en 'W Vt3c- ' . eye a .- VOL. XXI, NO. 67. ASTORIA, OREGON, TUESDAY, JUNE 24, 1884.. PRICE, FIVE CENSP X3k i$!i Mwm Tmm EDUCATION IX PIONEER DAYS. Looking back to the early days of Oregon I recall one fact worthy of note. Coming over an almost untra versed region, and traveling by the slow procass of ox teams mostly, and encumbered with only the absolute necessities for the route and a very meager supply for present need after arrival, it is not to be wondered at if not many books -were brought. The missionaries and othors who cniue by the "Horn'' and the "Inlands" vcero mors fortunate, for they could box up and bring what could not be hauled over the '-plains." Well do I remember the first stove shipped f rom the N6w England home, arriving some time after the owner did, who eaine overland. It cost hjm only SjS for transporting that lurury. Aud n luxury it was. But I digress. Like the pioneers of Pennsylvania, the founders of society in Oregon made use of the moans within redch, and laid deep and well the founda tions for as good an education for all ai could at that time be had. The "Willamette university at Salem was started. Common schools came in as soon as possible, and all were anxious to have the rising generation obtain knowledge sufficient for all ordinary duties. The Oregon Spectator did n good work through 'its columns. Geo. Abernethy, the proprietor, is sued an edition of Webster's element ary spelling book in 1S1G or 1817. This helped along the good work very iqucIi. And these few recollections show the wishes of the early settlers. Labor was then 50 cents a day, pay able in wheat, then selling at 50 cents n bushel. This wheat was to be de livered at the landing, which rucanl tkYiai-a 4Hiof fnonv' s.nn1i1 fnVi il in tlm mill or market. The school toacher I nuwiu uuntuiid. uvum to..v .. '" "" received orders on u some store or took I his pay in -wlient. The vrriter had au agreement with the lamented Dr. Whitman to go to his home at "Waii latpu, in the fall of 1847. and teach school for .$14 Vancouver orders or $16 MoKinlny orders. Thus did our buildeia lav a good foundation. "What n supers tructuro has been i eared! Oregon and Wash ington can offer opportunity for as complete an education at this time as any portion of our newer settled re gions. Our state and our territorial universities, and our young but flour ishing colleges, are worthy to receive full endowments, and to bo put on such a basis as will make them wor thy the patronage of our rapidly growing population. "We aro not ashamed of the building which has been done upon the foundation laid by the pioneers. Carlos W. Shane in West JShore. Protectlna; the Indians. : length win bo a succession or convpii- i The following circular bus been re- j cated curves and grades, with no oeired ' from th interior depart- piece of straight traok longer than ment at the V. S. land offices. tfOO feet. The maximum grade will Information having been received be 316 feet to the mile, and the nTer from the war department of attempts ago grade 270 feet The line will of white men to diflpoBsess non-reser- abound in curves from 500 to 1,000 Tttion Indians along the Columbia ! feet long, in which the radius chang river and otber places within the mil- J es every chain. itary department of the Columbia of ...,. the land they have for years occupied i Co Creek Conndtnc. Inna cultivated, and similar informa-! Air. A. R. Shawver, Cove Creek, tioriThaTing been received from other 7 . . ... 