r 3 Tne Jlaihj IMfovian, ASTORIA, OREUOS: tl:sdayZZI..:Z..Z)uly i.-,, issi ISSUED EVERY MORNING. (Monday excepted) J. P. HAliLORAN & COMPANY. TLTILISUKCS AM J'HOrKTrTORS, A.STORIAX KGILD1MO. - - JWSSSTKKET Terms of Subscription. Served bv Carrier, per week 1 Sets. Sont by Mail. jor month r-Tcts. " " onevear.... ........ 7.00 r rei or jxMae lo hubscribcrs. CTAilvortisemciils inserted bv the Mnr at Hie rate of S2 per squaic per month. Tran sient advertising nity cents per square, eaen insertion. Notice To Advertiser. Tim Atoiiiax fjuavantoe-; in its ad vertisers the largest ciriilalio:i of any newspaper published on th Columbia AROUND THK U1TV. Conner.- can get one ponud cans from A. W. Bony. The Oregon is due from San Francisco this morning. A laree list of excursionists is reported coining on to day's steamer from I'ort- lnnd. There in a ines-nigc at the telegraph office for Mrs. Mercurio and for Z. Kou inson. There will be a school meeting in dis trict No. One this evening to levy n school tax, pay interest, and provide means to pay for improvement. Charley Moflit's smiling face is daily seen in the sheriff's oflico where ho occu pies the position of deputy. Tom i'oel ling will be the deputy of tho county clerk. Blanks legal, blanks commercial, blanks of every size, style and require ruent on hand in stock or printed to or dor in ny quantity at Txik Astouiis office. Tho AYuw comes enlarged and full of live item1. It is under its new manage ment, scrupulously exact about crediting its exchanges, which speaks well for its honesty in everything else. In the police court yesterday Fred Hvlo plead guilty to a charge of disor derly conduct and was fined :10. On a similar charge Nic Davich demanded a jury trial and was acquitted. Some of the workers that belong to No. One have dono a little needed street im provement on their own account, and fixed, the street in the vicinity of One's engine house so that the "mashc-en' won't be jolted to death when taken out in a hurry. Tho hose races have induced imitation, and every da3 the juveniles make up am ateur hoso teams and givo wonderful dis plays of speed. Cass street is their fa vorite track, and with a little wagon, a time keeper, and considerable earnest ness, they ''whoop it up"' as lively as anyone. The Astouias acknowledges the receipt of. a magnificent collection of flowers from Mrs. Capt. Phil. Johnson, luscious strawberries from John Matier of Skip anon, large cherries from Job Itoss, and various fruits and flowers from unknown doners, all of which arc gratefully re ceived and duly appreciated. And now comes the timo when those who can take a breathing spell and slip off to tho woods and tho trout streams and the seashore. Parties of three to twenty are starting in all directions. Within tho limits of our own county lie the grandest attractions in tho way of hunting, fishing, bathing and all tho health giving exercise of out door life. Tho grand musical and literary enter tainment to bo given at Occidental hall next Thursday ovening will doubt less bo well attended. Tickets fifty cents each, for salo at tho City book store. The entertainment is for the benefit of the Presbyterian church, but apart from that, the merit of the performance will bo sufficient to justify a liberal patron age. "So the salmon is an anadrom.and not a salt water fish." Thus doth tho Orego nian try to get out. of the question by going to tho dictionary after obsolescent works. No one denies that the salmon is an "ancdrom," which simply means "a fish that ascends rivers," but there is nothing in natural history,or the diction ary, to prevent a salmon's being at once a salt water fish and an "anadrom" too. The fact of the matter is that it is so long since our genial naturalist of the Oregonian got a taste of real genuine, 22 carat, yard wide, Columbia salmon, that ho lias forgotten tho experience of Srovious seasons. It is only July 15th. 