tht ftaUjj Slstmfeit, ASTORIA, OREGON: riillJAY. MAY?u. 1U ISSUED EVERY MORNING. tMtmdaj evpU'd) J. F. HALLORAN & COMPANY. VUBLUHfiCS AND l'KAnai'TOJtd, AbTOUIAXHUILDIAG. - - h' TKKKT Trmn of SuV riplJon. bor od In C.tmer, !- uxvk IVto. Sent by Mall, per morlb ttets. " " " ono year . .. Free ot ptntao to fcabxcrSlr-" tyAdverti3oi:u!.:3 inverted lt iWjoKrut the rate ot pri miiihiv pi r untiitli. Tran sient atf vertWmj: Hitj com -. per .qiinrp, -aeli insertion. ITEMS, LOCXLAD OTHERWISE. The Idaho will be down to duy, Dr. Fulton's telephone number ib 4.1. To-day is a legal holiday in thi.3 staie. Memorial service et the Conregstionel ehnrch this evening. Chaplain Scott -will deliver thsaddresa afthe G. A. R. memorial sarricc- thia eve ning. It is to Le hoped tiiat ih Portland fashion Vfill not prevail outside of that city to any great extent this reason. Binger Hermann vrill address the citi zens of Astoria at Occidental hall this evening. Rerved Heats for ladies. Service preparatory to the celebration of the sacrament of the "Lord's Sapper" will b held in tho Presbyterian church to-morrow at 250 p. m. Freights for salmon nndrain are very low. snippers httiui ij inuia mai me bottom has not yet bsan reacuod and are not offering very lively. Jim Harris, who was captured bHvj a few weeks ago, and tried in Portland on a charge of grand larceny, has been Riven fonr years in tho penitentiary. C. "W. Leick is fast assuming promi nence as a skillful architect and draughts man. He is now busy on plans for vari ous residences through tho city. if. H. Angell, p well-known resid'-at of Skamokawa, AY. T., dropped dead last Tuesday night, suppobly from disease of the heart. The remains were taken to Portland yesterday for interment. Judge Deady was engaged yesterday in hearing testimony in thp case of the Queen of the Pacific, George Plavel libe lant. Pilot Doig and several other wit nesses wore examined, bnt the cafje has not yet been finished. Standanl, 2Dlh. The memorial service at the Congrega tional church this ceiling is the only feature of Decoration day thnt nil! be observed in Astoria. The k-rvices will be impressive. Ladies arti asked to Fend flowers to the hall over Caraahr.n A Co.'s from 10 to 3 to-day. Visitors speak with the utmost enthu siasm of tho glorious weather that we of Astoria are enjoying. It it is only when people that live in less-favored localities call attention to the beautiful weather that any notice is taken ot what appears to be a matter of course to residents. The Oregonian advertises an "Albina club" at Astoria. There is an "Albina club" here composed of one momber. He says ho started a papor in Albina to elect a justice of tho peace, and the 'damned thing died." Ho is trying the same game hero with the same probable result. George P. llowell i; Co., tho New York advertising agents say that the circula tion of Am enoan newspapers is rapidly inceasing. The Astobian, published the farthest west of any daily morning new paper in the United States, is happy to say that its increasing circulation cor roborates the statement. One of tho most ridiculous things in Jifeistohear a blowhard talking about .his "influence," when it is dollars to d mes that when election day comes he can't "influence" his own vote. This is more especially the caso when he is a little cur that wears his master's collar and does his master's dirty work and gets his pay in trade. From all parts of the district come the most flattering reports concerning the political prospects of Frank Taylor and Tom McBride. With them it is only a question of majority. It is for Clatsop to help the thing along. They are both talented and deserving young men, have made a good record and deserve a solid vote from Clatsop. Bice's Surprise party drew another crowded house at Occidental hall last night. The principal attractions Kate Castleton and Harry Phillip wero mar ried in San Francisco about two weeks ago, and are now enjoying their bridal trip. The entire troupe has considerable talent and will do good business in Ore gon and "Washington. There is an effort making in certain ?uartera to croato a "boom" for W. "W. 