C33 iThc gaily gtftomu. ASTOUIA, OREGON: FRIDAY jfi.Y 11. ll ISSUED EVERY'MORNING. (Momlay excepted) J. F. HAL.L.ORAN & COMPANY, rCULlSHKKs AM) I'KOrUIITORS, ABTORIAXliUILDINU, - - rASNMHl.m (TcrmK of .Subscription. Served b Carrier, per v .-cJ: lcis. Sent by SLtfl, per month ... . corn. " r one j ear . -:.oo lree of post.is- to Mibscnbor-. Ei"Advorti".cmenIs inverted 1 lheear:it tne rate ol 62 per sUaie per month. Tran sient advertising llftv cents per square, each Insertion. Notice To Advertisers. The Astorian guarantees to iu ad vertisers tb(; largest circulation of any newspaper published on the Columbia river. IROU2SD THK UITt. a Fine weather. Harmony, brethren, haruionv. The Slate sails for San Francisco to day. The Columbia arrived in ut 11:30 jes terday morning. A large assortment of splendid job stock just received nt Tni: Astorivn job office. Gwin Hick, brother of Dr. F. P. Hicks of this city is city editor of the Olympin Courier. Any one wanting to buy one jxund cans can get thera in quantities to suit from A. V. Kerry. Bets on the nomination were plenty yesterday. Tilden and Cleveland wnieu to be the favorites. Judge Bennett, lute of thin district, has formed a partnership with O. F. Paxton, and will practice law in Portland. The body of Frank Woodcock who was drowned near "Wcstport on the J!rd was recovered yesterday afternoon at that place. The American bark Belle of Oregon, 1169, Matthews master, 129 days from New York, armed in jestetdny after noon. Attention is diiected to the advertised sale of furniture, bedding, ttc, by E. C. Holden on the 10th inst., at the Fabre hotel. Mr. T. M. Le Berthon is in the city taking subscriptions for that valuable work McCarty's statistician, which is found indispensable as a book of tefer ence. The Oregonian missed the morning boat yesterday and the lino was down all day, making it decidedly scant for any one who wanted news from the Chicago convention. About forty joung people enjoved a pleasant gathering last evening at the residence of Mrs. E. 11. Hnwes, the occa sion being the departure of Miss Frankio Strang to Salem. Lines still down. It w ill w ork all right as soon as the convention adjourns. If the convention had met on Wednesday, instead of Tuesday, the lino woidd have gono down on "Wednesday, instead of Tuesday. There were two fires in Portland yes terday morning; one in M. T. Mulkey's frame, corner First and Columbia, whfch was burned, causing a loss of $5,700; and another on North Front street, in which the old and new Couch hotols were burned. Lobs, $12,000. L. H. Crow, a well-known resident of this count', died at his home on Buckeye slough, about three mile3 above Knappa, last Wednesday evening. Deceased was born in Illinois in 1818, and leaves four children, J. W. Crow, S. B., H. A., and Mrs. D. G. Boss. The familv was noti fied of his death yesterday. The funeral will take place to-morrow. Bergman & Berry lost a valuable horse yesterday. He was hitched in the deliv ery wagon and was trotting along toward Union town when he ran at full speed, the driver jumping out in time to escape plunging into the water as the horse, wagon and all went out over the edge of the roadway west of the Washington Paoking Co.'s premises. He was instant ly killed. i GLARING FRAUD. Imitation is the sinccrest form of flat tery. In some things the person or thing imitated feels flattered. In other things the reverse is the case. Mr. A. Booth, who is at present imitated, would prefer that the imitator chose another subject. He yesterday received from London a label that is a most ingenious counter feit of his, and which is being circulated iikEnglandwrapped around salmon cans, in hopes of meeting sale under cover of his reputation. It is not an exact forg ery, but is sufficiently like the genuine to deceive any one not conversant with the brands of our well-known Columbia can- ners. In