l) ht gnttjj Qtfo&m. ASTORIA, OBEGONj SUNDAY ...TONE 2.'. 1S34 ASTORIA MUST BE REPRESENTED. The World's Industrial and Cotton Centennial Exposition, to open in New Orleans December 1, 1884, is to be something prodigious. Congress loans a million, the people subscribe another million, and the city gives 100,000. It also furnishes a park of 247 acres. The main building -Rill cover "thirty-two acres of land, being 1,375 feet long and 904 feet wide, af fording 1,656,300 square feet of floor space. The music hall, 1,375 feet long by 250 feet wide, will seat 11,000 persons. Two hundred and fifty thousand feet of space will be allotted to foreign governments. and the same for the United States' and territories. Horticultural hall, the largest ever erected, is 600x184 feet, and is lighted by a glass roof .and surmounted by a glass tower ninety feet in height, and is warmed by improved heating apparatus. It also is supplied with ample refrigerators for the reception and preserving in good condition of fruits that will be on display. Around this building, and under cover, will be exhibited plants and shrubs. Mexico will fill the main center with royal palms and choice plants, and outside cover 300,000 square feet with a garden, and the Central American republics and Florida and California will duplicate the Mexican garden. No exhibition has 'ever had more than 11,000 plants of fruit this one will have 20,000. Forty acres are set apart for live stock, fowls, etc. Ma chinery and mills of all sorts will have ample accommodation. Nation al educational displays will abound and everything ever shown in world's fairs will be found in this. Arrange ments have been made with all the railroads at one cent a mile fare. From San Francisco the fare will be 24.49; Astoria, S30. and so on. Ten millions of people are expected to visit the exposition while open. As the number of votes cast in the Electoral College under the new ap portionment will be 401, Mr. Blaine, to be successful, will need to seouro 20L The states that may with toler able safety be regarded as Republican in presidential years, when the candi date is satisfactory, are Colorado, Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, Maine, Massa chusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Ne braska, New Hampshire, Ohio, Ore gon, Pennsylvania, Ehode Island, Vermont and "Wisconsin numbering 171 votes. The states of California, Connecticut, Indiana and Nevada, which sometimes go Democratic, if added to the Eepublican column, would give a total of' 203, or two more than the number needed to eleet Giving thus to Mr. Blaine all the states about which any doubt may be entertained, it is perceived that he may be elected without the thirty-six electoral votes of New York. Should he, however, lose Massachusetts, or in fact, any one of the states named above, he niuBt fail of Bucco3q without New York. With New York he could dispense with the fourteen votes of Massachusetts, the fifteen of Indiana, and the eight of California, or any other of the states above mentioned, of which the aggre gate electoral vote does not exceed thirty-eight Should he lose both Massachusetts and New York, his election would seem to be impossible. A Pakistan newspaper's device of hiring physicians to attend gratui tously upon its subscribers com mends itself to the proprietors of many American papers at this time. The amount of abuse that will be hurled at the heads of presidential candidates will necessarily affect the minds of the people and render the services of a physician imperative. The Astobian, however, will have no occasion to make such an offer. It will be good humored and jolly, even in the hottest part of the campaign, and will endeavor to make its friends forget their strife by furnishing food for smiles instead of bitter medicine which causes scowls. Vabiods interestinj points are to