1. ' 1 3 11 I sources m reference to otner locali ties where land is occupied by Indi ans "Who are making efforts tosuppoit themselves by their own labor. Yon are'hereby instructed to peremptorily refuse all entries and filings attempt ed to be made by others than the In dians occupant upon the lands in the possession of Indians who have made Improvements of any value whatever thereon. In order that the homes and im-, provements of such Indians may be . protected, as intended by theso in structions, you are directed to ascer-1 tain, by whatever means may be tit I your command, whether any lanils in your districts are occupied by Indian inhabitants, and the locality of their : .yvaocooiu unu....., .- - - M r??aye, ana to auow no qutnea or ffllngs upon any such lauds. When tifactof Indian occupancy is de- Sed or doubtful, the proper investi-' gatfonwillbe ordered prior to thel allowance of adverse claims. Where lands are un surveyed no appropria-! tion will be allowed within the region of Indian settlements until Uio bur-! vevs have been made and the land oc cupied by Indians ascertained and denned. Verv Veaueotf ally. X. C.McFAKLAND, Commis3ionc-r. Approved Mav 81, 18S4. H. M. TELLEK, Secretai. Butler Under Fin. When Butler commanded the laud and Admiral Porter tho naval forces! at New Orleans, tho captains of tho! 'fleet had Btriot orders not to permit strange "boats to approach their ships .without challenge. Captain Baldwin, now rear admiral, commanded Por feTs flagship. One dav as he stood upon the deck the marine on guard challenged a small boat approach ing from the shore. The Bmall boat niade no response. Challenged again, atSras-still silent Thereupon Bald-, win, "who had caught a glimpse of the 'cfiiftmander, seized a gun and fired upon it. It stood not upon the order .fits' going, hut was soon back at the " 'wore. Next day a boat came off from shore, answered the challenge from ibe isgship'properly, and sent Major- "CHtoSrar-Butler, in full uniform, over .fheside. He wanted to see AdmiralPor- --ter;ho deceived him. "I was shot at yesterday," said the doughty general, TOfShg'with rage, "from this vessel by Captain Baldwin." "Yes," said ffOTtvT, in a vuno iuuh u uuimuf; but BjTBpftthetio, "you were shot at front this vessel by Gaptain Baldwin." "Yes," said Butler. "Is that .the manr" asked Porterf pointing toward Baldwin. "Yes," said General Butler, m&ftfy, "that's the -man." "Well, GeTal" said Porter, "you were virflucky. Captains-Baldwin is tho hAMi shot in the fleet.' uutier went -aonH'oVer the side of the vessel mute . 