CO j&.--r t Sfoc gaUg $Mw. ASTORIA, OREGON: SATURDAY ..JUNE H. 1684 SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE PORT OP ASTORIA. ARRI VALs FROM SXA. Alameda Aia ip Tf Y Jnce 13 VESSELS IX THE RIVER. Ked Cross Kmv MtWahnKton, AnP A"!aLe,s0' bk SSM.-SSSih Br bk Nomsun. Br bk AbewtirtthCMtIa.Br p -Henry ViUard, Am sp Tytaonua. m Jessie Jaoesc&.Br ek jp. Coloma. VESSELS OS TBS WAV. 'From Jarel! Port, for Hue C'-elunbla Kirer Abeoaa, Br so Glasgow MftT3 AlpbeUu Br bk London Xltx 31 City of York. Greenock April II Grisedale, Br sp LlTcrpooL April 8 Jupiter. Br bk Urerpool April 13 Elrkwood, Br p 12T0 Sydney Mar 27 Lanro Law. Br sp Hall Marea IS Werra. Cer bk Liverpool May 7 From American Pert. Belle of Orecon, Am bk 1169 New York Mar I C S Beaient, Am sp 1900 Piuladelpbia April 23 TIDE TABLE FOB ASTORIA. JCVK. HIOHVATItn. I LOW WATER. .First, beeond. First. Seooad. S2S 2 32 HS aoa "as P 5 h 5 P a P c I A, m. J2 1ft. m. I .5S . m. I .5! h. m. I j j 11 1 I s 2 . cs - 4 19 4 52 0 36 G29 72S 8 23 8 13 9 10 10 06 10 55 11 40 OSS 10 14 10 41 1143 055 201 1 12 223 333 4 61 600 C59 -0-4 o-o 03 95S 124 10 11 0 1 47 in 11 10 -10 52 CO 49 48 42 -0"4 i 6 81 The hours betweeu miduisht and noon are designated by o (a. m.1. those betweeu uoon and midnight by p (r. at.), ofc. 00ni a denotes midnight, oft. 00m. v denotes noon. The height is reckoned from the level of average lower low waters to which thesound- lnss are given on tne coast survey cnana, TUG BOAT CHARGES. Following is the schedule of prices for towage m ana out over tne uoiuinuia liar : For vessels not Iuv.ard . Outward exceeding Loaded. Ballast. 800 tons$150 $1 $150 800 to 1000 tOUS 200 175 175 1000 to 1200 tOJW 225 iSfl S00 1200 to 1400 tons... 275 225 250 1400 to 1609 tons 300 250 )00 Columbia River Exports. SHIPMENTS FOIICIOX. JAXUABV, "W. Wheat, S50.G75 bus Flour, 83,290 bbls Total 10 cargoes FKIIKCARV. Wheat. 314.113 ba Flour. 49 600 bbls m. Kalmon, 401 as Lumber, 600 M .... ..$357,276 .. 422,665 ....313,032 221X97 3.005 ,. 7JDC0 Total, 9 cargoes AFUXL. Flour. 32.413 bbls wheat, 22,054 bus ,...S5H65t 8150,714 204.54G Total, C cargoes $335,260 3IAY. 5 To Qucenstotrn per Olive S. Southard. Wheat, 67,715 bus $49,372 22 To Quccnstown per Sumner It. Head. Wheat 52,782 bus $45,920 12 To Liverpool per Eshdalc' Flour. 13.513 bbls $53,828 Wheat, a 000 bus . 8.300 Salmon, 9.500 cs 47,828 Total 8109,758 12 To per Jorsaifarer. Wheat, 33,802 bus $32,0C9 Astoria Retail Slarket. Flour per sack 81.33. Wheat, ier cental S2JX) Oata, " $L75?jOO. Bacon, sides ier B, 14 to 18 cU. Shoulders, " 12K13 ck fiaras, " 1618 cts. Lard, u 14I6 ctn. Beef,l2l8cLs. Mutton, 12J15 cVi. lorkf H'K15 cts. Veal, 15 18 cts. Butter, per roll 50G3ctt. Egcs, per dozen2530 cts. Potatoes, new, per li 2cto ye Cheese, per B 1620 to-40 cts. Cornineal, per lb 4 cts. j,Oatmeal, 6cts. Beans, 4KtiK cts. Coffee, " 1240 cts. Tea, - 2590cta. Klce, " 8 10 cts. JSugar, u 9ai4 cts. Syrup, per gallon 70c Si. Honey, per gallon 8L40. Salmon, per kit S5. Onions, per E 24cts. Apples dried per 2 1018 cts. Peaches " " 13 18 cts. Plums, " " 12l6cte. Candles, per lb 20 cts. Chickens, per dozen SC Hay, per ton S25. Hides, per fi 6 9 cts. Oils, per gallon, boiled linseed, 75c; raw linseed, 70c; coal oil, 40c; lardSl.25. Domestic