cv T.-aBvrf-T -fn I TTM1 III WW t fjathj todan. ASTORIA, OBEGOX: TUESDAY junk -m. issi ISSUED EVERY MORNING. (Monday excepted) J. P. HAL.L.ORAN & COMPANY, xuitusiiKi:s and I'ltoi-minoiw, j AbruiUAN uuildig, - - cais .vntiXT1 TeratK of 8nbhcriitioii. Nerved bv Carrier, per nee). bent by Mall, per month.. wets. . 7.r.o Free, of podu;c to Mibicnbers. CVAdvertkeinciits iuiertod by the war at the rate or 2 per per iuoutlu Trui- stent advertising finvNnts per square, each Incnrtloti Insertion. - - Notice To Advertisers. 1HE ASTOKfAX guarantee, to its ad- vertisers the largest -ir-itlation of juij newsnanpr nulilUheii nn ibt t'nliiinbln rlror. EW; AKOCM TOW.N. St. John's day. . Seaside travel is increasing. The Blaine club meets to-night. Cole's circus will show here July 23, Regular council meeting this evening. The Qn. Miles looks finer than ever since that new cabin was put on. Bememtier Prof. McDonald's free lec ture "Wednesday evening on phrenology. The Aberysttcth Castle cleared yester day with 22,000 cases salmon for "Liver pool. There has been nu evening m Astoria this year when a lire would Sot have felt onmnrfoiao 3 portable. , John B. Gough, one of the world's KiCUHUb iOClUICI.1, Will UOlltl'l 1U lilUJIJU3 . lecture "ix-cullar reopie, ' at ueciuental hall July 7th. Boat No. 34, ot the luiuppton Packing Company, was picked up on the weather beach about a mile north of the Oyster ville road last Friday. J. O. Charters has his city baths fitted up in A. 1 style, and furnishes avery com fort to his patrons. Side entrance on Olney street for ladies and children. . The public school iu this district closes next Friday. Tho exercises in the vari ous rooms, which began last week will continue. On to-morrow thero will be interesting exercises in Miss Connolly's room. The Jessie Jameson in finishing her salmon cargo; the City oj Dehli comes into Main street wharf to-day. These vessels with the Woodlark, now discharg ing ballast at Flavel'a dock, will finish up the salmon fleet of 1834. J. P. Scothau, charged with assault upon Thos. Stephenson at Seasid recent ly, was given a hearing iu tho justice court yesterday af ternoou.itnd was bound oyer in the sum of 1,000 to await tho action of the grand jury. Should this pleasant showeiy weather continue there will be little anxiety re garding fires in tho woods this season. Last year in every direction was a cloud of smoke by day and a pillar of fire by night, and many a one lost heavily by the prevailing dryness. At a meeting of the Ciutsop county branch of the American bible society, held at the M. E. church last Saturday evening, Ber. P. C. Hetzler, district superintendent, delivered the address, and the present efficient board of direct ors were unanimously elected for the en suing year. A temperance meeting at the Congrega tional church on Sunday evening was wall attended and was n source of lasting pleasure to those who were there. After an address by Colonel Hawkins, a Band of Hope was organized and tho work will continue during the week. Another tem perance meeting was held at theM. K. church last night. Seldom has there been an announce ment of more interest to our music lor ifig readers than that of Aliss Bllen Cour sen's concert to be given at Occidental hall next Monday evening. Miss Cour sen will on this occasion bo assisted by her sister, Miss Rose Coursen, and a choral society composed of some of our local talent. The box office will be opeu at Carl Adler's on Thursday tho 20th inst. The original '"Uncle Tom.- Cabin" troupe arrived in town last evening, and gave one of their characteristic perform ances of that celebrafed drama. The company makes a specialty of this plav; it iB as.much their own as Solon Shingk is John E. Owens', or Rip Van Winkle is Joe Jeffersen's: they play it well, and ev ery one that was there last evening will urge every one that wasn't there to go this evening and not miss the opportun ity to see a first-class company in that Stirling drama. Reserved seats at the New York Novelty store. Tho B. & O. Bed Book for the Demo cratic national convention is out, and a capital compendium of political informa tion it is. About everything one can seek for in becoming thoroughly posted as re gards the presidential past is embraced