this instance the "Black Diamond" is superseded by the "Black Ball," the names of the agents, Scotchler & Gibbs, are replaced by bogus names Frazer & Alien; one in every oiner respect xne counterfeit is almost a facsimile of the Pennine. This is not the first time that packers of Columbia salmon have bad their wares counterfeited; the execution and general appearance of this particular -bit of ras cality is, however, more than ordinarily calculated to deceive. Mr. Booth has determined to use every means at his disposal to ferret out and bring to justice the authors of this glar ing fraud. It is necessary that it should be done. The well-known trade mark of any of the Columbia river canneries is as much their individual property as the cannery itself, and packers owe it to themselves to see that they are not pirat ed with impunity. Lout at Sand fcilntuh Last "Wednesday night about eleven o'clock, Otto Schuring and Olaf Knutsen, in one of Hume's boats, were putting out their net, and in some way the boat capsized. Their ories for help were heard, but before assistance could reach them they were gone. Their dead bodies were found on Peacock spit yesterday morning and brought to this city for burial. They were both young men. Schuring being but 22 years of age, and Knutsen 24, and were well liked by their brother members of the A. W. P. U. Schuring will bo buried from the resi dence of his brother Andrew at two o'clock this afternoon; at the same hour Knutsen's funeral will take place from the same piaoe. Groceries Creckerj- and Glass ware In latest stvles and at lowest prices at Mrs. R. Zimmerman's, corner Main and Squemoqua. A first class stock of fam ily groceries. Fapalar Sea-Hug. Tos. l.t , 6 and now 7. of Adler's celebrated Popular Heading, lust received at the Crystal Palace Book Store. Tour Ererj- Taste Can be suited at Carl Adler's Crystal Palace. :::::- Fer a Neat Fitting Boot Or Shoe, go to P. J. Goodmans, on Che--SfflaistTcet next door to I. W. Case. All eoods of the best make and guaran tranllly. A full stock; new goods 4xmntly arriving, Custom work. TnK DEMOCRATS IS COUNCIL. Opinion.. IJumors and Report's Rcrrardlns Its Action. On the outside page of to-day's Asto nutf is the latest obtainable news as to the noiuin.it ions and the manner in which thoy were received. So far it ap pears to be an3body'.s race, though Cleve land seems still to be in tho lead. THK TVI.Iir AND OTHK2 QUESTION". Chicaco, July 9. Tho dread of the fore-ordaintd quadrennial blunder, and how to guard against it. or steer around it, are problems that perplex the Demo cratic mind. Any candidate, or any set of principles that would appear to give assurance of success, would be joyfully accepted. A fear is prealent that, in spite of all cautions, a mistake will be made. The party wants to get control of the government; candidate and platform are wholly subordinate to this desire. Matters are still in much the .same state as yesterday; Cleveland is still tho leading candidate, but his opponents as sert that he is losing strength, and ex press confidence in their ability to defeat him. His friends, on the other hand, profess as much confidence as ever, and say he will bo nominated on the second or third ballot. At present fully half the convention appears to be firmly for him. As yet there is no prospect that the other half can unite on any candidate, but there is a more perceptible boom for Thurmau, which would promise much were his own state for him; but the ma jority of tho Ohio delegation is held away iron; ms support uv "is pomicai enemies, headed by John McLean. Tammany continues to fight nguinst Cleveland with all possible energy, en treating delegates to give tho party some other candidate. They beg for "anj body but Cleveland, and nfhrm that his nom ination would bring inevitable disaster. It would appear impossible for the committeo on platform