Export. The receipts of certain articles of Or egon produce, at San Francisco, from January 1, 1834. to June 4th, inclusive, have been as follews: Flour, qr sks. 456.130 wneat, cus. .... Oats, ctls .... Salmon, bbls........... hibbb cs............... , pkgs Apples. Ripe, bxs.... bbls......... pkgs Butter, pkgs ...., Potatoes. SK8 . Wool, bales........... Hides, No 'Tallow, pkgs..... .... Beef, bbls". Hay, bales Quicksilver, flasks.... Fruit, Dried, pkgs Leather, pkgs Hops, bales.. .... Jl 67 60S 285 24.589 5 100 20 9,302 5,716 11.299 703 184 21 ,225 100 -s 7 0,314 "C2 81 t itaas. pkgs Cheese, cs...!' Flax Seed, sks.... " Cora. ctte..... Canned GoodT cs. Z Lard, pkgs Bacon, cs ,,,, GERMANIA BEER HALL AND BOTTLED BEER DEPOT, Chenamus Street. Astoria. The Best of Lager 5 Cts. a Glass. Orders for tno Celebrated Columbia Brewery Beer Left at this place will be promptly 'attended to rmfa pluk&n San PmimJoiw Du cnM tkteitece. - "" Wji. BOCK, Proprietor. 2 53 83 3 39 78 4 35 7-4 5 37 0-9 6 50 tf"4 8 07 8'1 7 11 CB 825 G5 9 39 6'5 10 49 C-8 11 57 7t) - - -1 hociktV meetings. Temple Lodie, No. JA.T.X.U. REGULAR COMMUNICATIONS 1 first and third Tuesday In, each XX month, at 7H o'clock, r. m.. s tneV" iiar in Aiona. Mernoers u uw uraa . good standing arc invited to attend.. By order of the VT.J&. Bearer liOdcre No 35. L O. O. F. REGULAR MEETING K ery rhursday. evening at; sevrn o'click, at the Lodge roominwareuowBji. Ainu- A,fn ria. Sojourning members of the order in good standing, cordially invited to a'tond. By order . " u Ocean Encampment, No. 13, 1. 0. 0. F. REGULAR Mr E 1 INCH OF OCEAN En campment No. tt. I. O.O.F., at the Lodge, in the Odd Fellow Building, a seven V. ii on the second and iourtn Mondays of each month. Sojourning breth ren cordially invited. By order c SqesiO.Qljodge No. 12, A. O. IT. W. "OXGELAB MEEHNGS-'O tASpE Xi Lodge Jo. 12, AjOrerxtlf-Kfll held lnJPythlart.Hall en Fiii&T&is&4 each weeik, at? o'clock P. JL - atmnfrert of the. .en areJnylted to tead. Library srill be -open itnccu jjuiiuica uciuic ouu oiiajuwi meeting, syoraer m. v. - -O.BROWyjec AiitorlAlOlffe NoV 40,1; O. Q.l. TJECrUUtR MEETINGV3feRY THURS- jl. any -evening at-7 3su ociock, in me ami over Mr Case's store. Members of the Or der, In good standing, &ze Invited to attend. By order W. C. T. American Legion of-Honor. REQTJLAR MEETING OF" ASTPKIA Council No. 995' is held on -tie first and third Tuesday of each month, at T o'clock x. M. By order of the Council Commander. B.VVMONTglTH, Sec'tj'. OccIdenlCouncl 'No 5. 0. 0. F. MEETS EVERY FIRST AND THIRD Monday evenings of each.monta, at. 8 o'clock tP. M. Members, ot the order ate i3pectluUy requested to attend. By order. C. BBOWN, Recorder. Cushlnff Post No. 14, CF. A. E ERGULAR MEETINGS OF THIS POST on the second and fourth -Tuesdays of eacn jnonui at 7 is) r. m. visiung com rades cordially invited. By order Pacific LodeNo.l7,K. of P. T3EGULAR -MEETINGS "OF THIS o'clock, In their Castle Hail, Sojourning ""7'"- cunikui) iuiK:u. vu akicun. - GEO. P. WHEELER, K. of R. and S. Astor Lodge No. 6. K. of P. T3KGCLAR MEETINGa OF THIS -tv Lodge -eyery Wednesday evening, at 7 :30 o'clock, nt their lodge room. In Pythian Castle. Sojourning Knights cordially im lt ed to attend. W. L. ROBB. K. of