3-ii) , : XU J-. a i 88' omakly as lie Jiad come. wasn- ingtoyrtetter in Pniladelphw Jiec- Political Gossip. Washington, June 22. It is under stood that Randall is to be substi tuted as a district delegate from Pennsylvania to Chicago. His par liamentary experience and the promi nence he Las won during twenty years of service in the bouse of representa tive will, if he consents to serve as a delegate, make him a prominent per son in the convention. The Republi can convention of 18S0 wa3 moved, in great part, to nominate Garfield by the flue impression he made in the deliberations of that body us dele gate from Ohio, and Republi can history may be repeated in the Democratic convention, and bring Randall forward a3 the stand ard bearer this year of the Democrat ic party. Since the adjournment of the Now York stale convention great activity has prevailed among Randall's friends. They are enthu siastic in his support, and will spare no effort to secure bis nomination. The principal objection that has been urged against Randall here was his opposition to the Morrison tariff bill. The tariff excitement that raged so violently in Washington at the begin ning of the session, has now almost died out here, and it looks as if the Democratic campaign would be based upon n demand for reformation of government abuses, an economical administration of public affairs, and the complete overthrow of the office holding aristocracy that has been in trenched in power for twcntv years. 5 No tariff plnnk can be devised more emphatic in demanding revenue re form than the one contained in the Democratic platform of 1SS0. Dem ocrats of every shade of opinion on Ul.!. ...I- .1 1 II ii t "" Ji rameu ineu.as mey proo- ""v W1" "exmin, iu me supporr n the Democratic candidate. The one unknown quantity in the approaching campaign, and the one w Inch givesthe republicans the most uneasiness, is the prevailing depres sion in trade, the reduction in wages of many workingmen, and the low price or interest bearing securities, showing a stagnant condition of trade everywhere. To what extent this condition or affairs may influence that class of voters who, in hard times, always wish to change, cannot be foretold, but it is certain that tho republican ticket will not be bene fited by the continued business troubles. The Pike's Peak Railway, which will be in operation next year, will be ! the most notable piece of traok in the world. It will mount 2,000 feet high er than tho Lima & Oroya Railway, iu Peru. It is now in operation to a point over 12,000 feet above the sea level. Thf entirfl thirtv miles ofiia ! Tazewell Co.. Vu.. writes: "I was for a long time a great sufferer with kid ney and bladder troubles. Finally I tried St. Jacobs Oil, the great pain reliever, externally, and it cured me. LEADING PMootIi Gallery. S. B. CROW. New Rooms, flew material. r.Vr.KYTHlNfi FIRST CLASS. SATISFACHOH GUARANTEED. a- Mi. Wii.. A. Bell, ot San Francisco. r th , .kl,iful r,hototrraDhl5t3 on Lp 0oHsl to5lsts m :hB af eraung room Fine Work a Specialty. ...,.. -,. u. l w A v eart' dte Sr ManjHo?ptoL fY a rOT vijinovi -mmr-fr f rVKUTTl A "HTXY Jl 1 Jj (JUJlllrAJM X Manufacturers and Dealers in iLnmboi Salmon Trays, BOXES, ETC. OJTlCi: AND MILL, COKNKR SALilOS A N H CKDAU STKKKTS. AHTOltlA. - Oresou. Astoria Cooperage. BARRELS AND HALF-BARRELS All Kinds of Cooperage Done. BSTLcave ordew with JOHN KOGKUS. Superintendent, nt Central Marker. Carnahan & Co. SUCCESSORS TO I. V. CASE, 1MPOHTKUS AND WHOLES A LK AND UK TAIL DBALEKS IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE ''orner Olienatnus and A8TOU1A - - Cass street. - OKEGON ,10HX P.CLASSEN, Manufacturer of French and American Candies ALSO Kvery moralnjr, from the ASTOill A--0-B AK EB FURNISHED ROOMS TO