to unite on a sin gle report. Tho committee is composed ?f an equal number of protectionists and ree traders, and as tho strongest men of both factions have places on the commit tee, two reports are expected, which would carry tho tight into tho comention. But there yet remains a possibility that tho platform makers uiay contrive to strad dle the question by tho insertion of a plunk that will lead backward or forward as tho emergency may require. Tho attendance is very large, but there is a very noticeable lack of enthusiasm. Tho speakers do not evince much spirit, probably bocauso they are afraid that if they let themselves loose they will Bay things that the interests of the partv re quire to be left unsaid. HTABTLIXQ llCMOIIB. The following current rumors are cre ating great excitement: It has been ac certamed, from a gentleman occupying confidential relations with many mem bers of tho Now York delegation, that communications are now being exchanged botween Cleveland's followers in the New York delegation and his friends at Albany and New York city, with a view that all factions unite upon tho name of some New York man and the withdrawal of Cleveland. At 1 o'clock this afternoon Mr. Kelly received a telegram from a gentleman in New York, occupying a position of politi cal trust in New York city, inquiring whether tho name of Abram Hewitt would bo received satisfactorily by Mr. Kelly. No reply ha3 yet been made. This inquiry, coming from such a confi dential source, indicates that Cleveland's own friends have suggested Hewitt's name. Mr. Kelly is represented as not being unfriendly to Hewitt. It is said Cleveland's organizers sought a half-hour interview with General But ler this morning and tendered him tho position of secretary of the treasury un der Cleveland, if he camo to Cleveland's support on the first ballot. General But ler promptly replied that he could not consent to hold a cabinet officer under a man so unskilled in politics as Mr. Cleve land. In making his reply to these over tures, Butler's language was more vigor ous than elegant, but it conveyed the contemptuous idea above mentioned. Cleveland's" rciEXDS vr work. The Cleveland managers were industri ously at work all night. The circular is sued by tho Young Men's Democratic club of Brooklyn was again pressed upon the attention of outside delegates. It urges the nomination of Cleveland on ac count of his availability. The independ ent republicans being attracted to him, their support will be for the benefit of the democratic party. The delegates are fur ther advised that in order to insure the support of the republicans it is necessary to have a plank in the platform favoring reform. "It is a fact to be carefully noted," say these friends of Cleveland, "that tho republican revolt against Mr. Blaine is composed for the most part of individuals and journals who are in favor of tariff reform. There are other repub licans represented hero not considered by these gentlemen. They are not free traders, but are those who do not like the sweeping tendency to centralization of republicanism." "The legal-tender de cision is referred to as a cause for com plaint. Owing to tho opinion of Justice Field, and his opinions on other cases in volving questions of local government, these men are favorable to Justice Field, and have made a strong impression in behalf of that gentleman. Very judicious work has been done for Mr. Field, and if the instructions of tlie California delega tion did not stand in the way, the dem onstration in his behalf would be more pronounced. The enthusiasm showed for ex-Senator Thnrman vesterdav encouraged manv in the hope that he may finally bo accepted as a compromise candidate, isotning can be urged against him, they say. The Californians are very demonstrative in pushing his candidacy, and if Ohio were united for him, and equally as zealous, he