It. and S. Astoria Workdnjrmen'B Protective Union. REGULAR MEET1NGHOF THIS LODGE every Thursday evening, at 8 o'clock. at their Lodge room, over Caroahan & Co.s store, corner of Cass and Chenamus streets. S. M. GILMOR. J. C. ROSS, President. Secretary . Common Council. REGULAR MEETINGS. SECOND AND fourth Tuesday evenings of eaoa month cf 7 o'clock -Persons d'eairing to have matters acted upon by the Council, at any regular meet ing must present the same to the Auditor and Clerk, on or before the Friday evening prior to the Tuesday on which the Council holds its regular meeting. THUS. S. JEWETT, Auditor and Clerk. CRUBOH DIRECTORY. GUAX'iJ Cutrucn Holy comuiiinlon first Sunday o every month. Sunday services at 11 a. sl, and 7 r.M. Wednes day evening wirvico at 1 'ciock. Rev. M. D. Wilson. Rector. Fibst Pbksuttjjhiax Chitrch Ser vices at 11 a. k. and 7 v. m. Wednes day evening prayer ineeUng at 7 o'clock. Rev. J. V. Milllgan, PasWr. Coxobeoational Cntmcn Services at IL'A. M. and 7 P. u. Rev. Sam'l Wood, Pastor. - Romak Catholic Citobcii Services at 10 -30 A. m. ReV. L. Dlelman, Pastor M. E. CKtrBCH Services at 11 a. h. and 7 p: tu Lecture and Prayer Meet ing, Wednesday, at 7 p. 2t Rev. Wm. Roberts, Pastor. Baptist Citdbch. Services each Lord's Day at 11 a. m., and 7 p. ar. Prayer -Meeting on Wednesday, at 7 p. m. Rev. Winfleld Scott, pastoral supply. LOEB & GO. JOBBERS t!U WINES, LIQUORS, AM) CIGARS. AGENTS FOR THB Best San Frmnclteo Hoiia and Eastern Distilleries. Tumblers Decanters, and All Kinds of 8aloon Supplies. -All goods sold at San Francisco Prices. MAL.H8TREET. Opposite Parker House. Astoria, Oregon. O. UUKKNVrXBEX. H. BBOWS Leinenweber & Co., ESTABLISH! US3. ASTORIA, - OREGON TApBS p COBBRD Manufacturers and Importers of all kinds of LEATHER AND FINDINGS. Wholesale Dealers in OIL AND TALLOW. arHlghest cash price paid for Hides and Tallow. BOAT BUILDING. R. M. LEATHERS Has reopened his boat shop, over Arndt St prepared to turn out FIRST-CLASS WORK ALL WORK GUARAXTJEF.D. j. h. d. gay; Wholesale and retail dealer la. GROCERIES, FLOUR, AND FEED Hay, Oats, Straw, Wood, Etc. LIME, SAND AND CEMENT. General Storage and Wharfage on reason able Jerms. Foot of Benton 6trcet, Astoria, Oregon. Oref on Paint and Varnish Works, Manufacturers of Paints, Vamsk aid Lacpr. Any s&ade mixed and gV&aad to order. '. C.F.FHAJiSOn&C., P.O. Box lit. VTUaa.r HOW TO CURE SKIN DISEASES Disfiguring Humors, Humiliating 'Eruptions, Itching and Burn ing Tortures. SALT RHEUM or Eczema, rsorlasW Scalled Head, Infa- tile or Binh Humors, and verv form of Itching, caly. Pimply ScrofuW", Inherited. Contoidous and C p-per-Cplored Ureases of the Blood, Skin and Scalp, with Loss .of Hair, are posltlve.y cured by Ccticdea RES01.VfiXT.tho new Blood Purifier, Internally, and. Cuticcba and CrmcrBA soAp;.the great Skin Cures and Beautiexs, extraaDy. when all known remedies and thebegphjsicl&ns fall. GREATE3T0N EAKTH. " CtrricCEA Remedies are ths Greatest medi cines on earth. "Had tio worst cae Salt Rheoxnin ths cbonty. My mother had it twenty yean, and Inlact died from It. I be lieve Ccticcha would; haTe saved her life. My arms, breast and heid were covered for three yearsr, which nothing relieved or cured until I used the Ciccba Resolvent inter nally, and Cdticcba and Cctictjea Soap ex terneily. J. W.ADAMS, Newark, 0. GREAT BLOOD MEDICINES. The half has not been told as to the -great curative powera or the Cuticcea Ko.ediks. 