be noticed about the new steamer America, whose amazing reoordhas already made her on her first voyage the most remarkable of the great ocean fleet. Slid is a different sort of a model from the Oregon, AlasJca, Aurania and others that-cut through the water "with perpendicular prows. They are made to carry big cargoes as "well as to make quick time. The America goes back to the old Cali fornia clipper for a model. She rides the waves instead of cutting them, and is described as a great yacht, made not for freight but for passen gers, and made for their convenience as well as for their conveyance. This is an innovation. " That admirable exponent of British sentiment, the Pall Mall Gazette, de clares that if Mr. Blaine shall become president "he-vrill endeavor io re place English influence and trade by American wherever he can." This is a good reason why he should not run well in England, but it is hardly cal culated to embarrass his canvass in the United "States. Queen Yictobia has out lived most of her contemporaries. There are only three men in the house of commons who were there -when ehe ascendfl the throne, forty-seven years ago. They are Mr. Gladstone, Mr. Talbot, and Mx. Vilhers. Earl Grav is the nly living member of the cabinet that was in office at that time. Ml A simple and inexpensive jail ia that beloneinr to" Naples eonntv. Idaho. It is' & hole in the ground ten foet deep, into whioh the prisoner dropped, and out of which he cannot climb, as the hole is larger at the bot tom than at the top. "When a pris oner is wanted, tho guards drop a line and pull him up on it. One of the bad effects to be appre hended from Blaine's nomination is that all the politicians who want to be president will go to writing his tories and turning book agents loose upon tne country in such swarnsthat every citizen will have to maintain two or xnree dogs. NEW TOrDAY.. Reductloli! FOR THE NEXT SIXTY nvc MBS. A. B. JEWETT will sell her stock of at a Reduction ot Twenty per Cent. On Fornapr Prinoa Thla la o .. .,.,., for the Ladies to secure bargains. njjiurm. oune zisi, inh. Grand Excursion TO Siipanon it tie Sea Bead Steamer Clara Parker Will leave Main Street Dock, at 10 A. 3L on Sunday, June 22, 1884, "With the Largo Barge PIOXEER, Koera Eaeask far All Wha tTlsk ta Go Mr. John Mattler, at Sklpanoa Landing has a flne lot of Strawberries and plenty or Cream lor the Excursionists. FAKE, KeHBd Trip, ae Horse aad Bossy, Two Hones " 58c $1 M 81 5 FIRST Annual Ball July 4th, 1884, GIVEN BY CUSM&P0STN0.14,&.A.R. AND " Cushing Relief Corps No. 3, AT OCCIDENTAL HALL! Honorary Committee. Col. Jas. Taylor, I. vV Case Majl.SLMcMurry, Dr. A. C. Kinney, Capt. J. G. Hustler, J. W. Hume, "Geo. Flavel, C. W. Fulton, J. C. Trulllncer, John A. Devlin. Floor Committee. Mrs. James Davidson, c. k. c. no. 3, a, a. b. Mrs. Fred Ferchen, c. K. c. No. 3. o. A. K. Mrs. W. Bobb, Tres., c. n. c. No. 3, a. a. b. Theo. Broemser, Q'nuaster, C.P. No. H, O.A.E. Sam'l Elmore.c p. no. 14, o. a. e. C. S. Wright, Past S. V., c. r. no. 14, o. a. b. Committee of Bcceptlos. Mrs. L. Thomes, President, C.K.C. No J. a.A.Tt. Mrs. N. Clinton, J. V. P., c. B. c. no. 8, 0.A.B, Mrs.W.B. Boss. Secretary, ob.c. n o. j, o. a.b. H.M.Gregory, Commander, cp. No.M, G.A.R. Ed. D. Curtis. Sen. V.. c. P. no. 14, o. A. K. J. D. Merryraan, Past Com., C.P. no.14, G.A.R. Commutes of Amnremeatt. Mrs. C.H.Cooper. S.V.P..C.R.C. No. 3. G. A.R. MiiS Maggie Davidson, C. it. C. No. 3, Mrs. West Whltcorab, C. K. C. No. 3, C. A. May, O. of the D.. C. P. No. 14. G A. K.. W. B. Ross, Adjt. C. P. No. 14, G. A. R., R.V. Moutleth, J.V. C, CP. No.14, G.A.R. Tickets - : - --$2 6$ Each, admitting gentleman and Ladles can be procured at C. A. May's store, on Chena mus street. y-The best of Music will be In attend ance. Ship City of Delhi. NEITHER THE CAPTAIN NOR THE consignees of the above named vessel will be responsible for any debts contracted by the crew while the vessel lies In this port. MEYER. WILSON Bs CO. Astoria. June 20th. 1S84. Notice. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT 1 kave this day purchased the entire bus iness of Whorry and Co., of Clatsop County. Orecon, together with all Horses. Stock Cattle, Tools and Implements belonging to. aud used by them In their business ; and also all notes, accounts, debts and dues, ow ing by any and all persons to said firm. All such notes,account9. debts and dues must be paid to Wa. D. Smith.wbo alone Is au thorized to receive and receipt lor the same I will continue the market bualnpsn at thn old .stand under the Arm name ef Wherry & A. n. JOHNSON. June 12th. 18S4. NET RACKS TO RENT. AND A NET MENDER. Apply to J.W.IirilE. Quarterly Examination. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE regular quarterly examination for teachers' certificates will be held on Friday -ahd Saturday, the 27th and 2Mb, Inst , at the C6nrt "House, commencing at 9 o'clock of eacn aay. IL SLOOP, Co. Supt, School Meeting Dist.No. 18. TCTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVES THAT A i.1 meeting of the legal voters of School DLstrict No. 16. Clatsop County, Oregon, will bo held arits school bouse on the 2Sth day of June, 18S4. at the hour ot 7 o'clock p. m.. for the purpose of voting a tax for the sup port oi inescuooi lor mo ensuing year, juso for the Durr030 of determining whether anv improvements or additions shall be made to me scnooi nouse. aiso lur vouag upon me proposition to raise by tax, or otherwise, money to pay off present Indebtedness and to pay part or all of the expense of any Improvement or building that may be or dered at said meeting. Dose by order ot the Board of Directors this 5th day ot June, 1884. O. W. SHTVBLY, District qerk. A iLsPijUK2JruM Grand Excursion Str. Gffl. MILES Will mVa mi T7iiiclin IMn tn Port Canby and Ilwaco, Next Sunday, The 22nd Inst Lcavlns Gray's Dock at 8 a, m. Fare far tfco JEtoand Trip - SI 23 otOhb Dnllarlfioueht.it the office. The Doat leaves Gray's Dock at eight o'clock. J. H. D.GRAY, Agent. SPECIAL NOTICE, Excursion Ticket? from Astoria to Portland and return $2.50. THE FAST ELEGANT STEAMER WIDE WEST "Will make regular trips during the season leaving Astoria as follows : Leave Astoria Wednesday and ' Friday at 6 A. M , arrive In Portland at 2 P.M. Leave Astoria Sunday Afternoon at 5 P. M.r arriye In Portland at l A. M. Passengers leaving Astoria Sunday P. M. can secure rooms and remain on steamer au mgnt. RKTUBiaNO : Leave Portland Tuesday and Thursday at 6-P. M , arrive al Astoria at Xooh. Leave Partlaad Satarday at 2 P. M. arrive 1b Astoria at 8 P, M. A. L. STOKES, General Passenger Agent. For Gray's Harbor THE STEAMER A. B. FIELD; "Will sail from MAIN STREET WHARF for GRAY'S HARBOR, on TUESDAY, JUHE 24, 1884. jwFor Freight or Passage apply to J. O, Hustler, at Main Street Wharf. Notice of Application. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE undersigned will, at tho next regular meeting of the Common Council of the city of Astoria, Clatsop Countv, Oregon, apply to said Council for a licence to retail wine, malt and spirituous liquors in lts quantities than one quart, for the ieriod of one vear. In the Occident Hotel. MEGLKU & "WRIGHT June 16th, 1S3L THE AEW YORK Opposite the Parker Houio. Headquarters for the Young and the Old. Books Musleal Instruments. T tlonery and Novelties of E1 foys Sta- ivery Description. All the Leading Publications of tlio Day. Ask to be shown the Clarlona, the latest novel oi mecnnmcai ingenuity ASTORIA LIQUOR STORE, AUG. DANIELSON, - - Proprietor. BebBlltaad Refitted Thronshoat. The Best of WlXES.IiiqUOR,AXD CIGAHS, For a Good Cigar, call for one of "Danlelson's Best." - Comer "West 9th and Water Strf-ets, Astoria. n9-6m Wesfport aad Astoria THE FAVORITE STEAMER GOLD