'he lordly "anadrom" will run some time yet, and our idiomistic friend is urged to come and partake. THE HOWE PLANING 3IIL1- Wni. Howe makes an announcement this morning of considerable interest to everyone who has anything to do with building. Ho has bought the Hansen mill from W. W. Parker, and it will be henceforth known as tho "Howe Planing Mill.' He will furnish sashes, doors, mouldings, etc., in a prompt and satis factory manner, and will do his best to suit his patrons and the public generally. There is n largo quantity of this work in demand, and he expects and without doubt will do his share of it. The mill is well provided with machinery, and there is no reason why a single order should be sent awaj' that could as well and as cheaply bo done in this city. This is no experiment on his part. He has long been known as a skillful and successful builder. All over the Oolum bia river are specimens of his skill, and ho now makes public announcement of the fact that ho is again on deck with a largo and well supplied mill, ready to furnish at short notice everything tliat is usually manufactured in a first-class establishment of this kind. Everyone is cordially invited to visit the Howo plan ing mill. Notice. The meeting of the Woman's Relief Corps, G. A. R., has been postponed to next Wednesday afternoon at U o'clock at their hall. A full attendance is desired. Blaine and Logan. There will be a meeting of the Blaine and Logan Club this evening at 8-i0 o'clock, nt tho Hall of Astoria Engine Co. No. l. By order of the president II. F. Pkael, Secretary. I. O. O. F. Notice. A full atlendande of the members of Beaver Lodge No. .T3 1. 0. 0. F. is here by requested for Thursday evening, July 17, 1884, to consider business of importance. By order of the Lodge. T.S..IKWKTT, Rec Sec. Gold and Silver Jewelry, "Warranted as represented at Carl Ad ler's Crystal Palace. Music Books s Music Books. A large assortment of the best works just received at Carl Adler's. Groceries Crockery- and Glass ware In latest styles and at lowest prices at Mrs. K. Zimmerman's, corner Main and Squemoqua. A first class stock of fam ily groceries. The most popular bitters in tho mar ket Is Dr. Henley's Dandelion Tonic. A TRir 0" THE SILKS. Tho beauty of la-sl Sunday morning at tracted a large crowd of pleasure- p&ekerf on board the har.dsomo and commodious sioamer Gen. Milrs, which left Gray's dock at S o'clock for n nearer approach to tho ocean. Under thoskillful guidance of Captain AVhitcomb thosteamcrhcaded for Port Stevens, whero n landing of pas sengers for that point was effected. Tho shoaling of tho sand at the wharf makes it necessary to put all Fort Stevens' pas sengers off in a smidl boat , and this should beonongh to make tho enterprising coni- Lany that own tho boat use a transfer oat that is in better nndtijzhter condi tion than the one that landed tho Fort Stevens passengers last Sunday. A'fter landing tiie Fort Stevens' passengers the Miles proceeded to Fort Canby. where a large number got off, and then went on to lhvaco, the terminus of a pleasant trip. To those who have never made the trip it is one that is fall of pleasure and inter est; and those who have been there on former occasions embrace every oppor tunity to revisit the different points of interest. The Miles is well fitted up for tho excursion to the forts and the capes; she is manned by experienced and efficient men and in deservedly popular with As toriaus, who always patronize and en courage anything that shows enterprise nud a disposition to please. The Northprii I'acllic WIJ1 I.j-im' t!n 0. J5. Jfc X. President Harris, of the Northern Pa cific Railroad company, has been inter viewed by an Oregonian reporter. He says that his company has had the mat ter of leasing the O. R. Ar N. linps under consideration for some time, and that they have finally concluded to take that step. "liny 1 jisk upon what terms the lease is made?' asked the reporter. "Substantially the same." answered Mr. Harris, "as wnfe published .ome