1 have paid hundreds of dollars for medicines to cure di-eues of the blood and skin, and never found anythuiK yet to equal the Guti coaARKUhoiKS. CHAS. A. WILLIAMS. Providence, R. I. CURE IN EVERY CASE. Tour CcticueaRemedies outsell all other medicines I keep for akin diseases My cus tomers and patients say that they have effect ed a care in every instance, where other rem edies have failed. H. W. BROCKWAY, M. D. Franklin Falls. N.H. Sold by all druggists. Price: CuTicuBA.&Octs. Resolvcct, II Soap, 25 cenU. Potteb -Deco asd Chemical Co., Boston, Mass, Send far "Mow to Care Skin Diseases. TIT!1! A Tll7 For Rough, Chapped a'-d AJXiiXUXX Greasy bKin.BIacktieads Pimples, Skin Blemishes, and Infantile Hu mors, use Ccticcua Soap, a real Beautifier SANFORD'S RADICAL CURE FOR CATARRH, Complete Treatment with Inhaler for One Dollar. 1JHE Great Balsamic Dis . tlllatlon of Witch Hazel. American Pine, Canada Fir, Marigold, Ckner Blossom", etc., called anrord'M Rad ica.1 Care, for the immedi ate relief and permanent cure of every form of Catarrh from a simple Cold in the Head to Loss of Smoll. Taste and Hearing. Cough and Ca tarrhal Consumption. Com plete treatment, consisting of one bottle Had leal Cure, one box Catarrhal Solvent and one Improved Inhaler. In ono package, may now be had of all DrugKlsta forluOO. Ask for 'SANFORD'b RADICAL CURE. -The only absolute specific we know of." Ifed. Times, '"llio best we have found in a lifetime of suffering." Her. Dr. Wiagtn, Boftm. "After a'long struggle with Catarrh the Radical Cuke has conquered."- Rev. S. IF. 3fonroc. LewUiburgh, Pa. " I have not found a case that it did not relieve at once." Andrew Lee. Manchester. Maw. cOU-lNsI cw Life for Shat tered Nerves. Painful OLTAIC Muscles and weaKtned OrcanK. Collins' vol taic Electric Plas trr Instantly affects thenerouss)&teraand banishes palu, nervous ness and debility. A CLEOTJUC . penecs taecirc perfect Electro-Gal- eeia- felfffely tBcdtclaal Platter f c 25c. All druggists BOAT SAILS AT Lowest Prices, NOT GIVEN AWAY, but made at lowest LIVING PRICES. AU work done at my Sail Loft GUARANTEED to give perfect satis faction. " SAIL LOFT On Chenamus Street, next door to Astoria Bakery. J. HESS. THE LATEST STYLES IN WALL PAPER - AT, 3. B. FRANKLIN'S, NEXT DOORTO ASTORIAN OFFICE. A very large Stock from which to select. Window curtains, made to order. IMy patent Trimmer to cut Wall Paper will be lound convenient to my patrons. Bamea' Patent Foot and Steam Power Scroll Saws. Circular Saws, Mortlsers, La then. Ttacsert, Feraers, Etc. Osta&Alemfler Sole AgeBt42S Xarket St. SuFraselKO. Mdnalc' Tools, Machlcerj. tad H&rdw&re. Catalogue of all our goods sent free on ap plication. Most Popular Remedy Sold. ilrUrit I: Hi i il-J llrJ d Idrl MIlIvM.WIMIIMIlK For Plaples, Blotckec, Chronic Sorts and Dilutes, Loss of Energy and Habitual Con stipation unequaled. Keller Guaranteed. Sold everywhere, 81. 