would bo very formidable! One feature of tho morning, iu the streets and in the neighborhood of con vention hall, was tho appearance iu forgo numbers of glaring red bandana hand kerchiefs, ostentatiously displayodb3 ad herents of Senator Thnrman on the tips of walking sticks or in tho hands. The Thnrman boom is to be pushed to-day. The only demonstration in honor of delegates entering tho hall this morning was made when the Ohio delegation, headed by Senator Thnrman, made its appearance. While it was making its way to the portion of the hall assigned to it, other delegates and the spectators generally joined in doing honor to Mr, Thurmau, and many such expressions were hoard as, "The noblest democrat of them all," "He ought to get the nomina tion," etc. Attention, A. W. P. V. Mcmbeis of tho Astoria Working men's Protective Union arc notified to meet at their hall at one o'clock this af ternoon to attend the funeral of their late brethrcu, Ole Knutsen and Otto Schuring at two r. r. F. F. Blikx, J. C. Ross, Prcst. - Sect. Stop Tliat Cough By going to J.E. Thomas's and getting a bottle of Leroy's Cough Balsam. It will ctjiie YOU. A full lino of ladies' and children' Shoes, latest styles, to be found cheop at Arvolds, sign of the Golden Shoe. Buy your Lime of Gray at Portland prices. Sleepless Nights made miserable by that terrible cough. Shiloh's Cure Is the remedy for you. Sold by TV. E. De ment & Co. Arvold sells Boots and Shoes cheaper than any one else in town, because we bay for cash. COLUSBU BITES SALSOS. About two weeks ago a dispatch ap peared in the Oregonian from New York in reference to a shipment of salmon from Tho Dalles, in which somo one, who evidently knew what he was talking about, is reported to hav6 said that the salmon caught at Astoria and other lower river points is far superior to the salmon caught at Tho Dalles. Salmon packers at that point naturally didn't like it and wrote to the Oregonian, asking the editor of that journal to sam ple o specimen of salmon sent, and claiming that the article did them injus tice. The Oregonian in its i-sue of Juno 30th comes out editorially and s.iys that the salmon received from The Dalles "in every respect come up to the best caught at the mouth of the Columbia.' In nil kindness The- Astobiax dissents from this. It may be that tho Orego i fan's opinion tends that way, but the facts are in direct opposition to its as sertion. The salmon caught at The Dalles are not, and in the nature of things cannot be, "in every respect" equal "to the best caught nt tho mouth of th& Columbia." Ihe salmon that comes into the Co lumbia is essentially a salt water fish; its apiearance in frebh water is purely inci dental; it comes into fresh water to spawn; upon its first appearance from its native ocean it is plump, fresh; vigorous, and in splendid condition. It eats noth ing after it enters the Columbia, its in stinct is to press on to "the headwaters" there to spawn, and the farther it goes the poorer its quality and condition. When caught on tho lower Columbia, it is as near perfection as any fish can be; by the time it has got as far as The Dallas it hns unquestionably deteriorat ed. There is no doubt but that good salm on can be and are caught at The Dalles, but The Dalles if. 200 miles from where the fish is at its best, and to assprt thnt salmon caught at that point arn just as good "in everv respect as thoso caught at the mouth of tho Columbia." though doubtless unintentional, is at total vari anco with tho existing condition of things. Tbr Fourth of Jolj at Knappa. En. .Worn it: Kxu'i'A, July 9, 1854. Tho Fourth camo to us as it does to all others who live in this great and glorious republic, and as it has been for over a century a national holiday, its coming 13 heralded with joyful anticipations. Tho flowers open their choicest petals, and the June rosea (of which Knappa has a