time since-, viz.: Payment of fixed charges; C per cent, interest the first year, 7 per cent, the K-cond nud S per cent, thereaf ter. Thi is the basis around which wo are negotiating." "When will negotiations probably bo concluded?' "That is hard to say. The negotia tions cover n vast amount of property; nearly 700 miles of railroad, the .steam ship and steamboat lines, docks, the in terest in tho Northern Pacific Terminal compan.v. and minor properties. You see llicy involve a vast amount of clerical work, and nothing will be concluded that is not entirely satisfactory to both roads.5 'How will this affect the building of tho Cascade branch? ''Not at nil. It has always been the in tent ion of the Northern Pacific to come to Portland and to Puget Sound. In 18S0, with the great financial load of constructing 800 miles of road to com- Sletc tho main line from the lakes to the blumbia river, the company found it to be its best interest to join with the O. II. & N., which was built from Walluln to Portlaud. These conditions are not changed. Tho Cascade division will bo built. Tho laud grant will sustain it during its infancy, until such time as the development of the country through which it passes will givo it substantial support.' "How will tho proposed lease affect tho Oregon Short Line?.' 'Not nt all. The Union Pacific has a traffic contract for ten years with the O. 11. fc N. Co., on almost the samo terms as that made with tho Northern Pacific in the fall of 1880. The only difference is that tho Northern Pacific's in in perjjet uity. For the noxl ten years tho Union Pacific will como into Portland on pre cisely the same basis as the Northern Pacific does now." "How soon, do you think, the formal transfer of tho O. It. &. N. will be mado to you?" "Probably by tho end of August." "For what temi of years?" "Oh, It will be 'a marriage for weal or for woe.' Probably 99 years." IN JttEMORIAM. lTTHHX Castlk IIai.1, t Astouia, Or., July 9, 18S4, PP. XXI. j WmatKiH, It haq pleased the Supreme Ruler to remove from among us our worthy brother knight, J. V. Olson, lato a member of Astor Lodge No. C, K. of P. liesohed, That in tho death of Bro. Olsen this lodge suffers tho loss ot a true nnd faithful knight, whoso example of honor, induatrv and integrity is worthy of all emulation.' Iicsoltcd, That wo sympathize with his bereavod relatives in "t his their timo of trial nnd affliction. Xesolced, That while we bow in all humility before tho expressed will of God, we do so in tho hope of a reunion in tho hereafter when we shall again greet our departed brother knight. ItcjQlccd, That these resolutions be published in the city papers nnd n copy presented to tho widowof our late brother. Ed. D. Curtis, i Jat Tijttle, Coin. E. A. Noyks. Tho survey for the I. S. t G. H. B. It. was completed yesterday. The road will strike tho beach after leaving llwaco at a point near tho town of Sen View, thence following the ridge along tho beach until Ocean park is renched. From thero it takes a northeasterly course, terminating just south of tho yellow bluff on Shoal water bay. The total distance is fifteen miles. Mr. Ilawgood returns to Portland to-day, nnd will begin work upon his re port nnd estimate immediately. So soon as this is finished, bids for grading will bo called for. Pacific Journal, 12lh. GOOD ADVICE. A pretty face a treasured gift. IJelieve me, 'tis not a fable, Art can presorvo when nature fails, Have it photographed by Akilt. Take tho elevator 2D Washing! on St. Stoj That Cough ISy going lo .1. E. Thomas's and getting a bottle "of Leroj-'s Cough llalsam. It wi i.t. ct:i:i: yolt. ' Fjiruislied Itooms to IScnl. lnquiro at Mrs. Campbell's, over Gem Saloon. Just Received. A. large .slock of .soft and stiff lints in all the latest styles, at McIntosh' Fur nishing store. The leading Publications At Carl Adler's at publishers' prices. For a Kent Fitting Boot Or Shoe, go to P. J. Goodmans, on Che namus street next door to J. W. Case. All