en J I. '-.-etivvat m flails gtetorfem. ATUUIA.OKKGOS: SUNDAY... .JUNE 8, 1S34 AID FROM THE HUB. It ia with, an overwhelming sense of obligation that we acknowledge the receipt, by last evening's mail, of a lengthy editorial article, in manu script, from the facile pen of the editor of the Boston Courier, design ing to sway public opinion regarding woman suffrage. Accompanying the article is a letter wherein he informs .iys, in courteous phrase, that he doubts not our ability to realize how important he "considers the need, of beating woman suffrage to be, when he, the mighty one, the editor of the Courier , can take the time to write to us away but herein Astoria, an article for us to publish. Thanks, brother Courier man, thanks! The attention is appreciated. The manuscript is most gratefully received. It is not for us to insinuate that there is a pos sibility of our being ablo to form an opinion regarding woman suffrage, -without the aid of our moulder of public opinion in the Hub. In our raw, unculturedjWestorn way, it would ill becomes us to do otherwise than most humbly vouchsafe thanks to the brilliant Boston man for his morceaux concerning the subject that so lately agitated our voters in Oregon and Clatsop county. But, rude though it may appear, we venture to suggest to our friend, who seizes spare moments from a day of busy toil to indite in spiration for us, that we have a mid dling tight grip on a few ideas our self in relation to this matter, and until such time as they are disproved by logic or vindicated by events, we do not stand in pressing need of out side as3istance. It is, however, a consolation to us to know that in far off Boston there sits in the Courier office an intellectual giant who, in moments caught from care, can fur nish us with the fertilo coinage of his brain, and thus, through our humblo assistance, sway the minds of men in fields afar from Beacon hill. But this is not all; nor is the full measure of his magnanimity yet re lated. Further on he says that he puts all this at our service "gratis," "what I should find no difficulty in putting into hard cash nearer home." Now, we submit that this is too much! Misguided man! "Why did he not consult wise interest and put this overflow of ganglia into "hard cash" "nearer home." "Why send it to us by the sundown seas, where the thunder of the surf upon our Clat sop coast is echoed only by the wan dering cry of the lone sea gull, and tfcja pensive claui shrinks retiringly from the ardent pursuit of the excur sionist! We are used to kindly deeds at the hands of admiring friends, but this from a Bostonian is as an oasis in the desert or the shadow of a rock in aweary land. If there was any one thing more than another that was wearing away our young life it was a desire for edi torials on the woman suffrage ques tion, and the carking care that had tended to blight our existence is now removed. "For this relief much thanks." Befohm in the matter of apparel is needed in our stale legislature. The costume of the members of the Mexican legislature consists of full dress suits of black, with white tie3 and light kid gloves. As America takes the lead in almost everything, the representatives of the "Webfoot state sliould not allow themselves to be outdone by foreigners. The men who make our state laws should be attired in a costume representing the chief product of the sections they represent. For instance, the Honor able gentleman from eastern Oregon should wear a wool sack coat; the member from Marion a floured vest; the legislator from Multnomah coun ty a suit of watered silk; the member from Clatsop a salmon-colored suit, and those from various rural districts should appear in oorn-colored gar- ments. Harmony in clothing as well as in politics is a desideratum devout ly to be wished. An enterprising New Yorker has invented a substitute for ice cream. The ingredients for his compound have not yet been learned, but there is comfort in his assurance that it can bo consumed with reckless disregard to -quantity. It is cooling without being "filling," and can be devoured without cessation for hours. The price is about the same as that asked for the genuine article, and as a re ward of S5 is promised to any one who can prove that his indulgence in the new luxury has superinduced colic, overheated speculators can combine business with pleasure. The inventor may think he has a "sure .thing," but the prospect of winning $5 in return for the slight inconveni