LET. AW1 RS.GEO.IULLER'S, NEXT DOOR reston Hotel. THE GREAT GERMAN REMEDY FOR PAIN. BsIIstm asd cam RHEUXATIS3T, Neuralgia, Scutlea.'Lumbigo.j BACKACHE. ElMCSE,"lMI2AC2l, SORE THROAT. QllSit. STElXaf03. SPBAXXS, Scnzta, Cati, 2nsn, FROSTBITES BCB3fJ5CAXS3. inl Ci e&a tnllif Att nnr can l Bams. Sciitj a BraxcUM al Dtalus. Dirttl U U (imusi t A.Tuu A ) BjfcI TUTT'S PILLS TORPID BOWELS, DISORDERED LIVER, p and MALARIA. - From these sources arise three-fourths of tho diseases oftho human race. These symptoms Indioate their existence! X.OIS of Appetite, Boirela cotilYe, Sick lleadkebe, fullness after eat ing, aversion to exertion or body or oiuaTiBrBeBieeteaiomeaair.uii zlneu.F, IattrlBKattheHearttIets dcioto me eyea. bleni e, highly colored Urine,COKSTiPATlOar,and demand t bo use of a remedy that acta directly on thoUver. AsaLiverrnedlcineTUXX'S PHX.ShavonoemiaL Tfaolraotionoa tho Kidneys and Skin Is al3o prompt; removing all impurities through theso three scaTtBrtri of the ycttm" producing appetite, sound digestion rcRulnr stoolg, a clear skin and a vig orous bony. TVTT'S FU,r3 cause no nausea or gripinjr nor interfere with dally wort ana aro a-porfect ANTIDOTE TO MALARIA. Soldj8Teryyhcrea5e. Offlee MmT&y3t.yy. TUTTS HAIR DYE. GbatHhk ob WnrsKnas changea in stantly to a Gloss v Black by aaingia application of this Dte. Sold by Dru. latSjOr sent by express on recoipt of CL Offloe, 44 Murray Street. New Yorfc. i tuxua cr uarm ncjx na. King Blood Is not a "airt nil," It Is a blood-purifier and tonle. Impurity of the blood poVous-tiift sys tem, deranges the circulation, suid thu In duces WKifv dbonlen. Known by different naniMto ifistliiRUlsh them nccordlnctu ef fects, but being really branehe or phft-e.s of thatsreat ceneilc dboitler. Impurity or Blood, rfuch are Dutpfntla, Uilltousne, onlcr, JUadachf, Ilatkaehe, tltneral Wth 7iw. Heart DUeuDropy. Kidney Dlea&, PlUtf, IthtumatUiii, Cutarih, Scn-rulu, Shin BUvrden, l'imitlt. Ulctr. SuxUtriug, S.C.. Ac. Kins or the Blood. pruYenU'and Aiikic tlt-u nttnAlrtf)fZft aii Tmmirltv or the blood. Clieiulsts ant ph slcians aereo In calllns It "urn most eonulnp and emcieut preparation lor tue puritan." Sold by .Drug- gsis, l per bottle. See testimonials, dlrec oiis. &c. hi paniiAdet'lYeatb on Dbwases ot llm lllood," wrap jxd around each bottle. l. RANSOM. SON & Co.. Frops Buffalo. . Y. PLUMBING! You n HI do well to call on RUDDOCK & Tapping and Patting In of Water Pip-.. IT WILL PAY YOU Wilson & Fisher, SHIP CHANDLERS. URALKK3 l.S iron. Steel, Coal, Anchors, Chains, TAR, PITCH, OAKUM, NAILS AND SPIKES, Shelf Hardware, Paints ami 01U STEAM PACKING, PROVISIONS. FI.OUll AND MILT. FfcF.D. Agents for Salem Flouring Mills, and Capital Flour. FAIRBANKS STANDARD SCALES. All sUei, at Portland Prices, in Stock. Corner Chenamus and Hamilton Streets ASTORIA, OREGON. Drugs and Chemicals PrescrlpUoDS carefully compounded Day or Night. Money To Loan. 1 N SDHS FROM ! UPWARDS. A- 1 L- laqalreor of the ! J. E. THOMAS, i DRUGGIST Pharmacist, f3 XastoriaVo' w jKira THOB. O. TRULLINGER, Columbia Transportation Company,. FAST TIME! FAST TIMEl THE POPULAR STEAMER FXSTWO OD Which has open refitted for the comfort of passenger- Will lea Wilson & FWjer's Dock every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 