within the sixty odd pnges, while in point of typography the little book is a gem of clean, clear cut work. The Bed Books have becomo indispensa bl in campaigns, nnd iu thbir different forms and editions are the most popular text book of the day. No charge is made for them by theB, &, O., nnd the only re quisite is the inclosing of u two-cent stamp to 0. K. Lord, Baltimore, with the application for a copy. Last Thursday Officer Carlson's atten tion was attracted by a woman on Fla rel's wharf who was crying piteously, end who on being questioned said that her husband whose name is Dodson, had abused her and refused to support her and her children. It appears that ho has been working nt Gray,s harbor and some time ago sent to her at Rainier to como down, that he was going to work across the river. She sold all her little effects and came down on Tuesday, but he re fused to have anything to do with her. Officers Carlson and Vaughn exerted themselves in her behalf and raised about $G5 which was given the poor wo man who was thus deserted by her hus band. She had three children, the eldest of whom is not more than seven yairs old. She left for Rainier yesterday morn ing, where she hoped to be able to xaake-a living for herself and her little ones. Xltc Ellen Coarften't Concert. On next Monday night tho grand vocal concert given by Miss Ellen Coursen of SanTrancisco, will take place at Occi dent hall. This lady bids fair to repeat the triumph in Astoria she attained in Portland last week, where the culture, wealth and fashion were represented, fill 4ag If ew Market theatre to overflowing. A novelty not offered to the Portland pablio is the choral of ladies that Miss -Coarfen has in training from among the sweet "voices of the society ladies in our seaside city. Miss Ellen Coursen has a largo-choral of society ladies in San Francisco, and is one of the few lady conductors in the world. The programme will contain songs in four languages, namely: Ger man, English, French and Italian. Miss Sose Coursen, the young contralto, will assist her sister in giving this musical treat. . . At-I- 1- kA'r,y.'a lc-nfol Pol "JJflB DOX UCCt will uv vlJoucu vi j-iimn- j Jc?Sd remain open until night of con- Srt. See advertisements for further particulars. PhreeIoffjr. Prof. D. F- McDenald of San J'ran- f"" so will deliver a free lecture next ednesday evening, upon Phrenology. Human Nature and Self Improvement, at Liberty Hall. Look out for a large audience and a grand good time. Siats reserved for ladies and their escorts. the ;ro!tth of clitsoi' wnn. Clnttop county bus tho moot sea and j river coast of any county in the stnte, is the best situated for outside, and inter communication, and in this possesses n most potent factor in ber future pros- t periiy. Jkr pcpulntiou is growing as fast as that of any other county in tbo state. In 1850, there were 1)70 votes cast ' the whole ceunty: iu 1582. l,20fi: in , 1SS1, 1,792. an increase in four rears of In 1SS0, Clatsop couutv census letuniM nhowed a population of 7,222. In that L ,.,,..;,iu ! tiii . ,, 8aiue ProPor "olw Reed tu J-ar the vote of the 2nd inst. hhows that our ' year mere were cast i,joi, voto-. It tno county ha-, a present population of 10,750. It is the opinion of the writer that that , is un outside ligure, probably 9.000 would io nearer the correct figure-5 tue correct injures. ease in the itifferent precincts . J lie mere? wn.olicaa,'le Hd ever-v precinct shows i an int-'reaKe indicating that all parts or the comity are beinc settled and occupied. ' Vesper, tho mostsparselysettledof any ("latsup county precinct, cast f otes in 18SJ, and 17 iu lfeSl; Fishhawk rises from 9 to 14, and so on, every precinct show- i ing a ubstantial increase. The river j precinct rote vfould indicate a great in- j crease of population. Knappu, which cast ib rotes in 12, gave 87 rotes last J1"8 "which looks all straight enough; Clifton gave 27 votes in 1532, and the poll books of the 2nd inst. show a vote of 45; while Westport, which cusl SG votes in 1S32, is credited with 87 in 1831. YYest porr is the banner precinct of the county in joint of increase, showing a gain ih two years of 141 per cent, in the number or voters. Astoria shows a large accession to her population. In 1883 there