goods of the best make and guaran teed quality. A full stock; new goods conhutiuiy arriving, tiusiom worK. To Cannerynien and Fishermen. Anyone wanting boats built for next season can leave orders ntTm: As Toni.vx office In my absence. Jos.liE.vriinim. Will you suffer with Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint ? Shiloh's Vitalizer is guaranteed lo cure you. Sold y W. E. Dement A full line of ladies and children's Shoes, latest styles, to be found cheap at Arvold's, sign of the Golden Shoe. Buy jour Lime of Gray at Portland prices. Just received a new lot of Parasols, at the Empire Store. OFB KOBTHEHX BITALS. Salmon FlsherlM In AlaiVa. Sitka, Juno 17, IrSl. That tho headquarters of tho salmon canning industry will bo eventually trans ferred from the Columbia river to Alaska is tho creed of all loyal Alaskans. There aro several causes for the possible change, tho most important of which at the pres ent time is the enormous differenco in the first cost of tho fish in favor of Alaska; another cogent reason is the rapidly in creasing demand for this invaluable food and tho probable future inability of tho southern rivers to meet it. One recently developed phase of the trade the ship ment f tue fresh fish in refrigerator cars to the interior and Atlantic coast the Columbia will unquestionably always monopolize, and this, of itself, promises to bo a trade of no small size. The com parative merits of "the fish :re in favor of the Columbia, but not to the extent often stated by superficial observers. The southern fish is fatter nnd is sujerior in size and flavor to the generality of the run in tho noilh; but for cunning and salting bulk is not an important advan tage, and the more delicate flavor tho J San Francisco Chronicle correspondent thinks is lost in the process of preserving. ALAHKAX WATKC5 SWAH1UNO WITH I IStl. In tho matter of supply, Alaskn is practically inexhaustible. The streams, which are numbered by the hundreds, teem with fish. True, there are millions of them unmarketable; their flesh is white nud has a rank flavor. J his spec.es is known as don salmon and runs in sucu numbers that one can wade the shallow streams and drive them out of tho water. The Indians catch them by means of a large hook attached to u pole nnd in tills way will fill their canoes in an incredibly short time. On tho other hand, there are numerous streams in all portions of the Territory that swnnn with a fine quality of bright red s?lmon, nnd five yearn hence it is doubtful if there will lie one on theso locations unoccupied by fishing establishments. Thero is a ready market for all this class of salted fish that can be obtained. The Columbia river mer chants do not respond to tho demand, as it is more profitable, to them to cm their fish and more remunerative to their fish ermen to catch only the largo one?. The Alaska fish is more suitable for salting, ns the average weight dressed is about three pounds. Mauy enterprising mer chants of the Pacific coast are aware of these facts nnd alive to their importance, no better proof of which can be offered than is shown by tho rapid increase of business in these waters in the past year by tho Pacific Coast Steamship Company. wern: or six vackino comvasiks. Your correspondent has completed a tour of the islands, during which time he has visited nil the canneries within a ra dius of li0 miles. The present season has opened with promising activity; three new salting establishments have been lo cated and their buildings almost coro filetod, nnd nil count confidently on n argo catch. Six lioneer companies started operations last season. They wore mostly oquipped on an economical basis, with tho fewest possible employes and incomplete outfits. The purpose wub chiefly to prospect tho country, and, ir possible, cover exepenses. Tho "follow ing is n tabular statement of their ship ments, nnd nil these parties agree that tho year was an off one, the results were nt least encenraging: Companies ;bls.llf.ut)ls.Ca.ses. N. W. Trading Co. Chllcat Pfcjr. Co . Cape Fox i'ktf. Co.... Alaska I. & V. Co Ked Itay 1'Kg. Co... '-01 rail Z.