ence of contracting a cramp will, no doubt, attraot a great many well dis posed people who are always eager to engage in games of chance. The great campaign is opened and politic.il bunnors arc nwnng to the breeze. Thorofore it U hicrhlv im portant thai both parties should liaTe appropriato mottoes. As pith and point are dosirable, we would recom mend the Chineso language as the best from which to make a selection. The celestial cognomen "Hop Li signifies harmony and profit This motto might be used by both Re publicans and Democrats so that one could taunt the other with flaunting a "jumping falsehood" in the faae of the public. If General Butler catches another nomination, making three in all, his motto should be uSam Hop," which means three-fold union. Yan Li" could be adopted by the winning party, as it indicates profit a thou sand-fold Those who are familiar with the tea box language may find many, other mottoes more or lew ap propriate to the exigencies of the campaign. - -., m - . With Blaine the Republicans can afford to lose New York and still car ry the country. He will lose no New England state that any other Repub lican could get He is stronger in New Jersey than any other named I man. He is as strong in Ohio and stronger in Indiana than Sherman. And lie may raise an enthusiasm that would secure him the votes of Vir ginia and North Carolina, if not also of West Virginia. In the congres sional elections in Virginia (1882) the Democrats fell 10,000 votes short of the opposition. In the local elections of 1883 they had a majority, but that was secured by means which dare not be repeated in a, presidential election. In North Carolina there is a Demo cratic majority of four -hundred and odd; and in West Virginia, in 1882, the popular vote was: Democratic, 46,631; Republican, 43,440. THE SEW YORK 3 NOVELTY TEE i Opposite the Parker House. jP THE V Oew York NoveltA SlS, SufilS STORE! Reduction in Priced I -OF- Tito Dres loons Headquarters for the Young and the Old. Books Musical Instrument3rToys Sta tionery and Novelties of Every Description. All tfce IadlMg Fabllcatfems ef tbeDay. Ask to be shown the Clarions;the latest novel ol mechanical Ingenuity. . ASTOBIA LIQUOR 'STORE, CLOAKS For The finest Groceries. For The Freshest Vegetables, For The Most Complete Assortment, For Absolute Satisfaction, In Filling and Delivering All Orders. curat YRANK L. PARKER'S Family Grocery and Provision Store, CGrner Benton and Chenamus Streets, Opposite Custom House Square. AUG. DANIELSON. - Proprietor. The steamship Great Eastern has been chartered by an enterprising New Orleans man to be need as a hotel next fall at the New Orleans exhibition. Suoh a practicable and sensible idea should at once be seized by the government and applied to the navy. Men-of-war that might sink during a heavy gale at sea would be perfectly safo riding at anchor in the harbors of our fashionable seaside resorts. They could also be used to intimidate rapacious landlords into subjection. Aside from the accommo dations these floating hostelries might afford a grateful public, the revenue derived from them would soon be sufficient to pay off the national debt and so increase the wealth of the country that the government would be enabled to purchase all the navies in the world. BeballtaaO. KeStted. Threnckeat. The Best of WX9iES,IillTjfOB, ASD CIGAR. For a Good Cigar, call fox one of "Danielsoa's Best." Comer West tta and WaterStraets, Astoria. ns-m PLUMBING! You will do DlinnnnV At Wheeler welltocaUoo nUUUUuA Kobb's.for Tapping and Patthtg In of Water Pipes. IT WILL PAY YOU Dispatches from all parts of the Union say that Blaine's nomination arouBed the utmost enthusiasm. The sights and scenes in Astoria last Fri day night wero as an echo of what every community in the Union felt and did. Ybstebdat's Oregonian has a straight-forward, well', written edi torial on Blaine, which is pre-eminently just and most fittingly worded; NEW TO-DAY. Ho For Ilwaco I THE GEN. MILES Will Leave Gray's Dook AT Nine O'clock This Morning, For Uwaco ; Eetnralng at A r. it. Tieltets, Kemad Trl --! A CARD. For the information of certain persons and for ray own interest, I. will state that I nave practiced xnedioino on this Coast since 1851, having graduated at the University of Maryland in 1848. Twenty six years of this time has been devoted to the treatment of diseases of Men, Women, and Children, The bal ance of the time I have been in the ser vice of the United