were 831 votes i',T i - IJ caqt "ere nnd " upper inst., 1,292 American & tht-ir preference, a gain tewn: on the 2nd sovereigns declared eain in this vicinity of 411 votes in two years, or 48 ner cent. It will be noticed that tho per cent of gain in the city vote is precisely that in the countj' vole. According to tho usual standard of five inhabitants to n voter, Astoria has n population of C.4C0, which is not far from tho actual figure. WONtV.s KH3II1S AS UFtaitlK VOTIiO. It doesn't interest us in Oregon very much, but the question has been asked by a Washington territory subscriber to Thk Astouian "Can a married woman, foreign bom, vote without being natural ized?" She most certainly can provided her husband is a citizen of the United States. All that is necessary for her to do is to go before the registrar and swear that her husband is a citizen; it doesn't cost her a cant; she is not even required to produce any witne-sses tho fact that she swears to it Ls sufficient, and she can go right ahead and vote for the man or possibly woman of her choice. "Bnl, suppose she is not married?" Oh, well! that makes u difference. If hhe is still ''in maiden meditation fancy free," she will have to do just like any one who wants to have something to say about running this government, and who is an American by choice and not by ac cident. She will have to become natural ized. It will probably be easier, take it altogether, for our young lady readers in Washington territory, who want to vote, to get married, ft isn't much more trouble to get 'married than it is to get naturalized; indeed, getting married will naturalize them, and they can march right up to the polls and put in their vote, and no man shall make them afraid. Of course, bhould the lat ter portion of tho "advice be heeded it would be well for the young lady voter before taking the final step to make sure that the man of her choice is a citizen. It would bo very unsatisfactory for a girl who got married expecting to be able to vote on the strength of it to find out after the irrevocable step was taken that her hubby was not a citizen. Rather than run any such riBks as that it would lo better for her to inako n sure thing of it and become a voter in her own right. It will depend u good deal, how ever, on whether the vote or the marriage forms the important point. It will be noticed that the whole business tends to favor tho deelopmentof our sister terri tory's resources. I Sen FUh In tlic Columbia. I'orsome weeks past a new fish has been making itn appearance in the river that is. it is a new fish to us. A spec imen was bent to "Wm. Hume at Eagle Cliff and that pioneer fisherman sent down word last evening that tho fish is a hake. A good many years ago in a coun try where codfish is a good deal plentier than in the Columbia, a hake was looked upon as something that was just going to taste and look like n codfish but fell just short of the mark. It bears about the same relation to a codfish that a steelhead does to a chinook salmon. The specimen exhibited to tho writer last Sunday morning was about sixteen inch es long, had a large head -and a cod mouth, large staring eyes, a straight, slim rounding bodj, arid tapered to a small tail. It had one fin extending along its back and another along its belly, and resembled, in shape, n pike more" than anything eLso in the fish line lately seen. The fishermen say that their numbers aro increasing. One said that he caught 120 in his net one day last week. The Columbia is noted for tho varietjfctnd fine quality of its fish. To the list must be added the hako. Tho next thing will be the original simou pure codfish. Krw of Cliancr- PirrciaoN'a Point, W. T.f Jnue 2i. 1884. Eu. Abteuian: For the benefit of the traveling public, please announce that, owing lo tho scarcity of money, mssen gers will be taken from North Cove to Grav's Harbor on Peterson's stages free of charge. Now is the time to visit the great Chehalis country. Glekn Petebsos. FortiifnSalfflOB Shipments for 'St. JOKE. tH.AbcriJtwilh Cw-tttuJ Q Megler, 3,000; Aberdeen Co. 810; Jno A Devlin, 7,000; Astoria, 2,500: Booth & Co, 1,600; J yf & V Cook, 3,000; Anglo-Amorioan, 2,000; Geo T Myers, 1,000 Badollet & Co, 1,000: C Timmins&Co,750; Total, 22,060. Fruit Jars. All slzt'3 a! lowest market prices, at Crockery Store of Jordan fc Bozorth. Furnished Rooms lo Rent. Inquire at Mrs. Campbell's, over Gem Saloon. For a Xat Fitting Boot Or Shoe, go to P. J. Goodmans, on Che namus street, next door to I. AV. Case. All goods of the best make and guaran teed quality. 