-l&i 2 890 - a,731 CO 24(5 1000 sitKa X'Ki;. co., Tola's 1- .1 isni S3TI 10.137 All start in this season with largely in creased facilities, so thnt it is confidently assumed this season's showing will dem onstrate Alaska to be the future headquaiters of the salmon-eanuiug in dustry. A THllKATEXKll WAR OF RACES. Indian labor Is chiefly employed, nnd is generally paid nt the rate of 20 per ton, excepting notably at Chilcat, where the two rival establishments en gaged in n war of prices against each other, paying ns high as 15 cts. per fish, a suicidal policy", as the hopelessness of ev er convincing thes3 Indians that the highest prico paid is not tho just one is a well-known fact. The result proved as might have been expectod, for the trad ing company has been obliged to import Chinese labor. A complication is not unlikely to follow this action. Tho In dians throatcu to prevent tho Chinamen engaging in fishing nnd the trading com pany retaliates with counter-threats to call in tho sen-ices of the United States war vessel now in these waters. The tribe at this point are more independent and self-reliant than in any other coast portionof tho Territory. Their natural ad vantages in location are strong, and they know it nnd are boastful of it. Then village lies on tho banks of n shallow river, about fifteen miles from its mouth, nnd tho stream is not nnvigable for man-of-war boats. CHEAl' IKDIAK LAUOJ:. Most, if not nil, the fishing establish ments manufacture their own barrels here. Lumber is abundant and cheap. Hooiwcost about $21 a thousand iu Port land, and the freight up is $14. A good cooper will average 1,000 barrels a month. He receives $7fi a month and board. Considering all things, Indian labor for golting out the stave-bolts, for which is paid S3 or SG n cord, a barrel made here costs, roughly, 1.50, which is cheaper than it can be bought in San Francisco. There is no civil government and no tax es, perfect security prevails and the land is free to all. Tho Indians, ns a rule, are tho most harmless and inoffensive creatures "that exist anywhere. Somo of tho whites are timid enough to believe that if it were not for the presence of a war vessel the Indians would give trouble, but as Undo Sam always keeps one of his invincible fleets in these waters, tho most faint hearted, with such protection, apprehend no harm. CHAXCES FOR rSVESTaiKNT. A small capital judiciously expended here by any one with a good knowl edge of tno business would net a handsome yearly profit. In the first ijiru il 1.1 utti2ury io visit me country during the fishing season and carefully select a location near a good red-salmon stream, or better still, m the neighbor hood of several such streams. A location of this kind is not difficult lo find, and if settled upon, a steam launch would prove invaluable for towinc the fish-ln. den boats to the cannery. This is a want which is seriously felt by several of tho canneries now in operation, as they fish streams within a radius of ton or more miles. A boat of tins kind would expedite matters immensely and fre quently facilitate a doublo catch of fish. By tho end of tho season it would bo found that she had quite paid for her self. In lieu of such a boat several of tho canneries havo built large flat-bottomed sloops, which thoy pull or fa:l from point to point until loaded, leaving tho Indians with their canoes to finish their fishing. This, howover, is slow work nnd involves coasiderab! labor another suggestion would be to endeavor to establish somewhere near tho mail steamer's route, the advantages of which aro manuest. nEAVY FREIGHT RATES. Tho preseut freight ratas are the most serious drawbaoks. They are undoubt edly high, but this is a fault that will correct itself with increase of business. From north nf Tnrt "WrannaU in Ron Francisco $10 a ton is charged for lots of teutons and over, from south of Wran eell $8. The rates are up higher and yary according to the class of goods. 