6 bottles for $5.00. IdyesIJI I (bSoxE) Utter.)" ELECTSO-VOLTAIC BELT asd other Electbi Arnlusaa 'are sent oa su Dy' Trial T( ZS OSrEflYOWJO OB OLD. who are suffer vas from Hravoca DoiLmr. Lost Vitautt wtxrao Waucraasas, and aU tboao dlseaaee of i Paasoxu. Natcbx resaltloK from Ascsss am OTKZa Cum. Speedy relief and complet restoratlaB'to Hbjllth. Vwob and Haxbooi OoxaurrKn. Send at once Tor DhiKrate. Pamphlet free -Adores VOLTAIC BELT Xi.. Marshall. Mies CANNERYMEN ! ! PACIFIC METAL W0EKS Importers and Manufacturers ot WHITE METALS. Canners'-Solder a Specialty, Strip Lead, for Leading Lines, 'PlfttiTZrac, for Ctdting Acid, ar CMMTjPiiXead and Pig Tin. lit 117 kc, feaaKnuMlaca v$C? A rtiatfflBfit JOHN A. LOGAN. John A. Logan was born of Irish parentago in Jackson county, Illinois Fjbbrnary 9, 1826. The infrequent ses sions of the school in the new settle ment where he lived led his father to take upon himself the education of his son. Upon the declaration of "n ar oerween. tne unnea states ana .medi co he volunteered; was mado Lieu tenant in the -First Illinois Infantry, and was for a time Adjutant of his regiment. "Attheclose'of the war he studied law with his uncle, Alexander SL Jenkins. In 1819 ho was clerk of Jackson comity. Subsequently he completed his legal studies nt the Louisville University, and was admit ted to the bar in 1852. His populari ty may. be inferred from the fact that in the year of his graduation he was elected to the State Legisla ture, and in. the next year to the office of Prosecuting Attorney of tho Third Judicial District, holding that office until 1857. He was re-elected to the State Legislature in 1853, 1856 and "1857, and was Presidential elector on the Buchanan and Breckenridge tick et. Inl85Sandl860 he was elected Eepresentative at Congress. In July 1861 he left his seat in the extra ses sion of Congress, and joined the Un ion troops on their way to tho battle of Bull Bun. He was made Colonel oftheTiirly-ilrstlllinoisInfantry in September, and in November met the foe at Belmont, where his horse was shot from under him during a success ful bayonet charge. He led the charge on Fort Donelson, was wound ed, and compelled to 'leave the field for several months. In March, 1862, he joined Grant at Pittsburg Land ing, and was appointed Brigadier General bt Volunteers. During the summer of 1862 he was urged to run for Congress, but replied: "I havo en tered the field to die, if need be, for this government, and never expect to return to the peaceful pursuits until the object of this war of preservation has become a faot established.' His bravery in Grant's northern Missis sippi movements met with a promo tion to the rank of major-general. At Vicksburg his column led the en trance on June 2oth, and he was the first military governor. He succeeded Sherman at the head of the fifteenth army corps in November, 1863, and when McPherson lost his life, on the 22dof July, Logan succeeded him and commanded tho army of the Ten nessee with the same ability and suc cess which characterized his com mand of smaller numbers. He was with Sherman on his 'inarch to the sea," remaining with him until John son's surrender. In 1865 he was ap pointed minister to Mexico, but de clined. From tho olose of the war until 1871, he ocenpied various posi tions of honor. In 1871, and again in 1879, he was elected senator from Illinois. His term of service in the senate will expire March 3, 1885. Sen