'A full stock; new cowls constantly arriving. Custom work. Something Flue. Just lecelved at T. G. Rawllngs' a jarge stock of cigars Cigarettes, and the ehoiet brands of tobacco. Stop That Couck By going to J.K. Thomas's and getting a Ikoltle of Leroy's Cough Balsam. It wilt, ci'rk you. The Oregon Blood Purifier Is Nature's own remedy, and should be used to the exclusion of all other medicines in dis eases of the stomach, liver and kidnays. STATE AST TEBRITOIUAL 5KTT.S. Tho South Brntl now carries a passen-1 gor license. Dr. Raich is building a new htenruer nt South Bend. J. A..Clarkfc building n restaurant at Ocean Park. A now saw mill is to bo built by Mr. West at Aberdeen. The steamer Wildwood is doing duty at Shoalwater bay. Ilutler, late of Astoria, is running ii barber shop at Oysterrille. The. Bailey," of Sand Point. Ls the champion boar slayer of Pacific comity. The surveying party has begun work on tho Ilwaco. Shoalwater and Grays harbor railroad The dead body found in the buripd near ilillsboro Inst The Prohibitionists last Friday and -nominated ticket to be voted next November. j It is said that a sea lion weighing .,.0U pounds - pounds was lately killed nf the mouth of the Coquille river. It yf ld-d ' gal- Ions of oil. . M. C. Harris, thp W'ullii Walla nulist, has bought lbs plant of tho de funct Washington Comifv Kutfrpri: nnd will ."tsrt a paper at Alkali. A railroad from l'orl Drford to Co quilln river is being considered by parties j On XntiirfJm? lliolil !)f.ifi nf Irjicfcon! the Baker City branch of thp O. K. L N. t Co.wasfoar mi load T.a Grande. l.nv.;,.rr tront- ;n j. mntinonl rlilv until Baker C:t v is reached. 1 his week the company will revive flight for The SeJltlu Lumber comuaiiy h r reports that his vessel w-ts fircil uijon lr i XatiittV an true Laxative. Pleas- of Air. Kaekley was a bp.imsh gunboat while bo was entenn! nnt to t! f.lati acceptable totheStom- Sunday. upon Jiay ji. i ne captain says he can- ? nettoH. t. .UttJiabituu! Loiisitpation. iuterestrtii in that portion ox tue co.isi oi j " " -- ! - mum-cn iro. - -- ;.; ;- :.; ;;"V 'V "" ', m Oregon. NYken tt87elo.-d thero is no.curibd a livo Indian !... whinh hd J ,n, ; n ?! '" v , ?f ''"-'l.." gion would gne such u road ood .-.up , Ijrfp of g Frjmcj wfco 1U ,,nX vy . hf),,.,h. aill, ays li" .., ?--j ... .. ... .. . -. I.isil - I'iiiiJ coillr.j !t " corporated and purchased tnc Mte r.r a i loss .,, to how to forward it. He liuaiSv .Jeff propt ..-. i., t..,vll any of hi- lor mammoth saw mill on luigle harbor. I u-1 put tlto mpooso and a the galimi oan nf nwr fffnrt- in tin culinary art: get Sound, about eight miles from Seat tie. The company has purchased 10,000 acres timber land, paying therefor $100, 000, and as soon ns possible will begin operations on a largo scale. Tho contract for building tho Odd Pol- lows Orphans' Home has been awarded to "Warren S. White, who was tho lowest bidder of five, his price being $2,040. This contract is simply for erecting tho frame, laying the floors and enclosing, nil of which work the trustees of tho in stitution feel justified in undertaking during the present summer. After that, if other funds sufficient are received, they propose during the winter to let con tracts for the finishing of all inside work. At present everything connected with tho institution is in a prosperous condition. It has been announced by the officers of the Southern Oregon Improvement company that they will construct seventy-five miles of the proposed road from Coos bay to Roseburg this season. This will take the road from Coos bay lo the Coquille river, tapping tbo immense tim ber forests of that region. Machinery for a saw mill, to cat 100,000 feet per day, has been ordered. To steamers have been purchased in the east, at a cost of about 200,000, which are now on their way to San Francisco. They will be placed on the route between that citv and Coos bay. tA contract has been closed between the Newport