'As the fishing season here commences two months later than on tho Columbia and closes nearly that much later, an impor tant advantage is gained in enabling tho parties here to estimate closely tho nec essary quantity to can in order to supply the demand. COD FISHERIES. The cod fisheries of Alaska aro likewise destined to play n prominent part in tho future. A thorough and profitable pros pect of this branch of tho business was made lost season by the Northwestern Trading Company at its Kilisnoo station. The fish are of fnir sizo, avernginjfwhpn ureaseu iuiiy two poanas; tno meat ic rTiif- firm nnrl fif firm flnirr. lwinn tho past winter tho company built thirty fiRliiii lxints onmmnfliniia cilffi- 1 ! iugaml packing house?, madeei'tensno ndditionsto its fine wharf, and perfected all arrangements to insure prompt and proper aire of tho immenso catch they confidently expect to make. Its-'chiof difficulty heretofore was in drying tho fish, owing to the extreme, humidity of the atmosphere, but this has been over come by an artificial process. The fish are laid in light trays consisting of a slender frame nnd twine network; theso nre piled one over the other in cars which are run in a long wooden tunnel, having a hot-air furnace at one cud and an exhaust at the other. How long it will take to dry the fish in this wav has not been yet determined. Several tons of cod were put up hero last season, nnd nre said to have met with a prompt sale at top prices. Halibut also abounds, but .13 yet Lj-ndo & Hough of San Francisco nro " tho only parties engaged in this branch of the business. The; will pat up this season nf tbnir PQtnhlfclimniir. nt SJWl-o nlv-..if fifty tons. Halibut fins alone bring 1S per narroi in tno mnrxet, ttio nanss also omnmntirl Ji crwl fifmr.- ninl tfin nnnn paid for the fish hero is less than 1 cent a liuiu. cumuli .nit. tmtuuii JJUUlwlU 1X1 nn wnr infnrfmn rrf rvnfl tiA in it.-. latter fish nre ready for shipment before tne Fcawn ior xne lormer commences. KIsH MXKS SIX illUK LONU. "They fish with Hues six miles long iu Winnebago lake. Wisconsin, and use 20,000 hooks on every lino," v-aid a Kow York fisherman who has leen there. "nud if they don't haul up 2,000 fish every time they call it indifferent luck. And every fish will weigh from twenty to sovenlj pounds. That's the way they fish for alurgeon out there. ''One of these lines will reach half way across the lake. It is a rope an inch in diameter. It is carried out in tho lake, largo buoys being nltached to it nt inter vals to keep it on the surface. The 20.000 hooks, baited with a piece of meat or fish, are lowered to tho bottom of tho lake by 'snoods of the Iproper length at tached to tho line. It takes twenty boats, with two men in each,lo look after this big fish line. Each boat has 1,000 hooks in its charge. Tho hooks are placed eighteen inches apart, and to bait all tho hooks once requires not less than 1000 pounds of meat. It takes forty men and twenty boats ten hours to set the lino for the first time. After that tho fishermen are constantly employed in going to and fro over the line, hauling in tho sturgeon that have been caught on tho hook, and rebaiting where it is neces sary. "To haul in a seventy pound sturgeon from the bottom of the lake is an excit ing pieco of work, but requires moro strength than skill, ns the fish nlwnys has tho hook several inches down his throat, having sucked bait and nil down without any regard to consequences. Thero is no danger of losing the fish un less the snood of tho hook breaks. When the fish is hauled to tho surfaco a gaff like a meat hook is thrust into tho side of its head and tho sturgeon is drawn into tho boat and knocked in tho head with a mallet. Tho hook is cut out of its throat, rebnited. nnd thrown back into tho lake. "Tho average catch or sturgeon