ator Logan has played a brilliant part in the iwlitical history of the United States during the last twenty five years. His speeches in the House and Senate are famous for their power. Mr. J. W. Beed, editor of theFarra gut, la., News, says; "I was afflioted with rheumatism, so badly, that I could scarcely walk. St. Jacobs Oil, the great pain-cure, was applied but once and it oured me." Syrup of'Figs. Nature's own true Laxative. Pleas ant to the palate, acceptable to the Stom ach, harmless in its nature, painless in its action. Cures habitual Constipation. Biliousness, Indigestion and kindred Ills. Cleanses the system, purifies the blood, regulates the Liver and nets on the Bowels. Breaks up Colds, Chills and Fever, etc Strengthens the organs on which it acts. Botter than hitter, nauseous Liver medicines, pills, salts and draughts. Sample Dottles free, and large bottles for sale by W. E. Dement & Co., Astoria. POST Jt nAXSO.Y, . AsToaiA Soda Works, Agents, Astoria, Or BUY THE BEST ! BARBOUR S Irish Flax Salmon Net Threads Woodberry, and Needle Brands, SEINE TWINES. AND CORK AND LEAD JiINES, FIsk Femada, Hetaes, and Jfets Iatperted to Order. A LaneStrciofMo!ishLw AND FISH HOOKS. CONSTANTLY ON HAND. HENRY DOYLE & CO., 517 and 519, MARKET STREET SAN FRANCISCO. HTAgents for the Pacific Coast. City Auditor's Notice. Notice is herebv given that tho City assessment roll of the City of Astoria, Oregon, as returned by the City Asses sor for the year 1884,1s now on file in the office of the Auditor and Clerk of said City, where It will remain open for Inspection until the 15th day of June 1884. All. applications for corrections or revisions of tho same, must bellied with the said Auditor and Clerk prior to said 15th day of June, 1884. T. S. Jewett, Auditor and Clerk. Astoria, June 4th, 1884. d-lOt Astoria Cooperage. BARRELS AND HALF-BARRELS All Kinds of Cooperage Done. WLeave orders with JOHN ROGERS, Superintendent, at Central Market. J. W. RUDDOCK, Practical Plumbing in All its Branches. Stewn and Gas Fixtures, A Complete Stock of First-class Material. All Work Gaar&Hteed. Office and Shop in Hume's building, rear of Wueeier ft Robb's, Astoria, Oregon, BBHi POWDER Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies. A marvel o purity, strength and wholesoraeness. Moie aconomlcal than the ordinary kinds, and cannot basold In competition with tho mul titude ot Jow test short weight, alum or phosphate powders. Sold only in cans. Kov alBakixg Powdkk Co., ios Wali-st. N. Y. Analysis by Dr. A Voelcker, F. R. a, Con sulting Chemist Royal Agricultural Society, England, shows only a trace of nitrates In BlackwelTs Bull Durham Tobacco. The soil oftheGoldenBeltotNorth Carolina, la which this tobacco is grown, dont supply nitrates to tho leaf. .That is the secret of its delicious mildness. Nothing so pure and luxurious for smoking. Don't forget; the brand. None gen uine without the trade-mark ot the BulL All dealers havelt. When feline oonccrta drlveawayBleep.your best Bolaco Is found in BlacJnzeiri Ball Bur. ham Smoiinj Tobacco. NE OF THE OLDEST AND MOST REUA3U REMEDIES IN THE WORLD F03 THE CURE OF Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, Sore Throat, Bronchitis, Influenza, Asthma, Whooping Cough, Croup, and Every