coal company and the Union iron works of San Franci3co for the con. struction of a steel steamer for the Coos bay trade. Her dimensions are to be as follews: Length, 207 feet; beam, 30 feet ; hold, 1G feet. She is intended to carry 1,000 ton3 of coal on 12 feet of water. Her engines will bo compound, with 24 and 23-inch cylinders of SS inch stroke. Sho will have a speed of 12 knots an hour, and cabin accommodations, with all the modern improvements, for 32 pas sengers. This is a new departure in ship building on this coast. A wide-awake correspondent ol the Pacific Journal thinks that the fact thot the capitalists and merchants of Port land and Astoria have not seen the ad visibility of building an eight-mile rail road from Knappton on tho Columbia to Nasel landing before this, is among the strange things in "nature. The route is the natural gateway to Pacific county, and by way of North Coo and Peter son's point to Chehalis county also. Portland boats could touch at Knnpplon without any inconvenience, and thus the tripto Ocean Park or any other point in Pacific county, could bo made in one day by a short, easy and pleasant route. The Port Blakely Mill company em ploys 4M men, chiefly in the logging camps, 200 head of work oxen and twen ty muleB. One of these camps puts 40, 000 feet of logs in the water daily. The company loaded just 100 vessels in 1833, with cargoes aggregating 49,189,784 feet of lumber. Twenty-eight vessels were loaded during the first four months of tho current year. There wero shipped, also, 4,423 piles, C22 spars, 700,303,000 laths, 08,254 pickets and 200,700,000 shingles. The daily cuoaoiiy of the mill is 27f,000 feet. Tho largest day's work was 233,000 feet in a run of eleven and one-half hours. The company owns two steamers uud six sailing vessels, and has a largo store, with a stock of goods worth $23, 000. A vessel is now being loaded with 2o0 spars for Now York City. This is a good snowing for d single firm of the many en gaged in lumbering on Paget sound. The Pacific Journal is responsible for this: A resident of the Chehalis river, a few miles above the "Wishkah, is the fortunate possessor of a bright little girl of about 12 summers, who is an ardent admirer of aquatic sports. Not long since she caught two beautiful young salmon, which she put in n small pond near her home, feeding them legularly, and giving them all tho attention pos sible. They grew to be so tome and gen tie that they would eat food from her hand, and allow her to handlo them as she chose. The greatest triumph was ac complished about p week ago, when tho little maid harnessed her finny pets to a small rowboat, and with silk threads for reins, sho skimmed hither and thither over the placid waters of tho Chehalis with her novel team, exciting admiration nnd open-mouthed wonder from all sides. It is said that a terriflo speed is some times attained with this strange outfit, or when the driver wants to let 'em out. VEBY THUE. Abell & Sou's photographs are perlcct gems of tho art. No second-class work done at their gallery, 29 Washington St, Portland. Why will you cougn when Shileh's Cure will give immediate relief. Price 10 eta SO cts and $1. Sold by W.K. De ment. Arvold sells Boots aud Shoes cheaper than any one else in town, because wo bnj' for cashj Roscoe Dixon's now eating house is now open. Everything lias been fit ted up In first-class style, and his well known reputation as a caterer assures all who like good things to eat. that at his placo they can be accommodated. The latest patterns and styles of uinguams ana uaitcoes, at the Kraplre Store. Arvold will sell a laree stock of Root and Shoes atco9t, at the Leading boot ano suoo store. Don't pay 50 rents elsowhero when you can get the. best dinner In town at JEFF'S for 25 cents. Wilt you suffer with Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint? Shiloh'a Yltallzer is guaranteed to cure you. Sold by w. "K. Dement Slilloh'a Vltallzens what you need for Constipation, Loss of Appetite, Diz ziness and all symptoms of Dj-speila. Price 10 and 73 cents per bottle. Sold by W. K. Dement. A full line of Ladies' Lace Mitts ol all descriptions, to be found at the Empire Store. nu through Tire eonFSEi:. Civil war convulse; Tho Prince of Orange died last Sundnj. Popo Leo XII. hai been threatened with dynamite. The river and harbor bill come uii in! congress to-morrow. ." I Germany wants no interference with ! thoafiairs of Holland. " ' ' . ' Tammany will send 000 member t tho ! Chicago convention. Missouri Democratic editors Cleveland for tho presidential nomine. Elaine was officially notiGed M u-n-,- ta, Me., of his nomination last &-turd;. Captain Drisko. of the schooner .1. I Driskn, at Philadelphia, from (Jnrden-us, wituo&ed he outran.