bountiful shaio) protracted their sweet ness to beautify tho occasion, and nearly everv home betokens the refinement and intelligence of its inhabitants by its wealth of blooming flowers. "We celebrated in n lovely location n short uistanco from the wharf. A com pany of perhaps one hundred and fifty persons, somo choosing tbe quiet of their own homes. Prof. A. McGinnis, a highly educated gentleman, furnished an intel lectual feast in words fitted to the oc casion, and, although himself a child of the old Dominion, still honoring his no blo queen, paid eloquent tribute to the institutions which but a short sojourn teaches people to revere, and rictured in vivid language the character of those men of stern integrity who drafted and Bigned the articles which make the day memorable. Bev J. McCormac of Astoria, officiated as chaplain of the day, and read tho time honored Declaration of Independence. Patriotic pieces weref sung, but owing to circumstances tbe musical talent of tho place was not so well represented as it should have been, consequently we failed to hear the soul-stirring notes of "Hail Columbia," "Bed, "White and Blue," etc., so dear to the heart of every American, borne along by a fall chorus of ringing voices. A bountiful dinner was furnish ed by the ladies of the place, to which all did ample justice. Games, such as stone throwing, racing, etc., were afterwards indulged in, to the delight and recreation of all. Some lingered around the scene of the day's festivities until the twilight hour admonished them that an enjoyable time with fascinating music awaited them at tho "hall," where about 100 joined in the mazy waltz, or tripped the light fantastic until the "wee sma hours," when they separated, feeling that their fond antici pations had been realized. The recent rains, so bountiful and re freshing, have made glad the heart of the husbandman and strengthened the early promise of plenty of everything for our comfort, except fruits, which are really a failure. The fires of last season devastating the forests, and destroying the crop of wild berries, so that we shall necessarily accept the substantial of life, and look to tbe future for its luxuries. Resident. KACT. Abell ASon, our popular artists, have the finest and most elaborate photograph ic apparatus on the coast, together with the most competent corps of operators and artists. To Cauncrj-mou and Fishermen. Anyone wanting boats built for nevt season ran leave orders ntTiiK As ToniAK office in my absence. Jos. Leathers Reduced Prices. The Ham Fat Jap's traveling restau rant, on and after this date, will satisfv all hungry mortals' at the rate of 10 cts. ner sandw ieli. or tfiren fnr -, njntc n orders left at the Snug saloon will be promptly attended to. X. B. No extra charge after 9 P. M. July 2nd. lftH. Notice. Dinner at "J EFFVTCHOP HOUSE everyday from 4iX)to8 o'clock. The All who have tried him say Jeff is the "UVJOS." The Leading Publications At Cail Adler's at publishers' prices. Arvold will sell a laige stock of Boots and Shoes at cost, at the Leading boot and shoe store. lloscoo Dixon's new eating Iioums is now open. Everj thing has been fit ted up in first-class stj le, and hi- well known reputation as a caterer assures all who like good things to eat, that at his place they can bo accommodated. Boston Baked Beans and Brown Bread every Sunday at Jeffs from 3 a. m. to 2 r. m. Just received a neulot of Parasols, at the Empire Store. Gray sells Snckett Bros.' Xi sawed ii-vi.il siiiukiuo. A full lino of Ladies' Lace Milts of all descriptions, to bo found at the Empire Store. Tlin mnsti-vonnlnrhirtArc in tlm mo..