TO- foaed i mm :Z2S2SZZIS32S22iSaHBeKSSSSQ3L vrs-LiaiEu fuy parish Eben P. Parker, Master. Fi.rTiVINO, FREIGHT or CHAR JS. IS. IMKKEK. XI. 12 ON'LT ift n&y, !'- 5.:' i&i- W&rrr? -IfesSESSI -- i"piZfc,-s l.A.Mili t,Ai lit. IIAL li AS- SSlj lUHlA UIi Y OF P B. SAWBi AG EAT C.WA. AND KXAMINE IT, Vol WILL IJE 1M.ELVSED. K. It. IIAWES is also agent for the Ml iteit And other first-class Stoves. Furnace "Work. Stoam Fxt-j-.inSs. etc.. a. apooialty AIiWAYS ON HAND. A. JOIIXSOX. THE LATEST STYLES WALL "PAPER AT B. B. FRANKLIN'S, NEXT DOOR TO ASTORIAN OFFICE. A verj' large Stock from which to select. Window curtains made to order. fS-My patent Trimmer to cut Wall Taper will he touiid convenient to my patrons. Hardware ait Ship Chandlery A. VAN DUSEN &. CO, DEALERS IN Hardware and Ship Chandlery Pure Oil, Bright Varnish, Binacle Oil, Cotton Canvas, I, Hemp Sail Twine, Cotton Sail Twine, Lard Oil, Wrought Iron Spikes, Galvanized Cut Nails, Agricultural Implements, Sewing Machines, Faints ami Oils, Groceries, etc, Vrt i?Z v.