-. 11 L tr:ii davit has been t:K.-n. and ti . xratAlifx to Washington bv tin An,-ic1l, j,,' al 'anion.!. . sHII'l'IM. I l l'. I'I..:h.!I7. When the lc-rnv sailed from Victoria "?"?T: "'" ,1 lrtP , .. , . , It.sewni,, bO the t.torv j;oe-j, that sho ruins of his house I Cardenas Harbor, j Ho attack was made aeb. nature, painless in met at Coralli : ,J,'L''ul-Hu"1 V rKn wa a''" -.""' Iuig,,-Ji ami Miulred an eleetorel i -" i,u y "-.v iniMrwiiwi. a . . u:iii-y--iih rw:u purines the i pas-auiicr ii mi.-j-cuuyner. i. i. u.uU.iis. "ntwi. i(!;niais iiu aiul acts on St.. Ii.1r Inai ril. t.. V..- !.. -. -I. iil-. "fll " 5T. fUl 1 1 ni- 1 1. .! )l i ! . -1 1. I o ntni..-. UllltlU'iia.-iL ill IJiw- UUllUCi.llll Oi iiiuiai) --.... ... riit- " ic'oria Tim giv-s thit nc-' -"-" , " ff W ;o s?ml ll" 'StSriSU,,,,,,,, young man purcuaseu a papoose rr.., .,.,. the mother, i r.i fir-imt' t juir- .. , ..5 ;, . milk in a box jUst larg? cnuiid: t- ir-- i tuiii. nit- uiuij;-i-i inill ui-iui UIJUDSPil ! around by the action of the vcsqJ. and is ie ?, M2? ? .s v:"-:;.r .t. ;."V", ..r "",:." vs""t:i lrum uiuu lilt- uam 1111 p IlIlIlsL'il whenever so inclined" The air holes of tho box were numerous, nnd as it is :ir- ticularly under the charge of the purser tho infant will probably reach its destina tion a bright baby. Whether or uol the 3oung lady will consent to receive him when he arrives is now agifatin.j I lie purser and tho fteight cici'k. , XMiere U 3I Yoti..' Claude Thayer, son of onr ex-governor, was candid." I o for school superintendent at the last election in Tillamook cotiuly. He and his upponout were in tho sjuno precinct which polled just thirteen vole-. As tho voles were being counted lolh candidates were interested spectators and the tally ran for Thayer the whoh numbor. '"Holy Moses!" s-iid Claude's opponent, "where is my vote?" "Gness I've got it." answered Claude, meekly. And so it proved; the gentleman had trusted to Claude to vote for him and he had yoted for Claude. The latter had voted for himself and captured the whole number. Claude Thayer was de clared elected. Vindicator. Just Ri'ft'b mi. A largf slock of soil and still Hals in till the latest .styles nt .Mcintosh's Fur nlshing store. The Patout I,:imp Filter. The mot useful household invent um of the age. Call and see it. Also. et.n good Coal Oil forsaJe in quantities fiom a pint to a barrel. .Jordan & iJo7nr.Ttr. To (Mil' Paii-otis. Wu do not claim io roll our goods at or below cost we sell with n living profit and onr prices aro lower than the pre tended cost of our competitors. Pilger's Branch Leading Snit and Cloak llou-je. Ol IiitorcsVf'o TIio J.aiio. A full line or Lidics Silk, LisSn ami Cotton Hosiery and Mnslitt Cndervvear at greatly reduced prices for a few davs only, at The Loading Suit and Cloak llonse. uexl lo Kescue ihigii-r honsc. The Peruvian &j nip n:i eured Hum sands who .re -:iflVriug irom ,!--pe .sin.dfbility, lier complaint, but!,, bit mors, female complaints, .-:. i'aiupli lets free to any address. Set It W-. Fowl &Son' 'iaston. Brace up the whole sj.siem with King ofthe Wood. St'e Adwrti-eiueiit. rVnfice. Dinner at ""J EFFVCllOl Iior.VK everyday from 4-:,0to.s o'clock. The best 2."-cent meal in tewn: soup, (,. sewn kinds or incaK wgelahles. pi,., pudding, etc. Tea or ci mVe iiieMideil. All who have tried him s:, .iris She 4,BSS." A Nasal Injector f.