- ket is Dr. Henley's Dandelion Tonic. Dr. Henley's Dandelion Tonic tickles the palate and gladdens the heart. Will you suffer with Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint ? Shlloh's Yitallzer Is guaranteed to cure you. Sold by W. E. Dement. v - Shiloh's Vitallzer is what jou need for Constipation, Lois of Anpcttte, Diz ziness and all symptoms of Dyspepsia. Price 10 and 75 cents per bottle. Sold by W.E. Dement. Don't nay 60 cents elsewhere when yon can get the best dinner In town at JEFF'S for 25 cents. COESTT COUKTPBOCEEDISGS. July 10. Court met pursuant to adjournment. Ordered that hereafter all cost bills must bo accompanied by transcripts of the cases. Ordered that hereafter the services of an attorney bo procured, and that ho shall attend all meetings of the county court and advise. Ordered that tho claims of P. H. Fox and C. H. Stockton be allowed for can vassing eleotion returns $3 each. Coroner's jury fees allowed. Ordered that the financial exhibit of the county be printed. Beport of Treasurer for year ending Juno SO, 1834, showing a total on band of $4,232.70, was received and approved. Bills of Noland & Dorris for $70, and C. J.;Cnrtis for $30, allowed. Petition of A. Zetterman and wife to adopt child, allowed. In tbe matter of the petition to change the Skipauon road from landing to Beer man's, thence to county line as mention ed in petition to tho N. E. corner of land owned by J. W. Gearhart in Sec: SB, to ppointed change, to meet at H. Stowell's hnu-e on the 25th inst. Bill of F. J. Taylor for $52.50, allowed. Adjonrned to 21st inst. EKUIBIT Of the Flnnclil I flairs ortUUop fount j for thf Fiscal leir Ending June 30, 1SS. roiTNTi run it lial.iii treasury June 2), 13Sj ..$ -t,G17 & Ree'd. lnee from all sources 19.C19 si Total $21 235 6.1 Couuty orders piltl S19.170 s Coupans " 1.000 00 Hal. In TmiMiri S 3.4G3 fO 2I.SW 8r. 2I.X S3 .1ATK I-L'Nn. Amount received to date 5io.i"Sl 21 Paid state treasurer S 9,CW 3 Trausrewil to To. Fund 600 00 io,i.-odi $jo.ir,i s.ui:rLCs hmj. DjI. In Trcaiurv June So, 185 .$ t 1,7 Amt. remaining in "IrenMirj 5 1 1x7 OhCKASKD 1 UNI Amt. in treas'y June CO, 1SS3 $ os Kec'd Mnce to date 23 io HjI. in Treasury .5 M 4K a x 43 hCHOOL ruM Hal. iu Treas'y June Su, 183 $ S7G -10 Kec'd since to date.. . P.al so Paid School orders 5 8,431 4J i;nl. tn Treasury ciG 71 $ 0,128 20 S 0.123 20 ukm:uai. summary. Total Hal . Iu Treas'y. June 30, 18S3 $ 3,50 G7 Kec'd Since from all sources .. . 38,347 87 Total 4.t.uts 5 rsud County orders c?l9,i70 83 State taxc 9.C53 31 " School orders 8,151 40 Coupons..... l.bOOOO Transferred to Co. Fund $00 00 Hal. in '1 reasury 4,232 76 A003 51 S13.WK 34 There are County or ders outstanding amounting to....- 174- 1J5 Applicable to paviu't 01 which Is In Treas'y $ 3.435 00 DeHnauents for 1833 2,772 02 Hal. Indebtedness on orders 11.3M 21 S17.512 10 817.342 16 Attest : It K. SPEDDEX, County Clerk. JuueSu.lSSl. CITY TflEASURER'S REPORT, For the Quarter Ending JuneSOth, 1SS1. J. G. Hustler, Treasurer, in account with the City of Astoria. DK. April 1, 1SSL To Balance per last statement ..$ 4.SW 9-i June tO. To Amt. collected liquor licensej..... ..... 3,800 00 Amt collected Team Licenses... . 220 28 Amt. collected Dog Licenses 1S3 00 Amt. collected Police Court fines, 711 CO Amt. collected Billiard table Li- . censes 33 03 Amt. collected' Peel table 103 33 Amt, collected Pawn Brokers CO 00 Amt, collected Hotel Itunners.. . . so 00 Amt, collected Bowling Alley v3 31 Amt. collected Theaters. Shows, etc. 100 00 Amt. collected Peddlers 123 00 Amt. collected Sale ol lots in Cemetery . ... 62 CO Amt. collected Sale of. old Chandeliers...-. .. . .. ........ 7 00 Amt. collected Cedar SLASam'ut- 3 CO Amt. collected Genevieve street Assessment - G 10 310,331 C2 ci:. By Amt. warrants paid ..$ 7,133 87 Balance on hand this date...... 3,247 76 M0,3$l C2 ItECAMTL'LA ClOS To Balance In Cemetery Tund L$ si co Water St. ' .... 5 CO Main " 225 45 Genevieve St. Fund CIG 00 K. & P. Fund 1,520 SO i? 3 ,217 73 ttespeetfully Submitted. .I.G. HUSTLER. City Treasurer. Astoria, Oregou. JuneSO. 