affection of tho THROAT, LUNGS AND CHEST, including CONSUMPTION. A WELL-KNOWN PHYSICIAN WRITES i "It does not dry up a cough, and lew the caust ftshind, as ii the case with most preparations, bu baeas it, cleanses the lungs and allays irritation lhas removing the cause of complaint." DO KOT EE DECEIVED by articles beat HZ similar names. Be sure you get DR. WlSTAR'S BALSA5I OF WILD CHERRY, ith the signature of " I. BUTTS " on the wrapper 50 Cents and S1.00 n, Dottle. Prepared by SETH V. FOVLE & SONS, Bos sa. Mast. Sold hv d"icj.iv and dealers genrralll PIAN OS AND ORGANS SMALL MUSICAL MERCHANDISE Piano, and Organ Instructors. -CELEBRATED STECK&KMBI PIANOS! t -AND-TJKE WOXIEKFUIi LITTLE GIANT STECK PIANO -USED BY- ritESIDENT OF UMTED STATES aOVERXOE-GEXERAL OP CANADA GOVERNOR OF OREGON. ASTORIA MUSICAL SOCIETY. MRS. J. W. CONN, of Astoria. D.A.McINTOSn,Esq. " J.D.HIGGINS.Esq. CHAS. WRIGET, Esq. And by aan Other Prominent Musicians. CELEBRATED TABER ORGANS. Elejrnnt Packard Orchestral Organ Only exclusive Music House In the North west. Only wholcsalo and retail House in the Northwest. GrAEDNEE Bros., 165 First St., Portland, Oregon. The reason that Thousands catnot get cured cf SEJfXAL WEAKSESS, LOSS OF JilA JlOOD.andthtresultcfabuse.distaseorezctssa, is owtrg to a complication called PROSTATOR RUEA. DR. LIEDIG'S I.VriGORATOR u the OXLYcurcforPROSTATORRIIEA. Price, 2.00 per package, G packages, glO CO. Ouide to Health and Self-Analyst sent free. Address LIE BIG DISPELS ARYfor Disease: of Her.. 4C0 Geary St., San Fi ancisco, Cal. To Be Let. ROOMS O. 10,11, 12 AND 13 IN TVir, Hume's block. Apply to J. J3ARCLAY, at office of "Wm. Hume, Astoria. Jio-3t J2,: best BOlaco is round in ) i 1b JUacJmeir Bull JOur. (I j rl " ham SmMng Tohacco. JW BRslsHsHE! 77 3S33 smoking StsBSL ' &S3SSB tobacco ggjjpj MANHOODr RESTORED AISITIORIIIAIN lililiia.iiiMnK,,,, iiiiiiiiiRiniiimiiimiMinHiMiimiumni A Journal of and for the People, Devoted to the Best Interests of the Community. The largest circulation of any News paper published on the Columbia River. msiiuumuiiiiamiimiiinuiiMiaiuiiiuuiii The Daily L UBIIBZlinillliaillllSlBlilBIIlUIIIIIIIIIlllIlUliiuiUllUHHIliHi Is thoroughly Independent, and enjoys the confidence and support of a large circle of friends and patrons. The Astorian is controlled by no clique and recognizes no master but public opinion. The Astorian concedes to all, the consistency it claims for itself and labors for the advancement and prosperity of the City, County and vicinity. It is delivered to any part of the city for miMMiniiniimiiiiiiiniiiiBiBBiBBiiniiBiiMiii.mmMmgmimmimmi! Fifteen Gents per Week. I The DAILY ASTORIAN is sent by Mail! One Year, Six Months, One Month, FREE OF The Weekly Astorian Is issued every Friday Morning. We go to press at 3 A. M., on morning of pub lication and give the latest news. The WEEKLY ASTORIAN is now in the eleventh year of its publication, and is universally read, and commended. People who are not within reach of a daily mail will consult their own inter ests by sending the small snm of TWO DOLLARS, And they will get THE WEEKLY AS TORIAN, postage paid, for one year. J. 7. SAXiX.OXUUr dOo. - DALY Astorian $7.00 3.50 .65 POSTAGE. Km v. . jr , 'ia.A.'iii tr'a-! "A-S .! gy-"- hv rv tfc'