-eu with each bollle of Shiloli's Cataiih I'emedv Price ?A cents. Sold ), K. Dement Shiloli's Cough aim Consumption Cure I-i sold by its mi guarantee. It euie.s constinipllon. "Sold bv v. K. De ment. biin.oiis Ci:i:j: will immediateU relieve Croup. W hooping Cough, anil Bronchitis. Sold by W.1-:. Dement A- Co Boston r,t ked Beans and Drown Bread everj Sunday at ,pT from ." . m. to 2 v. M. Have Wisiar's iuKam or wild eheny always at hand. It ciue coughs, colds, bronchitis, whooping cough, enmp, in fluenza, consumption, and ail throat and lung complaints. -41 cenLs an!.i a bot tle. Sleepless NlgltN matle miserable by that terrible emigh. Shiloh's Cure is the remedy for you. Sold bv W. K. De ment & Co. Buy jour Lime of Gi-u at lorihind prices. A full .line or l.tdies and ehildten's Shoes, latest styles, to be found cheap at Arvold's, sign of (he Golden Shoe. 3ark "Woodlark. NEiTIlEU T1IK CA1TA1X NOR Till: consljniees or the :itoe named ecl will be responsible ror any debts eontmctcd by the crew whih- the vewl lies in this ;orr. iMCKi:. WIUSOX & UO. Astoria. .lime 20th. tsl. For Sale Cheai). One tnglish Laundry Mangle. In good working order : Also. ONE GOOD HOUND WATKi: TANK. 0 feet deep and 1: feet diameter on top. Enquire of E, C. HOLDER. Aucliojieer, Notice. NKAltl.Y ALL THE TAXl'AYEKS.OK Sciiool D'e-trlct N. t. in tins cltv. have beon supplied with a-'jNient " blanks. These they are requested to hand In at once to the undersij'iictt. .1. O. BOZOItTil. d-Ct Clerk. FIRST CLASS SHAVING AND Hair Dressing Saloon. TLUTTED Fl IN A F.V AND AUTISTIC A manner. Kvery attention paid patrons, I havo fitted up and opened a tlrst-class Barbershop at Carl Adler's old stand on Chenamus street, aud am ready for business 142 Sai LEN.OHLER. I'KRSOXAL JIE.VTIOX. Geo. II. Durham, of Portland, i-s in tho . citv- I Judge Stott return- to Portland to I morrow. "Kor.Mr.Hoikk.i.of this citv, is preach-1 ing at Coos Bar. George Werner, representing the orig-" inal JJen Cotton, is at the Occident. ,, The HYcoin' hears that Mr. Adair, of this citw will soon lead I o the altar Mrs. ' Dr- Owen-;, of Portland. Mr. . At. Spedden went up to Pataha Ctm v '' 3 "t"cuiy morning, which j ,S,:KC vul ' "r iv-nn' ros.uenci. H 'y Villi JFJp;s. iao Jit.v.v'.. ijroak, up (Vi! . ( hills .i! Ktrr. vU: Mrcngthnis Hi t.igans on whitM it nns i:nttr than 'litter, lmr.M-ous l.iviT iiiidiciin-. pill-., salts him I tlnnil)t-. :u::pk iiottio-t frvi, and hllgr ImHios ,',ir -..ib b . fc. D.jiipnt A- '.. Wrria. tVSJ iYItlo on think hal D3IEF EDJTOniALS. JK: - - -; - J-- - .-.-.. M'l'ii-i' in. I -...ifil tut - ntct s tu ii:uKi.s-oi: r.t.i is onf if int btM white cooks in the s ttatt::!! d au,: '.ls'li dMnv.:i iHTtultv' -- n ;.,. niJisri iuduiii- )" i : 1 m ana "-n"Ty,siiuiiuiiei amen--., etc be bought .a the lowest prices, at .1. W. Conn's-drug stoic, opposite Ocidcn hrtel, Astoria. .lust received a new lot of Parasols, at the EmpiroStore. That Hacking Cough can be to quickly cured by MiilohV Cure. We guarantee it. Sold by W.K. Dement. Cray seJIs .Ntckett Bros.' Al stiwetl cedar sliingle.s. G. rs fiti 1 irio i. b. nAWLnuo. WheJesale and Kelail Dealer hi Tropical. Domestic, Green and Dried M'lS. CAXDir.lUjrKD MEATS, VYC. Fine CIrr.trM ami Tobacco. N-t dofti-to I.. I. Arvolri's. Squemoqun St. n. ZLvrZ2-? VWi- . Stf.bSt X Brvrv Ui Saloon. The Best Rear 5 cts a Glass. Hi.: I nneli even, tuy t to 12 A. M Tt;e !eM of 1 i.(iior; ami 'ijrars on hand. A descrvedlj inqiulur place 01 wm resorl. i:i:o. 1IILLKK. Put 1 Lai di:ai gu i Fruits, Notion Cigars b, -.VXD - TOBACCOS. W:i St. lietvteest Vest r.aitl AVest ili. mu Tr.:ie:d anil Domestic l-'rults jer every steatiiiT. Nuts, Candies, etc . at l-iltdon's. Ker thing Kiesh ami Kirst-clais. WEST SHORE LUMBER MILLS .1. 1'.TIM'LLIN'GKK. - - - .Projnlctor. UAXl KAlTI'KKl: OK AXI DEAI.m: IX All Kinds of Lumber, N AND AKTEK THIS DATE WILL J sell LiiiiiberatidloeatfolIowin:rates: All Rough Lumber, oaiilv to .special asreeiiirut) S10 00 Xi. Il'loorinand ltustlc, (only to spe cial agreement) -"O 00 N'o. 2 Moorintcand ltu.stic.(onIy tospe- cial agreement) SHi CO Mouldings, to per cent, cheaper than any body. Ftsli Doxe-. U1. rents at mill, Shocks, 12 ills at 111IM. Boat Suilding. JOS. P. LEATHERS L'ormerly over Arnitt A Fcrclien's Machine bhoi SUriLDIXf: FIRST-CLASS BOATS IX i the shop formerly occupied by M. John son on Coucomlv treet, one block west of Han-ten lJros' Mill. .Model, Material nnd t'liiSu I'2rst-rl.t4.s. rni r&e Uureau, Anhetiscr Hnsch JJrcwintr AssVn oi' St. Louis, alo. iVIe bralt d uihetwcr Reer on Draught at Pinckncy's Sample Room, Ki4. Water Street, ior Roadwaj). This Beer is far superior to any imported from the Cie.t. Call and sample It. HOSPFTAL, ASTOKIA, - - - OKEGOU rjnilLS INSTITl'TION. IWDEKCARK OF JL the SWters of Charity, N now ready for t he reception of patients. I'rivale room for the nccomuiodatlon ol any deshhifi them. l,nlieiitsadiiillledata:ihouii,dayoriilj;lit. 