'haver for supremo judge. It is not the intention of The Abtoeuij to rake up . the unsavory things alleged against the ex-governor, but -Rill suggest that Hon. L. Fllhn of Linn deserves and will doubt less receive substantial support in this -section for the position of supreme judge. The Kendall Combination is the next And they say the troupe is "immense." It is no use saying that money is "scarce" in Astoria. A city of its size thai is able to put up $4,000 in one week for amuse ments lhas plenty of money, and now that the Kendalls are coming it is as well to bear in mind that reserved seats can be had at the Hew York Novelty Store. EnlgUts cf. rjthlss. The order of Knights of Pythias Is founded on naught but tho purest and sincerest motives; its aim is to alleviate the sufferings of a brother, succor the unfortunate, zealously watch at the bed side of the sick, soothe the pillow of the dying, perform the last sad rites "at the grave of a brother, offer consolption to the afflicted and care for the widow and orphan. Great disadvantages have been overcome in tho founding ot the order. but beneficial results hae been brought1 forth. Organized during the heat of the lsta civil strife, it has steadily advancod in numbers and in importance and is now in a flourishing condition. The beautiful lesson of friendship between Damon-and Pythias is sought to be prac tically taught by a ritual which, for beauty and clearness of language, can not be surpassed. This young and grow ing order originated in the city of Wash ington, D. C, on the 19th day of Feb ruary, 1864. Next the ordor gained a foothold an Pennsylvania, Maryland, otc in 1867. In a short time tho order made its advent on this const, and it has obtained a fooling and a homo in every fltato and territory of the Union, passed into the British provinces of North Am erica, and made a name and a home in the islands of the sea, crossed tho Atlan tic ocean and fomido J lodges in the king dom of Great Britain. iTo-day it has a membership of over 150,000, and it can hardly bo said it is of ago. Based upon the old story of Damon and Pythias, it seeks to inculcate tho worth and beauty of such a friendship. Its cardinal prin ciples aro friendship, charity and benev olnnofl: its mottoes and teachings arc onerous, brave and true. Tho f unda- raant&l nrincioles of tho order aro before the world; its deeds aro not concealed from puoiic scrutiny, wane iuo cqhijuiu tion and laws of tho society are within the reach of all who wish to examine them. Astoria is the banner citvof the northwest in proportion to its size, ana the members of tho K. of P. iu this city .are among its best citizens. Flower Pots. Look at the show window of Jordan &"Boxorth's Crockery Store, and see the fine assortment of Pottery for Flowers, - just received. THE XEMOBT OF THE DEAD. To-day tho nation honors the memory of tho honored dead; tho brilliant blos ooms with which tho heroes1 graes are wreathed obliterating tho tcara of war. Eurih'a fairest floral treasures adorn tho resting place of the men who, in tho first glow of early summer in tho dead years that arc past, fought in defeuso of the Union, and though tho fortunes of war fatruck their names from the muster roll of duty, a grateful country inscribes them on the boadroll of immortal fame. The card of lrife are fast becoming but a memory. It is as well. "Tis nineteen years einco North