States. T. T. OABANIS3, M. D. Astoria, Jane 6th, 1684. WH. EDGAR, Dealer in Cifirs, Tofcacco and Cigarettes Meerschaum and Brier Pipes, GENUINE ENGLISH CUTLERY Revolvers and Cartridge. COBNEE MAIN AND CHENAMUS ST8. Solid G611 Jewelry, BRACELETS, Scarf Pins, Chains, Watches, SILVERWARE, Of OTery description. The finest stock of Jewelry in Astoria. feVAll goods warraatedasrepresented GUSTAV HANSEN, JEWELER. Wraps, Dolmans, Ready-Made Suits, Etc. AT PILGERS BRANCH. We submit tho following partial Drlce list to. the ladies of Astoria. We would state that vou can order auv Quantity desired by the yard, or match, any shade In satin, velvet silk or dress coods. We have full and complete samples of our entire stock in Portland. All orders promptly filled and sent to purchai tne following day. Note tho following samples ot prices. SILK DEPARTMENT, IB-Inch Black Silk, heavy, for Trimming, sold by us for 7C cents per yard. 20-inch-BIack Silk, heavy, all silk, sold now for 90 cents per yard. 21-inch Black Genuintj Tapplssler gros grain, pure silk, now for 1.15. 22-lnch- Black-Ponson, cros grain, satin finish, now sold for Sl.33. 22-Inch Black Genuine Bonnet. Eros arain.see the quality for S1.50. 23-inch Black Genuine Bonnet, best qualities, satin finish, same low prices proportionately. . BLACK SATINS. 13-Inch, BlackSatln, splendid value, now sold at 70 cents per yard. 19-inch, Black Satin, linen back, French, formerly S1.5Q, now D3 cents. 23-lnch, All Silk Bhadames and Twilled Surahs. Extra, reduced from $2 to ol-'G. 22-lnch, All Silk Rhadaraes, extra weight. See it at Sixo. Largest Lino of Patterns. Blaek and Colored All-Silk Erocades, $1.10, 3LS0, 81.75, and up. Rhadzimers, Black and Colors, S1.40, $1.50 to S2,'all silk. See the Samples and Prices. COLORED SILKS AND SATINS, 20-inch Striped Satins, Peklu Reps, all latest shades, for 85 cents, per ard. 20-inch Brocaded Satins in light evening shades, light blues, pinks, cream, etc., at 1.00 per yard. 19-inch Plain Satins, C6 shades to select from, match any color, 73 cents per yard. 22-Inch Heavy Gros Grain, French Dress Silla, formerly $2 per yard, now 61.35. VELVETS. 25-inch Nonpariel, Silk Finished Yel vets in black and every shade: colors fast, at 75c, 85c and Sl-OOper yard. 18, 19 and 20-inch Silk Velvets ; Largest line of shade. S1.50, Sl.75. S2 00 to 52 JO. 18, ID and 21-inch Black Silk Velvets, 2.00, $2.25, $2.75 per yard : tine values. 20 to 27-lnch Black All-Silk Velvets, Genuine Crottoes. 5.00 to 12.00 per yard. 18 to 22-inch Embossed Velvets, in colors and black; Satin and Ottoman grounds ; Striped and Brocades, $2.00 up to 3.50 per yard. Large assortment DRESS GOODS DEPARTMENT. Samples and prices on application, of New French Dress Goods, lato importa tions. Plaids, un3' Veilings, Ottomans, Velours, Empress' Cloths, Serges, Jersey Cloths, Striped Combinations, Tricots, Ladies' Cloths, and many other lines in black and colors, in all leading and popular shades. Suits. Wraus or anv Garment made to order. Perfect Fit Guaranteed. PILGER'S BRANCH. FIRST 000R BELOW RESCUE ENGINE HOUSE. ASTORIA. STEAMER TEH apply to tho Captain, or to CLARA PARKER Eben P. Parker,Uaster. for TOWIN'O, FP.EIGHT orCHAB- 11. B. PAKKKK. Filhermen's Headquarters. THE GENUINE GAPE ANN OILED CLOTHING, OVERALLS. COATS. HATS. SHIRTS, GUM BOOTS, Etc. And a complete outfit, of Best Quality, and u ine lm w est riiLva. or any tstao liioxaent in tne city. P. A. STOKES & CO. Hare opened a NewStock of At goods in the store next door to Foard & Stokes, and GUARANTEE SATISFACTION To all Customers. Boat Building. JOS. P. LEATHERS Ftnurir 0T Arndt & FercbaaVi MipMim Bboa IS BUILDING FIR8T-0LASS BOATS IN the shoo formerly occupied by M. John son on Conoomly street, one block wrest of uaava Bros' ami. Model, Material mad FimUk Flnt-elaM. Westport aad Astoria THE FAVORITE STEAMER FOR Finest Groceries. GOTO- Thebe are some 900 women doctors in this country and yet it is the male physicians who start all the crusades against corsets. This indicates that the female M. D. is not going to do anything to help spoil the business. A Kektuokx town named Hayes fiDein' honor of President Hayes dringhis term of office, has been re ohnstened. Its name is Andereon- FOAM & STOKES. A FULL LINE OF HARDWARE AND Ship Chandlery. A NEW SLIP Just Finished lu Hear of Store. B. F. STEVENS & CO., CITY BOOK STOKE, Have Just received a mammoth stock ot Books. The young aad old, noli aad poor can au oe aecommoa&ieo. AGENT8 FOE THE Krsalek A Sack