18H. WbyScitd to Portland For musical instruments when you can get as good an instrument at as low a price at Carl Adler's Crvstal Palifcc:' Furulslicil Rooms to Rent. Inquire at 3Irs. Campbell's, over Gem Saloon. Just Received.- A large stock of soft and stiff Hat in all the latest styles, al Mcintosh'? Fur nishing store. Sj nip or FJjr. Nature's own true Laxative. Pleas ant to the palate, acceptable totheSlom ach, harmless In its nature, painless in its action. Cures habitual Constipation, Biliousness, Indigestion and kindred uis. uieanse.s the system, purities tho blood, regulates the Liver and acts on tho Bowels. Breaks up Colds, Chills and Eev er, etc Strengthens the organs on which it acts. Belter than bitter, nauseous Liver medicines, pills, salts and draughts. Samplo bottles free, and large bottles for safe by W. E. Dement & Co., Astoria. Tho late-st pattern and stvles of Ginghams and Calieop. ai the Kuipise Store. Shiloh's Couglu ana Consumption Cure is sold by us on guarantee. It cures consumption. Sold by W. E. De ment Shiloh's Cum: will immcdiatolv relievo Croup, Whooping Cough, and Bronchitis. Sold by W.EVDement&Co That Hacking Cough cnu bo so quickly cured by Shiloh's Cure. We guarantee It Sold by W.E. Dement Whv will vnn cmicrri wIipii Sliilnh'c Cure wfll give immediate relief. Price 10 cts 50 cts and i. Sold bv W. E. De ment A Xasal Injector free with each bottle of Shiloh's Catarrh .Remedy Price 50 cents. Sold by W.E. Dement JOHN P, CLASSEN, . Manufacturer of French and American Candies ALSO 3F,iojBil3L 3BxeA,c!l Every morning, from the -ASTORIA-O-BAKERY- POLITICiL JPOPCOBX. Oh, Independence, Independence, what rot is talked in thy name! Buffalo Ex press. Arthur, with eighty pairs of pants, no longer pants for nomination. Aeio Or leans Picayune. Wo are more and mnrA infltnnil tn the notion tnat Aew xork wont have anv fa vorite son this year. Philadelphia Press. uig uniet John Kelly h i.ot such a heavy villain, after all, v.hen "bolting nominations" Is discussed in political circles. Perhaps this country will some day reach the conclusion that it is a little too big to let John Kelly make its presidents. Philadelphia Times. It i? now reported from Albany that the election of Grover Cleveland to the presidency means the elevation of Daniel .Manning to that position. There's nothing small about General Batler. His letter of acceptance of the greenback nomination, for instance, is btffCer than tho wholn frroauhftrV rvirv -Boiton Transcript. It looks as though the democrats would get Mr. Tilden to run against his will; ut he'll find that a great denl les3 dis couraging than running against the plumed knight. Yonhers Statesman. Cleveland writes to a friend that he now occupies a position high enough for all his ambition. It is well that Cleve land is satisfied. He will have no chance to get a higher position. Philadelphia According to Life, Mr. Flower has just sent out Sanrole conies nf hii rfimn.iitm song. Ono verso reads: me g. o. p. has got to go; 'Tis money makes tho mar' go; And I'm the boy what's got the bar'l To run things at Chicago. 'in,w - 1, . .t. -? i'lciu ntu nuiui, ui It'Ultfa I11UUU" iUQXUir sex, who are not posted in regard to poli- wcs. a. no writer overnearu a lauv sav to her female partner ivently: 'Well, I hOf. too. thnt Ttntlpr wTII ho t on tori president. But I don't see why they talk u uiucu uutiut v,ioveiuna. uitveiana is m umo; and I thought the convention was to meet in Chicago." Boston Globe. The Leading House. THE LARGEST STOCK. The finest and Choicest Goods. AT Carl Adler's Crystal -Palace. Book. Stationery, Faney Joodei, Toys, Baby Can laxeM. Solid Gold and Silver Jewelry "IVatehCB and ClocKs,. Pictures, Albans, And the largest and finest assortment of miscellaneous goods north or San Francisco. Pianos anil Mnsical Instruments. ayAll my goods aro guaranteed to be as represented, and If not satLsfartory ou will find me here six