6 A.M. arriving; at Portland at 1 PJH. Returning leaves Portland every Tuesday and Thursday at 6 A. M. STAn additional trip will be made on Haatlav ef KacJt fVftatt. leavinsr Pnrttanrt at O O'rKck niiy MsnlBR. for Sound port. HOTELS AND RESTAUBAXR. , PARKER HOUSEJhe pion6er Machjne II.R.UARKKK. Ira r - AjiL!Sik-A AhTOKIA, ORKON. Dr Cicrk j XlglitClcrt:. ! Al. CKOSBY. PhU. KOWKIJS. First Class in all Respects, ' rKE COACH TO TifK IIOUSK. iFignresiWiLie! I .VM T , JEFF iOF THE CHOF- HOUSE i Can nova by lib books that Ite !i uolnj i Wtfgst business of any j RESTATOJJNTI, the MARKETS. WASHINGTON' MARKET, Mala Kf rrtf. - Aatortu, tccB.. UKRGM1X it BF.MBY, PKOrKILlOKil. RFiPECTFULLY OALL THK ATTEX tlon of the public to tbf fact that the abos c Market tvIII alwiiy lesuppUeil Uh a FULL VAKIKTY AND UKST QUALITY -OY FRC8H AND CURED MEATS 1 ! Which-wUi.be'Sold at lowest rates, nhole- calo-ranrt 1 nfntl ' arSpecUU attention given to suppljlutjj sups. WYATT & THOMPSON. DEALEP.S IN FRESH AND CURED MEATS. CHOICE GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, Crockery and Glas.swai. Mill ,oaL,3ESto, Pacific Market. H. DAVICH & CO. - - Proprietors. Lea?oTfour Oixli'is for "Fish, Game Eggs, Butter, VEGETABLES, ETC. We furnlah Prort-Uons.Freih and in Good Coodltlou. Dresed Chlelkens. etfetaWei, and-Market Produce ot all kinds In season. A Fine Btock of Family Wines, Llquow, ClgM and Tobaccos. TAR MARKET. WHIRRY fc COMPANY, Fi'esli and Cuil Meats, Voi;etatle, FRUITS, BUTTER, and EGGS. OPPOSITE OCCIDENT HOTEL, CHEXAMl'S Street. Auteria, Ox Magnus C. Crosby De.dcr iu HARBWARK, IM, STEEL, Iron Pipe and Fittings, STOVES, TINWARE AND HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS SHEET LEAD STRIP LEAD SHIET IRON. Vlia. and Copper. arriving at Astoria at 1 P. M. rensers In this route-connect at. Kalama U.B.SCOTT, President 3. AUNDT & FERHEN, ASTORIA - OREGON. m-ACKHMlTII 8 BL O P Boiler Shop Ail HUmU of ENGINE, CANNEBY, AXU STEAMBOAT WORK Promptly atteuded to. A specbiity made of repairing CANNERY DIES) FOOT OF LAFAYBTTK STliKET. ASTORIA IRON WORKS.' GENERAL MACHINISTS AND BOILER MAKERS. LAND aofl MARINE ENGINES Boiler Work, Steamboat Work and Cannery Work a spe cialty. or all Deocrlptleas ma4e t Or4er at Short Setlce. A. D, WA83, President. .i. O. Hustlbk, Secretary. 1. Y. Case, Treasurer. loHX Fox.Suporintendent. 10,000 BOTTLES SOLD Great Northwestern Remed RlDNY,.UVai)iSASa.vOT8gB3IAIi; rtgrhr.?."' i" ' 'nr"" i17 '""" EADACHL C0SirVENCS9 Those 4io work, early and late need a wholesome.'rellable Medicine like Pfuaar'a Oregon Blood" Earifttr. As a remedy) and preventative of diseases it cannot be beat. It checks beaaatisB and SAUria, relteyes CcMtiMtfearKfweMU'aadfWntWWMd and puts resh.euergy.intotne system by mfiklng .ew nica juom. juiucusinsts ana ueai ers keep It. Sl.oo bottles Cfor $o.oa A. V. Allen, Whokule smi Keraa Deacr in 3 MILL PEED. Glass .ami Plated Ware, TROPICAL AND DOMESTIC FRUITS AND VEGETABLES. Together with Wines, LiquorsJobaccoXigars G. H. BAIN & GO. DEALERS IX Doors, Windows, Blinds, Transoms Turning, Bracket Work. JS33L03P Aspeelalty.aod all work guaranteed Oak, Asa, Bayand "Walnut lumber : Ore-f icon and Fort Orford Cedar. All kinds of boat material on band. C H. B AIX CO w.r?ruHDnj57 OtJHES I -7 TRANSPORTATION