is one to every ten hooks. When n lmt is loaded with all it will carry of sturgeon, the fishermen row back to shore, whero others take the fish and dispose of them. Tho fishermen know the particular sec tions of the lino on which they work by the arrangement of the buoys. Theso aro placed ten feet apart, and every fifteenth ono is red. Tho spaco between the red buoys contains 1000 hooks. Tho sections are numbered, nnd each boat has its number corresponding with tho sec tion it fishes. Whilo tho average catch is ono sturgeon to ten hooks, it is no un common thing for tho fishermen to find but one or two to an entiro section of 1000 hooks. "The liako Winnebago sturgeon is highly prized among the lumbermen and others m the region. Its flesh is finer and of better flavor than tho saltwater sturgeon's. Tho iish sell for six cents a pound nt retail. Large quantities are salted and smoked for aso in the lumber camps." Xotiee Dinner nl "J EFF'S"C1".P HOUSE everyday from 4:&)to8 o'clock. The best 25-cont meal iu tewn: soup, ilsh, seven kinds of meats, vegetable?, pie, pudding, etc. Tea or r-otrec included. All who have tried him say .Jell" is the "IIOSS." lEctlueert Prices. The Ham Fat Jan's traveling restau rant, on and after tliis date, will satisfy all hungry mortals at tho rate of 10 cts. per sandwich, or throe for 20 cent. A 11 orders left at the .Snu? saloon will be promptly attended to. X. 15. Xo extra charge after ! P. M. .July 2nd, 1&S4. SjTiip of Fir. Xnt ure's own true Laxative. Pleas ant to the palate, acceptable to the .Stom ach, harmless in its nature, painless in its action. Cures habitual Constipation. Biliousness, Indigestion and kindred ills. Cleanses the sys-leni, purifies the blood, regulates the Liver and nelson the Howe's, l.reaks up Colds. Chills and Fever, etc. strengthens the organs on which it ads. Better than bitter, nauseous Liver medicines, pills, salts and draughts. Sample bottles free, and large bottles for safe by YV.E. Dement & Co., Astoria. A Xasal Injector free with each bottle of Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy Price 50 cents. Sold bv W. K. Dement Arvold sells Boots and Shoes cheaper than anj' one else in town, because, we buy for cash. Arvold will sell a large, stock of Boots and Shoes. at cost, at the Lending boot and shoe store. Tho latest patterns ami .stvles of Ginghams and Calicoes, at iho "Empire Store. A full lineof Ladles' Laco Mills of all descriptions, to be found at the Empire Store. Dr. IIcnleys Dandelion Tonic tickles the palate and gladdens the heart. Koscoa Dixon's new eaiinj; house Is now open. EveryUiinR has beon fit ted up in first-class style, nnd his well known reputation as a caterer assures all who like Reed things to cat, that at his place thoy can bo accommodated. Gray sells Sackelt P.ros. Al sawed cedar slunslo.s. Sleepless NiKl'ts made miserable by that terrible couch. Shiloh's Cure is the remedy for 3-011. Sold by W. E. De ment !c Jo. Siiir.on's Cum: will immediately fSievc Croup, Whooping Cough, and Bronchitis. Sold by W. E. Dement & Co A Seven Room House To Let." FA DESIRABLE LOCALITY. Inquire at this office. The Leading House. THE LARGEST STOCK. 'The Finest ani (Sum Gools. AT Carl Aaler's Crystal Palace. JtooUs. -saionr.v. -Fancy Good?. 1'o.v. Bab3 Cart-in'so. Solid Gold and Silver Jewelry AVatclie..aiMl Cloef.K, Picture. Albnln'. Ai:l the larsest and finest :ivorlinent of inWcellaucoiH goods nonh of San Francisco. ical "Y.l my goods arc guaranteed to be as icpresentcil. and If not sati-sfnetorv you will And me here .six months or a vear'from now to make e erytbin;; rynt. A FUiST-CLASS watch-maker in attend auce.. All work fmaranteert. You are cordially invited to call and m Iert the handsome new goods Just received. CARL ADLER'S . CRYSTAL PALACE. Weslport and Astoria Xl'l K 1 l YOl'.lTK STEAMEI: GOLD DTJST "Which hits been thoroughly refitted for the comrort of Passenger will run this season between "Weslport and Astoria As fil!oV : Lenvp Westportat 7:30 A.M. Arriving in Astoria at to :S0 A. m. Leave Astoria at 2 J 31. Arrive In Weslport at C i. 31. Will touch at all way landings. For freitrht or passage apply on board or " CAPT. .IAS. COX, "Manager Water ! Water ! Water! Wheeler & Kipp, PRACTICAL FIuIrr Gas ani Steam Miters AM. WOltK Warranted. 