'o phx-sieian baa excluslvo right, every jeitient U free to aud has the privilege of einplo.uiig any phjslci.m they prefer. ?Tni(ei Mtatos Mnriue Seamen who n:iv IJapllal Duc3, are enti tled to l'reecan;ahd attendance at this II o t.itni iinii!irI.ncsi. rermits must be ob tained lor I'n.rt d States Marlins at the Ciw tolii lioil'e. SISTEI13 OP ClIAniTT Summons. t N Till. ClRClIT COURT 01? TIIE STATE i 01 Oreeou.ror ciatsop uonmy. . UmlsaA'eatch. l'hiintiiT, r.i. Allen "ft 'Veatch. Defendant : To Allen W. Veatch. the above named non maTiienr ilefendaut : You are hereby not! lied to appearand answer the complaint of aoovc minuMi piniuim meji iin.uni juu iu timnimofiitit!cd court. Iu the above en titled suit, on or before the lirst day or the ncct ternrof said court, w hleh will bo on fnndnv Anfiist rah. issi. aud ou will take notice that 11 ou fail so to appear and an swer, for want lliereoi luauiuii win nppiy 10 !.. .nnrr r.-r tiie relief nraved for In said complaint, which in substance Is a decree ,i.."Ai,-infriw linrnlq of niatnuionv exlsthurl between plaintiff and tieienuani. ami tnac mTo TWotlv of the minor children he award lonliintlif. Tlils 3ummon Is published by virtue-of an ontcr made by tho Hon. A. S. v.pnnetr JudEeof said court, June 13, 18S4. uc,n,l-li'u B FULTON BROTHEBS, Att'ys for Plaintiff. : ran C. H. COOPER! THE Leading Dry Goods OF ASTORIA. Silks! Silks! Silks! We are now showing the largest and choicest assort ment of BLACK and COLOEED SILKS ever shown in Astoria at REMARKABLY LOW FIGURES. Ladies in need of such goods and. want to get the genuine article would do well to give us a call. Bonnet's famous Black Silks in all numbers. Rich Brocaded Silks, Rhadames, Moires and Cet Colored Gros Grain Silks. Latest Shades. Fancy Brocaded Silks, New Designs. Evening Silks, in all the latest tints. Summer Silks in checks and stripes. K HE-. Cp! Pythian Building. JACKSON'S ASTORIA Bakery I Confectionery Co flee and Ice Cream rarlors." si;pi:i:iok Bread and Gakes OF ALT. KIM8. Wftldlnss and Parties supplied with itnctly J FIRST-CLASS WORK. j o-Frcnch and American-o I CANDIES Manufactured. Wholesale and Retail. BRANCH ESTABLISHMENT, ON THE ROADWAY. Jordan & Bozorth The Only Exclusive CROCKERY STORE IN ASTORIA. IV. 11. Hate Solo lllht to tho Patent lamp Filler, New Goods for IIVIIYIE3VSE CLOTHING, HATS Atfl GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, Direct from the Manufacturers. Retailed at Uelng In tlu Maiuif.icturin: Uii3in"M I am prepared to strll Clothhi&that will elva PERFECT SATISFACTION both In FIT and QUALITY of Goods, Perfect Fitting While Shirts, Medium ami Flue ftrade UMderwcnr. Iowcst Styles in Searfs ami Ties. inr.v FULL STOCK OF FRENCH, ENGLISH AND AMERICAS SUITINOS.-S D. A. McINTOSH, 5 OCCIDENT BLOCK, ASTORIA. and Clothing House o :p;ejr Astoria, Oregon. Wood Yard. I TTN'TIL FURTHER NOTICE THE AHTO U rlaWood Yard, Gray's Dock, foot of Benton street, will sell wood at the follow In x prices and deller wherever the .treeu are planked, between Trullltu;cr's Mill mut j O'Brien's notel, back to Abtor street : Green Alder. 2-cut SI 50 per cord, loug 6j 75 Dry do do 4 75 do do 4 00 nr'nTIeuiIo'k do 4 50 do do 3 73 Dry do do 4 75 du do 4 Ou (Irecn Beach do 4 75 do do 4 DO Oreen Fir do 4 7 do do 4 00 Dry Fir do .1 Ou do do 4 a; Extra Maple and S. limbs do r. 00 do do 5 2ft Vine Maple and S. Hmb-t do G 75 do do r tHi Wood of All Kinds By the Scow load at P.EDUCED RATRrt. J. H. D. KA" A-storla. February 1st, 18W. THE BEST IS THE CHEAPEST ! Royal Brand . Flour Mauufactiu-ed by the OREGON MILLING COMPANY Is of Superior Quality, and h Endorsed by all who use It. THE HOUSEKEEPER'S FAVORITE Of Superior Rising Quality. Guaranteed to Give Satisfaction. WYATT & THOMPSON Sole Ascu'rt lor Atttoria. For Sale. I MVE HUNDltED COEDS DKV HKM ? toelc Wood, which I will deliver at the houses of customers for $4 a conl. Draylns of all kinds done at reaaonabl rates. B. K. MARION. Spring and Summer! AX OF i . t ? S'r3'