and South laid down tho sword and tho tears of a united country ver blended above tho graves of tne men who had sealed with tneir lives their devotion to what they deemed to be the right. The old bitterness is no longer manifest. A new generation is growing up with new hopes, purposes and ideas. From the past comes a sigh of romem brance over the fate of those who went to battle but did not return. Every re curring 20th of ,May the shutters are opened in the windows of Memory's pw ture callery and the dear dead faces are viewed witn streaming eyes. The-duy is an occasion purely senti mental. It is the only distinctively sen- tnuentRl American Holiday, ino dead ara past all help or need of help; yet from the sunrise peafcfl-of the Atlantic to the desert wastes of arid Arizena: from the sunlit waters of the southern gulf to this far-eff western shortfall gently over the little mounds of earth the graceful bios boms of spring, Jrindly tributes to the nation's dead from the children of the nation thatpassed through the purifica tion of lire. How sleep the brave who sink to rest. Bv all thoir country's wishes blest! When Spring, with dewy fingers cold, Ee turns to deck their hallowed mould; She there shall find a sweeter sod Than Fancy s feet have over trod. By fairy hands their knell is rung, Bv forms unseen their dirge is sung; There Honor comes, a pilgrim gray, To bless the turf" that wraps thoir clay. And Freedom shall awhile repair To dwell a weeping hermit there. Fire la Portland. Portland i3 getting quite a record for fires and failures. This time it is in John Stephens' saloon that tho fire orig inated. Stephana was down here the early pin of the week and left here yes terday morning. Ho has been running the Wasp saloon, but it together with considerable other properly is destroyed. Several other buildings, including Dav idson's photograph establishment and "Uncle Meyers" pawn-brokers' shop are also consumed. Ira F. Powers' furniture, and Olds & Summers nro tho heaviest losers. Tho others se6m to bo pretty well insured, which, under the circum stances is comfortable. Tho fire broke out about tiro in tho morning; when Mr. Seeley, the purser of the Fleetwood, pasae"d by je-iterday morning at half past live, tho nre department had the fire com pletely under control and wero wetting down tho ruins. Tho total loss is placed at $3..OC0. With Many lleeret. A telegram from SanJ Diego, Cal., yes terday morning to Alex, Campbell, pro prietor of the Gem, conveyed the sad news of the death of his son's wife, Mrs. Bertha Campbell. The deceased lady was formerly Miss Bnttorfield, and was married at Eureka. Cal., about a year ago to Mr. C. A. Campbell, tho young couple coming to Aslona on their bridal J tour. .ilr. Campbell wuortly afterward accepted the management of tho Horton Hoaso at San Diego, and his wife accom panied him with every assurance of a long and happy lifo before them. Mrs. Campbell made many friends during her stay here, and the sad news of her un timely death will be read witn sincere regret by many who sympathize with the sorrowing husband PERSONAL. Mrs. E. B.Hawe3 is visiting friends in Salem. J. O. Spencer rotnrned to Clilton yes terday. Miss Maud Hobson goes to Portland this morning, on a visit. nou. F. J. Taylor, the next district judge, arrives home this afternoon. Ben Holladay is coming down to-day for a brief to.oura in Astoria. Mrs. A. G. Allen goes to Port Town- send to-morrow, to remain ell summer. C. J. Trenchard returned from the eastern part of the county yesterday af ternoon. A. F. Johns returned from Portland last evening, where ho had been as a wit ness in the Queen suit. HtcamM- Days for 21&y. Prom Astoria. I From San Fran. Stato 4, Columbia 2 Columbia 81 Oregon 6 Oregon laiState 10 State. 