'and Estimates Given. JTIX STonc Iron and T.ead Pipe, TOatli Tub, Water Closets, hud Gat Fixtures. Jobbing Promptly Attended to. A SPECIALTY Is made of Tap ping Water Mains and Running Water Pipes, as Wo have Supe or facilities for doing this work. Corner Squemoqua and IJainilton Streets, Astoria, Oregon. The Gem Saloon. The Popular Resort for Astorians. Tor the Finest of Wines and Liquors Co toTHK OKM SALOON. ALEX. CAMrilKLL. - - I'lIOPKIETOR. r Drugs and Chemicals Prescriptions carefully compounded I uay or iMgui. J.' W. RUDDOCK, Practical Plumbing in All Its Branches. Steam and Gas Fixtures, A Completo Stock of First-class Material. All Work Guaranteed. n,ina niwi (limn iii ltume'4 lmlldiii''. rear of Wheeler & ItotuVs, Astoria, Oregon. WEST SHORE LUMBBE MILLS J. ('. TRULLIN'GER, - - - Proprietor. MAXUFACTUKKK OK AND DKALEtt IX All Kinds of Lumber, ON AND AFTER THIS DATE WILL .sell Lumber andBoxcsatlellowiugrates: All Rough Lumber, (only to special agreenieut),.....r......- S10 CO v ,cblonIfT find HtlSttC-fnillVtOSUG- cial agreement) ..S20 00 No. 2 Flooring andRustlc,(onlytospe- cial agreement) .......SIB 00 Mouldings. 10 per cent, cheaper than any- Fisii Boxes, uyr. cents at mill, Shooksr12 cents at mill. Jeff's Notice SAYS THERE W.ILL BE NO INCREASE OF PRICES LTN' HIS CHOP HOUSE AND THAT HE IS DETp.MlNED TO maintain his reputation for keeping the best and cheapest Restaurant In j town, even at a loss to hlnwu. while the dull times last. JEFF. -PPPHpHHPHppPJflHF.-i i J. E. THOMAS, DRUGGIST and A? X Pharmacist, Aastoriao' JV is i so ? rn '"ST A O fit? c. h. coeper: JtaAIRJullHHIl THE Leading Dry Goods OF ASTORIA. Silks! Silks! Silks! . We are now showing the largest and choicest assort ment of BLACK and COLORED SILKS ever shown in Astoria at REMARKABLY LOW FIGURES. Ladies in need of such goods and want to get the genuine article would do well to give us a call. Bonnet'ff famnilR Rlnflr SiIIth in nil unmhro TUnTK Brocaded Silks, Rhadames, VXJ.U1U. OULAJ3. ojuucou ouaucs. Designs. Evening Silks, in oxxa.d 111 uucu&o lum aiiipea. OL H COOFEB, Pythian Building, - Astoria, Oregon. JACKSON'S ASTORIA BakeryiConfectionery Coffee nnd Ice Cream Parlors. CIIEXAMUS STREET. SUPERIOR Bread and Cakes of atx Kirvns. Weddings and Parties supplied with strictly FIRST-CLASS WORK. o-French and American-o CANDIES Manufactured, Wholesale and Retail. BRANCH ESTABLISHMENT, OX TITE KOADWAY. G. A. STENSON & CO.. BLAGKSMITHING. At Capt. Koger old stand, corn?.' of Cass and Court Streets. Ship and Cannery work. Horseshoeliip. Wagons made and repaired. Good work guaranteed. BOAT SAILS AT ' Lowest Prices, N'OT GIVEN AWAY, but made at lowest LIVING PIMCKS. All work done at my Sail Loft GUAKANTKEl) to give pcrfoot satis faction. SAIL LOFT On Clicuanmi Street, next door to Astoria Bakery. J. HESS. d. a. Mcintosh. Fine Cili Straw Hats, Fine Merwear, Extra Large Sizes. Choice Summer Suitings Made to Reduced and Clothing House Moires and Cet Colored Gtros xixuvy xnouaueu. ollks, new all the latest tints. Summer POST &. JIAXSOX, astoki a Soda Works, Agents, Asturia,Or J. H. D. GRAY, Wholesale and retail dealer la. GROCERIES, FLOUR, AND FEED Hay, Oats. Straw, Wood, Etc. ! LIME, SAND AND CEMENT. General Storage and Wharfage on reason -I able term. Foot of Bntnn street, A9torla. Oregon. THE BEST IS THE CHEAPEST 1 Royal Brand Flour Manufactured by the ! OREGON MILLING COMPANY Ts of Superior Quality, ami is Endorsed t by all who use It. ! THE HOUSEKEEPER'S FAVORITE j Of Supeilor KLslns Quality. 1 Guaranteed to Give Satisfaction. ! WYATT & THOMPSON ( Sole Ason lor AHtorla. order at es ! ! t gCgBiHETsi 1 1 b 1 KHMgffTfW Mi rtl fi m Ji