DUST Which has been thoroughly refitted for the comion. ox rassengers wm run tnis season uctnEut iicoiuit U1U ASlUfUl DAXLT TSIXE3 As -follews: Leave WestDort at 7 :30 A.M. -rt.ru nig iu Astoria at iu :jo a. m. Leave Astoria at 2 P. M Arrive in Westport at c r. 51. Will touch at all way landings. For freight or passage apply on board or to CAPT. JAS. COX, Manager Boat Building. JOS. P. LEATHERS Formerly onr Arndt & Ferchen' Machine Hbo- IS BUILDING FIRST-CLASS BOATS IN the shop formerly occupied by M. John son on Cpncomlv street, one block west of ShS5?3 TU- Modcl Material aad FlalHh First-clans. At The Bureau, Anuenser nuscU Brewln? Ass'c'n of M. I1OUI8, ISo. Celebrated Auheuser Beer on Draught at Pinckney's Sample Room, " it,.' V51 Street' or Boadway). Jlu!eS.r.I&5.s.uPer,orto any imported from the East. Call and sample It. ",,,0"ea For Sale Cheap. One English Ltundry Mangle, In good working order : Also, ONE GOOD BOUND WATER TANK. 6 feet deep and c feet diameter on top. Enquire of E, C, HOLDEN. Auctioneer, Money To Loan. IN SUMS FBOM Sie0 UPWARDS. Inquire of 35-lm Thos. O. TBUXUNGEB, NOVELTY SH jtf THE OewYorkNovelty STORE! jf I iEHimhJHvuL, I Reduction -OF- Ms, Sals, Velvets, Dress Ms, -CLOAKS Wraps, Dolmans, Ready-Mads Suits, Etc. -AT- PILGER S We submlttlH followlnir nartial trniilri ctoto ftiof wn njii rtrrtor nnv mmntitv flnairPfl bv the vani. nr mntph nnv shade in satin, velvet; silk or dre?s goods. our entire stock in Portland. .All orders .it; H'J1U.V1I1; UilV, .LIUltJ II1C lUlluinit SILK DEPARTMENT. 18-Ineh Black Silk, heavy, for Trimming, sold by us for 75 cents per yard. 20-Inch Black Silk, heavy, all silk, sold now for 90 cents per yard. 21-Inch Black-Genuine Tappissier, gros grain, pure silk, now for Si.ir.. 22-Inch Black Ponson, pros grain, satin finish, now sold for $1.35. 'si-inctx uiacK Genuine Bonnet, gros gram, see 111c qirniuy ior simk 23-inch Black Genuine Bonnet, best-qualities, satin finish, ame low priivs pro portionately. BLACK SATINS. . 13-mch, Black Satin, splendid value, now sold at 70 cents per yard. 19-inch, BlackSatin, linen back, French, formerly Sl.50, now 'X, cimiK 23-lnch, All Silk Rhadaines and Twilled Surahs, Extra, reduced from --j in i.:. 22-Inch. All Silk Khadamos. extra weight. See it at Sl.50. Largest Lino of Patterns. Black and Colored All-Silk Brocades, Si 81.75, and up. Rhadzimors, Black and Colors, S1.-10. Si .50 to S2, all silk. Samples andPrlce?. COLORED SILKS 20-inch Striped Satins, Pekin Beps, all latest siiades. for 83 cents per aid. 20-inch Brocaded Satins in light evening shades, light blues, pinks, cream, elc., at Sl.00 per yard. 19-inch Plain Satins, GO shades to select from, match any color. 75 cents per yard. 22-Inch Eeavy Gros Grain, French Dress Silks, formerly. $2 per yard, now Sl.35. VELVETS. 25-inch Xonpariel, Silk Finished Velvets in black ami every shade: colors fast. at 75c, 85c and S1.00 per yard. 18, 19 and 20-inch Silk Velvets ; Largest line of shades, Sl.50, Sl.75, S2.00 to S2.50. 18, 19 and 21-inch Black Silk Velvets, 2.00, $2.25, $2.75 per yard; fine values. 20 to 27-inch Black All-Silk Velvets, Genuine Crottoes, 5.00 to $12.00 per yard. 18 to 22-inch Embossed Velvets, in colors and black; Satin and Ottoman grounds; Striped and Brocades, $2.00 up to $3.50 per yard. Large assortment. DRESS GOODS DEPARTMENT. Samples and prices on application, of Xew French Dress Goods, late importa tions. Plaids, Jsuns' Veilings. Ottomans, Velours, Empress Cloths, Serges, Jersey Cloths, Striped Combinations Tricots, Ladles' Cloths, and many other lines m black and colors, in all lending and popular shades. Suits, Wraps or any Garment made to order. Perfect Fit Gnaranteed. PILGER'S BRANCH. FIRST DOOR BELOW RESCUE ENGINE HOUSE. ASTORIA. Carpets! Carpets! Carpets! We beg to call the attention of tho public to our latest importation, direct from Eastern manufacturers, of