16 Columbia 14 Columbia 20 Oregon 18 Oregon 34 State 22 State 23iColumbia 26 Columbia, June.. 1 Oregon SO Oregon 5! State, June S Itcxnttanti. Odd lots of Dry Goods, Fancy Goods, Corsets, otc, etc., at much less than cost, at Cakkahax &. Co's., successors to 1. W. Case. " Stop Tliut Cough B going lo J. E. Thomas's and getting a bottle of Leroys Cough Balsam. IT WILL CURE YOU. Fine JTre! CSoods. A splendid line of ladles dress goods Is being displayed at the Eraplrestore. ' El Tropno," the best 5-cent cigar In Astoria, at Xaighton's, Water street, be tween W 8th and W 9th. The Main street Junk dealer, 1. Jop lln, will buy no more rags, sack, oil or cans alter Saturday oist. All tho patent medicines advertised in fhis paper, together with the choicest po:fumerj,aidtollot articles, etc-can be bought at the lowest prices, at ,1. W. Conn'- drusr .More, ophite CvMden betel. Astoria. ShiSoh's Vitalirr is what you need for Constipation, Loss of Appetite, Diz ziness and all symptoms oi Dyspepsia. Prie 10 and 73 cents per bottle. Sold by W. K. Dement Gray .ell- Sackett Bros.' Al&awcd cedarshlngles.- X full line of ladies' and children's Shoos latest styles, to bo found chenp at Arvolds, sign of tho Golden Shoo. Dr. Heniys Dandelion Tonio tickles tho paluto and gladdens tho heart, The Oregon Blood Purifier ia Nature's own remedy, and should be used to the exclusion ot all other medicinos in dis eases of the stomach, hvor and kidneys. Croup, Whooping Cough and Bron chitis immediately relieved by ShIIoh's Cnre. Sold by W. E. Dement Shilou's Cure will immediately relieve Croup, Whooping Cough, and Bronchitis.. Sold by W. EVDement&Co Brace up the whole system with KlDg ofthe Blood. See Advertisement Buy your Lime of Gray at Portland prices. WIUT THE TORES SAID TESTEBDAT. Blaine's friends aro confident of his nomination at Chicago next Tuesday. Indians aro killing settlers and stam peding cattlo and horses in Manitoba. For tho first time in the history of tho Derby.tho great raco last Wednesday was a dead heat. Tho National Greenback convention is in session at IndianaDolis. Ben Butler has been offered tho presidential nom ination. An amendment was offered in tho sen ate, on the 28th, by Senator the bill to reimburse states for expenditures made in common defense. It provides that the eecretary of tho treasury be au thorized to pay to the state of Oregon 35,140, and to the state of California 95, for expenditures incurred in sup pressing the Modoc Indian hostilities. Great excitement has been caused at Wabash, Indiana, by the discovery of a half pound of dynamite, with a three foot fuse attached, andor tho Journal office. Tho proprietors of the,paper sus pect the perpetrators to be personp whoso eninilv has been incurred through sonae publication. It is stippofcd the. intention of the villains was to explode tho dyna mite at night when no one Tvas in the office, and destroy "tho buldin without taking lift. ' In congress, jneiab?rs of :us r:ver and harbor oommittea say the refusal of the nous to consider their bill, makes thel prour.o-iitv oi its consideration ai mis session doubtful. "Thay B3y tho stand taken by Eindill shows that he is opposed to the passage of anwriTer and harbor bill this session, and wili endeavor to prevent its consideration, and the chances are that congress will adjonrn without making any appropriations for continuing the improvement of. the rivers and harbor? of tho country. Ar-siucrfttlc Presidential Gttstlp. Wahhikqto:., Mat 23. Stories are cur rant here that information bos been re ceived direct from New York that if Til dan Ls tendored the Demoeratio nominc ti?n for President, ha will accept. It Is stated that a prominent member of congress has a le:ter from the sage of Gramercy park, detailing his