LINES. Oregon Railway & Navigation COMFAXY. DuriaK the mjjntb.of- juae, 1884, Ocean Steamejs will sail from Portland to. San Francisco, and from Ban. Francisco to Port iaait,s foUew3?ieav5kAin4wirtb Dock; Portland, at Blldnight, . and. Spear Street vmaxt, SanTTanciscorat ISA. m.':' tromPottlandc - I From San Francisco, Qrtto...... ..Thwt S SttoofOl....Tu r. OolnsW Baa 8 On ti " 1!VI 1 1 MHGll.,Tl, 10; ai jawm 13 Fr. a U Utf& s Suto of Ool'....'VTed 13 uoia&su atoa si OnsiMtr &t a Jnl WIW Bt SJSUtotCl....Thar 3 Joir TfcrABVll IHAbMta LTlM fnnlln.ln.lnol dtima In tha TTnTfoTl Cfnt n., JTi .r- . , avu RAJL DIVISION. Pa? gapgt-IWas Uav Portland for East ern potaft, at 1U4I A. 2L daily. riSlmi&rtluf C raaaio tutwesaPort Uad.aadSt.nal, miXK 1ITOIM (Middle lnaibia). Boats leave Partlaad for Dalles at 7 K A M. ALSO: Leave Port? land tor Mon To. We. Tlin.lFri.ISat. aitorU aadf lower Co-1 IoaU,U....lBAM 8 AM 8AM 6 AM SAM HAM SAM Ktlu ii '. aAJH. SSuii"? am ! IsamI Xcpiaaad.8etUe. tlijlr at lrfopxi victoria Meaner Joaofrau hundajs. m Astoria for PortUnd it 6 . m. daJlr x cpt bandar. .' t o.- G-H- 1'KESCOTT. A. L. STOKES, Manager. (iea'l IreicUt aad Pau. Agt E.A.KOY1S, Aseut Astoria. Oregon & California R. R. OltKCiOh- & T1USSCOSTINENTAL COMPANY, LESSEE. On and alter May 4. 16S1. tralaiwiit ran as follows : DAILY (KxceptSundays). E.STSIDE DIVISION. UtUrttn POXTXAUaBdriIX1X. srAir. TisAiN. UJAAT-L AP.KIVK. PorUaad- 7 i a. 3il Ashland 5.H30 a. si. Athlund tlor.MlPortlaad 5r4o p.m. ALBANY EXPRESS TRAIN. LEAVE. AltEIYE. Portland 4 :0f r. j.Lobanon 9 :2o v. 3r Lebanon. 4 :l5A.2X.PortIaud... 10 5 a. m Pullman PHlace SleeplnRr Car leavha Port land Mondays and Thursdays. Keturnine leaves Ashland Tuesdaj-s and Fridays. The Oregon and California KaUroad Ferry makes connection with all Regular TraUm on EastMde Division. WZSTSIDK DIVISION'. Krtweea Vfertlaad- ad CorTKllia MAIL TBAIN ..LEAVE. ABIirVE. roruana....3 q a. M.JCorvallL..4 an r. ai. wmwa. so a. M.iroraand a Sfi p x. v rjcruKsa tuain LEAV. AKRIVS. Pordand :5fH p,MMcMiiuivilleR .-00 vm MeMlnnille-5:43 AMJPortlaml 8 & a:h Close connections made at Ashland W'i118 Stes of tne Oregon and Callfor- points in California, at Company' Office; Corner F and Front Sts., Portland, Or. Freight will not bo received for shipment after 5 o'clock p.m. on either the Jiast or West side Dirision. R. KOKHLEB. Geo.'! Manacflr. E. P.XOOBRS. Act'g G. F. & Pass. Act llwaco Steam Navigation Go.'s WINTER SCHEDULE. Astoria to Fort Stevens, Fort Canby, and llwaco. Connecting by stages and boats for Oysterville, Montesano and Olympkt Until further notice the nwaco Steam Navigation Co.'.s steamer Gexx. Miles, Will leave Astoria On Monday Thursdays, and Saturdays (Oysterville-and Aloutesano mail day-i. ai 7 A.M. FOR Ft.S'tevens. Ft. Canby and llwaco ox Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Friday The steamer will leave Astoria at 9 a.m., as formerly, not being confined strictly to scbednle time. Fare to Fort Canby aud Uwaco $1 00 HTTicketa can be bought at tho oflied for 7"cta. lar-Ilwaco rreisht, by the ton. in lots oi one ton or over. Si per ton. ply at the offlee ot the company, GrayS ft naff, toot aT-Bentou street. J.H.D.ORAY, Agent. $67,000,000 Capita ! Liverpool and London and Globe. North British