aa MaadsfeUt 4k XatKl Flaaas aad WctrB Cattase rsaaa, Orders tot all kinds of Music or Instru ments will be promptly flned. B.F.8TEVEN8&CO. House Ta Rent. CLERK'S OF- INQDIBE AT COUHTY flee. Rttfflt T Rent. TOOMS ,!, It, AND I jl rouows cuuaiaf , ior rear, inquire .t Case's Bank, or of A. J. MEGLER, Occident Kotel. IW nnn . AM VJJU Inquire .at GOLD DUST Which has beea thoroughly refitted tot the comfort ot Passengers will run this season between Westport and Astoria DAZLT TRIPS As follows-: Leave Westport at 7:30 A.M. Arriving in Astoria at 19 o a. m, Leave Astoria at 2 P. M. Arrive In Westport at 8 p. m. Will touch at all-way landings. For freight or passage apply on board or to CAPT. JAS. COX, Manager QtOD Frani i. Laig DEALER IN Fruits, Notions, Cigars AND Water St. between West Hth. ra&WeatOtb, Tropical and Domestic Fruits por every steamer. Nuts, Candies, etc. at Lalghton's. Everything Fresh and First-class. ff.Milem&fc AGENCY, Banking Department A General "Banking and Exchange Busi ness transacted. Svery. facility for prompt and satisfactory business. Drafts oa the leading cities ot the United States and Europe. Dejpaaita Keeaive. , . Mirny Ti Loan. IN SUMS FBOM ! UP WARD3. Iatalreot EMPIRE STORE RE-OPENING! Fine Goods Reduced Prices Ladies desirous of procuring Goods unequaled in Style and Pinish will take pleasure in examining our Stock of SILKS, SATINS and DRESS GOODS. IN THE GENTS' FUEHISHING DEPARTMENT, Everything is Complete and of the best. PRAEL BROS. Jo Carpets! Carpets! Carpets! We beg to call the attention of the public to our latest Importation, direct from Eastern manufacturers, of the LARQE3T INVOICE 02? I CARPETS Mas' S t jtMumtMimitiummmmuMMi JJMH4TV V i J5-DU . iKQO-XRULiENQEB, Ever offered nr sale In thU city, comprising nil grades, irom the FINEST BODY BRUSSELS In the Newest Tints and Shades, To tbti lowest priced article In tub Hue. "We arc determined to dispone ot our stock ol Carpets within the next four weeks, and to that end offer special Inducement?, precluding the possibility ot JSelaar Undersold by any nfonr Competitors. IN THE Furniture and House Furnishing Line We can show you the very BEST tlOODS at BOTTOM FIGURES, and -nail bo pleased to receive a call for Inspection hether 5 ou purchase or not. OHAS. HEILBORN. New Establishment! HFKW FBIC We take pleasure n: announcing, that hav ing purchased the stock of tho latp firm of E. D. Curtis & Co., and and having made many New and Attractive Additions, We now offer for sale the MOST COMPLETE LINE OF FURNITURE HOUSE Furnishing Goods, Carpets, Matting Pictures, Mirrors, PICTURE FRAMES MOULDINGS, ETC., ETC. At Greatly Reduced Prices, And cordially invite a call from our friends and the public generally. We Intend to become a permanent fixture in this place and trust to receive a liberal share of patronage from the public. ASTORIA-FURNITURE CO., - Cor. Chinamui and Hamilton Sts. H. Du BUISSON, Manager. . -DHAU:it !' Tin, Sheet iron and Copper Ware. A Goiieral Assortment ot HOUSEHOLD GOODS. Agents for Magee Stores and Ranges Tho Best lu tho market. I'lumbiutf goods of all kinds oa h&mt. Job work done lu a workmanlike manner. ontgomery, WORK PLUMBING. GAS FITTING, AND CANNERY Attended to Promptly on Reasonable Terms. Cliemiiuua Street. Xoxt to C. Lu Parlier'a Store. ASTOBIA. - OBKOOW. THE NEW MODEL -OF RANGE CAN BE HAD IN TOKIA ONLY OF A3- A FTJIiI. STOCK E. M. BAWB9, AGE AT CALL AND EXAMINE IT, YOU WILL BE P1.EASEI. E. It. HA WES la also agent lor the fiiot patent (Mil? Stove Ana other flrst-class Stores. Furnace Work. Stam Fit fluffs, etc, a ipeoialtr ALWAYS ON HAND. M. OLSElf. J. GUSTAFSON. A. JOHNSON. MARTIN OLSEN & CO. DEALERS IN" FURNITTTBE 3 BEDDING. Cornei Main anil Hciuemoqua Streets. Astoria, OreB. WINDOW SHADES AND TRIMMNGS; WALL PAPER, ETC. A Complete Stoclr. PRICES AS CHEAP AS QUALITY WILL AFF0BD. AIX KIKDS OF FOirSITURE REPAIRED AND VARNISHED. Columbia Transportation Company, FAST TIME! FOR PORTLAND. THE POPULAR STEAMER FAST TIME! FLEETWOOD Which has toeen reGtted for the comfort of passengers will leave Wllaon & Fiaher's Dock every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 6 A.M. arriving at Portland at 1 P.M. Returnlnfj leaves .Portland, every Tuesday and Thursday at 6 A. M. arriving at Astoria at 1 P. M. Ip will be made on Sunday or Each Week, leaving Fortusa day Hornlafr. Passengers bj this route connect at K&laoa U. B.SCOTT, President. An additional til at 9 O'ClGCK SOB for Sound ports. 'A'$f - S I?- " Vl. ." .,