wishes as to further action by the house, and stat ing in direct terms that if nominated ho will make nnother campaign. This letter is being shown among democratic leaders and has caused an entire change of the congressional programme It is stated that Tilden advises -the speedy passage of the remaining appropriation bills and adjournment about July 1, and meantime all talk of tariff revision shall ceaee. There is now no doubt among Demo cratic congressmen that Tilden will ac cept, and it is stated that intimations havo been received by Hendricks that he will again run for vico president, if Til den accepts. However, there will be a severe straggle for this place, and Hen dricks may not receive muoh encourage ment to cnango his mind. The Demo crats in congress aro earnestly discussing Tdden and tne vice presidential nominee. There is a disposition among them to defer to tho wishes and counsel of the Democrats of doubtful states. liepresentative Nichols of Georgia, says: "I would find out tho man whom tho delegates from New York, New Jersey and Connecticut want and I would tako that man. Thoso .aro states that will elect the presidont, and what we waut is a candidate that can carry them." Democrats who voted against the Mor risson bill all favor this policy of yield ing to tho wish of doubtful states and some who voted for that measure take this view. Some of tho latter think that the tariff quarrel -would better be dropped. Senator George of Mississippi, an earnest tariff reformor. says that now the fight is over, the subject should be let nlono within the party for the present; that the Democrats-in congress ought to ?iuit talking about it, and let the bad eeling the question caused die out. All this talk is believed to be due to inspira tion from New York. The Patent Lamp Filler. The most useful housohold invention of the age. Call and 3ee It Also, extra jjood Coal Oil forfalc Iu quantities from a pint to a barrel. Joudak cc Bozoiitit. Oi lutercstl'o The LudleH. A full line of Ladies' Silk, Lisle and Cotton Hosiery and Muslin Underwear at greatly reduced prices for a few days only, at The Leading Suit and Cloak Houpo, next to Resouo Engino house. At the Empire Store You will findihe finest lace3 and em broideries, of richest quality. Hosiery, Hosiery, Hosiery! Th latest novelties In ladies and childrens hosiery at Prael Bros'. Boats for Sale. Joe Leathers has two fino boats for sale at the boat shop, one block west of Hansen Bros.' mill. Corsets and Underwear. All the latest makes and styles of cor sets and ladles underwear at Prael Bros.' Empire store. Something Fine. jusi received at t. u. Kawllngs' a large stock of cigars, Cigarettes, and . .v.VJb UKU1UJ L lUUUCCUt Syrup of Figs.. Nature's own true Laxative. Pleas ant to Uie palate, jicceptable to the Stom ach, harmless in its nature, oalnless in its action. Cures habitual Constipation, Biliousness, Indication and kindred ills. Cleanses tho svstem, purifies the blood, regulates the Liver and acts on the Bowels. Breaks up Colds, Chills and Fever, etc. Strengthens the organs on which it acts." Better than bitter, nauseous Liver medicines, pills, salts and draughts. Sample bottles free, and large bottles for sale by V. E. Dement fc Co., Astoria, Sleepless Nights made miserable by that terrible cough. Shiloh's Cure Is the remedy for you. Sold by W. E. De meut & Co. Roscoe Dixon's new eating houso Is now open. Everything has been fit ted up in first-class stjle, and hU well known reputation as a caterer assures all who like good things to eat that ot his place they can be accommodated. Boston Baked Beans and Brown Bread every Sunday at Jeff's from .". a.m. to 2 p. M. Arvold sells Boots and Shoes cheaper than any one else In town, because we buy for cash. bhitoh's