and Mercantile Of London and Edinburgh. Old Connecticut of Hartford, AND COMMERCIAL OF CALIFORNIA Fire Insurance Companies, I Representing a Capital of $67,000 OOO. A. VAN DUBEN. Attest, First Class Blacksmithing AT LOW RATES AT Gilbert Christiansen's HORSESHOEING Done on Selentilic Principles by an AI Tloisesnoer who Guarantees GOOD WORK. General Blacksmithing Done And SATISFACTION ASSURED, at Hb Shop, In rear of Aug. Daulelaon's Saloon. H. B, PARKER DE.VIKK IX Hay, Oats, and Straw, xim:ei- Brick. Cement, and SancL Wotd 0livred to Order. Draying, Teaming, and Express Business OBiiEK IK WINKS, LIQUORS AND CIGARS. BUSINESS CARDS. F. .WIXTOX. ATTOBE Y AT LAW. AJbatxme.tt oCXltle.a Hx!!- Koomj 11 and 10. Knlcht of Pvtfaian Caatla BuOdins. '.-' C. MeCOKMAC, Boom 12, Odd Fellowa Bulldias ASTOKLA, - Oregon. OEO. A. DOKBI3. Q&Q.HWJ&O KOIAIU) JMB18, ATTQBNEra AT LAW. - Ogice in Kinney's Block, cpnoslta City Hall, Astoria, Oregon. - r Attorney and.Counsdor atrUw. Room No.c, over "White House. ASTOPJA. OP.EIJO.V. C. TT. TVUTQX. O. C TOVtOS. FUXTOS BBOTfflpr ATTORNEYS AT LAW Rooms 5 and 6. Odd Fellow Buildmx. J q.A.BWLBY, ATTORNEY AT I.AW. Chenamua treet, - - ASTORIA, OUECON JOSEPH A. GI1X, ATTORNEY-AT-LAV. aOffiee with ,T. Q a. Bottlby,- A8TOKL, - - Oresoa- Q J. CUfiTIir, ATT' I' AT LAW. Rotary Public, Commissioner ot Deed foi California, :Nev York and TPahlncton Ter ritory. ltooms 3 aud 4, Odd Felloes Ktrfldln, As torl3,0re2on. K.B.-Claiins at Washln-ton. I. C and" collections aspccialty. XJ C. HOJLDKX, NOTARY PUBLIC, AUCTIOXEEK, COMMIH3I0.Y ANi SURANCS AGEK1. IN Q W. LEIClt, ARCHITJiCT ANT) HBAUGJITSXAX. Scholars received for Course of PrawaUng rOfllce over White Hooe Store. Q.KIiO F. PAJIXJBK. survfyqh of . Office :-CheoaJac8 street, Y. M. a A. h&U Room No. 8. Q BRXliOM MAMTIX, X. 1., PiiyHioiaH amd Sseji. ASTORIA. - - OESGOh Office Room 12, Odd Fellows Building. Residence Home's building, up stairs. TAX TUTTUK. M. 9. PHYSICIAN AND SUBOEON Orncs Eoonvs l, 2, and 3, F?thian-Bulld- lng. RssiDKXca On Cedar Street, hack of St. Mary's Hospital. F. P. HICKS. A.R8VAW. HICKS Jc SHAW, DENTISTS. Rooms in Allen's Building, un atalxa. poi ner Cass-and Squemoqua street'U Aotu Oregon. Bozorth & JolmSa Real Estate and insurance Agents, and Brokers. ASTORIA, Ojagoa. Buy and sell an kind? oi Real EMate and represent the following fire lnsuraixceCenpiej: Scottish Union aad.No- upnat. Phoenix, of Hartford Home oX Nev Vork, Hamburg and Bremen. Western, Phenis ot Brooklyn, asset 4J00J100 '--'Ann Aon 4JUCOJSO oaiuaaaaieme, poegKV PrJlnlna vrrltton hv ue in tbft PhCHOlX ait Home and Scottish .Union and Nattonal at equitable rates. BAHXINtt AND IHSWAHCE ! I. W. CASE, Broker, Banker, -and I&iur ance Agent, ASTORIA, - ORjESO.f. OFFICE HOURS : From o o'clock A. M. nntn a o'clock P. il. B. S. Worsley, AUCTIONEER AND COMMISSION MERCHANT HTOfliee aud Ware Rooms on Squemoqua , Street, next door to corcerof Olney. Advancements made on Conslsweeius Ho Charge ftp 8tre or &ed GEOBGE LOVITT, , Tailorinir, Cleaiiif, Reiariit NEAT, CHEAP AND QUICK. HalH St., eppostte X. XeVs. XaUrtk, ttr. G.A.STINSON & CO., BLACKSMITHING, At Capt. Rosen old stand, cerser of Cas and Court Streets. Ship and Cannery work. Honaafcolag. Wacom sale and repaired? OeM. wof I snannteed. tfrd.