the LARGEST INVOICE OF CARPETS jU Ever offered for sale in tbU city, comprising all grades, from ihe FINEST BODY BRUSSELS In the Newest Tints and Shades. To the lowest priced article in thU Hue. IN Furniture and House Furnishing Line OHAS. HEILBORN. New Establishment! nrw pri Carpets, Matting, Pictures, Mirrors, PICTURE FRAMES MOULDINGS, ETC., ETC. At Greatly Reduced Prices, And cordially invite a call from our friends and the puhllc generally. ith JJ?1600 become a permanent fixture in this place and trust to receive a liberal share of iiatronage from the public ASTORIA FURNITURE CO., Cor. Chenamus and Hamilton Sts. H. Uu BUISSOX, Manager. in 1 1 SGGS I BRANCH. price list to the ladies of Astoria. We wc j)aVe full and complete samples of promptly niiea nnu sent to purchasers t3i1v vr. j.ww . Sl-"0, Sec the AND SATINS. Vu aie determined to dispose of our stock ot THE N p take pleasure in announcing that hav ing purchased the stock or tl e late firm of E. D. Curtis & Co., and and having made mam- Xw and Attractive Additions, Wo now offer for sale tho 3L0ST COIKPLETE LINE OF FURNITURE HOUSE Furnishing Goods, xl For The Finest Groceries, For The Freshest Vegetables, For The MoBt Complete Assortment, For Absolute Satisfaction, In Filling and Delivering All Ordew. Call at FRANK L. Family Grocery and Provision Store, Corner Benton and Chenamus Streets. Opposite Custom House Square. TEH apply tc tho r.tjtaui. or ti . a' rjk MMJKM. EMPIRE STORE THE ONLY Exclusive Dry Goods House XZT ASTORIA. Our Stock Is Tib 1st Complete, Our Prices At MDtttoi And Our Anxiety To Sell Ts Unequaledt We Are Always at the Top of the Market And With Us Vou Will Find THE LATEST NOVELTIES IN OUR LINE As Fast As They Appear In Eastern Markets. WE INVITE INSPECTION OF OUR LATEST IMPORTATION -OF- Ladies' and Infants' White Goods, Skirts, Parasols, Silk Mitts, Qlcrefi ia Lisle, Silk and Cotton, Fans, etc., etc. PRAEL BROS. Jolin A. Montgomery, OEAr.ER Tin, Sheet Iron and Copper Ware. A (Jenprat Axsortment of HOUSEHOLD GOODS. Agents for Magee Stoves and Raugi The Beat Iu the market. rmoiblug goods ot all kinds on hand. Jol jvork doue In a vforkmanllKn mroiiier. PLUMBING, GAS FITTING, AND CANNERY WORK Attended to Promptly on Reasonable Terms. r CbcnamuH Street. Xcxt to C Su Parker's Stsre. ASTORIA - " ". OBSOOflT. THE NEW "M0BEL A rDLOL STOCK M. OLSEX. J. QUSTAFSOX. A. JOHSSOX. MARTIN OLSEN & CO. DEALERS IN FURNITURE 3 BEDDING. Corner 31nlu aud Hqucmoqim Mtrcets. Astoria, Oregea. WINDOW SHADES AND TRIMMNGS; WALL PAPER, ETC. A Complete Stock. PRICES AS CHEAP AS aiTALITY WILL A1T0BD. AM, KIXDS OF FURNITURE REPAIRED AIVI VASIVISHEP. FOR Finest Groceries, GO TO & V FULL LINK OF HARDWARE AND Ship Chandlery. NEW SLIP Just Finished In Eear of Store. HEADQUARTERS FOR Toys, Fancy Goods, Stationery, CUTLERY. ETC. Fresh Fruit Received Daily. A Full Stock of Smokers Ar icles. NEW GOODS CONSTANTLY ARRIVING. CHAS. A. MAY, Chenamus street, south side, one door from Cass. FOARD STOKES PARKER'S STEAIHEB I'UIU PiRRfiB Eben P. Par ker.M aster. ForToWl.NU. KHKIGHT orCBAii- IN- RA.NOE CVN BE HAD IN AS TORIA. ONLY OF E. M. MAWB9, AGEAT OAI.h AND EXAMINE IT. XOC WILL BE PLEASED. K. 1C. HA WES Is also agent tor the Bid patent Coolior SIotb And other flrgt-class Stores. Furnaoe Work. StwuB Pit tinSii etc., specialty ALWAYS ON HAXD. THE LATEST STYLES WALL 'PAPER AT B. B. FRANKLIN'S, NEXT DOOR TO ASTOEIAN OFFICS. A very largo Stock from which to select. Window curtains made to order. 7"My patent Trimmer to cut Wall Paper will bo found convenient to my patrons. Hardware ant Ship Ckasdler? A. VAH DUSEH & CO.. DEALEBSrX Hardware and Skip OuuNlltnf Pure Oil, Bright Varnish, Binacle Oil, Cotton Caavas. Hemp Sail Twine, Cotton Sail Twine, Lard Oil, Wronght Iron Spikes, Galvanized Cut Nails, Agricultural Implements, Sewing Mackiaes, Palats and oils, Grc fltf , ete, 1 1ST i-. ' s' "C - 7 wrS..