Cough ana Consumption Cure Is sold by us on guarantee. It cures consumption. Sold by W. K. De ment. Don i pay 50 cents elsewhere when you can set the best dinner In town at JEFF'S for 25 cents. Arvold will sell a large stock of Boots and Shoes at cost, at the Loading boot and shoe store. The moat nopular bitters In tho market la Dr. Henry's Dandelion Tonic. That Hacking Cough can bo so quickly cured by Shiloh's Cure. Wo guarantee It. Sold by W.E. Dement. Catarrh cured, health and sweet breath secured by Shiloh's Catarrh Rem edy. Prife 50 cents. Masai Injector free. For sale by W. E.'Demeut For a number one clRar, try Laigh-ton. STATE AKD TERRITORIAL. The upper Columbia's boom is equal to Tho steamer Queen of the Pacific col lided with the Seattlo dock last Wednes day, plowiag her way fifty foot into the wharf and warehouse. No one wa3 hurt. The damage to the dock is about 500 but tho btcomcr was uninjured. ' After June 8 tho steamship Geo W Elder will bo drawn off tho Pugot sound San Francisco route. From that dato the steamship Queen of the Pacific and .Vex- ico win couauci ice irauio on that routo making trips overy oight days. Thecom pany announce tho falling off in traffic uh the cause for this decrease of sen-ice. The senate amendments to the Indian appropriation bill, as shown in the Con gressional Record, gio tho Forest Grove Indian Pchool 20.000 for buildings, on condition that land enough for n farm for the Rchool shall be donated some place in Oregon. Provision i'b also made for tho admission of fifty raoro puniLs making in all 200 pupils. Tho amount per capita for the support of the school is 2175, being -$25 per cspita Ic,s than was allowed last yoar. Senator Dolph gave notice that an 'additional amount would be a3iod for next year for build ings. Several important additions were sscurcd to the appropriation throuch tho efforts of Senator Dolph. - On Monday the trunk of John Peter- " t " ' -" "!.- a iiiutu, jjwuco,was upeu uuu micu or its contents. Fred Jost, formerly in tho employ of "W W. Ward, and some months past a resi dent of Portland, was suspected as the probable culprit and a warrant Imme- umteiy issuea ior nis arre3t. Ho was fol lowed to Astoria and captured, but as he could not bo brought across the river forcibly without tho necessary papers, he was given tho choico of being tried in Astoria or come bjck to Ilwaco. He de cided on the latter course, and returned, whereupon ho was immediately arrested by Constable Mower, and nt tho prelimi nary examination he was bound over to appear before the grnd jury in the sum of $250, in default of which ho was brought to Oysterville Thursday and lodged in jail. J. V. C, 0. A. R. ?tlr. A. O. Alford, of Baltimore, J. V. Commander, G. A. E. Department 1 1 Maryland, statos, that while suffer ing terribly with an ulcerated tooth, St Jacobs Oil, the groat pain-conqueror, instantly relieved him. m ForaScat Fitting Boot Dc Shoe, go lo P. J. Goodmans, on Chr naraus street, next door to I. W. Case. All goods of tho best make and guaran teed quality. A full stock; new goods constantly arriving. Custom work. Just Received. X large stock of soft and stiff Hats Ih all tho latest styles, at Mcintosh's Fur nishing store. IVotice. Dinner at-J EFF'S'CHOl' HOUSE everyday from 4:20 to 8 o'clock. The best 25-cent meal in tewn: soup, fish, seeu kinds of meats, vegetables, pie, pudding, etc. Tea or coflee Included. All who have tried him savJeiVis the "BOSS." "JEFF At enormous expense has .just secured the services of Professor Ellis ono of the best white cooks in the state; and Jeff proposes to excell any of his for mer efforts in the culinary art. Italian and French dishes a specialty. WHAT! think that JEFF GF THE CHOP HOUSE gives you a meal fornothlngand a gla3s of