month's or a j ear from now to make ev erj thing right. A FIRST-CLASS watch-maker in attend mice. All work guaranteed. You are cordially Invited to call and In spect the handsome new goods just received. CARL ADLER'S CRYSTAL PALACE. Westport and Astoria THE FAVORITE STEAMER GOLD DUST Which has been thoroughly refitted for the corarort of Passenger-twill run this season between Westport and Astoria DAILY TRIP! AS follows : Leave Westport at 7 :30 A.M. Arrlv lng In Astoria at 10 -M A. M, Leave Astoria at 2 P. M. -Arrive Iu Westport at o p. m. Will touch at all way landings. For freljtht or passage apply ou board or to L'Al'l. JAS.WA, Manager Water ! Water I Water! Wheeler & Kipp, PRACTICAL FMers Has and Steal Fitters ALL WORK Warranted; and Estimates Given. FULL STOCK Iron ami tead Pipe, BathTulMi, Water Closets, ami Gas Fixture. Jotbing Promptly Attended to. a SPECIALTY is ma do of Tap ping Water Mains and Running Water Pipes, as we nave a u po or facilities for doing tnis worn. Coiner Squemoqua and Hamilton Streets, Astoria, Oregon. The Gem Saloon. The Popular Resort for Astorians. Tor the Finest of Wines and Liquors Go to THE GEM SALOON. ALEX. CAMPBELL. - - rROPIUETOR. To Whom It May Concern. T HIS IS TO GIVE NOTICE .THAT; I AM dent Publishing Corapauy," own i no stock In the concern and have nothing to dovvltn it. , . ,-rr.,r I. Mr. UUUWIi Astoria. July 9th, 181. wmtidgar, Dealer Iu . Cigars, Tobacco ini Cigartttes Meerschaum and Brier Pipes, GENUINE ENGLISH CUTLERY Revolvers and Cartridge. CORNER aiAIN AND CHENAMU9 STS. C, H. COOPER! .aKlpflHHIa '!3flIWHBB' -IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHBSHIIIIIlBilllllllllllllHlllllllllllllllHlllllllllllilllllllHS jiEiL. r '. dfc SIBBBB.iiiiBsBM-BiiWBlBBBiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiW fFinB..aaSHI BIIPHfmHHBIaH THE Leading Dry Goods OP ASTORIA. Silks! Silks! Silks! We are now showing the largest and choicest assort ment of BLACK and COLORED SILKS ever shown in Astoria at REMARKABLY LOW FIGURES. Ladies in need of such goods and want to get the genuine article would do well to give us a call. Bonnet's famous Black Silks in all numbers. Rioh Brocaded Silks, Rhadames, Moires and Cet Colored Gros Grain Silks. Latest Shades. Fancy Brocaded Silks, New Designs. Evening Silks, in all the latest tints. Summer Silks in checks and stripes. c ;H c o q :e j :n , Pythian Building, - Astoria, Oregon. JACKSON'S ASTORIA Bakery! Confectionery Toffee and lee Cream Parlors. - CIIESAJIirs STREET. SUPERIOR Bread and Cakes OF AIX. KIXDS. "Weddings and rarlle'supplled vv 1th strictly ' FIRST-CLASS WORK. o-French and American-o CANDIES .Manufactured, Wholesale and Itetall. BRANCH ESTABLISHMENT, ON THE KOADWAV. G. A. STINSON & CO., BLACKSMITHING, At Capt. Itogera old stand, corner of Cass - and Court Streets. Ship and Cannery work. Horseshoeing. Wagons raa-le and repaired. Gorki work guaranteed. BOAT SAILS AT Lowest Prices, , NOT GIVEN AWAY, but made at lowest LIVING Pi: ICES. All work done nt my Sail Loft GUARANTEED to give perfect satis faction. SAIL LOFT On Clieiumus Street, net door to Astoria Bakery. J. HESS. D. ft. MclNTOSH. " Fine 'GWul Straw Bats, -Fine Merwear, Extra Large Sizes. Choice Slimmer Suitings ot lCd to Reduced and Clothing House 1 1B K. i POST & HAXSO.V. Astoria Soda Work;.. Agents. Astorla.Oi J. H. D. GRAY. Wholesale and retail dealer In. GROCERIES, FLOUR, AND FEED Hay, Oats, Straw, Wood, Etc. LIME, SAND AND CEMENT. General Storaf;n anil Wharfage mn reason able term":. Foot of Benton street, Astoria, Oregon. THE BEST IS THE oi2c:e3:e:e3'j? i Royal Brand Flour Manufactured by the OREGON MILLING COMPANY Is of Superior Quality, and is Endorsed dv an vvno use ii. I THE HOUSEKEEPER'S FAVORITE I Of Superior Rising Quality. .Guaranteed to Give Satisfaction. KvYATT & THOMPSON j Mole AscutH for Astoria. ordr a.t Prices ! ! -- . " . -s?ea ? - - -. , a-- & y