something to drink? Not much!" but he gives a better meal and more of it than any place In town for 25 cents. He buys bv the wholesale and pavs cash. "That settles it." The Popular Approval Of tho now famous Syrup ot Figs as the most efficacious and agreable prepara tion ever offered to the world as a cure for Habitual Constipation. Biliousness, Indigestion and kindred ills, has been won by the wise plan pursued by the California Fig Syrup company. Know ing that one remedy truly beneficial in lis effects on the stem, and at the same time pleasant to the taste, will meet with a rapid sale, the Conipanv, through its agent for Astoria. W. E. Dement & Co., gives away sample bottles free of charge. Try It and Judge for yourself. Large bottles fifty cents or one dollar. Have WIstars balsam of wild cherry always at hand. It cures coughs, colds, bronchitis, whooping cough, croup, in fluenza, consumption, and all throat and lung complalnLs. 0 cents and.Sl a bot tle. A Nasal Injector free with each bottle of ShIIoh's Catarrh Kemedy Price 50 cents. Sold by W.E.Dcmpnt ASK FOR " THE BOSTON" RUBBER BOOT. Made of Fine Will Not Crack. FOR sale F.vr.itrwnEKE. The Gutia Percha & Rubber Mf'g Co Portland. Oregon. Business for Sale. A WELL KNOWN AND LONG ESTAB llhed Grocery Store on the principal street In the city, with a good cash trade, and constantlv increasing. Location made known on application at this ofQce. caiuis is a rare cuancc. FOR SHERIFF. I HEREBY ANNOUNCE MYSELF AS AN aull-rlng candidate for Sheriff of Clatsop county, and solicit tho support of tho voters thereof. THE LATEST STYLES IN WALL PAPER AT B. B. FRANKLIN'S, NEXT DOOR TO A3TORIAN OFFICE. A veryJarge Stock from which to select. Window curtains made to order. EJ-My patent Trimmer to cut Wall Paper will be tound convenient to my patrons. 0CCIDENTALHA1L ONE WEEK, COMMENCING- MONDAY, JUNE 2. Triumphant Tour f tho Favorite Artists, MR. anflMRSJl KENDALL Supported by the SrronEest, Largest, most Complete, and unexceptional Dramatic Organizations la tne United States, ana n luu aan complete . Orchestra and Superb Rand. Monday Evening, June '2nd, Grand production of the SUCCESS Of ALL SUCCESSES, as played over 100 nishts at Wallack's Theater, entitled THE BONANZA KING Universally pronounced b the pres of England and America 'THE GREATEST DRAMA OF Ol'lt 'lBlES," Still tne popular rajjc z: tLe rvinccAi.The. ater, London, ami direct from its txluranhant 'ev York liecord. ttiureii uenter I John Franklin Mr H. A, KENDALL D:cky an idiot J Nellie Denver. JULIA KENDALL Kendall's Popular Prices. Change OrBiii Nightly. B StTVtfd seats for sale at .Ne v York Novel ty rture. THE J1EW YORK- Opposite the Parker ITouse. Headquarters for the Young and the Old. Hooks "Musical Instruments, Toys Sta tionery and Novelties of Every Description. AH the Leading Publications of the Bay. Abk to bo shown the Clariona, tlif latent novel of mechanical Ingenuity. Net Lost. ON THE NIGHT OF MAY FOUR tcenth, above .Fort Stevens, In South channel, about CO fathoms of cot ; 40 fathoms of scotch 15 ily,-i5-me3h deep, 9-inch mesh ; 20 fathoms Jmh. l3-ply.44-mesh deep, 9-lnch mesh, all la old Hues, Corks branded E.P.C. Finder will return to T. W Francls,K. P. Co's station, skipanon. Picked Up. r'THE 12th, NEAR DESDEMONA about 140 fathoms 45-mesh net : J sands. orKsmarkeu a. i. ownerappiyto wm. Curt s, Hanthorn &Co'.i boat 19, at Hwaco, prove prpt rty and pay charges. Rooms to Rent. ROOMS 9. lO. 13, AND 14. IN ODD Fellows Building, for rent. Inquire at Case's liank, or of A. J. MEGLER, Occident Hotel. For Sale. FIVE HUNDRED CORDS DRY HEM lock Wood, which I will deliver at the houses of customers for $1 a cord. Draylng of all kinds done at reasonabl rates. R. R. MARION. FURNISHED ROOMS TCTLET. A T MRS. GEO. HILLER'S, NEXT DOOR i3L to Weston Hotel Change of Business. ETAVING SOLD MY CIGAR AND FRUIT i-JL tnnd to C. N Martin, I take pleasure in recommending him o the Public. Mr. Martin wi 1 conduct tho business as befera: also sell milk by the pint or quart, thanking my cmto nerg for their patrouage which I hope they will extend to my success or, I am, respectfully, I. N. DARLAND. Net Lost.. ON THE NIGHT OF THE TWENTY fourth of May. o2 carborough Hill, about 240 fathoms 4mesh net Sco ch 40-12. rorkn branded F. E. W. Finder will pli ar communicate with F. E. "Wright atC. Tlm mins & Co. Upper Astoria. FOR RENT, Newly Finished Rooms In Suites OF THREE ROOMS : SUITABLE FOR families ; the best rooms and beat loca tion In the city. Plenty ! good freh water In the building ; all tne mode n improve ments. Iuqulre of J. W. & D, H. WELCH, (lfllce In room 1, "Welch's block, corner "West Eighth and Water streets. Cottage to Rent. NEXT DOOR TO MY RESIDENCE, corner ot Malu and Jefferson streets. Contains six rooms, besides kitchen aud woodshed. Water free, myll tf E. C. HOLDEN. Steamboat and Scowmen LEINENWEBER & CO.. HAVE 300 cords ot bark to transport, A contra t for Its delivery v. lit be let to the lowest bid der. For further particulars apply to the tannery, LEINENWEBER & CO. Astoria Fkotepdi Gallery, Cor. of Banton and Squemoqua Streets, opposite the Court Children's Pictures A SPECLVLTY and SATISFACTION Guaranteed. S. B. CROW. FM E Laifihton. DEALER IN Fruits, Notions, Cigars -ANT- TOBAOOOS. Water St. between West 8th and Went Oth. Tropical and Domestic Fruits par every fcteamcr. Nuts, Candies, eta. at Laisftton'd. Everything Fresh and First-class. J. W. RUDDOCK, Practical Plumbing in All Its Branches. Steam and Gas Fixtures, A Complete tock. of First-class Material. All Work 6aaraHteed. Offloe and Shop In Home's bulldls?, km oz wneeier xwdd-s, Aswna. vregoo. MOVELTY SflfflE TI1K. ,V OewYofk Novelty STOKE I r C. H, COOPED! THE Leading Dry Goods OF ASTORIA. tciititUMiiaiManititauiiiusi Silks! Silks! Silks! We showing the largest and choicest assort ment of BLACK and C0L0EED SILKS ever shown in Astoria at EEMARKABLY LOW FIGURES. Ladies in need of such, goods and want to get the genuine article would do well to give us a call. Boniietfs famous Black Silks in all numbers. Bioh Brocaded Silks, Bhadames, Moires and Get Colored Gros Grain Silks. Latest Shades. Fancy Brocaded Silks, New Designs. Evening Silks, in all the latest tints. Summer Silks in checks and stripes. 11. OOPPIR, Pythian Building, - Astoria. Oregon. CARL PALACE CRYSTAL. LOOK OUT! FOR THE IMMENSE STOCK OF GOODS TO ARRIVE THIS WEEK, Direct From The East. A THE FINEST ASSORTMENT OF Watches and Jewelry, Musical Instruments, Books and Stationery, Fancy Goods, Etc. All the LATEST STYLES and PATTERNS to Arrive This Week, at ADLER'S CRYSTAL PALACE. New Goods for Spring and Summer! AM IMMENSE STOCK CLOTHING, HATS GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, Direct from the Manufacturers, Retailed at Wholesale Prices. . Being In tli Manufnrturlu Business I am prepared to sell Clothing that will give PERFECT SATISFACTION both In FIT anil QUALITY of Goods. Perfect Fitting White Shirts, ItXcdiuin aud Fine Grade .Underwear, tfewest Stylos in Scarfs and Ties. &r FULL STOCK OF FKENCH, ENGLISH AND AMERICAN STJITINGrf.-S D. A. McINTOSH, OCCIDENT BLOCK, JOHN P.CLASSEN, Manufacturer of French and American Candies ALSO fxe2x Bread. Every morning, from the .. -A8T01WA-O-BAKERY- and Clothing House ADLER'S CRYSTAL OF I ASTORIA. FIRST CLASS SHAVING AND TToiv "nressinsr Saloon. TTUTTEDUPrNANEW AND ARTISTIC i OTonnnr Pvprv Attention nald natrona. A USVD UHtu "K " w"; - - j- Barber snop a van uicr.-t uu iuuiu uu Chenamus street, and am ready ior business is? am LKN.OHLEK. c- . t r .. t- "